/// Calculates hash value of \p key
- size_t hash_value( key_type const & key ) const
+ template <typename K>
+ size_t hash_value( K const & key ) const
return m_HashFunctor( key ) & m_nHashBitmask;
/// Returns the bucket (ordered list) for \p key
- bucket_type& bucket( key_type const& key )
+ template <typename K>
+ bucket_type& bucket( K const& key )
return m_Buckets[ hash_value( key ) ];
- /// Forward iterator
- /**
- \p IsConst - constness boolean flag
- The forward iterator for Michael's map is based on \p OrderedList forward iterator and has some features:
- - it has no post-increment operator, only pre-increment
- - it iterates items in unordered fashion
- */
+ //@cond
template <bool IsConst>
class iterator_type: private cds::intrusive::michael_set::details::iterator< bucket_type, IsConst >
- //@cond
typedef cds::intrusive::michael_set::details::iterator< bucket_type, IsConst > base_class;
friend class MichaelHashMap;
- //@endcond
- //@cond
- //typedef typename base_class::bucket_type bucket_type;
typedef typename base_class::bucket_ptr bucket_ptr;
typedef typename base_class::list_iterator list_iterator;
- //typedef typename bucket_type::key_type key_type;
- //@endcond
/// Value pointer type (const for const_iterator)
typedef typename cds::details::make_const_type<typename MichaelHashMap::mapped_type, IsConst>::pointer value_ptr;
typedef typename cds::details::make_const_type<typename MichaelHashMap::value_type, IsConst>::reference pair_ref;
- //@cond
iterator_type( list_iterator const& it, bucket_ptr pFirst, bucket_ptr pLast )
: base_class( it, pFirst, pLast )
- //@endcond
/// Default ctor
return !( *this == i );
+ //@endcond
+ ///@name Forward iterators
+ //@{
/// Forward iterator
+ /**
+ The forward iterator for Michael's map is based on \p OrderedList forward iterator and has some features:
+ - it has no post-increment operator
+ - it iterates items in unordered fashion
+ The iterator interface:
+ \code
+ class iterator {
+ public:
+ // Default constructor
+ iterator();
+ // Copy construtor
+ iterator( iterator const& src );
+ // Dereference operator
+ value_type * operator ->() const;
+ // Dereference operator
+ value_type& operator *() const;
+ // Preincrement operator
+ iterator& operator ++();
+ // Assignment operator
+ iterator& operator = (iterator const& src);
+ // Equality operators
+ bool operator ==(iterator const& i ) const;
+ bool operator !=(iterator const& i ) const;
+ };
+ \endcode
+ */
typedef iterator_type< false > iterator;
/// Const forward iterator
/// Returns a forward const iterator addressing the first element in a set
- //@{
const_iterator begin() const
return get_const_begin();
+ /// Returns a forward const iterator addressing the first element in a set
const_iterator cbegin() const
return get_const_begin();
- //@}
/// Returns an const iterator that addresses the location succeeding the last element in a set
- //@{
const_iterator end() const
return get_const_end();
+ /// Returns an const iterator that addresses the location succeeding the last element in a set
const_iterator cend() const
return get_const_end();
- //@}
+ //@}
The function is an analog of <tt>contains( key )</tt> but \p pred is used for key comparing.
\p Less functor has the interface like \p std::less.
\p pred must imply the same element order as the comparator used for building the map.
+ Hash functor specified in \p Traits should accept parameters of type \p K.
template <typename K, typename Less>
iterator contains( K const& key, Less pred )