struct blockrecord * blockrecord=&allocationinfo.blocktable[blockindex];
- unsigned INTPTR newusedspace=(unsigned INTPTR)(heaptop-OFFSET2BASEVA(blockindex)-gcbaseva);
- if(blockrecord->usedspace < newusedspace) {
+ unsigned INTPTR newusedspace=heaptop-OFFSET2BASEVA(blockindex)-gcbaseva;
+ if((blockrecord->corenum!=cnum) && (newusedspace==0)) {
+ // In this case, the cnum core just filled up a previous block and returned
+ // the end address of that block which belongs to the following block. We
+ // need to fix up the blockindex to the previous full block. As that block
+ // has been marked as BS_USED already, nothing else is needed here.
+ blockindex--;
+ localblocknum=GLOBALBLOCK2LOCAL(blockindex);
+ blockrecord=&allocationinfo.blocktable[blockindex];
+ } else {
if (blockindex < allocationinfo.lowestfreeblock) {
+ }
- /* This is our own block...means we should mark other blocks above us as free*/
- if (cnum==blockrecord->corenum) {
- unsigned INTPTR nextlocalblocknum=localblocknum+1;
- for(;nextlocalblocknum<numblockspercore;nextlocalblocknum++) {
- unsigned INTPTR blocknum=BLOCKINDEX2(cnum, nextlocalblocknum);
- struct blockrecord * nextblockrecord=&allocationinfo.blocktable[blocknum];
- nextblockrecord->status=BS_FREE;
- nextblockrecord->usedspace=0;
- //this is true because this cannot be the lowest block
- nextblockrecord->freespace=BLOCKSIZE(1);
- }
+ /* This is our own block...means we should mark other blocks above us as free*/
+ if (cnum==blockrecord->corenum) {
+ unsigned INTPTR nextlocalblocknum=localblocknum+1;
+ for(;nextlocalblocknum<numblockspercore;nextlocalblocknum++) {
+ unsigned INTPTR blocknum=BLOCKINDEX2(cnum, nextlocalblocknum);
+ struct blockrecord * nextblockrecord=&allocationinfo.blocktable[blocknum];
+ nextblockrecord->status=BS_FREE;
+ nextblockrecord->usedspace=0;
+ //this is true because this cannot be the lowest block
+ nextblockrecord->freespace=BLOCKSIZE(1);