with lines
-##------- Machine code size ----
-set size .75,.75
-set xtics rotate
-set xlabel 0,-1
-set output "running_Olden_machcode.png"
-set ylabel "Program machine code size (bytes)"
-plot "running_Olden_machcode.txt" u 1:2 t '' with lines, \
- "running_Olden_machcode.txt" u 1:2 t "bh" with lines, \
- "running_Olden_machcode.txt" u 1:3 t "em3d" with lines, \
- "running_Olden_machcode.txt" u 1:4 t "mst" with lines, \
- "running_Olden_machcode.txt" u 1:5 t "power" with lines, \
- "running_Olden_machcode.txt" u 1:6 t "tsp" with lines, \
- "running_Olden_machcode.txt" u 1:7 t "bisort" with lines, \
- "running_Olden_machcode.txt" u 1:8 t "health" with lines, \
- "running_Olden_machcode.txt" u 1:9 t "perimeter" with lines, \
- "running_Olden_machcode.txt" u 1:10 t "treeadd" with lines, \
- "running_Olden_machcode.txt" u 1:11 t "voronoi" \
- with lines
-set size 1.5,1.5
-set xtics norotate
-set xlabel 0,0
-set output "running_Olden_machcode_large.png"
-plot "running_Olden_machcode.txt" u 1:2 t '' with lines, \
- "running_Olden_machcode.txt" u 1:2 t "bh" with lines, \
- "running_Olden_machcode.txt" u 1:3 t "em3d" with lines, \
- "running_Olden_machcode.txt" u 1:4 t "mst" with lines, \
- "running_Olden_machcode.txt" u 1:5 t "power" with lines, \
- "running_Olden_machcode.txt" u 1:6 t "tsp" with lines, \
- "running_Olden_machcode.txt" u 1:7 t "bisort" with lines, \
- "running_Olden_machcode.txt" u 1:8 t "health" with lines, \
- "running_Olden_machcode.txt" u 1:9 t "perimeter" with lines, \
- "running_Olden_machcode.txt" u 1:10 t "treeadd" with lines, \
- "running_Olden_machcode.txt" u 1:11 t "voronoi" \
- with lines
##------- Bytecode size ----
set size .75,.75
if ( $VERBOSE ) { print "CONFIGURE STAGE\n"; }
- system "(time -p $NICE ./configure $CONFIGUREARGS --enable-spec --with-objroot=.) > $BuildLog 2>&1";
+ my $EXTRAFLAGS = "--enable-spec2000=/Volumes/ProjectsDisk/cvs/benchmarks/speccpu2000-llvm/benchspec/ --enable-povray=/Volumes/ProjectsDisk/cvs/benchmarks/povray31 --enable-namd=/Volumes/ProjectsDisk/cvs/benchmarks/namd";
+ system "(time -p $NICE ./configure $CONFIGUREARGS $EXTRAFLAGS) > $BuildLog 2>&1";
if ( $VERBOSE ) { print "BUILD STAGE\n"; }
# Build the entire tree, capturing the output into $BuildLog
my $rJITTime = GetRegex 'TEST-RESULT-jit-time: program\s*([.0-9m]+)', $Rec;
my $rOptTime = GetRegex "TEST-RESULT-compile: .*$WallTimeRE", $Rec;
my $rBytecodeSize = GetRegex 'TEST-RESULT-compile: *([0-9]+)', $Rec;
- my $rMachCodeSize = GetRegex 'TEST-RESULT-jit-machcode: *([0-9]+).*bytes of machine code', $Rec;
$NATTime .= " " . FormatTime($rNATTime);
$CBETime .= " " . FormatTime($rCBETime);
$JITTime .= " " . FormatTime($rJITTime);
$OptTime .= " $rOptTime";
$BytecodeSize .= " $rBytecodeSize";
- $MachCodeSize .= " $rMachCodeSize";
# Now that we have all of the numbers we want, add them to the running totals
AddRecord($JITTime, "running_Olden_jit_time.txt");
AddRecord($OptTime, "running_Olden_opt_time.txt");
AddRecord($BytecodeSize, "running_Olden_bytecode.txt");
- AddRecord($MachCodeSize, "running_Olden_machcode.txt");
system "gzip -f $OldenTestsLog";
# Make sure we don't get errors running the nightly tester the first time
# because of files that don't exist.
Touch ('running_build_time.txt', 'running_Olden_llc_time.txt',
- 'running_loc.txt', 'running_Olden_machcode.txt',
+ 'running_loc.txt',
'running_Olden_bytecode.txt', 'running_Olden_nat_time.txt',
'running_Olden_cbe_time.txt', 'running_Olden_opt_time.txt',
Size of LLVM bytecode files
<td width=50% align=center>
-<a href="running_Olden_machcode_large.png"><img width=480 height=360 border=0 src="running_Olden_machcode.png"></a><br>
-Size of native machine code for each program (generated by the JIT)
-<td align=center>
<a href="running_Olden_opt_time_large.png"><img width=480 height=360 border=0 src="running_Olden_opt_time.png"></a><br>
Time to run the LLVM optimizer on each program
<h2>Program Execution Measurements:</h2>