--- /dev/null
+public class Record {
+ int key;
+ char[] data;
+ public Record( int k ) {
+ key = k;
+ data = new char[250];
+ }
+public class MergeSort {
+ static public void main( String[] args ) {
+ int problemSize = 20000;
+ int numProblems = 100;
+ for( int p = 0; p < numProblems; ++p ) {
+ rblock doAProblem {
+ Record[] records = new Record[problemSize];
+ Random random = new Random( p );
+ for( int i = 0; i < problemSize; ++i ) {
+ int k = random.nextInt();
+ if( k < 0 ) { k *= -1; }
+ k = k % 1000;
+ records[i] = new Record( k );
+ }
+ mergeSort( records );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static public void mergeSort( Record[] a ) {
+ if( a.length <= 1 ) {
+ //insertionSort( a );, but for len < 10, 14 ish
+ return;
+ }
+ int middle = a.length / 2;
+ rblock sortLeft {
+ Record[] l = new Record[middle];
+ for( int i = 0; i < middle; ++i ) {
+ l[i] = a[i];
+ }
+ mergeSort( l );
+ }
+ rblock sortRight {
+ Record[] r = new Record[a.length - middle];
+ for( int i = middle; i < a.length; ++i ) {
+ r[i - middle] = a[i];
+ }
+ mergeSort( r );
+ }
+ int lpos = 0;
+ int rpos = 0;
+ for( int i = 0; i < a.length; ++i ) {
+ if( rpos == r.length ) {
+ a[i] = l[lpos]; ++lpos;
+ } else if( lpos == l.length ) {
+ a[i] = r[rpos]; ++rpos;
+ } else if( l[lpos].key < r[rpos].key ) {
+ a[i] = l[lpos]; ++lpos;
+ } else {
+ a[i] = r[rpos]; ++rpos;
+ }
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+USE64BIT= -64bit
+USEMLP= -mlp 8 2 -mlpdebug # use to turn mlp on and off and make sure rest of build not broken
+BSFLAGS= -nooptimize -debug -garbagestats -mainclass $(PROGRAM)
+OWNERSHIP= -ownership -ownallocdepth 1 -enable-assertions -methodeffects -flatirusermethods -ownwritedots final -ownaliasfile aliases.txt
+default: single
+# ../../../buildscript -nojava $(USEMLP) $(USE64BIT) $(BSFLAGS) $(OWNERSHIP) -o $(PROGRAM) $(SOURCE_FILES)
+ ../../../buildscript $(USE64BIT) $(BSFLAGS) -o $(PROGRAM) $(SOURCE_FILES)
+ ../../../buildscript $(USEMLP) $(USE64BIT) $(BSFLAGS) $(OWNERSHIP) -o $(PROGRAM) $(SOURCE_FILES)
+both32bit: $(PROGRAM1).bin $(PROGRAM2).bin
+ rm -fr tmpbuilddirectory
+ rm -f $(PROGRAM).bin
+ rm -f $(PROGRAM1).bin
+ rm -f $(PROGRAM2).bin
+ rm -fr tmpbuilddirectory
+ rm -f *~
+ rm -f *.dot
+ rm -f *.png
+ rm -f *.txt
+ rm -f aliases.txt
+ rm -f mlpReport*txt
+ rm -f results*txt