import IR.Flat.*;
public class Delta {
- HashMap<AllocNode, Vector<Edge>> heapedgeremove;
- HashMap<TempDescriptor, Vector<Edge>> varedgeremove;
- HashMap<AllocNode, Vector<Edge>> heapedgeadd;
- HashMap<TempDescriptor, Vector<Edge>> varedgeadd;
+ HashMap<AllocNode, HashSet<Edge>> heapedgeremove;
+ HashMap<AllocNode, HashSet<Edge>> heapedgeadd;
+ HashMap<TempDescriptor, HashSet<Edge>> varedgeadd;
+ HashMap<TempDescriptor, HashSet<Edge>> varedgeremove;
+ HashMap<AllocNode, HashSet<Edge>> baseheapedge;
+ HashMap<TempDescriptor, HashSet<Edge>> basevaredge;
boolean init;
BBlock block;
+ /* Init is set for false for delta propagations inside of one basic block.
+ */
public Delta(BBlock block, boolean init) {
- this.heapedgeadd=new HashMap<AllocNode, Vector<Edge>>();
- this.varedgeadd=new HashMap<TempDescriptor, Vector<Edge>>();
- this.heapedgeremove=new HashMap<AllocNode, Vector<Edge>>();
- this.varedgeremove=new HashMap<TempDescriptor, Vector<Edge>>();
- this.block=block;
- }
- public void addHeapEdge(AllocNode node, Edge e) {
- if (!heapedgeadd.containsKey(node))
- heapedgeadd.put(node, new Vector<Edge>());
- heapedgeadd.get(node).add(e);
- }
- public void addVarEdge(TempDescriptor tmp, Edge e) {
- if (!varedgeadd.containsKey(tmp))
- varedgeadd.put(tmp, new Vector<Edge>());
- varedgeadd.get(tmp).add(e);
- }
- public void setBlock(BBlock block) {
+ this.baseheapedge=new HashMap<AllocNode, HashSet<Edge>>();
+ this.basevaredge=new HashMap<TempDescriptor, HashSet<Edge>>();
+ this.heapedgeadd=new HashMap<AllocNode, HashSet<Edge>>();
+ this.heapedgeremove=new HashMap<AllocNode, HashSet<Edge>>();
+ this.varedgeadd=new HashMap<TempDescriptor, HashSet<Edge>>();
+ this.varedgeremove=new HashMap<TempDescriptor, HashSet<Edge>>();
public boolean getInit() {
return init;
+ public void setInit(boolean init) {
+ this.init=init;
+ }
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public class Pointer {
HashMap<FlatMethod, BasicBlock> blockMap;
+ HashMap<BBlock, Graph> bbgraphMap;
HashMap<FlatNode, Graph> graphMap;
State state;
TypeUtil typeUtil;
public Pointer(State state, TypeUtil typeUtil) {
this.blockMap=new HashMap<FlatMethod, BasicBlock>();
+ this.bbgraphMap=new HashMap<BBlock, Graph>();
this.graphMap=new HashMap<FlatNode, Graph>();
this.allocFactory=new AllocFactory(state, typeUtil);
Delta delta=toprocess.remove();
BBlock bblock=delta.getBlock();
Vector<FlatNode> nodes=bblock.nodes();
- FlatNode firstNode=nodes.get(0);
- //Get graph for first node
- if (!graphMap.containsKey(firstNode)) {
- graphMap.put(firstNode, new Graph(null));
+ //Build base graph for entrance to this basic block
+ delta=applyInitDelta(delta, bblock);
+ Graph prevGraph=graph;
+ //Compute delta at exit of each node
+ for(int i=0; i<nodes.size();i++) {
+ FlatNode currNode=nodes.get(i);
+ if (!graphMap.containsKey(currNode)) {
+ graphMap.put(currNode, new Graph(graph));
+ }
+ Graph nodeGraph=graphMap.get(currNode);
+ delta=processNode(currNode, delta, prevGraph, nodeGraph);
+ prevgraph=nodeGraph;
+ }
+ //XXXX: Need to generate new delta
+ }
+ }
+ Delta processNode(FlatNode node, Delta delta, Graph newgraph) {
+ switch(node.kind()) {
+ case FKind.FlatNew:
+ return processNewNode(node, delta, newgraph);
+ break;
+ case FKind.FlatCall:
+ case FKind.FlatFieldNode:
+ case FKind.FlatSetFieldNode:
+ case FKind.FlatReturnNode:
+ case FKind.FlatElementNode:
+ case FKind.FlatSetElementNode:
+ case FKind.FlatMethod:
+ case FKind.FlatExit:
+ case FKind.FlatSESEEnterNode:
+ case FKind.FlatSESEExitNode:
+ case FKind.FlatCastNode:
+ case FKind.FlatOpNode:
+ throw new Error("Unimplemented node:"+node);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("Unrecognized node:"+node);
+ }
+ }
+ void applyDiffs(Graph graph, Delta delta) {
+ //Add hidden base edges
+ for(Map.Entry<AllocNode, HashSet<Edge>> e: delta.baseheapedge) {
+ AllocNode node=e.getKey();
+ HashSet<Edge> edges=e.getValue();
+ if (graph.nodeMap.containsKey(node)) {
+ HashSet<Edge> nodeEdges=graph.nodeMap.get(node);
+ nodeEdges.addAll(edges);
+ }
+ }
+ //Remove heap edges
+ for(Map.Entry<AllocNode, HashSet<Edge>> e: delta.heapedgeremove) {
+ AllocNode node=e.getKey();
+ HashSet<Edge> edgestoremove=e.getValue();
+ if (graph.nodeMap.containsKey(node)) {
+ //Just apply diff to current map
+ graph.nodeMap.get(node).removeAll(edgestoremove);
+ } else {
+ //Generate diff from parent graph
+ HashSet<Edge> parentedges=graph.parent.nodeMap.get(node);
+ HashSet<Edge> newedgeset=Util.setSubstract(parentedges, edgestoremove);
+ graph.nodeMap.put(node, newedgeset);
- Graph graph=graphMap.get(firstNode);
+ }
- //First entrance is special...
- if (delta.getInit()) {
- applyInit(delta, graph);
+ //Add heap edges
+ for(Map.Entry<AllocNode, HashSet<Edge>> e: delta.heapedgeadd) {
+ AllocNode node=e.getKey();
+ HashSet<Edge> edgestoadd=e.getValue();
+ //If we have not done a subtract, then
+ if (!graph.nodeMap.containsKey(node)) {
+ //Copy the parent entry
+ graph.nodeMap.put(node, graph.parent.nodeMap.get(node).clone());
+ }
+ graph.nodeMap.get(node).addAll(edgestoadd);
+ }
+ //Remove var edges
+ for(Map.Entry<TempDescriptor, HashSet<Edge>> e: delta.varedgeremove) {
+ TempDescriptor tmp=e.getKey();
+ HashSet<Edge> edgestoremove=e.getValue();
+ if (graph.varMap.containsKey(tmp)) {
+ //Just apply diff to current map
+ graph.varMap.get(tmp).removeAll(edgestoremove);
} else {
- applyDelta(delta, graph);
+ //Generate diff from parent graph
+ HashSet<Edge> parentedges=graph.parent.varMap.get(node);
+ HashSet<Edge> newedgeset=Util.setSubstract(parentedges, edgestoremove);
+ graph.varMap.put(tmp, newedgeset);
+ }
+ //Add var edges
+ for(Map.Entry<TempDescriptor, HashSet<Edge>> e: delta.varedgeadd) {
+ TempDescriptor tmp=e.getKey();
+ HashSet<Edge> edgestoadd=e.getValue();
+ graph.varmap.put(tmp, edgestoadd.clone());
+ }
+ }
+ Delta processNewNode(FlatNew node, Delta delta, Graph newgraph) {
+ AllocNode summary=allocFactory.getAllocNode(node, true);
+ AllocNode single=allocFactory.getAllocNode(node, false);
+ TempDescriptor tmp=node.getDst();
- Graph nodeGraph=null;
- for(int i=1; i<nodes.size();i++) {
- FlatNode currNode=nodes.get(i);
- if (!graphMap.containsKey(currNode)) {
- graphMap.put(currNode, new Graph(graph, nodeGraph));
+ if (delta.getInit()) {
+ //Apply incoming diffs to graph
+ applyDiffs(graph, delta);
+ //Build new Edge
+ Edge e=new Edge(tmp, single);
+ //Build new Edge set
+ HashSet<Edge> newedges=new HashSet<Edge>();
+ newedges.add(e);
+ //Add it into the graph
+ graph.varMap.put(tmp, newedges);
+ //Add it into the diffs
+ delta.varedgeadd.put(tmp, newedges);
+ } else {
+ //Filter var edge additions
+ for(Iterator<Map.Entry<TempDescriptor, HashSet<Edge>>> entryIt=delta.varedgeadd;entryIt.hasNext();) {
+ Map.Entry<TempDescriptor, HashSet<Edge>>;
+ //Check first if this is the tmp we overwrite
+ //Check second if the edge is changed...
+ if (entry.getKey()==tmp)
+ entryIt.remove();
+ else for(Edge edge:entryIt.getValue()) {
+ if (edge.dst==single)
+ edge.dst=summary;
+ }
+ }
+ //Filter heap edge additions
+ for(Iterator<Map.Entry<AllocNode, HashSet<Edge>>> entryIt=delta.heapedgeadd;entryIt.hasNext();) {
+ Map.Entry<AllocNode, HashSet<Edge>>;
+ }
+ //Get relevant changes
+ HashSet<Edge> edgesadd=delta.heapedgeadd.get(single);
+ HashSet<Edge> edgesremove=delta.heapedgeremove.get(single);
+ HashSet<Edge> baseedges=delta.baseheapedge.get(single);
+ HashSet<Edge> basebackedges=delta.baseheapedge.get(single);
+ //Get summary node edges
+ HashSet<Edge> summarynewedgesadd;
+ if (!delta.heapedgeadd.containsKey(summary)) {
+ summarynewedgesadd=new HashSet<Edge>();
+ delta.heapedgeadd.put(summary, summarynewedgesadd);
+ } else
+ summarynewedgesadd=delta.heapedgeadd.get(summary);
+ //Apply diffs
+ delta.heapedgeremove.put(single, baseedges.clone());
+ delta.heapedgeadd.remove(single);
+ delta.baseheapedge.remove(single);
+ //Apply incoming diffs to graph
+ applyDiffs(graph, delta);
+ }
+ }
+ Delta applyInitDelta(Delta delta, BBlock block) {
+ //Apply delta to graph
+ boolean newGraph=false;
+ if (!bbgraphMap.containsKey(block)) {
+ bbgraphMap.put(block, new Graph(null));
+ newGraph=true;
+ }
+ Delta newdelta;
+ Graph graph=bbgraphMap.get(block);
+ if (newGraph) {
+ newdelta=new Delta(null, true);
+ //Add in heap edges and throw away original diff
+ graph.nodeMap.putAll(delta.heapedgeadd);
+ //Add in var edges and throw away original diff
+ graph.varMap.putAll(delta.varedgeadd);
+ //Record that this is initial set...
+ } else {
+ newdelta=new Delta(null, false);
+ //merge in heap edges and variables
+ mergeHeapEdges(graph, delta, newdelta);
+ mergeVarEdges(graph, delta, newdelta);
+ //Record that this is a diff
+ newdelta.setInit(false);
+ }
+ return newdelta;
+ }
+ /* This function merges in the heap edges. It updates delta to be
+ * the difference */
+ void mergeHeapEdges(Graph graph, Delta delta, Delta newdelta) {
+ //Merge in edges
+ for(Map.Entry<AllocNode, HashSet<Edge>> heapedge:delta.heapedgeadd.entrySet()) {
+ AllocNode nsrc=heapedge.getKey();
+ HashSet<Edge> edges=heapedge.getValue();
+ if (!graph.nodeMap.containsKey(nsrc)) {
+ graph.nodeMap.put(nsrc, new HashSet<Edge>());
+ }
+ HashSet<Edge> dstedges=graph.nodeMap.get(nsrc);
+ HashSet<Edge> diffedges=new HashSet<Edge>();
+ for(Edge e:edges) {
+ if (!dstedges.contains(e)) {
+ //We have a new edge
+ diffedges.add(e);
+ dstedges.add(e);
- nodeGraph=graphMap.get(currNode);
+ }
+ //Done with edge set...
+ if (diffedges.size()>0) {
+ //completely new
+ newdelta.baseheap.put(nsrc, diffedges);
+ }
+ }
+ }
- if (delta.getInit()) {
- applyInitDiff(delta, nodeGraph);
- } else {
- applyDeltaDiff(delta, nodeGraph);
+ /* This function merges in the var edges. It updates delta to be
+ * the difference */
+ void mergeVarEdges(Graph graph, Delta delta, Delta newdelta) {
+ //Merge in edges
+ for(Map.Entry<TempDescriptor, HashSet<Edge>> varedge:delta.varedgeadd.entrySet()) {
+ TempDescriptor tmpsrc=varedge.getKey();
+ HashSet<Edge> edges=varedge.getValue();
+ if (!graph.nodeMap.containsKey(tmpsrc)) {
+ graph.nodeMap.put(tmpsrc, new HashSet<Edge>());
+ }
+ HashSet<Edge> dstedges=graph.varMap.get(tmpsrc);
+ HashSet<Edge> diffedges=new HashSet<Edge>();
+ for(Edge e:edges) {
+ if (!dstedges.contains(e)) {
+ //We have a new edge
+ diffedges.add(e);
+ dstedges.add(e);
+ //Done with edge set...
+ if (diffedges.size()>=0) {
+ //completely new
+ newdelta.basevaredge.put(tmpsrc,diffedges);
+ }
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