#include <string>
#include <vector>
-#include <folly/Conv.h>
+#include <folly/Format.h>
#include <folly/String.h>
#include <folly/detail/IPAddressSource.h>
if (elemCount == 0 || // weird invalid string
elemCount > 2) { // invalid string (IP/CIDR/extras)
- throw IPAddressFormatException(to<std::string>(
- "Invalid ipSlashCidr specified. ",
- "Expected IP/CIDR format, got ",
- "'",
- ipSlashCidr,
- "'"));
+ throw IPAddressFormatException(sformat(
+ "Invalid ipSlashCidr specified. Expected IP/CIDR format, got '{}'",
+ ipSlashCidr));
IPAddress subnet(vec.at(0));
auto cidr =
cidr = to<uint8_t>(vec.at(1));
} catch (...) {
throw IPAddressFormatException(
- to<std::string>("Mask value ", "'", vec.at(1), "' not a valid mask"));
+ sformat("Mask value '{}' not a valid mask", vec.at(1)));
if (cidr > subnet.bitCount()) {
- throw IPAddressFormatException(to<std::string>(
- "CIDR value '",
+ throw IPAddressFormatException(sformat(
+ "CIDR value '{}' is > network bit count '{}'",
- "' ",
- "is > network bit count ",
- "'",
- subnet.bitCount(),
- "'"));
+ subnet.bitCount()));
return std::make_pair(applyMask ? subnet.mask(cidr) : subnet, cidr);
// public static
std::string IPAddress::networkToString(const CIDRNetwork& network) {
- return network.first.str() + "/" + folly::to<std::string>(network.second);
+ return sformat("{}/{}", network.first.str(), network.second);
// public static
} else {
string hexval = detail::Bytes::toHex(bytes.data(), bytes.size());
throw IPAddressFormatException(
- to<std::string>("Invalid address with hex value ", "'", hexval, "'"));
+ sformat("Invalid address with hex value '{}'", hexval));
string ip = addr.str(); // inet_pton() needs NUL-terminated string
auto throwFormatException = [&](const string& msg) {
- throw IPAddressFormatException(
- to<std::string>("Invalid IP '", ip, "': ", msg));
+ throw IPAddressFormatException(sformat("Invalid IP '{}': {}", ip, msg));
if (ip.size() < 2) {
uint8_t IPAddress::getNthMSByte(size_t byteIndex) const {
const auto highestIndex = byteCount() - 1;
if (byteIndex > highestIndex) {
- throw std::invalid_argument(to<string>("Byte index must be <= ",
- to<string>(highestIndex), " for addresses of type :",
+ throw std::invalid_argument(sformat(
+ "Byte index must be <= {} for addresses of type: {}",
+ highestIndex,
if (isV4()) {
IPAddress::longestCommonPrefix(const CIDRNetwork& one, const CIDRNetwork& two) {
if (one.first.family() != two.first.family()) {
- throw std::invalid_argument(to<string>("Can't compute "
- "longest common prefix between addresses of different families. "
- "Passed: ", detail::familyNameStr(one.first.family()), " and ",
- detail::familyNameStr(two.first.family())));
+ throw std::invalid_argument(sformat(
+ "Can't compute longest common prefix between addresses of different"
+ "families. Passed: {} and {}",
+ detail::familyNameStr(one.first.family()),
+ detail::familyNameStr(two.first.family())));
if (one.first.isV4()) {
auto prefix = IPAddressV4::longestCommonPrefix(
[[noreturn]] void IPAddress::asV4Throw() const {
auto fam = detail::familyNameStr(family());
- throw InvalidAddressFamilyException(to<std::string>(
- "Can't convert address with family ", fam, " to AF_INET address"));
+ throw InvalidAddressFamilyException(
+ sformat("Can't convert address with family {} to AF_INET address", fam));
[[noreturn]] void IPAddress::asV6Throw() const {
auto fam = detail::familyNameStr(family());
- throw InvalidAddressFamilyException(to<std::string>(
- "Can't convert address with family ", fam, " to AF_INET6 address"));
+ throw InvalidAddressFamilyException(
+ sformat("Can't convert address with family {} to AF_INET6 address", fam));
} // namespace folly
in_addr addr;
if (inet_pton(AF_INET, str.c_str(), &addr) != 1) {
throw IPAddressFormatException(
- to<std::string>("Can't convert invalid IP '", ip, "' ", "to long"));
+ sformat("Can't convert invalid IP '{}' to long", ip));
return addr.s_addr;
auto ip = addr.str();
if (inet_pton(AF_INET, ip.c_str(), &addr_.inAddr_) != 1) {
- throw IPAddressFormatException(
- to<std::string>("Invalid IPv4 address '", addr, "'"));
+ throw IPAddressFormatException(sformat("Invalid IPv4 address '{}'", addr));
// public
void IPAddressV4::setFromBinary(ByteRange bytes) {
if (bytes.size() != 4) {
- throw IPAddressFormatException(to<std::string>(
- "Invalid IPv4 binary data: length must ",
- "be 4 bytes, got ",
+ throw IPAddressFormatException(sformat(
+ "Invalid IPv4 binary data: length must be 4 bytes, got {}",
memcpy(&addr_.inAddr_.s_addr, bytes.data(), sizeof(in_addr));
// public
string IPAddressV4::toJson() const {
- return format(
- "{{family:'AF_INET', addr:'{}', hash:{}}}", str(), hash()).str();
+ return sformat("{{family:'AF_INET', addr:'{}', hash:{}}}", str(), hash());
// public
auto subnetInfo = IPAddress::createNetwork(cidrNetwork);
auto addr = subnetInfo.first;
if (!addr.isV4()) {
- throw IPAddressFormatException(to<std::string>(
- "Address '", addr.toJson(), "' ", "is not a V4 address"));
+ throw IPAddressFormatException(
+ sformat("Address '{}' is not a V4 address", addr.toJson()));
return inSubnetWithMask(addr.asV4(), fetchMask(subnetInfo.second));
static const auto bits = bitCount();
if (numBits > bits) {
throw IPAddressFormatException(
- to<std::string>("numBits(", numBits, ") > bitsCount(", bits, ")"));
+ sformat("numBits({}) > bitsCount({})", numBits, bits));
ByteArray4 ba = detail::Bytes::mask(fetchMask(numBits), addr_.bytes_);
uint8_t IPAddressV4::getNthMSByte(size_t byteIndex) const {
const auto highestIndex = byteCount() - 1;
if (byteIndex > highestIndex) {
- throw std::invalid_argument(to<string>("Byte index must be <= ",
- to<string>(highestIndex), " for addresses of type :",
+ throw std::invalid_argument(sformat(
+ "Byte index must be <= {} for addresses of type: {}",
+ highestIndex,
return bytes()[byteIndex];
const ByteArray4 IPAddressV4::fetchMask(size_t numBits) {
static const size_t bits = bitCount();
if (numBits > bits) {
- throw IPAddressFormatException(
- to<std::string>("IPv4 addresses are 32 bits"));
+ throw IPAddressFormatException("IPv4 addresses are 32 bits");
auto const val = Endian::big(uint32_t(~uint64_t(0) << (32 - numBits)));
ByteArray4 arr;
// Allow addresses surrounded in brackets
if (ip.size() < 2) {
throw IPAddressFormatException(
- to<std::string>("Invalid IPv6 address '", ip, "': address too short"));
+ sformat("Invalid IPv6 address '{}': address too short", ip));
if (ip.front() == '[' && ip.back() == ']') {
ip = ip.substr(1, ip.size() - 2);
scope_ = uint16_t(ipAddr->sin6_scope_id);
} else {
- throw IPAddressFormatException(
- to<std::string>("Invalid IPv6 address '", ip, "'"));
+ throw IPAddressFormatException(sformat("Invalid IPv6 address '{}'", ip));
void IPAddressV6::setFromBinary(ByteRange bytes) {
if (bytes.size() != 16) {
- throw IPAddressFormatException(to<std::string>(
- "Invalid IPv6 binary data: length must ",
- "be 16 bytes, got ",
+ throw IPAddressFormatException(sformat(
+ "Invalid IPv6 binary data: length must be 16 bytes, got {}",
memcpy(&addr_.in6Addr_.s6_addr, bytes.data(), sizeof(in6_addr));
// public
IPAddressV4 IPAddressV6::getIPv4For6To4() const {
if (!is6To4()) {
- throw IPAddressV6::TypeError(format(
- "Invalid IP '{}': not a 6to4 address", str()).str());
+ throw IPAddressV6::TypeError(
+ sformat("Invalid IP '{}': not a 6to4 address", str()));
// convert 16x8 bytes into first 4x16 bytes
uint16_t ints[4] = {0,0,0,0};
// public
string IPAddressV6::toJson() const {
- return format(
- "{{family:'AF_INET6', addr:'{}', hash:{}}}", str(), hash()).str();
+ return sformat("{{family:'AF_INET6', addr:'{}', hash:{}}}", str(), hash());
// public
auto subnetInfo = IPAddress::createNetwork(cidrNetwork);
auto addr = subnetInfo.first;
if (!addr.isV6()) {
- throw IPAddressFormatException(to<std::string>(
- "Address '", addr.toJson(), "' ", "is not a V6 address"));
+ throw IPAddressFormatException(
+ sformat("Address '{}' is not a V6 address", addr.toJson()));
return inSubnetWithMask(addr.asV6(), fetchMask(subnetInfo.second));
static const auto bits = bitCount();
if (numBits > bits) {
throw IPAddressFormatException(
- to<std::string>("numBits(", numBits, ") > bitCount(", bits, ")"));
+ sformat("numBits({}) > bitCount({})", numBits, bits));
ByteArray16 ba = detail::Bytes::mask(fetchMask(numBits), addr_.bytes_);
return IPAddressV6(ba);
char buffer[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN + IFNAMSIZ + 1];
if (!inet_ntop(AF_INET6, toAddr().s6_addr, buffer, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN)) {
- throw IPAddressFormatException(to<std::string>(
- "Invalid address with hex ",
- "'",
+ throw IPAddressFormatException(sformat(
+ "Invalid address with hex '{}' with error {}",
detail::Bytes::toHex(bytes(), 16),
- "'",
- " with error ",
uint8_t IPAddressV6::getNthMSByte(size_t byteIndex) const {
const auto highestIndex = byteCount() - 1;
if (byteIndex > highestIndex) {
- throw std::invalid_argument(to<string>("Byte index must be <= ",
- to<string>(highestIndex), " for addresses of type :",
+ throw std::invalid_argument(sformat(
+ "Byte index must be <= {} for addresses of type: {}",
+ highestIndex,
return bytes()[byteIndex];
#include <ostream>
#include <folly/Exception.h>
+#include <folly/Format.h>
#include <folly/IPAddressV6.h>
#include <folly/String.h>
auto p = str.begin();
for (unsigned int byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < SIZE; ++byteIndex) {
if (p == str.end()) {
- throw invalid_argument(to<string>("invalid MAC address \"", str,
- "\": not enough digits"));
+ throw invalid_argument(
+ sformat("invalid MAC address '{}': not enough digits", str));
// Skip over ':' or '-' separators between bytes
if (byteIndex != 0 && isSeparatorChar(*p)) {
if (p == str.end()) {
- throw invalid_argument(to<string>("invalid MAC address \"", str,
- "\": not enough digits"));
+ throw invalid_argument(
+ sformat("invalid MAC address '{}': not enough digits", str));
// Parse the upper nibble
uint8_t upper = detail::hexTable[static_cast<uint8_t>(*p)];
if (upper & 0x10) {
- throw invalid_argument(to<string>("invalid MAC address \"", str,
- "\": contains non-hex digit"));
+ throw invalid_argument(
+ sformat("invalid MAC address '{}': contains non-hex digit", str));
lower = upper;
upper = 0;
} else {
- throw invalid_argument(to<string>("invalid MAC address \"", str,
- "\": contains non-hex digit"));
+ throw invalid_argument(
+ sformat("invalid MAC address '{}': contains non-hex digit", str));
if (p != str.end()) {
// String is too long to be a MAC address
- throw invalid_argument(to<string>("invalid MAC address \"", str,
- "\": found trailing characters"));
+ throw invalid_argument(
+ sformat("invalid MAC address '{}': found trailing characters", str));
// Only update now that we have successfully parsed the entire
void MacAddress::setFromBinary(ByteRange value) {
if (value.size() != SIZE) {
- throw invalid_argument(to<string>("MAC address must be 6 bytes "
- "long, got ", value.size()));
+ throw invalid_argument(
+ sformat("MAC address must be 6 bytes long, got ", value.size()));
memcpy(bytes_ + 2, value.begin(), SIZE);
#include <folly/CppAttributes.h>
#include <folly/Exception.h>
+#include <folly/Format.h>
#include <folly/Hash.h>
namespace {
struct addrinfo *results;
int error = getaddrinfo(host, port, &hints, &results);
if (error != 0) {
- auto os = folly::to<std::string>(
- "Failed to resolve address for \"", host, "\": ",
- gai_strerror(error), " (error=", error, ")");
+ auto os = folly::sformat(
+ "Failed to resolve address for '{}': {} (error={})",
+ host,
+ gai_strerror(error),
+ error);
throw std::system_error(error, std::generic_category(), os);
int rc = getnameinfo((sockaddr*)&tmp_sock, sizeof(sockaddr_storage),
buf, buflen, nullptr, 0, flags);
if (rc != 0) {
- auto os = folly::to<std::string>(
- "getnameinfo() failed in getIpString() error = ",
- gai_strerror(rc));
+ auto os = sformat(
+ "getnameinfo() failed in getIpString() error = {}", gai_strerror(rc));
throw std::system_error(rc, std::generic_category(), os);
namespace folly { namespace detail {
std::string familyNameStrDefault(sa_family_t family) {
- return folly::sformat("sa_family_t({})", folly::to<std::string>(family));
+ return sformat("sa_family_t({})", family);
[[noreturn]] void getNthMSBitImplThrow(size_t bitCount, sa_family_t family) {
- throw std::invalid_argument(folly::to<std::string>(
- "Bit index must be < ",
+ throw std::invalid_argument(sformat(
+ "Bit index must be < {} for addresses of type: {}",
- " for addresses of type :",
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
-#include <folly/Conv.h>
+#include <folly/Format.h>
#include <folly/detail/IPAddress.h>
// BSDish platforms don't provide standard access to s6_addr16
0xff // /8
if (oneMask > kBitCount || twoMask > kBitCount) {
- throw std::invalid_argument(folly::to<std::string>(
- "Invalid mask "
- "length: ",
- oneMask > twoMask ? oneMask : twoMask,
- ". Mask length must be <= ",
+ throw std::invalid_argument(sformat(
+ "Invalid mask length: {}. Mask length must be <= {}",
+ std::max(oneMask, twoMask),
* limitations under the License.
-#include <folly/Conv.h>
+#include <folly/Format.h>
#include <folly/IPAddress.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
BENCHMARK(ipv4_to_fully_qualified_port, iters) {
IPAddressV4 ip("");
while (iters--) {
- string outputString = to<std::string>(ip.toFullyQualified(), ':', 65535);
+ string outputString = folly::sformat("{}:{}", ip.toFullyQualified(), 65535);
BENCHMARK(ipv6_to_fully_qualified_port, iters) {
IPAddressV6 ip("F1E0:0ACE:FB94:7ADF:22E8:6DE6:9672:3725");
while (iters--) {
- string outputString = to<std::string>(ip.toFullyQualified(), ':', 65535);
+ string outputString = folly::sformat("{}:{}", ip.toFullyQualified(), 65535);
EXPECT_FALSE(ipv6.isTeredo()) << "isTeredo was true";
- throw std::range_error("Invalid expected type: " +
- folly::to<std::string>(tc.second));
+ FAIL() << "Invalid expected type: " << to<std::string>(tc.second);
* limitations under the License.
-#include <folly/Conv.h>
+#include <folly/Format.h>
#include <folly/IPAddressV6.h>
#include <folly/MacAddress.h>
#include <folly/portability/GTest.h>
void testCmp(const char* str1, const char* str2) {
- SCOPED_TRACE(folly::to<std::string>(str1, " < ", str2));
+ SCOPED_TRACE(folly::sformat("{} < {}", str1, str2));
MacAddress m1(str1);
MacAddress m2(str2);