#include <vector>
#include <boost/operators.hpp>
+#include <folly/Traits.h>
#include <folly/portability/BitsFunctexcept.h>
namespace folly {
namespace detail {
+template <typename, typename Compare, typename Key, typename T>
+struct sorted_vector_enable_if_is_transparent {};
+template <typename Compare, typename Key, typename T>
+struct sorted_vector_enable_if_is_transparent<
+ void_t<typename Compare::is_transparent>,
+ Compare,
+ Key,
+ T> {
+ using type = T;
// This wrapper goes around a GrowthPolicy and provides iterator
// preservation semantics, but only if the growth policy is not the
// default (i.e. nothing).
get_growth_policy() { return *this; }
+ template <typename K, typename V, typename C = Compare>
+ using if_is_transparent =
+ _t<detail::sorted_vector_enable_if_is_transparent<void, C, K, V>>;
typedef T value_type;
typedef T key_type;
iterator find(const key_type& key) {
- iterator it = lower_bound(key);
- if (it == end() || !key_comp()(key, *it)) {
- return it;
- }
- return end();
+ return find(*this, key);
const_iterator find(const key_type& key) const {
- const_iterator it = lower_bound(key);
- if (it == end() || !key_comp()(key, *it)) {
- return it;
- }
- return end();
+ return find(*this, key);
+ }
+ template <typename K>
+ if_is_transparent<K, iterator> find(const K& key) {
+ return find(*this, key);
+ }
+ template <typename K>
+ if_is_transparent<K, const_iterator> find(const K& key) const {
+ return find(*this, key);
size_type count(const key_type& key) const {
return find(key) == end() ? 0 : 1;
+ template <typename K>
+ if_is_transparent<K, size_type> count(const K& key) const {
+ return find(key) == end() ? 0 : 1;
+ }
iterator lower_bound(const key_type& key) {
return std::lower_bound(begin(), end(), key, key_comp());
return std::lower_bound(begin(), end(), key, key_comp());
+ template <typename K>
+ if_is_transparent<K, iterator> lower_bound(const K& key) {
+ return std::lower_bound(begin(), end(), key, key_comp());
+ }
+ template <typename K>
+ if_is_transparent<K, const_iterator> lower_bound(const K& key) const {
+ return std::lower_bound(begin(), end(), key, key_comp());
+ }
iterator upper_bound(const key_type& key) {
return std::upper_bound(begin(), end(), key, key_comp());
return std::upper_bound(begin(), end(), key, key_comp());
- std::pair<iterator,iterator> equal_range(const key_type& key) {
+ template <typename K>
+ if_is_transparent<K, iterator> upper_bound(const K& key) {
+ return std::upper_bound(begin(), end(), key, key_comp());
+ }
+ template <typename K>
+ if_is_transparent<K, const_iterator> upper_bound(const K& key) const {
+ return std::upper_bound(begin(), end(), key, key_comp());
+ }
+ std::pair<iterator, iterator> equal_range(const key_type& key) {
+ return std::equal_range(begin(), end(), key, key_comp());
+ }
+ std::pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> equal_range(
+ const key_type& key) const {
+ return std::equal_range(begin(), end(), key, key_comp());
+ }
+ template <typename K>
+ if_is_transparent<K, std::pair<iterator, iterator>> equal_range(
+ const K& key) {
return std::equal_range(begin(), end(), key, key_comp());
- std::pair<const_iterator,const_iterator>
- equal_range(const key_type& key) const {
+ template <typename K>
+ if_is_transparent<K, std::pair<const_iterator, const_iterator>> equal_range(
+ const K& key) const {
return std::equal_range(begin(), end(), key, key_comp());
ContainerT cont_;
} m_;
+ template <typename Self>
+ using self_iterator_t = _t<
+ std::conditional<std::is_const<Self>::value, const_iterator, iterator>>;
+ template <typename Self, typename K>
+ static self_iterator_t<Self> find(Self& self, K const& key) {
+ auto end = self.end();
+ auto it = self.lower_bound(key);
+ if (it == end || !self.key_comp()(key, *it)) {
+ return it;
+ }
+ return end;
+ }
// Swap function that can be found using ADL.
get_growth_policy() { return *this; }
+ template <typename K, typename V, typename C = Compare>
+ using if_is_transparent =
+ _t<detail::sorted_vector_enable_if_is_transparent<void, C, K, V>>;
typedef Key key_type;
typedef Value mapped_type;
iterator find(const key_type& key) {
- iterator it = lower_bound(key);
- if (it == end() || !key_comp()(key, it->first)) {
- return it;
- }
- return end();
+ return find(*this, key);
const_iterator find(const key_type& key) const {
- const_iterator it = lower_bound(key);
- if (it == end() || !key_comp()(key, it->first)) {
- return it;
- }
- return end();
+ return find(*this, key);
+ }
+ template <typename K>
+ if_is_transparent<K, iterator> find(const K& key) {
+ return find(*this, key);
+ }
+ template <typename K>
+ if_is_transparent<K, const_iterator> find(const K& key) const {
+ return find(*this, key);
mapped_type& at(const key_type& key) {
return find(key) == end() ? 0 : 1;
+ template <typename K>
+ if_is_transparent<K, size_type> count(const K& key) const {
+ return find(key) == end() ? 0 : 1;
+ }
iterator lower_bound(const key_type& key) {
- auto c = key_comp();
- auto f = [&](const value_type& a, const key_type& b) {
- return c(a.first, b);
- };
- return std::lower_bound(begin(), end(), key, f);
+ return lower_bound(*this, key);
const_iterator lower_bound(const key_type& key) const {
- auto c = key_comp();
- auto f = [&](const value_type& a, const key_type& b) {
- return c(a.first, b);
- };
- return std::lower_bound(begin(), end(), key, f);
+ return lower_bound(*this, key);
+ }
+ template <typename K>
+ if_is_transparent<K, iterator> lower_bound(const K& key) {
+ return lower_bound(*this, key);
+ }
+ template <typename K>
+ if_is_transparent<K, const_iterator> lower_bound(const K& key) const {
+ return lower_bound(*this, key);
iterator upper_bound(const key_type& key) {
- auto c = key_comp();
- auto f = [&](const key_type& a, const value_type& b) {
- return c(a, b.first);
- };
- return std::upper_bound(begin(), end(), key, f);
+ return upper_bound(*this, key);
const_iterator upper_bound(const key_type& key) const {
- auto c = key_comp();
- auto f = [&](const key_type& a, const value_type& b) {
- return c(a, b.first);
- };
- return std::upper_bound(begin(), end(), key, f);
+ return upper_bound(*this, key);
- std::pair<iterator,iterator> equal_range(const key_type& key) {
- // Note: std::equal_range can't be passed a functor that takes
- // argument types different from the iterator value_type, so we
- // have to do this.
- iterator low = lower_bound(key);
- auto c = key_comp();
- auto f = [&](const key_type& a, const value_type& b) {
- return c(a, b.first);
- };
- iterator high = std::upper_bound(low, end(), key, f);
- return std::make_pair(low, high);
+ template <typename K>
+ if_is_transparent<K, iterator> upper_bound(const K& key) {
+ return upper_bound(*this, key);
+ }
+ template <typename K>
+ if_is_transparent<K, const_iterator> upper_bound(const K& key) const {
+ return upper_bound(*this, key);
- std::pair<const_iterator,const_iterator>
- equal_range(const key_type& key) const {
- return const_cast<sorted_vector_map*>(this)->equal_range(key);
+ std::pair<iterator, iterator> equal_range(const key_type& key) {
+ return equal_range(*this, key);
+ }
+ std::pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> equal_range(
+ const key_type& key) const {
+ return equal_range(*this, key);
+ }
+ template <typename K>
+ if_is_transparent<K, std::pair<iterator, iterator>> equal_range(
+ const K& key) {
+ return equal_range(*this, key);
+ }
+ template <typename K>
+ if_is_transparent<K, std::pair<const_iterator, const_iterator>> equal_range(
+ const K& key) const {
+ return equal_range(*this, key);
// Nothrow as long as swap() on the Compare type is nothrow.
ContainerT cont_;
} m_;
+ template <typename Self>
+ using self_iterator_t = _t<
+ std::conditional<std::is_const<Self>::value, const_iterator, iterator>>;
+ template <typename Self, typename K>
+ static self_iterator_t<Self> find(Self& self, K const& key) {
+ auto end = self.end();
+ auto it = self.lower_bound(key);
+ if (it == end || !self.key_comp()(key, it->first)) {
+ return it;
+ }
+ return end;
+ }
+ template <typename Self, typename K>
+ static self_iterator_t<Self> lower_bound(Self& self, K const& key) {
+ auto f = [c = self.key_comp()](value_type const& a, K const& b) {
+ return c(a.first, b);
+ };
+ return std::lower_bound(self.begin(), self.end(), key, f);
+ }
+ template <typename Self, typename K>
+ static self_iterator_t<Self> upper_bound(Self& self, K const& key) {
+ auto f = [c = self.key_comp()](K const& a, value_type const& b) {
+ return c(a, b.first);
+ };
+ return std::upper_bound(self.begin(), self.end(), key, f);
+ }
+ template <typename Self, typename K>
+ static std::pair<self_iterator_t<Self>, self_iterator_t<Self>> equal_range(
+ Self& self,
+ K const& key) {
+ // Note: std::equal_range can't be passed a functor that takes
+ // argument types different from the iterator value_type, so we
+ // have to do this.
+ return {lower_bound(self, key), upper_bound(self, key)};
+ }
// Swap function that can be found using ADL.
int count_;
+struct Opaque {
+ int value;
+ friend bool operator==(Opaque a, Opaque b) {
+ return a.value == b.value;
+ }
+ friend bool operator<(Opaque a, Opaque b) {
+ return a.value < b.value;
+ }
+ struct Compare : std::less<int>, std::less<Opaque> {
+ using is_transparent = void;
+ using std::less<int>::operator();
+ using std::less<Opaque>::operator();
+ bool operator()(int a, Opaque b) const {
+ return std::less<int>::operator()(a, b.value);
+ }
+ bool operator()(Opaque a, int b) const {
+ return std::less<int>::operator()(a.value, b);
+ }
+ };
} // namespace
TEST(SortedVectorTypes, SimpleSetTest) {
EXPECT_TRUE(cpy2 == cpy);
+TEST(SortedVectorTypes, TransparentSetTest) {
+ sorted_vector_set<Opaque, Opaque::Compare> s;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(s.empty());
+ for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
+ s.insert(Opaque{rand() % 100000});
+ }
+ EXPECT_FALSE(s.empty());
+ check_invariant(s);
+ sorted_vector_set<Opaque, Opaque::Compare> s2;
+ s2.insert(s.begin(), s.end());
+ check_invariant(s2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(s == s2);
+ auto it = s2.lower_bound(32);
+ if (it->value == 32) {
+ s2.erase(it);
+ it = s2.lower_bound(32);
+ }
+ check_invariant(s2);
+ auto oldSz = s2.size();
+ s2.insert(it, Opaque{32});
+ EXPECT_TRUE(s2.size() == oldSz + 1);
+ check_invariant(s2);
+ const sorted_vector_set<Opaque, Opaque::Compare>& cs2 = s2;
+ auto range = cs2.equal_range(32);
+ auto lbound = cs2.lower_bound(32);
+ auto ubound = cs2.upper_bound(32);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(range.first == lbound);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(range.second == ubound);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(range.first != cs2.end());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(range.second != cs2.end());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cs2.count(32) == 1);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(cs2.find(32) == cs2.end());
+ // Bad insert hint.
+ s2.insert(s2.begin() + 3, Opaque{33});
+ EXPECT_TRUE(s2.find(33) != s2.begin());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(s2.find(33) != s2.end());
+ check_invariant(s2);
+ s2.erase(Opaque{33});
+ check_invariant(s2);
+ it = s2.find(32);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(it == s2.end());
+ s2.erase(it);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(s2.size() == oldSz);
+ check_invariant(s2);
+ sorted_vector_set<Opaque, Opaque::Compare> cpy(s);
+ check_invariant(cpy);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cpy == s);
+ sorted_vector_set<Opaque, Opaque::Compare> cpy2(s);
+ cpy2.insert(Opaque{100001});
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cpy2 != cpy);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cpy2 != s);
+ check_invariant(cpy2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cpy2.count(100001) == 1);
+ s.swap(cpy2);
+ check_invariant(cpy2);
+ check_invariant(s);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(s != cpy);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(s != cpy2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(cpy2 == cpy);
TEST(SortedVectorTypes, BadHints) {
for (int toInsert = -1; toInsert <= 7; ++toInsert) {
for (int hintPos = 0; hintPos <= 4; ++hintPos) {
+TEST(SortedVectorTypes, TransparentMapTest) {
+ sorted_vector_map<Opaque, float, Opaque::Compare> m;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
+ m[Opaque{i}] = i / 1000.0;
+ }
+ check_invariant(m);
+ m[Opaque{32}] = 100.0;
+ check_invariant(m);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.count(32) == 1);
+ EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(100.0, m.at(Opaque{32}));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m.find(32) == m.end());
+ m.erase(Opaque{32});
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m.find(32) == m.end());
+ check_invariant(m);
+ EXPECT_THROW(m.at(Opaque{32}), std::out_of_range);
+ sorted_vector_map<Opaque, float, Opaque::Compare> m2 = m;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2 == m);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m2 != m);
+ auto it = m2.lower_bound(1 << 20);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(it == m2.end());
+ m2.insert(it, std::make_pair(Opaque{1 << 20}, 10.0f));
+ check_invariant(m2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2.count(1 << 20) == 1);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m < m2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m <= m2);
+ const sorted_vector_map<Opaque, float, Opaque::Compare>& cm = m;
+ auto range = cm.equal_range(42);
+ auto lbound = cm.lower_bound(42);
+ auto ubound = cm.upper_bound(42);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(range.first == lbound);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(range.second == ubound);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(range.first == cm.end());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(range.second == cm.end());
+ m.erase(m.lower_bound(42));
+ check_invariant(m);
+ sorted_vector_map<Opaque, float, Opaque::Compare> m3;
+ m3.insert(m2.begin(), m2.end());
+ check_invariant(m3);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m3 == m2);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(m3 == m);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m != m2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m2 == m3);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m3 != m);
+ m.swap(m3);
+ check_invariant(m);
+ check_invariant(m2);
+ check_invariant(m3);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m3 != m2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m3 != m);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(m == m2);
+ // Bad insert hint.
+ m.insert(m.begin() + 3, std::make_pair(Opaque{1 << 15}, 1.0f));
+ check_invariant(m);
TEST(SortedVectorTypes, Sizes) {