-#include <cds/intrusive/split_list_base.h>
+#include <cds/intrusive/details/split_list_base.h>
namespace cds { namespace container {
--- /dev/null
+#include <cds/intrusive/details/base.h>
+#include <cds/cxx11_atomic.h>
+#include <cds/details/allocator.h>
+#include <cds/algo/int_algo.h>
+#include <cds/algo/bitop.h>
+#include <cds/details/functor_wrapper.h>
+namespace cds { namespace intrusive {
+ /// Split-ordered list related definitions
+ /** @ingroup cds_intrusive_helper
+ */
+ namespace split_list {
+ /// Split-ordered list node
+ /**
+ Template parameter:
+ - OrderedListNode - node type for underlying ordered list
+ */
+ template <typename OrderedListNode>
+ struct node: public OrderedListNode
+ {
+ //@cond
+ typedef OrderedListNode base_class;
+ //@endcond
+ size_t m_nHash ; ///< Hash value for node
+ /// Default constructor
+ node()
+ : m_nHash(0)
+ {
+ assert( is_dummy() );
+ }
+ /// Initializes dummy node with \p nHash value
+ node( size_t nHash )
+ : m_nHash( nHash )
+ {
+ assert( is_dummy() );
+ }
+ /// Checks if the node is dummy node
+ bool is_dummy() const
+ {
+ return (m_nHash & 1) == 0;
+ }
+ };
+ /// Type traits for SplitListSet class
+ struct type_traits {
+ /// Hash function
+ /**
+ Hash function converts the key fields of struct \p T stored in the split list
+ into value of type \p size_t called hash value that is an index of hash table.
+ This is mandatory type and has no predefined one.
+ */
+ typedef opt::none hash;
+ /// Item counter
+ /**
+ The item counting is an important part of SplitListSet algorithm:
+ the <tt>empty()</tt> member function depends on correct item counting.
+ Therefore, atomicity::empty_item_counter is not allowed as a type of the option.
+ Default is atomicity::item_counter.
+ */
+ typedef atomicity::item_counter item_counter;
+ /// Bucket table allocator
+ /**
+ Allocator for bucket table. Default is \ref CDS_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR
+ */
+ typedef CDS_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR allocator;
+ /// C++ memory model for atomic operations
+ /**
+ Can be opt::v::relaxed_ordering (relaxed memory model, the default) or opt::v::sequential_consistent (sequentially consisnent memory model).
+ */
+ typedef opt::v::relaxed_ordering memory_model;
+ /// What type of bucket table is used
+ /**
+ \p true - use split_list::expandable_bucket_table that can be expanded
+ if the load factor of the set is exhausted
+ \p false - use split_list::static_bucket_table that cannot be expanded
+ Default is \p true.
+ */
+ static const bool dynamic_bucket_table = true;
+ /// back-off strategy used
+ /**
+ If the option is not specified, the cds::backoff::Default is used.
+ */
+ typedef cds::backoff::Default back_off;
+ };
+ /// [value-option] Split-list dynamic bucket table option
+ /**
+ The option is used to select bucket table implementation.
+ Possible values of \p Value are:
+ - \p true - select \ref expandable_bucket_table implementation
+ - \p false - select \ref static_bucket_table implementation
+ */
+ template <bool Value>
+ struct dynamic_bucket_table
+ {
+ //@cond
+ template <typename Base> struct pack: public Base
+ {
+ enum { dynamic_bucket_table = Value };
+ };
+ //@endcond
+ };
+ /// Metafunction converting option list to traits struct
+ /**
+ This is a wrapper for <tt> cds::opt::make_options< type_traits, Options...> </tt>
+ Available \p Options:
+ - opt::hash - mandatory option, specifies hash functor.
+ - opt::item_counter - optional, specifies item counting policy. See type_traits::item_counter
+ for default type.
+ - opt::memory_model - C++ memory model for atomic operations.
+ Can be opt::v::relaxed_ordering (relaxed memory model, the default) or opt::v::sequential_consistent (sequentially consisnent memory model).
+ - opt::allocator - optional, bucket table allocator. Default is \ref CDS_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR.
+ - split_list::dynamic_bucket_table - use dynamic or static bucket table implementation.
+ Dynamic bucket table expands its size up to maximum bucket count when necessary
+ - opt::back_off - back-off strategy used for spinning. If the option is not specified, the cds::backoff::Default is used.
+ See \ref MichaelHashSet, \ref type_traits.
+ */
+ template <typename... Options>
+ struct make_traits {
+ typedef typename cds::opt::make_options< type_traits, Options...>::type type ; ///< Result of metafunction
+ };
+ /// Static bucket table
+ /**
+ Non-resizeable bucket table for SplitListSet class.
+ The capacity of table (max bucket count) is defined in the constructor call.
+ Template parameter:
+ - \p GC - garbage collector used
+ - \p Node - node type, must be a type based on\ref node template
+ - \p Options... - options
+ \p Options are:
+ - \p opt::allocator - allocator used to allocate bucket table. Default is \ref CDS_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR
+ - \p opt::memory_model - memory model used. Possible types are opt::v::sequential_consistent, opt::v::relaxed_ordering
+ */
+ template <typename GC, typename Node, typename... Options>
+ class static_bucket_table
+ {
+ //@cond
+ struct default_options
+ {
+ typedef CDS_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR allocator;
+ typedef opt::v::relaxed_ordering memory_model;
+ };
+ typedef typename opt::make_options< default_options, Options... >::type options;
+ //@endcond
+ public:
+ typedef GC gc ; ///< Garbage collector
+ typedef Node node_type ; ///< Bucket node type
+ typedef atomics::atomic<node_type *> table_entry ; ///< Table entry type
+ /// Bucket table allocator
+ typedef cds::details::Allocator< table_entry, typename options::allocator > bucket_table_allocator;
+ /// Memory model for atomic operations
+ typedef typename options::memory_model memory_model;
+ protected:
+ const size_t m_nLoadFactor ; ///< load factor (average count of items per bucket)
+ const size_t m_nCapacity ; ///< Bucket table capacity
+ table_entry * m_Table ; ///< Bucket table
+ protected:
+ //@cond
+ void allocate_table()
+ {
+ m_Table = bucket_table_allocator().NewArray( m_nCapacity, nullptr );
+ }
+ void destroy_table()
+ {
+ bucket_table_allocator().Delete( m_Table, m_nCapacity );
+ }
+ //@endcond
+ public:
+ /// Constructs bucket table for 512K buckets. Load factor is 1.
+ static_bucket_table()
+ : m_nLoadFactor(1)
+ , m_nCapacity( 512 * 1024 )
+ {
+ allocate_table();
+ }
+ /// Constructs
+ static_bucket_table(
+ size_t nItemCount, ///< Max expected item count in split-ordered list
+ size_t nLoadFactor ///< Load factor
+ )
+ : m_nLoadFactor( nLoadFactor > 0 ? nLoadFactor : (size_t) 1 ),
+ m_nCapacity( cds::beans::ceil2( nItemCount / m_nLoadFactor ) )
+ {
+ // m_nCapacity must be power of 2
+ assert( cds::beans::is_power2( m_nCapacity ) );
+ allocate_table();
+ }
+ /// Destroy bucket table
+ ~static_bucket_table()
+ {
+ destroy_table();
+ }
+ /// Returns head node of bucket \p nBucket
+ node_type * bucket( size_t nBucket ) const
+ {
+ assert( nBucket < capacity() );
+ return m_Table[ nBucket ].load(memory_model::memory_order_acquire);
+ }
+ /// Set head node \p pNode of bucket \p nBucket
+ void bucket( size_t nBucket, node_type * pNode )
+ {
+ assert( nBucket < capacity() );
+ assert( bucket( nBucket ) == nullptr );
+ m_Table[ nBucket ].store( pNode, memory_model::memory_order_release );
+ }
+ /// Returns the capacity of the bucket table
+ size_t capacity() const
+ {
+ return m_nCapacity;
+ }
+ /// Returns the load factor, i.e. average count of items per bucket
+ size_t load_factor() const
+ {
+ return m_nLoadFactor;
+ }
+ };
+ /// Expandable bucket table
+ /**
+ This bucket table can dynamically grow its capacity when necessary
+ up to maximum bucket count.
+ Template parameter:
+ - \p GC - garbage collector used
+ - \p Node - node type, must be an instantiation of \ref node template
+ - \p Options... - options
+ \p Options are:
+ - \p opt::allocator - allocator used to allocate bucket table. Default is \ref CDS_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR
+ - \p opt::memory_model - memory model used. Possible types are opt::v::sequential_consistent, opt::v::relaxed_ordering
+ */
+ template <typename GC, typename Node, typename... Options>
+ class expandable_bucket_table
+ {
+ //@cond
+ struct default_options
+ {
+ typedef CDS_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR allocator;
+ typedef opt::v::relaxed_ordering memory_model;
+ };
+ typedef typename opt::make_options< default_options, Options... >::type options;
+ //@endcond
+ public:
+ typedef GC gc ; ///< Garbage collector
+ typedef Node node_type ; ///< Bucket node type
+ typedef atomics::atomic<node_type *> table_entry ; ///< Table entry type
+ /// Memory model for atomic operations
+ typedef typename options::memory_model memory_model;
+ protected:
+ typedef atomics::atomic<table_entry *> segment_type ; ///< Bucket table segment type
+ public:
+ /// Bucket table allocator
+ typedef cds::details::Allocator< segment_type, typename options::allocator > bucket_table_allocator;
+ /// Bucket table segment allocator
+ typedef cds::details::Allocator< table_entry, typename options::allocator > segment_allocator;
+ protected:
+ /// Bucket table metrics
+ struct metrics {
+ size_t nSegmentCount ; ///< max count of segments in bucket table
+ size_t nSegmentSize ; ///< the segment's capacity. The capacity must be power of two.
+ size_t nSegmentSizeLog2 ; ///< log2( m_nSegmentSize )
+ size_t nLoadFactor ; ///< load factor
+ size_t nCapacity ; ///< max capacity of bucket table
+ metrics()
+ : nSegmentCount(1024)
+ , nSegmentSize(512)
+ , nSegmentSizeLog2( cds::beans::log2( nSegmentSize ) )
+ , nLoadFactor(1)
+ , nCapacity( nSegmentCount * nSegmentSize )
+ {}
+ };
+ const metrics m_metrics ; ///< Dynamic bucket table metrics
+ protected:
+ //const size_t m_nLoadFactor; ///< load factor (average count of items per bucket)
+ //const size_t m_nCapacity ; ///< Bucket table capacity
+ segment_type * m_Segments ; ///< bucket table - array of segments
+ protected:
+ //@cond
+ metrics calc_metrics( size_t nItemCount, size_t nLoadFactor )
+ {
+ metrics m;
+ // Calculate m_nSegmentSize and m_nSegmentCount by nItemCount
+ m.nLoadFactor = nLoadFactor > 0 ? nLoadFactor : 1;
+ size_t nBucketCount = (size_t)( ((float) nItemCount) / m.nLoadFactor );
+ if ( nBucketCount <= 2 ) {
+ m.nSegmentCount = 1;
+ m.nSegmentSize = 2;
+ }
+ else if ( nBucketCount <= 1024 ) {
+ m.nSegmentCount = 1;
+ m.nSegmentSize = ((size_t) 1) << beans::log2ceil( nBucketCount );
+ }
+ else {
+ nBucketCount = beans::log2ceil( nBucketCount );
+ m.nSegmentCount =
+ m.nSegmentSize = ((size_t) 1) << ( nBucketCount / 2 );
+ if ( nBucketCount & 1 )
+ m.nSegmentSize *= 2;
+ if ( m.nSegmentCount * m.nSegmentSize * m.nLoadFactor < nItemCount )
+ m.nSegmentSize *= 2;
+ }
+ m.nCapacity = m.nSegmentCount * m.nSegmentSize;
+ m.nSegmentSizeLog2 = cds::beans::log2( m.nSegmentSize );
+ assert( m.nSegmentSizeLog2 != 0 ) ; //
+ return m;
+ }
+ segment_type * allocate_table()
+ {
+ return bucket_table_allocator().NewArray( m_metrics.nSegmentCount, nullptr );
+ }
+ void destroy_table( segment_type * pTable )
+ {
+ bucket_table_allocator().Delete( pTable, m_metrics.nSegmentCount );
+ }
+ table_entry * allocate_segment()
+ {
+ return segment_allocator().NewArray( m_metrics.nSegmentSize, nullptr );
+ }
+ void destroy_segment( table_entry * pSegment )
+ {
+ segment_allocator().Delete( pSegment, m_metrics.nSegmentSize );
+ }
+ void init_segments()
+ {
+ // m_nSegmentSize must be 2**N
+ assert( cds::beans::is_power2( m_metrics.nSegmentSize ));
+ assert( ( ((size_t) 1) << m_metrics.nSegmentSizeLog2) == m_metrics.nSegmentSize );
+ // m_nSegmentCount must be 2**K
+ assert( cds::beans::is_power2( m_metrics.nSegmentCount ));
+ m_Segments = allocate_table();
+ }
+ //@endcond
+ public:
+ /// Constructs bucket table for 512K buckets. Load factor is 1.
+ expandable_bucket_table()
+ : m_metrics( calc_metrics( 512 * 1024, 1 ))
+ {
+ init_segments();
+ }
+ /// Constructs
+ expandable_bucket_table(
+ size_t nItemCount, ///< Max expected item count in split-ordered list
+ size_t nLoadFactor ///< Load factor
+ )
+ : m_metrics( calc_metrics( nItemCount, nLoadFactor ))
+ {
+ init_segments();
+ }
+ /// Destroy bucket table
+ ~expandable_bucket_table()
+ {
+ segment_type * pSegments = m_Segments;
+ for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_metrics.nSegmentCount; ++i ) {
+ table_entry * pEntry = pSegments[i].load(memory_model::memory_order_relaxed);
+ if ( pEntry != nullptr )
+ destroy_segment( pEntry );
+ }
+ destroy_table( pSegments );
+ }
+ /// Returns head node of the bucket \p nBucket
+ node_type * bucket( size_t nBucket ) const
+ {
+ size_t nSegment = nBucket >> m_metrics.nSegmentSizeLog2;
+ assert( nSegment < m_metrics.nSegmentCount );
+ table_entry * pSegment = m_Segments[ nSegment ].load(memory_model::memory_order_acquire);
+ if ( pSegment == nullptr )
+ return nullptr; // uninitialized bucket
+ return pSegment[ nBucket & (m_metrics.nSegmentSize - 1) ].load(memory_model::memory_order_acquire);
+ }
+ /// Set head node \p pNode of bucket \p nBucket
+ void bucket( size_t nBucket, node_type * pNode )
+ {
+ size_t nSegment = nBucket >> m_metrics.nSegmentSizeLog2;
+ assert( nSegment < m_metrics.nSegmentCount );
+ segment_type& segment = m_Segments[nSegment];
+ if ( segment.load( memory_model::memory_order_relaxed ) == nullptr ) {
+ table_entry * pNewSegment = allocate_segment();
+ table_entry * pNull = nullptr;
+ if ( !segment.compare_exchange_strong( pNull, pNewSegment, memory_model::memory_order_release, atomics::memory_order_relaxed )) {
+ destroy_segment( pNewSegment );
+ }
+ }
+ segment.load(memory_model::memory_order_acquire)[ nBucket & (m_metrics.nSegmentSize - 1) ].store( pNode, memory_model::memory_order_release );
+ }
+ /// Returns the capacity of the bucket table
+ size_t capacity() const
+ {
+ return m_metrics.nCapacity;
+ }
+ /// Returns the load factor, i.e. average count of items per bucket
+ size_t load_factor() const
+ {
+ return m_metrics.nLoadFactor;
+ }
+ };
+ /// Split-list node traits
+ /**
+ This traits is intended for converting between underlying ordered list node type
+ and split-list node type
+ Template parameter:
+ - \p BaseNodeTraits - node traits of base ordered list type
+ */
+ template <class BaseNodeTraits>
+ struct node_traits: private BaseNodeTraits
+ {
+ typedef BaseNodeTraits base_class ; ///< Base ordered list type
+ typedef typename base_class::value_type value_type ; ///< Value type
+ typedef typename base_class::node_type base_node_type ; ///< Ordered list node type
+ typedef node<base_node_type> node_type ; ///< Spit-list node type
+ /// Convert value reference to node pointer
+ static node_type * to_node_ptr( value_type& v )
+ {
+ return static_cast<node_type *>( base_class::to_node_ptr( v ) );
+ }
+ /// Convert value pointer to node pointer
+ static node_type * to_node_ptr( value_type * v )
+ {
+ return static_cast<node_type *>( base_class::to_node_ptr( v ) );
+ }
+ /// Convert value reference to node pointer (const version)
+ static node_type const * to_node_ptr( value_type const& v )
+ {
+ return static_cast<node_type const*>( base_class::to_node_ptr( v ) );
+ }
+ /// Convert value pointer to node pointer (const version)
+ static node_type const * to_node_ptr( value_type const * v )
+ {
+ return static_cast<node_type const *>( base_class::to_node_ptr( v ) );
+ }
+ /// Convert node refernce to value pointer
+ static value_type * to_value_ptr( node_type& n )
+ {
+ return base_class::to_value_ptr( static_cast<base_node_type &>( n ) );
+ }
+ /// Convert node pointer to value pointer
+ static value_type * to_value_ptr( node_type * n )
+ {
+ return base_class::to_value_ptr( static_cast<base_node_type *>( n ) );
+ }
+ /// Convert node reference to value pointer (const version)
+ static const value_type * to_value_ptr( node_type const & n )
+ {
+ return base_class::to_value_ptr( static_cast<base_node_type const &>( n ) );
+ }
+ /// Convert node pointer to value pointer (const version)
+ static const value_type * to_value_ptr( node_type const * n )
+ {
+ return base_class::to_value_ptr( static_cast<base_node_type const *>( n ) );
+ }
+ };
+ //@cond
+ namespace details {
+ template <bool Value, typename GC, typename Node, typename... Options>
+ struct bucket_table_selector;
+ template <typename GC, typename Node, typename... Options>
+ struct bucket_table_selector< true, GC, Node, Options...>
+ {
+ typedef expandable_bucket_table<GC, Node, Options...> type;
+ };
+ template <typename GC, typename Node, typename... Options>
+ struct bucket_table_selector< false, GC, Node, Options...>
+ {
+ typedef static_bucket_table<GC, Node, Options...> type;
+ };
+ template <typename GC, class Alloc >
+ struct dummy_node_disposer {
+ template <typename Node>
+ void operator()( Node * p )
+ {
+ typedef cds::details::Allocator< Node, Alloc > node_deallocator;
+ node_deallocator().Delete( p );
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename Q>
+ struct search_value_type
+ {
+ Q& val;
+ size_t nHash;
+ search_value_type( Q& v, size_t h )
+ : val( v )
+ , nHash( h )
+ {}
+ /*
+ operator Q&() const
+ {
+ return val;
+ }
+ */
+ };
+ template <class OrderedList, class Options>
+ class rebind_list_options
+ {
+ typedef OrderedList native_ordered_list;
+ typedef Options options;
+ typedef typename native_ordered_list::gc gc;
+ typedef typename native_ordered_list::key_comparator native_key_comparator;
+ typedef typename native_ordered_list::node_type node_type;
+ typedef typename native_ordered_list::value_type value_type;
+ typedef typename native_ordered_list::node_traits node_traits;
+ typedef typename native_ordered_list::disposer native_disposer;
+ typedef split_list::node<node_type> splitlist_node_type;
+ struct key_compare {
+ int operator()( value_type const& v1, value_type const& v2 ) const
+ {
+ splitlist_node_type const * n1 = static_cast<splitlist_node_type const *>( node_traits::to_node_ptr( v1 ));
+ splitlist_node_type const * n2 = static_cast<splitlist_node_type const *>( node_traits::to_node_ptr( v2 ));
+ if ( n1->m_nHash != n2->m_nHash )
+ return n1->m_nHash < n2->m_nHash ? -1 : 1;
+ if ( n1->is_dummy() ) {
+ assert( n2->is_dummy() );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ assert( !n1->is_dummy() && !n2->is_dummy() );
+ return native_key_comparator()( v1, v2 );
+ }
+ template <typename Q>
+ int operator()( value_type const& v, search_value_type<Q> const& q ) const
+ {
+ splitlist_node_type const * n = static_cast<splitlist_node_type const *>( node_traits::to_node_ptr( v ));
+ if ( n->m_nHash != q.nHash )
+ return n->m_nHash < q.nHash ? -1 : 1;
+ assert( !n->is_dummy() );
+ return native_key_comparator()( v, q.val );
+ }
+ template <typename Q>
+ int operator()( search_value_type<Q> const& q, value_type const& v ) const
+ {
+ return -operator()( v, q );
+ }
+ };
+ struct wrapped_disposer
+ {
+ void operator()( value_type * v )
+ {
+ splitlist_node_type * p = static_cast<splitlist_node_type *>( node_traits::to_node_ptr( v ));
+ if ( p->is_dummy() )
+ dummy_node_disposer<gc, typename options::allocator>()( p );
+ else
+ native_disposer()( v );
+ }
+ };
+ public:
+ template <typename Less>
+ struct make_compare_from_less: public cds::opt::details::make_comparator_from_less<Less>
+ {
+ typedef cds::opt::details::make_comparator_from_less<Less> base_class;
+ template <typename Q>
+ int operator()( value_type const& v, search_value_type<Q> const& q ) const
+ {
+ splitlist_node_type const * n = static_cast<splitlist_node_type const *>( node_traits::to_node_ptr( v ));
+ if ( n->m_nHash != q.nHash )
+ return n->m_nHash < q.nHash ? -1 : 1;
+ assert( !n->is_dummy() );
+ return base_class()( v, q.val );
+ }
+ template <typename Q>
+ int operator()( search_value_type<Q> const& q, value_type const& v ) const
+ {
+ splitlist_node_type const * n = static_cast<splitlist_node_type const *>( node_traits::to_node_ptr( v ));
+ if ( n->m_nHash != q.nHash )
+ return q.nHash < n->m_nHash ? -1 : 1;
+ assert( !n->is_dummy() );
+ return base_class()( q.val, v );
+ }
+ template <typename Q1, typename Q2>
+ int operator()( Q1 const& v1, Q2 const& v2 ) const
+ {
+ return base_class()( v1, v2 );
+ }
+ };
+ typedef typename native_ordered_list::template rebind_options<
+ opt::compare< key_compare >
+ ,opt::disposer< wrapped_disposer >
+ ,opt::boundary_node_type< splitlist_node_type >
+ >::type result;
+ };
+ template <typename OrderedList, bool IsConst>
+ struct select_list_iterator;
+ template <typename OrderedList>
+ struct select_list_iterator<OrderedList, false>
+ {
+ typedef typename OrderedList::iterator type;
+ };
+ template <typename OrderedList>
+ struct select_list_iterator<OrderedList, true>
+ {
+ typedef typename OrderedList::const_iterator type;
+ };
+ template <typename NodeTraits, typename OrderedList, bool IsConst>
+ class iterator_type
+ {
+ typedef OrderedList ordered_list_type;
+ protected:
+ typedef typename select_list_iterator<ordered_list_type, IsConst>::type list_iterator;
+ typedef NodeTraits node_traits;
+ private:
+ list_iterator m_itCur;
+ list_iterator m_itEnd;
+ public:
+ typedef typename list_iterator::value_ptr value_ptr;
+ typedef typename list_iterator::value_ref value_ref;
+ public:
+ iterator_type()
+ {}
+ iterator_type( iterator_type const& src )
+ : m_itCur( src.m_itCur )
+ , m_itEnd( src.m_itEnd )
+ {}
+ // This ctor should be protected...
+ iterator_type( list_iterator itCur, list_iterator itEnd )
+ : m_itCur( itCur )
+ , m_itEnd( itEnd )
+ {
+ // skip dummy nodes
+ while ( m_itCur != m_itEnd && node_traits::to_node_ptr( *m_itCur )->is_dummy() )
+ ++m_itCur;
+ }
+ value_ptr operator ->() const
+ {
+ return m_itCur.operator->();
+ }
+ value_ref operator *() const
+ {
+ return m_itCur.operator*();
+ }
+ /// Pre-increment
+ iterator_type& operator ++()
+ {
+ if ( m_itCur != m_itEnd ) {
+ do {
+ ++m_itCur;
+ } while ( m_itCur != m_itEnd && node_traits::to_node_ptr( *m_itCur )->is_dummy() );
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ iterator_type& operator = (iterator_type const& src)
+ {
+ m_itCur = src.m_itCur;
+ m_itEnd = src.m_itEnd;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <bool C>
+ bool operator ==(iterator_type<node_traits, ordered_list_type, C> const& i ) const
+ {
+ return m_itCur == i.m_itCur;
+ }
+ template <bool C>
+ bool operator !=(iterator_type<node_traits, ordered_list_type, C> const& i ) const
+ {
+ return m_itCur != i.m_itCur;
+ }
+ };
+ } // namespace details
+ //@endcond
+ //@cond
+ // Helper functions
+ /// Reverses bit order in \p nHash
+ static inline size_t reverse_bits( size_t nHash )
+ {
+ return bitop::RBO( nHash );
+ }
+ static inline size_t regular_hash( size_t nHash )
+ {
+ return reverse_bits( nHash ) | size_t(1);
+ }
+ static inline size_t dummy_hash( size_t nHash )
+ {
+ return reverse_bits( nHash ) & ~size_t(1);
+ }
+ //@endcond
+ } // namespace split_list
+ //@cond
+ // Forward declaration
+ template <class GC, class OrderedList, class Traits = split_list::type_traits>
+ class SplitListSet;
+ //@endcond
+}} // namespace cds::intrusive
-#include <cds/intrusive/split_list_base.h>
+#include <cds/intrusive/details/split_list_base.h>
namespace cds { namespace intrusive {
+++ /dev/null
-#include <cds/intrusive/details/base.h>
-#include <cds/cxx11_atomic.h>
-#include <cds/details/allocator.h>
-#include <cds/algo/int_algo.h>
-#include <cds/algo/bitop.h>
-#include <cds/details/functor_wrapper.h>
-namespace cds { namespace intrusive {
- /// Split-ordered list related definitions
- /** @ingroup cds_intrusive_helper
- */
- namespace split_list {
- /// Split-ordered list node
- /**
- Template parameter:
- - OrderedListNode - node type for underlying ordered list
- */
- template <typename OrderedListNode>
- struct node: public OrderedListNode
- {
- //@cond
- typedef OrderedListNode base_class;
- //@endcond
- size_t m_nHash ; ///< Hash value for node
- /// Default constructor
- node()
- : m_nHash(0)
- {
- assert( is_dummy() );
- }
- /// Initializes dummy node with \p nHash value
- node( size_t nHash )
- : m_nHash( nHash )
- {
- assert( is_dummy() );
- }
- /// Checks if the node is dummy node
- bool is_dummy() const
- {
- return (m_nHash & 1) == 0;
- }
- };
- /// Type traits for SplitListSet class
- struct type_traits {
- /// Hash function
- /**
- Hash function converts the key fields of struct \p T stored in the split list
- into value of type \p size_t called hash value that is an index of hash table.
- This is mandatory type and has no predefined one.
- */
- typedef opt::none hash;
- /// Item counter
- /**
- The item counting is an important part of SplitListSet algorithm:
- the <tt>empty()</tt> member function depends on correct item counting.
- Therefore, atomicity::empty_item_counter is not allowed as a type of the option.
- Default is atomicity::item_counter.
- */
- typedef atomicity::item_counter item_counter;
- /// Bucket table allocator
- /**
- Allocator for bucket table. Default is \ref CDS_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR
- */
- typedef CDS_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR allocator;
- /// C++ memory model for atomic operations
- /**
- Can be opt::v::relaxed_ordering (relaxed memory model, the default) or opt::v::sequential_consistent (sequentially consisnent memory model).
- */
- typedef opt::v::relaxed_ordering memory_model;
- /// What type of bucket table is used
- /**
- \p true - use split_list::expandable_bucket_table that can be expanded
- if the load factor of the set is exhausted
- \p false - use split_list::static_bucket_table that cannot be expanded
- Default is \p true.
- */
- static const bool dynamic_bucket_table = true;
- /// back-off strategy used
- /**
- If the option is not specified, the cds::backoff::Default is used.
- */
- typedef cds::backoff::Default back_off;
- };
- /// [value-option] Split-list dynamic bucket table option
- /**
- The option is used to select bucket table implementation.
- Possible values of \p Value are:
- - \p true - select \ref expandable_bucket_table implementation
- - \p false - select \ref static_bucket_table implementation
- */
- template <bool Value>
- struct dynamic_bucket_table
- {
- //@cond
- template <typename Base> struct pack: public Base
- {
- enum { dynamic_bucket_table = Value };
- };
- //@endcond
- };
- /// Metafunction converting option list to traits struct
- /**
- This is a wrapper for <tt> cds::opt::make_options< type_traits, Options...> </tt>
- Available \p Options:
- - opt::hash - mandatory option, specifies hash functor.
- - opt::item_counter - optional, specifies item counting policy. See type_traits::item_counter
- for default type.
- - opt::memory_model - C++ memory model for atomic operations.
- Can be opt::v::relaxed_ordering (relaxed memory model, the default) or opt::v::sequential_consistent (sequentially consisnent memory model).
- - opt::allocator - optional, bucket table allocator. Default is \ref CDS_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR.
- - split_list::dynamic_bucket_table - use dynamic or static bucket table implementation.
- Dynamic bucket table expands its size up to maximum bucket count when necessary
- - opt::back_off - back-off strategy used for spinning. If the option is not specified, the cds::backoff::Default is used.
- See \ref MichaelHashSet, \ref type_traits.
- */
- template <typename... Options>
- struct make_traits {
- typedef typename cds::opt::make_options< type_traits, Options...>::type type ; ///< Result of metafunction
- };
- /// Static bucket table
- /**
- Non-resizeable bucket table for SplitListSet class.
- The capacity of table (max bucket count) is defined in the constructor call.
- Template parameter:
- - \p GC - garbage collector used
- - \p Node - node type, must be a type based on\ref node template
- - \p Options... - options
- \p Options are:
- - \p opt::allocator - allocator used to allocate bucket table. Default is \ref CDS_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR
- - \p opt::memory_model - memory model used. Possible types are opt::v::sequential_consistent, opt::v::relaxed_ordering
- */
- template <typename GC, typename Node, typename... Options>
- class static_bucket_table
- {
- //@cond
- struct default_options
- {
- typedef CDS_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR allocator;
- typedef opt::v::relaxed_ordering memory_model;
- };
- typedef typename opt::make_options< default_options, Options... >::type options;
- //@endcond
- public:
- typedef GC gc ; ///< Garbage collector
- typedef Node node_type ; ///< Bucket node type
- typedef atomics::atomic<node_type *> table_entry ; ///< Table entry type
- /// Bucket table allocator
- typedef cds::details::Allocator< table_entry, typename options::allocator > bucket_table_allocator;
- /// Memory model for atomic operations
- typedef typename options::memory_model memory_model;
- protected:
- const size_t m_nLoadFactor ; ///< load factor (average count of items per bucket)
- const size_t m_nCapacity ; ///< Bucket table capacity
- table_entry * m_Table ; ///< Bucket table
- protected:
- //@cond
- void allocate_table()
- {
- m_Table = bucket_table_allocator().NewArray( m_nCapacity, nullptr );
- }
- void destroy_table()
- {
- bucket_table_allocator().Delete( m_Table, m_nCapacity );
- }
- //@endcond
- public:
- /// Constructs bucket table for 512K buckets. Load factor is 1.
- static_bucket_table()
- : m_nLoadFactor(1)
- , m_nCapacity( 512 * 1024 )
- {
- allocate_table();
- }
- /// Constructs
- static_bucket_table(
- size_t nItemCount, ///< Max expected item count in split-ordered list
- size_t nLoadFactor ///< Load factor
- )
- : m_nLoadFactor( nLoadFactor > 0 ? nLoadFactor : (size_t) 1 ),
- m_nCapacity( cds::beans::ceil2( nItemCount / m_nLoadFactor ) )
- {
- // m_nCapacity must be power of 2
- assert( cds::beans::is_power2( m_nCapacity ) );
- allocate_table();
- }
- /// Destroy bucket table
- ~static_bucket_table()
- {
- destroy_table();
- }
- /// Returns head node of bucket \p nBucket
- node_type * bucket( size_t nBucket ) const
- {
- assert( nBucket < capacity() );
- return m_Table[ nBucket ].load(memory_model::memory_order_acquire);
- }
- /// Set head node \p pNode of bucket \p nBucket
- void bucket( size_t nBucket, node_type * pNode )
- {
- assert( nBucket < capacity() );
- assert( bucket( nBucket ) == nullptr );
- m_Table[ nBucket ].store( pNode, memory_model::memory_order_release );
- }
- /// Returns the capacity of the bucket table
- size_t capacity() const
- {
- return m_nCapacity;
- }
- /// Returns the load factor, i.e. average count of items per bucket
- size_t load_factor() const
- {
- return m_nLoadFactor;
- }
- };
- /// Expandable bucket table
- /**
- This bucket table can dynamically grow its capacity when necessary
- up to maximum bucket count.
- Template parameter:
- - \p GC - garbage collector used
- - \p Node - node type, must be an instantiation of \ref node template
- - \p Options... - options
- \p Options are:
- - \p opt::allocator - allocator used to allocate bucket table. Default is \ref CDS_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR
- - \p opt::memory_model - memory model used. Possible types are opt::v::sequential_consistent, opt::v::relaxed_ordering
- */
- template <typename GC, typename Node, typename... Options>
- class expandable_bucket_table
- {
- //@cond
- struct default_options
- {
- typedef CDS_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR allocator;
- typedef opt::v::relaxed_ordering memory_model;
- };
- typedef typename opt::make_options< default_options, Options... >::type options;
- //@endcond
- public:
- typedef GC gc ; ///< Garbage collector
- typedef Node node_type ; ///< Bucket node type
- typedef atomics::atomic<node_type *> table_entry ; ///< Table entry type
- /// Memory model for atomic operations
- typedef typename options::memory_model memory_model;
- protected:
- typedef atomics::atomic<table_entry *> segment_type ; ///< Bucket table segment type
- public:
- /// Bucket table allocator
- typedef cds::details::Allocator< segment_type, typename options::allocator > bucket_table_allocator;
- /// Bucket table segment allocator
- typedef cds::details::Allocator< table_entry, typename options::allocator > segment_allocator;
- protected:
- /// Bucket table metrics
- struct metrics {
- size_t nSegmentCount ; ///< max count of segments in bucket table
- size_t nSegmentSize ; ///< the segment's capacity. The capacity must be power of two.
- size_t nSegmentSizeLog2 ; ///< log2( m_nSegmentSize )
- size_t nLoadFactor ; ///< load factor
- size_t nCapacity ; ///< max capacity of bucket table
- metrics()
- : nSegmentCount(1024)
- , nSegmentSize(512)
- , nSegmentSizeLog2( cds::beans::log2( nSegmentSize ) )
- , nLoadFactor(1)
- , nCapacity( nSegmentCount * nSegmentSize )
- {}
- };
- const metrics m_metrics ; ///< Dynamic bucket table metrics
- protected:
- //const size_t m_nLoadFactor; ///< load factor (average count of items per bucket)
- //const size_t m_nCapacity ; ///< Bucket table capacity
- segment_type * m_Segments ; ///< bucket table - array of segments
- protected:
- //@cond
- metrics calc_metrics( size_t nItemCount, size_t nLoadFactor )
- {
- metrics m;
- // Calculate m_nSegmentSize and m_nSegmentCount by nItemCount
- m.nLoadFactor = nLoadFactor > 0 ? nLoadFactor : 1;
- size_t nBucketCount = (size_t)( ((float) nItemCount) / m.nLoadFactor );
- if ( nBucketCount <= 2 ) {
- m.nSegmentCount = 1;
- m.nSegmentSize = 2;
- }
- else if ( nBucketCount <= 1024 ) {
- m.nSegmentCount = 1;
- m.nSegmentSize = ((size_t) 1) << beans::log2ceil( nBucketCount );
- }
- else {
- nBucketCount = beans::log2ceil( nBucketCount );
- m.nSegmentCount =
- m.nSegmentSize = ((size_t) 1) << ( nBucketCount / 2 );
- if ( nBucketCount & 1 )
- m.nSegmentSize *= 2;
- if ( m.nSegmentCount * m.nSegmentSize * m.nLoadFactor < nItemCount )
- m.nSegmentSize *= 2;
- }
- m.nCapacity = m.nSegmentCount * m.nSegmentSize;
- m.nSegmentSizeLog2 = cds::beans::log2( m.nSegmentSize );
- assert( m.nSegmentSizeLog2 != 0 ) ; //
- return m;
- }
- segment_type * allocate_table()
- {
- return bucket_table_allocator().NewArray( m_metrics.nSegmentCount, nullptr );
- }
- void destroy_table( segment_type * pTable )
- {
- bucket_table_allocator().Delete( pTable, m_metrics.nSegmentCount );
- }
- table_entry * allocate_segment()
- {
- return segment_allocator().NewArray( m_metrics.nSegmentSize, nullptr );
- }
- void destroy_segment( table_entry * pSegment )
- {
- segment_allocator().Delete( pSegment, m_metrics.nSegmentSize );
- }
- void init_segments()
- {
- // m_nSegmentSize must be 2**N
- assert( cds::beans::is_power2( m_metrics.nSegmentSize ));
- assert( ( ((size_t) 1) << m_metrics.nSegmentSizeLog2) == m_metrics.nSegmentSize );
- // m_nSegmentCount must be 2**K
- assert( cds::beans::is_power2( m_metrics.nSegmentCount ));
- m_Segments = allocate_table();
- }
- //@endcond
- public:
- /// Constructs bucket table for 512K buckets. Load factor is 1.
- expandable_bucket_table()
- : m_metrics( calc_metrics( 512 * 1024, 1 ))
- {
- init_segments();
- }
- /// Constructs
- expandable_bucket_table(
- size_t nItemCount, ///< Max expected item count in split-ordered list
- size_t nLoadFactor ///< Load factor
- )
- : m_metrics( calc_metrics( nItemCount, nLoadFactor ))
- {
- init_segments();
- }
- /// Destroy bucket table
- ~expandable_bucket_table()
- {
- segment_type * pSegments = m_Segments;
- for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_metrics.nSegmentCount; ++i ) {
- table_entry * pEntry = pSegments[i].load(memory_model::memory_order_relaxed);
- if ( pEntry != nullptr )
- destroy_segment( pEntry );
- }
- destroy_table( pSegments );
- }
- /// Returns head node of the bucket \p nBucket
- node_type * bucket( size_t nBucket ) const
- {
- size_t nSegment = nBucket >> m_metrics.nSegmentSizeLog2;
- assert( nSegment < m_metrics.nSegmentCount );
- table_entry * pSegment = m_Segments[ nSegment ].load(memory_model::memory_order_acquire);
- if ( pSegment == nullptr )
- return nullptr; // uninitialized bucket
- return pSegment[ nBucket & (m_metrics.nSegmentSize - 1) ].load(memory_model::memory_order_acquire);
- }
- /// Set head node \p pNode of bucket \p nBucket
- void bucket( size_t nBucket, node_type * pNode )
- {
- size_t nSegment = nBucket >> m_metrics.nSegmentSizeLog2;
- assert( nSegment < m_metrics.nSegmentCount );
- segment_type& segment = m_Segments[nSegment];
- if ( segment.load( memory_model::memory_order_relaxed ) == nullptr ) {
- table_entry * pNewSegment = allocate_segment();
- table_entry * pNull = nullptr;
- if ( !segment.compare_exchange_strong( pNull, pNewSegment, memory_model::memory_order_release, atomics::memory_order_relaxed )) {
- destroy_segment( pNewSegment );
- }
- }
- segment.load(memory_model::memory_order_acquire)[ nBucket & (m_metrics.nSegmentSize - 1) ].store( pNode, memory_model::memory_order_release );
- }
- /// Returns the capacity of the bucket table
- size_t capacity() const
- {
- return m_metrics.nCapacity;
- }
- /// Returns the load factor, i.e. average count of items per bucket
- size_t load_factor() const
- {
- return m_metrics.nLoadFactor;
- }
- };
- /// Split-list node traits
- /**
- This traits is intended for converting between underlying ordered list node type
- and split-list node type
- Template parameter:
- - \p BaseNodeTraits - node traits of base ordered list type
- */
- template <class BaseNodeTraits>
- struct node_traits: private BaseNodeTraits
- {
- typedef BaseNodeTraits base_class ; ///< Base ordered list type
- typedef typename base_class::value_type value_type ; ///< Value type
- typedef typename base_class::node_type base_node_type ; ///< Ordered list node type
- typedef node<base_node_type> node_type ; ///< Spit-list node type
- /// Convert value reference to node pointer
- static node_type * to_node_ptr( value_type& v )
- {
- return static_cast<node_type *>( base_class::to_node_ptr( v ) );
- }
- /// Convert value pointer to node pointer
- static node_type * to_node_ptr( value_type * v )
- {
- return static_cast<node_type *>( base_class::to_node_ptr( v ) );
- }
- /// Convert value reference to node pointer (const version)
- static node_type const * to_node_ptr( value_type const& v )
- {
- return static_cast<node_type const*>( base_class::to_node_ptr( v ) );
- }
- /// Convert value pointer to node pointer (const version)
- static node_type const * to_node_ptr( value_type const * v )
- {
- return static_cast<node_type const *>( base_class::to_node_ptr( v ) );
- }
- /// Convert node refernce to value pointer
- static value_type * to_value_ptr( node_type& n )
- {
- return base_class::to_value_ptr( static_cast<base_node_type &>( n ) );
- }
- /// Convert node pointer to value pointer
- static value_type * to_value_ptr( node_type * n )
- {
- return base_class::to_value_ptr( static_cast<base_node_type *>( n ) );
- }
- /// Convert node reference to value pointer (const version)
- static const value_type * to_value_ptr( node_type const & n )
- {
- return base_class::to_value_ptr( static_cast<base_node_type const &>( n ) );
- }
- /// Convert node pointer to value pointer (const version)
- static const value_type * to_value_ptr( node_type const * n )
- {
- return base_class::to_value_ptr( static_cast<base_node_type const *>( n ) );
- }
- };
- //@cond
- namespace details {
- template <bool Value, typename GC, typename Node, typename... Options>
- struct bucket_table_selector;
- template <typename GC, typename Node, typename... Options>
- struct bucket_table_selector< true, GC, Node, Options...>
- {
- typedef expandable_bucket_table<GC, Node, Options...> type;
- };
- template <typename GC, typename Node, typename... Options>
- struct bucket_table_selector< false, GC, Node, Options...>
- {
- typedef static_bucket_table<GC, Node, Options...> type;
- };
- template <typename GC, class Alloc >
- struct dummy_node_disposer {
- template <typename Node>
- void operator()( Node * p )
- {
- typedef cds::details::Allocator< Node, Alloc > node_deallocator;
- node_deallocator().Delete( p );
- }
- };
- template <typename Q>
- struct search_value_type
- {
- Q& val;
- size_t nHash;
- search_value_type( Q& v, size_t h )
- : val( v )
- , nHash( h )
- {}
- /*
- operator Q&() const
- {
- return val;
- }
- */
- };
- template <class OrderedList, class Options>
- class rebind_list_options
- {
- typedef OrderedList native_ordered_list;
- typedef Options options;
- typedef typename native_ordered_list::gc gc;
- typedef typename native_ordered_list::key_comparator native_key_comparator;
- typedef typename native_ordered_list::node_type node_type;
- typedef typename native_ordered_list::value_type value_type;
- typedef typename native_ordered_list::node_traits node_traits;
- typedef typename native_ordered_list::disposer native_disposer;
- typedef split_list::node<node_type> splitlist_node_type;
- struct key_compare {
- int operator()( value_type const& v1, value_type const& v2 ) const
- {
- splitlist_node_type const * n1 = static_cast<splitlist_node_type const *>( node_traits::to_node_ptr( v1 ));
- splitlist_node_type const * n2 = static_cast<splitlist_node_type const *>( node_traits::to_node_ptr( v2 ));
- if ( n1->m_nHash != n2->m_nHash )
- return n1->m_nHash < n2->m_nHash ? -1 : 1;
- if ( n1->is_dummy() ) {
- assert( n2->is_dummy() );
- return 0;
- }
- assert( !n1->is_dummy() && !n2->is_dummy() );
- return native_key_comparator()( v1, v2 );
- }
- template <typename Q>
- int operator()( value_type const& v, search_value_type<Q> const& q ) const
- {
- splitlist_node_type const * n = static_cast<splitlist_node_type const *>( node_traits::to_node_ptr( v ));
- if ( n->m_nHash != q.nHash )
- return n->m_nHash < q.nHash ? -1 : 1;
- assert( !n->is_dummy() );
- return native_key_comparator()( v, q.val );
- }
- template <typename Q>
- int operator()( search_value_type<Q> const& q, value_type const& v ) const
- {
- return -operator()( v, q );
- }
- };
- struct wrapped_disposer
- {
- void operator()( value_type * v )
- {
- splitlist_node_type * p = static_cast<splitlist_node_type *>( node_traits::to_node_ptr( v ));
- if ( p->is_dummy() )
- dummy_node_disposer<gc, typename options::allocator>()( p );
- else
- native_disposer()( v );
- }
- };
- public:
- template <typename Less>
- struct make_compare_from_less: public cds::opt::details::make_comparator_from_less<Less>
- {
- typedef cds::opt::details::make_comparator_from_less<Less> base_class;
- template <typename Q>
- int operator()( value_type const& v, search_value_type<Q> const& q ) const
- {
- splitlist_node_type const * n = static_cast<splitlist_node_type const *>( node_traits::to_node_ptr( v ));
- if ( n->m_nHash != q.nHash )
- return n->m_nHash < q.nHash ? -1 : 1;
- assert( !n->is_dummy() );
- return base_class()( v, q.val );
- }
- template <typename Q>
- int operator()( search_value_type<Q> const& q, value_type const& v ) const
- {
- splitlist_node_type const * n = static_cast<splitlist_node_type const *>( node_traits::to_node_ptr( v ));
- if ( n->m_nHash != q.nHash )
- return q.nHash < n->m_nHash ? -1 : 1;
- assert( !n->is_dummy() );
- return base_class()( q.val, v );
- }
- template <typename Q1, typename Q2>
- int operator()( Q1 const& v1, Q2 const& v2 ) const
- {
- return base_class()( v1, v2 );
- }
- };
- typedef typename native_ordered_list::template rebind_options<
- opt::compare< key_compare >
- ,opt::disposer< wrapped_disposer >
- ,opt::boundary_node_type< splitlist_node_type >
- >::type result;
- };
- template <typename OrderedList, bool IsConst>
- struct select_list_iterator;
- template <typename OrderedList>
- struct select_list_iterator<OrderedList, false>
- {
- typedef typename OrderedList::iterator type;
- };
- template <typename OrderedList>
- struct select_list_iterator<OrderedList, true>
- {
- typedef typename OrderedList::const_iterator type;
- };
- template <typename NodeTraits, typename OrderedList, bool IsConst>
- class iterator_type
- {
- typedef OrderedList ordered_list_type;
- protected:
- typedef typename select_list_iterator<ordered_list_type, IsConst>::type list_iterator;
- typedef NodeTraits node_traits;
- private:
- list_iterator m_itCur;
- list_iterator m_itEnd;
- public:
- typedef typename list_iterator::value_ptr value_ptr;
- typedef typename list_iterator::value_ref value_ref;
- public:
- iterator_type()
- {}
- iterator_type( iterator_type const& src )
- : m_itCur( src.m_itCur )
- , m_itEnd( src.m_itEnd )
- {}
- // This ctor should be protected...
- iterator_type( list_iterator itCur, list_iterator itEnd )
- : m_itCur( itCur )
- , m_itEnd( itEnd )
- {
- // skip dummy nodes
- while ( m_itCur != m_itEnd && node_traits::to_node_ptr( *m_itCur )->is_dummy() )
- ++m_itCur;
- }
- value_ptr operator ->() const
- {
- return m_itCur.operator->();
- }
- value_ref operator *() const
- {
- return m_itCur.operator*();
- }
- /// Pre-increment
- iterator_type& operator ++()
- {
- if ( m_itCur != m_itEnd ) {
- do {
- ++m_itCur;
- } while ( m_itCur != m_itEnd && node_traits::to_node_ptr( *m_itCur )->is_dummy() );
- }
- return *this;
- }
- iterator_type& operator = (iterator_type const& src)
- {
- m_itCur = src.m_itCur;
- m_itEnd = src.m_itEnd;
- return *this;
- }
- template <bool C>
- bool operator ==(iterator_type<node_traits, ordered_list_type, C> const& i ) const
- {
- return m_itCur == i.m_itCur;
- }
- template <bool C>
- bool operator !=(iterator_type<node_traits, ordered_list_type, C> const& i ) const
- {
- return m_itCur != i.m_itCur;
- }
- };
- } // namespace details
- //@endcond
- //@cond
- // Helper functions
- /// Reverses bit order in \p nHash
- static inline size_t reverse_bits( size_t nHash )
- {
- return bitop::RBO( nHash );
- }
- static inline size_t regular_hash( size_t nHash )
- {
- return reverse_bits( nHash ) | size_t(1);
- }
- static inline size_t dummy_hash( size_t nHash )
- {
- return reverse_bits( nHash ) & ~size_t(1);
- }
- //@endcond
- } // namespace split_list
- //@cond
- // Forward declaration
- template <class GC, class OrderedList, class Traits = split_list::type_traits>
- class SplitListSet;
- //@endcond
-}} // namespace cds::intrusive
-#endif // #ifndef __CDS_INTRUSIVE_SPLIT_LIST_BASE_H
-#include <cds/intrusive/split_list_base.h>
+#include <cds/intrusive/details/split_list_base.h>
#include <cds/gc/nogc.h>
namespace cds { namespace intrusive {
-#include <cds/intrusive/split_list_base.h>
+#include <cds/intrusive/details/split_list_base.h>
#include <cds/details/binary_functor_wrapper.h>
namespace cds { namespace intrusive {
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\intrusive\details\queue_stat.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\intrusive\details\single_link_struct.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\intrusive\details\skip_list_base.h" />\r
+ <ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\intrusive\details\split_list_base.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\intrusive\ellen_bintree_hp.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\intrusive\ellen_bintree_ptb.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\intrusive\ellen_bintree_rcu.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\intrusive\optimistic_queue.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\intrusive\segmented_queue.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\intrusive\split_list.h" />\r
- <ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\intrusive\split_list_base.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\intrusive\split_list_nogc.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\intrusive\treiber_stack.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\intrusive\tsigas_cycle_queue.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\intrusive\split_list.h">\r
<Filter>Header Files\cds\intrusive</Filter>\r
- <ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\intrusive\split_list_base.h">\r
- <Filter>Header Files\cds\intrusive</Filter>\r
- </ClInclude>\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\intrusive\split_list_nogc.h">\r
<Filter>Header Files\cds\intrusive</Filter>\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\intrusive\impl\skip_list.h">\r
<Filter>Header Files\cds\intrusive\impl</Filter>\r
+ <ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\intrusive\details\split_list_base.h">\r
+ <Filter>Header Files\cds\intrusive\details</Filter>\r
+ </ClInclude>\r
\ No newline at end of file