if( as == null ) {
out += " "+n.toString()+",\n";
} else {
- out += " "+n.toString()+"-"+as.toStringVerbose()+",\n";
+ out += " "+n.toString()+": "+as.toStringVerbose()+",\n";
- out += "}";
+ out += "}\n";
return out;
// use the methods given above to check every possible alias
// between task parameters and flagged allocation sites reachable
// from the task
- public void writeAllAliases(String outputFile) throws java.io.IOException {
+ public void writeAllAliases(String outputFile, String timeReport) throws java.io.IOException {
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(outputFile) );
- bw.write("Conducting ownership analysis with allocation depth = "+allocationDepth);
+ bw.write("Conducting ownership analysis with allocation depth = "+allocationDepth+"\n");
+ bw.write(timeReport+"\n");
// look through every task for potential aliases
Iterator taskItr = state.getTaskSymbolTable().getDescriptorsIterator();
// this version of writeAllAliases is for Java programs that have no tasks
- public void writeAllAliasesJava(String outputFile) throws java.io.IOException {
+ public void writeAllAliasesJava(String outputFile, String timeReport) throws java.io.IOException {
assert !state.TASK;
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(outputFile) );
bw.write("Conducting ownership analysis with allocation depth = "+allocationDepth+"\n");
+ bw.write(timeReport+"\n\n");
boolean foundSomeAlias = false;
Descriptor d = typeUtil.getMain();
s.add( mc );
mapDescriptorToAllMethodContexts.put( d, s );
- //System.out.println("Previsiting " + mc);
og = analyzeFlatNode(mc, fm, null, og);
setGraphForMethodContext(mc, og);
if( aliasFile != null ) {
if( state.TASK ) {
- writeAllAliases(aliasFile);
+ writeAllAliases(aliasFile, treport);
} else {
- writeAllAliasesJava(aliasFile);
+ writeAllAliasesJava(aliasFile, treport);
- /*
- if( mc.getDescriptor().getSymbol().equals( "main" ) ) {
+ if( takeDebugSnapshots &&
+ mc.getDescriptor().getSymbol().equals( mcDescSymbolDebug ) ) {
- */
// if the results of the new graph are different from
- // insert a call to debugSnapshot() somewhere in the analysis to get
- // successive captures of the analysis state
- int debugCounter = 0;
- int numStartCountReport = 0;
- int freqCountReport = 1;
- int iterStartCapture = 0;
- int numIterToCapture = 500;
- void debugSnapshot(OwnershipGraph og, FlatNode fn) {
- if( debugCounter > numStartCountReport + numIterToCapture ) {
- return;
- }
- ++debugCounter;
- if( debugCounter > numStartCountReport &&
- debugCounter % freqCountReport == 0 ) {
- System.out.println(" @@@ debug counter = "+debugCounter);
- }
- if( debugCounter > iterStartCapture ) {
- System.out.println(" @@@ capturing debug "+(debugCounter-iterStartCapture)+" @@@");
- String graphName = String.format("snap%04d",debugCounter-iterStartCapture);
- if( fn != null ) {
- graphName = graphName+fn;
- }
- try {
- og.writeGraph(graphName, true, true, false, false, false);
- } catch( Exception e ) {
- System.out.println("Error writing debug capture.");
- System.exit(0);
- }
- }
- /*
- if( debugCounter == iterStartCapture + numIterToCapture ) {
- System.out.println("Stopping analysis after debug captures.");
- System.exit(0);
- }
- */
- }
// this method should generate integers strictly greater than zero!
// special "shadow" regions are made from a heap region by negating
// the ID
sorted.addFirst( mc );
\ No newline at end of file
+ // insert a call to debugSnapshot() somewhere in the analysis
+ // to get successive captures of the analysis state
+ boolean takeDebugSnapshots = false;
+ String mcDescSymbolDebug = "main";
+ // increments every visit to debugSnapshot, don't fiddle with it
+ int debugCounter = 0;
+ // the value of debugCounter to start reporting the debugCounter
+ // to the screen to let user know what debug iteration we're at
+ int numStartCountReport = 0;
+ // the frequency of debugCounter values to print out, 0 no report
+ int freqCountReport = 0;
+ // the debugCounter value at which to start taking snapshots
+ int iterStartCapture = 0;
+ // the number of snapshots to take
+ int numIterToCapture = 50;
+ boolean stopAfterCapture = true;
+ void debugSnapshot(OwnershipGraph og, FlatNode fn) {
+ if( debugCounter > iterStartCapture + numIterToCapture ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ++debugCounter;
+ if( debugCounter > numStartCountReport &&
+ freqCountReport > 0 &&
+ debugCounter % freqCountReport == 0 ) {
+ System.out.println(" @@@ debug counter = "+debugCounter);
+ }
+ if( debugCounter > iterStartCapture ) {
+ System.out.println(" @@@ capturing debug "+(debugCounter-iterStartCapture)+" @@@");
+ String graphName = String.format("snap%04d",debugCounter-iterStartCapture);
+ if( fn != null ) {
+ graphName = graphName+fn;
+ }
+ try {
+ og.writeGraph(graphName, true, true, true, false, false);
+ } catch( Exception e ) {
+ System.out.println("Error writing debug capture.");
+ System.exit(0);
+ }
+ }
+ if( debugCounter == iterStartCapture + numIterToCapture && stopAfterCapture ) {
+ System.out.println("Stopping analysis after debug captures.");
+ System.exit(0);
+ }
+ }