cFile = new PrintWriter(new File(outputFile + ".c"));
headerFile = new PrintWriter(new File(outputFile + ".h"));
- cFile.append("#include \"" + hashAndQueueCFileDir + "hashRCR.h\"\n#include \""
- + hashAndQueueCFileDir + "Queue_RCR.h\"\n#include <stdlib.h>\n");
- cFile.append("#include \"classdefs.h\"\n");
- cFile.append("#include \"RuntimeConflictResolver.h\"\n");
- cFile.append("#include \"hashStructure.h\"\n");
+ cFile.println("#include \"" + hashAndQueueCFileDir + "hashRCR.h\"\n#include \""
+ + hashAndQueueCFileDir + "Queue_RCR.h\"\n#include <stdlib.h>");
+ cFile.println("#include \"classdefs.h\"");
+ cFile.println("#include \"RuntimeConflictResolver.h\"");
+ cFile.println("#include \"hashStructure.h\"");
- headerFile.append("#ifndef __3_RCR_H_\n");
- headerFile.append("#define __3_RCR_H_\n");
+ headerFile.println("#ifndef __3_RCR_H_");
+ headerFile.println("#define __3_RCR_H_");
doneTaints = new Hashtable<Taint, Integer>();
connectedHRHash = new Hashtable<Taint, WeaklyConectedHRGroup>();
// Adds Extra supporting methods
- cFile.append("void initializeStructsRCR() { " + mallocVisitedHashtable + "; " + clearQueue + "; }");
- cFile.append("void destroyRCR() { " + deallocVisitedHashTable + "; }\n");
+ cFile.println("void initializeStructsRCR() {\n " + mallocVisitedHashtable + ";\n " + clearQueue + ";\n}");
+ cFile.println("void destroyRCR() {\n " + deallocVisitedHashTable + ";\n}");
- headerFile.append("void initializeStructsRCR(); \nvoid destroyRCR(); \n");
- headerFile.append("#endif\n");
+ headerFile.println("void initializeStructsRCR();\nvoid destroyRCR();");
+ headerFile.println("#endif\n");
//TODO: This is only temporary, remove when thread local variables are functional.
private void createMasterHashTableArray() {
- headerFile.append("void createAndFillMasterHashStructureArray();");
- cFile.append("void createAndFillMasterHashStructureArray() { " +
- "createMasterHashTableArray("+weaklyConnectedHRCounter + ");");
+ headerFile.println("void createAndFillMasterHashStructureArray();");
+ cFile.println("void createAndFillMasterHashStructureArray() {\n" +
+ " createMasterHashTableArray("+weaklyConnectedHRCounter + ");");
for(int i = 0; i < weaklyConnectedHRCounter; i++) {
- cFile.append("allHashStructures["+i+"] = (HashStructure *) createhashTable("+num2WeaklyConnectedHRGroup.get(i).connectedHRs.size()+");}");
+ cFile.println(" allHashStructures["+i+"] = (HashStructure *) createhashTable("+num2WeaklyConnectedHRGroup.get(i).connectedHRs.size()+");}");
+ cFile.println("}");
//This will print the traverser invocation that takes in a traverserID and
//starting ptr
private void printMasterTraverserInvocation() {
headerFile.println("\nint traverse(void * startingPtr, int traverserID);");
- cFile.println("\nint traverse(void * startingPtr, int traverserID) {" +
- "switch(traverserID) { ");
+ cFile.println("\nint traverse(void * startingPtr, int traverserID) {");
+ cFile.println(" switch(traverserID) {");
for(Taint t: doneTaints.keySet()) {
- cFile.println(" case " + doneTaints.get(t)+ ": ");
+ cFile.println(" case " + doneTaints.get(t)+ ":");
if(t.isRBlockTaint()) {
cFile.println(" " + this.getTraverserInvocation(t.getVar(), "startingPtr", t.getSESE()));
if(RuntimeConflictResolver.cSideDebug) {
- cFile.println(" default: printf(\"invalid traverser ID %u was passed in.\\n\", traverserID);\n break; ");
+ cFile.println(" default:\n printf(\"Invalid traverser ID %u was passed in.\\n\", traverserID);\n break;");
} else {
- cFile.println(" default: break; ");
+ cFile.println(" default:\n break;");
- cFile.println("}}");
+ cFile.println(" }");
+ cFile.println("}");
private void createConcreteGraph(
String methodName = "void traverse___" + removeInvalidChars(inVar) +
removeInvalidChars(rBlock) + "___(void * InVar)";
- cFile.append(methodName + " {\n");
- headerFile.append(methodName + ";\n");
+ cFile.println(methodName + " {");
+ headerFile.println(methodName + ";");
if(cSideDebug) {
- cFile.append("printf(\"The traverser ran for " + methodName + "\\n\");\n");
+ cFile.println("printf(\"The traverser ran for " + methodName + "\\n\");");
if(cases.size() == 0) {
- cFile.append(" return; }");
+ cFile.println(" return; }");
else {
//clears queue and hashtable that keeps track of where we've been.
- cFile.append(clearQueue + "; " + resetVisitedHashTable + "; \n");
+ cFile.println(clearQueue + "; " + resetVisitedHashTable + ";");
//Casts the ptr to a genericObjectStruct so we can get to the ptr->allocsite field.
- cFile.append("struct genericObjectStruct * ptr = (struct genericObjectStruct *) InVar; if(InVar != NULL) { " + queryVistedHashtable
+ cFile.println("struct genericObjectStruct * ptr = (struct genericObjectStruct *) InVar; if(InVar != NULL) { " + queryVistedHashtable
+ "ptr); do { ");
- cFile.append("switch(ptr->allocsite) { ");
+ cFile.println("switch(ptr->allocsite) { ");
for(AllocSite singleCase: cases.keySet())
- cFile.append(" default : break; ");
- cFile.append("}} while( (ptr = " + dequeueFromQueueInC + ") != NULL); }}");
+ cFile.println(" default : break; ");
+ cFile.println("}} while( (ptr = " + dequeueFromQueueInC + ") != NULL); }}");
assert prefix.equals("ptr") && !cases.containsKey(node.allocSite);
currCase = new StringBuilder();
cases.put(node.allocSite, currCase);
- currCase.append("case " + node.getAllocationSite() + ":\n { ");
+ currCase.append("case " + node.getAllocationSite() + ":\n {\n");
//either currCase is continuing off a parent case or is its own.
assert currCase !=null;
String currPtr = "myPtr" + depth;
String structType = node.original.getType().getSafeSymbol();
- currCase.append(" struct " + structType + " * "+currPtr+"= (struct "+ structType + " * ) " + prefix + "; ");
+ currCase.append(" struct " + structType + " * "+currPtr+"= (struct "+ structType + " * ) " + prefix + ";\n");
//Primitives Test
if(node.hasPrimitiveConflicts()) {
//This will check hashstructure, if cannot continue, add all to waiting queue and break; s
addCheckHashtableAndWaitingQ(currCase, taint, node, currPtr, depth);
- currCase.append(" break; } ");
+ currCase.append(" break; } \n");
String childPtr = currPtr +"->___" + ref.field + "___";
// Checks if the child exists and has allocsite matching the conflict
- currCase.append(" if(" + childPtr + " != NULL && " + childPtr + getAllocSiteInC + "=="
- + ref.allocSite + ") { ");
+ currCase.append(" if(" + childPtr + " != NULL && " + childPtr + getAllocSiteInC + "==" + ref.allocSite + ") { \n");
//Handles Direct Conflicts on child.
//This method will touch the waiting queues if necessary.
addCheckHashtableAndWaitingQ(currCase, taint, ref.child, childPtr, depth);
//Else if we can continue continue.
- currCase.append(" } else { ");
+ currCase.append(" } else {\n");
//If there are no direct conflicts (determined by static + dynamic), finish check
if (ref.child.decendantsConflict() || ref.child.hasPrimitiveConflicts()) {
// Checks if we have visited the child before
- currCase.append(" if(" + queryVistedHashtable + childPtr + ")) { ");
+ currCase.append(" if(" + queryVistedHashtable + childPtr + ")) {\n");
if (ref.child.getNumOfReachableParents() == 1 && !ref.child.isInsetVar) {
addChecker(taint, ref.child, cases, currCase, childPtr, depth + 1);
else {
- currCase.append(" " + addToQueueInC + childPtr + "); ");
+ currCase.append(" " + addToQueueInC + childPtr + ");\n ");
- currCase.append(" } ");
+ currCase.append(" }\n");
//one more brace for the opening if
if(ref.hasDirectObjConflict()) {
- currCase.append(" } ");
+ currCase.append(" }\n");
- currCase.append(" } ");
+ currCase.append(" }\n ");
if((node.isInsetVar && (node.decendantsConflict() || node.hasPrimitiveConflicts())) ||
(node.getNumOfReachableParents() != 1 && node.decendantsConflict()) ||
(node.hasPotentialToBeIncorrectDueToConflict && node.decendantsObjConflict)) {
- currCase.append(" } break; \n");
+ currCase.append(" } break;\n");
private void addCheckHashtableAndWaitingQ(StringBuilder currCase, Taint t, ConcreteRuntimeObjNode node, String ptr, int depth) {
Iterator<ConcreteRuntimeObjNode> it = node.enqueueToWaitingQueueUponConflict.iterator();
- currCase.append("int retval"+depth+" = "+ addCheckFromHashStructure + ptr + ");");
+ currCase.append("int retval"+depth+" = "+ addCheckFromHashStructure + ptr + ");\n");
currCase.append("if(retval"+depth+" == " + conflictButTraverserCannotContinue + " || ");
checkWaitingQueue(currCase, t, node);
- currCase.append(") { \n");
+ currCase.append(") {\n");
//If cannot continue, then add all the undetermined references that lead from this child, including self.
//TODO need waitingQueue Side to automatically check the thing infront of it to prevent double adds.
putIntoWaitingQueue(currCase, t, node, ptr);
sb.append("put("+allocSiteID+", " +
"allHashStructures["+ heaprootNum +"]->waitingQueue, " +
resumePtr + ", " +
- traverserID+");");
+ traverserID+");\n");
//TODO finish waitingQueue side
assert heaprootNum != -1;
int allocSiteID = connectedHRHash.get(taint).getWaitingQueueBucketNum(node);
- sb.append(" (check(" + "allHashStructures["+ heaprootNum +"]->waitingQueue, " + allocSiteID + ") == "+ allocQueueIsNotEmpty+") ");
+ sb.append(" (check(" + "allHashStructures["+ heaprootNum +"]->waitingQueue, " + allocSiteID + ") == "+ allocQueueIsNotEmpty+")");
private void enumerateHeaproots() {