import Util.Relation;
import Analysis.TaskStateAnalysis.FlagState;
+import Analysis.TaskStateAnalysis.FlagComparator;
import Analysis.TaskStateAnalysis.OptionalTaskDescriptor;
import Analysis.TaskStateAnalysis.Predicate;
+import Analysis.TaskStateAnalysis.SafetyAnalysis;
+import Analysis.TaskStateAnalysis.TaskIndex;
import Analysis.Locality.LocalityAnalysis;
import Analysis.Locality.LocalityBinding;
LocalityAnalysis locality;
Hashtable<TempDescriptor, TempDescriptor> backuptable;
Hashtable<LocalityBinding, TempDescriptor> reverttable;
+ SafetyAnalysis sa;
- public BuildCode(State st, Hashtable temptovar, TypeUtil typeutil) {
- this(st, temptovar, typeutil, null);
+ public BuildCode(State st, Hashtable temptovar, TypeUtil typeutil, SafetyAnalysis sa) {
+ this(st, temptovar, typeutil, null, sa);
public BuildCode(State st, Hashtable temptovar, TypeUtil typeutil, LocalityAnalysis locality) {
+ this(st, temptovar, typeutil, locality, null);
+ }
+ public BuildCode(State st, Hashtable temptovar, TypeUtil typeutil, LocalityAnalysis locality, SafetyAnalysis sa) {
paramstable=new Hashtable();
outclassdefs.println(" int flag;");
outclassdefs.println(" void * flagptr;");
- outclassdefs.println(" int numexitfses;");
- outclassdefs.println(" int * exitfses;");
+ outclassdefs.println(" int numfses;");
+ outclassdefs.println(" int * fses;");
printClassStruct(typeutil.getClass(TypeUtil.ObjectClass), outclassdefs);
classdefout.println(" int flag;");
classdefout.println(" void * flagptr;");
if (state.OPTIONAL){
- classdefout.println(" int failedstatus;");
- classdefout.println(" int hashcode;");
- classdefout.println(" int numexitfses;");
- classdefout.println(" int * exitfses;");
- classdefout.println(" int numotds;");
- classdefout.println(" struct optionaltaskdescriptor ** otds;");
+ classdefout.println(" int numfses;");
+ classdefout.println(" int * fses;");
printClassStruct(cn, classdefout);
- void generateOptionalArrays(PrintWriter output, PrintWriter headers, Hashtable<ClassDescriptor, Hashtable<FlagState, HashSet>> safeexecution, Hashtable optionaltaskdescriptors) {
+ void generateOptionalHeader(PrintWriter headers) {
headers.println("#include \"task.h\"\n\n");
headers.println("#ifndef _OPTIONAL_STRUCT_");
headers.println("#define _OPTIONAL_STRUCT_");
headers.println("struct predicatemember{");
headers.println("int type;");
headers.println("int numtags;");
headers.println("int * tags;\n};\n\n");
- headers.println("struct exitstates{");
- headers.println("int numflagstates;");
- headers.println("int * flagstatearray;\n};\n\n");*///appeared to be useless
headers.println("struct optionaltaskdescriptor{");
headers.println("struct taskdescriptor * task;");
+ headers.println("int index;");
headers.println("int numenterflags;");
headers.println("int * enterflags;");
headers.println("int numpredicatemembers;");
headers.println("struct predicatemember ** predicatememberarray;");
- //headers.println("int numexitstates;");
- //headers.println("int numTotal;");
- //headers.println("struct exitstates ** exitstatesarray;\n};\n\n");
- headers.println("\n};\n\n");
+ headers.println("};\n\n");
+ headers.println("struct taskfailure {");
+ headers.println("struct taskdescriptor * task;");
+ headers.println("int index;");
+ headers.println("int numoptionaltaskdescriptors;");
+ headers.println("struct optionaltaskdescriptor ** optionaltaskdescriptorarray;\n};\n\n");
headers.println("struct fsanalysiswrapper{");
headers.println("int flags;");
headers.println("int numtags;");
headers.println("int * tags;");
+ headers.println("int numtaskfailures;");
+ headers.println("struct taskfailure ** taskfailurearray;");
headers.println("int numoptionaltaskdescriptors;");
headers.println("struct optionaltaskdescriptor ** optionaltaskdescriptorarray;\n};\n\n");
headers.println("extern struct taskdescriptor task_"+td.getSafeSymbol()+";");
+ }
+ int generateOptionalPredicate(Predicate predicate, OptionalTaskDescriptor otd, ClassDescriptor cdtemp, PrintWriter output) {
+ int predicateindex = 0;
+ //iterate through the classes concerned by the predicate
+ Set c_vard = predicate.vardescriptors;
+ Hashtable<TempDescriptor, Integer> slotnumber=new Hashtable<TempDescriptor, Integer>();
+ int current_slot=0;
+ for(Iterator vard_it = c_vard.iterator(); vard_it.hasNext();){
+ VarDescriptor vard = (VarDescriptor);
+ TypeDescriptor typed = vard.getType();
+ //generate for flags
+ HashSet fen_hashset = predicate.flags.get(vard.getSymbol());
+ output.println("int predicateflags_"+predicateindex+"_OTD"+otd.getuid()+"_"+cdtemp.getSafeSymbol()+"[]={");
+ int numberterms=0;
+ if (fen_hashset!=null){
+ for (Iterator fen_it = fen_hashset.iterator(); fen_it.hasNext();){
+ FlagExpressionNode fen = (FlagExpressionNode);
+ if (fen!=null) {
+ DNFFlag dflag=fen.getDNF();
+ numberterms+=dflag.size();
+ Hashtable flags=(Hashtable)flagorder.get(typed.getClassDesc());
+ for(int j=0;j<dflag.size();j++) {
+ if (j!=0)
+ output.println(",");
+ Vector term=dflag.get(j);
+ int andmask=0;
+ int checkmask=0;
+ for(int k=0;k<term.size();k++) {
+ DNFFlagAtom dfa=(DNFFlagAtom)term.get(k);
+ FlagDescriptor fd=dfa.getFlag();
+ boolean negated=dfa.getNegated();
+ int flagid=1<<((Integer)flags.get(fd)).intValue();
+ andmask|=flagid;
+ if (!negated)
+ checkmask|=flagid;
+ }
+ output.print("/*andmask*/0x"+Integer.toHexString(andmask)+", /*checkmask*/0x"+Integer.toHexString(checkmask));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ output.println("};\n");
+ //generate for tags
+ TagExpressionList tagel = predicate.tags.get(vard.getSymbol());
+ output.println("int predicatetags_"+predicateindex+"_OTD"+otd.getuid()+"_"+cdtemp.getSafeSymbol()+"[]={");
+ int numtags = 0;
+ if (tagel!=null){
+ for(int j=0;j<tagel.numTags();j++) {
+ if (j!=0)
+ output.println(",");
+ TempDescriptor tmp=tagel.getTemp(j);
+ if (!slotnumber.containsKey(tmp)) {
+ Integer slotint=new Integer(current_slot++);
+ slotnumber.put(tmp,slotint);
+ }
+ int slot=slotnumber.get(tmp).intValue();
+ output.println("/* slot */"+ slot+", /*tagid*/"+state.getTagId(tmp.getTag()));
+ }
+ numtags = tagel.numTags();
+ }
+ output.println("};");
+ //store the result into a predicatemember struct
+ output.println("struct predicatemember predicatemember_"+predicateindex+"_OTD"+otd.getuid()+"_"+cdtemp.getSafeSymbol()+"={");
+ output.println("/*type*/"+typed.getClassDesc().getId()+",");
+ output.println("/* number of dnf terms */"+numberterms+",");
+ output.println("predicateflags_"+predicateindex+"_OTD"+otd.getuid()+"_"+cdtemp.getSafeSymbol()+",");
+ output.println("/* number of tag */"+numtags+",");
+ output.println("predicatetags_"+predicateindex+"_OTD"+otd.getuid()+"_"+cdtemp.getSafeSymbol()+",");
+ output.println("};\n");
+ predicateindex++;
+ }
+ //generate an array that stores the entire predicate
+ output.println("struct predicatemember * predicatememberarray_OTD"+otd.getuid()+"_"+cdtemp.getSafeSymbol()+"[]={");
+ for( int j = 0; j<predicateindex; j++){
+ if( j != predicateindex-1)output.println("&predicatemember_"+j+"_OTD"+otd.getuid()+"_"+cdtemp.getSafeSymbol()+",");
+ else output.println("&predicatemember_"+j+"_OTD"+otd.getuid()+"_"+cdtemp.getSafeSymbol());
+ }
+ output.println("};\n");
+ return predicateindex;
+ }
+ void generateOptionalArrays(PrintWriter output, PrintWriter headers, Hashtable<ClassDescriptor, Hashtable<FlagState, Set<OptionalTaskDescriptor>>> safeexecution, Hashtable optionaltaskdescriptors) {
+ generateOptionalHeader(headers);
- if (state.OPTIONAL)
- output.println("#include \"optionalstruct.h\"\n\n");
+ output.println("#include \"optionalstruct.h\"\n\n");
+ output.println("#include \"stdlib.h\"\n");
HashSet processedcd = new HashSet();
int maxotd=0;
Enumeration e = safeexecution.keys();
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
ClassDescriptor cdtemp=(ClassDescriptor)e.nextElement();
Hashtable flaginfo=(Hashtable)flagorder.get(cdtemp);//will be used several times
- //////////////////////////DEBUG
- System.out.println(cdtemp.getSymbol()+" "+cdtemp.getId());
- for(Iterator flags = cdtemp.getFlags(); flags.hasNext();){
- FlagDescriptor flagd = (FlagDescriptor);
- int flagid=1<<((Integer)flaginfo.get(flagd)).intValue();
- System.out.println(" Flag "+flagd.getSymbol()+" 0x"+Integer.toHexString(flagid)+" int "+flagid);
- }
- ///////////////////////////
//Generate the struct of optionals
- if((Hashtable)optionaltaskdescriptors.get(cdtemp)==null) System.out.println("Was in cd :"+cdtemp.getSymbol());
Collection c_otd = ((Hashtable)optionaltaskdescriptors.get(cdtemp)).values();
numotd = c_otd.size();
if(maxotd<numotd) maxotd = numotd;
//generate the int arrays for the predicate
Predicate predicate = otd.predicate;
- int predicateindex = 0;
- //iterate through the classes concerned by the predicate
- Collection c_vard = predicate.vardescriptors;
- for(Iterator vard_it = c_vard.iterator(); vard_it.hasNext();){
- VarDescriptor vard = (VarDescriptor);
- TypeDescriptor typed = vard.getType();
- //generate for flags
- HashSet fen_hashset = predicate.flags.get(vard.getSymbol());
- output.println("int predicateflags_"+predicateindex+"_OTD"+otd.getuid()+"_"+cdtemp.getSafeSymbol()+"[]={");
- int numberterms=0;
- if (fen_hashset!=null){
- for (Iterator fen_it = fen_hashset.iterator(); fen_it.hasNext();){
- FlagExpressionNode fen = (FlagExpressionNode);
- if (fen==null) {
- }
- else {
- DNFFlag dflag=fen.getDNF();
- numberterms+=dflag.size();
- Hashtable flags=(Hashtable)flagorder.get(typed.getClassDesc());
- for(int j=0;j<dflag.size();j++) {
- if (j!=0)
- output.println(",");
- Vector term=dflag.get(j);
- int andmask=0;
- int checkmask=0;
- for(int k=0;k<term.size();k++) {
- DNFFlagAtom dfa=(DNFFlagAtom)term.get(k);
- FlagDescriptor fd=dfa.getFlag();
- boolean negated=dfa.getNegated();
- int flagid=1<<((Integer)flags.get(fd)).intValue();
- andmask|=flagid;
- if (!negated)
- checkmask|=flagid;
- }
- output.print("/*andmask*/0x"+Integer.toHexString(andmask)+", /*checkmask*/0x"+Integer.toHexString(checkmask));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- output.println("};\n");
- //generate for tags
- TagExpressionList tagel = predicate.tags.get(vard.getSymbol());
- output.println("int predicatetags_"+predicateindex+"_OTD"+otd.getuid()+"_"+cdtemp.getSafeSymbol()+"[]={");
- //BUG...added next line to fix, test with any task program
- int numtags = 0;
- if (tagel!=null){
- for(int j=0;j<tagel.numTags();j++) {
- if (j!=0)
- output.println(",");
- TempDescriptor tmp=tagel.getTemp(j);
- //got rid of slot, maybe some improvments to do ???
- output.println("/*tagid*/"+state.getTagId(tmp.getTag()));
- }
- numtags = tagel.numTags();
- }
- output.println("};");
- //store the result into a predicatemember struct
- output.println("struct predicatemember predicatemember_"+predicateindex+"_OTD"+otd.getuid()+"_"+cdtemp.getSafeSymbol()+"={");
- output.println("/*type*/"+typed.getClassDesc().getId()+",");
- output.println("/* number of dnf terms */"+numberterms+",");
- output.println("predicateflags_"+predicateindex+"_OTD"+otd.getuid()+"_"+cdtemp.getSafeSymbol()+",");
- output.println("/* number of tag */"+numtags+",");
- output.println("predicatetags_"+predicateindex+"_OTD"+otd.getuid()+"_"+cdtemp.getSafeSymbol()+",");
- output.println("};\n");
- predicateindex++;
- }
+ int predicateindex = generateOptionalPredicate(predicate, otd, cdtemp, output);
+ TreeSet<Integer> fsset=new TreeSet<Integer>();
+ //iterate through possible FSes corresponding to
+ //the state when entering
- //generate an array that stores the entire predicate
- output.println("struct predicatemember * predicatememberarray_OTD"+otd.getuid()+"_"+cdtemp.getSafeSymbol()+"[]={");
- for( int j = 0; j<predicateindex; j++){
- if( j != predicateindex-1)output.println("&predicatemember_"+j+"_OTD"+otd.getuid()+"_"+cdtemp.getSafeSymbol()+",");
- else output.println("&predicatemember_"+j+"_OTD"+otd.getuid()+"_"+cdtemp.getSafeSymbol());
- }
- output.println("};\n");
- int fsnumber = 0 ;
- output.println("int enterflag_OTD"+otd.getuid()+"_"+cdtemp.getSafeSymbol()+"[]={");
- //iterate through possible FSes corresponding to the state when entering
for(Iterator fses = otd.enterflagstates.iterator(); fses.hasNext();){
FlagState fs = (FlagState);
- fsnumber++;
int flagid=0;
for(Iterator flags = fs.getFlags(); flags.hasNext();){
FlagDescriptor flagd = (FlagDescriptor);
int id=1<<((Integer)flaginfo.get(flagd)).intValue();
- flagid+=id;
+ flagid|=id;
- if(fsnumber!=1) output.print(",");
- output.print(flagid);
- //tag information not needed because tag changes are not tolerated.
+ fsset.add(new Integer(flagid));
+ //tag information not needed because tag
+ //changes are not tolerated.
+ output.println("int enterflag_OTD"+otd.getuid()+"_"+cdtemp.getSafeSymbol()+"[]={");
+ boolean needcomma=false;
+ for(Iterator<Integer> it=fsset.iterator();it.hasNext();) {
+ if(needcomma)
+ output.print(", ");
+ output.println(;
+ }
- //generate optionaltaskdescriptor that actually includes exit fses, predicate and the task concerned
+ //generate optionaltaskdescriptor that actually
+ //includes exit fses, predicate and the task
+ //concerned
output.println("struct optionaltaskdescriptor optionaltaskdescriptor_"+otd.getuid()+"_"+cdtemp.getSafeSymbol()+"={");
- output.println("/*number of enter flags*/"+fsnumber+",");
+ output.println("/*index*/"+otd.getIndex()+",");
+ output.println("/*number of enter flags*/"+fsset.size()+",");
output.println("/*number of members */"+predicateindex+",");
- }
- else continue; // if there is no optionals, there is no need to build the rest of the struct
+ } else
+ continue;
+ // if there is no optionals, there is no need to build the rest of the struct
output.println("struct optionaltaskdescriptor * otdarray"+cdtemp.getSafeSymbol()+"[]={");
c_otd = ((Hashtable)optionaltaskdescriptors.get(cdtemp)).values();
- int x=0;
if( !c_otd.isEmpty() ){
+ boolean needcomma=false;
for(Iterator otd_it = c_otd.iterator(); otd_it.hasNext();){
OptionalTaskDescriptor otd = (OptionalTaskDescriptor);
- if(x!=0) output.println(",");
- x++;
+ if(needcomma)
+ output.println(",");
+ needcomma=true;
- //get all the possible falgstates reachable by an object
+ //get all the possible flagstates reachable by an object
Hashtable hashtbtemp = safeexecution.get(cdtemp);
- Enumeration fses = hashtbtemp.keys();
int fscounter = 0;
- while(fses.hasMoreElements()){
- FlagState fs = (FlagState)fses.nextElement();
+ TreeSet fsts=new TreeSet(new FlagComparator(flaginfo));
+ fsts.addAll(hashtbtemp.keySet());
+ for(Iterator fsit=fsts.iterator();fsit.hasNext();) {
+ FlagState fs = (FlagState);
//get the set of OptionalTaskDescriptors corresponding
- HashSet availabletasks = (HashSet)hashtbtemp.get(fs);
- //iterate through the OptionalTaskDescriptors and store the pointers to the optionals struct (see on top) into an array
+ HashSet<OptionalTaskDescriptor> availabletasks = (HashSet<OptionalTaskDescriptor>)hashtbtemp.get(fs);
+ //iterate through the OptionalTaskDescriptors and
+ //store the pointers to the optionals struct (see on
+ //top) into an array
output.println("struct optionaltaskdescriptor * optionaltaskdescriptorarray_FS"+fscounter+"_"+cdtemp.getSafeSymbol()+"[] = {");
- for(Iterator mos = availabletasks.iterator(); mos.hasNext();){
- OptionalTaskDescriptor mm = (OptionalTaskDescriptor);
- if(!mos.hasNext()) output.println("&optionaltaskdescriptor_"+mm.getuid()+"_"+cdtemp.getSafeSymbol());
- else output.println("&optionaltaskdescriptor_"+mm.getuid()+"_"+cdtemp.getSafeSymbol()+",");
+ for(Iterator<OptionalTaskDescriptor> mos = ordertd(availabletasks).iterator(); mos.hasNext();){
+ OptionalTaskDescriptor mm =;
+ if(!mos.hasNext())
+ output.println("&optionaltaskdescriptor_"+mm.getuid()+"_"+cdtemp.getSafeSymbol());
+ else
+ output.println("&optionaltaskdescriptor_"+mm.getuid()+"_"+cdtemp.getSafeSymbol()+",");
for(Iterator flags = fs.getFlags(); flags.hasNext();){
FlagDescriptor flagd = (FlagDescriptor);
int id=1<<((Integer)flaginfo.get(flagd)).intValue();
- flagid+=id;
+ flagid|=id;
//process tag information
int tagcounter = 0;
+ Set<TaskIndex> tiset=sa.getTaskIndex(fs);
+ for(Iterator<TaskIndex> itti=tiset.iterator();itti.hasNext();) {
+ TaskIndex;
+ Set<OptionalTaskDescriptor> otdset=sa.getOptions(fs, ti.getTask(), ti.getIndex());
+ output.print("struct optionaltaskdescriptor * optionaltaskfailure_"+ti.getTask().getSafeSymbol()+"_"+ti.getIndex()+"_array[] = {");
+ boolean needcomma=false;
+ for(Iterator<OptionalTaskDescriptor> otdit=ordertd(otdset).iterator();otdit.hasNext();) {
+ OptionalTaskDescriptor;
+ if(needcomma)
+ output.print(", ");
+ needcomma=true;
+ output.println("&optionaltaskdescriptor_"+otd.getuid()+"_"+cdtemp.getSafeSymbol());
+ }
+ output.println("};");
+ output.print("struct taskfailure taskfailure_"+ti.getTask().getSafeSymbol()+"_"+ti.getIndex()+" = {");
+ output.print("&task_"+ti.getTask().getSafeSymbol()+", ");
+ output.print(ti.getIndex()+", ");
+ output.print(otdset.size()+", ");
+ output.print("optionaltaskfailure_"+ti.getTask().getSafeSymbol()+"_"+ti.getIndex()+"_array");
+ output.println("};");
+ }
+ tiset=sa.getTaskIndex(fs);
+ boolean needcomma=false;
+ output.println("struct taskfailure * taskfailurearray"+fscounter+"_"+cdtemp.getSafeSymbol()+"[]={");
+ for(Iterator<TaskIndex> itti=tiset.iterator();itti.hasNext();) {
+ TaskIndex;
+ if (needcomma)
+ output.print(", ");
+ needcomma=true;
+ output.print("&taskfailure_"+ti.getTask().getSafeSymbol()+"_"+ti.getIndex());
+ }
+ output.println("};\n");
//Store the result in fsanalysiswrapper
output.println("struct fsanalysiswrapper fsanalysiswrapper_FS"+fscounter+"_"+cdtemp.getSafeSymbol()+"={");
output.println("/* number of tags*/"+tagcounter+",");
+ output.println("/* numtask failures */"+tiset.size()+",");
+ output.println("taskfailurearray"+fscounter+"_"+cdtemp.getSafeSymbol()+",");
output.println("/* number of optionaltaskdescriptors */"+availabletasks.size()+",");
//Build the array of fsanalysiswrappers
output.println("struct fsanalysiswrapper * fsanalysiswrapperarray_"+cdtemp.getSafeSymbol()+"[] = {");
+ boolean needcomma=false;
for(int i = 0; i<fscounter; i++){
- if(i==fscounter-1) output.println("&fsanalysiswrapper_FS"+(i+1)+"_"+cdtemp.getSafeSymbol()+"};\n");
- else output.println("&fsanalysiswrapper_FS"+(i+1)+"_"+cdtemp.getSafeSymbol()+",");
+ if (needcomma) output.print(",");
+ output.println("&fsanalysiswrapper_FS"+(i+1)+"_"+cdtemp.getSafeSymbol());
+ needcomma=true;
+ output.println("};");
//Build the classanalysiswrapper referring to the previous array
output.println("struct classanalysiswrapper classanalysiswrapper_"+cdtemp.getSafeSymbol()+"={");
output.println("/* number of fsanalysiswrappers */"+fscounter+",");
- fscounter = 0;
//build an array containing every classes for which code has been build
output.println("struct classanalysiswrapper * classanalysiswrapperarray[]={");
- boolean needcomma=false;
- for(Iterator classit = processedcd.iterator(); classit.hasNext();){
- ClassDescriptor cdtemp=(ClassDescriptor);
- if (needcomma)
- output.println(", ");
- needcomma=true;
- output.println("&classanalysiswrapper_"+cdtemp.getSafeSymbol());
+ for(int i=0;i<state.numClasses();i++) {
+ ClassDescriptor cn=cdarray[i];
+ if (i>0)
+ output.print(", ");
+ if (processedcd.contains(cn))
+ output.print("&classanalysiswrapper_"+cn.getSafeSymbol());
+ else
+ output.print("NULL");
- output.println("int numclasses="+processedcd.size()+";");
- headers.println("extern numclasses;");
- output.println("int maxotd="+maxotd+";");
- headers.println("extern maxotd;");
+ output.println("#define MAXOTD "+maxotd);
+ public List<OptionalTaskDescriptor> ordertd(Set<OptionalTaskDescriptor> otdset) {
+ Relation r=new Relation();
+ for(Iterator<OptionalTaskDescriptor>otdit=otdset.iterator();otdit.hasNext();) {
+ OptionalTaskDescriptor;
+ TaskIndex ti=new TaskIndex(, otd.getIndex());
+ r.put(ti, otd);
+ }
+ LinkedList<OptionalTaskDescriptor> l=new LinkedList<OptionalTaskDescriptor>();
+ for(Iterator it=r.keySet().iterator();it.hasNext();) {
+ Set s=r.get(;
+ for(Iterator it2=s.iterator();it2.hasNext();) {
+ OptionalTaskDescriptor otd=(OptionalTaskDescriptor);
+ l.add(otd);
+ }
+ }
+ return l;
+ }
return 0;
+#ifdef OPTIONAL
+ for(i=0;i<ftd1->numParameters;i++) {
+ if(ftd1->failed[i]!=ftd2->failed[i])
+ return 0;
+ }
return 1;
struct ___Object___ * tagset=tagd->flagptr;
if(tagset==NULL) {
} else if (tagset->type!=OBJECTARRAYTYPE) {
void flagbody(struct ___Object___ *ptr, int flag);
-void enqueueoptional(struct ___Object___ * currobj);
-struct optionaltaskdescriptor *** makeintersectionotd(int num, struct fsanalysiswrapper ** wrapperarray, int *result){
- int i,j,k;
- (*result)=0;
- struct optionaltaskdescriptor *** bigtmparray = RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct optionaltaskdescriptor **)*maxotd);
- struct fsanalysiswrapper * tmpwrapper;
- struct fsanalysiswrapper * firstwrapper = wrapperarray[0];/*we are sure that num>0*/
- /*we check if the otd of the first wrapper is contained in all others*/
- for(i=0; i<firstwrapper->numoptionaltaskdescriptors; i++){
- struct optionaltaskdescriptor ** tmparray = RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct optionaltaskdescriptor *) * num);
- struct optionaltaskdescriptor * otd = firstwrapper->optionaltaskdescriptorarray[i];
- tmparray[0]=otd;
- for(j=1; j<num; j++){
- tmpwrapper = wrapperarray[j];
- for(k=0; k<tmpwrapper->numoptionaltaskdescriptors; k++){
- struct optionaltaskdescriptor * tmpotd=tmpwrapper->optionaltaskdescriptorarray[k];
- if(otd->task->name == tmpotd->task->name){
- tmparray[j]=tmpotd;
- goto nextwrapper;
- }
- RUNFREE(tmparray);
- goto nextotd;
- }
- nextwrapper:
- ;
- }
- bigtmparray[(*result)]=tmparray;
- (*result)++;
- nextotd:
- ;
- }
- {/*now allocate the good size for otdarray and put the otds*/
- struct optionaltaskdescriptor *** otdarray = RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct optionaltaskdescriptor *) * (*result));
- for(i=0; i<(*result); i++)
- otdarray[i]=bigtmparray[i];
- RUNFREE(bigtmparray);
- return otdarray;
- }
+void enqueueoptional(struct ___Object___ * currobj, int numfailedfses, int * failedfses, struct taskdescriptor * task, int index);
+ int flagcomp(const int *val1, const int *val2) {
+ return (*val1)-(*val2);
+ }
void flagorand(void * ptr, int ormask, int andmask) {
- int oldflag=((int *)ptr)[1];
- int flag=ormask|oldflag;
struct ___Object___ * obj = (struct ___Object___ *)ptr;
- if(obj->failedstatus==1){/*store the information about exitfses*/
- int i,j,counter=0, offset=0;
- for(i=0; i<obj->numotds; i++){
- counter+=obj->otds[i]->numenterflags;
- }
- obj->numexitfses=counter;
- if(obj->exitfses!=NULL) RUNFREE(obj->exitfses);
- obj->exitfses= RUNMALLOC(sizeof(int) * counter);
- for(i=0; i<obj->numotds; i++){
- for(j=0; j<obj->otds[i]->numenterflags; j++){
- oldflag=obj->otds[i]->enterflags[j];
- flag=ormask|oldflag;
- flag&=andmask;
- obj->exitfses[j+offset]=flag;
+ if(obj->numfses){/*store the information about fses*/
+ int flag, i, j,counter, offset=0;
+ for(i=0;i<obj->numfses;i++) {
+ int oldoffset;
+ counter=obj->fses[offset++];
+ oldoffset=offset;
+ for(j=0;j<counter;j++) {
+ flag=obj->fses[offset];
+ obj->fses[offset++]=(flag|ormask)&andmask;
- offset+=obj->otds[i]->numenterflags;
+ qsort(&obj->fses[oldoffset], sizeof(int), counter, (int (*)(const void *, const void *)) &flagcomp);
- enqueueoptional(ptr);
+ enqueueoptional(obj, 0, NULL, NULL, 0);
- flag&=andmask;
- flagbody(ptr, flag);
+ int oldflag=((int *)ptr)[1];
+ int flag=ormask|oldflag;
+ flag&=andmask;
+ flagbody(ptr, flag);
void intflagorand(void * ptr, int ormask, int andmask) {
- int oldflag=((int *)ptr)[1];
- int flag=ormask|oldflag;
struct ___Object___ * obj = (struct ___Object___ *)ptr;
- if(obj->failedstatus==1) {/*store the information about exitfses*/
- int i,j,counter=0, offset=0;
- for(i=0; i<obj->numotds; i++) {
- counter+=obj->otds[i]->numenterflags;
- }
- obj->numexitfses=counter;
- if(obj->exitfses!=NULL)
- RUNFREE(obj->exitfses);
- obj->exitfses= RUNMALLOC(sizeof(int) * counter);
- for(i=0; i<obj->numotds; i++) {
- for(j=0; j<obj->otds[i]->numenterflags; j++){
- oldflag=obj->otds[i]->enterflags[j];
- flag=ormask|oldflag;
- flag&=andmask;
- obj->exitfses[j+offset]=flag;
+ if(obj->numfses) {/*store the information about fses*/
+ int flag, i, j,counter, offset=0;
+ for(i=0;i<obj->numfses;i++) {
+ int oldoffset;
+ counter=obj->fses[offset++];
+ oldoffset=offset;
+ for(j=0;j<counter;j++) {
+ flag=obj->fses[offset];
+ obj->fses[offset++]=(flag|ormask)&andmask;
- offset+=obj->otds[i]->numenterflags;
+ qsort(&obj->fses[oldoffset], sizeof(int), counter, (int (*)(const void *, const void *)) &flagcomp);
- enqueueoptional(ptr);
+ enqueueoptional(obj, 0, NULL, NULL, 0);
- flag&=andmask;
- if (flag==oldflag) /* Don't do anything */
- return;
- else flagbody(ptr, flag);
+ int oldflag=((int *)ptr)[1];
+ int flag=ormask|oldflag;
+ flag&=andmask;
+ if (flag==oldflag) /* Don't do anything */
+ return;
+ else flagbody(ptr, flag);
void flagorandinit(void * ptr, int ormask, int andmask) {
int oldflag=((int *)ptr)[1];
int flag=ormask|oldflag;
+ flag&=andmask;
+ flagbody(ptr,flag);
+void flagbody(struct ___Object___ *ptr, int flag) {
+ struct parameterwrapper *flagptr=(struct parameterwrapper *)ptr->flagptr;
+ ptr->flag=flag;
+ /*Remove object from all queues */
+ while(flagptr!=NULL) {
+ struct parameterwrapper *next;
+ ObjectHashget(flagptr->objectset, (int) ptr, (int *) &next, &UNUSED, &UNUSED2, &UNUSED3);
+ ObjectHashremove(flagptr->objectset, (int)ptr);
+ flagptr=next;
+ }
+ {
+ struct QueueItem *tmpptr;
+ struct parameterwrapper * parameter=objectqueues[ptr->type];
+ int i;
+ struct parameterwrapper * prevptr=NULL;
+ struct ___Object___ *tagptr=ptr->___tags___;
+ /* Outer loop iterates through all parameter queues an object of
+ this type could be in. */
+ while(parameter!=NULL) {
+ /* Check tags */
+ if (parameter->numbertags>0) {
+ if (tagptr==NULL)
+ goto nextloop;//that means the object has no tag but that param needs tag
+ else if(tagptr->type==TAGTYPE) {//one tag
+ struct ___TagDescriptor___ * tag=(struct ___TagDescriptor___*) tagptr;
+ for(i=0;i<parameter->numbertags;i++) {
+ //slotid is parameter->tagarray[2*i];
+ int tagid=parameter->tagarray[2*i+1];
+ if (tagid!=tagptr->flag)
+ goto nextloop; /*We don't have this tag */
+ }
+ } else {//multiple tags
+ struct ArrayObject * ao=(struct ArrayObject *) tagptr;
+ for(i=0;i<parameter->numbertags;i++) {
+ //slotid is parameter->tagarray[2*i];
+ int tagid=parameter->tagarray[2*i+1];
+ int j;
+ for(j=0;j<ao->___cachedCode___;j++) {
+ if (tagid==ARRAYGET(ao, struct ___TagDescriptor___*, i)->flag)
+ goto foundtag;
+ }
+ goto nextloop;
+ foundtag:
+ ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check flags */
+ for(i=0;i<parameter->numberofterms;i++) {
+ int andmask=parameter->intarray[i*2];
+ int checkmask=parameter->intarray[i*2+1];
+ if ((flag&andmask)==checkmask) {
+ enqueuetasks(parameter, prevptr, ptr, NULL, 0);
+ prevptr=parameter;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ nextloop:
+ parameter=parameter->next;
+ }
+ ptr->flagptr=prevptr;
+ }
- struct ___Object___ * obj = (struct ___Object___ *)ptr;
- if(obj->failedstatus==1){/*store the information about exitfses*/
- int i,j,counter=0, offset=0;
- for(i=0; i<obj->numotds; i++){
- counter+=obj->otds[i]->numenterflags;
+int checktags(struct ___Object___ * currobj, struct fsanalysiswrapper * fswrapper) {
+ /* Check Tags */
+ struct ___Object___ * tagptr = currobj->___tags___;
+ if(fswrapper->numtags>0){
+ if (tagptr==NULL)
+ return 0; //that means the object has no tag but that param
+ //needs tag
+ else if(tagptr->type==TAGTYPE) {//one tag
+ if(fswrapper->numtags!=1)
+ return 0; //we don't have the right number of tags
+ struct ___TagDescriptor___ * tag=(struct ___TagDescriptor___*) tagptr;
+ if (fswrapper->tags[0]!=tagptr->flag)
+ return 0;
+ } else { //multiple tags
+ struct ArrayObject * ao=(struct ArrayObject *) tagptr;
+ int tag_counter=0;
+ int foundtag=0;
+ if(ao->___length___!=fswrapper->numtags)
+ return 0;//we don't have the right number of tags
+ for(tag_counter=0;tag_counter<fswrapper->numtags;tag_counter++) {
+ int tagid=fswrapper->tags[tag_counter];
+ int j;
+ for(j=0;j<ao->___cachedCode___;j++) {
+ if (tagid==ARRAYGET(ao, struct ___TagDescriptor___*, tag_counter)->flag)
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
- obj->numexitfses=counter;
- if(obj->exitfses!=NULL) RUNFREE(obj->exitfses);
- obj->exitfses= RUNMALLOC(sizeof(int) * counter);
- for(i=0; i<obj->numotds; i++){
- for(j=0; j<obj->otds[i]->numenterflags; j++){
- oldflag=obj->otds[i]->enterflags[j];
- flag=ormask|oldflag;
- flag&=andmask;
- obj->exitfses[j+offset]=flag;
+ }
+ return 1;
+int getlength(int *flist, int len) {
+ int count=0;
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<len;i++) {
+ int size=flist[count];
+ count+=1+size;
+ }
+ return count;
+int * domergeor(int *flist1, int len1, int *flist2, int len2) {
+ int size1=getlength(flist1, len1);
+ int size2=getlength(flist2, len2);
+ int *merge=RUNMALLOC((size1+size2)*sizeof(int));
+ memcpy(merge, flist1, size1*sizeof(int));
+ memcpy(&merge[size1], flist2, size2*sizeof(int));
+ return merge;
+int domerge(int * flist1, int len1, int *flist2, int len2, int *merge) {
+ int count=0;
+ int i=0;
+ int j=0;
+ while(i<len1||j<len2) {
+ if (i<len1&&(j==len2||flist1[i]<flist2[j])) {
+ if(merge!=NULL) {
+ merge[count]=flist1[i];
+ }
+ i++;
+ count++;
+ } else if (j<len2&&(i==len1||flist2[j]<flist1[i])) {
+ if(merge!=NULL) {
+ merge[count]=flist2[j];
+ }
+ j++;
+ count++;
+ } else if (i<len1&&j<len2&&flist1[i]==flist2[j]) {
+ if(merge!=NULL) {
+ merge[count]=flist1[i];
- offset+=obj->otds[i]->numenterflags;
+ i++;
+ j++;
+ count++;
- enqueueoptional(ptr);
- else
- {
- flag&=andmask;
- flagbody(ptr,flag);
+ return count;
+/* Merge flags from ftlmerge into ftl. */
+void mergeitems(struct failedtasklist *ftl, struct failedtasklist *ftlmerge) {
+ int length=0;
+ int i,j;
+ int *mergedlist;
+ int offset=0;
+ for(i=0;i<ftl->numflags;i++) {
+ int len=ftl->flags[offset++];
+ int offsetmerge=0;
+ for(j=0;j<ftlmerge->numflags;j++) {
+ int lenmerge=ftlmerge->flags[offsetmerge++];
+ length+=1+domerge(&ftl->flags[offset],len,&ftlmerge->flags[offsetmerge],lenmerge, NULL);
+ offsetmerge+=lenmerge;
+ }
+ offset+=len;
+ }
+ mergedlist=RUNMALLOC(sizeof(int)*length);
+ offset=0;
+ length=0;
+ for(i=0;i<ftl->numflags;i++) {
+ int len=ftl->flags[offset++];
+ int offsetmerge=0;
+ for(j=0;j<ftlmerge->numflags;j++) {
+ int lenmerge=ftlmerge->flags[offsetmerge++];
+ int size=domerge(&ftl->flags[offset],len,&ftlmerge->flags[offsetmerge],lenmerge,&mergedlist[length+1]);
+ mergedlist[length]=size;
+ length+=size+1;
+ }
+ RUNFREE(ftl->flags);
+ ftl->flags=mergedlist;
+ ftl->numflags*=ftlmerge->numflags;
-#ifdef OPTIONAL
- removeoptionalfromqueues(int hashcode, struct ___Object___ * currobj, struct parameterwrapper * flagptr){/*find a better way to free the useless instances of the object*/
- while(flagptr!=NULL) {
- struct ___Object___ *temp=NULL;
- struct parameterwrapper *ptr;
- struct ObjectNode * node = flagptr->objectset->listhead;
- while(node!=NULL){
- temp=(struct ___Object___ *)node->key;
- if(temp->failedstatus==1 && temp->hashcode==currobj->hashcode){
- if(temp!=currobj){
- ObjectHashremove(flagptr->objectset, (int)temp);//remove from wrapper
- //delete the fields that wont be removed by the GC.
- if(temp->exitfses!=NULL) RUNFREE(temp->exitfses);
- if(temp->otds!=NULL) RUNFREE(temp->otds);
- goto nextwrapper;
- }
- else{
- //remove from wrapper
- ObjectHashremove(flagptr->objectset, (int)temp);
- goto nextwrapper;
- }
- }
- node=node->next;
- }
- nextwrapper:
- ;
- flagptr=flagptr->next;
- }
- }
- void flagbody(struct ___Object___ *ptr, int flag) {
- struct parameterwrapper *flagptr=(struct parameterwrapper *)ptr->flagptr;
- ptr->flag=flag;
- /*Remove object from all queues */
- while(flagptr!=NULL) {
- struct parameterwrapper *next;
- struct ___Object___ * tag=ptr->___tags___;
- int FIXME;
- ObjectHashget(flagptr->objectset, (int) ptr, (int *) &next, &FIXME);
- ObjectHashremove(flagptr->objectset, (int)ptr);
- flagptr=next;
- }
- {
- struct QueueItem *tmpptr;
- struct parameterwrapper * parameter=objectqueues[ptr->type];
- int i;
- struct parameterwrapper * prevptr=NULL;
- struct ___Object___ *tagptr=ptr->___tags___;
- /* Outer loop iterates through all parameter queues an object of
- this type could be in. */
- while(parameter!=NULL) {
- /* Check tags */
- if (parameter->numbertags>0) {
- if (tagptr==NULL)
- goto nextloop;//that means the object has no tag but that param needs tag
- else if(tagptr->type==TAGTYPE) {//one tag
- struct ___TagDescriptor___ * tag=(struct ___TagDescriptor___*) tagptr;
- for(i=0;i<parameter->numbertags;i++) {
- //slotid is parameter->tagarray[2*i];
- int tagid=parameter->tagarray[2*i+1];
- if (tagid!=tagptr->flag)
- goto nextloop; /*We don't have this tag */
- }
- } else {//multiple tags
- struct ArrayObject * ao=(struct ArrayObject *) tagptr;
- for(i=0;i<parameter->numbertags;i++) {
- //slotid is parameter->tagarray[2*i];
- int tagid=parameter->tagarray[2*i+1];
- int j;
- for(j=0;j<ao->___cachedCode___;j++) {
- if (tagid==ARRAYGET(ao, struct ___TagDescriptor___*, i)->flag)
- goto foundtag;
- }
- goto nextloop;
- foundtag:
- ;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Check flags */
- for(i=0;i<parameter->numberofterms;i++) {
- int andmask=parameter->intarray[i*2];
- int checkmask=parameter->intarray[i*2+1];
- if ((flag&andmask)==checkmask) {
- enqueuetasks(parameter, prevptr, ptr);
- prevptr=parameter;
- break;
- }
- }
- nextloop:
- parameter=parameter->next;
- }
- ptr->flagptr=prevptr;
- }
- }
-#ifdef OPTIONAL
- void enqueueoptional(struct ___Object___ * currobj){
- struct classanalysiswrapper * classwrapper=NULL;
- struct fsanalysiswrapper * fswrapper=NULL;
- int counter=0;
- int numoptionaltaskdescriptors=0;
- struct optionaltaskdescriptor *** optionaltaskdescriptorarray=NULL;
- struct fsanalysiswrapper ** goodfswrappersarray=NULL;
- int numgoodfswrappers=0;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- if(currobj->numexitfses==0)
- printf("Handling failed object\nType : %i\nFlag : 0x%x\n", currobj->type, currobj->flag);
- else{
- printf("Handling failed object\nType : %i\n", currobj->type);
- int fscount=0;
- for(fscount=0; fscount<currobj->numexitfses; fscount++)
- printf("Flag : 0x%x\n", currobj->exitfses[fscount]);
- }
- struct ___Object___ * tagptr = currobj->___tags___;
- if(tagptr!=NULL){
- if(tagptr->type==TAGTYPE) {
- printf("Tag : %i\n", tagptr->flag);}
- else {
- struct ArrayObject * ao=(struct ArrayObject *) tagptr;
- int numbertags = ao->___length___;
- for(counter=0; counter<numbertags; counter++){
- printf("Tag : %i\n", ao[counter].flag);
- }
- }
- }
- /*set the object as failed*/
- currobj->failedstatus = 1;
- /*test what optionaltaskdescriptors are available,
- find the class corresponding*/
- for(counter = 0; counter<numclasses; counter++){
- classwrapper = classanalysiswrapperarray[counter];
- if(classwrapper == NULL){
- fprintf(stderr, "ERROR : \"struct classanalysiswrapper * classwraper\" is a NULL pointer\n, Analysis has been skipped, check Runtime/task.c, function enqueueoptional\n");
- goto nothingtodo;
- }
- /*check object type*/
- if( currobj->type == classwrapper->type)
- goto classchecked;
- }
-#ifdef DEBUG
- printf("No task will use this parameter as optional\n");
- removeoptionalfromqueues(currobj->hashcode,currobj, objectqueues[currobj->type]);
- goto nothingtodo;
- classchecked:
- ;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- printf("Found the class, search through fses\n");
- /*search through fses*/
- goodfswrappersarray = RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct fsanalysiswrapper *) * classwrapper->numfsanalysiswrappers); /*max number of good fswrappers*/
- if(goodfswrappersarray == NULL){
- fprintf(stderr, "ERROR : \"struct fsanalysiswrapper ** goodfswrappersarray\" is a NULL pointer\n, Analysis has been skipped, check Runtime/task.c, function enqueueoptional\n");
- removeoptionalfromqueues(currobj->hashcode,currobj, objectqueues[currobj->type]);
- goto nothingtodo;
- }
- for(counter = 0; counter<classwrapper->numfsanalysiswrappers; counter++){
- /*test the FS of the object (include flags and tags)*/
- fswrapper = classwrapper->fsanalysiswrapperarray[counter];
- if(fswrapper == NULL){
- fprintf(stderr, "ERROR : struct fsanalysiswrapper * is a NULL pointer\n, Analysis has been skipped, check Runtime/task.c, function enqueueoptional\n");
- removeoptionalfromqueues(currobj->hashcode,currobj, objectqueues[currobj->type]);
- goto nothingtodo;
- }
- /*check tags*/
- struct ___Object___ * tagptr = currobj->___tags___;
- if(fswrapper->numtags>0){
- if (tagptr==NULL)
- goto nextloop;//that means the object has no tag but that param needs tag
- else if(tagptr->type==TAGTYPE) {//one tag
- if(fswrapper->numtags!=1) goto nextloop;//we don't have the right number of tags
- struct ___TagDescriptor___ * tag=(struct ___TagDescriptor___*) tagptr;
- if (fswrapper->tags[0]!=tagptr->flag)
- goto nextloop;
- }
- else {//multiple tags
- struct ArrayObject * ao=(struct ArrayObject *) tagptr;
- int tag_counter=0;
- if(ao->___length___!=fswrapper->numtags) goto nextloop;//we don't have the right number of tags
- for(tag_counter=0;tag_counter<fswrapper->numtags;tag_counter++) {
- int tagid=fswrapper->tags[tag_counter];
- int j;
- for(j=0;j<ao->___cachedCode___;j++) {
- if (tagid==ARRAYGET(ao, struct ___TagDescriptor___*, tag_counter)->flag)
- goto foundtag;
- }
- goto nextloop;
- foundtag:
- ; ;
- }
- }
- }
- //check flags
- if(currobj->numexitfses==0){/*first time the method is invoqued*/
- if( currobj->flag == fswrapper->flags){
- int otdc;
- optionaltaskdescriptorarray = RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct optionaltaskdescriptor **) * fswrapper->numoptionaltaskdescriptors);
- numoptionaltaskdescriptors = fswrapper->numoptionaltaskdescriptors;
- for(otdc = 0; otdc<fswrapper->numoptionaltaskdescriptors; otdc++){
- struct optionaltaskdescriptor ** tmpptr = RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct optionaltaskdescriptor *));
- tmpptr[0] = fswrapper->optionaltaskdescriptorarray[otdc];
- optionaltaskdescriptorarray[otdc] = tmpptr;
- }
- numgoodfswrappers=1;
- goto fschecked;
- }
- }
- else if(currobj->numexitfses==1){/*one fs exit*/
- if(currobj->exitfses[0] == fswrapper->flags){
- int otdc;
- optionaltaskdescriptorarray = RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct optionaltaskdescriptor **) * fswrapper->numoptionaltaskdescriptors);
- numoptionaltaskdescriptors = fswrapper->numoptionaltaskdescriptors;
- for(otdc = 0; otdc<fswrapper->numoptionaltaskdescriptors; otdc++){
- struct optionaltaskdescriptor ** tmpptr = RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct optionaltaskdescriptor *));
- tmpptr[0] = fswrapper->optionaltaskdescriptorarray[otdc];
- optionaltaskdescriptorarray[otdc] = tmpptr;
- }
- numgoodfswrappers=1;
- goto fschecked;
- }
- }
- else{
- int fscount=0;
- for(fscount=0; fscount<currobj->numexitfses; fscount++){
- if( currobj->exitfses[fscount] == fswrapper->flags ){/*see if the fswraper correspond to one of the fses*/
- goodfswrappersarray[numgoodfswrappers]=fswrapper;
- numgoodfswrappers++;
- }
- }
- if(counter==classwrapper->numfsanalysiswrappers-1) goto makeintersection; /*last fswrapper*/
- }
- nextloop:
- ;
- }
- nofs:
- ;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- printf("FS not found, Nothing more to do\n");
- removeoptionalfromqueues(currobj->hashcode,currobj, objectqueues[currobj->type]);
- goto nothingtodo;
- makeintersection:
- ;
- if(numgoodfswrappers==0 || numgoodfswrappers==1) goto nofs; /*nothing has been found, we expect more than one wrapper for multiple flags*/
- optionaltaskdescriptorarray = makeintersectionotd(numgoodfswrappers, goodfswrappersarray, &numoptionaltaskdescriptors);
- if(optionaltaskdescriptorarray==NULL){
- fprintf(stderr, "ERROR : struct optionaltaskdescriptor ** is a NULL pointer\n, Analysis has been skipped, check Runtime/task.c, function enqueueoptional\n");
- goto nothingtodo;
- }
- fschecked:
- ;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- printf("FS(es) found, intersection created, %i potential tasks :\n", numoptionaltaskdescriptors);
- /*find the parameterwrapper corresponding to the potential task*/
- for(counter = 0; counter<numoptionaltaskdescriptors; counter++){
- struct optionaltaskdescriptor ** tmpptr = optionaltaskdescriptorarray[counter];
- printf("Task %s\n", tmpptr[0]->task->name);
- }
- {
- struct parameterwrapper * prevptr = NULL;
- struct parameterwrapper * flagptr = objectqueues[currobj->type];
- removeoptionalfromqueues(currobj->hashcode,currobj, flagptr);
- /*process for each otd*/
- for(counter = 0; counter<numoptionaltaskdescriptors; counter++){
- struct parameterwrapper * parameter = objectqueues[currobj->type];
- struct optionaltaskdescriptor ** tmpptr = optionaltaskdescriptorarray[counter];
- struct optionaltaskdescriptor * currotd = tmpptr[0];
- int otd_counter=0;
- while(parameter->task != currotd->task)
- parameter=parameter->next;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- printf("found parameterwrapper for task : %s\n", parameter->task->name);
- struct ___Object___ * newobj = RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct ___Object___));
- (*newobj)=(*currobj);
- newobj->numotds=numgoodfswrappers;
- newobj->otds=RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct optionaltaskdescriptor *) * numgoodfswrappers);
- for(otd_counter=0; otd_counter<numgoodfswrappers; otd_counter++){
- newobj->otds[otd_counter]=tmpptr[otd_counter];
- }
- enqueuetasks(parameter, prevptr, newobj);
- prevptr = parameter;
- nextotd:
- ;
- }
- }
- nothingtodo:
- /*if(currobj->exitfses!=NULL) RUNFREE(currobj->exitfses);
- if(currobj->otds!=NULL) RUNFREE(currobj->otds);*///there has been a problem just before the program exit, maybe due to the GC ?
- RUNFREE(optionaltaskdescriptorarray);
- ;
- }
+void mergefailedlists(struct failedtasklist **andlist, struct failedtasklist *list) {
+ struct failedtasklist *tmpptr;
+ while((*andlist)!=NULL) {
+ struct failedtasklist *searchftl=list;
+ while(searchftl!=NULL) {
+ if ((*andlist)->task==searchftl->task&&
+ (*andlist)->index==searchftl->index) {
+ mergeitems(*andlist, searchftl);
+ break;
+ }
+ searchftl=searchftl->next;
+ }
+ if (searchftl==NULL) {
+ //didn't find andlist
+ tmpptr=*andlist;
+ *andlist=(*andlist)->next;//splice item out of list
+ RUNFREE(tmpptr->flags); //free the item
+ RUNFREE(tmpptr);
+ } else {
+ andlist=&((*andlist)->next); //iterate to next item
+ }
+ }
+ //free the list we're searching
+ while(list!=NULL) {
+ tmpptr=list->next;
+ RUNFREE(list->flags);
+ RUNFREE(list);
+ list=tmpptr;
+ }
+struct failedtasklist * processfailstate(struct classanalysiswrapper * classwrapper, struct taskdescriptor *task, int index, struct ___Object___ * currobj, int flagstate) {
+ struct failedtasklist *list=NULL;
+ int i,h;
+ struct fsanalysiswrapper *fswrapper=NULL;
+ for(h=0;h<classwrapper->numfsanalysiswrappers;h++) {
+ struct fsanalysiswrapper * tmp=classwrapper->fsanalysiswrapperarray[h];
+ if (tmp->flags==flagstate&&checktags(currobj, tmp)) {
+ //we only match exactly here
+ fswrapper=tmp;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (fswrapper==NULL)
+ return list;
+ for(i=0;i<fswrapper->numtaskfailures;i++) {
+ int j;
+ struct taskfailure * taskfail=fswrapper->taskfailurearray[i];
+ if (taskfail->task==task&&taskfail->index==index) {
+ int start=0;
+ while(start<taskfail->numoptionaltaskdescriptors) {
+ struct taskdescriptor *currtask=NULL;
+ struct failedtasklist *tmpftl;
+ int currindex;
+ int totallength=0;
+ int *enterflags;
+ int numenterflags, offset;
+ struct parameterwrapper *pw;
+ for(j=start;j<taskfail->numoptionaltaskdescriptors;j++) {
+ struct optionaltaskdescriptor *otd=taskfail->optionaltaskdescriptorarray[j];
+ if(currtask==NULL) {
+ currtask=otd->task;
+ currindex=otd->index;
+ } else if (currtask!=otd->task||currindex!=otd->index)
+ break;
+ totallength+=otd->numenterflags;
+ }
+ pw=currtask->descriptorarray[currindex]->queue;
+ enterflags=RUNMALLOC(totallength*sizeof(int));
+ numenterflags=j-start;
+ offset=0;
+ for(start;start<j;start++) {
+ struct optionaltaskdescriptor *otd=taskfail->optionaltaskdescriptorarray[start];
+ enterflags[offset++]=otd->numenterflags;
+ memcpy(&enterflags[offset], otd->enterflags, otd->numenterflags*sizeof(int));
+ offset+=otd->numenterflags;
+ }
+ tmpftl=RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct failedtasklist));
+ tmpftl->next=list;
+ tmpftl->task=currtask;
+ tmpftl->numflags=numenterflags;
+ tmpftl->flags=enterflags;
+ list=tmpftl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return list;
+struct failedtasklist * processnormfailstate(struct classanalysiswrapper * classwrapper, struct ___Object___ * currobj, int flagstate) {
+ struct failedtasklist *list=NULL;
+ int i,h;
+ int start=0;
+ struct fsanalysiswrapper *fswrapper=NULL;
+ for(h=0;h<classwrapper->numfsanalysiswrappers;h++) {
+ struct fsanalysiswrapper * tmp=classwrapper->fsanalysiswrapperarray[h];
+ if (tmp->flags==flagstate&&checktags(currobj, tmp)) {
+ //we only match exactly here
+ fswrapper=tmp;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(fswrapper==NULL)
+ return NULL;
- /*we need to check if the object is optional, in this case, test the predicate*/
- /*here is the code for predicate checking*/
- /*The code has not been tested. I don't even know if it is working or efficient but it is a lead...
- if(currotd->numpredicatemembers == 0){
- printf("this task can be fired\n");
- goto enqueuetask;
- }
- else{
- int pred_counter;
- int predicatetrue = 0;
- for(pred_counter = 0; pred_counter<currotd->numpredicatemembers; pred_counter++){
- struct predicatemember * currpred = currotd->predicatememberarray[pred_counter];
- printf("predicate type : %i\n", currpred->type);
- //test if the predicate member is true
- struct parameterwrapper * paramwrapper = objectqueues[currpred->type];
- while(paramwrapper!=NULL){
- struct ObjectIterator * it = allocateObjectIterator(paramwrapper->objectset->listhead);
- do{
- struct ___Object___ * obj = (struct ___Object___ *)Objkey(it);
- printf("obj type : %i\n", obj->type);
- if(obj->type == currpred->type){
- //test the predicate
- printf("predicate to test\n");
- //only if good
- goto enqueuetask;
- }
- Objnext(it);
- }while(ObjhasNext(it));
- paramwrapper=paramwrapper->next;
- }
- printf("not the good predicate");
- //goto endanalysis
- }
- //the predicate members have to be all true
- }*/
+ while(start<fswrapper->numoptionaltaskdescriptors) {
+ struct taskdescriptor *currtask=NULL;
+ struct failedtasklist *tmpftl;
+ int j;
+ int currindex;
+ int totallength=0;
+ int *enterflags;
+ int numenterflags, offset;
+ struct parameterwrapper *pw;
+ for(j=start;j<fswrapper->numoptionaltaskdescriptors;j++) {
+ struct optionaltaskdescriptor *otd=fswrapper->optionaltaskdescriptorarray[j];
+ if(currtask==NULL) {
+ currtask=otd->task;
+ currindex=otd->index;
+ } else if (currtask!=otd->task||currindex!=otd->index)
+ break;
+ totallength+=otd->numenterflags;
+ }
+ pw=currtask->descriptorarray[currindex]->queue;
+ enterflags=RUNMALLOC(totallength*sizeof(int));
+ numenterflags=j-start;
+ offset=0;
+ for(start;start<j;start++) {
+ struct optionaltaskdescriptor *otd=fswrapper->optionaltaskdescriptorarray[start];
+ enterflags[offset++]=otd->numenterflags;
+ memcpy(&enterflags[offset], otd->enterflags, otd->numenterflags*sizeof(int));
+ offset+=otd->numenterflags;
+ }
+ tmpftl=RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct failedtasklist));
+ tmpftl->next=list;
+ tmpftl->task=currtask;
+ tmpftl->numflags=numenterflags;
+ tmpftl->flags=enterflags;
+ list=tmpftl;
+ }
+ return list;
+void enqueuelist(struct ___Object___ * currobj, struct failedtasklist * andlist) {
+ while(andlist!=NULL) {
+ struct failedtasklist *tmp=andlist;
+ struct parameterwrapper *pw=andlist->task->descriptorarray[andlist->index]->queue;
+ struct parmaeterwrapper *next;
+ int * flags;
+ int numflags;
+ int isnonfailed;
+ if (enqueuetasks(pw, currobj->flagptr, currobj, tmp->flags, tmp->numflags))
+ currobj->flagptr=pw;
+ andlist=andlist->next;
+ RUNFREE(tmp);
+ }
+void enqueueoptional(struct ___Object___ * currobj, int numfailedfses, int * failedfses, struct taskdescriptor * task, int index) {
+ struct classanalysiswrapper * classwrapper=NULL;
+ /*test what optionaltaskdescriptors are available, find the class
+ corresponding*/
+ if (classanalysiswrapperarray[currobj->type]!=NULL) {
+ classwrapper = classanalysiswrapperarray[currobj->type];
+ } else
+ return;
+ if(task!=NULL) {
+ /* We have a failure */
+ if (failedfses==NULL) {
+ /* Failed in normal state */
+ /*first time the method is invoked*/
+ int i,h;
+ struct fsanalysiswrapper *fswrapper=NULL;
+ for(h=0;h<classwrapper->numfsanalysiswrappers;h++) {
+ struct fsanalysiswrapper * tmp=classwrapper->fsanalysiswrapperarray[h];
+ if (tmp->flags==currobj->flag&&checktags(currobj, tmp)) {
+ //we only match exactly here
+ fswrapper=tmp;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(fswrapper==NULL) //nothing to do in this state
+ return;
+ for(i=0;i<fswrapper->numtaskfailures;i++) {
+ int j;
+ struct taskfailure * taskfail=fswrapper->taskfailurearray[i];
+ if (taskfail->task==task&&taskfail->index==index) {
+ int start=0;
+ while(start<taskfail->numoptionaltaskdescriptors) {
+ struct taskdescriptor *currtask=NULL;
+ int currindex;
+ int totallength=0;
+ int *enterflags;
+ int numenterflags, offset;
+ struct parameterwrapper *pw;
+ for(j=start;j<taskfail->numoptionaltaskdescriptors;j++) {
+ struct optionaltaskdescriptor *otd=taskfail->optionaltaskdescriptorarray[j];
+ if(currtask==NULL) {
+ currtask=otd->task;
+ currindex=otd->index;
+ } else if (currtask!=otd->task||currindex!=otd->index)
+ break;
+ totallength+=otd->numenterflags;
+ }
+ pw=currtask->descriptorarray[currindex]->queue;
+ enterflags=RUNMALLOC(totallength*sizeof(int));
+ numenterflags=j-start;
+ offset=0;
+ for(start;start<j;start++) {
+ struct optionaltaskdescriptor *otd=taskfail->optionaltaskdescriptorarray[start];
+ enterflags[offset++]=otd->numenterflags;
+ memcpy(&enterflags[offset], otd->enterflags, otd->numenterflags*sizeof(int));
+ offset+=otd->numenterflags;
+ }
+ //Enqueue this one
+ if (enqueuetasks(pw, currobj->flagptr, currobj, enterflags, numenterflags))
+ currobj->flagptr=pw;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Failed in failed state */
+ int i;
+ int offset=0;
+ for(i=0;i<numfailedfses;i++) {
+ int numfses=failedfses[offset++];
+ int j;
+ struct failedtasklist *andlist=NULL;
+ for(j=0;j<numfses;j++) {
+ int flagstate=failedfses[offset++];
+ struct failedtasklist *currlist=processfailstate(classwrapper, task, index, currobj, flagstate);
+ if (andlist==NULL)
+ andlist=currlist;
+ else
+ mergefailedlists(&andlist, currlist);
+ }
+ enqueuelist(currobj, andlist);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* No failure, but we are in a failed state */
+ struct parameterwrapper *flagptr=(struct parameterwrapper *)currobj->flagptr;
+ /*Remove object from all queues */
+ while(flagptr!=NULL) {
+ struct parameterwrapper *next;
+ ObjectHashget(flagptr->objectset, (int) currobj, (int *) &next, &UNUSED, &UNUSED2, &UNUSED3);
+ ObjectHashremove(flagptr->objectset, (int)currobj);
+ flagptr=next;
+ }
+ /* Failed in failed state */
+ int i;
+ int offset=0;
+ for(i=0;i<currobj->numfses;i++) {
+ int numfses=currobj->fses[offset++];
+ int j;
+ struct failedtasklist *andlist=NULL;
+ for(j=0;j<numfses;j++) {
+ int flagstate=currobj->fses[offset++];
+ struct failedtasklist *currlist=processnormfailstate(classwrapper, currobj, flagstate);
+ if (andlist==NULL)
+ andlist=currlist;
+ else
+ mergefailedlists(&andlist, currlist);
+ }
+ enqueuelist(currobj, andlist);
+ }
+ }
- void enqueuetasks(struct parameterwrapper *parameter, struct parameterwrapper *prevptr, struct ___Object___ *ptr) {
+int enqueuetasks(struct parameterwrapper *parameter, struct parameterwrapper *prevptr, struct ___Object___ *ptr, int * enterflags, int numenterflags) {
void * taskpointerarray[MAXTASKPARAMS];
+#ifdef OPTIONAL
+ int failed[MAXTASKPARAMS];
int j;
int numparams=parameter->task->numParameters;
int numiterators=parameter->task->numTotal-1;
+ int retval=1;
+ int addnormal=1;
+ int adderror=1;
struct taskdescriptor * task=parameter->task;
- ObjectHashadd(parameter->objectset, (int) ptr, (int) prevptr, 0);//this add the object to parameterwrapper
+ if (ObjectHashcontainskey(parameter->objectset, (int) ptr)) {
+ /* The object is already here...or it with the existing item */
+ int * oldflags;
+ int oldnumflags;
+ int oldptr;
+ int oldstatus;
+ int *mergedflags;
+ ObjectHashget(parameter->objectset, (int) ptr, & oldptr, (int *) &oldflags, &oldnumflags, &oldstatus);
+ mergedflags=domergeor(oldflags, oldnumflags, enterflags, numenterflags);
+ ObjectHashupdate(parameter->objectset, (int) ptr, oldptr, mergedflags, oldnumflags+numenterflags, oldstatus||(enterflags==NULL));
+ RUNFREE(oldflags);
+ RUNFREE(enterflags);
+ //only add if truly needed
+ if (oldstatus)
+ addnormal=0;
+ if (oldnumflags>0)
+ adderror=0;
+ retval=0;
+ } else {
+ ObjectHashadd(parameter->objectset, (int) ptr, (int) prevptr, (int) enterflags, numenterflags, enterflags==NULL);//this add the object to parameterwrapper
+ }
/* Add enqueued object to parameter vector */
+#ifdef OPTIONAL
+ failed[parameter->slot]=(enterflags!=NULL);
/* Reset iterators */
for(j=0;j<numiterators;j++) {
/* Find initial state */
for(j=0;j<numiterators;j++) {
- if(toiHasNext(¶meter->iterators[j], taskpointerarray))
- toiNext(¶meter->iterators[j], taskpointerarray);
+ if(toiHasNext(¶meter->iterators[j], taskpointerarray OPTARG(failed)))
+ toiNext(¶meter->iterators[j], taskpointerarray OPTARG(failed));
else if (j>0) {
/* Need to backtrack */
goto backtrackinit;
} else {
/* Nothing to enqueue */
- return;
+ return retval;
tpd->parameterArray=RUNMALLOC(sizeof(void *)*(numiterators+1));
- for(j=0;j<=numiterators;j++){
-#ifdef DEBUG
- struct ___Object___ * obj = (struct ___Object___ *)taskpointerarray[j];
- if(obj->failedstatus==1)
- printf("parameter %i used as optional for task %s\n", obj->type, task->name);
+ tpd->failed=RUNMALLOC(sizeof(int)*(numiterators+1));
+ for(j=0;j<=numiterators;j++){
tpd->parameterArray[j]=taskpointerarray[j];//store the actual parameters
+#ifdef OPTIONAL
+ tpd->failed[j]=failed[j];
/* Enqueue task */
if ((!gencontains(failedtasks, tpd)&&!gencontains(activetasks,tpd))) {
/* This loop iterates to the next parameter combination */
if (numiterators==0)
- return;
+ return retval;
for(j=numiterators-1; j<numiterators;j++) {
- if(toiHasNext(¶meter->iterators[j], taskpointerarray))
- toiNext(¶meter->iterators[j], taskpointerarray);
+ if(toiHasNext(¶meter->iterators[j], taskpointerarray OPTARG(failed)))
+ toiNext(¶meter->iterators[j], taskpointerarray OPTARG(failed));
else if (j>0) {
/* Need to backtrack */
goto backtrackinc;
} else {
/* Nothing more to enqueue */
- return;
+ return retval;
+ return retval;
/* Handler for signals. The signals catch null pointer errors and
#define OFFSET 0
+#ifdef OPTIONAL
+ int * fsescopy(int *src, int len) {
+ int *dst;
+ if (src==NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ dst=RUNMALLOC(len*sizeof(int));
+ memcpy(dst, src, len*sizeof(int));
+ return dst;
+ }
void executetasks() {
void * taskpointerarray[MAXTASKPARAMS+OFFSET];
+#ifdef OPTIONAL
+ int * fsesarray[MAXTASKPARAMS];
+ int * oldfsesarray[MAXTASKPARAMS];
+ int numfsesarray[MAXTASKPARAMS];
/* Set up signal handlers */
struct sigaction sig;
int j;
/* Check that object is still in queue */
- struct ___Object___ * obj = (struct ___Object___ *)parameter;
- if(obj->failedstatus==1){
- struct ___Object___ *temp=NULL;
- struct parameterwrapper * ptr;
- struct ObjectNode * node = pw->objectset->listhead;
- while(node!=NULL){
- temp=(struct ___Object___ *)node->key;
- if(temp->failedstatus==1 && temp->hashcode==obj->hashcode){
- if(temp==obj)
- goto parameterpresent;
+ {
+ int *flags;
+ int numflags, isnonfailed;
+ int failed=currtpd->failed[i];
+ if (!ObjectHashget(pw->objectset, (int) parameter, &UNUSED, (int *) &flags, &numflags, &isnonfailed)) {
+ RUNFREE(currtpd->parameterArray);
+ RUNFREE(currtpd->failed);
+ RUNFREE(currtpd);
+ goto newtask;
+ } else {
+ if (failed&&(flags!=NULL)) {
+ //Failed parameter
+ fsesarray[i]=flags;
+ numfsesarray[i]=numflags;
+ } else if (!failed && isnonfailed) {
+ //Non-failed parameter
+ fsesarray[i]=NULL;
+ numfsesarray[i]=0;
+ } else {
+ RUNFREE(currtpd->parameterArray);
+ RUNFREE(currtpd->failed);
+ RUNFREE(currtpd);
+ goto newtask;
- node=node->next;
- RUNFREE(currtpd->parameterArray);
- RUNFREE(currtpd);
- goto newtask;
- else
if (!ObjectHashcontainskey(pw->objectset, (int) parameter)) {
goto newtask;
/* Check that object still has necessary tags */
restorecheckpoint(currtpd->task->numParameters, currtpd->parameterArray, checkpoint, forward, reverse);
-#ifdef DEBUG
- printf("%i object(s) restored\n", currtpd->task->numParameters);
for(counter=0; counter<currtpd->task->numParameters; counter++){
- //remove the object from the previous parameterwrapper (maybe not necessary)
- //do a new instance of the object. It allows the restored object to be used by other tasks as a non optional arg.
- struct ___Object___ * currobj = RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct ___Object___));
- (*currobj)=(*(struct ___Object___ *)currtpd->parameterArray[counter]);
- currobj->numexitfses = 0;
- currobj->exitfses = NULL;
- currobj->otds=NULL;
- currobj->hashcode=(int)currobj;
- enqueueoptional( currobj );
+ //enqueue as failed
+ enqueueoptional(currtpd->parameterArray[counter], numfsesarray[counter], fsesarray[counter], currtpd->task, counter);
+ //free fses copies
+ if (fsesarray[counter]!=NULL)
+ RUNFREE(fsesarray[counter]);
((int *)taskpointerarray)[0]=currtpd->task->numParameters;
+#ifdef OPTIONAL
+ //get the task flags set
+ for(i=0;i<numparams;i++) {
+ oldfsesarray[i]=((struct ___Object___ *)taskpointerarray[i+OFFSET])->fses;
+ fsesarray[i]=fsescopy(fsesarray[i], numfsesarray[i]);
+ ((struct ___Object___ *)taskpointerarray[i+OFFSET])->fses=fsesarray[i];
+ }
printf("ENTER %s count=%d\n",currtpd->task->name, (instaccum-instructioncount));
printf("EXIT %s count=%d\n",currtpd->task->name, (instaccum-instructioncount));
} else
((void (*) (void **)) currtpd->task->taskptr)(taskpointerarray);
+ for(i=0;i<numparams;i++) {
+ //free old fses
+ if(oldfsesarray[i]!=NULL)
+ RUNFREE(oldfsesarray[i]);
+ }
} else if (it->numtags>0) {
+#ifdef OPTIONAL
+ it->failedstate=0;
} else {
ObjectHashiterator(it->objectset, &it->it);
+#ifdef OPTIONAL
+ it->failedstate=0;
-int toiHasNext(struct tagobjectiterator *it, void ** objectarray) {
+int toiHasNext(struct tagobjectiterator *it, void ** objectarray OPTARG(int * failed)) {
if (it->istag) {
/* Iterate tag */
/* Get object with tags */
if (!containstag(objptr,tag2))
return 0;
+#ifdef OPTIONAL
+ if (it->failedstate==1) {
+ int * flags;
+ int isnonfailed;
+ ObjectHashget(it->objectset, (int) objptr, &UNUSED, (int *) &flags, &UNUSED2, &isnonfailed);
+ if (flags!=NULL) {
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ it->tagobjindex++;
+ it->failedstate=0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ int * flags;
+ int isnonfailed;
+ ObjectHashget(it->objectset, (int) objptr, &UNUSED, (int *) &flags, &UNUSED2, &isnonfailed);
+ if (!isnonfailed) {
+ it->failedstate=1;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
return 1;
} else {
struct ArrayObject *ao=(struct ArrayObject *) objptr;
int tagindex;
int i;
+#ifdef OPTIONAL
+ if (it->failedstate==1) {
+ int * flags;
+ int isnonfailed;
+ struct ___Object___ *objptr=ARRAYGET(ao, struct ___Object___*, it->tagobjindex);
+ ObjectHashget(it->objectset, (int) objptr, &UNUSED, (int *) &flags, &UNUSED2, &isnonfailed);
+ if (flags!=NULL) {
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ it->failedstate=0;
+ it->tagobjindex++;
+ }
+ }
for(tagindex=it->tagobjindex;tagindex<ao->___cachedCode___;tagindex++) {
struct ___Object___ *objptr=ARRAYGET(ao, struct ___Object___*, tagindex);
if (!ObjectHashcontainskey(it->objectset, (int) objptr))
if (!containstag(objptr,tag2))
goto nexttag;
+#ifdef OPTIONAL
+ {
+ int flags, isnonfailed;
+ struct ___Object___ *objptr=ARRAYGET(ao, struct ___Object___*, tagindex);
+ ObjectHashget(it->objectset, (int) objptr, &UNUSED, &flags, &UNUSED2, &isnonfailed);
+ if (!isnonfailed) {
+ it->failedstate=1;
+ }
+ }
+ it->tagobjindex=tagindex;
return 1;
return 0;
} else {
+#ifdef OPTIONAL
+ if (it->failedstate==1) {
+ if (Objdata2(&it->it))
+ return 1;
+ else {
+ it->failedstate=0;
+ Objnext(&it->it);
+ }
+ }
+ if (ObjhasNext(&it->it)) {
+ if (!Objdata4(&it->it)) {
+ //failed state only
+ it->failedstate=1;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ } else
+ return 0;
return ObjhasNext(&it->it);
return objptr==ptr;
-void toiNext(struct tagobjectiterator *it , void ** objectarray) {
+void toiNext(struct tagobjectiterator *it , void ** objectarray OPTARG(int * failed)) {
/* hasNext has all of the intelligence */
if(it->istag) {
/* Iterate tag */
struct ___TagDescriptor___ *tag=objectarray[it->tagbindings[0]];
struct ___Object___ *objptr=tag->flagptr;
if (objptr->type!=OBJECTARRAYTYPE) {
+#ifdef OPTIONAL
+ failed[it->slot]=it->failedstate;
+ objectarray[it->slot]=objptr;
+ if (it->failedstate==0) {
+ it->failedstate=1;
+ } else {
+ it->failedstate=0;
+ it->tagobjindex++;
+ }
} else {
struct ArrayObject *ao=(struct ArrayObject *) objptr;
+#ifdef OPTIONAL
+ failed[it->slot]=it->failedstate;
+ objectarray[it->slot]=ARRAYGET(ao, struct ___Object___ *, it->tagobjindex);
+ if (it->failedstate==0) {
+ it->failedstate=1;
+ } else {
+ it->failedstate=0;
+ it->tagobjindex++;
+ }
objectarray[it->slot]=ARRAYGET(ao, struct ___Object___ *, it->tagobjindex++);
} else {
/* Iterate object */
objectarray[it->slot]=(void *)Objkey(&it->it);
+#ifdef OPTIONAL
+ failed[it->slot]=it->failedstate;
+ if (it->failedstate==0) {
+ it->failedstate=1;
+ } else {
+ it->failedstate=0;
+ Objnext(&it->it);
+ }