#include "delaycomp.h"
#define NUMPTRS 100
-#ifdef MLP
-__thread SESEcommon* seseCommon;
//Need to check if pointers are transaction pointers
//this also catches the special flag value of 1 for local copies
#ifdef DSTM
return 1;
-#ifdef TASK
-struct pointerblock *taghead=NULL;
-int tagindex=0;
-void enqueuetag(struct ___TagDescriptor___ *ptr) {
- if (tagindex==NUMPTRS) {
- struct pointerblock * tmp=malloc(sizeof(struct pointerblock));
- tmp->next=taghead;
- taghead=tmp;
- tagindex=0;
- }
- taghead->ptrs[tagindex++]=ptr;
#if defined(STM)||defined(THREADS)||defined(MLP)
#ifndef MAC
-void searchoojroots() {
-#ifdef MLP
-#ifdef SQUEUE
- {
- int i;
- deque* dq;
- dequeItem *di;
- int j;
- // goes over ready-to-run SESEs
- for( i = 0; i < numWorkSchedWorkers; ++i ) {
- dq = &(deques[i]);
- di=dq->head;
- do {
- // check all the relevant indices of this
- // node in the deque, noting if we are in
- // the top/bottom node which can be partially
- // full
- // WHAT?
- //SESEcommon* common = (SESEcommon*) n->itsDataArr[j];
- //if(common==seseCommon){
- // skip the current running SESE
- // continue;
- //}
- di=(dequeItem *) EXTRACTPTR((INTPTR)di);
- SESEcommon* seseRec = (SESEcommon*) di->work;
- if (seseRec!=NULL) {
- struct garbagelist* gl = (struct garbagelist*) &(seseRec[1]);
- struct garbagelist* glroot = gl;
- updateAscendantSESE( seseRec );
- while( gl != NULL ) {
- int k;
- for( k = 0; k < gl->size; k++ ) {
- void* orig = gl->array[k];
- ENQUEUE( orig, gl->array[k] );
- }
- gl = gl->next;
- }
- }
- // we only have to move across the nodes
- // of the deque if the top and bottom are
- // not the same already
- di=di->next;
- } while( di !=NULL) ;
- }
- }
- {
- int i;
- deque* dq;
- dequeNode* botNode;
- int botIndx;
- dequeNode* topNode;
- int topIndx;
- dequeNode* n;
- int j;
- int jLo;
- int jHi;
- // goes over ready-to-run SESEs
- for( i = 0; i < numWorkSchedWorkers; ++i ) {
- dq = &(deques[i]);
- botNode = dqDecodePtr( dq->bottom );
- botIndx = dqDecodeIdx( dq->bottom );
- topNode = dqDecodePtr( dq->top );
- topIndx = dqDecodeIdx( dq->top );
- n = botNode;
- do {
- // check all the relevant indices of this
- // node in the deque, noting if we are in
- // the top/bottom node which can be partially
- // full
- if( n == botNode ) { jLo = botIndx; } else { jLo = 0; }
- if( n == topNode ) { jHi = topIndx; } else { jHi = DQNODE_ARRAYSIZE; }
- for( j = jLo; j < jHi; ++j ) {
- // WHAT?
- //SESEcommon* common = (SESEcommon*) n->itsDataArr[j];
- //if(common==seseCommon){
- // continue;
- //}
- SESEcommon* seseRec = (SESEcommon*) n->itsDataArr[j];
- struct garbagelist* gl = (struct garbagelist*) &(seseRec[1]);
- struct garbagelist* glroot = gl;
- updateAscendantSESE( seseRec );
- while( gl != NULL ) {
- int k;
- for( k = 0; k < gl->size; k++ ) {
- void* orig = gl->array[k];
- ENQUEUE( orig, gl->array[k] );
- }
- gl = gl->next;
- }
- }
- // we only have to move across the nodes
- // of the deque if the top and bottom are
- // not the same already
- if( botNode != topNode ) {
- n = n->next;
- }
- } while( n != topNode );
- }
- }
void searchglobalroots() {
#if defined(THREADS)||defined(DSTM)||defined(STM)||defined(MLP)
-void searchtaskroots() {
-#ifdef TASK
- {
- /* Update objectsets */
- int i;
- for(i=0; i<NUMCLASSES; i++) {
-#if !defined(MULTICORE)
- struct parameterwrapper * p=objectqueues[i];
- while(p!=NULL) {
- struct ObjectHash * set=p->objectset;
- struct ObjectNode * ptr=set->listhead;
- while(ptr!=NULL) {
- void *orig=(void *)ptr->key;
- ENQUEUE(orig, *((void **)(&ptr->key)));
- ptr=ptr->lnext;
- }
- ObjectHashrehash(set); /* Rehash the table */
- p=p->next;
- }
- }
- }
-#ifndef FASTCHECK
- if (forward!=NULL) {
- struct cnode * ptr=forward->listhead;
- while(ptr!=NULL) {
- void * orig=(void *)ptr->key;
- ENQUEUE(orig, *((void **)(&ptr->key)));
- ptr=ptr->lnext;
- }
- crehash(forward); /* Rehash the table */
- }
- if (reverse!=NULL) {
- struct cnode * ptr=reverse->listhead;
- while(ptr!=NULL) {
- void *orig=(void *)ptr->val;
- ENQUEUE(orig, *((void**)(&ptr->val)));
- ptr=ptr->lnext;
- }
- }
- {
- struct RuntimeNode * ptr=fdtoobject->listhead;
- while(ptr!=NULL) {
- void *orig=(void *)ptr->data;
- ENQUEUE(orig, *((void**)(&ptr->data)));
- ptr=ptr->lnext;
- }
- }
- {
- /* Update current task descriptor */
- int i;
- for(i=0; i<currtpd->numParameters; i++) {
- void *orig=currtpd->parameterArray[i];
- ENQUEUE(orig, currtpd->parameterArray[i]);
- }
- }
- /* Update active tasks */
- {
- struct genpointerlist * ptr=activetasks->list;
- while(ptr!=NULL) {
- struct taskparamdescriptor *tpd=ptr->src;
- int i;
- for(i=0; i<tpd->numParameters; i++) {
- void * orig=tpd->parameterArray[i];
- ENQUEUE(orig, tpd->parameterArray[i]);
- }
- ptr=ptr->inext;
- }
- genrehash(activetasks);
- }
- /* Update failed tasks */
- {
- struct genpointerlist * ptr=failedtasks->list;
- while(ptr!=NULL) {
- struct taskparamdescriptor *tpd=ptr->src;
- int i;
- for(i=0; i<tpd->numParameters; i++) {
- void * orig=tpd->parameterArray[i];
- ENQUEUE(orig, tpd->parameterArray[i]);
- }
- ptr=ptr->inext;
- }
- genrehash(failedtasks);
- }
void searchstack(struct garbagelist *stackptr) {
while(stackptr!=NULL) {
+#ifdef JNI
+void searchjnitable(struct jnireferences *jniptr) {
+ while(jniptr!=NULL) {
+ int i;
+ //update table
+ for(i=0;i<jniptr->index;i++) {
+ ENQUEUE(jniptr->array[i]->ref, jniptr->array[i]->ref);
+ }
+ //go to next table
+ jniptr=jniptr->next;
+ }
#if defined(THREADS)||defined(DSTM)||defined(STM)||defined(MLP)
void searchthreadroots(struct garbagelist * stackptr) {
ENQUEUE(orig, lvector->locks[i].object);
+#ifdef JNI
+ searchjnitable(*listptr->jnirefs);
#ifdef STM
if ((*listptr->tc_table)!=NULL) {
fixtable(listptr->tc_table, listptr->tc_list, listptr->tc_structs, listptr->tc_size);
ENQUEUE(___fcrevert___, ___fcrevert___);
+#ifdef TASK
+#ifdef MLP
-#ifdef TASK
-/* Fix up the references from tags. This can't be done earlier,
- because we don't want tags to keep objects alive */
-void fixtags() {
- while(taghead!=NULL) {
- int i;
- struct pointerblock *tmp=taghead->next;
- for(i=0; i<tagindex; i++) {
- struct ___TagDescriptor___ *tagd=taghead->ptrs[i];
- struct ___Object___ *obj=tagd->flagptr;
- struct ___TagDescriptor___ *copy=((struct ___TagDescriptor___**)tagd)[1];
- if (obj==NULL) {
- /* Zero object case */
- } else if (obj->type==-1) {
- /* Single object case */
- copy->flagptr=((struct ___Object___**)obj)[1];
- } else if (obj->type==OBJECTARRAYTYPE) {
- /* Array case */
- struct ArrayObject *ao=(struct ArrayObject *) obj;
- int livecount=0;
- int j;
- int k=0;
- struct ArrayObject *aonew;
- /* Count live objects */
- for(j=0; j<ao->___cachedCode___; j++) {
- struct ___Object___ * tobj=ARRAYGET(ao, struct ___Object___ *, j);
- if (tobj->type==-1)
- livecount++;
- }
- aonew=(struct ArrayObject *) tomalloc(sizeof(struct ArrayObject)+sizeof(struct ___Object___*)*livecount);
- memcpy(aonew, ao, sizeof(struct ArrayObject));
- aonew->type=OBJECTARRAYTYPE;
- aonew->___length___=livecount;
- copy->flagptr=aonew;
- for(j=0; j<ao->___cachedCode___; j++) {
- struct ___Object___ * tobj=ARRAYGET(ao, struct ___Object___ *, j);
- if (tobj->type==-1) {
- struct ___Object___ * tobjcpy=((struct ___Object___**)tobj)[1];
- ARRAYSET(aonew, struct ___Object___*, k++,tobjcpy);
- }
- }
- aonew->___cachedCode___=k;
- for(; k<livecount; k++) {
- ARRAYSET(aonew, struct ___Object___*, k, NULL);
- }
- } else {
- /* No object live anymore */
- copy->flagptr=NULL;
- }
- }
- free(taghead);
- taghead=tmp;
- tagindex=NUMPTRS;
- }
void * tomalloc(int size) {
void * ptr=to_heapptr;
-#ifdef MLP
-updateForwardList(struct Queue *forwardList, int prevUpdate){
- struct QueueItem * fqItem=getHead(forwardList);
- while(fqItem!=NULL){
- SESEcommon* seseRec = (SESEcommon*)(fqItem->objectptr);
- struct garbagelist * gl=(struct garbagelist *)&(seseRec[1]);
- if(prevUpdate==TRUE){
- updateAscendantSESE(seseRec);
- }
- // do something here
- while(gl!=NULL) {
- int i;
- for(i=0; i<gl->size; i++) {
- void * orig=gl->array[i];
- ENQUEUE(orig, gl->array[i]);
- }
- gl=gl->next;
- }
- // iterate forwarding list of seseRec
- struct Queue* fList=&seseRec->forwardList;
- updateForwardList(fList,prevUpdate);
- fqItem=getNextQueueItem(fqItem);
- }
-updateMemoryQueue(SESEcommon* seseParent){
- // update memory queue
- int i,binidx;
- for(i=0; i<seseParent->numMemoryQueue; i++){
- MemoryQueue *memoryQueue=seseParent->memoryQueueArray[i];
- MemoryQueueItem *memoryItem=memoryQueue->head;
- while(memoryItem!=NULL){
- if(memoryItem->type==HASHTABLE){
- Hashtable *ht=(Hashtable*)memoryItem;
- for(binidx=0; binidx<NUMBINS; binidx++){
- BinElement *bin=ht->array[binidx];
- BinItem *binItem=bin->head;
- while(binItem!=NULL){
- if(binItem->type==READBIN){
- ReadBinItem* readBinItem=(ReadBinItem*)binItem;
- int ridx;
- for(ridx=0; ridx<readBinItem->index; ridx++){
- REntry *rentry=readBinItem->array[ridx];
- SESEcommon* seseRec = (SESEcommon*)(rentry->seseRec);
- struct garbagelist * gl= (struct garbagelist *)&(seseRec[1]);
- updateAscendantSESE(seseRec);
- while(gl!=NULL) {
- int i;
- for(i=0; i<gl->size; i++) {
- void * orig=gl->array[i];
- ENQUEUE(orig, gl->array[i]);
- }
- gl=gl->next;
- }
- }
- }else{ //writebin
- REntry *rentry=((WriteBinItem*)binItem)->val;
- SESEcommon* seseRec = (SESEcommon*)(rentry->seseRec);
- struct garbagelist * gl= (struct garbagelist *)&(seseRec[1]);
- updateAscendantSESE(seseRec);
- while(gl!=NULL) {
- int i;
- for(i=0; i<gl->size; i++) {
- void * orig=gl->array[i];
- ENQUEUE(orig, gl->array[i]);
- }
- gl=gl->next;
- }
- }
- binItem=binItem->next;
- }
- }
- }else if(memoryItem->type==VECTOR){
- Vector *vt=(Vector*)memoryItem;
- int idx;
- for(idx=0; idx<vt->index; idx++){
- REntry *rentry=vt->array[idx];
- if(rentry!=NULL){
- SESEcommon* seseRec = (SESEcommon*)(rentry->seseRec);
- struct garbagelist * gl= (struct garbagelist *)&(seseRec[1]);
- updateAscendantSESE(seseRec);
- while(gl!=NULL) {
- int i;
- for(i=0; i<gl->size; i++) {
- void * orig=gl->array[i];
- ENQUEUE(orig, gl->array[i]);
- }
- gl=gl->next;
- }
- }
- }
- }else if(memoryItem->type==SINGLEITEM){
- SCC *scc=(SCC*)memoryItem;
- REntry *rentry=scc->val;
- if(rentry!=NULL){
- SESEcommon* seseRec = (SESEcommon*)(rentry->seseRec);
- struct garbagelist * gl= (struct garbagelist *)&(seseRec[1]);
- updateAscendantSESE(seseRec);
- while(gl!=NULL) {
- int i;
- for(i=0; i<gl->size; i++) {
- void * orig=gl->array[i];
- ENQUEUE(orig, gl->array[i]);
- }
- gl=gl->next;
- }
- }
- }
- memoryItem=memoryItem->next;
- }
- }
- }
- updateAscendantSESE(SESEcommon* seseRec){
- int prevIdx;
- for(prevIdx=0; prevIdx<(seseRec->numDependentSESErecords); prevIdx++){
- SESEcommon* prevSESE = (SESEcommon*)
- (
- ((INTPTR)seseRec) +
- seseRec->offsetToDepSESErecords +
- (sizeof(INTPTR)*prevIdx)
- );
- if(prevSESE!=NULL){
- struct garbagelist * prevgl=(struct garbagelist *)&(((SESEcommon*)(prevSESE))[1]);
- while(prevgl!=NULL) {
- int i;
- for(i=0; i<prevgl->size; i++) {
- void * orig=prevgl->array[i];
- ENQUEUE(orig, prevgl->array[i]);
- }
- prevgl=prevgl->next;
- }
- }
- }
- }
int within(void *ptr){ //debug function
if(ptr>curr_heapptr || ptr<curr_heapbase){
__asm__ __volatile__ ("int $3"); // breakpoint
--- /dev/null
+#include "garbage.h"
+#ifdef MLP
+__thread SESEcommon* seseCommon;
+void searchoojroots() {
+#ifdef SQUEUE
+ {
+ int i;
+ deque* dq;
+ dequeItem *di;
+ int j;
+ // goes over ready-to-run SESEs
+ for( i = 0; i < numWorkSchedWorkers; ++i ) {
+ dq = &(deques[i]);
+ di=dq->head;
+ do {
+ // check all the relevant indices of this
+ // node in the deque, noting if we are in
+ // the top/bottom node which can be partially
+ // full
+ // WHAT?
+ //SESEcommon* common = (SESEcommon*) n->itsDataArr[j];
+ //if(common==seseCommon){
+ // skip the current running SESE
+ // continue;
+ //}
+ di=(dequeItem *) EXTRACTPTR((INTPTR)di);
+ SESEcommon* seseRec = (SESEcommon*) di->work;
+ if (seseRec!=NULL) {
+ struct garbagelist* gl = (struct garbagelist*) &(seseRec[1]);
+ struct garbagelist* glroot = gl;
+ updateAscendantSESE( seseRec );
+ while( gl != NULL ) {
+ int k;
+ for( k = 0; k < gl->size; k++ ) {
+ void* orig = gl->array[k];
+ ENQUEUE( orig, gl->array[k] );
+ }
+ gl = gl->next;
+ }
+ }
+ // we only have to move across the nodes
+ // of the deque if the top and bottom are
+ // not the same already
+ di=di->next;
+ } while( di !=NULL) ;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ int i;
+ deque* dq;
+ dequeNode* botNode;
+ int botIndx;
+ dequeNode* topNode;
+ int topIndx;
+ dequeNode* n;
+ int j;
+ int jLo;
+ int jHi;
+ // goes over ready-to-run SESEs
+ for( i = 0; i < numWorkSchedWorkers; ++i ) {
+ dq = &(deques[i]);
+ botNode = dqDecodePtr( dq->bottom );
+ botIndx = dqDecodeIdx( dq->bottom );
+ topNode = dqDecodePtr( dq->top );
+ topIndx = dqDecodeIdx( dq->top );
+ n = botNode;
+ do {
+ // check all the relevant indices of this
+ // node in the deque, noting if we are in
+ // the top/bottom node which can be partially
+ // full
+ if( n == botNode ) { jLo = botIndx; } else { jLo = 0; }
+ if( n == topNode ) { jHi = topIndx; } else { jHi = DQNODE_ARRAYSIZE; }
+ for( j = jLo; j < jHi; ++j ) {
+ // WHAT?
+ //SESEcommon* common = (SESEcommon*) n->itsDataArr[j];
+ //if(common==seseCommon){
+ // continue;
+ //}
+ SESEcommon* seseRec = (SESEcommon*) n->itsDataArr[j];
+ struct garbagelist* gl = (struct garbagelist*) &(seseRec[1]);
+ struct garbagelist* glroot = gl;
+ updateAscendantSESE( seseRec );
+ while( gl != NULL ) {
+ int k;
+ for( k = 0; k < gl->size; k++ ) {
+ void* orig = gl->array[k];
+ ENQUEUE( orig, gl->array[k] );
+ }
+ gl = gl->next;
+ }
+ }
+ // we only have to move across the nodes
+ // of the deque if the top and bottom are
+ // not the same already
+ if( botNode != topNode ) {
+ n = n->next;
+ }
+ } while( n != topNode );
+ }
+ }
+updateForwardList(struct Queue *forwardList, int prevUpdate) {
+ struct QueueItem * fqItem=getHead(forwardList);
+ while(fqItem!=NULL){
+ SESEcommon* seseRec = (SESEcommon*)(fqItem->objectptr);
+ struct garbagelist * gl=(struct garbagelist *)&(seseRec[1]);
+ if(prevUpdate==TRUE){
+ updateAscendantSESE(seseRec);
+ }
+ // do something here
+ while(gl!=NULL) {
+ int i;
+ for(i=0; i<gl->size; i++) {
+ void * orig=gl->array[i];
+ ENQUEUE(orig, gl->array[i]);
+ }
+ gl=gl->next;
+ }
+ // iterate forwarding list of seseRec
+ struct Queue* fList=&seseRec->forwardList;
+ updateForwardList(fList,prevUpdate);
+ fqItem=getNextQueueItem(fqItem);
+ }
+updateMemoryQueue(SESEcommon* seseParent){
+ // update memory queue
+ int i,binidx;
+ for(i=0; i<seseParent->numMemoryQueue; i++){
+ MemoryQueue *memoryQueue=seseParent->memoryQueueArray[i];
+ MemoryQueueItem *memoryItem=memoryQueue->head;
+ while(memoryItem!=NULL){
+ if(memoryItem->type==HASHTABLE){
+ Hashtable *ht=(Hashtable*)memoryItem;
+ for(binidx=0; binidx<NUMBINS; binidx++){
+ BinElement *bin=ht->array[binidx];
+ BinItem *binItem=bin->head;
+ while(binItem!=NULL){
+ if(binItem->type==READBIN){
+ ReadBinItem* readBinItem=(ReadBinItem*)binItem;
+ int ridx;
+ for(ridx=0; ridx<readBinItem->index; ridx++){
+ REntry *rentry=readBinItem->array[ridx];
+ SESEcommon* seseRec = (SESEcommon*)(rentry->seseRec);
+ struct garbagelist * gl= (struct garbagelist *)&(seseRec[1]);
+ updateAscendantSESE(seseRec);
+ while(gl!=NULL) {
+ int i;
+ for(i=0; i<gl->size; i++) {
+ void * orig=gl->array[i];
+ ENQUEUE(orig, gl->array[i]);
+ }
+ gl=gl->next;
+ }
+ }
+ }else{ //writebin
+ REntry *rentry=((WriteBinItem*)binItem)->val;
+ SESEcommon* seseRec = (SESEcommon*)(rentry->seseRec);
+ struct garbagelist * gl= (struct garbagelist *)&(seseRec[1]);
+ updateAscendantSESE(seseRec);
+ while(gl!=NULL) {
+ int i;
+ for(i=0; i<gl->size; i++) {
+ void * orig=gl->array[i];
+ ENQUEUE(orig, gl->array[i]);
+ }
+ gl=gl->next;
+ }
+ }
+ binItem=binItem->next;
+ }
+ }
+ }else if(memoryItem->type==VECTOR){
+ Vector *vt=(Vector*)memoryItem;
+ int idx;
+ for(idx=0; idx<vt->index; idx++){
+ REntry *rentry=vt->array[idx];
+ if(rentry!=NULL){
+ SESEcommon* seseRec = (SESEcommon*)(rentry->seseRec);
+ struct garbagelist * gl= (struct garbagelist *)&(seseRec[1]);
+ updateAscendantSESE(seseRec);
+ while(gl!=NULL) {
+ int i;
+ for(i=0; i<gl->size; i++) {
+ void * orig=gl->array[i];
+ ENQUEUE(orig, gl->array[i]);
+ }
+ gl=gl->next;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }else if(memoryItem->type==SINGLEITEM){
+ SCC *scc=(SCC*)memoryItem;
+ REntry *rentry=scc->val;
+ if(rentry!=NULL){
+ SESEcommon* seseRec = (SESEcommon*)(rentry->seseRec);
+ struct garbagelist * gl= (struct garbagelist *)&(seseRec[1]);
+ updateAscendantSESE(seseRec);
+ while(gl!=NULL) {
+ int i;
+ for(i=0; i<gl->size; i++) {
+ void * orig=gl->array[i];
+ ENQUEUE(orig, gl->array[i]);
+ }
+ gl=gl->next;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ memoryItem=memoryItem->next;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ updateAscendantSESE(SESEcommon* seseRec){
+ int prevIdx;
+ for(prevIdx=0; prevIdx<(seseRec->numDependentSESErecords); prevIdx++){
+ SESEcommon* prevSESE = (SESEcommon*)
+ (
+ ((INTPTR)seseRec) +
+ seseRec->offsetToDepSESErecords +
+ (sizeof(INTPTR)*prevIdx)
+ );
+ if(prevSESE!=NULL){
+ struct garbagelist * prevgl=(struct garbagelist *)&(((SESEcommon*)(prevSESE))[1]);
+ while(prevgl!=NULL) {
+ int i;
+ for(i=0; i<prevgl->size; i++) {
+ void * orig=prevgl->array[i];
+ ENQUEUE(orig, prevgl->array[i]);
+ }
+ prevgl=prevgl->next;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+#include "garbage.h"
+#ifdef TASK
+void searchtaskroots() {
+ {
+ /* Update objectsets */
+ int i;
+ for(i=0; i<NUMCLASSES; i++) {
+#if !defined(MULTICORE)
+ struct parameterwrapper * p=objectqueues[i];
+ while(p!=NULL) {
+ struct ObjectHash * set=p->objectset;
+ struct ObjectNode * ptr=set->listhead;
+ while(ptr!=NULL) {
+ void *orig=(void *)ptr->key;
+ ENQUEUE(orig, *((void **)(&ptr->key)));
+ ptr=ptr->lnext;
+ }
+ ObjectHashrehash(set); /* Rehash the table */
+ p=p->next;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#ifndef FASTCHECK
+ if (forward!=NULL) {
+ struct cnode * ptr=forward->listhead;
+ while(ptr!=NULL) {
+ void * orig=(void *)ptr->key;
+ ENQUEUE(orig, *((void **)(&ptr->key)));
+ ptr=ptr->lnext;
+ }
+ crehash(forward); /* Rehash the table */
+ }
+ if (reverse!=NULL) {
+ struct cnode * ptr=reverse->listhead;
+ while(ptr!=NULL) {
+ void *orig=(void *)ptr->val;
+ ENQUEUE(orig, *((void**)(&ptr->val)));
+ ptr=ptr->lnext;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ struct RuntimeNode * ptr=fdtoobject->listhead;
+ while(ptr!=NULL) {
+ void *orig=(void *)ptr->data;
+ ENQUEUE(orig, *((void**)(&ptr->data)));
+ ptr=ptr->lnext;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ /* Update current task descriptor */
+ int i;
+ for(i=0; i<currtpd->numParameters; i++) {
+ void *orig=currtpd->parameterArray[i];
+ ENQUEUE(orig, currtpd->parameterArray[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Update active tasks */
+ {
+ struct genpointerlist * ptr=activetasks->list;
+ while(ptr!=NULL) {
+ struct taskparamdescriptor *tpd=ptr->src;
+ int i;
+ for(i=0; i<tpd->numParameters; i++) {
+ void * orig=tpd->parameterArray[i];
+ ENQUEUE(orig, tpd->parameterArray[i]);
+ }
+ ptr=ptr->inext;
+ }
+ genrehash(activetasks);
+ }
+ /* Update failed tasks */
+ {
+ struct genpointerlist * ptr=failedtasks->list;
+ while(ptr!=NULL) {
+ struct taskparamdescriptor *tpd=ptr->src;
+ int i;
+ for(i=0; i<tpd->numParameters; i++) {
+ void * orig=tpd->parameterArray[i];
+ ENQUEUE(orig, tpd->parameterArray[i]);
+ }
+ ptr=ptr->inext;
+ }
+ genrehash(failedtasks);
+ }
+struct pointerblock *taghead=NULL;
+int tagindex=0;
+void enqueuetag(struct ___TagDescriptor___ *ptr) {
+ if (tagindex==NUMPTRS) {
+ struct pointerblock * tmp=malloc(sizeof(struct pointerblock));
+ tmp->next=taghead;
+ taghead=tmp;
+ tagindex=0;
+ }
+ taghead->ptrs[tagindex++]=ptr;
+/* Fix up the references from tags. This can't be done earlier,
+ because we don't want tags to keep objects alive */
+void fixtags() {
+ while(taghead!=NULL) {
+ int i;
+ struct pointerblock *tmp=taghead->next;
+ for(i=0; i<tagindex; i++) {
+ struct ___TagDescriptor___ *tagd=taghead->ptrs[i];
+ struct ___Object___ *obj=tagd->flagptr;
+ struct ___TagDescriptor___ *copy=((struct ___TagDescriptor___**)tagd)[1];
+ if (obj==NULL) {
+ /* Zero object case */
+ } else if (obj->type==-1) {
+ /* Single object case */
+ copy->flagptr=((struct ___Object___**)obj)[1];
+ } else if (obj->type==OBJECTARRAYTYPE) {
+ /* Array case */
+ struct ArrayObject *ao=(struct ArrayObject *) obj;
+ int livecount=0;
+ int j;
+ int k=0;
+ struct ArrayObject *aonew;
+ /* Count live objects */
+ for(j=0; j<ao->___cachedCode___; j++) {
+ struct ___Object___ * tobj=ARRAYGET(ao, struct ___Object___ *, j);
+ if (tobj->type==-1)
+ livecount++;
+ }
+ aonew=(struct ArrayObject *) tomalloc(sizeof(struct ArrayObject)+sizeof(struct ___Object___*)*livecount);
+ memcpy(aonew, ao, sizeof(struct ArrayObject));
+ aonew->type=OBJECTARRAYTYPE;
+ aonew->___length___=livecount;
+ copy->flagptr=aonew;
+ for(j=0; j<ao->___cachedCode___; j++) {
+ struct ___Object___ * tobj=ARRAYGET(ao, struct ___Object___ *, j);
+ if (tobj->type==-1) {
+ struct ___Object___ * tobjcpy=((struct ___Object___**)tobj)[1];
+ ARRAYSET(aonew, struct ___Object___*, k++,tobjcpy);
+ }
+ }
+ aonew->___cachedCode___=k;
+ for(; k<livecount; k++) {
+ ARRAYSET(aonew, struct ___Object___*, k, NULL);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* No object live anymore */
+ copy->flagptr=NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ free(taghead);
+ taghead=tmp;
+ tagindex=NUMPTRS;
+ }