protected Integer summary;
protected TypeDescriptor type;
- public static final int AGE_notInThisSite = -1;
- public static final int AGE_oldest = -2;
- public static final int AGE_summary = -3;
+ public static final int AGE_notInThisSite = 100;
+ public static final int AGE_in_I = 101;
+ public static final int AGE_oldest = 102;
+ public static final int AGE_summary = 103;
+ public static final int SHADOWAGE_notInThisSite = -100;
+ public static final int SHADOWAGE_in_I = -101;
+ public static final int SHADOWAGE_oldest = -102;
+ public static final int SHADOWAGE_summary = -103;
public AllocationSite(int allocationDepth, TypeDescriptor type) {
- assert allocationDepth >= 1;
+ assert allocationDepth >= 2;
this.allocationDepth = allocationDepth;
this.type = type;
return type;
- public int getAge(Integer id) {
+ public int getAgeCategory(Integer id) {
if( id.equals(summary) ) {
return AGE_summary;
for( int i = 0; i < allocationDepth - 1; ++i ) {
if( id.equals(ithOldest.get(i) ) ) {
- return i;
+ return AGE_in_I;
return AGE_notInThisSite;
+ public Integer getAge(Integer id) {
+ for( int i = 0; i < allocationDepth - 1; ++i ) {
+ if( id.equals(ithOldest.get(i) ) ) {
+ return new Integer( i );
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public int getShadowAgeCategory(Integer id) {
+ if( id.equals(-summary) ) {
+ return SHADOWAGE_summary;
+ }
+ if( id.equals(getOldestShadow() ) ) {
+ return SHADOWAGE_oldest;
+ }
+ for( int i = 0; i < allocationDepth - 1; ++i ) {
+ if( id.equals( getIthOldestShadow(i) ) ) {
+ return SHADOWAGE_in_I;
+ }
+ }
+ return SHADOWAGE_notInThisSite;
+ }
+ public Integer getShadowAge( Integer id ) {
+ for( int i = 0; i < allocationDepth - 1; ++i ) {
+ if( id.equals( getIthOldestShadow(i) ) ) {
+ return new Integer( -i );
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
public String toString() {
return "allocSite" + id;
public String getIDString() {
- return id.toString();
+ String s;
+ if( id < 0 ) {
+ s = "minus" + new Integer(-id).toString();
+ } else {
+ s = id.toString();
+ }
+ return s;
public String getAlphaString() {
this.callGraph = callGraph;
this.allocationDepth = allocationDepth;
- // temporary for debugging
- this.allocationDepth = 1;
descriptorsToVisit = new HashSet<Descriptor>();
+ // merge the shadow nodes of allocation sites back down to normal capacity
+ Iterator<AllocationSite> allocItr = ogCallee.allocationSites.iterator();
+ while( allocItr.hasNext() ) {
+ AllocationSite as =;
+ // first age each allocation site enough times to make room for the shadow nodes
+ for( int i = 0; i < as.getAllocationDepth(); ++i ) {
+ age( as );
+ }
+ // then merge the shadow summary into the normal summary
+ HeapRegionNode hrnSummary = getSummaryNode( as );
+ assert hrnSummary != null;
+ HeapRegionNode hrnSummaryShadow = getShadowSummaryNode( as );
+ assert hrnSummaryShadow != null;
+ mergeIntoSummary( hrnSummaryShadow, hrnSummary );
+ // then transplant shadow nodes onto the now clean normal nodes
+ for( int i = 0; i < as.getAllocationDepth(); ++i ) {
+ Integer idIth = as.getIthOldest(i);
+ HeapRegionNode hrnIth = id2hrn.get(idIth);
+ Integer idIthShadow = as.getIthOldestShadow(i);
+ HeapRegionNode hrnIthShadow = id2hrn.get(idIthShadow);
+ transferOnto(hrnIthShadow, hrnIth);
+ // clear off shadow nodes after transfer
+ clearReferenceEdgesFrom(hrnIthShadow, null, true);
+ clearReferenceEdgesTo(hrnIthShadow, null, true);
+ hrnIthShadow.setAlpha( new ReachabilitySet().makeCanonical() );
+ }
+ // finally, globally change shadow tokens into normal tokens
+ Iterator itrAllLabelNodes = td2ln.entrySet().iterator();
+ while( itrAllLabelNodes.hasNext() ) {
+ Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry);
+ LabelNode ln = (LabelNode) me.getValue();
+ Iterator<ReferenceEdge> itrEdges = ln.iteratorToReferencees();
+ while( itrEdges.hasNext() ) {
+ unshadowTokens(as, );
+ }
+ }
+ Iterator itrAllHRNodes = id2hrn.entrySet().iterator();
+ while( itrAllHRNodes.hasNext() ) {
+ Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry);
+ HeapRegionNode hrnToAge = (HeapRegionNode) me.getValue();
+ unshadowTokens(as, hrnToAge);
+ Iterator<ReferenceEdge> itrEdges = hrnToAge.iteratorToReferencees();
+ while( itrEdges.hasNext() ) {
+ unshadowTokens(as, );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ protected void unshadowTokens(AllocationSite as, ReferenceEdge edge) {
+ edge.setBeta(edge.getBeta().unshadowTokens(as) );
+ }
+ protected void unshadowTokens(AllocationSite as, HeapRegionNode hrn) {
+ hrn.setAlpha(hrn.getAlpha().unshadowTokens(as) );
AllocationSite as = hrnCallee.getAllocationSite();
assert as != null;
- int age = as.getAge( hrnCallee.getID() );
+ int age = as.getAgeCategory( hrnCallee.getID() );
assert age != AllocationSite.AGE_notInThisSite;
Integer idCaller;
} else if( age == AllocationSite.AGE_oldest ) {
idCaller = as.getOldestShadow();
} else {
- idCaller = as.getIthOldestShadow( age );
+ assert age == AllocationSite.AGE_in_I;
+ Integer I = as.getAge( hrnCallee.getID() );
+ assert I != null;
+ idCaller = as.getIthOldestShadow( I );
assert id2hrn.containsKey( idCaller );
- protected void majorAgeTokens(AllocationSite as, ReferenceEdge edge) {
- //edge.setBeta( edge.getBeta().majorAgeTokens( as ) );
- }
- protected void majorAgeTokens(AllocationSite as, HeapRegionNode hrn) {
- //hrn.setAlpha( hrn.getAlpha().majorAgeTokens( as ) );
- }
// in merge() and equals() methods the suffix A
+ public ReachabilitySet unshadowTokens(AllocationSite as) {
+ assert as != null;
+ ReachabilitySet rsOut = new ReachabilitySet();
+ Iterator itrS = this.iterator();
+ while( itrS.hasNext() ) {
+ TokenTupleSet tts = (TokenTupleSet);
+ rsOut.possibleReachabilities.add( tts.unshadowTokens(as) );
+ }
+ return rsOut.makeCanonical();
+ }
public ReachabilitySet toShadowTokens(AllocationSite as) {
assert as != null;
TokenTuple tt = (TokenTuple);
Integer token = tt.getToken();
- int age = as.getAge(token);
+ int age = as.getAgeCategory(token);
- // summary tokens and tokens not associated with
+ // tokens not associated with
// the site should be left alone
if( age == AllocationSite.AGE_notInThisSite ) {
+ } else if( age == AllocationSite.AGE_summary ) {
+ // remember the summary tuple, but don't add it
+ // we may combine it with the oldest tuple
+ ttSummary = tt;
+ } else if( age == AllocationSite.AGE_oldest ) {
+ // found an oldest token, again just remember
+ // for later
+ foundOldest = true;
} else {
- if( age == AllocationSite.AGE_summary ) {
- // remember the summary tuple, but don't add it
- // we may combine it with the oldest tuple
- ttSummary = tt;
- } else if( age == AllocationSite.AGE_oldest ) {
- // found an oldest token, again just remember
- // for later
- foundOldest = true;
- } else {
- // otherwise, we change this token to the
- // next older token
- Integer tokenToChangeTo = as.getIthOldest(age + 1);
- TokenTuple ttAged = tt.changeTokenTo(tokenToChangeTo);
- ttsOut.tokenTuples.add(ttAged);
- }
+ assert age == AllocationSite.AGE_in_I;
+ Integer I = as.getAge(token);
+ assert I != null;
+ // otherwise, we change this token to the
+ // next older token
+ Integer tokenToChangeTo = as.getIthOldest(I + 1);
+ TokenTuple ttAged = tt.changeTokenTo(tokenToChangeTo);
+ ttsOut.tokenTuples.add(ttAged);
+ public TokenTupleSet unshadowTokens(AllocationSite as) {
+ assert as != null;
+ TokenTupleSet ttsOut = new TokenTupleSet();
+ TokenTuple ttSummary = null;
+ boolean foundShadowSummary = false;
+ Iterator itrT = this.iterator();
+ while( itrT.hasNext() ) {
+ TokenTuple tt = (TokenTuple);
+ Integer token = tt.getToken();
+ int shadowAge = as.getShadowAgeCategory(token);
+ if( shadowAge == AllocationSite.AGE_summary ) {
+ // remember the summary tuple, but don't add it
+ // we may combine it with the oldest tuple
+ ttSummary = tt;
+ } else if( shadowAge == AllocationSite.SHADOWAGE_notInThisSite ) {
+ ttsOut.tokenTuples.add(tt);
+ } else if( shadowAge == AllocationSite.SHADOWAGE_summary ) {
+ // found the shadow summary token, again just remember
+ // for later
+ foundShadowSummary = true;
+ } else if( shadowAge == AllocationSite.SHADOWAGE_oldest ) {
+ Integer tokenToChangeTo = as.getOldestShadow();
+ TokenTuple ttNormal = tt.changeTokenTo(tokenToChangeTo);
+ ttsOut.tokenTuples.add(ttNormal);
+ } else {
+ assert shadowAge == AllocationSite.SHADOWAGE_in_I;
+ Integer I = as.getShadowAge(token);
+ assert I != null;
+ Integer tokenToChangeTo = as.getIthOldest(-I);
+ TokenTuple ttNormal = tt.changeTokenTo(tokenToChangeTo);
+ ttsOut.tokenTuples.add(ttNormal);
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ttSummary != null && !foundShadowSummary ) {
+ ttsOut.tokenTuples.add(ttSummary);
+ } else if( ttSummary == null && foundShadowSummary ) {
+ ttSummary = new TokenTuple(as.getSummary(),
+ true,
+ TokenTuple.ARITY_ONE).makeCanonical();
+ ttsOut.tokenTuples.add( ttSummary );
+ } else if( ttSummary != null && foundShadowSummary ) {
+ ttsOut.tokenTuples.add(ttSummary.increaseArity() );
+ }
+ return ttsOut.makeCanonical();
+ }
public TokenTupleSet toShadowTokens(AllocationSite as) {
assert as != null;
TokenTuple tt = (TokenTuple);
Integer token = tt.getToken();
- int age = as.getAge(token);
+ int age = as.getAgeCategory(token);
// summary tokens and tokens not associated with
// the site should be left alone
ttsOut.tokenTuples.add(tt.changeTokenTo( as.getOldestShadow() ));
} else {
- ttsOut.tokenTuples.add(tt.changeTokenTo( as.getIthOldestShadow( age ) ));
+ assert age == AllocationSite.AGE_in_I;
+ Integer I = as.getAge(token);
+ assert I != null;
+ ttsOut.tokenTuples.add(tt.changeTokenTo( as.getIthOldestShadow( I ) ));
p0.x = g1;
+ /*
static public void m2_( Foo p0 ) {
Foo g0 = new Foo();
p0.y = p1;
p1.y = p0;
+ */
taskexit( p0{ !f }, p1{ !f } );
task methodTest02_( Foo p0{ f }, Foo p1{ f } ) {
Foo a0before = new Foo();
taskexit( p0{ !f }, p1{ !f } );
\ No newline at end of file