set xtics rotate by 60 right
set ytics auto
set xlabel "Packet Timestamp (hh:mm:ss)"
-set ylabel "Packet Size (bytes)"
+set ylabel "Traffic Volume (bytes)"
set xdata time
set timefmt "%H:%M:%S"
set xrange [:]
set xtics rotate by 60 right
set ytics auto
set xlabel "Packet Timestamp (hh:mm:ss)"
-set ylabel "Packet Size (bytes)"
+set ylabel "Traffic Volume (bytes)"
set xdata time
set timefmt "%H:%M:%S"
set xrange [:]
set xtics rotate by 60 right
set ytics auto
set xlabel "Packet Timestamp (hh:mm:ss)"
-set ylabel "Packet Size (bytes)"
+set ylabel "Traffic Volume (bytes)"
set xdata time
set timefmt "%H:%M:%S"
set xrange [:]
set xtics rotate by 60 right
set ytics auto
set xlabel "Packet Timestamp (hh:mm:ss)"
-set ylabel "Packet Size (bytes)"
+set ylabel "Traffic Volume (bytes)"
set xdata time
set timefmt "%H:%M:%S"
set xrange [:]
set label "5-ON" at "16:28:15", 80000 tc rgb "blue"
set label "5-OFF" at "16:29:12", 120000 tc rgb "red"
set label "6-ON" at "16:30:13", 80000 tc rgb "blue"
-set label "6-OFF" at "16:31:18", 120000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "6-OFF" at "16:31:18", 60000 tc rgb "red"
# ***************** #
set xtics rotate by 60 right
set ytics auto
set xlabel "Packet Timestamp (hh:mm:ss)"
-set ylabel "Packet Size (bytes)"
+set ylabel "Traffic Volume (bytes)"
set xdata time
set timefmt "%H:%M:%S"
set xrange [:]
+# For smartthings-plug we need to uncomment the eth1 command line below instead of wlan1