private Hashtable<FlatNode, SharedLocMap> mapFlatNodeToSharedLocMapping;
private Hashtable<FlatNode, SharedLocMap> mapFlatNodeToDeleteSet;
- private Hashtable<Location, Set<Descriptor>> mapSharedLocationToCoverSet;
private LinkedList<MethodDescriptor> sortedDescriptors;
private LoopFinder ssjavaLoop;
this.mapFlatNodeToBoundReadSet = new Hashtable<FlatNode, Set<NTuple<Descriptor>>>();
this.mapFlatNodeToBoundMustWriteSet = new Hashtable<FlatNode, Set<NTuple<Descriptor>>>();
this.mapFlatNodeToBoundMayWriteSet = new Hashtable<FlatNode, Set<NTuple<Descriptor>>>();
- this.mapSharedLocationToCoverSet = new Hashtable<Location, Set<Descriptor>>();
this.mapFlatNodeToSharedLocMapping = new Hashtable<FlatNode, SharedLocMap>();
this.mapFlatMethodToDeleteSet = new Hashtable<FlatMethod, SharedLocMap>();
this.calleeUnionBoundDeleteSet = new SharedLocMap();
+ // System.out.println("$$$=" +
+ // mapMethodToSharedLocCoverSet.get(methodContainingSSJavaLoop));
+ // System.exit(0);
rhs = fsfn.getSrc();
fieldLoc = (Location) fld.getType().getExtension();
} else {
- FlatSetElementNode fsen = (FlatSetElementNode) fn;
- lhs = fsen.getDst();
- rhs = fsen.getSrc();
- TypeDescriptor td = lhs.getType().dereference();
- fld = getArrayField(td);
- NTuple<Location> locTuple = deriveLocationTuple(md, lhs);
- fieldLoc = locTuple.get(locTuple.size() - 1);
case FKind.FlatCall: {
FlatCall fc = (FlatCall) fn;
- // if (ssjava.needTobeAnnotated(fc.getMethod())) {
- // System.out.println("#FLATCALL=" + fc);
bindHeapPathCallerArgWithCaleeParamForSharedLoc(fm.getMethod(), fc);
// computing gen/kill set
generateKILLSetForFlatCall(curr, killSet);
generateGENSetForFlatCall(curr, genSet);
- // }
// System.out.println("#FLATCALL=" + fc);
// System.out.println("KILLSET=" + killSet);
// System.out.println("GENSet=" + genSet);
private void computeSharedCoverSet_analyzeMethod(FlatMethod fm, boolean onlyVisitSSJavaLoop) {
+ System.out.println("\n###");
System.out.println("computeSharedCoverSet_analyzeMethod=" + fm);
MethodDescriptor md = fm.getMethod();
if (lhs.getType().getExtension() instanceof SSJavaType) {
CompositeLocation compLoc = ((SSJavaType) lhs.getType().getExtension()).getCompLoc();
Location lastLocElement = compLoc.get(compLoc.getSize() - 1);
- // check if the last one is shared loc
- if (ssjava.isSharedLocation(lastLocElement)) {
- addSharedLocDescriptor(lastLocElement, lhs);
- }
NTuple<Location> lhsLocTuple = new NTuple<Location>();
if (mapDescriptorToLocationPath.containsKey(rhs)) {
mapDescriptorToLocationPath.put(lhs, deriveLocationTuple(md, rhs));
+ lhsLocTuple = mapDescriptorToLocationPath.get(lhs);
} else {
// rhs side
if (rhs.getType().getExtension() != null
mapDescriptorToLocationPath.put(lhs, lhsLocTuple);
- if (lhs.getType().isPrimitive() && !lhs.getSymbol().startsWith("srctmp")) {
+ if (isEventLoopBody && lhs.getType().isPrimitive()
+ && !lhs.getSymbol().startsWith("srctmp")) {
NTuple<Descriptor> lhsHeapPath = computePath(lhs);
fld = getArrayField(td);
- Location fieldLocation;
+ NTuple<Location> fieldLocTuple = new NTuple<Location>();
+ fieldLocTuple.addAll(deriveLocationTuple(md, lhs));
if (fn.kind() == FKind.FlatSetFieldNode) {
- fieldLocation = (Location) fld.getType().getExtension();
- } else {
- NTuple<Location> locTuple = mapDescriptorToLocationPath.get(lhs);
- fieldLocation = locTuple.get(locTuple.size() - 1);
+ fieldLocTuple.add((Location) fld.getType().getExtension());
- if (!isEventLoopBody && fieldLocation.getDescriptor().equals(md)) {
- // if the field belongs to the local lattice, no reason to calculate
- // shared location
- break;
- }
+ if (mapHeapPath.containsKey(lhs)) {
+ // fields reachable from the param can have heap path entry.
+ NTuple<Descriptor> lhsHeapPath = new NTuple<Descriptor>();
+ lhsHeapPath.addAll(mapHeapPath.get(lhs));
- NTuple<Location> fieldLocTuple = new NTuple<Location>();
- if (fld.isStatic()) {
- if (fld.isFinal()) {
- // in this case, fld has TOP location
- Location topLocation = Location.createTopLocation(md);
- fieldLocTuple.add(topLocation);
+ Location fieldLocation;
+ if (fn.kind() == FKind.FlatSetFieldNode) {
+ fieldLocation = getLocation(fld);
} else {
- fieldLocTuple.addAll(deriveGlobalLocationTuple(md));
- if (fn.kind() == FKind.FlatSetFieldNode) {
- fieldLocTuple.add((Location) fld.getType().getExtension());
- }
+ fieldLocation = getLocation(lhsHeapPath.get(getArrayBaseDescriptorIdx(lhsHeapPath)));
- } else {
- fieldLocTuple.addAll(deriveLocationTuple(md, lhs));
- if (fn.kind() == FKind.FlatSetFieldNode) {
- fieldLocTuple.add((Location) fld.getType().getExtension());
+ // Location fieldLocation = getLocation(lhs);
+ if (!isEventLoopBody && fieldLocation.getDescriptor().equals(md)) {
+ // if the field belongs to the local lattice, no reason to calculate
+ // shared location
+ break;
- }
- NTuple<Location> lTuple = deriveLocationTuple(md, lhs);
- if (lTuple != null) {
- NTuple<Location> lhsLocTuple = new NTuple<Location>();
- lhsLocTuple.addAll(lTuple);
- mapDescriptorToLocationPath.put(lhs, lhsLocTuple);
- }
- if (ssjava.isSharedLocation(fieldLocation)) {
- addSharedLocDescriptor(fieldLocation, fld);
+ if (ssjava.isSharedLocation(fieldLocation)) {
- NTuple<Descriptor> fieldHeapPath = new NTuple<Descriptor>();
- fieldHeapPath.addAll(computePath(lhs));
- if (fn.kind() == FKind.FlatSetFieldNode) {
- fieldHeapPath.add(fld);
- }
+ NTuple<Descriptor> fieldHeapPath = new NTuple<Descriptor>();
+ fieldHeapPath.addAll(computePath(lhs));
+ if (fn.kind() == FKind.FlatSetFieldNode) {
+ fieldHeapPath.add(fld);
+ }
- // mapLocationPathToMayWrittenSet.put(locTuple, null, fld);
- addMayWrittenSet(md, fieldLocTuple, fieldHeapPath);
+ addMayWrittenSet(md, fieldLocTuple, fieldHeapPath);
+ }
FlatCall fc = (FlatCall) fn;
- // if (ssjava.needTobeAnnotated(fc.getMethod())) {
bindLocationPathCallerArgWithCalleeParam(md, fc);
- // }
NTuple<Location> argLocationPath = deriveLocationTuple(mdCaller, arg);
NTuple<Descriptor> argHeapPath = computePath(arg);
addMayWrittenSet(mdCaller, argLocationPath, argHeapPath);
- } else {
+ } else if (ssjava.needTobeAnnotated(fc.getMethod())) {
// if arg is not primitive type, we need to propagate maywritten set to
// the caller's location path
mapArgIdx2CallerArgHeapPath.put(Integer.valueOf(0), thisHeapPath);
for (int i = 0; i < fc.numArgs(); i++) {
- Hashtable<Integer, Set<NTuple<Descriptor>>> mapParamIdx2WriteSet =
- new Hashtable<Integer, Set<NTuple<Descriptor>>>();
- for (int i = 0; i < fc.numArgs() + 1; i++) {
- mapParamIdx2WriteSet.put(Integer.valueOf(i), new HashSet<NTuple<Descriptor>>());
- }
for (Iterator iterator = setPossibleCallees.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
MethodDescriptor callee = (MethodDescriptor);
FlatMethod calleeFlatMethod = state.getMethodFlat(callee);
// binding caller's args and callee's params
+ Hashtable<NTuple<Descriptor>, NTuple<Descriptor>> mapParamHeapPathToCallerArgHeapPath =
+ new Hashtable<NTuple<Descriptor>, NTuple<Descriptor>>();
Hashtable<Integer, TempDescriptor> mapParamIdx2ParamTempDesc =
new Hashtable<Integer, TempDescriptor>();
int offset = 0;
// static method does not have implicit 'this' arg
offset = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < calleeFlatMethod.numParameters(); i++) {
TempDescriptor param = calleeFlatMethod.getParameter(i);
mapParamIdx2ParamTempDesc.put(Integer.valueOf(i + offset), param);
+ NTuple<Descriptor> calleeHeapPath = computePath(param);
+ NTuple<Descriptor> argHeapPath =
+ mapArgIdx2CallerArgHeapPath.get(Integer.valueOf(i + offset));
+ if (argHeapPath != null) {
+ mapParamHeapPathToCallerArgHeapPath.put(calleeHeapPath, argHeapPath);
+ }
Set<Integer> keySet = mapArgIdx2CallerArgLocationPath.keySet();
for (Iterator iterator2 = keySet.iterator(); iterator2.hasNext();) {
Integer idx = (Integer);
NTuple<Location> callerArgLocationPath = mapArgIdx2CallerArgLocationPath.get(idx);
TempDescriptor calleeParam = mapParamIdx2ParamTempDesc.get(idx);
+ NTuple<Location> calleeLocationPath = deriveLocationTuple(mdCallee, calleeParam);
NTuple<Descriptor> callerArgHeapPath = mapArgIdx2CallerArgHeapPath.get(idx);
- NTuple<Location> calleeLocationPath = deriveLocationTuple(mdCallee, calleeParam);
NTuple<Descriptor> calleeHeapPath = computePath(calleeParam);
- createNewMappingOfMayWrittenSet(mdCaller, callee, callerArgHeapPath,
- callerArgLocationPath, calleeHeapPath, calleeLocationPath,
- mapParamIdx2WriteSet.get(idx));
+ if (!calleeParam.getType().isPrimitive()) {
+ createNewMappingOfMayWrittenSet(mdCaller, callee, callerArgHeapPath,
+ callerArgLocationPath, calleeHeapPath, calleeLocationPath,
+ mapParamHeapPathToCallerArgHeapPath);
+ }
private void createNewMappingOfMayWrittenSet(MethodDescriptor caller, MethodDescriptor callee,
NTuple<Descriptor> callerArgHeapPath, NTuple<Location> callerArgLocPath,
NTuple<Descriptor> calleeParamHeapPath, NTuple<Location> calleeParamLocPath,
- Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> writeSet) {
+ Hashtable<NTuple<Descriptor>, NTuple<Descriptor>> mapParamHeapPathToCallerArgHeapPath) {
// propagate may-written-set associated with the key that is started with
// calleepath to the caller
MultiSourceMap<NTuple<Location>, NTuple<Descriptor>> calleeMapping =
+ if (calleeMapping == null) {
+ return;
+ }
MultiSourceMap<NTuple<Location>, NTuple<Descriptor>> callerMapping =
mapMethodToSharedLocCoverSet.put(caller, callerMapping);
- if (calleeMapping == null) {
- return;
- }
Hashtable<NTuple<Location>, Set<NTuple<Descriptor>>> paramMapping =
getMappingByStartedWith(calleeMapping, calleeParamLocPath);
- Set<NTuple<Location>> calleeKeySet = calleeMapping.keySet();
+ Set<NTuple<Location>> calleeKeySet = paramMapping.keySet();
for (Iterator iterator = calleeKeySet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
NTuple<Location> calleeKey = (NTuple<Location>);
Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> calleeMayWriteSet = paramMapping.get(calleeKey);
if (calleeMayWriteSet != null) {
- Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> boundWriteSet =
- convertCallerMayWriteSet(callerArgHeapPath, calleeParamHeapPath, calleeMayWriteSet);
+ Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> boundMayWriteSet = new HashSet<NTuple<Descriptor>>();
- writeSet.addAll(boundWriteSet);
+ Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> boundSet =
+ convertToCallerMayWriteSet(calleeParamHeapPath, calleeMayWriteSet, callerMapping,
+ mapParamHeapPathToCallerArgHeapPath);
+ boundMayWriteSet.addAll(boundSet);
NTuple<Location> newKey = new NTuple<Location>();
- callerMapping.union(newKey, writeSet);
- // mapLocationPathToMayWrittenSet.put(calleeKey, newKey, writeSet);
+ callerMapping.union(newKey, boundMayWriteSet);
- private Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> convertCallerMayWriteSet(NTuple<Descriptor> callerArgHeapPath,
- NTuple<Descriptor> calleeParamHeapPath, Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> calleeMayWriteSet) {
+ private Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> convertToCallerMayWriteSet(
+ NTuple<Descriptor> calleeParamHeapPath, Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> calleeMayWriteSet,
+ MultiSourceMap<NTuple<Location>, NTuple<Descriptor>> callerMapping,
+ Hashtable<NTuple<Descriptor>, NTuple<Descriptor>> mapParamHeapPathToCallerArgHeapPath) {
Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> boundSet = new HashSet<NTuple<Descriptor>>();
for (Iterator iterator = calleeMayWriteSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
NTuple<Descriptor> calleeWriteHeapPath = (NTuple<Descriptor>);
+ NTuple<Descriptor> writeHeapPathParamHeapPath = calleeWriteHeapPath.subList(0, 1);
+ NTuple<Descriptor> callerArgHeapPath =
+ mapParamHeapPathToCallerArgHeapPath.get(writeHeapPathParamHeapPath);
NTuple<Descriptor> boundHeapPath = new NTuple<Descriptor>();
- int startIdx = calleeParamHeapPath.size();
- for (int i = startIdx; i < calleeWriteHeapPath.size(); i++) {
+ for (int i = 1; i < calleeWriteHeapPath.size(); i++) {
return boundSet;
- private void addSharedLocDescriptor(Location sharedLoc, Descriptor desc) {
- Set<Descriptor> descSet = mapSharedLocationToCoverSet.get(sharedLoc);
- if (descSet == null) {
- descSet = new HashSet<Descriptor>();
- mapSharedLocationToCoverSet.put(sharedLoc, descSet);
- }
- descSet.add(desc);
- }
private Location getLocation(Descriptor d) {
if (d instanceof FieldDescriptor) {
&& !lhs.getSymbol().startsWith("rightop")) {
boolean hasWriteEffect = false;
- NTuple<Descriptor> rhsHeapPath = computePath(rhs);
if (rhs.getType().getExtension() instanceof SSJavaType
&& lhs.getType().getExtension() instanceof SSJavaType) {
if (hasWriteEffect) {
// write(lhs)
- NTuple<Descriptor> lhsPath = new NTuple<Descriptor>();
- lhsPath.add(lhs);
+ NTuple<Descriptor> rhsHeapPath = computePath(rhs);
+ NTuple<Descriptor> lhsHeapPath = new NTuple<Descriptor>();
+ lhsHeapPath.addAll(rhsHeapPath);
Location lhsLoc = getLocation(lhs);
if (ssjava.isSharedLocation(lhsLoc)) {
} else {
- computeKILLSetForWrite(curr, lhsPath, readWriteKillSet);
- computeGENSetForWrite(lhsPath, readWriteGenSet);
+ computeKILLSetForWrite(curr, lhsHeapPath, readWriteKillSet);
+ computeGENSetForWrite(lhsHeapPath, readWriteGenSet);
+ // System.out.println("write effect on =" + lhsHeapPath);
// System.out.println("#KILLSET=" + readWriteKillSet);
// System.out.println("#GENSet=" + readWriteGenSet + "\n");
- Set<WriteAge> writeAgeSet = curr.get(lhsPath);
- checkWriteAgeSet(writeAgeSet, lhsPath, fn);
+ Set<WriteAge> writeAgeSet = curr.get(lhsHeapPath);
+ checkWriteAgeSet(writeAgeSet, lhsHeapPath, fn);
fld = getArrayField(td);
- // System.out.println("FIELD WRITE:" + fn);
// write(field)
NTuple<Descriptor> lhsHeapPath = computePath(lhs);
NTuple<Descriptor> fldHeapPath = new NTuple<Descriptor>(lhsHeapPath.getList());
// shared loc extension
- Location fieldLoc = (Location) fld.getType().getExtension();
+ Location fieldLoc;
+ if (fn.kind() == FKind.FlatSetFieldNode) {
+ fieldLoc = (Location) fld.getType().getExtension();
+ } else {
+ NTuple<Location> locTuple = mapDescriptorToLocationPath.get(lhs);
+ fieldLoc = locTuple.get(locTuple.size() - 1);
+ }
if (ssjava.isSharedLocation(fieldLoc)) {
NTuple<Location> fieldLocTuple = new NTuple<Location>();
Hashtable<NTuple<Descriptor>, Set<WriteAge>> KILLSet) {
Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> boundMustWriteSet = mapFlatNodeToBoundMustWriteSet.get(fc);
- // System.out.println("boundMustWriteSet=" + boundMustWriteSet);
+ System.out.println("boundMustWriteSet=" + boundMustWriteSet);
for (Iterator iterator = boundMustWriteSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
NTuple<Descriptor> heapPath = (NTuple<Descriptor>);
private int getArrayBaseDescriptorIdx(NTuple<Descriptor> heapPath) {
- for (int i = heapPath.size() - 1; i > 1; i--) {
+ for (int i = heapPath.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (!heapPath.get(i).getSymbol().equals(arrayElementFieldName)) {
return i;
private boolean isSharedLocation(NTuple<Descriptor> heapPath) {
- Descriptor d = heapPath.get(heapPath.size() - 1);
- if (d instanceof FieldDescriptor) {
+ Descriptor d = heapPath.get(getArrayBaseDescriptorIdx(heapPath));
- return ssjava
- .isSharedLocation(getLocation(heapPath.get(getArrayBaseDescriptorIdx(heapPath))));
+ return ssjava.isSharedLocation(getLocation(heapPath.get(getArrayBaseDescriptorIdx(heapPath))));
- } else {
- return ssjava.isSharedLocation(getLocation(heapPath.get(heapPath.size() - 1)));
- }
private NTuple<Location> getLocationTuple(NTuple<Descriptor> heapPath) {
calleeIntersectBoundSharedSet.addWrite(argLocTuple, argHeapPath);
- } else {
+ } else if (ssjava.needTobeAnnotated(fc.getMethod())) {
// if arg is not primitive type, we need to propagate maywritten set to
// the caller's location path
NTuple<Descriptor> rhsHeapPath = mapHeapPath.get(rhs);
- if (lhs.getType().isPrimitive()) {
- NTuple<Descriptor> lhsHeapPath = new NTuple<Descriptor>();
- lhsHeapPath.add(lhs);
- mapHeapPath.put(lhs, lhsHeapPath);
- } else if (rhsHeapPath != null) {
+ // if (lhs.getType().isPrimitive()) {
+ // NTuple<Descriptor> lhsHeapPath = new NTuple<Descriptor>();
+ // lhsHeapPath.add(lhs);
+ // mapHeapPath.put(lhs, lhsHeapPath);
+ // } else
+ if (rhsHeapPath != null) {
mapHeapPath.put(lhs, mapHeapPath.get(rhs));
} else {
- NTuple<Descriptor> heapPath = new NTuple<Descriptor>();
- heapPath.add(rhs);
- mapHeapPath.put(lhs, heapPath);
+ if (isEventLoopBody) {
+ NTuple<Descriptor> heapPath = new NTuple<Descriptor>();
+ heapPath.add(rhs);
+ mapHeapPath.put(lhs, heapPath);
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
// shared loc extension
} else {
if (td.getSymbol().startsWith("this")) {
NTuple<Location> thisPath = deriveThisLocationTuple(md);
NTuple<Location> rtrPath = new NTuple<Location>();
return rtrPath;
} else {