// for reach propagation
if( !cs.isEmpty() ) {
- edgePlannedChanges.put(
- edgeExisting,
- Canonical.union( edgePlannedChanges.get( edgeExisting ),
- cs
- )
+ ChangeSet csExisting = edgePlannedChanges.get( edgeExisting );
+ if( csExisting == null ) {
+ csExisting = ChangeSet.factory();
+ }
+ edgePlannedChanges.put( edgeExisting,
+ Canonical.union( csExisting,
+ cs
+ )
if( rtOld.isOutOfContext() ) {
B = boldBooc.get( rtOld.getHrnID() );
} else {
+ if( !id2hrn.containsKey( rtOld.getHrnID() ) ) {
+ System.out.println( "\nLooking for "+rtOld );
+ try {
+ writeGraph( "dbgz", true, true, true, true, true );
+ } catch( IOException e ) {}
+ }
assert id2hrn.containsKey( rtOld.getHrnID() );
B = boldBic.get( rtOld.getHrnID() );
- public Set<HeapRegionNode> findCommonReachableNodes(HeapRegionNode hrn1,
- HeapRegionNode hrn2) {
- Set<HeapRegionNode> reachableNodes1 = new HashSet<HeapRegionNode>();
- Set<HeapRegionNode> reachableNodes2 = new HashSet<HeapRegionNode>();
- Set<HeapRegionNode> todoNodes1 = new HashSet<HeapRegionNode>();
- todoNodes1.add(hrn1);
- Set<HeapRegionNode> todoNodes2 = new HashSet<HeapRegionNode>();
- todoNodes2.add(hrn2);
- // follow links until all reachable nodes have been found
- while (!todoNodes1.isEmpty()) {
- HeapRegionNode hrn = todoNodes1.iterator().next();
- todoNodes1.remove(hrn);
- reachableNodes1.add(hrn);
+ public Set<HeapRegionNode> findCommonReachableNodes( ReachSet proofOfSharing ) {
+ Set<HeapRegionNode> exhibitProofState =
+ new HashSet<HeapRegionNode>();
+ Iterator hrnItr = id2hrn.entrySet().iterator();
+ while( hrnItr.hasNext() ) {
+ Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry) hrnItr.next();
+ HeapRegionNode hrn = (HeapRegionNode) me.getValue();
+ ReachSet intersection =
+ Canonical.intersection( proofOfSharing,
+ hrn.getAlpha()
+ );
+ if( !intersection.isEmpty() ) {
+ assert !hrn.isOutOfContext();
+ exhibitProofState.add( hrn );
+ }
+ }
+ return exhibitProofState;
+ }
+ public Set<HeapRegionNode> mayReachSharedObjects(HeapRegionNode hrn1,
+ HeapRegionNode hrn2) {
+ assert hrn1 != null;
+ assert hrn2 != null;
+ assert !hrn1.isOutOfContext();
+ assert !hrn2.isOutOfContext();
- Iterator<RefEdge> edgeItr = hrn.iteratorToReferencees();
- while (edgeItr.hasNext()) {
- RefEdge edge = edgeItr.next();
+ assert belongsToThis( hrn1 );
+ assert belongsToThis( hrn2 );
- if (!reachableNodes1.contains(edge.getDst())) {
- todoNodes1.add(edge.getDst());
- }
- }
- }
+ assert !hrn1.getID().equals( hrn2.getID() );
- while (!todoNodes2.isEmpty()) {
- HeapRegionNode hrn = todoNodes2.iterator().next();
- todoNodes2.remove(hrn);
- reachableNodes2.add(hrn);
- Iterator<RefEdge> edgeItr = hrn.iteratorToReferencees();
- while (edgeItr.hasNext()) {
- RefEdge edge = edgeItr.next();
+ // then get the various tokens for these heap regions
+ ReachTuple h1 =
+ ReachTuple.factory( hrn1.getID(),
+ !hrn1.isSingleObject(), // multi?
+ ReachTuple.ARITY_ONE,
+ false ); // ooc?
+ ReachTuple h1star =
+ ReachTuple.factory( hrn1.getID(),
+ !hrn1.isSingleObject(),
+ false );
+ ReachTuple h2 =
+ ReachTuple.factory( hrn2.getID(),
+ !hrn2.isSingleObject(),
+ ReachTuple.ARITY_ONE,
+ false );
+ ReachTuple h2star =
+ ReachTuple.factory( hrn2.getID(),
+ !hrn2.isSingleObject(),
+ false );
+ // then get the merged beta of all out-going edges from these heap
+ // regions
+ ReachSet beta1 = ReachSet.factory();
+ Iterator<RefEdge> itrEdge = hrn1.iteratorToReferencees();
+ while (itrEdge.hasNext()) {
+ RefEdge edge = itrEdge.next();
+ beta1 = Canonical.unionORpreds(beta1, edge.getBeta());
+ }
- if (!reachableNodes2.contains(edge.getDst())) {
- todoNodes2.add(edge.getDst());
- }
- }
- }
+ ReachSet beta2 = ReachSet.factory();
+ itrEdge = hrn2.iteratorToReferencees();
+ while (itrEdge.hasNext()) {
+ RefEdge edge = itrEdge.next();
+ beta2 = Canonical.unionORpreds(beta2, edge.getBeta());
+ }
- Set<HeapRegionNode> intersection =
- new HashSet<HeapRegionNode>( reachableNodes1 );
+ ReachSet proofOfSharing = ReachSet.factory();
- intersection.retainAll( reachableNodes2 );
+ proofOfSharing =
+ Canonical.unionORpreds( proofOfSharing,
+ beta1.getStatesWithBoth( h1, h2 )
+ );
+ proofOfSharing =
+ Canonical.unionORpreds( proofOfSharing,
+ beta1.getStatesWithBoth( h1star, h2 )
+ );
+ proofOfSharing =
+ Canonical.unionORpreds( proofOfSharing,
+ beta1.getStatesWithBoth( h1, h2star )
+ );
+ proofOfSharing =
+ Canonical.unionORpreds( proofOfSharing,
+ beta1.getStatesWithBoth( h1star, h2star )
+ );
- return intersection;
- }
- public Set<HeapRegionNode> mayReachSharedObjects(HeapRegionNode hrn1,
- HeapRegionNode hrn2) {
- assert hrn1 != null;
- assert hrn2 != null;
- // then get the various tokens for these heap regions
- ReachTuple h1 = ReachTuple.factory(hrn1.getID(),
- !hrn1.isSingleObject(), ReachTuple.ARITY_ONE, false);
- int arity;
- if(hrn1.isSingleObject){
- arity=ReachTuple.ARITY_ONE;
- }else{
- arity=ReachTuple.ARITY_ZEROORMORE;
- }
- ReachTuple h1star = ReachTuple.factory(hrn1.getID(), !hrn1
- .isSingleObject(), arity, false);
- ReachTuple h2 = ReachTuple.factory(hrn2.getID(),
- !hrn2.isSingleObject(), ReachTuple.ARITY_ONE, false);
- if(hrn2.isSingleObject){
- arity=ReachTuple.ARITY_ONE;
- }else{
- arity=ReachTuple.ARITY_ZEROORMORE;
- }
- ReachTuple h2star = ReachTuple.factory(hrn2.getID(), !hrn2
- .isSingleObject(), arity, false);
- // then get the merged beta of all out-going edges from these heap
- // regions
- ReachSet beta1 = ReachSet.factory();
- Iterator<RefEdge> itrEdge = hrn1.iteratorToReferencees();
- while (itrEdge.hasNext()) {
- RefEdge edge = itrEdge.next();
- beta1 = Canonical.unionORpreds(beta1, edge.getBeta());
- }
- ReachSet beta2 = ReachSet.factory();
- itrEdge = hrn2.iteratorToReferencees();
- while (itrEdge.hasNext()) {
- RefEdge edge = itrEdge.next();
- beta2 = Canonical.unionORpreds(beta2, edge.getBeta());
- }
- boolean aliasDetected = false;
- // only do this one if they are different tokens
- if (h1 != h2 && beta1.containsStateWithBoth(h1, h2)) {
- aliasDetected = true;
- }
-// if (beta1.containsStateWithBoth(h1plus, h2)) {
-// aliasDetected = true;
-// }
- if (beta1.containsStateWithBoth(h1star, h2)) {
- aliasDetected = true;
- }
-// if (beta1.containsStateWithBoth(h1, h2plus)) {
-// aliasDetected = true;
-// }
-// if (beta1.containsStateWithBoth(h1plus, h2plus)) {
-// aliasDetected = true;
-// }
-// if (beta1.containsStateWithBoth(h1star, h2plus)) {
-// aliasDetected = true;
-// }
- if (beta1.containsStateWithBoth(h1, h2star)) {
- aliasDetected = true;
- }
-// if (beta1.containsStateWithBoth(h1plus, h2star)) {
-// aliasDetected = true;
-// }
- if (beta1.containsStateWithBoth(h1star, h2star)) {
- aliasDetected = true;
- }
- if (h1 != h2 && beta2.containsStateWithBoth(h1, h2)) {
- aliasDetected = true;
- }
-// if (beta2.containsStateWithBoth(h1plus, h2)) {
-// aliasDetected = true;
-// }
- if (beta2.containsStateWithBoth(h1star, h2)) {
- aliasDetected = true;
- }
-// if (beta2.containsStateWithBoth(h1, h2plus)) {
-// aliasDetected = true;
-// }
-// if (beta2.containsStateWithBoth(h1plus, h2plus)) {
-// aliasDetected = true;
-// }
-// if (beta2.containsStateWithBoth(h1star, h2plus)) {
-// aliasDetected = true;
-// }
- if (beta2.containsStateWithBoth(h1, h2star)) {
- aliasDetected = true;
- }
-// if (beta2.containsStateWithBoth(h1plus, h2star)) {
-// aliasDetected = true;
-// }
- if (beta2.containsStateWithBoth(h1star, h2star)) {
- aliasDetected = true;
- }
- Set<HeapRegionNode> common = new HashSet<HeapRegionNode>();
- if (aliasDetected) {
- common = findCommonReachableNodes(hrn1, hrn2);
- assert !common.isEmpty();
- }
- }
- return common;
- }
+ proofOfSharing =
+ Canonical.unionORpreds( proofOfSharing,
+ beta2.getStatesWithBoth( h1, h2 )
+ );
+ proofOfSharing =
+ Canonical.unionORpreds( proofOfSharing,
+ beta2.getStatesWithBoth( h1star, h2 )
+ );
+ proofOfSharing =
+ Canonical.unionORpreds( proofOfSharing,
+ beta2.getStatesWithBoth( h1, h2star )
+ );
+ proofOfSharing =
+ Canonical.unionORpreds( proofOfSharing,
+ beta2.getStatesWithBoth( h1star, h2star )
+ );
+ Set<HeapRegionNode> common = new HashSet<HeapRegionNode>();
+ if( !proofOfSharing.isEmpty() ) {
+ common = findCommonReachableNodes( proofOfSharing );
+ ) {
+ assert !common.isEmpty();
+ }
+ }
+ return common;
+ }
- public Set<HeapRegionNode> mayReachSharedObjects(FlatMethod fm,
- Integer paramIndex1, Integer paramIndex2) {
- // get parameter's heap regions
- TempDescriptor paramTemp1 = fm.getParameter(paramIndex1.intValue());
- VariableNode argVar1 = getVariableNodeFromTemp(paramTemp1);
- RefEdge argEdge1 = argVar1.iteratorToReferencees().next();
- HeapRegionNode hrnParam1 = argEdge1.getDst();
+ public Set<HeapRegionNode> mayReachSharedObjects(FlatMethod fm,
+ Integer paramIndex1,
+ Integer paramIndex2) {
- TempDescriptor paramTemp2 = fm.getParameter(paramIndex2.intValue());
- VariableNode argVar2 = getVariableNodeFromTemp(paramTemp2);
- RefEdge argEdge2 = argVar2.iteratorToReferencees().next();
- HeapRegionNode hrnParam2 = argEdge2.getDst();
+ // get parameter's heap regions
+ TempDescriptor paramTemp1 = fm.getParameter(paramIndex1.intValue());
+ VariableNode paramVar1 = getVariableNodeFromTemp(paramTemp1);
+ assert paramVar1.getNumReferencees() == 1;
+ RefEdge paramEdge1 = paramVar1.iteratorToReferencees().next();
+ HeapRegionNode hrnParam1 = paramEdge1.getDst();
- Set<HeapRegionNode> common = new HashSet<HeapRegionNode>();
- common.addAll(mayReachSharedObjects(hrnParam1, hrnParam2));
+ TempDescriptor paramTemp2 = fm.getParameter(paramIndex2.intValue());
+ VariableNode paramVar2 = getVariableNodeFromTemp(paramTemp2);
+ assert paramVar2.getNumReferencees() == 1;
+ RefEdge paramEdge2 = paramVar2.iteratorToReferencees().next();
+ HeapRegionNode hrnParam2 = paramEdge2.getDst();
- return common;
- }
+ Set<HeapRegionNode> common = new HashSet<HeapRegionNode>();
+ common.addAll(mayReachSharedObjects(hrnParam1, hrnParam2));
- public Set<HeapRegionNode> mayReachSharedObjects(FlatMethod fm,
- Integer paramIndex, AllocSite as) {
+ return common;
+ }
- // get parameter's heap regions
- TempDescriptor paramTemp = fm.getParameter(paramIndex.intValue());
- VariableNode argVar = getVariableNodeFromTemp(paramTemp);
- RefEdge argEdge = argVar.iteratorToReferencees().next();
- HeapRegionNode hrnParam = argEdge.getDst();
+ public Set<HeapRegionNode> mayReachSharedObjects(FlatMethod fm,
+ Integer paramIndex,
+ AllocSite as) {
+ // get parameter's heap regions
+ TempDescriptor paramTemp = fm.getParameter(paramIndex.intValue());
+ VariableNode paramVar = getVariableNodeFromTemp(paramTemp);
+ assert paramVar.getNumReferencees() == 1;
+ RefEdge paramEdge = paramVar.iteratorToReferencees().next();
+ HeapRegionNode hrnParam = paramEdge.getDst();
+ // get summary node
+ HeapRegionNode hrnSummary=null;
+ if(id2hrn.containsKey(as.getSummary())){
+ // if summary node doesn't exist, ignore this case
+ hrnSummary = id2hrn.get(as.getSummary());
+ assert hrnSummary != null;
+ }
- // get summary node
- HeapRegionNode hrnSummary=null;
- if(id2hrn.containsKey(as.getSummary())){
- // if summary node doesn't exist, ignore this case
- hrnSummary = id2hrn.get(as.getSummary());
- assert hrnSummary != null;
- }
+ Set<HeapRegionNode> common = new HashSet<HeapRegionNode>();
+ if(hrnSummary!=null){
+ common.addAll( mayReachSharedObjects(hrnParam, hrnSummary) );
+ }
- Set<HeapRegionNode> common = new HashSet<HeapRegionNode>();
- if(hrnSummary!=null){
- common.addAll( mayReachSharedObjects(hrnParam, hrnSummary) );
- }
+ // check for other nodes
+ for (int i = 0; i < as.getAllocationDepth(); ++i) {
- // check for other nodes
- for (int i = 0; i < as.getAllocationDepth(); ++i) {
+ assert id2hrn.containsKey(as.getIthOldest(i));
+ HeapRegionNode hrnIthOldest = id2hrn.get(as.getIthOldest(i));
+ assert hrnIthOldest != null;
- assert id2hrn.containsKey(as.getIthOldest(i));
- HeapRegionNode hrnIthOldest = id2hrn.get(as.getIthOldest(i));
- assert hrnIthOldest != null;
+ common.addAll(mayReachSharedObjects(hrnParam, hrnIthOldest));
- common.addAll(mayReachSharedObjects(hrnParam, hrnIthOldest));
+ }
- }
+ return common;
+ }
- return common;
- }
+ public Set<HeapRegionNode> mayReachSharedObjects(AllocSite as1,
+ AllocSite as2) {
+ // get summary node 1's alpha
+ Integer idSum1 = as1.getSummary();
+ HeapRegionNode hrnSum1=null;
+ if(id2hrn.containsKey(idSum1)){
+ hrnSum1 = id2hrn.get(idSum1);
+ }
- public Set<HeapRegionNode> mayReachSharedObjects(AllocSite as1,
- AllocSite as2) {
- // get summary node 1's alpha
- Integer idSum1 = as1.getSummary();
- HeapRegionNode hrnSum1=null;
- if(id2hrn.containsKey(idSum1)){
- hrnSum1 = id2hrn.get(idSum1);
- }
- // get summary node 2's alpha
- Integer idSum2 = as2.getSummary();
- HeapRegionNode hrnSum2=null;
- if(id2hrn.containsKey(idSum2)){
- hrnSum2 = id2hrn.get(idSum2);
- }
+ // get summary node 2's alpha
+ Integer idSum2 = as2.getSummary();
+ HeapRegionNode hrnSum2=null;
+ if(id2hrn.containsKey(idSum2)){
+ hrnSum2 = id2hrn.get(idSum2);
+ }
- Set<HeapRegionNode> common = new HashSet<HeapRegionNode>();
- if(hrnSum1!=null && hrnSum2!=null){
- common.addAll(mayReachSharedObjects(hrnSum1, hrnSum2));
- }
- // check sum2 against alloc1 nodes
- if(hrnSum2!=null){
- for (int i = 0; i < as1.getAllocationDepth(); ++i) {
- Integer idI1 = as1.getIthOldest(i);
- assert id2hrn.containsKey(idI1);
- HeapRegionNode hrnI1 = id2hrn.get(idI1);
- assert hrnI1 != null;
- common.addAll(mayReachSharedObjects(hrnI1, hrnSum2));
- }
- }
- // check sum1 against alloc2 nodes
- for (int i = 0; i < as2.getAllocationDepth(); ++i) {
- Integer idI2 = as2.getIthOldest(i);
- assert id2hrn.containsKey(idI2);
- HeapRegionNode hrnI2 = id2hrn.get(idI2);
- assert hrnI2 != null;
- if(hrnSum1!=null){
- common.addAll(mayReachSharedObjects(hrnSum1, hrnI2));
- }
- // while we're at it, do an inner loop for alloc2 vs alloc1 nodes
- for (int j = 0; j < as1.getAllocationDepth(); ++j) {
- Integer idI1 = as1.getIthOldest(j);
- // if these are the same site, don't look for the same token, no
- // alias.
- // different tokens of the same site could alias together though
- if (idI1.equals(idI2)) {
- continue;
- }
- HeapRegionNode hrnI1 = id2hrn.get(idI1);
- common.addAll(mayReachSharedObjects(hrnI1, hrnI2));
- }
- }
- return common;
- }
+ Set<HeapRegionNode> common = new HashSet<HeapRegionNode>();
+ if(hrnSum1!=null && hrnSum2!=null){
+ common.addAll(mayReachSharedObjects(hrnSum1, hrnSum2));
+ }
+ // check sum2 against alloc1 nodes
+ if(hrnSum2!=null){
+ for (int i = 0; i < as1.getAllocationDepth(); ++i) {
+ Integer idI1 = as1.getIthOldest(i);
+ assert id2hrn.containsKey(idI1);
+ HeapRegionNode hrnI1 = id2hrn.get(idI1);
+ assert hrnI1 != null;
+ common.addAll(mayReachSharedObjects(hrnI1, hrnSum2));
+ }
+ }
+ // check sum1 against alloc2 nodes
+ for (int i = 0; i < as2.getAllocationDepth(); ++i) {
+ Integer idI2 = as2.getIthOldest(i);
+ assert id2hrn.containsKey(idI2);
+ HeapRegionNode hrnI2 = id2hrn.get(idI2);
+ assert hrnI2 != null;
+ if(hrnSum1!=null){
+ common.addAll(mayReachSharedObjects(hrnSum1, hrnI2));
+ }
+ // while we're at it, do an inner loop for alloc2 vs alloc1 nodes
+ for (int j = 0; j < as1.getAllocationDepth(); ++j) {
+ Integer idI1 = as1.getIthOldest(j);
+ // if these are the same site, don't look for the same token, no
+ // alias.
+ // different tokens of the same site could alias together though
+ if (idI1.equals(idI2)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ HeapRegionNode hrnI1 = id2hrn.get(idI1);
+ common.addAll(mayReachSharedObjects(hrnI1, hrnI2));
+ }
+ }
+ return common;
+ }