import gov.nasa.jpf.JPFListener;
- * interface to register for notification by the Search object.
- * Observer role in same-name pattern
+ * The {@code SearchListener} interface defines the methods available to register for notifications by the {@code Search} object.
+ *
+ * <p>Any desired methods will require implementation logic in the child class, but unwanted methods can be instantiated without logic.
+ * {@code SearchListenerAdapter} instantiates all of the methods as an abstract class and does not require child classes to instantiate all methods.
+ * If the child class is not another {@code Listener} type interface, then {@code SearchListenerAdapter} would be a more appropriate parent class.
+ *
+ * <p>This interface is to be used alongside classes that extend {@code Search} class functionality. {@code SearchListener} is capable of gauging
+ * {@code Search} attributes through the implemented methods and can receive information such as depth, configured properties, and other important {@code Search}
+ * properties.
public interface SearchListener extends JPFListener {
- /**
- * got the next state
- * Note - this will be notified before any potential propertyViolated, in which
- * case the currentError will be already set
- */
- void stateAdvanced (Search search);
- /**
- * state is fully explored
- */
- void stateProcessed (Search search);
- /**
- * state was backtracked one step
- */
- void stateBacktracked (Search search);
- /**
- * some state is not going to appear in any path anymore
- */
- void statePurged (Search search);
+ /**
+ * Notified when the state in a {@code Search} child class is advanced forward
+ * one state in the search tree. The {@code Search} object that is passed as
+ * a parameter contains attributes describing the next state in the search
+ * loop as well as attributes describing the specifications of the search loop
+ * itself (e.g. current depth, depth limit, current error, etc.)
+ *
+ * <p>{@code stateAdvanced(Search search)} will be notified and called before any potential
+ * property violations (in {@code propertyViolated(Search search)}, thus the currentError
+ * will already be set and may not reflect upcoming property violations.
+ *
+ * @param search a {@code Search} object that denotes current attributes in the next state
+ */
+ void stateAdvanced (Search search);
+ /**
+ * Notified when the search loop has fully explored the current state and is ready to move
+ * to a new state in the search tree. The {@code Search} object that is passed as a parameter
+ * contains attributes describing the current state in the search loop as well as attributes
+ * describing the specifications of the search loop itself (e.g. current depth, depth limit,
+ * current error, etc.)
+ *
+ * @param search a {@code Search} object that denotes current attributes in the current state
+ */
+ void stateProcessed (Search search);
+ /**
+ * Notified when the state in a {@code Search} child class is moved backwards
+ * one state in the search tree. The {@code Search} object that is passed as
+ * a parameter contains attributes describing the next state (which is also
+ * the previous state) in the search tree attributes as well as attributes
+ * describing the specifications of the search loop itself (e.g. current depth,
+ * depth limit, current error, etc.)
+ *
+ * @param search a {@code Search} object that denotes current attributes
+ * of the next (previous) state
+ */
+ void stateBacktracked (Search search);
+ /**
+ * Notified when a state is removed from the search tree and will not be appearing
+ * in the future. The {@code Search} object passed through contains details
+ * that describe the state and the current properties of the search loop
+ * (e.g. current depth, depth limit, current error, etc.)
+ *
+ * @param search a {@code Search} object that denotes current attributes of the purged state
+ */
+ void statePurged (Search search);
+ /**
+ * Notified when an explored state from the search state is stored to be accessed later. The
+ * {@code Search} object passed through contains details that describe the state and current
+ * properties of the search loop (e.g. current depth, depth limit, current error, etc.)
+ *
+ * <p>The stored state may be restored later through {@code stateRestored(Search search)}
+ *
+ * @param search a {@code Search} object that denotes current attributes of the stored state
+ */
+ void stateStored (Search search);
+ /**
+ * Notified when a previously stored search state is restored for use in the search algorithm.
+ * The {@code Search} object passed through contains details that describe the restored state
+ * and current properties of the search loop (e.g. current depth, depth limit, current
+ * error, etc.)
+ *
+ * <p>The restored state is guaranteed to have been visited and explored in the past.
+ *
+ * <p>The restored state may be from a separate path than the previous state.
+ *
+ * @param search a {@code Search} object that denotes current attributes of the restored state
+ */
+ void stateRestored (Search search);
+ /**
+ * Notified when a probe request occurs (e.g. from a periodical timer). The {@code Search} object
+ * passed through contains details that describe the probe request, as well as the properties of
+ * the search loop (e.g. current depth, depth limit, current error, etc.)
+ *
+ * While probe requests in {@code Search} may be implemented and called asynchronously, the notification
+ * sent to {@code searchProbed(Search search)} will always be from the main JPF loop, and thus be synchronously
+ * called (i.e. after instruction execution).
+ *
+ * @param search a {@code Search} object that denotes current attributes of the probe request
+ */
+ void searchProbed (Search search);
+ /**
+ * Notified when JPF encounters a property violation of the application during the search loop. The
+ * {@code Search} object passed through contains details describing the properties of the search loop
+ * (e.g. current depth, depth limit, current error, etc.)
+ *
+ * <p>Notification of {@code stateAdvanced(Search search)} will always precede notifications of
+ * {@code propertyViolated(Search search)}
+ *
+ * <p>The JPF search loop will notify {@code SearchListener} of the property violation before resetting the violation
+ *
+ * <p>Properties refers to jpf.Property and not java.util.Property
+ *
+ * @param search a {@code Search} object that denotes current attributes at the time of the property violation
+ */
+ void propertyViolated (Search search);
+ /**
+ * Notified when a search is started and the search loop is entered. The {@code Search} object passed through
+ * contains details describing the properties of the search loop (e.g. current depth, depth limit, current
+ * error, etc.)
+ *
+ * <p>{@code searchStarted(Search search)} will always be called before the first {@code Search.forward()} call.
+ *
+ * @param search a {@code Search} object that denotes current attributes of search loop
+ */
+ void searchStarted (Search search);
+ /**
+ * Notified when a constraint is reached during the search loop. The {@code Search} object passed through contains details describing
+ * the properties of the search loop at the time of notification (e.g. current depth, depth limit, current error, etc.)
+ *
+ * <p>The constraint being reached may have also been turned into a property but is usually an attribute of the search, not the application.
+ *
+ * <p>Examples of constraints are depth limit or the amount of memory that the search loop is allowed to use being exceeded. These general constraints
+ * are usually specified in a properties file.
+ *
+ * @param search a {@code Search} object that denotes current attributes of search loop at the time of the constraint being hit
+ */
+ void searchConstraintHit (Search search);
- /**
- * somebody stored the state
- */
- void stateStored (Search search);
- /**
- * a previously generated state was restored
- * (can be on a completely different path)
- */
- void stateRestored (Search search);
- /**
- * there was a probe request, e.g. from a periodical timer
- * note this is called synchronously from within the JPF execution loop
- * (after instruction execution)
- */
- void searchProbed (Search search);
- /**
- * JPF encountered a property violation.
- * Note - this is always preceeded by a stateAdvanced
- */
- void propertyViolated (Search search);
- /**
- * we get this after we enter the search loop, but BEFORE the first forward
- */
- void searchStarted (Search search);
- /**
- * there was some contraint hit in the search, we back out
- * could have been turned into a property, but usually is an attribute of
- * the search, not the application
- */
- void searchConstraintHit (Search search);
- /**
- * we're done, either with or without a preceeding error
- */
- void searchFinished (Search search);
+ /**
+ * Notified when a search ends and the search loop is exited. The {@code Search} object passed through
+ * contains details describing the properties of the search loop and final state (e.g. current depth,
+ * depth limit, current error, etc.)
+ *
+ * <p>If the search was finished prematurely due to some unexpected reason, a preceding error may antecede
+ * the {@code searchFinished(Search search)} call.
+ *
+ * @param search a {@code Search} object that denotes attributes of finalized search loop
+ */
+ void searchFinished (Search search);