SSL_SESSION *sslSession_{nullptr};
Timeout handshakeTimeout_;
Timeout connectionTimeout_;
- // whether the SSL session was resumed using session ID or not
- bool sessionIDResumed_{false};
// The app byte num that we are tracking for the MSG_EOR
// Only one app EOR byte can be tracked.
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point handshakeStartTime_;
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point handshakeEndTime_;
std::chrono::milliseconds handshakeConnectTimeout_{0};
- bool sessionResumptionAttempted_{false};
std::chrono::milliseconds totalConnectTimeout_{0};
std::string sslVerificationAlert_;
+ bool sessionResumptionAttempted_{false};
+ // whether the SSL session was resumed using session ID or not
+ bool sessionIDResumed_{false};
} // namespace
///< The address we are connecting from
uint32_t sendTimeout_; ///< The send timeout, in milliseconds
uint16_t maxReadsPerEvent_; ///< Max reads per event loop iteration
+ bool isBufferMovable_{false};
+ int8_t readErr_{READ_NO_ERROR}; ///< The read error encountered, if any
EventBase* eventBase_; ///< The EventBase
WriteTimeout writeTimeout_; ///< A timeout for connect and write
IoHandler ioHandler_; ///< A EventHandler to monitor the fd
std::weak_ptr<ShutdownSocketSet> wShutdownSocketSet_;
size_t appBytesReceived_; ///< Num of bytes received from socket
size_t appBytesWritten_; ///< Num of bytes written to socket
- bool isBufferMovable_{false};
// Pre-received data, to be returned to read callback before any data from the
// socket.
std::unique_ptr<IOBuf> preReceivedData_;
- int8_t readErr_{READ_NO_ERROR}; ///< The read error encountered, if any
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point connectStartTime_;
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point connectEndTime_;
std::chrono::milliseconds connectTimeout_{0};
+ std::unique_ptr<EvbChangeCallback> evbChangeCb_{nullptr};
BufferCallback* bufferCallback_{nullptr};
bool tfoEnabled_{false};
bool tfoAttempted_{false};
bool zeroCopyEnabled_{false};
bool zeroCopyVal_{false};
size_t zeroCopyWriteChainThreshold_{kDefaultZeroCopyThreshold};
- std::unique_ptr<EvbChangeCallback> evbChangeCb_{nullptr};
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma vtordisp(pop)