+ /// PointerUnion4 - This is a pointer union of four pointer types. See
+ /// documentation for PointerUnion for usage.
+ template <typename PT1, typename PT2, typename PT3, typename PT4>
+ class PointerUnion4 {
+ public:
+ typedef PointerUnion<PT1, PT2> InnerUnion1;
+ typedef PointerUnion<PT3, PT4> InnerUnion2;
+ typedef PointerUnion<InnerUnion1, InnerUnion2> ValTy;
+ private:
+ ValTy Val;
+ public:
+ PointerUnion4() {}
+ PointerUnion4(PT1 V) {
+ Val = InnerUnion1(V);
+ }
+ PointerUnion4(PT2 V) {
+ Val = InnerUnion1(V);
+ }
+ PointerUnion4(PT3 V) {
+ Val = InnerUnion2(V);
+ }
+ PointerUnion4(PT4 V) {
+ Val = InnerUnion2(V);
+ }
+ /// isNull - Return true if the pointer help in the union is null,
+ /// regardless of which type it is.
+ bool isNull() const { return Val.isNull(); }
+ operator bool() const { return !isNull(); }
+ /// is<T>() return true if the Union currently holds the type matching T.
+ template<typename T>
+ int is() const {
+ // Is it PT1/PT2?
+ if (::llvm::getPointerUnionTypeNum<PT1, PT2>((T*)0) != -1)
+ return Val.is<InnerUnion1>() && Val.get<InnerUnion1>().is<T>();
+ return Val.is<InnerUnion2>() && Val.get<InnerUnion2>().is<T>();
+ }
+ /// get<T>() - Return the value of the specified pointer type. If the
+ /// specified pointer type is incorrect, assert.
+ template<typename T>
+ T get() const {
+ assert(is<T>() && "Invalid accessor called");
+ // Is it PT1/PT2?
+ if (::llvm::getPointerUnionTypeNum<PT1, PT2>((T*)0) != -1)
+ return Val.get<InnerUnion1>().get<T>();
+ return Val.get<InnerUnion2>().get<T>();
+ }
+ /// dyn_cast<T>() - If the current value is of the specified pointer type,
+ /// return it, otherwise return null.
+ template<typename T>
+ T dyn_cast() const {
+ if (is<T>()) return get<T>();
+ return T();
+ }
+ /// Assignment operators - Allow assigning into this union from either
+ /// pointer type, setting the discriminator to remember what it came from.
+ const PointerUnion4 &operator=(const PT1 &RHS) {
+ Val = InnerUnion1(RHS);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ const PointerUnion4 &operator=(const PT2 &RHS) {
+ Val = InnerUnion1(RHS);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ const PointerUnion4 &operator=(const PT3 &RHS) {
+ Val = InnerUnion2(RHS);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ const PointerUnion4 &operator=(const PT4 &RHS) {
+ Val = InnerUnion2(RHS);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ void *getOpaqueValue() const { return Val.getOpaqueValue(); }
+ static PointerUnion4 getFromOpaqueValue(void *VP) {
+ PointerUnion4 V;
+ V.Val = ValTy::getFromOpaqueValue(VP);
+ return V;
+ }
+ };
+ // Teach SmallPtrSet that PointerUnion4 is "basically a pointer", that has
+ // # low bits available = min(PT1bits,PT2bits,PT2bits)-2.
+ template<typename PT1, typename PT2, typename PT3, typename PT4>
+ class PointerLikeTypeTraits<PointerUnion4<PT1, PT2, PT3, PT4> > {
+ public:
+ static inline void *
+ getAsVoidPointer(const PointerUnion4<PT1, PT2, PT3, PT4> &P) {
+ return P.getOpaqueValue();
+ }
+ static inline PointerUnion4<PT1, PT2, PT3, PT4>
+ getFromVoidPointer(void *P) {
+ return PointerUnion4<PT1, PT2, PT3, PT4>::getFromOpaqueValue(P);
+ }
+ // The number of bits available are the min of the two pointer types.
+ enum {
+ NumLowBitsAvailable =
+ PointerLikeTypeTraits<typename PointerUnion4<PT1, PT2, PT3, PT4>::ValTy>
+ ::NumLowBitsAvailable
+ };
+ };