#define ROW 400 /* columns in the map */
#define COLUMN 100 /* rows of in the map */
-#define ROUNDS 512 /* Number of moves by each player */
+#define ROUNDS 1000 /* Number of moves by each player */
#define PLAYERS 20 /* Number of Players when num Players != num of client machines */
#define RATI0 0.5 /* Number of lumberjacks to number of planters */
#define BLOCK 3 /* Area around the gamer to consider */
#define TREE_ZONE 0.4 /* Max percentage of trees in a zone */
#define AGEUPDATETHRESHOLD 16 /* How frequently/how many rounds to increment age of tree */
-#define MAXAGE 100 /* Max age of a tree */
+#define MAXAGE 200 /* Max age of a tree */
#define LUMBERJACK 0 /* If lumberjack */
Random rand = new Random(id);
+ long st = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ long fi;
// Generate random numbers between 1 and row index/column index
int maxValue = ROW - 1;
int minValue = 1;
- System.out.println("\n\n\nI'm done\n\n\n");
+ fi = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ System.out.println("\n\n\n I'm Done - Time Elapse : " + (double)((fi-st)/1000) +"\n\n\n");
+ RecoveryStat.printRecoveryStat();
while(true) {
- sleep(300000);
+ sleep(1000000);
public static void main(String[] args) {
# ./runjava.sh <num_machine>
+#set -x
+MACHINELIST='dc-1.calit2.uci.edu dc-2.calit2.uci.edu dc-3.calit2.uci.edu dc-4.calit2.uci.edu dc-5.calit2.uci.edu dc-6.calit2.uci.edu dc-7.calit2.uci.edu dc-8.calit2.uci.edu'
# 0 mean new test
# 1~8 machine id to be killed
while [ $i -le $2 ]; do
echo "killing dc-$i ${fileName}"
- ssh dc-${i} pkill -u jihoonl -f ${fileName}
+ ssh dc-${i} pkill -u ${USER} -f ${fileName}
i=`expr $i + 1`
let "machine= $2";
echo "killing dc-$machine ${fileName}";
- ssh dc-${machine} pkill -u jihoonl -f ${fileName}
+ ssh dc-${machine} pkill -u ${USER} -f ${fileName}
# runmachines <log filename>
cd -
+function runDSM {
+ i=0;
+ DIR=`pwd`
+ HOSTNAME=`hostname`
+ while [ $i -lt $1 ]; do
+ echo "$DIR" > ~/.tmpdir
+ echo "bin=$3" > ~/.tmpvars
+ ct=0
+ for j in $MACHINELIST; do
+ if [ $ct -lt $2 ]; then
+ if [ "$j" != "$HOSTNAME" ]; then
+ fi
+ fi
+ let ct=$ct+1
+ done
+ rm dstm.conf
+ DSTMDIR=${HOME}/research/Robust/src/Benchmarks/Prefetch/config
+ if [ $2 -eq 2 ]; then
+ arg=$ARGS2
+ ln -s ${DSTMDIR}/dstm_2.conf dstm.conf
+ fi
+ if [ $2 -eq 3 ]; then
+ arg=$ARGS3
+ ln -s ${DSTMDIR}/dstm_3.conf dstm.conf
+ fi
+ if [ $2 -eq 4 ]; then
+ arg=$ARGS4
+ ln -s ${DSTMDIR}/dstm_4.conf dstm.conf
+ fi
+ if [ $2 -eq 5 ]; then
+ arg=$ARGS5
+ ln -s ${DSTMDIR}/dstm_5.conf dstm.conf
+ fi
+ if [ $2 -eq 6 ]; then
+ arg=$ARGS6
+ ln -s ${DSTMDIR}/dstm_6.conf dstm.conf
+ fi
+ if [ $2 -eq 7 ]; then
+ arg=$ARGS7
+ ln -s ${DSTMDIR}/dstm_7.conf dstm.conf
+ fi
+ if [ $2 -eq 8 ]; then
+ arg=$ARGS8
+ ln -s ${DSTMDIR}/dstm_8.conf dstm.conf
+ fi
+ chmod +x ~/.tmpvars
+ for machine in `echo $MACHINES`
+ do
+ ssh ${machine} 'cd `cat ~/.tmpdir`; source ~/.tmpvars; ./$bin' &
+ echo ""
+ done
+ sleep 2
+ perl -x${TOPDIR} ${TOPDIR}/switch/fetch_stat.pl clear_stats settings=switch/clearsettings.txt
+ /usr/bin/time -f "%e" ./$3 master $arg 2> ${LOGDIR}/tmp
+ perl -x${TOPDIR} ${TOPDIR}/switch/fetch_stat.pl settings=switch/settings.txt
+ cat ${LOGDIR}/tmp >> ${LOGDIR}/${3}_${2}Thrd_${EXTENSION}.txt
+ if [ $i -eq 0 ];then echo "<h3> Benchmark=${3} Thread=${2} Extension=${EXTENSION}</h3><br>" > ${LOGDIR}/${3}_${EXTENSION}_${2}Thrd_a.html ;fi
+ cat ${LOGDIR}/tmp >> ${LOGDIR}/${3}_${EXTENSION}_${2}Thrd_a.html
+ echo "<a href=\"${3}_${2}Thrd_${EXTENSION}_${i}.html\">Network Stats</a><br>" >> ${LOGDIR}/${3}_${EXTENSION}_${2}Thrd_a.html
+ mv ${TOPDIR}/html/dell.html ${LOGDIR}/${3}_${2}Thrd_${EXTENSION}_${i}.html
+ echo "Terminating ... "
+ for machine in `echo $MACHINES`
+ do
+ ssh ${machine} 'source ~/.tmpvars; killall $bin'
+ done
+ sleep 2
+ i=`expr $i + 1`
+ done
function testcase {
# terminate if it doesn't have parameter
let "NUM_MACHINE= $nummachines + 0";
+# echo "====================================== Normal Test =============================="
+# runNormalTest $NUM_MACHINES 1
+# echo "================================================================================"
+# echo "====================================== Failure Test ============================="
+# runFailureTest $NUM_MACHINES
+# echo "================================================================================="
+# echo "====================================== Recovery Execution Time ============================="
+# for count in 2 4 6 8
+# do
+# echo "------- Running $count threads $BMDIR non-prefetch + non-cache on $count machines -----"
+# runRecovery 1 $count $NONPREFETCH_NONCACHE
+# done
+# echo "================================================================================="
+# echo "====================================== Normal DSM Execution Time ============================="
+# for count in 2 4 6 8
+# do
+# echo "------- Running $count threads $BMDIR non-prefetch + non-cache on $count machines -----"
+# done
+# echo "================================================================================="
+ echo "=============== Running javasingle for ${BM_NAME} on 1 machines ================="
+ javasingle 1 ${BM_NAME}
+ cd $TOPDIR
+ echo "================================================================================="
- echo "====================================== Normal Test =============================="
- runNormalTest $NUM_MACHINES 1
- echo "================================================================================"
- echo "====================================== Failure Test ============================="
- runFailureTest $NUM_MACHINES
+ echo "=============== Running recoverysingle for ${BM_NAME} on 1 machines ================="
+ recoverysingle 1 ${BM_NAME}
+ cd $TOPDIR
echo "================================================================================="
+function javasingle {
+ DIR=`echo ${BASEDIR}\/${2}\/${JAVASINGLEDIR}`;
+ cd $DIR
+ echo ${BM_ARGS}
+ i=0;
+ echo "ssh dc-1 cd $DIR'; ./${2}.bin 1 ${BM_ARGS}";
+ while [ $i -lt $1 ]; do
+ /usr/bin/time -f "%e" ./${2}.bin 1 ${BM_ARGS} 2> ${DIR}/tmp
+ cat ${DIR}/tmp >> ${LOGDIR}/${2}_javasingle.txt
+ sleep 2
+ i=`expr $i + 1`
+ done
+function recoverysingle {
+ DIR=`echo ${BASEDIR}\/${2}\/${RECOVERYDIR}`;
+ cd $DIR
+ echo ${BM_ARGS}
+ rm dstm.conf
+ DSTMDIR=${HOME}/research/Robust/src/Benchmarks/Prefetch/config
+ ln -s ${DSTMDIR}/dstm_1.conf dstm.conf
+ cd `pwd`
+ i=0;
+ fName="${2}.bin";
+ while [ $i -lt $1 ]; do
+ echo "Running master machine ... "
+ echo "ssh dc-1 cd $DIR'; ./${2}.bin master 1 ${BM_ARGS}";
+ ssh dc-1 'cd '$DIR'; ./'${2}'.bin master '1 ${BM_ARGS} >> ${LOGDIR}/${2}_recoverysingle.txt 2>&1 &
+ echo "Start waiting"
+ sleep $WAITTIME
+ echo "killing dc-1 ${fName}"
+ pkill -u ${USER} -f ${fName}
+ i=`expr $i + 1`
+ done
echo "---------- Starting Benchmarks ----------"