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\usepackage{algpseudocode}% http://ctan.org/pkg/algorithmicx\r
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things are partitioned into functions, adding useful comments,...}\r
-\subsection{Formal Guarantees}\r
-\textit{To be completed ...}\r
-\begin{defn}[System Execution]\r
-Let \\\r
-$Q = \{slot_{sn_1}, slot_{sn_2}, \dots, Slot_{sn_n}\}$, \\\r
-$SN = \{sn_1, sn_2, \dots, sn_n\}$ \\\r
-denote a queue $Q$ of $n$ slots, with each slot entry being denoted by a\r
-valid sequence number $sn_i \in SN$. $Q$ represents a total order of all \r
-slot updates from all corresponding machines.\r
-%\textit{Formalize a system execution as a sequence of slot updates...\r
-%There is a total order of all slot updates.}\r
-\begin{defn}[Transitive Closure]\r
-A transitive closure $\tau : \tau = \epsilon_{update(slot_i)} R $\r
-$\epsilon_{receive(slot_i)}$ is a relation from slot update event\r
-$\epsilon$ to a slot receive event $\epsilon$ for $slot_i$.\r
-%Define transitive closure relation for slot updates... There is an\r
-%edge from a slot update to a slot receive event if the receive event\r
-%reads from the update event.\r
-Let \\\r
-$q = \{slot_{i}, slot_{i+1}, \dots, slot_{j}\}, \r
-sn_1 \leq i \leq j \leq sn_n \Longrightarrow q \subseteq Q$\r
-denote a suborder of the total order. Set q is a sequence of contiguous\r
-slot updates that is a subset of a total order of all slot updates in Q.\r
-%Define suborder of total order. It is a sequence of contiguous slots\r
-%updates (as observed by a given device).\r
-\begin{defn}[Prefix of a suborder]\r
-Given a suborder \\ \r
-$q' = \{slot_{i}, slot_{i+1}, \dots, slot_{j}, \dots\}, \r
-sn_1 \leq i \leq j \leq sn_n \Longrightarrow \r
-q' \subseteq Q$\r
-with $slot_{j}$ as a slot update in $q'$, the prefix of $q'$ is a sequence \r
-of all slot updates $\{slot_{i}, slot_{i+1}, \dots, slot_{j-1}\} \cup\r
-%Given a sub order $o=u_{i},u_{i+1},...,u_j, u_{j+i},..., u', ...$ and\r
-%a slot update $u'$ in $o$, the prefix of $o$ is a sequence of all\r
-%updates that occur before $u'$ and $u'$.\r
-\begin{defn}[Consistency between a suborder and a total order]\r
-A suborder $q'$ is consistent with a total order $T$ of $Q$, if all\r
-updates in $q'$ appear in $T$ and they appear in the same order, as \r
-the following:\r
-$q' = \{slot_{i}, slot_{i+1}, \dots, slot_{j}\},$\r
-$T = \{slot_{sn_1}, \dots, slot_{i}, slot_{i+1}, \dots, slot_{j}, \dots,\r
-slot_{sn_n}\},$ \\ $sn_1 \leq i \leq j \leq sn_n \Longrightarrow\r
-q' \subseteq T$\r
-%A suborder $o$ is consistent with a total order $t$, if all updates in $o$ %appear in $t$ and they appear in the same order.\r
-\begin{defn}[Consistency between suborders]\r
-Two suborders U and V are consistent if there exist a total order T \r
-such that both U and V are suborders of T.\r
-$U = \{slot_{i}, slot_{i+1}, \dots, slot_{j}\},$ \\\r
-$V = \{slot_{k}, slot_{k+1}, \dots, slot_{l}\},$ \\\r
-$sn_1 \leq i \leq j \leq k \leq l \leq sn_n,$ \\\r
-$U \subset T \land V \subset T$ \\\r
-$T = \{slot_{sn_1}, \dots, slot_{i}, slot_{i+1}, \dots, slot_{j}, $\\\r
-$\dots, slot_{k}, slot_{k+1}, \dots, slot_{l}, \dots, slot_{sn_n}\}$\r
-%Define notion of consistency between suborders... Two suborders U,V\r
-%are consistent if there exist a total order T such that both U and V\r
-%are suborders of T.\r
-\begin{defn}[Error-free execution]\r
-An error-free execution, for which the client does not flag any errors\r
-is defined by the following criteria:\r
+\subsection{Definitions for Formal Guarantees}\r
-\item Item 1\r
-\item Item 2\r
+\item Equality: Two messages $t$ and $u$ are equal if their sequence numbers, senders, and contents are exactly the same.\r
+\item Message: A message $t$, is the tuple $t = (i(t), s(t), contents(t))$ containing the sequence number, machine ID of the sender, and contents of $t$ respectively.\r
+\item Parent: A parent of a message $t$ is the message $A(t)$, unique by the correctness of HMACs, such that $HMAC_C(t) = HMAC_P(A(t))$.\r
+\item Chain: A chain of messages with length $n \ge 1$ is a message sequence $(t_i, t_{i+1}, ..., t_{i+n-1})$ such that for every index $i < k \le i+n-1$, $t_k$ has sequence number $k$ and is the parent of $t_{k-1}$. Note that no two entries in a chain can have the same sequence number.\r
+\item Partial message sequence: A partial message sequence is a sequence of messages, no two with the same sequence number, that can be divided into disjoint chains.\r
+\item Total message sequence: A total message sequence $T$ with length $n$ is a chain of messages that starts at $i = 1$. The path of a message $t$ is the total message sequence whose last message is $t$.\r
+\item Consistency: A partial message sequence $P$ is consistent with a total message sequence $T$ of length $n$ if for every message $p \in P$ with $i(p) < n$, $T_{i(p)} = p$. This implies that $\{p \in P | i(p) \le n\}$ is a subsequence of T.\r
+\item Transitive closure set at index $i$: A set $\mathscr{S}$ of clients comprising a connected component of an undirected graph, where two clients are connected by an edge if they both received the same message $t$ with index $i(t) > i$.\r
-%not flag any errors...\r
-%Define error-free execution --- execution for which the client does\r
-%not flag any errors...\r
-\begin{theorem} Error-free execution of algorithm ensures that the suborder\r
-for node n is consistent with the prefix suborder for all other nodes\r
-that are in the transitive closure.\r
+\subsection{Formal Guarantee}\r
+\begin{prop} Every client $J$ who sends a message $t$ has $A(t)$ as its latest stored message, and $i(t) = i(A(t)) + 1$. \end{prop}\r
+\begin{proof} True by definition, because $J$ sets $HMAC_P(t) = HMAC_C(A(t))$ and $i(t) = i(A(t)) + 1$ when a message is sent. \end{proof}\r
+\begin{prop} If a rejected message entry is added to the RML at index $i$, the message will remain in the RML until every client has seen it. \end{prop}\r
+\begin{proof} Every RML entry $e$ remains in the queue until it reaches the tail, and is refreshed by the next sender $J$ at that time if $min(MS) > i(e)$; that is, until every client has sent a message with sequence number greater than $i(e)$. Because every client who sends a message with index $i$ has the state of the queue at $i - 1$, this client will have seen the message at $i(e)$. \end{proof}\r
+\begin{lem} If two packets $t$ and $u$, with $i(t) \le i(u)$, are received without errors by a client $C$, then $t$ is in the path of $u$. \end{lem}\r
+Assume that $t$ is not in the path of $u$. Take $u$ to be the packet of smallest index for which this occurs, and $t$ be the packet with largest index for this $u$. We will prove that an error occurs upon receipt of $u$.\r
+Let $R_1$ be the earliest member of the path of $t$ that is not in the path of $u$, and $q$ be its parent. $q$, the last common ancestor of $t$ and $u$, must exist, since all clients and the server were initialized with the same state. Let $S_1$ be the successor of $q$ that is in the path of $u$; we know $S_1 \neq R_1$. Let $R = (R_1, R_2, \dots, R_m = t)$ be the distinct portion of the path of $t$, and similarly let $S$ be the distinct portion of the path of $S_n = u$.\r
+Let $J = s(R_1)$, and $K = s(S_1)$. Because no client can send two messages with the same index, and $i(R_1) = i(S_1) = i(q) + 1$, we know that $J \neq K$.\r
+There are two cases:\r
+\item Case 1: $J$ did not send a message in $S$. Then $v_J(t) > v_J(q) = v_J(u)$. $C$ will throw an error, because the latest index of $J$ changes in the opposite direction of the sequence number: $v_J(u) < v_J(t)$ but $i(u) > i(t)$.\r
+\item Case 2: $J$ sent at least one message in $S$. Call the first one $p$. We know that $i(p) > i(S_1)$, since $J \neq K$. $R_1$ must be sent either before or after $p$.\r
+\item Case 2.1: Client $J$ sends $p$, and then $R_1$. When $p$ was sent, whether it was accepted or rejected, $i(J, p) \geq i(p)$. Since $i(p) > i(S_1)$, $i(J, p) > q$. So $i(q) < i(J, p)$, which would cause $J$ to fail to send $R_1$, a contradiction.\r
+\item Case 2.2: Client $J$ sends $R_1$, and then $p$. Let $X = (R_1, \dots )$ be the list of messages $J$ sends starting before $R_1$ and ending before $p$.\r
+\item Case 2.2.1: Some message in $X$ was accepted. In this case, before sending $p$, $J$'s value for its own latest index would be strictly greater than $v_J(q)$. ($J$ could not have sent a message with index less than $i(q)$ after receiving $q$). When preparing to send $p$, $J$ would have received its own latest index as at most $v_J(q)$. $J$ throws an error before sending $p$, because its own latest index decreases.\r
+\item Case 2.2.2: All messages in $X$ were rejected. Client $J$ will always add the latest rejected message to the rejected-message list in the next update; so for every $i$, $1 \leq i < |X|$, the $i$th element of $X$ will be recorded in the RML of all further elements of $X$; and every element of $X$ will be recorded in $RML(p)$. Since every rejected message in $RML(p)$ will be in $RML(C, u)$, and $u$ is the first message that $C$ sees which does not have $t$ in its path, $R_1$ will be recorded in $RML(C, p)$. When $C$ receives $u$, $C$ will throw an error from the match $(J, iq+1)$ in $RML(C, p)$.\r
-\begin{defn}[State of Data Structure]\r
-Define in terms of playing all updates sequentially onto local data\r
-Algorithm gives consistent view of data structure.\r
+Suppose that there is a transitive closure set $\mathscr{S}$ of clients, at index $n$. Then there is some total message sequence $T$ of length $n$ such that every client $C$ in $\mathscr{S}$ sees a partial sequence $P_C$ consistent with $T$. \end{theorem}\r
+The definition of consistency of $P_C$ with $T$ is that every message $p \in P_C$ with index $i(p) \le n$ is equal to the message in that slot in $T$. Let $C_1$ be some client in the transitive closure set, with partial message sequence $P_{C_1}$, and let $u$ be some message with $i(u) > i$ that $C_1$ shares with another client. Then let $T$ be the portion of the path of $u$ ending at index $i$ and $t$ be the message at that index. Clearly, by Lemma 1, $P_{C_1}$ is consistent with $T$, and furthermore. We will show that, for every other client $D$ with partial sequence $P_D$, $P_D$ has some message whose path includes $t$. Because $D$ is in the transitive closure, there is a sequence of edges from $C_1$ to $D$. Call this $\mathscr{C} = (C_1, C_2, ..., D)$. I will prove by induction that $D$ has a message whose path includes $t$.\r
+For the base case, $P_{C_1}$ includes $u$, whose path includes $t$. For the inductive step, suppose $P_{C_k}$ has an message $w$ with a path that includes $t$, and shares message $x$ with $P_{C_{k+1}}$ such that $i(x) > i$. If $i(w) = i(x)$, then $w = x$. If $i(w) < i(x)$, then, by Lemma 1, $w$ is in the path of $x$. If $i(w) > i(x)$, $x$ is in the path of $w$; note again that its index is greater than $i$. In any case, $t$ is in the path of $u_k+1$.\r
+Let $w$ the message of $D$ whose path includes $t$. By Lemma 1, every message in $P_D$ with index smaller than $i(w)$ is in the path of $w$. Since $t$ is in the path of $w$, every message in $P_D$ with smaller index than $i(t)$ is in $T$. Therefore, $P_D$ is consistent with $T$.\r
\subsection{Future Work}\r