LocalityAnalysis locality;
TypeAnalysis typeanalysis;
GlobalFieldType gft;
+ DiscoverConflicts dcopts;
- public DelayComputation(LocalityAnalysis locality, State state, TypeAnalysis typeanalysis, GlobalFieldType gft) {
+ public DelayComputation(LocalityAnalysis locality, State state, TypeAnalysis typeanalysis, GlobalFieldType gft, DiscoverConflicts dcopts) {
+ this.dcopts=dcopts;
public void doAnalysis() {
public void analyzeMethod(LocalityBinding lb) {
MethodDescriptor md=lb.getMethod();
FlatMethod fm=state.getMethodFlat(md);
+ System.out.println("Analyzing "+md);
HashSet<FlatNode> cannotdelay=new HashSet<FlatNode>();
Hashtable<FlatNode, Integer> atomictable=locality.getAtomic(lb);
if (lb.isAtomic()) {
/* Do we read from arrays */
if (fn.kind()==FKind.FlatElementNode) {
//have to do expansion
- nodelayarrayrdset.addAll(typeanalysis.expand(((FlatSetElementNode)fn).getSrc().getType()));
+ nodelayarrayrdset.addAll(typeanalysis.expand(((FlatElementNode)fn).getSrc().getType()));
+ }
+ } else {
+ //Need to know which objects to lock on
+ switch(fn.kind()) {
+ case FKind.FlatSetFieldNode: {
+ FlatSetFieldNode fsfn=(FlatSetFieldNode)fn;
+ nodelaytempset.add(fsfn.getDst());
+ break;
+ }
+ case FKind.FlatSetElementNode: {
+ FlatSetElementNode fsen=(FlatSetElementNode)fn;
+ nodelaytempset.add(fsen.getDst());
+ break;
+ }
+ case FKind.FlatFieldNode: {
+ FlatFieldNode ffn=(FlatFieldNode)fn;
+ nodelaytempset.add(ffn.getSrc());
+ break;
+ }
+ case FKind.FlatElementNode: {
+ FlatElementNode fen=(FlatElementNode)fn;
+ nodelaytempset.add(fen.getSrc());
+ break;
+ }
if (changed)
for(int i=0;i<fn.numPrev();i++)
- } //end of while loop
+ }//end of while loop
+ HashSet<FlatNode> notreadyset=computeNotReadySet(lb, cannotdelay);
+ HashSet<FlatNode> atomicset=new HashSet<FlatNode>();
+ for(Iterator<FlatNode> fnit=fm.getNodeSet().iterator();fnit.hasNext();) {
+ FlatNode fn=fnit.next();
+ boolean isatomic=atomictable.get(fn).intValue()>0;
+ if (isatomic)
+ atomicset.add(fn);
+ }
+ atomicset.removeAll(notreadyset);
+ atomicset.removeAll(cannotdelay);
+ System.out.println("-----------------------------------------------------");
+ System.out.println(md);
+ System.out.println("Cannot delay set:"+cannotdelay);
+ System.out.println("Not ready set:"+notreadyset);
+ System.out.println("Other:"+atomicset);
+ //We now have:
+ //(1) Cannot delay set -- stuff that must be done before commit
+ //(2) Not ready set -- stuff that must wait until commit
+ //(3) everything else -- stuff that should be done before commit
} //end of method
+ public HashSet<FlatNode> computeNotReadySet(LocalityBinding lb, HashSet<FlatNode> cannotdelay) {
+ //You are in not ready set if:
+ //I. You read a not ready temp
+ //II. You read a field or element and both (A) you are not in the
+ //cannot delay set and (B) you do a transactional access to object
+ MethodDescriptor md=lb.getMethod();
+ FlatMethod fm=state.getMethodFlat(md);
+ Hashtable<FlatNode, Integer> atomictable=locality.getAtomic(lb);
+ HashSet<FlatNode> notreadynodes=new HashSet<FlatNode>();
+ HashSet<FlatNode> toanalyze=new HashSet<FlatNode>();
+ toanalyze.addAll(fm.getNodeSet());
+ Hashtable<FlatNode, HashSet<TempDescriptor>> notreadymap=new Hashtable<FlatNode, HashSet<TempDescriptor>>();
+ while(!toanalyze.isEmpty()) {
+ FlatNode fn=toanalyze.iterator().next();
+ toanalyze.remove(fn);
+ boolean isatomic=atomictable.get(fn).intValue()>0;
+ if (!isatomic)
+ continue;
+ //Compute initial notready set
+ HashSet<TempDescriptor> notreadyset=new HashSet<TempDescriptor>();
+ for(int i=0;i<fn.numPrev();i++) {
+ if (notreadymap.containsKey(fn.getPrev(i)))
+ notreadyset.addAll(notreadymap.get(fn.getPrev(i)));
+ }
+ //Are we ready
+ boolean notready=false;
+ //Test our read set first
+ TempDescriptor readset[]=fn.readsTemps();
+ for(int i=0;i<readset.length;i++) {
+ TempDescriptor tmp=readset[i];
+ if (notreadyset.contains(tmp)) {
+ notready=true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!notready&&!cannotdelay.contains(fn)&&
+ (fn.kind()==FKind.FlatFieldNode||fn.kind()==FKind.FlatElementNode)&&
+ dcopts.getNeedTrans(lb, fn)) {
+ notready=true;
+ }
+ //Fix up things based on our status
+ if (notready) {
+ //add us to the list
+ notreadynodes.add(fn);
+ //Add our writes
+ TempDescriptor writeset[]=fn.writesTemps();
+ for(int i=0;i<writeset.length;i++) {
+ TempDescriptor tmp=writeset[i];
+ notreadyset.add(tmp);
+ }
+ } else {
+ //Kill our writes
+ TempDescriptor writeset[]=fn.writesTemps();
+ for(int i=0;i<writeset.length;i++) {
+ TempDescriptor tmp=writeset[i];
+ notreadyset.remove(tmp);
+ }
+ }
+ //See if we need to propagate changes
+ if (!notreadymap.containsKey(fn)||
+ !notreadymap.get(fn).equals(notreadyset)) {
+ notreadymap.put(fn, notreadyset);
+ for(int i=0;i<fn.numNext();i++)
+ toanalyze.add(fn.getNext(i));
+ }
+ } //end of while
+ return notreadynodes;
+ } //end of computeNotReadySet
} //end of class
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