--- /dev/null
+import itertools
+import sys
+import os
+# Input parameters:
+# - JPF directory
+# - JPF logs directory
+# - app directory
+# - list #1
+# - list #2 (if needed)
+# Index 0 is always for the Python script itself
+jpfDir = sys.argv[1]
+jpfLogDir = sys.argv[2]
+appDir = sys.argv[3]
+firstList = sys.argv[4]
+# PART 1: Generate the permutations of app pairs
+print "PHASE 1: Extracting the app pairs from the app lists ...\n"
+appList1 = []
+appList2 = []
+# Extract the first list
+extractAppList = open(firstList, "r")
+for app in extractAppList:
+ appList1.append(app.strip())
+# Try to create pairs
+appPairs = []
+# Extract the second list if provided (this is for combinations between two lists)
+if (len(sys.argv) == 6):
+ secondList = sys.argv[5]
+ extractAppList = open(secondList, "r")
+ for app in extractAppList:
+ appList2.append(app.strip())
+ extractAppList.close()
+# Just copy the first list to the second list
+ appList2 = appList1
+# Generate the permutations of pairs
+for i in range(len(appList1)):
+ for j in range(i + 1, len(appList2)):
+ appPairs.append((appList1[i], appList2[j]))
+# PART 2:
+print "PHASE 2: Running JPF ...\n"
+for item in appPairs:
+ # Copy apps into Extractor/App1 and Extractor/App2
+ os.system("cp " + appDir + item[0] + " Extractor/App1/App1.groovy")
+ os.system("cp " + appDir + item[1] + " Extractor/App2/App2.groovy")
+ # Run Runner.py to extract things and create main.groovy, then compile it
+ print "==> Compiling the apps ...\n"
+ os.system("make Runner")
+ os.system("make main")
+ # Call JPF
+ print "==> Calling JPF and generate logs ...\n"
+ os.system("cd " + jpfDir + ";./run.sh " + jpfLogDir + item[0] + "--" + item[1] + ".log" + " main.jpf")
Out.write("import Event.Event\n")
Out.write("import Timer.SimulatedTimer\n")
+Out.write("//JPF's Verify API\n")
+Out.write("import gov.nasa.jpf.vm.Verify\n")
Out.write("//Global eventHandler\n")
for line in eventHandler: