mapped_file_region &operator =(mapped_file_region&&);
- /// Construct a mapped_file_region at \a path starting at \a offset of length
- /// \a length and with access \a mode.
- ///
- /// \param path Path to the file to map. If it does not exist it will be
- /// created.
- /// \param mode How to map the memory.
- /// \param length Number of bytes to map in starting at \a offset. If the file
- /// is shorter than this, it will be extended. If \a length is
- /// 0, the entire file will be mapped.
- /// \param offset Byte offset from the beginning of the file where the map
- /// should begin. Must be a multiple of
- /// mapped_file_region::alignment().
- /// \param ec This is set to errc::success if the map was constructed
- /// successfully. Otherwise it is set to a platform dependent error.
- mapped_file_region(const Twine &path, mapmode mode, uint64_t length,
- uint64_t offset, std::error_code &ec);
/// \param fd An open file descriptor to map. mapped_file_region takes
/// ownership if closefd is true. It must have been opended in the correct
/// mode.
- mapmode flags() const;
uint64_t size() const;
char *data() const;
return std::error_code();
-mapped_file_region::mapped_file_region(const Twine &path,
- mapmode mode,
- uint64_t length,
- uint64_t offset,
- std::error_code &ec)
- : Mode(mode)
- , Size(length)
- , Mapping() {
- // Make sure that the requested size fits within SIZE_T.
- if (length > std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()) {
- ec = make_error_code(errc::invalid_argument);
- return;
- }
- SmallString<128> path_storage;
- StringRef name = path.toNullTerminatedStringRef(path_storage);
- int oflags = (mode == readonly) ? O_RDONLY : O_RDWR;
- int ofd = ::open(name.begin(), oflags);
- if (ofd == -1) {
- ec = std::error_code(errno, std::generic_category());
- return;
- }
- ec = init(ofd, true, offset);
- if (ec)
- Mapping = nullptr;
mapped_file_region::mapped_file_region(int fd,
bool closefd,
mapmode mode,
other.Mapping = nullptr;
-mapped_file_region::mapmode mapped_file_region::flags() const {
- assert(Mapping && "Mapping failed but used anyway!");
- return Mode;
uint64_t mapped_file_region::size() const {
assert(Mapping && "Mapping failed but used anyway!");
return Size;
return std::error_code();
-mapped_file_region::mapped_file_region(const Twine &path,
- mapmode mode,
- uint64_t length,
- uint64_t offset,
- std::error_code &ec)
- : Mode(mode)
- , Size(length)
- , Mapping()
- , FileDescriptor()
- , FileMappingHandle() {
- SmallVector<wchar_t, 128> path_utf16;
- // Convert path to UTF-16.
- if ((ec = widenPath(path, path_utf16)))
- return;
- // Get file handle for creating a file mapping.
- FileHandle = ::CreateFileW(c_str(path_utf16),
- Mode == readonly ? GENERIC_READ
- Mode == readonly ? FILE_SHARE_READ
- : 0,
- 0,
- Mode == readonly ? OPEN_EXISTING
- Mode == readonly ? FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY
- 0);
- if (FileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
- ec = windows_error(::GetLastError());
- return;
- }
- FileDescriptor = 0;
- ec = init(FileDescriptor, true, offset);
- if (ec) {
- Mapping = FileMappingHandle = 0;
- FileDescriptor = 0;
- }
mapped_file_region::mapped_file_region(int fd,
bool closefd,
mapmode mode,
other.FileDescriptor = 0;
-mapped_file_region::mapmode mapped_file_region::flags() const {
- assert(Mapping && "Mapping failed but used anyway!");
- return Mode;
uint64_t mapped_file_region::size() const {
assert(Mapping && "Mapping failed but used anyway!");
return Size;
// Map it back in read-only
- fs::mapped_file_region mfr(Twine(TempPath),
- fs::mapped_file_region::readonly,
- 0,
- 0,
+ int FD;
+ EC = fs::openFileForRead(Twine(TempPath), FD);
+ fs::mapped_file_region mfr(FD, false, fs::mapped_file_region::readonly, 0, 0,
EXPECT_EQ(StringRef(mfr.const_data()), Val);
// Unmap temp file
- fs::mapped_file_region m(Twine(TempPath),
- fs::mapped_file_region::readonly,
- 0,
- 0,
- EC);
+ fs::mapped_file_region m(FD, false, fs::mapped_file_region::readonly, 0, 0,
+ EC);
+ ASSERT_EQ(close(FD), 0);
const char *Data = m.const_data();
fs::mapped_file_region mfrrv(std::move(m));
EXPECT_EQ(mfrrv.const_data(), Data);