BooleanVar* tmp=(BooleanVar *) ourmalloc(sizeof (BooleanVar));
- tmp->var=NULL;
+ tmp->var=E_NULL;
return & tmp->base;
#include "structs.h"
#include "astnode.h"
#include "functionencoding.h"
+#include "constraint.h"
This is a little sketchy, but apparently legit.
struct BooleanVar {
Boolean base;
VarType vtype;
- Constraint * var;
+ Edge var;
struct BooleanLogic {
-/* Copyright (c) 2015 Regents of the University of California
- *
- * Author: Brian Demsky <>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- */
#include "constraint.h"
-#include "mymemory.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
#include "inc_solver.h"
+#include "cnfexpr.h"
-Constraint ctrue={TRUE, 0xffffffff, NULL, NULL};
-Constraint cfalse={FALSE, 0xffffffff, NULL, NULL};
-Constraint * allocConstraint(CType t, Constraint *l, Constraint *r) {
- Constraint *This=(Constraint *) ourmalloc(sizeof(Constraint));
- This->type=t;
- This->numoperandsorvar=2;
- This->operands=(Constraint **)ourmalloc(2*sizeof(Constraint *));
- This->neg=NULL;
- //if (type==IMPLIES) {
- //type=OR;
- // operands[0]=l->negate();
- // } else {
- This->operands[0]=l;
- // }
- This->operands[1]=r;
- return This;
-Constraint * allocUnaryConstraint(CType t, Constraint *l) {
- Constraint *This=(Constraint *) ourmalloc(sizeof(Constraint));
- This->type=t;
- This->numoperandsorvar=1;
- This->operands=(Constraint **) ourmalloc(sizeof(Constraint *));
- This->neg=NULL;
- This->operands[0]=l;
- return This;
-Constraint * allocArrayConstraint(CType t, uint num, Constraint **array) {
- Constraint *This=(Constraint *) ourmalloc(sizeof(Constraint));
- This->type=t;
- This->numoperandsorvar=num;
- This->operands=(Constraint **) ourmalloc(num*sizeof(Constraint *));
- This->neg=NULL;
- memcpy(This->operands, array, num*sizeof(Constraint *));
- return This;
-Constraint * allocVarConstraint(CType t, uint v) {
- Constraint *This=(Constraint *) ourmalloc(sizeof(Constraint));
- This->type=t;
- This->numoperandsorvar=v;
- This->operands=NULL;
- This->neg=NULL;
- return This;
-void deleteConstraint(Constraint *This) {
- if (This->operands!=NULL)
- ourfree(This->operands);
- ourfree(This);
-void dumpConstraint(Constraint * This, IncrementalSolver *solver) {
- if (This->type==VAR) {
- addClauseLiteral(solver, This->numoperandsorvar);
- addClauseLiteral(solver, 0);
- } else if (This->type==NOTVAR) {
- addClauseLiteral(solver, -This->numoperandsorvar);
- addClauseLiteral(solver, 0);
- } else {
- ASSERT(This->type==OR);
- for(uint i=0;i<This->numoperandsorvar;i++) {
- Constraint *c=This->operands[i];
- if (c->type==VAR) {
- addClauseLiteral(solver, c->numoperandsorvar);
- } else if (c->type==NOTVAR) {
- addClauseLiteral(solver, -c->numoperandsorvar);
- } else ASSERT(0);
- }
- addClauseLiteral(solver, 0);
+V2 Copyright (c) 2014 Ben Chambers, Eugene Goldberg, Pete Manolios,
+Vasilis Papavasileiou, Sudarshan Srinivasan, and Daron Vroon.
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. If
+you download or use the software, send email to Pete Manolios
+( with your name, contact information, and a short
+note describing what you want to use BAT for. For any reuse or
+distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this
+Contact Pete Manolios if you want any of these conditions waived.
+C port of CNF SAT Conversion Copyright Brian Demsky 2017.
+VectorImpl(Edge, Edge, 16)
+Edge E_True={(Node *)(uintptr_t) EDGE_IS_VAR_CONSTANT};
+Edge E_False={(Node *)(uintptr_t) (EDGE_IS_VAR_CONSTANT | NEGATE_EDGE)};
+Edge E_BOGUS={(Node *)0x12345673};
+Edge E_NULL={(Node *)NULL};
+CNF * createCNF() {
+ CNF * cnf=ourmalloc(sizeof(CNF));
+ cnf->varcount=1;
+ cnf->capacity=DEFAULT_CNF_ARRAY_SIZE;
+ cnf->mask=cnf->capacity-1;
+ cnf->node_array=ourcalloc(1, sizeof(Node *)*cnf->capacity);
+ cnf->size=0;
+ cnf->maxsize=(uint)(((double)cnf->capacity)*LOAD_FACTOR);
+ cnf->enableMatching=true;
+ allocInlineDefVectorEdge(& cnf->constraints);
+ allocInlineDefVectorEdge(& cnf->args);
+ cnf->solver=allocIncrementalSolver();
+ return cnf;
+void deleteCNF(CNF * cnf) {
+ for(uint i=0;i<cnf->capacity;i++) {
+ Node *n=cnf->node_array[i];
+ if (n!=NULL)
+ ourfree(n);
+ deleteVectorArrayEdge(& cnf->constraints);
+ deleteVectorArrayEdge(& cnf->args);
+ deleteIncrementalSolver(cnf->solver);
+ ourfree(cnf->node_array);
+ ourfree(cnf);
-void internalfreeConstraint(Constraint * This) {
- switch(This->type) {
- case TRUE:
- case FALSE:
- case NOTVAR:
- case VAR:
- return;
- case BOGUS:
- ASSERT(0);
- default:
- This->type=BOGUS;
- deleteConstraint(This);
+void resizeCNF(CNF *cnf, uint newCapacity) {
+ Node **old_array=cnf->node_array;
+ Node **new_array=ourcalloc(1, sizeof(Node *)*newCapacity);
+ uint oldCapacity=cnf->capacity;
+ uint newMask=newCapacity-1;
+ for(uint i=0;i<oldCapacity;i++) {
+ Node *n=old_array[i];
+ uint hashCode=n->hashCode;
+ uint newindex=hashCode & newMask;
+ for(;;newindex=(newindex+1) & newMask) {
+ if (new_array[newindex] == NULL) {
+ new_array[newindex]=n;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ourfree(old_array);
+ cnf->node_array=new_array;
+ cnf->capacity=newCapacity;
+ cnf->maxsize=(uint)(((double)cnf->capacity)*LOAD_FACTOR);
+ cnf->mask=newMask;
-void freerecConstraint(Constraint *This) {
- switch(This->type) {
- case TRUE:
- case FALSE:
- case NOTVAR:
- case VAR:
- return;
- case BOGUS:
- ASSERT(0);
- default:
- if (This->operands!=NULL) {
- for(uint i=0;i<This->numoperandsorvar;i++)
- freerecConstraint(This->operands[i]);
+Node * allocNode(NodeType type, uint numEdges, Edge * edges, uint hashcode) {
+ Node *n=(Node *)ourmalloc(sizeof(Node)+sizeof(Edge)*numEdges);
+ memcpy(n->edges, edges, sizeof(Edge)*numEdges);
+ n->flags.type=type;
+ n->flags.wasExpanded=0;
+ n->flags.cnfVisitedDown=0;
+ n->flags.cnfVisitedUp=0;
+ n->flags.varForced=0;
+ n->numEdges=numEdges;
+ n->hashCode=hashcode;
+ n->intAnnot[0]=0;n->intAnnot[1]=0;
+ n->ptrAnnot[0]=NULL;n->ptrAnnot[1]=NULL;
+ return n;
+Edge createNode(CNF *cnf, NodeType type, uint numEdges, Edge * edges) {
+ if (cnf->size > cnf->maxsize) {
+ resizeCNF(cnf, cnf->capacity << 1);
+ }
+ uint hashvalue=hashNode(type, numEdges, edges);
+ uint mask=cnf->mask;
+ uint index=hashvalue & mask;
+ Node **n_ptr;
+ for(;;index=(index+1)&mask) {
+ n_ptr=&cnf->node_array[index];
+ if (*n_ptr!=NULL) {
+ if ((*n_ptr)->hashCode==hashvalue) {
+ if (compareNodes(*n_ptr, type, numEdges, edges)) {
+ Edge e={*n_ptr};
+ return e;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ break;
- This->type=BOGUS;
- deleteConstraint(This);
+ *n_ptr=allocNode(type, numEdges, edges, hashvalue);
+ Edge e={*n_ptr};
+ return e;
+uint hashNode(NodeType type, uint numEdges, Edge * edges) {
+ uint hashvalue=type ^ numEdges;
+ for(uint i=0;i<numEdges;i++) {
+ hashvalue ^= (uint) ((uintptr_t) edges[i].node_ptr);
+ hashvalue = (hashvalue << 3) | (hashvalue >> 29); //rotate left by 3 bits
+ }
+ return (uint) hashvalue;
-void printConstraint(Constraint * This) {
- switch(This->type) {
- case TRUE:
- model_print("true");
- break;
- case FALSE:
- model_print("false");
- break;
- case IMPLIES:
- model_print("(");
- printConstraint(This->operands[0]);
- model_print(")");
- model_print("=>");
- model_print("(");
- printConstraint(This->operands[1]);
- model_print(")");
- break;
- case AND:
- case OR:
- model_print("(");
- for(uint i=0;i<This->numoperandsorvar;i++) {
- if (i!=0) {
- if (This->type==AND)
- model_print(" ^ ");
- else
- model_print(" v ");
+bool compareNodes(Node * node, NodeType type, uint numEdges, Edge *edges) {
+ if (node->flags.type!=type || node->numEdges != numEdges)
+ return false;
+ Edge *nodeedges=node->edges;
+ for(uint i=0;i<numEdges;i++) {
+ if (!equalsEdge(nodeedges[i], edges[i]))
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+Edge constraintOR(CNF * cnf, uint numEdges, Edge *edges) {
+ Edge edgearray[numEdges];
+ for(uint i=0; i<numEdges; i++) {
+ edgearray[i]=constraintNegate(edges[i]);
+ }
+ Edge eand=constraintAND(cnf, numEdges, edgearray);
+ return constraintNegate(eand);
+Edge constraintOR2(CNF * cnf, Edge left, Edge right) {
+ Edge lneg=constraintNegate(left);
+ Edge rneg=constraintNegate(right);
+ Edge eand=constraintAND2(cnf, lneg, rneg);
+ return constraintNegate(eand);
+int comparefunction(const Edge * e1, const Edge * e2) {
+ return ((uintptr_t)e1->node_ptr)-((uintptr_t)e2->node_ptr);
+Edge constraintAND(CNF * cnf, uint numEdges, Edge * edges) {
+ qsort(edges, numEdges, sizeof(Edge), (int (*)(const void *, const void *)) comparefunction);
+ int initindex=0;
+ while(initindex<numEdges && equalsEdge(edges[initindex], E_True))
+ initindex++;
+ uint remainSize=numEdges-initindex;
+ if (remainSize == 0)
+ return E_True;
+ else if (remainSize == 1)
+ return edges[initindex];
+ else if (equalsEdge(edges[initindex], E_False))
+ return E_False;
+ /** De-duplicate array */
+ uint lowindex=0;
+ edges[lowindex]=edges[initindex++];
+ for(;initindex<numEdges;initindex++) {
+ Edge e1=edges[lowindex];
+ Edge e2=edges[initindex];
+ if (sameNodeVarEdge(e1, e2)) {
+ if (!sameSignEdge(e1, e2)) {
+ return E_False;
- printConstraint(This->operands[i]);
+ } else
+ edges[++lowindex]=edges[initindex];
+ }
+ lowindex++; //Make lowindex look like size
+ if (lowindex==1)
+ return edges[0];
+ if (cnf->enableMatching && lowindex==2 &&
+ isNegNodeEdge(edges[0]) && isNegNodeEdge(edges[1]) &&
+ getNodeType(edges[0]) == NodeType_AND &&
+ getNodeType(edges[1]) == NodeType_AND &&
+ getNodeSize(edges[0]) == 2 &&
+ getNodeSize(edges[1]) == 2) {
+ Edge * e0edges=getEdgeArray(edges[0]);
+ Edge * e1edges=getEdgeArray(edges[1]);
+ if (sameNodeOppSign(e0edges[0], e1edges[0])) {
+ return constraintNegate(constraintITE(cnf, e0edges[0], e0edges[1], e1edges[1]));
+ } else if (sameNodeOppSign(e0edges[0], e1edges[1])) {
+ return constraintNegate(constraintITE(cnf, e0edges[0], e0edges[1], e1edges[0]));
+ } else if (sameNodeOppSign(e0edges[1], e1edges[0])) {
+ return constraintNegate(constraintITE(cnf, e0edges[1], e0edges[0], e1edges[1]));
+ } else if (sameNodeOppSign(e0edges[1], e1edges[1])) {
+ return constraintNegate(constraintITE(cnf, e0edges[1], e0edges[0], e1edges[0]));
- model_print(")");
- break;
- case VAR:
- model_print("t%u",This->numoperandsorvar);
- break;
- case NOTVAR:
- model_print("!t%u",This->numoperandsorvar);
- break;
- default:
- model_print("In printingConstraint: %d", This->type);
- ASSERT(0);
- }
-Constraint * cloneConstraint(Constraint * This) {
- switch(This->type) {
- case TRUE:
- case FALSE:
- case VAR:
- case NOTVAR:
- return This;
- case IMPLIES:
- return allocConstraint(IMPLIES, cloneConstraint(This->operands[0]), cloneConstraint(This->operands[1]));
- case AND:
- case OR: {
- Constraint *array[This->numoperandsorvar];
- for(uint i=0;i<This->numoperandsorvar;i++) {
- array[i]=cloneConstraint(This->operands[i]);
+ }
+ return createNode(cnf, NodeType_AND, lowindex, edges);
+Edge constraintAND2(CNF * cnf, Edge left, Edge right) {
+ Edge edges[2]={left, right};
+ return constraintAND(cnf, 2, edges);
+Edge constraintIMPLIES(CNF * cnf, Edge left, Edge right) {
+ Edge array[2];
+ array[0]=left;
+ array[1]=constraintNegate(right);
+ Edge eand=constraintAND(cnf, 2, array);
+ return constraintNegate(eand);
+Edge constraintIFF(CNF * cnf, Edge left, Edge right) {
+ bool negate=!sameSignEdge(left, right);
+ Edge lpos=getNonNeg(left);
+ Edge rpos=getNonNeg(right);
+ Edge e;
+ if (equalsEdge(lpos, rpos)) {
+ e=E_True;
+ } else if (ltEdge(lpos, rpos)) {
+ Edge edges[]={lpos, rpos};
+ e=(edgeIsConst(lpos)) ? rpos : createNode(cnf, NodeType_IFF, 2, edges);
+ } else {
+ Edge edges[]={rpos, lpos};
+ e=(edgeIsConst(rpos)) ? lpos : createNode(cnf, NodeType_IFF, 2, edges);
+ }
+ if (negate)
+ e=constraintNegate(e);
+ return e;
+Edge constraintITE(CNF * cnf, Edge cond, Edge thenedge, Edge elseedge) {
+ if (isNegEdge(cond)) {
+ cond=constraintNegate(cond);
+ Edge tmp=thenedge;
+ thenedge=elseedge;
+ elseedge=tmp;
+ }
+ bool negate = isNegEdge(thenedge);
+ if (negate) {
+ thenedge=constraintNegate(thenedge);
+ elseedge=constraintNegate(elseedge);
+ }
+ Edge result;
+ if (equalsEdge(cond, E_True)) {
+ result=thenedge;
+ } else if (equalsEdge(thenedge, E_True) || equalsEdge(cond, thenedge)) {
+ result=constraintOR(cnf, 2, (Edge[]) {cond, elseedge});
+ } else if (equalsEdge(elseedge, E_True) || sameNodeOppSign(cond, elseedge)) {
+ result=constraintIMPLIES(cnf, cond, thenedge);
+ } else if (equalsEdge(thenedge, E_False) || equalsEdge(cond, elseedge)) {
+ result=constraintAND(cnf, 2, (Edge[]) {cond, thenedge});
+ } else if (equalsEdge(thenedge, elseedge)) {
+ result=thenedge;
+ } else if (sameNodeOppSign(thenedge, elseedge)) {
+ if (ltEdge(cond, thenedge)) {
+ result=createNode(cnf, NodeType_IFF, 2, (Edge[]) {cond, thenedge});
+ } else {
+ result=createNode(cnf, NodeType_IFF, 2, (Edge[]) {thenedge, cond});
- return allocArrayConstraint(This->type, This->numoperandsorvar, array);
+ } else {
+ Edge edges[]={cond, thenedge, elseedge};
+ result=createNode(cnf, NodeType_ITE, 3, edges);
- default:
- ASSERT(0);
- return NULL;
+ if (negate)
+ result=constraintNegate(result);
+ return result;
+void addConstraint(CNF *cnf, Edge constraint) {
+ pushVectorEdge(&cnf->constraints, constraint);
+Edge constraintNewVar(CNF *cnf) {
+ uint varnum=cnf->varcount++;
+ Edge e={(Node *) ((((uintptr_t)varnum) << VAR_SHIFT) | EDGE_IS_VAR_CONSTANT) };
+ return e;
+int solveCNF(CNF *cnf) {
+ countPass(cnf);
+ convertPass(cnf, false);
+ finishedClauses(cnf->solver);
+ return solve(cnf->solver);
+bool getValueCNF(CNF *cnf, Edge var) {
+ Literal l=getEdgeVar(var);
+ bool isneg=(l<0);
+ l=abs(l);
+ return isneg ^ getValueSolver(cnf->solver, l);
+void countPass(CNF *cnf) {
+ uint numConstraints=getSizeVectorEdge(&cnf->constraints);
+ VectorEdge *ve=allocDefVectorEdge();
+ for(uint i=0; i<numConstraints;i++) {
+ countConstraint(cnf, ve, getVectorEdge(&cnf->constraints, i));
+ deleteVectorEdge(ve);
-Constraint * generateBinaryConstraint(uint numvars, Constraint ** vars, uint value) {
- Constraint *carray[numvars];
- for(uint j=0;j<numvars;j++) {
- carray[j]=((value&1)==1) ? vars[j] : negateConstraint(vars[j]);
- value=value>>1;
+void countConstraint(CNF *cnf, VectorEdge *stack, Edge eroot) {
+ //Skip constants and variables...
+ if (edgeIsVarConst(eroot))
+ return;
+ clearVectorEdge(stack);pushVectorEdge(stack, eroot);
+ bool isMatching=cnf->enableMatching;
+ while(getSizeVectorEdge(stack) != 0) {
+ Edge e=lastVectorEdge(stack); popVectorEdge(stack);
+ bool polarity=isNegEdge(e);
+ Node *n=getNodePtrFromEdge(e);
+ if (getExpanded(n, polarity)) {
+ if (n->flags.type == NodeType_IFF ||
+ n->flags.type == NodeType_ITE) {
+ Edge pExp={n->ptrAnnot[polarity]};
+ getNodePtrFromEdge(pExp)->intAnnot[0]++;
+ } else {
+ n->intAnnot[polarity]++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ setExpanded(n, polarity);
+ if (n->flags.type == NodeType_ITE||
+ n->flags.type == NodeType_IFF) {
+ n->intAnnot[polarity]=0;
+ Edge cond=n->edges[0];
+ Edge thenedge=n->edges[1];
+ Edge elseedge=n->flags.type == NodeType_IFF? constraintNegate(thenedge): n->edges[2];
+ thenedge=constraintNegateIf(thenedge, !polarity);
+ elseedge=constraintNegateIf(elseedge, !polarity);
+ thenedge=constraintAND2(cnf, cond, thenedge);
+ cond=constraintNegate(cond);
+ elseedge=constraintAND2(cnf, cond, elseedge);
+ thenedge=constraintNegate(thenedge);
+ elseedge=constraintNegate(elseedge);
+ cnf->enableMatching=false;
+ Edge succ1=constraintAND2(cnf, thenedge, elseedge);
+ n->ptrAnnot[polarity]=succ1.node_ptr;
+ cnf->enableMatching=isMatching;
+ pushVectorEdge(stack, succ1);
+ if (getExpanded(n, !polarity)) {
+ Edge succ2={(Node *)n->ptrAnnot[!polarity]};
+ Node *n1=getNodePtrFromEdge(succ1);
+ Node *n2=getNodePtrFromEdge(succ2);
+ n1->ptrAnnot[0]=succ2.node_ptr;
+ n2->ptrAnnot[0]=succ1.node_ptr;
+ n1->ptrAnnot[1]=succ2.node_ptr;
+ n2->ptrAnnot[1]=succ1.node_ptr;
+ }
+ } else {
+ n->intAnnot[polarity]=1;
+ for (uint i=0;i<n->numEdges;i++) {
+ Edge succ=n->edges[i];
+ succ=constraintNegateIf(succ, polarity);
+ if(!edgeIsVarConst(succ)) {
+ pushVectorEdge(stack, succ);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
- return allocArrayConstraint(AND, numvars, carray);
+void convertPass(CNF *cnf, bool backtrackLit) {
+ uint numConstraints=getSizeVectorEdge(&cnf->constraints);
+ VectorEdge *ve=allocDefVectorEdge();
+ for(uint i=0; i<numConstraints;i++) {
+ convertConstraint(cnf, ve, getVectorEdge(&cnf->constraints, i), backtrackLit);
+ }
+ deleteVectorEdge(ve);
-/** Generates a constraint to ensure that all encodings are less than value */
-Constraint * generateLTConstraint(uint numvars, Constraint ** vars, uint value) {
- Constraint *orarray[numvars];
- Constraint *andarray[numvars];
- uint andi=0;
+void convertConstraint(CNF *cnf, VectorEdge *stack, Edge root, bool backtrackLit) {
+ Node *nroot=getNodePtrFromEdge(root);
+ if (isNodeEdge(root) && (nroot->flags.type == NodeType_ITE || nroot->flags.type == NodeType_IFF)) {
+ root = (Edge) { (Node *) nroot->ptrAnnot[isNegEdge(root)]};
+ }
+ if (edgeIsConst(root)) {
+ if (isNegEdge(root)) {
+ //trivally unsat
+ Edge newvar=constraintNewVar(cnf);
+ Literal var=getEdgeVar(newvar);
+ Literal clause[] = {var};
+ addArrayClauseLiteral(cnf->solver, 1, clause);
+ clause[0]=-var;
+ addArrayClauseLiteral(cnf->solver, 1, clause);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ //trivially true
+ return;
+ }
+ } else if (edgeIsVarConst(root)) {
+ Literal clause[] = { getEdgeVar(root)};
+ addArrayClauseLiteral(cnf->solver, 1, clause);
+ return;
+ }
+ clearVectorEdge(stack);pushVectorEdge(stack, root);
+ while(getSizeVectorEdge(stack)!=0) {
+ Edge e=lastVectorEdge(stack);
+ Node *n=getNodePtrFromEdge(e);
- while(true) {
- uint val=value;
- uint ori=0;
- for(uint j=0;j<numvars;j++) {
- if ((val&1)==1)
- orarray[ori++]=negateConstraint(vars[j]);
- val=val>>1;
+ if (edgeIsVarConst(e)) {
+ popVectorEdge(stack);
+ continue;
+ } else if (n->flags.type==NodeType_ITE ||
+ n->flags.type==NodeType_IFF) {
+ popVectorEdge(stack);
+ if (n->ptrAnnot[0]!=NULL)
+ pushVectorEdge(stack, (Edge) {(Node *)n->ptrAnnot[0]});
+ if (n->ptrAnnot[1]!=NULL)
+ pushVectorEdge(stack, (Edge) {(Node *)n->ptrAnnot[1]});
+ continue;
- //no ones to flip, so bail now...
- if (ori==0) {
- return allocArrayConstraint(AND, andi, andarray);
+ bool needPos = (n->intAnnot[0] > 0);
+ bool needNeg = (n->intAnnot[1] > 0);
+ if ((!needPos || n->flags.cnfVisitedUp & 1) &&
+ (!needNeg || n->flags.cnfVisitedUp & 2)) {
+ popVectorEdge(stack);
+ } else if ((needPos && !(n->flags.cnfVisitedDown & 1)) ||
+ (needNeg && !(n->flags.cnfVisitedDown & 2))) {
+ if (needPos)
+ n->flags.cnfVisitedDown|=1;
+ if (needNeg)
+ n->flags.cnfVisitedDown|=2;
+ for(uint i=0; i<n->numEdges; i++) {
+ Edge arg=n->edges[i];
+ arg=constraintNegateIf(arg, isNegEdge(e));
+ }
+ } else {
+ popVectorEdge(stack);
+ produceCNF(cnf, e);
- andarray[andi++]=allocArrayConstraint(OR, ori, orarray);
+ }
+ CNFExpr * cnfExp = (CNFExpr *) nroot->ptrAnnot[isNegEdge(root)];
+ if (isProxy(cnfExp)) {
+ Literal l=getProxy(cnfExp);
+ Literal clause[] = {l};
+ addArrayClauseLiteral(cnf->solver, 1, clause);
+ } else if (backtrackLit) {
+ Literal l=introProxy(cnf, root, cnfExp, isNegEdge(root));
+ Literal clause[] = {l};
+ addArrayClauseLiteral(cnf->solver, 1, clause);
+ } else {
+ outputCNF(cnf, cnfExp);
+ }
- value=value+(1<<(__builtin_ctz(value)));
- //flip the last one
+ if (!((intptr_t) cnfExp & 1)) {
+ deleteCNFExpr(cnfExp);
+ nroot->ptrAnnot[isNegEdge(root)] = NULL;
-Constraint * generateEquivNVConstraint(uint numvars, Constraint **var1, Constraint **var2) {
- if (numvars==0)
- return &ctrue;
- Constraint *array[numvars*2];
- for(uint i=0;i<numvars;i++) {
- array[i*2]=allocConstraint(OR, negateConstraint(cloneConstraint(var1[i])), var2[i]);
- array[i*2+1]=allocConstraint(OR, var1[i], negateConstraint(cloneConstraint(var2[i])));
+Literal introProxy(CNF * cnf, Edge e, CNFExpr* exp, bool isNeg) {
+ Literal l = 0;
+ Node * n = getNodePtrFromEdge(e);
+ if (n->flags.cnfVisitedUp & (1<<!isNeg)) {
+ CNFExpr* otherExp = (CNFExpr*) n->ptrAnnot[!isNeg];
+ if (isProxy(otherExp))
+ l = -getProxy(otherExp);
+ } else {
+ Edge semNeg={(Node *) n->ptrAnnot[isNeg]};
+ Node * nsemNeg=getNodePtrFromEdge(semNeg);
+ if (nsemNeg != NULL) {
+ if (nsemNeg->flags.cnfVisitedUp & (1 << isNeg)) {
+ CNFExpr* otherExp = (CNFExpr*) nsemNeg->ptrAnnot[isNeg];
+ if (isProxy(otherExp))
+ l = -getProxy(otherExp);
+ } else if (nsemNeg->flags.cnfVisitedUp & (1<< !isNeg)) {
+ CNFExpr* otherExp = (CNFExpr*) nsemNeg->ptrAnnot[!isNeg];
+ if (isProxy(otherExp))
+ l = getProxy(otherExp);
+ }
+ }
- return allocArrayConstraint(AND, numvars*2, array);
+ if (l == 0) {
+ Edge newvar = constraintNewVar(cnf);
+ l = getEdgeVar(newvar);
+ }
+ // Output the constraints on the auxiliary variable
+ constrainCNF(cnf, l, exp);
+ deleteCNFExpr(exp);
+ n->ptrAnnot[isNeg] = (void*) ((intptr_t) (l << 1) | 1);
+ return l;
-Constraint * generateEquivConstraint(Constraint *var1, Constraint *var2) {
- Constraint * imp1=allocConstraint(OR, negateConstraint(cloneConstraint(var1)), var2);
- Constraint * imp2=allocConstraint(OR, var1, negateConstraint(cloneConstraint(var2)));
+void produceCNF(CNF * cnf, Edge e) {
+ CNFExpr* expPos = NULL;
+ CNFExpr* expNeg = NULL;
+ Node *n = getNodePtrFromEdge(e);
+ if (n->intAnnot[0] > 0) {
+ expPos = produceConjunction(cnf, e);
+ }
+ if (n->intAnnot[1] > 0) {
+ expNeg = produceDisjunction(cnf, e);
+ }
- return allocConstraint(AND, imp1, imp2);
+ /// @todo Propagate constants across semantic negations (this can
+ /// be done similarly to the calls to propagate shown below). The
+ /// trick here is that we need to figure out how to get the
+ /// semantic negation pointers, and ensure that they can have CNF
+ /// produced for them at the right point
+ ///
+ /// propagate(solver, expPos, snPos, false) || propagate(solver, expNeg, snNeg, false)
+ // propagate from positive to negative, negative to positive
+ if (!propagate(cnf, & expPos, expNeg, true))
+ propagate(cnf, & expNeg, expPos, true);
+ // The polarity heuristic entails visiting the discovery polarity first
+ if (isPosEdge(e)) {
+ saveCNF(cnf, expPos, e, false);
+ saveCNF(cnf, expNeg, e, true);
+ } else {
+ saveCNF(cnf, expNeg, e, true);
+ saveCNF(cnf, expPos, e, false);
+ }
-bool mergeandfree(VectorConstraint * to, VectorConstraint * from) {
- for(uint i=0;i<getSizeVectorConstraint(from);i++) {
- Constraint *c=getVectorConstraint(from, i);
- if (c->type==TRUE)
- continue;
- if (c->type==FALSE) {
- for(uint j=i+1;j<getSizeVectorConstraint(from);j++)
- freerecConstraint(getVectorConstraint(from,j));
- for(uint j=0;j<getSizeVectorConstraint(to);j++)
- freerecConstraint(getVectorConstraint(to, j));
- clearVectorConstraint(to);
- pushVectorConstraint(to, &ctrue);
- deleteVectorConstraint(from);
- return true;
+bool propagate(CNF *cnf, CNFExpr ** dest, CNFExpr * src, bool negate) {
+ if (src != NULL && !isProxy(src) && getLitSizeCNF(src) == 0) {
+ if (*dest == NULL) {
+ *dest = allocCNFExprBool(negate ? alwaysFalseCNF(src) : alwaysTrueCNF(src));
+ } else if (isProxy(*dest)) {
+ bool alwaysTrue = (negate ? alwaysFalseCNF(src) : alwaysTrueCNF(src));
+ if (alwaysTrue) {
+ Literal clause[] = {getProxy(*dest)};
+ addArrayClauseLiteral(cnf->solver, 1, clause);
+ } else {
+ Literal clause[] = {-getProxy(*dest)};
+ addArrayClauseLiteral(cnf->solver, 1, clause);
+ }
+ *dest = allocCNFExprBool(negate ? alwaysFalseCNF(src) : alwaysTrueCNF(src));
+ } else {
+ clearCNFExpr(*dest, negate ? alwaysFalseCNF(src) : alwaysTrueCNF(src));
- pushVectorConstraint(to, c);
+ return true;
- deleteVectorConstraint(from);
return false;
-VectorConstraint * simplifyConstraint(Constraint * This) {
- switch(This->type) {
- case TRUE:
- case VAR:
- case NOTVAR:
- case FALSE: {
- VectorConstraint * vec=allocDefVectorConstraint();
- pushVectorConstraint(vec, This);
- return vec;
- }
- case AND: {
- VectorConstraint *vec=allocDefVectorConstraint();
- for(uint i=0;i<This->numoperandsorvar;i++) {
- VectorConstraint * subvec=simplifyConstraint(This->operands[i]);
- if (mergeandfree(vec, subvec)) {
- for(uint j=i+1;j<This->numoperandsorvar;j++) {
- freerecConstraint(This->operands[j]);
- }
- internalfreeConstraint(This);
- return vec;
- }
+void saveCNF(CNF *cnf, CNFExpr* exp, Edge e, bool sign) {
+ Node *n=getNodePtrFromEdge(e);
+ n->flags.cnfVisitedUp |= (1 << sign);
+ if (exp == NULL || isProxy(exp)) return;
+ if (exp->litSize == 1) {
+ Literal l = getLiteralLitVector(&exp->singletons, 0);
+ deleteCNFExpr(exp);
+ n->ptrAnnot[sign] = (void*) ((intptr_t) (l << 1) | 1);
+ } else if (exp->litSize != 0 && (n->intAnnot[sign] > 1 || n->flags.varForced)) {
+ introProxy(cnf, e, exp, sign);
+ } else {
+ n->ptrAnnot[sign] = exp;
+ }
+void constrainCNF(CNF * cnf, Literal lcond, CNFExpr *expr) {
+ if (alwaysTrueCNF(expr)) {
+ return;
+ } else if (alwaysFalseCNF(expr)) {
+ Literal clause[] = {-lcond};
+ addArrayClauseLiteral(cnf->solver, 1, clause);
+ return;
+ }
+ for(uint i=0;i<getSizeLitVector(&expr->singletons);i++) {
+ Literal l=getLiteralLitVector(&expr->singletons,i);
+ Literal clause[] = {-lcond, l};
+ addArrayClauseLiteral(cnf->solver, 1, clause);
+ }
+ for(uint i=0;i<getSizeVectorLitVector(&expr->clauses);i++) {
+ LitVector *lv=getVectorLitVector(&expr->clauses,i);
+ addClauseLiteral(cnf->solver, -lcond); //Add first literal
+ addArrayClauseLiteral(cnf->solver, getSizeLitVector(lv), lv->literals); //Add rest
+ }
+void outputCNF(CNF *cnf, CNFExpr *expr) {
+ for(uint i=0;i<getSizeLitVector(&expr->singletons);i++) {
+ Literal l=getLiteralLitVector(&expr->singletons,i);
+ Literal clause[] = {l};
+ addArrayClauseLiteral(cnf->solver, 1, clause);
+ }
+ for(uint i=0;i<getSizeVectorLitVector(&expr->clauses);i++) {
+ LitVector *lv=getVectorLitVector(&expr->clauses,i);
+ addArrayClauseLiteral(cnf->solver, getSizeLitVector(lv), lv->literals);
+ }
+CNFExpr* fillArgs(CNF *cnf, Edge e, bool isNeg, Edge * largestEdge) {
+ clearVectorEdge(&cnf->args);
+ *largestEdge = (Edge) {(Node*) NULL};
+ CNFExpr* largest = NULL;
+ Node *n=getNodePtrFromEdge(e);
+ int i = n->numEdges;
+ while (i != 0) {
+ Edge arg = n->edges[--i]; arg=constraintNegateIf(arg, isNeg);
+ Node * narg = getNodePtrFromEdge(arg);
+ if (edgeIsVarConst(arg)) {
+ pushVectorEdge(&cnf->args, arg);
+ continue;
- internalfreeConstraint(This);
- return vec;
- }
- case OR: {
- for(uint i=0;i<This->numoperandsorvar;i++) {
- Constraint *c=This->operands[i];
- switch(c->type) {
- case TRUE: {
- VectorConstraint * vec=allocDefVectorConstraint();
- pushVectorConstraint(vec, c);
- freerecConstraint(This);
- return vec;
- }
- case FALSE: {
- Constraint *array[This->numoperandsorvar-1];
- uint index=0;
- for(uint j=0;j<This->numoperandsorvar;j++) {
- if (j!=i)
- array[index++]=This->operands[j];
+ if (narg->flags.type == NodeType_ITE || narg->flags.type == NodeType_IFF) {
+ arg = (Edge) {(Node *) narg->ptrAnnot[isNegEdge(arg)]};
+ }
+ if (narg->intAnnot[isNegEdge(arg)] == 1) {
+ CNFExpr* argExp = (CNFExpr*) narg->ptrAnnot[isNegEdge(arg)];
+ if (!isProxy(argExp)) {
+ if (largest == NULL) {
+ largest = argExp;
+ * largestEdge = arg;
+ continue;
+ } else if (argExp->litSize > largest->litSize) {
+ pushVectorEdge(&cnf->args, *largestEdge);
+ largest = argExp;
+ * largestEdge = arg;
+ continue;
- Constraint *cn=allocArrayConstraint(OR, index, array);
- VectorConstraint *vec=simplifyConstraint(cn);
- internalfreeConstraint(This);
- return vec;
- case VAR:
- case NOTVAR:
- break;
- case OR: {
- uint nsize=This->numoperandsorvar+c->numoperandsorvar-1;
- Constraint *array[nsize];
- uint index=0;
- for(uint j=0;j<This->numoperandsorvar;j++)
- if (j!=i)
- array[index++]=This->operands[j];
- for(uint j=0;j<c->numoperandsorvar;j++)
- array[index++]=c->operands[j];
- Constraint *cn=allocArrayConstraint(OR, nsize, array);
- VectorConstraint *vec=simplifyConstraint(cn);
- internalfreeConstraint(This);
- internalfreeConstraint(c);
- return vec;
- }
- case IMPLIES: {
- uint nsize=This->numoperandsorvar+1;
- Constraint *array[nsize];
- uint index=0;
- for(uint j=0;j<This->numoperandsorvar;j++)
- if (j!=i)
- array[index++]=This->operands[j];
- array[index++]=negateConstraint(c->operands[0]);
- array[index++]=c->operands[1];
- Constraint *cn=allocArrayConstraint(OR, nsize, array);
- VectorConstraint *vec=simplifyConstraint(cn);
- internalfreeConstraint(This);
- internalfreeConstraint(c);
- return vec;
+ }
+ pushVectorEdge(&cnf->args, arg);
+ }
+ if (largest != NULL) {
+ Node *nlargestEdge=getNodePtrFromEdge(*largestEdge);
+ nlargestEdge->ptrAnnot[isNegEdge(*largestEdge)] = NULL;
+ }
+ return largest;
+void printCNF(Edge e) {
+ if (edgeIsVarConst(e)) {
+ Literal l=getEdgeVar(e);
+ printf ("%d", l);
+ return;
+ }
+ bool isNeg=isNegEdge(e);
+ if (edgeIsConst(e)) {
+ if (isNeg)
+ printf("T");
+ else
+ printf("F");
+ return;
+ }
+ Node *n=getNodePtrFromEdge(e);
+ if (isNeg)
+ printf("!");
+ switch(getNodeType(e)) {
+ case NodeType_AND:
+ printf("and");
+ break;
+ case NodeType_ITE:
+ printf("ite");
+ break;
+ case NodeType_IFF:
+ printf("iff");
+ break;
+ }
+ printf("(");
+ for(uint i=0;i<n->numEdges;i++) {
+ Edge e=n->edges[i];
+ if (i!=0)
+ printf(" ");
+ printCNF(e);
+ }
+ printf(")");
+CNFExpr * produceConjunction(CNF * cnf, Edge e) {
+ Edge largestEdge;
+ CNFExpr* accum = fillArgs(cnf, e, false, &largestEdge);
+ if (accum == NULL) accum = allocCNFExprBool(true);
+ int i = getSizeVectorEdge(&cnf->args);
+ while (i != 0) {
+ Edge arg = getVectorEdge(&cnf->args, --i);
+ if (edgeIsVarConst(arg)) {
+ conjoinCNFLit(accum, getEdgeVar(arg));
+ } else {
+ Node *narg=getNodePtrFromEdge(arg);
+ CNFExpr* argExp = (CNFExpr*) narg->ptrAnnot[isNegEdge(arg)];
+ bool destroy = (--narg->intAnnot[isNegEdge(arg)] == 0);
+ if (isProxy(argExp)) { // variable has been introduced
+ conjoinCNFLit(accum, getProxy(argExp));
+ } else {
+ conjoinCNFExpr(accum, argExp, destroy);
+ if (destroy) narg->ptrAnnot[isNegEdge(arg)] = NULL;
- case AND: {
- Constraint *array[This->numoperandsorvar];
- VectorConstraint *vec=allocDefVectorConstraint();
- for(uint j=0;j<c->numoperandsorvar;j++) {
- //copy other elements
- for(uint k=0;k<This->numoperandsorvar;k++) {
- if (k!=i) {
- array[k]=cloneConstraint(This->operands[k]);
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
+ return accum;
- array[i]=cloneConstraint(c->operands[j]);
- Constraint *cn=allocArrayConstraint(OR, This->numoperandsorvar, array);
- VectorConstraint * newvec=simplifyConstraint(cn);
- if (mergeandfree(vec, newvec)) {
- freerecConstraint(This);
- return vec;
- }
+#define CLAUSE_MAX 3
+CNFExpr* produceDisjunction(CNF *cnf, Edge e) {
+ Edge largestEdge;
+ CNFExpr* accum = fillArgs(cnf, e, true, &largestEdge);
+ if (accum == NULL)
+ accum = allocCNFExprBool(false);
+ // This is necessary to check to make sure that we don't start out
+ // with an accumulator that is "too large".
+ /// @todo Strictly speaking, introProxy doesn't *need* to free
+ /// memory, then this wouldn't have to reallocate CNFExpr
+ /// @todo When this call to introProxy is made, the semantic
+ /// negation pointer will have been destroyed. Thus, it will not
+ /// be possible to use the correct proxy. That should be fixed.
+ // at this point, we will either have NULL, or a destructible expression
+ if (getClauseSizeCNF(accum) > CLAUSE_MAX)
+ accum = allocCNFExprLiteral(introProxy(cnf, largestEdge, accum, isNegEdge(largestEdge)));
+ int i = getSizeVectorEdge(&cnf->args);
+ while (i != 0) {
+ Edge arg=getVectorEdge(&cnf->args, --i);
+ Node *narg=getNodePtrFromEdge(arg);
+ if (edgeIsVarConst(arg)) {
+ disjoinCNFLit(accum, getEdgeVar(arg));
+ } else {
+ CNFExpr* argExp = (CNFExpr*) narg->ptrAnnot[isNegEdge(arg)];
+ bool destroy = (--narg->intAnnot[isNegEdge(arg)] == 0);
+ if (isProxy(argExp)) { // variable has been introduced
+ disjoinCNFLit(accum, getProxy(argExp));
+ } else if (argExp->litSize == 0) {
+ disjoinCNFExpr(accum, argExp, destroy);
+ } else {
+ // check to see if we should introduce a proxy
+ int aL = accum->litSize; // lits in accum
+ int eL = argExp->litSize; // lits in argument
+ int aC = getClauseSizeCNF(accum); // clauses in accum
+ int eC = getClauseSizeCNF(argExp); // clauses in argument
+ if (eC > CLAUSE_MAX || (eL * aC + aL * eC > eL + aC + aL + aC)) {
+ disjoinCNFLit(accum, introProxy(cnf, arg, argExp, isNegEdge(arg)));
+ } else {
+ disjoinCNFExpr(accum, argExp, destroy);
+ if (destroy) narg->ptrAnnot[isNegEdge(arg)] = NULL;
- freerecConstraint(This);
- return vec;
- }
- default:
- ASSERT(0);
- //continue on to next item
- VectorConstraint * vec=allocDefVectorConstraint();
- if (This->numoperandsorvar==1) {
- Constraint *c=This->operands[0];
- freerecConstraint(This);
- pushVectorConstraint(vec, c);
- } else
- pushVectorConstraint(vec, This);
- return vec;
- }
- case IMPLIES: {
- Constraint *cn=allocConstraint(OR, negateConstraint(This->operands[0]), This->operands[1]);
- VectorConstraint * vec=simplifyConstraint(cn);
- internalfreeConstraint(This);
- return vec;
- }
- default:
- ASSERT(0);
- return NULL;
- }
-Constraint * negateConstraint(Constraint * This) {
- switch(This->type) {
- case TRUE:
- return &cfalse;
- case FALSE:
- return &ctrue;
- case NOTVAR:
- case VAR:
- return This->neg;
- case IMPLIES: {
- Constraint *l=This->operands[0];
- Constraint *r=This->operands[1];
- This->operands[0]=r;
- This->operands[1]=l;
- return This;
- }
- case AND:
- case OR: {
- for(uint i=0;i<This->numoperandsorvar;i++) {
- This->operands[i]=negateConstraint(This->operands[i]);
+ }
+ return accum;
+Edge generateBinaryConstraint(CNF *cnf, uint numvars, Edge * vars, uint value) {
+ Edge carray[numvars];
+ for(uint j=0;j<numvars;j++) {
+ carray[j]=((value&1)==1) ? vars[j] : constraintNegate(vars[j]);
+ value=value>>1;
+ }
+ return constraintAND(cnf, numvars, carray);
+/** Generates a constraint to ensure that all encodings are less than value */
+Edge generateLTConstraint(CNF *cnf, uint numvars, Edge * vars, uint value) {
+ Edge orarray[numvars];
+ Edge andarray[numvars];
+ uint andi=0;
+ while(true) {
+ uint val=value;
+ uint ori=0;
+ for(uint j=0;j<numvars;j++) {
+ if ((val&1)==1)
+ orarray[ori++]=constraintNegate(vars[j]);
+ val=val>>1;
+ }
+ //no ones to flip, so bail now...
+ if (ori==0) {
+ return constraintAND(cnf, andi, andarray);
- This->type=(This->type==AND) ? OR : AND;
- return This;
+ andarray[andi++]=constraintOR(cnf, ori, orarray);
+ value=value+(1<<(__builtin_ctz(value)));
+ //flip the last one
- default:
- ASSERT(0);
- return NULL;
+Edge generateEquivNVConstraint(CNF *cnf, uint numvars, Edge *var1, Edge *var2) {
+ if (numvars==0)
+ return E_True;
+ Edge array[numvars];
+ for(uint i=0;i<numvars;i++) {
+ array[i]=constraintIFF(cnf, var1[i], var2[i]);
+ return constraintAND(cnf, numvars, array);
-/* Copyright (c) 2015 Regents of the University of California
- *
- * Author: Brian Demsky <>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- */
#include "classlist.h"
-#include "structs.h"
+#include "vector.h"
+#define NEGATE_EDGE 1
+#define VAR_SHIFT 2
+typedef int Literal;
+struct Edge;
+typedef struct Edge Edge;
+struct Node;
+typedef struct Node Node;
-enum ConstraintType {
+struct Edge {
+ Node * node_ptr;
-typedef enum ConstraintType CType;
+VectorDef(Edge, Edge)
-struct Constraint {
- CType type;
- uint numoperandsorvar;
- Constraint ** operands;
- Constraint *neg;
+enum NodeType {
+ NodeType_AND,
+ NodeType_ITE,
+ NodeType_IFF
-Constraint * allocConstraint(CType t, Constraint *l, Constraint *r);
-Constraint * allocUnaryConstraint(CType t, Constraint *l);
-Constraint * allocArrayConstraint(CType t, uint num, Constraint ** array);
-Constraint * allocVarConstraint(CType t, uint var);
+typedef enum NodeType NodeType;
+struct NodeFlags {
+ NodeType type:2;
+ int varForced:1;
+ int wasExpanded:2;
+ int cnfVisitedDown:2;
+ int cnfVisitedUp:2;
+typedef struct NodeFlags NodeFlags;
+struct Node {
+ NodeFlags flags;
+ uint numEdges;
+ uint hashCode;
+ uint intAnnot[2];
+ void * ptrAnnot[2];
+ Edge edges[];
+#define LOAD_FACTOR 0.25
+struct CNF {
+ uint varcount;
+ uint capacity;
+ uint size;
+ uint mask;
+ uint maxsize;
+ bool enableMatching;
+ Node ** node_array;
+ IncrementalSolver * solver;
+ VectorEdge constraints;
+ VectorEdge args;
+typedef struct CNF CNF;
+struct CNFExpr;
+typedef struct CNFExpr CNFExpr;
+static inline bool getExpanded(Node *n, int isNegated) {
+ return n->flags.wasExpanded & (1<<isNegated);
+static inline void setExpanded(Node *n, int isNegated) {
+ n->flags.wasExpanded |= (1<<isNegated);
+static inline Edge constraintNegate(Edge e) {
+ Edge enew = { (Node *) (((uintptr_t) e.node_ptr) ^ NEGATE_EDGE)};
+ return enew;
+static inline bool sameNodeVarEdge(Edge e1, Edge e2) {
+ return ! (((uintptr_t) e1.node_ptr ^ (uintptr_t) e2.node_ptr) & (~ (uintptr_t) NEGATE_EDGE));
+static inline bool sameSignEdge(Edge e1, Edge e2) {
+ return !(((uintptr_t) e1.node_ptr ^ (uintptr_t) e2.node_ptr) & NEGATE_EDGE);
+static inline bool sameNodeOppSign(Edge e1, Edge e2) {
+ return (((uintptr_t) e1.node_ptr) ^ ((uintptr_t)e2.node_ptr)) == NEGATE_EDGE;
+static inline bool isNegEdge(Edge e) {
+ return ((uintptr_t)e.node_ptr) & NEGATE_EDGE;
+static inline bool isPosEdge(Edge e) {
+ return !(((uintptr_t)e.node_ptr) & NEGATE_EDGE);
+static inline bool isNodeEdge(Edge e) {
+ return !(((uintptr_t)e.node_ptr) & EDGE_IS_VAR_CONSTANT);
+static inline bool isNegNodeEdge(Edge e) {
+ return (((uintptr_t) e.node_ptr) & (NEGATE_EDGE | EDGE_IS_VAR_CONSTANT)) == NEGATE_EDGE;
+static inline Node * getNodePtrFromEdge(Edge e) {
+ return (Node *) (((uintptr_t) e.node_ptr) & ~((uintptr_t) EDGE_MASK));
+static inline NodeType getNodeType(Edge e) {
+ Node * n=getNodePtrFromEdge(e);
+ return n->flags.type;
+static inline bool equalsEdge(Edge e1, Edge e2) {
+ return e1.node_ptr == e2.node_ptr;
+static inline bool ltEdge(Edge e1, Edge e2) {
+ return (uintptr_t) e1.node_ptr < (uintptr_t) e2.node_ptr;
+static inline uint getNodeSize(Edge e) {
+ Node * n=getNodePtrFromEdge(e);
+ return n->numEdges;
+static inline Edge * getEdgeArray(Edge e) {
+ Node * n=getNodePtrFromEdge(e);
+ return n->edges;
+static inline Edge getNonNeg(Edge e) {
+ Edge enew={(Node *)(((uintptr_t)e.node_ptr)&(~((uintptr_t)NEGATE_EDGE)))};
+ return enew;
+static inline bool edgeIsConst(Edge e) {
+ return (((uintptr_t) e.node_ptr) & ~((uintptr_t)NEGATE_EDGE)) == EDGE_IS_VAR_CONSTANT;
+static inline bool edgeIsNull(Edge e) {
+ return e.node_ptr == NULL;
+static inline bool edgeIsVarConst(Edge e) {
+ return ((uintptr_t)e.node_ptr) & EDGE_IS_VAR_CONSTANT;
+static inline Edge constraintNegateIf(Edge e, bool negate) {
+ Edge eret={(Node *)(((uintptr_t)e.node_ptr) ^ negate)};
+ return eret;
+static inline Literal getEdgeVar(Edge e) {
+ int val = (int) (((uintptr_t) e.node_ptr) >> VAR_SHIFT);
+ return isNegEdge(e) ? -val : val;
+static inline bool isProxy(CNFExpr *expr) {
+ return (bool) (((intptr_t) expr) & 1);
-void deleteConstraint(Constraint *);
-void printConstraint(Constraint * c);
-void dumpConstraint(Constraint * c, IncrementalSolver *solver);
-static inline uint getVarConstraint(Constraint * c) {ASSERT(c->type==VAR); return c->numoperandsorvar;}
-VectorConstraint * simplifyConstraint(Constraint * This);
-static inline CType getType(Constraint * c) {return c->type;}
-static inline bool isFalse(Constraint * c) {return c->type==FALSE;}
-static inline bool isTrue(Constraint * c) {return c->type==TRUE;}
-void internalfreeConstraint(Constraint * c);
-void freerecConstraint(Constraint * c);
-Constraint * cloneConstraint(Constraint * c);
-static inline void setNegConstraint(Constraint * This, Constraint *c) {This->neg=c;}
-Constraint *negateConstraint(Constraint * c);
+static inline Literal getProxy(CNFExpr *expr) {
+ return (Literal) (((intptr_t) expr) >> 1);
+CNF * createCNF();
+void deleteCNF(CNF * cnf);
-extern Constraint ctrue;
-extern Constraint cfalse;
+uint hashNode(NodeType type, uint numEdges, Edge * edges);
+Node * allocNode(NodeType type, uint numEdges, Edge * edges, uint hashCode);
+bool compareNodes(Node * node, NodeType type, uint numEdges, Edge *edges);
+Edge create(CNF *cnf, NodeType type, uint numEdges, Edge * edges);
+Edge constraintOR(CNF * cnf, uint numEdges, Edge *edges);
+Edge constraintAND(CNF * cnf, uint numEdges, Edge * edges);
+Edge constraintOR2(CNF * cnf, Edge left, Edge right);
+Edge constraintAND2(CNF * cnf, Edge left, Edge right);
+Edge constraintIMPLIES(CNF * cnf, Edge left, Edge right);
+Edge constraintIFF(CNF * cnf, Edge left, Edge right);
+static inline Edge constraintXOR(CNF *cnf, Edge left, Edge right) {return constraintNegate(constraintIFF(cnf, left,right));}
+Edge constraintITE(CNF * cnf, Edge cond, Edge thenedge, Edge elseedge);
+Edge constraintNewVar(CNF *cnf);
+void countPass(CNF *cnf);
+void countConstraint(CNF *cnf, VectorEdge * stack, Edge e);
+void addConstraint(CNF *cnf, Edge constraint);
+int solveCNF(CNF *cnf);
+bool getValueCNF(CNF *cnf, Edge var);
+void printCNF(Edge e);
-Constraint * generateBinaryConstraint(uint numvars, Constraint ** vars, uint value);
-Constraint * generateLTConstraint(uint numvars, Constraint ** vars, uint value);
-Constraint * generateEquivNVConstraint(uint numvars, Constraint **var1, Constraint **var2);
-Constraint * generateEquivConstraint(Constraint *var1, Constraint *var2);
+void convertPass(CNF *cnf, bool backtrackLit);
+void convertConstraint(CNF *cnf, VectorEdge *stack, Edge e, bool backtrackLit);
+void constrainCNF(CNF * cnf, Literal l, CNFExpr *exp);
+void produceCNF(CNF * cnf, Edge e);
+CNFExpr * produceConjunction(CNF * cnf, Edge e);
+CNFExpr* produceDisjunction(CNF *cnf, Edge e);
+bool propagate(CNF *cnf, CNFExpr ** dest, CNFExpr * src, bool negate);
+void saveCNF(CNF *cnf, CNFExpr* exp, Edge e, bool sign);
+CNFExpr* fillArgs(CNF * cnf, Edge e, bool isNeg, Edge * largestEdge);
+Literal introProxy(CNF * cnf, Edge e, CNFExpr* exp, bool isNeg);
+void outputCNF(CNF *cnf, CNFExpr *expr);
+Edge generateBinaryConstraint(CNF *cnf, uint numvars, Edge * vars, uint value);
+Edge generateLTConstraint(CNF *cnf, uint numvars, Edge * vars, uint value);
+Edge generateEquivNVConstraint(CNF *cnf, uint numvars, Edge *var1, Edge *var2);
+extern Edge E_True;
+extern Edge E_False;
+extern Edge E_BOGUS;
+extern Edge E_NULL;
+++ /dev/null
-#include "nodeedge.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "inc_solver.h"
-#include "cnfexpr.h"
-V2 Copyright (c) 2014 Ben Chambers, Eugene Goldberg, Pete Manolios,
-Vasilis Papavasileiou, Sudarshan Srinivasan, and Daron Vroon.
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
-a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
-without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
-distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
-permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
-the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
-included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. If
-you download or use the software, send email to Pete Manolios
-( with your name, contact information, and a short
-note describing what you want to use BAT for. For any reuse or
-distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this
-Contact Pete Manolios if you want any of these conditions waived.
-C port of CNF SAT Conversion Copyright Brian Demsky 2017.
-VectorImpl(Edge, Edge, 16)
-CNF * createCNF() {
- CNF * cnf=ourmalloc(sizeof(CNF));
- cnf->varcount=1;
- cnf->capacity=DEFAULT_CNF_ARRAY_SIZE;
- cnf->mask=cnf->capacity-1;
- cnf->node_array=ourcalloc(1, sizeof(Node *)*cnf->capacity);
- cnf->size=0;
- cnf->maxsize=(uint)(((double)cnf->capacity)*LOAD_FACTOR);
- cnf->enableMatching=true;
- allocInlineDefVectorEdge(& cnf->constraints);
- allocInlineDefVectorEdge(& cnf->args);
- cnf->solver=allocIncrementalSolver();
- return cnf;
-void deleteCNF(CNF * cnf) {
- for(uint i=0;i<cnf->capacity;i++) {
- Node *n=cnf->node_array[i];
- if (n!=NULL)
- ourfree(n);
- }
- deleteVectorArrayEdge(& cnf->constraints);
- deleteVectorArrayEdge(& cnf->args);
- deleteIncrementalSolver(cnf->solver);
- ourfree(cnf->node_array);
- ourfree(cnf);
-void resizeCNF(CNF *cnf, uint newCapacity) {
- Node **old_array=cnf->node_array;
- Node **new_array=ourcalloc(1, sizeof(Node *)*newCapacity);
- uint oldCapacity=cnf->capacity;
- uint newMask=newCapacity-1;
- for(uint i=0;i<oldCapacity;i++) {
- Node *n=old_array[i];
- uint hashCode=n->hashCode;
- uint newindex=hashCode & newMask;
- for(;;newindex=(newindex+1) & newMask) {
- if (new_array[newindex] == NULL) {
- new_array[newindex]=n;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- ourfree(old_array);
- cnf->node_array=new_array;
- cnf->capacity=newCapacity;
- cnf->maxsize=(uint)(((double)cnf->capacity)*LOAD_FACTOR);
- cnf->mask=newMask;
-Node * allocNode(NodeType type, uint numEdges, Edge * edges, uint hashcode) {
- Node *n=(Node *)ourmalloc(sizeof(Node)+sizeof(Edge)*numEdges);
- memcpy(n->edges, edges, sizeof(Edge)*numEdges);
- n->flags.type=type;
- n->flags.wasExpanded=0;
- n->flags.cnfVisitedDown=0;
- n->flags.cnfVisitedUp=0;
- n->flags.varForced=0;
- n->numEdges=numEdges;
- n->hashCode=hashcode;
- n->intAnnot[0]=0;n->intAnnot[1]=0;
- n->ptrAnnot[0]=NULL;n->ptrAnnot[1]=NULL;
- return n;
-Edge createNode(CNF *cnf, NodeType type, uint numEdges, Edge * edges) {
- if (cnf->size > cnf->maxsize) {
- resizeCNF(cnf, cnf->capacity << 1);
- }
- uint hashvalue=hashNode(type, numEdges, edges);
- uint mask=cnf->mask;
- uint index=hashvalue & mask;
- Node **n_ptr;
- for(;;index=(index+1)&mask) {
- n_ptr=&cnf->node_array[index];
- if (*n_ptr!=NULL) {
- if ((*n_ptr)->hashCode==hashvalue) {
- if (compareNodes(*n_ptr, type, numEdges, edges)) {
- Edge e={*n_ptr};
- return e;
- }
- }
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- *n_ptr=allocNode(type, numEdges, edges, hashvalue);
- Edge e={*n_ptr};
- return e;
-uint hashNode(NodeType type, uint numEdges, Edge * edges) {
- uint hashvalue=type ^ numEdges;
- for(uint i=0;i<numEdges;i++) {
- hashvalue ^= (uint) ((uintptr_t) edges[i].node_ptr);
- hashvalue = (hashvalue << 3) | (hashvalue >> 29); //rotate left by 3 bits
- }
- return (uint) hashvalue;
-bool compareNodes(Node * node, NodeType type, uint numEdges, Edge *edges) {
- if (node->flags.type!=type || node->numEdges != numEdges)
- return false;
- Edge *nodeedges=node->edges;
- for(uint i=0;i<numEdges;i++) {
- if (!equalsEdge(nodeedges[i], edges[i]))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-Edge constraintOR(CNF * cnf, uint numEdges, Edge *edges) {
- Edge edgearray[numEdges];
- for(uint i=0; i<numEdges; i++) {
- edgearray[i]=constraintNegate(edges[i]);
- }
- Edge eand=constraintAND(cnf, numEdges, edgearray);
- return constraintNegate(eand);
-Edge constraintOR2(CNF * cnf, Edge left, Edge right) {
- Edge lneg=constraintNegate(left);
- Edge rneg=constraintNegate(right);
- Edge eand=constraintAND2(cnf, lneg, rneg);
- return constraintNegate(eand);
-int comparefunction(const Edge * e1, const Edge * e2) {
- return ((uintptr_t)e1->node_ptr)-((uintptr_t)e2->node_ptr);
-Edge constraintAND(CNF * cnf, uint numEdges, Edge * edges) {
- qsort(edges, numEdges, sizeof(Edge), (int (*)(const void *, const void *)) comparefunction);
- int initindex=0;
- while(initindex<numEdges && equalsEdge(edges[initindex], E_True))
- initindex++;
- uint remainSize=numEdges-initindex;
- if (remainSize == 0)
- return E_True;
- else if (remainSize == 1)
- return edges[initindex];
- else if (equalsEdge(edges[initindex], E_False))
- return E_False;
- /** De-duplicate array */
- uint lowindex=0;
- edges[lowindex]=edges[initindex++];
- for(;initindex<numEdges;initindex++) {
- Edge e1=edges[lowindex];
- Edge e2=edges[initindex];
- if (sameNodeVarEdge(e1, e2)) {
- if (!sameSignEdge(e1, e2)) {
- return E_False;
- }
- } else
- edges[++lowindex]=edges[initindex];
- }
- lowindex++; //Make lowindex look like size
- if (lowindex==1)
- return edges[0];
- if (cnf->enableMatching && lowindex==2 &&
- isNegNodeEdge(edges[0]) && isNegNodeEdge(edges[1]) &&
- getNodeType(edges[0]) == NodeType_AND &&
- getNodeType(edges[1]) == NodeType_AND &&
- getNodeSize(edges[0]) == 2 &&
- getNodeSize(edges[1]) == 2) {
- Edge * e0edges=getEdgeArray(edges[0]);
- Edge * e1edges=getEdgeArray(edges[1]);
- if (sameNodeOppSign(e0edges[0], e1edges[0])) {
- return constraintNegate(constraintITE(cnf, e0edges[0], e0edges[1], e1edges[1]));
- } else if (sameNodeOppSign(e0edges[0], e1edges[1])) {
- return constraintNegate(constraintITE(cnf, e0edges[0], e0edges[1], e1edges[0]));
- } else if (sameNodeOppSign(e0edges[1], e1edges[0])) {
- return constraintNegate(constraintITE(cnf, e0edges[1], e0edges[0], e1edges[1]));
- } else if (sameNodeOppSign(e0edges[1], e1edges[1])) {
- return constraintNegate(constraintITE(cnf, e0edges[1], e0edges[0], e1edges[0]));
- }
- }
- return createNode(cnf, NodeType_AND, lowindex, edges);
-Edge constraintAND2(CNF * cnf, Edge left, Edge right) {
- Edge edges[2]={left, right};
- return constraintAND(cnf, 2, edges);
-Edge constraintIMPLIES(CNF * cnf, Edge left, Edge right) {
- Edge array[2];
- array[0]=left;
- array[1]=constraintNegate(right);
- Edge eand=constraintAND(cnf, 2, array);
- return constraintNegate(eand);
-Edge constraintIFF(CNF * cnf, Edge left, Edge right) {
- bool negate=!sameSignEdge(left, right);
- Edge lpos=getNonNeg(left);
- Edge rpos=getNonNeg(right);
- Edge e;
- if (equalsEdge(lpos, rpos)) {
- e=E_True;
- } else if (ltEdge(lpos, rpos)) {
- Edge edges[]={lpos, rpos};
- e=(edgeIsConst(lpos)) ? rpos : createNode(cnf, NodeType_IFF, 2, edges);
- } else {
- Edge edges[]={rpos, lpos};
- e=(edgeIsConst(rpos)) ? lpos : createNode(cnf, NodeType_IFF, 2, edges);
- }
- if (negate)
- e=constraintNegate(e);
- return e;
-Edge constraintITE(CNF * cnf, Edge cond, Edge thenedge, Edge elseedge) {
- if (isNegEdge(cond)) {
- cond=constraintNegate(cond);
- Edge tmp=thenedge;
- thenedge=elseedge;
- elseedge=tmp;
- }
- bool negate = isNegEdge(thenedge);
- if (negate) {
- thenedge=constraintNegate(thenedge);
- elseedge=constraintNegate(elseedge);
- }
- Edge result;
- if (equalsEdge(cond, E_True)) {
- result=thenedge;
- } else if (equalsEdge(thenedge, E_True) || equalsEdge(cond, thenedge)) {
- result=constraintOR(cnf, 2, (Edge[]) {cond, elseedge});
- } else if (equalsEdge(elseedge, E_True) || sameNodeOppSign(cond, elseedge)) {
- result=constraintIMPLIES(cnf, cond, thenedge);
- } else if (equalsEdge(thenedge, E_False) || equalsEdge(cond, elseedge)) {
- result=constraintAND(cnf, 2, (Edge[]) {cond, thenedge});
- } else if (equalsEdge(thenedge, elseedge)) {
- result=thenedge;
- } else if (sameNodeOppSign(thenedge, elseedge)) {
- if (ltEdge(cond, thenedge)) {
- result=createNode(cnf, NodeType_IFF, 2, (Edge[]) {cond, thenedge});
- } else {
- result=createNode(cnf, NodeType_IFF, 2, (Edge[]) {thenedge, cond});
- }
- } else {
- Edge edges[]={cond, thenedge, elseedge};
- result=createNode(cnf, NodeType_ITE, 3, edges);
- }
- if (negate)
- result=constraintNegate(result);
- return result;
-void addConstraint(CNF *cnf, Edge constraint) {
- pushVectorEdge(&cnf->constraints, constraint);
-Edge constraintNewVar(CNF *cnf) {
- uint varnum=cnf->varcount++;
- Edge e={(Node *) ((((uintptr_t)varnum) << VAR_SHIFT) | EDGE_IS_VAR_CONSTANT) };
- return e;
-int solveCNF(CNF *cnf) {
- countPass(cnf);
- convertPass(cnf, false);
- finishedClauses(cnf->solver);
- return solve(cnf->solver);
-bool getValueCNF(CNF *cnf, Edge var) {
- Literal l=getEdgeVar(var);
- bool isneg=(l<0);
- l=abs(l);
- return isneg ^ getValueSolver(cnf->solver, l);
-void countPass(CNF *cnf) {
- uint numConstraints=getSizeVectorEdge(&cnf->constraints);
- VectorEdge *ve=allocDefVectorEdge();
- for(uint i=0; i<numConstraints;i++) {
- countConstraint(cnf, ve, getVectorEdge(&cnf->constraints, i));
- }
- deleteVectorEdge(ve);
-void countConstraint(CNF *cnf, VectorEdge *stack, Edge eroot) {
- //Skip constants and variables...
- if (edgeIsVarConst(eroot))
- return;
- clearVectorEdge(stack);pushVectorEdge(stack, eroot);
- bool isMatching=cnf->enableMatching;
- while(getSizeVectorEdge(stack) != 0) {
- Edge e=lastVectorEdge(stack); popVectorEdge(stack);
- bool polarity=isNegEdge(e);
- Node *n=getNodePtrFromEdge(e);
- if (getExpanded(n, polarity)) {
- if (n->flags.type == NodeType_IFF ||
- n->flags.type == NodeType_ITE) {
- Edge pExp={n->ptrAnnot[polarity]};
- getNodePtrFromEdge(pExp)->intAnnot[0]++;
- } else {
- n->intAnnot[polarity]++;
- }
- } else {
- setExpanded(n, polarity);
- if (n->flags.type == NodeType_ITE||
- n->flags.type == NodeType_IFF) {
- n->intAnnot[polarity]=0;
- Edge cond=n->edges[0];
- Edge thenedge=n->edges[1];
- Edge elseedge=n->flags.type == NodeType_IFF? constraintNegate(thenedge): n->edges[2];
- thenedge=constraintNegateIf(thenedge, !polarity);
- elseedge=constraintNegateIf(elseedge, !polarity);
- thenedge=constraintAND2(cnf, cond, thenedge);
- cond=constraintNegate(cond);
- elseedge=constraintAND2(cnf, cond, elseedge);
- thenedge=constraintNegate(thenedge);
- elseedge=constraintNegate(elseedge);
- cnf->enableMatching=false;
- Edge succ1=constraintAND2(cnf, thenedge, elseedge);
- n->ptrAnnot[polarity]=succ1.node_ptr;
- cnf->enableMatching=isMatching;
- pushVectorEdge(stack, succ1);
- if (getExpanded(n, !polarity)) {
- Edge succ2={(Node *)n->ptrAnnot[!polarity]};
- Node *n1=getNodePtrFromEdge(succ1);
- Node *n2=getNodePtrFromEdge(succ2);
- n1->ptrAnnot[0]=succ2.node_ptr;
- n2->ptrAnnot[0]=succ1.node_ptr;
- n1->ptrAnnot[1]=succ2.node_ptr;
- n2->ptrAnnot[1]=succ1.node_ptr;
- }
- } else {
- n->intAnnot[polarity]=1;
- for (uint i=0;i<n->numEdges;i++) {
- Edge succ=n->edges[i];
- succ=constraintNegateIf(succ, polarity);
- if(!edgeIsVarConst(succ)) {
- pushVectorEdge(stack, succ);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-void convertPass(CNF *cnf, bool backtrackLit) {
- uint numConstraints=getSizeVectorEdge(&cnf->constraints);
- VectorEdge *ve=allocDefVectorEdge();
- for(uint i=0; i<numConstraints;i++) {
- convertConstraint(cnf, ve, getVectorEdge(&cnf->constraints, i), backtrackLit);
- }
- deleteVectorEdge(ve);
-void convertConstraint(CNF *cnf, VectorEdge *stack, Edge root, bool backtrackLit) {
- Node *nroot=getNodePtrFromEdge(root);
- if (isNodeEdge(root) && (nroot->flags.type == NodeType_ITE || nroot->flags.type == NodeType_IFF)) {
- root = (Edge) { (Node *) nroot->ptrAnnot[isNegEdge(root)]};
- }
- if (edgeIsConst(root)) {
- if (isNegEdge(root)) {
- //trivally unsat
- Edge newvar=constraintNewVar(cnf);
- Literal var=getEdgeVar(newvar);
- Literal clause[] = {var};
- addArrayClauseLiteral(cnf->solver, 1, clause);
- clause[0]=-var;
- addArrayClauseLiteral(cnf->solver, 1, clause);
- return;
- } else {
- //trivially true
- return;
- }
- } else if (edgeIsVarConst(root)) {
- Literal clause[] = { getEdgeVar(root)};
- addArrayClauseLiteral(cnf->solver, 1, clause);
- return;
- }
- clearVectorEdge(stack);pushVectorEdge(stack, root);
- while(getSizeVectorEdge(stack)!=0) {
- Edge e=lastVectorEdge(stack);
- Node *n=getNodePtrFromEdge(e);
- if (edgeIsVarConst(e)) {
- popVectorEdge(stack);
- continue;
- } else if (n->flags.type==NodeType_ITE ||
- n->flags.type==NodeType_IFF) {
- popVectorEdge(stack);
- if (n->ptrAnnot[0]!=NULL)
- pushVectorEdge(stack, (Edge) {(Node *)n->ptrAnnot[0]});
- if (n->ptrAnnot[1]!=NULL)
- pushVectorEdge(stack, (Edge) {(Node *)n->ptrAnnot[1]});
- continue;
- }
- bool needPos = (n->intAnnot[0] > 0);
- bool needNeg = (n->intAnnot[1] > 0);
- if ((!needPos || n->flags.cnfVisitedUp & 1) &&
- (!needNeg || n->flags.cnfVisitedUp & 2)) {
- popVectorEdge(stack);
- } else if ((needPos && !(n->flags.cnfVisitedDown & 1)) ||
- (needNeg && !(n->flags.cnfVisitedDown & 2))) {
- if (needPos)
- n->flags.cnfVisitedDown|=1;
- if (needNeg)
- n->flags.cnfVisitedDown|=2;
- for(uint i=0; i<n->numEdges; i++) {
- Edge arg=n->edges[i];
- arg=constraintNegateIf(arg, isNegEdge(e));
- }
- } else {
- popVectorEdge(stack);
- produceCNF(cnf, e);
- }
- }
- CNFExpr * cnfExp = (CNFExpr *) nroot->ptrAnnot[isNegEdge(root)];
- if (isProxy(cnfExp)) {
- Literal l=getProxy(cnfExp);
- Literal clause[] = {l};
- addArrayClauseLiteral(cnf->solver, 1, clause);
- } else if (backtrackLit) {
- Literal l=introProxy(cnf, root, cnfExp, isNegEdge(root));
- Literal clause[] = {l};
- addArrayClauseLiteral(cnf->solver, 1, clause);
- } else {
- outputCNF(cnf, cnfExp);
- }
- if (!((intptr_t) cnfExp & 1)) {
- deleteCNFExpr(cnfExp);
- nroot->ptrAnnot[isNegEdge(root)] = NULL;
- }
-Literal introProxy(CNF * cnf, Edge e, CNFExpr* exp, bool isNeg) {
- Literal l = 0;
- Node * n = getNodePtrFromEdge(e);
- if (n->flags.cnfVisitedUp & (1<<!isNeg)) {
- CNFExpr* otherExp = (CNFExpr*) n->ptrAnnot[!isNeg];
- if (isProxy(otherExp))
- l = -getProxy(otherExp);
- } else {
- Edge semNeg={(Node *) n->ptrAnnot[isNeg]};
- Node * nsemNeg=getNodePtrFromEdge(semNeg);
- if (nsemNeg != NULL) {
- if (nsemNeg->flags.cnfVisitedUp & (1 << isNeg)) {
- CNFExpr* otherExp = (CNFExpr*) nsemNeg->ptrAnnot[isNeg];
- if (isProxy(otherExp))
- l = -getProxy(otherExp);
- } else if (nsemNeg->flags.cnfVisitedUp & (1<< !isNeg)) {
- CNFExpr* otherExp = (CNFExpr*) nsemNeg->ptrAnnot[!isNeg];
- if (isProxy(otherExp))
- l = getProxy(otherExp);
- }
- }
- }
- if (l == 0) {
- Edge newvar = constraintNewVar(cnf);
- l = getEdgeVar(newvar);
- }
- // Output the constraints on the auxiliary variable
- constrainCNF(cnf, l, exp);
- deleteCNFExpr(exp);
- n->ptrAnnot[isNeg] = (void*) ((intptr_t) (l << 1) | 1);
- return l;
-void produceCNF(CNF * cnf, Edge e) {
- CNFExpr* expPos = NULL;
- CNFExpr* expNeg = NULL;
- Node *n = getNodePtrFromEdge(e);
- if (n->intAnnot[0] > 0) {
- expPos = produceConjunction(cnf, e);
- }
- if (n->intAnnot[1] > 0) {
- expNeg = produceDisjunction(cnf, e);
- }
- /// @todo Propagate constants across semantic negations (this can
- /// be done similarly to the calls to propagate shown below). The
- /// trick here is that we need to figure out how to get the
- /// semantic negation pointers, and ensure that they can have CNF
- /// produced for them at the right point
- ///
- /// propagate(solver, expPos, snPos, false) || propagate(solver, expNeg, snNeg, false)
- // propagate from positive to negative, negative to positive
- if (!propagate(cnf, & expPos, expNeg, true))
- propagate(cnf, & expNeg, expPos, true);
- // The polarity heuristic entails visiting the discovery polarity first
- if (isPosEdge(e)) {
- saveCNF(cnf, expPos, e, false);
- saveCNF(cnf, expNeg, e, true);
- } else {
- saveCNF(cnf, expNeg, e, true);
- saveCNF(cnf, expPos, e, false);
- }
-bool propagate(CNF *cnf, CNFExpr ** dest, CNFExpr * src, bool negate) {
- if (src != NULL && !isProxy(src) && getLitSizeCNF(src) == 0) {
- if (*dest == NULL) {
- *dest = allocCNFExprBool(negate ? alwaysFalseCNF(src) : alwaysTrueCNF(src));
- } else if (isProxy(*dest)) {
- bool alwaysTrue = (negate ? alwaysFalseCNF(src) : alwaysTrueCNF(src));
- if (alwaysTrue) {
- Literal clause[] = {getProxy(*dest)};
- addArrayClauseLiteral(cnf->solver, 1, clause);
- } else {
- Literal clause[] = {-getProxy(*dest)};
- addArrayClauseLiteral(cnf->solver, 1, clause);
- }
- *dest = allocCNFExprBool(negate ? alwaysFalseCNF(src) : alwaysTrueCNF(src));
- } else {
- clearCNFExpr(*dest, negate ? alwaysFalseCNF(src) : alwaysTrueCNF(src));
- }
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-void saveCNF(CNF *cnf, CNFExpr* exp, Edge e, bool sign) {
- Node *n=getNodePtrFromEdge(e);
- n->flags.cnfVisitedUp |= (1 << sign);
- if (exp == NULL || isProxy(exp)) return;
- if (exp->litSize == 1) {
- Literal l = getLiteralLitVector(&exp->singletons, 0);
- deleteCNFExpr(exp);
- n->ptrAnnot[sign] = (void*) ((intptr_t) (l << 1) | 1);
- } else if (exp->litSize != 0 && (n->intAnnot[sign] > 1 || n->flags.varForced)) {
- introProxy(cnf, e, exp, sign);
- } else {
- n->ptrAnnot[sign] = exp;
- }
-void constrainCNF(CNF * cnf, Literal lcond, CNFExpr *expr) {
- if (alwaysTrueCNF(expr)) {
- return;
- } else if (alwaysFalseCNF(expr)) {
- Literal clause[] = {-lcond};
- addArrayClauseLiteral(cnf->solver, 1, clause);
- return;
- }
- for(uint i=0;i<getSizeLitVector(&expr->singletons);i++) {
- Literal l=getLiteralLitVector(&expr->singletons,i);
- Literal clause[] = {-lcond, l};
- addArrayClauseLiteral(cnf->solver, 1, clause);
- }
- for(uint i=0;i<getSizeVectorLitVector(&expr->clauses);i++) {
- LitVector *lv=getVectorLitVector(&expr->clauses,i);
- addClauseLiteral(cnf->solver, -lcond); //Add first literal
- addArrayClauseLiteral(cnf->solver, getSizeLitVector(lv), lv->literals); //Add rest
- }
-void outputCNF(CNF *cnf, CNFExpr *expr) {
- for(uint i=0;i<getSizeLitVector(&expr->singletons);i++) {
- Literal l=getLiteralLitVector(&expr->singletons,i);
- Literal clause[] = {l};
- addArrayClauseLiteral(cnf->solver, 1, clause);
- }
- for(uint i=0;i<getSizeVectorLitVector(&expr->clauses);i++) {
- LitVector *lv=getVectorLitVector(&expr->clauses,i);
- addArrayClauseLiteral(cnf->solver, getSizeLitVector(lv), lv->literals);
- }
-CNFExpr* fillArgs(CNF *cnf, Edge e, bool isNeg, Edge * largestEdge) {
- clearVectorEdge(&cnf->args);
- *largestEdge = (Edge) {(Node*) NULL};
- CNFExpr* largest = NULL;
- Node *n=getNodePtrFromEdge(e);
- int i = n->numEdges;
- while (i != 0) {
- Edge arg = n->edges[--i]; arg=constraintNegateIf(arg, isNeg);
- Node * narg = getNodePtrFromEdge(arg);
- if (edgeIsVarConst(arg)) {
- pushVectorEdge(&cnf->args, arg);
- continue;
- }
- if (narg->flags.type == NodeType_ITE || narg->flags.type == NodeType_IFF) {
- arg = (Edge) {(Node *) narg->ptrAnnot[isNegEdge(arg)]};
- }
- if (narg->intAnnot[isNegEdge(arg)] == 1) {
- CNFExpr* argExp = (CNFExpr*) narg->ptrAnnot[isNegEdge(arg)];
- if (!isProxy(argExp)) {
- if (largest == NULL) {
- largest = argExp;
- * largestEdge = arg;
- continue;
- } else if (argExp->litSize > largest->litSize) {
- pushVectorEdge(&cnf->args, *largestEdge);
- largest = argExp;
- * largestEdge = arg;
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- pushVectorEdge(&cnf->args, arg);
- }
- if (largest != NULL) {
- Node *nlargestEdge=getNodePtrFromEdge(*largestEdge);
- nlargestEdge->ptrAnnot[isNegEdge(*largestEdge)] = NULL;
- }
- return largest;
-void printCNF(Edge e) {
- if (edgeIsVarConst(e)) {
- Literal l=getEdgeVar(e);
- printf ("%d", l);
- return;
- }
- bool isNeg=isNegEdge(e);
- if (edgeIsConst(e)) {
- if (isNeg)
- printf("T");
- else
- printf("F");
- return;
- }
- Node *n=getNodePtrFromEdge(e);
- if (isNeg)
- printf("!");
- switch(getNodeType(e)) {
- case NodeType_AND:
- printf("and");
- break;
- case NodeType_ITE:
- printf("ite");
- break;
- case NodeType_IFF:
- printf("iff");
- break;
- }
- printf("(");
- for(uint i=0;i<n->numEdges;i++) {
- Edge e=n->edges[i];
- if (i!=0)
- printf(" ");
- printCNF(e);
- }
- printf(")");
-CNFExpr * produceConjunction(CNF * cnf, Edge e) {
- Edge largestEdge;
- CNFExpr* accum = fillArgs(cnf, e, false, &largestEdge);
- if (accum == NULL) accum = allocCNFExprBool(true);
- int i = getSizeVectorEdge(&cnf->args);
- while (i != 0) {
- Edge arg = getVectorEdge(&cnf->args, --i);
- if (edgeIsVarConst(arg)) {
- conjoinCNFLit(accum, getEdgeVar(arg));
- } else {
- Node *narg=getNodePtrFromEdge(arg);
- CNFExpr* argExp = (CNFExpr*) narg->ptrAnnot[isNegEdge(arg)];
- bool destroy = (--narg->intAnnot[isNegEdge(arg)] == 0);
- if (isProxy(argExp)) { // variable has been introduced
- conjoinCNFLit(accum, getProxy(argExp));
- } else {
- conjoinCNFExpr(accum, argExp, destroy);
- if (destroy) narg->ptrAnnot[isNegEdge(arg)] = NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- return accum;
-#define CLAUSE_MAX 3
-CNFExpr* produceDisjunction(CNF *cnf, Edge e) {
- Edge largestEdge;
- CNFExpr* accum = fillArgs(cnf, e, true, &largestEdge);
- if (accum == NULL)
- accum = allocCNFExprBool(false);
- // This is necessary to check to make sure that we don't start out
- // with an accumulator that is "too large".
- /// @todo Strictly speaking, introProxy doesn't *need* to free
- /// memory, then this wouldn't have to reallocate CNFExpr
- /// @todo When this call to introProxy is made, the semantic
- /// negation pointer will have been destroyed. Thus, it will not
- /// be possible to use the correct proxy. That should be fixed.
- // at this point, we will either have NULL, or a destructible expression
- if (getClauseSizeCNF(accum) > CLAUSE_MAX)
- accum = allocCNFExprLiteral(introProxy(cnf, largestEdge, accum, isNegEdge(largestEdge)));
- int i = getSizeVectorEdge(&cnf->args);
- while (i != 0) {
- Edge arg=getVectorEdge(&cnf->args, --i);
- Node *narg=getNodePtrFromEdge(arg);
- if (edgeIsVarConst(arg)) {
- disjoinCNFLit(accum, getEdgeVar(arg));
- } else {
- CNFExpr* argExp = (CNFExpr*) narg->ptrAnnot[isNegEdge(arg)];
- bool destroy = (--narg->intAnnot[isNegEdge(arg)] == 0);
- if (isProxy(argExp)) { // variable has been introduced
- disjoinCNFLit(accum, getProxy(argExp));
- } else if (argExp->litSize == 0) {
- disjoinCNFExpr(accum, argExp, destroy);
- } else {
- // check to see if we should introduce a proxy
- int aL = accum->litSize; // lits in accum
- int eL = argExp->litSize; // lits in argument
- int aC = getClauseSizeCNF(accum); // clauses in accum
- int eC = getClauseSizeCNF(argExp); // clauses in argument
- if (eC > CLAUSE_MAX || (eL * aC + aL * eC > eL + aC + aL + aC)) {
- disjoinCNFLit(accum, introProxy(cnf, arg, argExp, isNegEdge(arg)));
- } else {
- disjoinCNFExpr(accum, argExp, destroy);
- if (destroy) narg->ptrAnnot[isNegEdge(arg)] = NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return accum;
+++ /dev/null
-#ifndef NODEEDGE_H
-#define NODEEDGE_H
-#include "classlist.h"
-#include "vector.h"
-#define NEGATE_EDGE 1
-#define VAR_SHIFT 2
-typedef int Literal;
-struct Edge;
-typedef struct Edge Edge;
-struct Node;
-typedef struct Node Node;
-struct Edge {
- Node * node_ptr;
-VectorDef(Edge, Edge)
-enum NodeType {
- NodeType_AND,
- NodeType_ITE,
- NodeType_IFF
-typedef enum NodeType NodeType;
-struct NodeFlags {
- NodeType type:2;
- int varForced:1;
- int wasExpanded:2;
- int cnfVisitedDown:2;
- int cnfVisitedUp:2;
-typedef struct NodeFlags NodeFlags;
-struct Node {
- NodeFlags flags;
- uint numEdges;
- uint hashCode;
- uint intAnnot[2];
- void * ptrAnnot[2];
- Edge edges[];
-#define LOAD_FACTOR 0.25
-struct CNF {
- uint varcount;
- uint capacity;
- uint size;
- uint mask;
- uint maxsize;
- bool enableMatching;
- Node ** node_array;
- IncrementalSolver * solver;
- VectorEdge constraints;
- VectorEdge args;
-typedef struct CNF CNF;
-struct CNFExpr;
-typedef struct CNFExpr CNFExpr;
-static inline bool getExpanded(Node *n, int isNegated) {
- return n->flags.wasExpanded & (1<<isNegated);
-static inline void setExpanded(Node *n, int isNegated) {
- n->flags.wasExpanded |= (1<<isNegated);
-static inline Edge constraintNegate(Edge e) {
- Edge enew = { (Node *) (((uintptr_t) e.node_ptr) ^ NEGATE_EDGE)};
- return enew;
-static inline bool sameNodeVarEdge(Edge e1, Edge e2) {
- return ! (((uintptr_t) e1.node_ptr ^ (uintptr_t) e2.node_ptr) & (~ (uintptr_t) NEGATE_EDGE));
-static inline bool sameSignEdge(Edge e1, Edge e2) {
- return !(((uintptr_t) e1.node_ptr ^ (uintptr_t) e2.node_ptr) & NEGATE_EDGE);
-static inline bool sameNodeOppSign(Edge e1, Edge e2) {
- return (((uintptr_t) e1.node_ptr) ^ ((uintptr_t)e2.node_ptr)) == NEGATE_EDGE;
-static inline bool isNegEdge(Edge e) {
- return ((uintptr_t)e.node_ptr) & NEGATE_EDGE;
-static inline bool isPosEdge(Edge e) {
- return !(((uintptr_t)e.node_ptr) & NEGATE_EDGE);
-static inline bool isNodeEdge(Edge e) {
- return !(((uintptr_t)e.node_ptr) & EDGE_IS_VAR_CONSTANT);
-static inline bool isNegNodeEdge(Edge e) {
- return (((uintptr_t) e.node_ptr) & (NEGATE_EDGE | EDGE_IS_VAR_CONSTANT)) == NEGATE_EDGE;
-static inline Node * getNodePtrFromEdge(Edge e) {
- return (Node *) (((uintptr_t) e.node_ptr) & ~((uintptr_t) EDGE_MASK));
-static inline NodeType getNodeType(Edge e) {
- Node * n=getNodePtrFromEdge(e);
- return n->flags.type;
-static inline bool equalsEdge(Edge e1, Edge e2) {
- return e1.node_ptr == e2.node_ptr;
-static inline bool ltEdge(Edge e1, Edge e2) {
- return (uintptr_t) e1.node_ptr < (uintptr_t) e2.node_ptr;
-static inline uint getNodeSize(Edge e) {
- Node * n=getNodePtrFromEdge(e);
- return n->numEdges;
-static inline Edge * getEdgeArray(Edge e) {
- Node * n=getNodePtrFromEdge(e);
- return n->edges;
-static inline Edge getNonNeg(Edge e) {
- Edge enew={(Node *)(((uintptr_t)e.node_ptr)&(~((uintptr_t)NEGATE_EDGE)))};
- return enew;
-static inline bool edgeIsConst(Edge e) {
- return (((uintptr_t) e.node_ptr) & ~((uintptr_t)NEGATE_EDGE)) == EDGE_IS_VAR_CONSTANT;
-static inline bool edgeIsNull(Edge e) {
- return e.node_ptr == NULL;
-static inline bool edgeIsVarConst(Edge e) {
- return ((uintptr_t)e.node_ptr) & EDGE_IS_VAR_CONSTANT;
-static inline Edge constraintNegateIf(Edge e, bool negate) {
- Edge eret={(Node *)(((uintptr_t)e.node_ptr) ^ negate)};
- return eret;
-static inline Literal getEdgeVar(Edge e) {
- int val = (int) (((uintptr_t) e.node_ptr) >> VAR_SHIFT);
- return isNegEdge(e) ? -val : val;
-static inline bool isProxy(CNFExpr *expr) {
- return (bool) (((intptr_t) expr) & 1);
-static inline Literal getProxy(CNFExpr *expr) {
- return (Literal) (((intptr_t) expr) >> 1);
-CNF * createCNF();
-void deleteCNF(CNF * cnf);
-uint hashNode(NodeType type, uint numEdges, Edge * edges);
-Node * allocNode(NodeType type, uint numEdges, Edge * edges, uint hashCode);
-bool compareNodes(Node * node, NodeType type, uint numEdges, Edge *edges);
-Edge create(CNF *cnf, NodeType type, uint numEdges, Edge * edges);
-Edge constraintOR(CNF * cnf, uint numEdges, Edge *edges);
-Edge constraintAND(CNF * cnf, uint numEdges, Edge * edges);
-Edge constraintOR2(CNF * cnf, Edge left, Edge right);
-Edge constraintAND2(CNF * cnf, Edge left, Edge right);
-Edge constraintIMPLIES(CNF * cnf, Edge left, Edge right);
-Edge constraintIFF(CNF * cnf, Edge left, Edge right);
-Edge constraintITE(CNF * cnf, Edge cond, Edge thenedge, Edge elseedge);
-Edge constraintNewVar(CNF *cnf);
-void countPass(CNF *cnf);
-void countConstraint(CNF *cnf, VectorEdge * stack, Edge e);
-void addConstraint(CNF *cnf, Edge constraint);
-int solveCNF(CNF *cnf);
-bool getValueCNF(CNF *cnf, Edge var);
-void printCNF(Edge e);
-void convertPass(CNF *cnf, bool backtrackLit);
-void convertConstraint(CNF *cnf, VectorEdge *stack, Edge e, bool backtrackLit);
-void constrainCNF(CNF * cnf, Literal l, CNFExpr *exp);
-void produceCNF(CNF * cnf, Edge e);
-CNFExpr * produceConjunction(CNF * cnf, Edge e);
-CNFExpr* produceDisjunction(CNF *cnf, Edge e);
-bool propagate(CNF *cnf, CNFExpr ** dest, CNFExpr * src, bool negate);
-void saveCNF(CNF *cnf, CNFExpr* exp, Edge e, bool sign);
-CNFExpr* fillArgs(CNF * cnf, Edge e, bool isNeg, Edge * largestEdge);
-Literal introProxy(CNF * cnf, Edge e, CNFExpr* exp, bool isNeg);
-void outputCNF(CNF *cnf, CNFExpr *expr);
-Edge E_True={(Node *)(uintptr_t) EDGE_IS_VAR_CONSTANT};
-Edge E_False={(Node *)(uintptr_t) (EDGE_IS_VAR_CONSTANT | NEGATE_EDGE)};
#include "orderpair.h"
-OrderPair* allocOrderPair(uint64_t first, uint64_t second, Constraint * constraint){
+OrderPair* allocOrderPair(uint64_t first, uint64_t second, Edge constraint){
OrderPair* pair = (OrderPair*) ourmalloc(sizeof(OrderPair));
pair->first = first;
pair->second = second;
#include "classlist.h"
#include "mymemory.h"
+#include "constraint.h"
struct OrderPair{
uint64_t first;
uint64_t second;
- Constraint *constraint;
+ Edge constraint;
-OrderPair* allocOrderPair(uint64_t first, uint64_t second, Constraint * constraint);
+OrderPair* allocOrderPair(uint64_t first, uint64_t second, Edge constraint);
void deleteOrderPair(OrderPair* pair);
#endif /* ORDERPAIR_H */
SATEncoder * allocSATEncoder() {
SATEncoder *This=ourmalloc(sizeof (SATEncoder));
- This->satSolver = allocIncrementalSolver();
+ This->cnf=createCNF();
return This;
void deleteSATEncoder(SATEncoder *This) {
- deleteIncrementalSolver(This->satSolver);
+ deleteCNF(This->cnf);
-Constraint * getElementValueConstraint(SATEncoder* encoder,Element* This, uint64_t value) {
- generateElementEncodingVariables(encoder, getElementEncoding(This));
- switch(getElementEncoding(This)->type){
+Edge getElementValueConstraint(SATEncoder* This, Element* elem, uint64_t value) {
+ generateElementEncodingVariables(This, getElementEncoding(elem));
+ switch(getElementEncoding(elem)->type){
case ONEHOT:
- return getElementValueBinaryIndexConstraint(This, value);
+ return getElementValueBinaryIndexConstraint(This, elem, value);
- return NULL;
+ return E_BOGUS;
-Constraint * getElementValueBinaryIndexConstraint(Element* This, uint64_t value) {
- ASTNodeType type = GETELEMENTTYPE(This);
+Edge getElementValueBinaryIndexConstraint(SATEncoder * This, Element* elem, uint64_t value) {
+ ASTNodeType type = GETELEMENTTYPE(elem);
- ElementEncoding* elemEnc = getElementEncoding(This);
+ ElementEncoding* elemEnc = getElementEncoding(elem);
for(uint i=0; i<elemEnc->encArraySize; i++){
if( isinUseElement(elemEnc, i) && elemEnc->encodingArray[i]==value){
- return generateBinaryConstraint(elemEnc->numVars,
- elemEnc->variables, i);
+ return generateBinaryConstraint(This->cnf, elemEnc->numVars, elemEnc->variables, i);
- return NULL;
-void addConstraintToSATSolver(Constraint *c, IncrementalSolver* satSolver) {
- VectorConstraint* simplified = simplifyConstraint(c);
- uint size = getSizeVectorConstraint(simplified);
- for(uint i=0; i<size; i++) {
- Constraint *simp=getVectorConstraint(simplified, i);
- if (simp->type==TRUE)
- continue;
- ASSERT(simp->type!=FALSE);
- dumpConstraint(simp, satSolver);
- freerecConstraint(simp);
- }
- deleteVectorConstraint(simplified);
+ return E_BOGUS;
void encodeAllSATEncoder(CSolver *csolver, SATEncoder * This) {
uint size=getSizeVectorBoolean(constraints);
for(uint i=0;i<size;i++) {
Boolean *constraint=getVectorBoolean(constraints, i);
- Constraint* c= encodeConstraintSATEncoder(This, constraint);
- printConstraint(c);
- model_print("\n\n");
- addConstraintToSATSolver(c, This->satSolver);
- //FIXME: When do we want to delete constraints? Should we keep an array of them
- // and delete them later, or it would be better to just delete them right away?
+ Edge c= encodeConstraintSATEncoder(This, constraint);
+ printCNF(c);
+ addConstraint(This->cnf, c);
-Constraint * encodeConstraintSATEncoder(SATEncoder *This, Boolean *constraint) {
+Edge encodeConstraintSATEncoder(SATEncoder *This, Boolean *constraint) {
switch(GETBOOLEANTYPE(constraint)) {
return encodeOrderSATEncoder(This, (BooleanOrder *) constraint);
-void getArrayNewVarsSATEncoder(SATEncoder* encoder, uint num, Constraint **carray) {
+void getArrayNewVarsSATEncoder(SATEncoder* encoder, uint num, Edge * carray) {
for(uint i=0;i<num;i++)
-Constraint * getNewVarSATEncoder(SATEncoder *This) {
- Constraint * var=allocVarConstraint(VAR, This->varcount);
- Constraint * varneg=allocVarConstraint(NOTVAR, This->varcount++);
- setNegConstraint(var, varneg);
- setNegConstraint(varneg, var);
- return var;
+Edge getNewVarSATEncoder(SATEncoder *This) {
+ return constraintNewVar(This->cnf);
-Constraint * encodeVarSATEncoder(SATEncoder *This, BooleanVar * constraint) {
- if (constraint->var == NULL) {
+Edge encodeVarSATEncoder(SATEncoder *This, BooleanVar * constraint) {
+ if (edgeIsNull(constraint->var)) {
return constraint->var;
-Constraint * encodeLogicSATEncoder(SATEncoder *This, BooleanLogic * constraint) {
- Constraint * array[getSizeArrayBoolean(&constraint->inputs)];
+Edge encodeLogicSATEncoder(SATEncoder *This, BooleanLogic * constraint) {
+ Edge array[getSizeArrayBoolean(&constraint->inputs)];
for(uint i=0;i<getSizeArrayBoolean(&constraint->inputs);i++)
array[i]=encodeConstraintSATEncoder(This, getArrayBoolean(&constraint->inputs, i));
switch(constraint->op) {
case L_AND:
- return allocArrayConstraint(AND, getSizeArrayBoolean(&constraint->inputs), array);
+ return constraintAND(This->cnf, getSizeArrayBoolean(&constraint->inputs), array);
case L_OR:
- return allocArrayConstraint(OR, getSizeArrayBoolean(&constraint->inputs), array);
+ return constraintOR(This->cnf, getSizeArrayBoolean(&constraint->inputs), array);
case L_NOT:
ASSERT( getSizeArrayBoolean(&constraint->inputs)==1);
- return negateConstraint(array[0]);
- case L_XOR: {
+ return constraintNegate(array[0]);
+ case L_XOR:
ASSERT( getSizeArrayBoolean(&constraint->inputs)==2);
- Constraint * nleft=negateConstraint(cloneConstraint(array[0]));
- Constraint * nright=negateConstraint(cloneConstraint(array[1]));
- return allocConstraint(OR,
- allocConstraint(AND, array[0], nright),
- allocConstraint(AND, nleft, array[1]));
- }
+ return constraintXOR(This->cnf, array[0], array[1]);
ASSERT( getSizeArrayBoolean( &constraint->inputs)==2);
- return allocConstraint(IMPLIES, array[0], array[1]);
+ return constraintIMPLIES(This->cnf, array[0], array[1]);
model_print("Unhandled case in encodeLogicSATEncoder %u", constraint->op);
-Constraint * encodeOrderSATEncoder(SATEncoder *This, BooleanOrder * constraint) {
+Edge encodeOrderSATEncoder(SATEncoder *This, BooleanOrder * constraint) {
switch( constraint->order->type){
return encodePartialOrderSATEncoder(This, constraint);
- return NULL;
+ return E_BOGUS;
-Constraint * getPairConstraint(SATEncoder *This, HashTableBoolConst * table, OrderPair * pair) {
+Edge getPairConstraint(SATEncoder *This, HashTableBoolConst * table, OrderPair * pair) {
bool negate = false;
OrderPair flipped;
if (pair->first > pair->second) {
pair = &flipped; //FIXME: accessing a local variable from outside of the function?
- Constraint * constraint;
+ Edge constraint;
if (!containsBoolConst(table, pair)) {
constraint = getNewVarSATEncoder(This);
OrderPair * paircopy = allocOrderPair(pair->first, pair->second, constraint);
} else
constraint = getBoolConst(table, pair)->constraint;
if (negate)
- return negateConstraint(constraint);
+ return constraintNegate(constraint);
return constraint;
-Constraint * encodeTotalOrderSATEncoder(SATEncoder *This, BooleanOrder * boolOrder){
+Edge encodeTotalOrderSATEncoder(SATEncoder *This, BooleanOrder * boolOrder){
ASSERT(boolOrder->order->type == TOTAL);
if(boolOrder->order->boolsToConstraints == NULL){
- return createAllTotalOrderConstraintsSATEncoder(This, boolOrder->order);
+ createAllTotalOrderConstraintsSATEncoder(This, boolOrder->order);
HashTableBoolConst* boolToConsts = boolOrder->order->boolsToConstraints;
- OrderPair pair={boolOrder->first, boolOrder->second, NULL};
- Constraint *constraint = getPairConstraint(This, boolToConsts, & pair);
+ OrderPair pair={boolOrder->first, boolOrder->second, E_NULL};
+ Edge constraint = getPairConstraint(This, boolToConsts, & pair);
return constraint;
-Constraint* createAllTotalOrderConstraintsSATEncoder(SATEncoder* This, Order* order){
+void createAllTotalOrderConstraintsSATEncoder(SATEncoder* This, Order* order){
ASSERT(order->type == TOTAL);
VectorInt* mems = order->set->members;
HashTableBoolConst* table = order->boolsToConstraints;
uint size = getSizeVectorInt(mems);
- Constraint* constraints [size*size];
uint csize =0;
for(uint i=0; i<size; i++){
uint64_t valueI = getVectorInt(mems, i);
for(uint j=i+1; j<size;j++){
uint64_t valueJ = getVectorInt(mems, j);
OrderPair pairIJ = {valueI, valueJ};
- Constraint* constIJ=getPairConstraint(This, table, & pairIJ);
+ Edge constIJ=getPairConstraint(This, table, & pairIJ);
for(uint k=j+1; k<size; k++){
uint64_t valueK = getVectorInt(mems, k);
OrderPair pairJK = {valueJ, valueK};
OrderPair pairIK = {valueI, valueK};
- Constraint* constIK = getPairConstraint(This, table, & pairIK);
- Constraint* constJK = getPairConstraint(This, table, & pairJK);
- constraints[csize++] = generateTransOrderConstraintSATEncoder(This, constIJ, constJK, constIK);
- ASSERT(csize < size*size);
+ Edge constIK = getPairConstraint(This, table, & pairIK);
+ Edge constJK = getPairConstraint(This, table, & pairJK);
+ addConstraint(This->cnf, generateTransOrderConstraintSATEncoder(This, constIJ, constJK, constIK));
- return allocArrayConstraint(AND, csize, constraints);
-Constraint* getOrderConstraint(HashTableBoolConst *table, OrderPair *pair){
+Edge getOrderConstraint(HashTableBoolConst *table, OrderPair *pair){
ASSERT(pair->first!= pair->second);
- Constraint* constraint= getBoolConst(table, pair)->constraint;
+ Edge constraint = getBoolConst(table, pair)->constraint;
if(pair->first > pair->second)
return constraint;
- return negateConstraint(constraint);
+ return constraintNegate(constraint);
-Constraint * generateTransOrderConstraintSATEncoder(SATEncoder *This, Constraint *constIJ,Constraint *constJK,Constraint *constIK){
- //FIXME: first we should add the the constraint to the satsolver!
- ASSERT(constIJ!= NULL && constJK != NULL && constIK != NULL);
- Constraint *carray[] = {constIJ, constJK, negateConstraint(constIK)};
- Constraint * loop1= allocArrayConstraint(OR, 3, carray);
- Constraint * carray2[] = {negateConstraint(constIJ), negateConstraint(constJK), constIK};
- Constraint * loop2= allocArrayConstraint(OR, 3,carray2 );
- return allocConstraint(AND, loop1, loop2);
+Edge generateTransOrderConstraintSATEncoder(SATEncoder *This, Edge constIJ,Edge constJK,Edge constIK){
+ Edge carray[] = {constIJ, constJK, constraintNegate(constIK)};
+ Edge loop1= constraintOR(This->cnf, 3, carray);
+ Edge carray2[] = {constraintNegate(constIJ), constraintNegate(constJK), constIK};
+ Edge loop2= constraintOR(This->cnf, 3, carray2 );
+ return constraintAND2(This->cnf, loop1, loop2);
-Constraint * encodePartialOrderSATEncoder(SATEncoder *This, BooleanOrder * constraint){
+Edge encodePartialOrderSATEncoder(SATEncoder *This, BooleanOrder * constraint){
// FIXME: we can have this implementation for partial order. Basically,
// we compute the transitivity between two order constraints specified by the client! (also can be used
// when client specify sparse constraints for the total order!)
if( containsBoolConst(boolToConsts, boolOrder) ){
return getBoolConst(boolToConsts, boolOrder);
} else {
- Constraint* constraint = getNewVarSATEncoder(This);
+ Edge constraint = getNewVarSATEncoder(This);
putBoolConst(boolToConsts,boolOrder, constraint);
VectorBoolean* orderConstrs = &boolOrder->order->constraints;
uint size= getSizeVectorBoolean(orderConstrs);
ASSERT(GETBOOLEANTYPE( getVectorBoolean(orderConstrs, i)) == ORDERCONST );
BooleanOrder* tmp = (BooleanOrder*)getVectorBoolean(orderConstrs, i);
BooleanOrder* newBool;
- Constraint* first, *second;
+ Edge first, second;
newBool = (BooleanOrder*)allocBooleanOrder(tmp->order,tmp->first,boolOrder->second);
first = encodeTotalOrderSATEncoder(This, tmp);
second = encodeTotalOrderSATEncoder(This, tmp);
- Constraint* transConstr= encodeTotalOrderSATEncoder(This, newBool);
+ Edge transConstr= encodeTotalOrderSATEncoder(This, newBool);
generateTransOrderConstraintSATEncoder(This, first, second, transConstr );
return constraint;
- return NULL;
+ return E_BOGUS;
-Constraint * encodePredicateSATEncoder(SATEncoder * This, BooleanPredicate * constraint) {
+Edge encodePredicateSATEncoder(SATEncoder * This, BooleanPredicate * constraint) {
switch(GETPREDICATETYPE(constraint->predicate) ){
return encodeTablePredicateSATEncoder(This, constraint);
- return NULL;
+ return E_BOGUS;
-Constraint * encodeTablePredicateSATEncoder(SATEncoder * This, BooleanPredicate * constraint){
+Edge encodeTablePredicateSATEncoder(SATEncoder * This, BooleanPredicate * constraint){
- return NULL;
+ return E_BOGUS;
-Constraint * encodeEnumTablePredicateSATEncoder(SATEncoder * This, BooleanPredicate * constraint){
+Edge encodeEnumTablePredicateSATEncoder(SATEncoder * This, BooleanPredicate * constraint){
VectorTableEntry* entries = &(((PredicateTable*)constraint->predicate)->table->entries);
FunctionEncodingType encType = constraint->encoding.type;
uint size = getSizeVectorTableEntry(entries);
- Constraint* constraints[size];
+ Edge constraints[size];
for(uint i=0; i<size; i++){
TableEntry* entry = getVectorTableEntry(entries, i);
if(encType==ENUMERATEIMPLICATIONS && entry->output!= true)
ArrayElement* inputs = &constraint->inputs;
uint inputNum =getSizeArrayElement(inputs);
- Constraint* carray[inputNum];
+ Edge carray[inputNum];
for(uint j=0; j<inputNum; j++){
Element* el = getArrayElement(inputs, j);
- Constraint* tmpc = getElementValueConstraint(This,el, entry->inputs[j]);
- ASSERT(tmpc!= NULL);
+ Edge tmpc = getElementValueConstraint(This, el, entry->inputs[j]);
- Constraint* func =encodeFunctionElementSATEncoder(This, (ElementFunction*) el);
- ASSERT(func!=NULL);
- carray[j] = allocConstraint(AND, func, tmpc);
+ Edge func =encodeFunctionElementSATEncoder(This, (ElementFunction*) el);
+ carray[j] = constraintAND2(This->cnf, func, tmpc);
} else {
carray[j] = tmpc;
- ASSERT(carray[j]!= NULL);
- constraints[i]=allocArrayConstraint(AND, inputNum, carray);
+ constraints[i]=constraintAND(This->cnf, inputNum, carray);
- Constraint* result= allocArrayConstraint(OR, size, constraints);
+ Edge result=constraintOR(This->cnf, size, constraints);
//FIXME: if it didn't match with any entry
- return encType==ENUMERATEIMPLICATIONS? result: negateConstraint(result);
+ return encType==ENUMERATEIMPLICATIONS? result: constraintNegate(result);
-Constraint * encodeOperatorPredicateSATEncoder(SATEncoder * This, BooleanPredicate * constraint){
+Edge encodeOperatorPredicateSATEncoder(SATEncoder * This, BooleanPredicate * constraint){
return encodeEnumOperatorPredicateSATEncoder(This, constraint);
- return NULL;
+ return E_BOGUS;
-Constraint * encodeEnumOperatorPredicateSATEncoder(SATEncoder * This, BooleanPredicate * constraint){
+Edge encodeEnumOperatorPredicateSATEncoder(SATEncoder * This, BooleanPredicate * constraint){
PredicateOperator* predicate = (PredicateOperator*)constraint->predicate;
ASSERT(predicate->op == EQUALS); //For now, we just only support equals
uint size=getSizeVectorInt( getArraySet( &predicate->domains, 0)->members);
uint64_t commonElements [size];
getEqualitySetIntersection(predicate, &size, commonElements);
- Constraint* carray[size];
+ Edge carray[size];
Element* elem1 = getArrayElement( &constraint->inputs, 0);
- Constraint *elemc1 = NULL, *elemc2 = NULL;
+ Edge elemc1 = E_NULL, elemc2 = E_NULL;
elemc1 = encodeFunctionElementSATEncoder(This, (ElementFunction*) elem1);
Element* elem2 = getArrayElement( &constraint->inputs, 1);
elemc2 = encodeFunctionElementSATEncoder(This, (ElementFunction*) elem2);
for(uint i=0; i<size; i++){
- Constraint* arg1 = getElementValueConstraint(This, elem1, commonElements[i]);
- ASSERT(arg1!=NULL);
- Constraint* arg2 = getElementValueConstraint(This, elem2, commonElements[i]);
- ASSERT(arg2 != NULL);
- carray[i] = allocConstraint(AND, arg1, arg2);
+ Edge arg1 = getElementValueConstraint(This, elem1, commonElements[i]);
+ Edge arg2 = getElementValueConstraint(This, elem2, commonElements[i]);
+ carray[i] = constraintAND2(This->cnf, arg1, arg2);
//FIXME: the case when there is no intersection ....
- Constraint* result = allocArrayConstraint(OR, size, carray);
- ASSERT(result!= NULL);
- if(elemc1!= NULL)
- result = allocConstraint(AND, result, elemc1);
- if(elemc2 != NULL)
- result = allocConstraint (AND, result, elemc2);
+ Edge result = constraintOR(This->cnf, size, carray);
+ if (!edgeIsNull(elemc1))
+ result = constraintAND2(This->cnf, result, elemc1);
+ if (!edgeIsNull(elemc2))
+ result = constraintAND2(This->cnf, result, elemc2);
return result;
-Constraint* encodeFunctionElementSATEncoder(SATEncoder* encoder, ElementFunction *This){
+Edge encodeFunctionElementSATEncoder(SATEncoder* encoder, ElementFunction *This){
return encodeTableElementFunctionSATEncoder(encoder, This);
- return NULL;
+ return E_BOGUS;
-Constraint* encodeTableElementFunctionSATEncoder(SATEncoder* encoder, ElementFunction* This){
+Edge encodeTableElementFunctionSATEncoder(SATEncoder* encoder, ElementFunction* This){
return encodeEnumTableElemFunctionSATEncoder(encoder, This);
- return NULL;
+ return E_BOGUS;
-Constraint* encodeOperatorElementFunctionSATEncoder(SATEncoder* encoder, ElementFunction* This){
+Edge encodeOperatorElementFunctionSATEncoder(SATEncoder* encoder, ElementFunction* This){
ASSERT(getSizeArrayElement(&This->inputs)==2 );
ElementEncoding* elem1 = getElementEncoding( getArrayElement(&This->inputs,0) );
ElementEncoding* elem2 = getElementEncoding( getArrayElement(&This->inputs,1) );
- Constraint* carray[elem1->encArraySize*elem2->encArraySize];
+ Edge carray[elem1->encArraySize*elem2->encArraySize];
uint size=0;
- Constraint* overFlowConstraint = ((BooleanVar*) This->overflowstatus)->var;
+ Edge overFlowConstraint = ((BooleanVar*) This->overflowstatus)->var;
for(uint i=0; i<elem1->encArraySize; i++){
if(isinUseElement(elem1, i)){
for( uint j=0; j<elem2->encArraySize; j++){
elem2->encodingArray[j], &isInRange);
//FIXME: instead of getElementValueConstraint, it might be useful to have another function
// that doesn't iterate over encodingArray and treats more efficient ...
- Constraint* valConstrIn1 = getElementValueConstraint(encoder, elem1->element, elem1->encodingArray[i]);
- ASSERT(valConstrIn1 != NULL);
- Constraint* valConstrIn2 = getElementValueConstraint(encoder, elem2->element, elem2->encodingArray[j]);
- ASSERT(valConstrIn2 != NULL);
- Constraint* valConstrOut = getElementValueConstraint(encoder, (Element*) This, result);
- if(valConstrOut == NULL)
+ Edge valConstrIn1 = getElementValueConstraint(encoder, elem1->element, elem1->encodingArray[i]);
+ Edge valConstrIn2 = getElementValueConstraint(encoder, elem2->element, elem2->encodingArray[j]);
+ Edge valConstrOut = getElementValueConstraint(encoder, (Element*) This, result);
+ if(edgeIsNull(valConstrOut))
continue; //FIXME:Should talk to brian about it!
- Constraint* OpConstraint = allocConstraint(IMPLIES,
- allocConstraint(AND, valConstrIn1, valConstrIn2) , valConstrOut);
+ Edge OpConstraint = constraintIMPLIES(encoder->cnf, constraintAND2(encoder->cnf, valConstrIn1, valConstrIn2), valConstrOut);
switch( ((FunctionOperator*)This->function)->overflowbehavior ){
case IGNORE:
- Constraint* const1 = allocConstraint(IMPLIES,
- allocConstraint(AND, valConstrIn1, valConstrIn2),
- negateConstraint(overFlowConstraint));
- carray[size++] = allocConstraint(AND, const1, OpConstraint);
+ Edge const1 = constraintIMPLIES(encoder->cnf, constraintAND2(encoder->cnf, valConstrIn1, valConstrIn2), constraintNegate(overFlowConstraint));
+ carray[size++] = constraintAND2(encoder->cnf, const1, OpConstraint);
carray[size++] = OpConstraint;
} else{
- carray[size++] = allocConstraint(IMPLIES,
- allocConstraint(AND, valConstrIn1, valConstrIn2),
- overFlowConstraint);
+ carray[size++] = constraintIMPLIES(encoder->cnf, constraintAND2(encoder->cnf, valConstrIn1, valConstrIn2), overFlowConstraint);
- Constraint* const1 = allocConstraint(IMPLIES,
- allocConstraint(AND, valConstrIn1, valConstrIn2),
- negateConstraint(overFlowConstraint));
- carray[size++] = allocConstraint(AND, const1, OpConstraint);
- }else{
- carray[size++] = allocConstraint(IMPLIES,
- allocConstraint(AND, valConstrIn1, valConstrIn2),
- overFlowConstraint);
+ Edge const1 = constraintIMPLIES(encoder->cnf, constraintAND2(encoder->cnf, valConstrIn1, valConstrIn2), constraintNegate(overFlowConstraint));
+ carray[size++] = constraintAND2(encoder->cnf, const1, OpConstraint);
+ } else {
+ carray[size++] = constraintIMPLIES(encoder->cnf, constraintAND2(encoder->cnf, valConstrIn1, valConstrIn2), overFlowConstraint);
- return allocArrayConstraint(AND, size, carray);
+ return constraintAND(encoder->cnf, size, carray);
-Constraint* encodeEnumTableElemFunctionSATEncoder(SATEncoder* encoder, ElementFunction* This){
+Edge encodeEnumTableElemFunctionSATEncoder(SATEncoder* encoder, ElementFunction* This){
ArrayElement* elements= &This->inputs;
Table* table = ((FunctionTable*) (This->function))->table;
uint size = getSizeVectorTableEntry(&table->entries);
- Constraint* constraints[size]; //FIXME: should add a space for the case that didn't match any entries
- for(uint i=0; i<size; i++){
+ Edge constraints[size]; //FIXME: should add a space for the case that didn't match any entries
+ for(uint i=0; i<size; i++) {
TableEntry* entry = getVectorTableEntry(&table->entries, i);
- uint inputNum =getSizeArrayElement(elements);
- Constraint* carray[inputNum];
+ uint inputNum = getSizeArrayElement(elements);
+ Edge carray[inputNum];
for(uint j=0; j<inputNum; j++){
Element* el= getArrayElement(elements, j);
carray[j] = getElementValueConstraint(encoder, el, entry->inputs[j]);
- ASSERT(carray[j]!= NULL);
- Constraint* output = getElementValueConstraint(encoder, (Element*)This, entry->output);
- ASSERT(output!= NULL);
- Constraint* row= allocConstraint(IMPLIES, allocArrayConstraint(AND, inputNum, carray), output);
+ Edge output = getElementValueConstraint(encoder, (Element*)This, entry->output);
+ Edge row= constraintIMPLIES(encoder->cnf, constraintAND(encoder->cnf, inputNum, carray), output);
- Constraint* result = allocArrayConstraint(OR, size, constraints);
+ Edge result = constraintOR(encoder->cnf, size, constraints);
return result;
#include "classlist.h"
#include "structs.h"
#include "inc_solver.h"
+#include "constraint.h"
struct SATEncoder {
uint varcount;
- IncrementalSolver* satSolver;
+ CNF * cnf;
SATEncoder * allocSATEncoder();
void deleteSATEncoder(SATEncoder *This);
void encodeAllSATEncoder(CSolver *csolver, SATEncoder *This);
-Constraint * getNewVarSATEncoder(SATEncoder *This);
-void getArrayNewVarsSATEncoder(SATEncoder* encoder, uint num, Constraint **carray);
-Constraint * encodeConstraintSATEncoder(SATEncoder *This, Boolean *constraint);
-Constraint * encodeOrderSATEncoder(SATEncoder *This, BooleanOrder * constraint);
-Constraint * createAllTotalOrderConstraintsSATEncoder(SATEncoder* This, Order* order);
-Constraint* getOrderConstraint(HashTableBoolConst *table, OrderPair *pair);
-Constraint * generateTransOrderConstraintSATEncoder(SATEncoder *This, Constraint *constIJ,Constraint *constJK,Constraint *constIK);
-Constraint * encodeTotalOrderSATEncoder(SATEncoder *This, BooleanOrder * constraint);
-Constraint * encodePartialOrderSATEncoder(SATEncoder *This, BooleanOrder * constraint);
-Constraint * encodeVarSATEncoder(SATEncoder *This, BooleanVar * constraint);
-Constraint * encodeLogicSATEncoder(SATEncoder *This, BooleanLogic * constraint);
-Constraint * encodePredicateSATEncoder(SATEncoder * This, BooleanPredicate * constraint);
-Constraint * encodeTablePredicateSATEncoder(SATEncoder * This, BooleanPredicate * constraint);
-Constraint * encodeEnumTablePredicateSATEncoder(SATEncoder * This, BooleanPredicate * constraint);
-Constraint * encodeOperatorPredicateSATEncoder(SATEncoder * This, BooleanPredicate * constraint);
-Constraint * encodeEnumOperatorPredicateSATEncoder(SATEncoder * This, BooleanPredicate * constraint);
+Edge getNewVarSATEncoder(SATEncoder *This);
+void getArrayNewVarsSATEncoder(SATEncoder* encoder, uint num, Edge*carray);
+Edge encodeConstraintSATEncoder(SATEncoder *This, Boolean *constraint);
+Edge encodeOrderSATEncoder(SATEncoder *This, BooleanOrder * constraint);
+void createAllTotalOrderConstraintsSATEncoder(SATEncoder* This, Order* order);
+Edge getOrderConstraint(HashTableBoolConst *table, OrderPair *pair);
+Edge generateTransOrderConstraintSATEncoder(SATEncoder *This, Edge constIJ, Edge constJK, Edge constIK);
+Edge encodeTotalOrderSATEncoder(SATEncoder *This, BooleanOrder * constraint);
+Edge encodePartialOrderSATEncoder(SATEncoder *This, BooleanOrder * constraint);
+Edge encodeVarSATEncoder(SATEncoder *This, BooleanVar * constraint);
+Edge encodeLogicSATEncoder(SATEncoder *This, BooleanLogic * constraint);
+Edge encodePredicateSATEncoder(SATEncoder * This, BooleanPredicate * constraint);
+Edge encodeTablePredicateSATEncoder(SATEncoder * This, BooleanPredicate * constraint);
+Edge encodeEnumTablePredicateSATEncoder(SATEncoder * This, BooleanPredicate * constraint);
+Edge encodeOperatorPredicateSATEncoder(SATEncoder * This, BooleanPredicate * constraint);
+Edge encodeEnumOperatorPredicateSATEncoder(SATEncoder * This, BooleanPredicate * constraint);
-Constraint * getElementValueBinaryIndexConstraint(Element* This, uint64_t value);
-Constraint * getElementValueConstraint(SATEncoder* encoder, Element* This, uint64_t value);
+Edge getElementValueBinaryIndexConstraint(SATEncoder * This, Element* element, uint64_t value);
+Edge getElementValueConstraint(SATEncoder* encoder, Element* This, uint64_t value);
-Constraint* encodeFunctionElementSATEncoder(SATEncoder* encoder, ElementFunction *This);
-Constraint* encodeEnumTableElemFunctionSATEncoder(SATEncoder* encoder, ElementFunction* This);
-Constraint* encodeTableElementFunctionSATEncoder(SATEncoder* encoder, ElementFunction* This);
-Constraint* encodeOperatorElementFunctionSATEncoder(SATEncoder* encoder,ElementFunction* This);
-void addConstraintToSATSolver(Constraint *c, IncrementalSolver* satSolver);
+Edge encodeFunctionElementSATEncoder(SATEncoder* encoder, ElementFunction *This);
+Edge encodeEnumTableElemFunctionSATEncoder(SATEncoder* encoder, ElementFunction* This);
+Edge encodeTableElementFunctionSATEncoder(SATEncoder* encoder, ElementFunction* This);
+Edge encodeOperatorElementFunctionSATEncoder(SATEncoder* encoder,ElementFunction* This);
VectorImpl(Table, Table *, 4);
VectorImpl(Set, Set *, 4);
VectorImpl(Boolean, Boolean *, 4);
-VectorImpl(Constraint, Constraint *, 4);
VectorImpl(Function, Function *, 4);
VectorImpl(Predicate, Predicate *, 4);
VectorImpl(Element, Element *, 4);
VectorDef(Table, Table *);
VectorDef(Set, Set *);
VectorDef(Boolean, Boolean *);
-VectorDef(Constraint, Constraint *);
VectorDef(Function, Function *);
VectorDef(Predicate, Predicate *);
VectorDef(Element, Element *);
void allocElementConstraintVariables(ElementEncoding* This, uint numVars){
This->numVars = numVars;
- This->variables = ourmalloc(sizeof(Constraint*) * numVars);
+ This->variables = ourmalloc(sizeof(Edge) * numVars);
void setElementEncodingType(ElementEncoding* This, ElementEncodingType type){
#include "classlist.h"
#include "naiveencoder.h"
+#include "constraint.h"
enum ElementEncodingType {
struct ElementEncoding {
ElementEncodingType type;
Element * element;
- Constraint ** variables;/* List Variables Used To Encode Element */
+ Edge * variables;/* List Variables Used To Encode Element */
uint64_t * encodingArray; /* List the Variables in the appropriate order */
uint64_t * inUseArray;/* Bitmap to track variables in use */
uint encArraySize;
-#include "nodeedge.h"
+#include "constraint.h"
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int numargs, char ** argv) {
struct SATEncoder;
typedef struct SATEncoder SATEncoder;
-struct Constraint;
-typedef struct Constraint Constraint;
typedef struct BooleanOrder BooleanOrder;
typedef struct BooleanVar BooleanVar;
typedef struct BooleanLogic BooleanLogic;
SATEncoder* satEncoder = allocSATEncoder();
encodeAllSATEncoder(solver, satEncoder);
- finishedClauses(satEncoder->satSolver);
- int result= solve(satEncoder->satSolver);
+ int result= solveCNF(satEncoder->cnf);
model_print("sat_solver's result:%d\n", result);
//For now, let's just delete it, and in future for doing queries
//we may need it.