-private songOptions() {
- // Make sure current selection is in the set
- def options = new LinkedHashSet()
- if (state.selectedSong?.station) {
- options << state.selectedSong.station
- }
- else if (state.selectedSong?.description) {
- // TODO - Remove eventually? 'description' for backward compatibility
- options << state.selectedSong.description
- }
- // Query for recent tracks
- def states = sonos.statesSince("trackData", new Date(0), [max:30])
- def dataMaps = states.collect{it.jsonValue}
- options.addAll(dataMaps.collect{it.station})
- log.trace "${options.size()} songs in list"
- options.take(20) as List
-private saveSelectedSong() {
- try {
- def thisSong = song
- log.info "Looking for $thisSong"
- def songs = sonos.statesSince("trackData", new Date(0), [max:30]).collect{it.jsonValue}
- log.info "Searching ${songs.size()} records"
- def data = songs.find {s -> s.station == thisSong}
- log.info "Found ${data?.station}"
- if (data) {
- state.selectedSong = data
- log.debug "Selected song = $state.selectedSong"
- }
- else if (song == state.selectedSong?.station) {
- log.debug "Selected existing entry '$song', which is no longer in the last 20 list"
- }
- else {
- log.warn "Selected song '$song' not found"
- }
- }
- catch (Throwable t) {
- log.error t
- }
// input "motion", "capability.motionSensor", title: "Motion Here", required: false, multiple: true
// input "contact", "capability.contactSensor", title: "Contact Opens", required: false, multiple: true
// input "contactClosed", "capability.contactSensor", title: "Contact Closes", required: false, multiple: true
+private songOptions() {
+ // Make sure current selection is in the set
+ def options = new LinkedHashSet()
+ if (state.selectedSong?.station) {
+ options << state.selectedSong.station
+ }
+ else if (state.selectedSong?.description) {
+ // TODO - Remove eventually? 'description' for backward compatibility
+ options << state.selectedSong.description
+ }
+ // Query for recent tracks
+ def states = sonos.statesSince("trackData", new Date(0), [max:30])
+ def dataMaps = states.collect{it.jsonValue}
+ options.addAll(dataMaps.collect{it.station})
+ log.trace "${options.size()} songs in list"
+ options.take(20) as List
+private saveSelectedSong() {
+ try {
+ def thisSong = song
+ log.info "Looking for $thisSong"
+ def songs = sonos.statesSince("trackData", new Date(0), [max:30]).collect{it.jsonValue}
+ log.info "Searching ${songs.size()} records"
+ def data = songs.find {s -> s.station == thisSong}
+ log.info "Found ${data?.station}"
+ if (data) {
+ state.selectedSong = data
+ log.debug "Selected song = $state.selectedSong"
+ }
+ else if (song == state.selectedSong?.station) {
+ log.debug "Selected existing entry '$song', which is no longer in the last 20 list"
+ }
+ else {
+ log.warn "Selected song '$song' not found"
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Throwable t) {
+ log.error t
+ }
private anythingSet() {
for (name in ["motion","contact","contactClosed","acceleration","mySwitch","mySwitchOff","arrivalPresence","departurePresence","smoke","water","button1","timeOfDay","triggerModes","timeOfDay"]) {
if (settings[name]) {