Hashtable<HeapRegionNode, ChangeTupleSet> nodeChangesMade
= new Hashtable<HeapRegionNode, ChangeTupleSet>();
- Hashtable<ReferenceEdgeProperties, ChangeTupleSet> edgeChangesMade
- = new Hashtable<ReferenceEdgeProperties, ChangeTupleSet>();
- System.out.println( "New propagation with changes "+c0 );
while( !todoNodes.isEmpty() ) {
HeapRegionNode n = todoNodes.iterator().next();
todoNodes.remove( n );
- System.out.println( " Propagating tokens over "+n );
+ ChangeTupleSet C = nodePlannedChanges.get( n );
if( !nodeChangesMade.containsKey( n ) ) {
nodeChangesMade.put( n, new ChangeTupleSet().makeCanonical() );
- ChangeTupleSet C = nodePlannedChanges.get( n );
Iterator itrC = C.iterator();
while( itrC.hasNext() ) {
ChangeTuple c = (ChangeTuple) itrC.next();
- System.out.println( " Considering applying "+c );
if( n.getAlpha().contains( c.getSetToMatch() ) ) {
- n.setAlphaNew( n.getAlpha().union( c.getSetToAdd() ) );
+ ReachabilitySet withChange = n.getAlpha().union( c.getSetToAdd() );
+ n.setAlphaNew( n.getAlphaNew().union( withChange ) );
nodesWithNewAlpha.add( n );
nodeChangesMade.put( n, nodeChangesMade.get( n ).union( c ) );
m = (HeapRegionNode) me.getKey();
f = (ReferenceEdgeProperties) me.getValue();
- ChangeTupleSet changesToPass = new ChangeTupleSet();
+ ChangeTupleSet changesToPass = new ChangeTupleSet().makeCanonical();
Iterator itrCprime = Cprime.iterator();
while( itrCprime.hasNext() ) {
+ while( !todoEdges.isEmpty() ) {
+ ReferenceEdgeProperties e = todoEdges.iterator().next();
+ todoEdges.remove( e );
+ if( !edgePlannedChanges.containsKey( e ) ) {
+ edgePlannedChanges.put( e, new ChangeTupleSet().makeCanonical() );
+ }
+ ChangeTupleSet C = edgePlannedChanges.get( e );
+ ChangeTupleSet changesToPass = new ChangeTupleSet().makeCanonical();
+ Iterator itrC = C.iterator();
+ while( itrC.hasNext() ) {
+ ChangeTuple c = (ChangeTuple) itrC.next();
+ if( e.getBeta().contains( c.getSetToMatch() ) ) {
+ ReachabilitySet withChange = e.getBeta().union( c.getSetToAdd() );
+ e.setBetaNew( e.getBetaNew().union( withChange ) );
+ edgesWithNewBeta.add( e );
+ changesToPass = changesToPass.union( c );
+ }
+ }
+ OwnershipNode onSrc = e.getSrc();
+ if( !changesToPass.isEmpty() && onSrc instanceof HeapRegionNode ) {
+ HeapRegionNode n = (HeapRegionNode) onSrc;
+ Iterator referItr = n.iteratorToReferencers();
+ while( referItr.hasNext() ) {
+ OwnershipNode onRef = (OwnershipNode) referItr.next();
+ ReferenceEdgeProperties f = onRef.getReferenceTo( n );
+ if( !edgePlannedChanges.containsKey( f ) ) {
+ edgePlannedChanges.put( f, new ChangeTupleSet().makeCanonical() );
+ }
+ ChangeTupleSet currentChanges = edgePlannedChanges.get( f );
+ if( !changesToPass.isSubset( currentChanges ) ) {
+ todoEdges.add( f );
+ edgePlannedChanges.put( f, currentChanges.union( changesToPass ) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
Map.Entry meS = (Map.Entry) srcRegionsItr.next();
hrnSrc = (HeapRegionNode) meS.getKey();
repSrc = (ReferenceEdgeProperties) meS.getValue();
+ ReachabilitySet O = srcln.getReferenceTo( hrnSrc ).getBeta();
+ ChangeTupleSet Cy = O.unionUpArity( R );
+ ChangeTupleSet Cx = R.unionUpArity( O );
+ propagateTokens( hrnSrc, Cy, nodesWithNewAlpha, edgesWithNewBeta );
+ propagateTokens( hrn, Cx, nodesWithNewAlpha, edgesWithNewBeta );
+ // note that this picks up the beta after the propogation has
+ // been applied
ReferenceEdgeProperties repNew
- = new ReferenceEdgeProperties( false, false, null );
+ = new ReferenceEdgeProperties( false, false, repSrc.getBetaNew() );
addReferenceEdge( hrn, hrnSrc, repNew );
- ReachabilitySet O = srcln.getReferenceTo( hrnSrc ).getBeta();
- ChangeTupleSet C = O.unionUpArity( R );
- propagateTokens( hrnSrc, C, nodesWithNewAlpha, edgesWithNewBeta );
LabelNode dst = getLabelNodeFromTemp( td );
clearReferenceEdgesFrom( dst );
- addReferenceEdge( dst, hrnNewest, new ReferenceEdgeProperties( false, false, null ) );
+ addReferenceEdge( dst, hrnNewest, new ReferenceEdgeProperties( false, false, hrnNewest.getAlpha() ) );
boolean hasFlags = false;
if( as.getType().isClass() ) {
- hasFlags = as.getType().getClassDesc().hasFlags();
+ hasFlags = as.getType().getClassDesc().hasFlags();
hrnSummary = createNewHeapRegionNode( idSummary,
bw.write( " " + ln.toString() +
" -> " + hrn.toString() +
"[label=\"" + rep.toEdgeLabelString() +
- "\"];\n" );
+ "\",decorate];\n" );
bw.write( " " + hrn.toString() +
" -> " + hrnChild.toString() +
"[label=\"" + rep.toEdgeLabelString() +
- "\"];\n" );
+ "\",decorate];\n" );