--- /dev/null
+package Analysis.SSJava;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.Vector;
+import IR.AnnotationDescriptor;
+import IR.ClassDescriptor;
+import IR.FieldDescriptor;
+import IR.MethodDescriptor;
+import IR.State;
+import IR.SymbolTable;
+import IR.TypeDescriptor;
+import IR.VarDescriptor;
+import IR.Tree.AssignmentNode;
+import IR.Tree.BlockExpressionNode;
+import IR.Tree.BlockNode;
+import IR.Tree.BlockStatementNode;
+import IR.Tree.DeclarationNode;
+import IR.Tree.ExpressionNode;
+import IR.Tree.Kind;
+import Util.Lattice;
+public class FlowDownCheck {
+ State state;
+ HashSet toanalyze;
+ public FlowDownCheck(State state) {
+ this.state = state;
+ this.toanalyze = new HashSet();
+ }
+ public void flowDownCheck() {
+ SymbolTable classtable = state.getClassSymbolTable();
+ toanalyze.addAll(classtable.getValueSet());
+ toanalyze.addAll(state.getTaskSymbolTable().getValueSet());
+ // Do methods next
+ while (!toanalyze.isEmpty()) {
+ Object obj = toanalyze.iterator().next();
+ ClassDescriptor cd = (ClassDescriptor) obj;
+ toanalyze.remove(cd);
+ if (cd.isClassLibrary()) {
+ // doesn't care about class libraries now
+ continue;
+ }
+ checkClass(cd);
+ for (Iterator method_it = cd.getMethods(); method_it.hasNext();) {
+ MethodDescriptor md = (MethodDescriptor) method_it.next();
+ try {
+ checkMethodBody(cd, md);
+ } catch (Error e) {
+ System.out.println("Error in " + md);
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void checkMethodBody(ClassDescriptor cd, MethodDescriptor md) {
+ ClassDescriptor superdesc = cd.getSuperDesc();
+ if (superdesc != null) {
+ Set possiblematches = superdesc.getMethodTable().getSet(md.getSymbol());
+ for (Iterator methodit = possiblematches.iterator(); methodit.hasNext();) {
+ MethodDescriptor matchmd = (MethodDescriptor) methodit.next();
+ if (md.matches(matchmd)) {
+ if (matchmd.getModifiers().isFinal()) {
+ throw new Error("Try to override final method in method:" + md + " declared in " + cd);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ BlockNode bn = state.getMethodBody(md);
+ checkBlockNode(md, md.getParameterTable(), bn);
+ }
+ public void checkBlockNode(MethodDescriptor md, SymbolTable nametable, BlockNode bn) {
+ /* Link in the naming environment */
+ bn.getVarTable().setParent(nametable);
+ for (int i = 0; i < bn.size(); i++) {
+ BlockStatementNode bsn = bn.get(i);
+ checkBlockStatementNode(md, bn.getVarTable(), bsn);
+ }
+ }
+ public void checkBlockStatementNode(MethodDescriptor md, SymbolTable nametable,
+ BlockStatementNode bsn) {
+ switch (bsn.kind()) {
+ case Kind.BlockExpressionNode:
+ checkBlockExpressionNode(md, nametable, (BlockExpressionNode) bsn);
+ return;
+ case Kind.DeclarationNode:
+ checkDeclarationNode(md, (DeclarationNode) bsn);
+ return;
+ }
+ /*
+ * switch (bsn.kind()) { case Kind.BlockExpressionNode:
+ * checkBlockExpressionNode(md, nametable, (BlockExpressionNode) bsn);
+ * return;
+ *
+ * case Kind.DeclarationNode: checkDeclarationNode(md, nametable,
+ * (DeclarationNode) bsn); return;
+ *
+ * case Kind.TagDeclarationNode: checkTagDeclarationNode(md, nametable,
+ * (TagDeclarationNode) bsn); return;
+ *
+ * case Kind.IfStatementNode: checkIfStatementNode(md, nametable,
+ * (IfStatementNode) bsn); return;
+ *
+ * case Kind.SwitchStatementNode: checkSwitchStatementNode(md, nametable,
+ * (SwitchStatementNode) bsn); return;
+ *
+ * case Kind.LoopNode: checkLoopNode(md, nametable, (LoopNode) bsn); return;
+ *
+ * case Kind.ReturnNode: checkReturnNode(md, nametable, (ReturnNode) bsn);
+ * return;
+ *
+ * case Kind.TaskExitNode: checkTaskExitNode(md, nametable, (TaskExitNode)
+ * bsn); return;
+ *
+ * case Kind.SubBlockNode: checkSubBlockNode(md, nametable, (SubBlockNode)
+ * bsn); return;
+ *
+ * case Kind.AtomicNode: checkAtomicNode(md, nametable, (AtomicNode) bsn);
+ * return;
+ *
+ * case Kind.SynchronizedNode: checkSynchronizedNode(md, nametable,
+ * (SynchronizedNode) bsn); return;
+ *
+ * case Kind.ContinueBreakNode: checkContinueBreakNode(md, nametable,
+ * (ContinueBreakNode) bsn); return;
+ *
+ * case Kind.SESENode: case Kind.GenReachNode: // do nothing, no semantic
+ * check for SESEs return; }
+ */
+ // throw new Error();
+ }
+ void checkBlockExpressionNode(MethodDescriptor md, SymbolTable nametable, BlockExpressionNode ben) {
+ checkExpressionNode(md, nametable, ben.getExpression(), null);
+ }
+ void checkExpressionNode(MethodDescriptor md, SymbolTable nametable, ExpressionNode en,
+ TypeDescriptor td) {
+ switch (en.kind()) {
+ case Kind.AssignmentNode:
+ checkAssignmentNode(md, nametable, (AssignmentNode) en, td);
+ return;
+ }
+ /*
+ * switch(en.kind()) { case Kind.AssignmentNode:
+ * checkAssignmentNode(md,nametable,(AssignmentNode)en,td); return;
+ *
+ * case Kind.CastNode: checkCastNode(md,nametable,(CastNode)en,td); return;
+ *
+ * case Kind.CreateObjectNode:
+ * checkCreateObjectNode(md,nametable,(CreateObjectNode)en,td); return;
+ *
+ * case Kind.FieldAccessNode:
+ * checkFieldAccessNode(md,nametable,(FieldAccessNode)en,td); return;
+ *
+ * case Kind.ArrayAccessNode:
+ * checkArrayAccessNode(md,nametable,(ArrayAccessNode)en,td); return;
+ *
+ * case Kind.LiteralNode: checkLiteralNode(md,nametable,(LiteralNode)en,td);
+ * return;
+ *
+ * case Kind.MethodInvokeNode:
+ * checkMethodInvokeNode(md,nametable,(MethodInvokeNode)en,td); return;
+ *
+ * case Kind.NameNode: checkNameNode(md,nametable,(NameNode)en,td); return;
+ *
+ * case Kind.OpNode: checkOpNode(md,nametable,(OpNode)en,td); return;
+ *
+ * case Kind.OffsetNode: checkOffsetNode(md, nametable, (OffsetNode)en, td);
+ * return;
+ *
+ * case Kind.TertiaryNode: checkTertiaryNode(md, nametable,
+ * (TertiaryNode)en, td); return;
+ *
+ * case Kind.InstanceOfNode: checkInstanceOfNode(md, nametable,
+ * (InstanceOfNode) en, td); return;
+ *
+ * case Kind.ArrayInitializerNode: checkArrayInitializerNode(md, nametable,
+ * (ArrayInitializerNode) en, td); return;
+ *
+ * case Kind.ClassTypeNode: checkClassTypeNode(md, nametable,
+ * (ClassTypeNode) en, td); return; }
+ */
+ }
+ void checkAssignmentNode(MethodDescriptor md, SymbolTable nametable, AssignmentNode an,
+ TypeDescriptor td) {
+ ClassDescriptor cd = md.getClassDesc();
+ Lattice<String> locOrder = (Lattice<String>) state.getCd2LocationOrder().get(cd);
+ String destLocation = an.getDest().getType().getAnnotationMarkers().elementAt(0).getMarker();
+ String srcLocation = an.getSrc().getType().getAnnotationMarkers().elementAt(0).getMarker();
+ if (!locOrder.isGreaterThan(srcLocation, destLocation)) {
+ throw new Error("Value flow from " + srcLocation + " to " + destLocation
+ + "does not respect location hierarchy.");
+ }
+ }
+ void checkDeclarationNode(MethodDescriptor md, DeclarationNode dn) {
+ ClassDescriptor cd = md.getClassDesc();
+ VarDescriptor vd = dn.getVarDescriptor();
+ Vector<AnnotationDescriptor> annotationVec = vd.getType().getAnnotationMarkers();
+ // currently enforce every variable to have corresponding location
+ if (annotationVec.size() == 0) {
+ throw new Error("Location is not assigned to variable " + vd.getSymbol() + " in the method "
+ + md.getSymbol() + " of the class " + cd.getSymbol());
+ }
+ if (annotationVec.size() > 1) {
+ // variable can have at most one location
+ throw new Error(vd.getSymbol() + " has more than one location.");
+ }
+ // check if location is defined
+ String locationID = annotationVec.elementAt(0).getMarker();
+ Lattice<String> lattice = (Lattice<String>) state.getCd2LocationOrder().get(cd);
+ if (lattice == null || (!lattice.containsKey(locationID))) {
+ throw new Error("Location " + locationID
+ + " is not defined in the location hierarchy of class " + cd.getSymbol() + ".");
+ }
+ }
+ private void checkClass(ClassDescriptor cd) {
+ // Check to see that fields are okay
+ for (Iterator field_it = cd.getFields(); field_it.hasNext();) {
+ FieldDescriptor fd = (FieldDescriptor) field_it.next();
+ checkFieldDeclaration(cd, fd);
+ }
+ // Check to see that methods respects ss property
+ for (Iterator method_it = cd.getMethods(); method_it.hasNext();) {
+ MethodDescriptor md = (MethodDescriptor) method_it.next();
+ checkMethodDeclaration(cd, md);
+ }
+ }
+ private void checkMethodDeclaration(ClassDescriptor cd, MethodDescriptor md) {
+ }
+ private void checkFieldDeclaration(ClassDescriptor cd, FieldDescriptor fd) {
+ Vector<AnnotationDescriptor> annotationVec = fd.getType().getAnnotationMarkers();
+ // currently enforce every variable to have corresponding location
+ if (annotationVec.size() == 0) {
+ throw new Error("Location is not assigned to the field " + fd.getSymbol() + " of the class "
+ + cd.getSymbol());
+ }
+ if (annotationVec.size() > 1) {
+ // variable can have at most one location
+ throw new Error("Field " + fd.getSymbol() + " of class " + cd
+ + " has more than one location.");
+ }
+ // check if location is defined
+ String locationID = annotationVec.elementAt(0).getMarker();
+ Lattice<String> lattice = (Lattice<String>) state.getCd2LocationOrder().get(cd);
+ if (lattice == null || (!lattice.containsKey(locationID))) {
+ throw new Error("Location " + locationID
+ + " is not defined in the location hierarchy of class " + cd.getSymbol() + ".");
+ }
+ }