if (promises->size() == 0) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < futurevalues->size(); i++) {
struct PendingFutureValue pfv = (*futurevalues)[i];
- if (pfv.act->get_node()->add_future_value(pfv.value, pfv.expiration) &&
+ //Do more ambitious checks now that mo is more complete
+ if (mo_may_allow(pfv.writer, pfv.act)&&
+ pfv.act->get_node()->add_future_value(pfv.writer->get_value(), pfv.writer->get_seq_number()+params.maxfuturedelay) &&
(!priv->next_backtrack || *pfv.act > *priv->next_backtrack))
priv->next_backtrack = pfv.act;
(3) cannot synchronize with us
(4) is in a different thread
- that read could potentially read from our write.
+ that read could potentially read from our write. Note that
+ these checks are overly conservative at this point, we'll
+ do more checks before actually removing the
+ pendingfuturevalue.
if (thin_air_constraint_may_allow(curr, act)) {
if (isfeasible() ||
(curr->is_rmw() && act->is_rmw() && curr->get_reads_from() == act->get_reads_from() && isfeasibleotherthanRMW())) {
- struct PendingFutureValue pfv = {curr->get_value(),curr->get_seq_number()+params.maxfuturedelay,act};
+ struct PendingFutureValue pfv = {curr,act};
return true;
+/** Arbitrary reads from the future are not allowed. Section 29.3
+ * part 9 places some constraints. This method checks one result of constraint
+ * constraint. Others require compiler support. */
+bool ModelChecker::mo_may_allow(const ModelAction * writer, const ModelAction *reader) {
+ std::vector<action_list_t> *thrd_lists = obj_thrd_map->get_safe_ptr(reader->get_location());
+ //Get write that follows reader action
+ action_list_t *list = &(*thrd_lists)[id_to_int(reader->get_tid())];
+ action_list_t::reverse_iterator rit;
+ ModelAction *first_write_after_read=NULL;
+ for (rit = list->rbegin(); rit != list->rend(); rit++) {
+ ModelAction *act = *rit;
+ if (act==reader)
+ break;
+ if (act->is_write())
+ first_write_after_read=act;
+ }
+ if (first_write_after_read==NULL)
+ return true;
+ return true;
+ //return !mo_graph->checkReachable(first_write_after_read, writer);
* Finds the head(s) of the release sequence(s) containing a given ModelAction.
* The ModelAction under consideration is expected to be taking part in
bool thread_sleep=prevnode->get_enabled_array()[id_to_int(curr->get_tid())]==THREAD_SLEEP_SET;
if (write->is_release()&&thread_sleep)
return true;
- if (!write->is_rmw())
+ if (!write->is_rmw()) {
return false;
+ }
if (write->get_reads_from()==NULL)
return true;
+ unsigned int hash=0;
for (it = list->begin(); it != list->end(); it++) {
+ hash=hash^(hash<<3)^((*it)->hash());
+ printf("HASH %u\n", hash);