--- /dev/null
+#include <cds/intrusive/details/multilevel_hashset_base.h>
+#include <cds/container/details/base.h>
+namespace cds { namespace container {
+ /// MultiLevelHashSet related definitions
+ /** @ingroup cds_nonintrusive_helper
+ */
+ namespace multilevel_hashset {
+ /// Hash accessor option
+ /**
+ @copydetails cds::intrusive::multilevel_hashset::traits::hash_accessor
+ */
+ template <typename Accessor>
+ using hash_accessor = cds::intrusive::hash_accessor< Accessor >;
+ /// \p MultiLevelHashSet internal statistics, see cds::intrusive::multilevel_hashset::stat
+ template <typename EventCounter = cds::atomicity::event_counter>
+ using stat = cds::intrusive::multilevel_hashset::stat< EventCounter >;
+ /// \p MultiLevelHashSet empty internal statistics
+ typedef cds::intrusive::multilevel_hashset::empty_stat empty_stat;
+ /// Bit-wise memcmp-based comparator for hash value \p T
+ template <typename T>
+ using bitwise_compare = cds::intrusive::multilevel_hashset::bitwise_compare< T >;
+ /// \p MultiLevelHashSet traits
+ struct traits
+ {
+ /// Mandatory functor to get hash value from data node
+ /**
+ @copydetails cds::intrusive::multilevel_hashset::traits::hash_accessor
+ */
+ typedef cds::opt::none hash_accessor;
+ /// Hash comparing functor
+ /**
+ @copydetails cds::intrusive::multilevel_hashset::traits::compare
+ */
+ typedef cds::opt::none compare;
+ /// Specifies binary predicate used for hash compare.
+ /**
+ @copydetails cds::intrusive::multilevel_hashset::traits::less
+ */
+ typedef cds::opt::none less;
+ /// Item counter
+ /**
+ @copydetails cds::intrusive::multilevel_hashset::traits::item_counter
+ */
+ typedef cds::atomicity::item_counter item_counter;
+ /// Item allocator
+ /**
+ */
+ typedef CDS_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR allocator;
+ /// Array node allocator
+ /**
+ @copydetails cds::intrusive::multilevel_hashset::traits::node_allocator
+ */
+ typedef CDS_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR node_allocator;
+ /// C++ memory ordering model
+ /**
+ @copydetails cds::intrusive::multilevel_hashset::traits::memory_model
+ */
+ typedef cds::opt::v::relaxed_ordering memory_model;
+ /// Back-off strategy
+ typedef cds::backoff::Default back_off;
+ /// Internal statistics
+ /**
+ @copydetails cds::intrusive::multilevel_hashset::traits::stat
+ */
+ typedef empty_stat stat;
+ /// RCU deadlock checking policy (only for \ref cds_container_MultilevelHashSet_rcu "RCU-based MultilevelHashSet")
+ /**
+ @copydetails cds::intrusive::multilevel_hashset::traits::rcu_check_deadlock
+ */
+ typedef cds::opt::v::rcu_throw_deadlock rcu_check_deadlock;
+ };
+ /// Metafunction converting option list to \p multilevel_hashset::traits
+ /**
+ Supported \p Options are:
+ - \p multilevel_hashset::hash_accessor - mandatory option, hash accessor functor.
+ @copydetails traits::hash_accessor
+ - \p opt::allocator - item allocator
+ @copydetails traits::allocator
+ - \p opt::node_allocator - array node allocator.
+ @copydetails traits::node_allocator
+ - \p opt::compare - hash comparison functor. No default functor is provided.
+ If the option is not specified, the \p opt::less is used.
+ - \p opt::less - specifies binary predicate used for hash comparison.
+ @copydetails cds::container::multilevel_hashset::traits::less
+ - \p opt::back_off - back-off strategy used. If the option is not specified, the \p cds::backoff::Default is used.
+ - \p opt::item_counter - the type of item counting feature.
+ @copydetails cds::intrusive::multilevel_hashset::traits::item_counter
+ - \p opt::memory_model - C++ memory ordering model. Can be \p opt::v::relaxed_ordering (relaxed memory model, the default)
+ or \p opt::v::sequential_consistent (sequentially consisnent memory model).
+ - \p opt::stat - internal statistics. By default, it is disabled (\p multilevel_hashset::empty_stat).
+ To enable it use \p multilevel_hashset::stat
+ - \p opt::rcu_check_deadlock - a deadlock checking policy for \ref cds_intrusive_MultilevelHashSet_rcu "RCU-based MultilevelHashSet"
+ Default is \p opt::v::rcu_throw_deadlock
+ */
+ template <typename... Options>
+ struct make_traits
+ {
+ typedef implementation_defined type ; ///< Metafunction result
+# else
+ typedef typename cds::opt::make_options<
+ typename cds::opt::find_type_traits< traits, Options... >::type
+ ,Options...
+ >::type type;
+# endif
+ };
+ } // namespace multilevel_hashset
+ //@cond
+ // Forward declaration
+ template < class GC, typename T, class Traits = multilevel_hashset::traits >
+ class MultiLevelHashSet;
+ //@endcond
+ //@cond
+ namespace details {
+ template <typename GC, typename T, typename Traits>
+ struct make_multilevel_hashset
+ {
+ typedef GC gc;
+ typedef T value_type;
+ typedef Traits original_traits;
+ typedef cds::details::Allocator< value_type, typename original_traits::allocator > cxx_node_allocator;
+ struct node_disposer
+ {
+ void operator()( value_type * p ) const
+ {
+ cxx_node_allocator().Delete( p );
+ }
+ };
+ struct intrusive_traits: public original_traits
+ {
+ typedef node_disposer disposer;
+ };
+ // Metafunction result
+ typedef cds::intrusive::MultiLevelHashSet< GC, T, intrusive_traits > type;
+ };
+ } // namespace details
+ //@endcond
+}} // namespace cds::container
--- /dev/null
+#include <cds/intrusive/impl/multilevel_hashset.h>
+#include <cds/container/details/multilevel_hashset_base.h>
+namespace cds { namespace container {
+ /// Hash set based on multi-level array
+ /** @ingroup cds_nonintrusive_set
+ @anchor cds_container_MultilevelHashSet_hp
+ Source:
+ - [2013] Steven Feldman, Pierre LaBorde, Damian Dechev "Concurrent Multi-level Arrays:
+ Wait-free Extensible Hash Maps"
+ [From the paper] The hardest problem encountered while developing a parallel hash map is how to perform
+ a global resize, the process of redistributing the elements in a hash map that occurs when adding new
+ buckets. The negative impact of blocking synchronization is multiplied during a global resize, because all
+ threads will be forced to wait on the thread that is performing the involved process of resizing the hash map
+ and redistributing the elements. \p %MultilevelHashSet implementation avoids global resizes through new array
+ allocation. By allowing concurrent expansion this structure is free from the overhead of an explicit resize,
+ which facilitates concurrent operations.
+ The presented design includes dynamic hashing, the use of sub-arrays within the hash map data structure;
+ which, in combination with <b>perfect hashing</b>, means that each element has a unique final, as well as current, position.
+ It is important to note that the perfect hash function required by our hash map is trivial to realize as
+ any hash function that permutes the bits of the key is suitable. This is possible because of our approach
+ to the hash function; we require that it produces hash values that are equal in size to that of the key.
+ We know that if we expand the hash map a fixed number of times there can be no collision as duplicate keys
+ are not provided for in the standard semantics of a hash map.
+ \p %MultiLevelHashSet is a multi-level array which has an internal structure similar to a tree:
+ @image html multilevel_hashset.png
+ The multi-level array differs from a tree in that each position on the tree could hold an array of nodes or a single node.
+ A position that holds a single node is a \p dataNode which holds the hash value of a key and the value that is associated\r
+ with that key; it is a simple struct holding two variables. A \p dataNode in the multi-level array could be marked.\r
+ A \p markedDataNode refers to a pointer to a \p dataNode that has been bitmarked at the least significant bit (LSB)\r
+ of the pointer to the node. This signifies that this \p dataNode is contended. An expansion must occur at this node;\r
+ any thread that sees this \p markedDataNode will try to replace it with an \p arrayNode; which is a position that holds\r
+ an array of nodes. The pointer to an \p arrayNode is differentiated from that of a pointer to a \p dataNode by a bitmark\r
+ on the second-least significant bit.\r
+ \p %MultiLevelHashSet multi-level array is similar to a tree in that we keep a pointer to the root, which is a memory array\r
+ called \p head. The length of the \p head memory array is unique, whereas every other \p arrayNode has a uniform length;\r
+ a normal \p arrayNode has a fixed power-of-two length equal to the binary logarithm of a variable called \p arrayLength.\r
+ The maximum depth of the tree, \p maxDepth, is the maximum number of pointers that must be followed to reach any node.\r
+ We define \p currentDepth as the number of memory arrays that we need to traverse to reach the \p arrayNode on which\r
+ we need to operate; this is initially one, because of \p head.\r
+ That approach to the structure of the hash set uses an extensible hashing scheme; <b> the hash value is treated as a bit\r
+ string</b> and rehash incrementally.\r
+ @note Two important things you should keep in mind when you're using \p %MultiLevelHashSet:\r
+ - all keys must be fixed-size. It means that you cannot use \p std::string as a key for \p %MultiLevelHashSet.\r
+ Instead, for the strings you should use well-known hashing algorithms like <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_Hash_Algorithm">SHA1, SHA2</a>,\r
+ <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MurmurHash">MurmurHash</a>, <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CityHash">CityHash</a> \r
+ or its successor <a href="https://code.google.com/p/farmhash/">FarmHash</a> and so on, which\r
+ converts variable-length strings to fixed-length bit-strings, and use that hash as a key in \p %MultiLevelHashSet.\r
+ - \p %MultiLevelHashSet uses a perfect hashing. It means that if two different keys, for example, of type \p std::string,\r
+ have identical hash then you cannot insert both that keys in the set. \p %MultiLevelHashSet does not maintain the key,\r
+ it maintains its fixed-size hash value.\r
+ The set supports @ref cds_container_MultilevelHashSet_iterators "bidirectional thread-safe iterators".\r
+ Template parameters:\r
+ - \p GC - safe memory reclamation schema. Can be \p gc::HP, \p gc::DHP or one of \ref cds_urcu_type "RCU type"\r
+ - \p T - a value type to be stored in the set\r
+ - \p Traits - type traits, the structure based on \p multilevel_hashset::traits or result of \p multilevel_hashset::make_traits metafunction.\r
+ \p Traits is the mandatory argument because it has one mandatory type - an @ref multilevel_hashset::traits::hash_accessor "accessor" \r
+ to hash value of \p T. The set algorithm does not calculate that hash value.\r
+ There are several specializations of \p %MultiLevelHashSet for each \p GC. You should include:
+ - <tt><cds/container/multilevel_hashset_hp.h></tt> for \p gc::HP garbage collector
+ - <tt><cds/container/multilevel_hashset_dhp.h></tt> for \p gc::DHP garbage collector
+ - <tt><cds/container/multilevel_hashset_rcu.h></tt> for \ref cds_intrusive_MultiLevelHashSet_rcu "RCU type". RCU specialization
+ has a slightly different interface.
+ */
+ template <
+ class GC
+ , typename T
+ , class Traits = multilevel_hashset::traits
+ , class Traits
+ >
+ class MultiLevelHashSet
+ : protected cds::intrusive::MultiLevelHashSet< GC, T, Traits >
+ : protected cds::container::details::make_multilevel_hashset< GC, T, Traits >::type
+ {
+ //@cond
+ typedef cds::container::details::make_multilevel_hashset< GC, T, Traits > maker;
+ typedef typename maker::type base_class;
+ //@endcond
+ public:
+ typedef GC gc; ///< Garbage collector
+ typedef T value_type; ///< type of value stored in the set
+ typedef Traits traits; ///< Traits template parameter, see \p multilevel_hashset::traits
+ typedef typename base_class::hash_accessor hash_accessor; ///< Hash accessor functor
+ typedef typename base_class::hash_type hash_type; ///< Hash type deduced from \p hash_accessor return type
+ typedef typename base_class::hash_comparator hash_comparator; ///< hash compare functor based on \p opt::compare and \p opt::less option setter
+ typedef typename traits::item_counter item_counter; ///< Item counter type
+ typedef typename traits::allocator allocator; ///< Element allocator
+ typedef typename traits::node_allocator node_allocator; ///< Array node allocator
+ typedef typename traits::memory_model memory_model; ///< Memory model
+ typedef typename traits::back_off back_off; ///< Backoff strategy
+ typedef typename traits::stat stat; ///< Internal statistics type
+ typedef typename gc::template guarded_ptr< value_type > guarded_ptr; ///< Guarded pointer
+ /// Count of hazard pointers required
+ static CDS_CONSTEXPR size_t const c_nHazardPtrCount = base_class::c_nHazardPtrCount;
+ typedef typename base_class::iterator iterator; ///< @ref cds_container_MultilevelHashSet_iterators "bidirectional iterator" type
+ typedef typename base_class::const_iterator const_iterator; ///< @ref cds_container_MultilevelHashSet_iterators "bidirectional const iterator" type
+ typedef typename base_class::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator; ///< @ref cds_container_MultilevelHashSet_iterators "bidirectional reverse iterator" type
+ typedef typename base_class::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator; ///< @ref cds_container_MultilevelHashSet_iterators "bidirectional reverse const iterator" type
+ protected:
+ //@cond
+ typedef typename maker::cxx_node_allocator cxx_node_allocator;
+ typedef std::unique_ptr< value_type, typename maker::node_disposer > scoped_node_ptr;
+ //@endcond
+ public:
+ /// Creates empty set
+ /**
+ @param head_bits: 2<sup>head_bits</sup> specifies the size of head array, minimum is 4.
+ @param array_bits: 2<sup>array_bits</sup> specifies the size of array node, minimum is 2.
+ Equation for \p head_bits and \p array_bits:
+ \code
+ sizeof(hash_type) * 8 == head_bits + N * array_bits
+ \endcode
+ where \p N is multi-level array depth.
+ */
+ MultiLevelHashSet( size_t head_bits = 8, size_t array_bits = 4 )
+ : base_class( head_bits, array_bits )
+ {}
+ /// Destructs the set and frees all data
+ ~MultiLevelHashSet()
+ {}
+ /// Inserts new element
+ /**
+ The function creates an element with copy of \p val value and then inserts it into the set.
+ The type \p Q should contain as minimum the complete key for the element.
+ The object of \ref value_type should be constructible from a value of type \p Q.
+ In trivial case, \p Q is equal to \ref value_type.
+ Returns \p true if \p val is inserted into the set, \p false otherwise.
+ */
+ template <typename Q>
+ bool insert( Q const& val )
+ {
+ scoped_node_ptr sp( cxx_node_allocator().New( val ));
+ if ( base_class::insert( *sp )) {
+ sp.release();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /// Inserts new element
+ /**
+ The function allows to split creating of new item into two part:
+ - create item with key only
+ - insert new item into the set
+ - if inserting is success, calls \p f functor to initialize value-fields of \p val.
+ The functor signature is:
+ \code
+ void func( value_type& val );
+ \endcode
+ where \p val is the item inserted. User-defined functor \p f should guarantee that during changing
+ \p val no any other changes could be made on this set's item by concurrent threads.
+ The user-defined functor is called only if the inserting is success.
+ */
+ template <typename Q, typename Func>
+ bool insert( Q const& val, Func f )
+ {
+ scoped_node_ptr sp( cxx_node_allocator().New( val ));
+ if ( base_class::insert( *sp, f )) {
+ sp.release();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /// Updates the element
+ /**
+ The operation performs inserting or changing data with lock-free manner.
+ If the \p val key not found in the set, then the new item created from \p val
+ will be inserted into the set iff \p bInsert is \p true.
+ Otherwise, if \p val is found, the functor \p func will be called with the item found.
+ The functor \p Func signature:
+ \code
+ struct my_functor {
+ void operator()( bool bNew, value_type& item, const Q& val );
+ };
+ \endcode
+ where:
+ - \p bNew - \p true if the item has been inserted, \p false otherwise
+ - \p item - item of the set
+ - \p val - argument \p key passed into the \p %update() function
+ The functor may change non-key fields of the \p item; however, \p func must guarantee
+ that during changing no any other modifications could be made on this item by concurrent threads.
+ Returns <tt> std::pair<bool, bool> </tt> where \p first is \p true if operation is successfull,
+ i.e. the item has been inserted or updated,
+ \p second is \p true if the new item has been added or \p false if the item with key equal to \p val
+ already exists.
+ @warning See \ref cds_intrusive_item_creating "insert item troubleshooting"
+ */
+ template <typename Q, typename Func>
+ std::pair<bool, bool> update( const Q& val, Func func, bool bInsert = true )
+ {
+ scoped_node_ptr sp( cxx_node_allocator().New( val ));
+ std::pair<bool, bool> bRes = base_class::update( *sp, func, bInsert );
+ if ( bRes.first && bRes.second )
+ sp.release();
+ return bRes;
+ }
+ /// Inserts data of type \p value_type created in-place from <tt>std::forward<Args>(args)...</tt>
+ /**
+ Returns \p true if inserting successful, \p false otherwise.
+ */
+ template <typename... Args>
+ bool emplace( Args&&... args )
+ {
+ scoped_node_ptr sp( cxx_node_allocator().New( std::forward<Args>(args)... ));
+ if ( base_class::insert( *sp )) {
+ sp.release();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /// Deletes the item from the set
+ /**
+ The function searches \p hash in the set,
+ deletes the item found, and returns \p true.
+ If that item is not found the function returns \p false.
+ */
+ bool erase( hash_type const& hash )
+ {
+ return base_class::erase( hash );
+ }
+ /// Deletes the item from the set
+ /**
+ The function searches \p hash in the set,
+ call \p f functor with item found, and deltes the element from the set.
+ The \p Func interface is
+ \code
+ struct functor {
+ void operator()( value_type& item );
+ };
+ \endcode
+ If \p hash is not found the function returns \p false.
+ */
+ template <typename Func>
+ bool erase( hash_type const& hash, Func f )
+ {
+ return base_class::erase( hash, f );
+ }
+ /// Deletes the item pointed by iterator \p iter
+ /**
+ Returns \p true if the operation is successful, \p false otherwise.
+ The function does not invalidate the iterator, it remains valid and can be used for further traversing.
+ */
+ bool erase_at( iterator const& iter )
+ {
+ return base_class::erase_at( iter );
+ }
+ /// Extracts the item with specified \p hash
+ /**
+ The function searches \p hash in the set,
+ unlinks it from the set, and returns an guarded pointer to the item extracted.
+ If \p hash is not found the function returns an empty guarded pointer.
+ The item returned is reclaimed by garbage collector \p GC
+ when returned \ref guarded_ptr object to be destroyed or released.
+ @note Each \p guarded_ptr object uses the GC's guard that can be limited resource.
+ Usage:
+ \code
+ typedef cds::container::MultiLevelHashSet< your_template_args > my_set;
+ my_set theSet;
+ // ...
+ {
+ my_set::guarded_ptr gp( theSet.extract( 5 ));
+ if ( gp ) {
+ // Deal with gp
+ // ...
+ }
+ // Destructor of gp releases internal HP guard
+ }
+ \endcode
+ */
+ guarded_ptr extract( hash_type const& hash )
+ {
+ return base_class::extract( hash );
+ }
+ /// Finds an item by it's \p hash
+ /**
+ The function searches the item by \p hash and calls the functor \p f for item found.
+ The interface of \p Func functor is:
+ \code
+ struct functor {
+ void operator()( value_type& item );
+ };
+ \endcode
+ where \p item is the item found.
+ The functor may change non-key fields of \p item. Note that the functor is only guarantee
+ that \p item cannot be disposed during the functor is executing.
+ The functor does not serialize simultaneous access to the set's \p item. If such access is
+ possible you must provide your own synchronization schema on item level to prevent unsafe item modifications.
+ The function returns \p true if \p hash is found, \p false otherwise.
+ */
+ template <typename Func>
+ bool find( hash_type const& hash, Func f )
+ {
+ return base_class::find( hash, f );
+ }
+ /// Checks whether the set contains \p hash
+ /**
+ The function searches the item by its \p hash
+ and returns \p true if it is found, or \p false otherwise.
+ */
+ bool contains( hash_type const& hash )
+ {
+ return base_class::contains( hash );
+ }
+ /// Finds an item by it's \p hash and returns the item found
+ /**
+ The function searches the item by its \p hash
+ and returns the guarded pointer to the item found.
+ If \p hash is not found the function returns an empty \p guarded_ptr.
+ @note Each \p guarded_ptr object uses one GC's guard which can be limited resource.
+ Usage:
+ \code
+ typedef cds::container::MultiLevelHashSet< your_template_params > my_set;
+ my_set theSet;
+ // ...
+ {
+ my_set::guarded_ptr gp( theSet.get( 5 ));
+ if ( theSet.get( 5 )) {
+ // Deal with gp
+ //...
+ }
+ // Destructor of guarded_ptr releases internal HP guard
+ }
+ \endcode
+ */
+ guarded_ptr get( hash_type const& hash )
+ {
+ return base_class::get( hash );
+ }
+ /// Clears the set (non-atomic)
+ /**
+ The function unlink all data node from the set.
+ The function is not atomic but is thread-safe.
+ After \p %clear() the set may not be empty because another threads may insert items.
+ */
+ void clear()
+ {
+ base_class::clear();
+ }
+ /// Checks if the set is empty
+ /**
+ Emptiness is checked by item counting: if item count is zero then the set is empty.
+ Thus, the correct item counting feature is an important part of the set implementation.
+ */
+ bool empty() const
+ {
+ return base_class::empty();
+ }
+ /// Returns item count in the set
+ size_t size() const
+ {
+ return base_class::size();
+ }
+ /// Returns const reference to internal statistics
+ stat const& statistics() const
+ {
+ return base_class::statistics();
+ }
+ /// Returns the size of head node
+ size_t head_size() const
+ {
+ return base_class::head_size();
+ }
+ /// Returns the size of the array node
+ size_t array_node_size() const
+ {
+ return base_class::array_node_size();
+ }
+ public:
+ ///@name Thread-safe iterators
+ /** @anchor cds_container_MultilevelHashSet_iterators
+ The set supports thread-safe iterators: you may iterate over the set in multi-threaded environment.\r
+ It is guaranteed that the iterators will remain valid even if another thread deletes the node the iterator points to:\r
+ Hazard Pointer embedded into the iterator object protects the node from physical reclamation.\r
+ @note Since the iterator object contains hazard pointer that is a thread-local resource,\r
+ the iterator should not be passed to another thread.\r
+ Each iterator object supports the common interface:\r
+ - dereference operators:\r
+ @code\r
+ value_type [const] * operator ->() noexcept\r
+ value_type [const] & operator *() noexcept\r
+ @endcode\r
+ - pre-increment and pre-decrement. Post-operators is not supported\r
+ - equality operators <tt>==</tt> and <tt>!=</tt>.\r
+ Iterators are equal iff they point to the same cell of the same array node.
+ Note that for two iterators \p it1 and \p it2, the conditon <tt> it1 == it2 </tt>
+ does not entail <tt> &(*it1) == &(*it2) </tt>: welcome to concurrent containers
+ - helper member function \p release() that clears internal hazard pointer.\r
+ After \p release() call the iterator points to \p nullptr but it still remain valid: further iterating is possible.
+ */
+ ///@{
+ /// Returns an iterator to the beginning of the set
+ iterator begin()
+ {
+ return base_class::begin();
+ }
+ /// Returns an const iterator to the beginning of the set
+ const_iterator begin() const
+ {
+ return base_class::begin();
+ }
+ /// Returns an const iterator to the beginning of the set
+ const_iterator cbegin()
+ {
+ return base_class::cbegin();
+ }
+ /// Returns an iterator to the element following the last element of the set. This element acts as a placeholder; attempting to access it results in undefined behavior.
+ iterator end()
+ {
+ return base_class::end();
+ }
+ /// Returns a const iterator to the element following the last element of the set. This element acts as a placeholder; attempting to access it results in undefined behavior.
+ const_iterator end() const
+ {
+ return base_class::end();
+ }
+ /// Returns a const iterator to the element following the last element of the set. This element acts as a placeholder; attempting to access it results in undefined behavior.
+ const_iterator cend()
+ {
+ return base_class::cend();
+ }
+ /// Returns a reverse iterator to the first element of the reversed set
+ reverse_iterator rbegin()
+ {
+ return base_class::rbegin();
+ }
+ /// Returns a const reverse iterator to the first element of the reversed set
+ const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const
+ {
+ return base_class::rbegin();
+ }
+ /// Returns a const reverse iterator to the first element of the reversed set
+ const_reverse_iterator crbegin()
+ {
+ return base_class::crbegin();
+ }
+ /// Returns a reverse iterator to the element following the last element of the reversed set
+ /**
+ It corresponds to the element preceding the first element of the non-reversed container.
+ This element acts as a placeholder, attempting to access it results in undefined behavior.
+ */
+ reverse_iterator rend()
+ {
+ return base_class::rend();
+ }
+ /// Returns a const reverse iterator to the element following the last element of the reversed set
+ /**
+ It corresponds to the element preceding the first element of the non-reversed container.
+ This element acts as a placeholder, attempting to access it results in undefined behavior.
+ */
+ const_reverse_iterator rend() const
+ {
+ return base_class::rend();
+ }
+ /// Returns a const reverse iterator to the element following the last element of the reversed set
+ /**
+ It corresponds to the element preceding the first element of the non-reversed container.
+ This element acts as a placeholder, attempting to access it results in undefined behavior.
+ */
+ const_reverse_iterator crend()
+ {
+ return base_class::crend();
+ }
+ ///@}
+ };
+}} // namespace cds::container