import Analysis.MLP.MLPAnalysis;
import Analysis.MLP.VariableSourceToken;
import Analysis.MLP.CodePlan;
+import Analysis.MLP.SESEandAgePair;
public class BuildCode {
State state;
PrintWriter outmethod
) {
- outmethodheader.println("void* invokeSESEmethod( void* vargs );");
- outmethod.println( "void* invokeSESEmethod( void* vargs ) {");
+ outmethodheader.println("void invokeSESEmethod( void* vargs );");
+ outmethod.println( "void invokeSESEmethod( void* vargs ) {");
outmethod.println( " int status;");
outmethod.println( " char errmsg[128];");
outmethod.println( " invokeSESEargs* args = (invokeSESEargs*) vargs;");
+ /*
// wait on a condition variable that dispatcher will signal
// then this SESE instance's dependencies are resolved
outmethod.println( " status = pthread_mutex_lock( args->invokee->startCondVarLock );");
outmethod.println( " status = pthread_cond_wait( args->invokee->startCondVar, args->invokee->startCondVarLock );");
outmethod.println( " "+mlperrstr);
outmethod.println( " }");
+ */
// generate a case for each SESE class that can be invoked
outmethod.println( " switch( args->classID ) {");
// then invoke the sese's method
output.print(" "+cn.getSafeSymbol()+bogusmd.getSafeSymbol()+"_"+bogusmd.getSafeMethodDescriptor());
- output.print("(");
- // why doesn't this work?
- //output.print("("+cn.getSafeSymbol()+bogusmd.getSafeSymbol()+"_"+bogusmd.getSafeMethodDescriptor()+paramsprefix+")");
+ output.print("( args->invokee, ");
// first argument is parameter structure
output.print("(struct "+cn.getSafeSymbol()+bogusmd.getSafeSymbol()+"__params*)");
TempDescriptor td=objectparams.getPrimitive(i);
TypeDescriptor type=td.getType();
assert type.isPrimitive();
- output.print(", args->invokee->vars["+i+"].sesetype_"+type.toString());
+ output.print( ", (("+fsen.namespaceStructNameString()+
+ "*)args->invokee->namespace)->"+td );
- private void generateFlatMethodSESE(FlatMethod fm,
- ClassDescriptor cn,
- FlatSESEEnterNode seseEnter,
- FlatSESEExitNode seseExit,
- PrintWriter output
- ) {
- MethodDescriptor md=fm.getMethod();
- ParamsObject objectparams=(ParamsObject)paramstable.get(md);
- generateHeader(fm, null, md, output);
- TempObject objecttemp=(TempObject) tempstable.get(md);
- output.print(" struct "+cn.getSafeSymbol()+md.getSafeSymbol()+"_"+md.getSafeMethodDescriptor()+"_locals "+localsprefix+"={");
- output.print(objecttemp.numPointers()+",");
- output.print(paramsprefix);
- for(int j=0; j<objecttemp.numPointers(); j++)
- output.print(", NULL");
- output.println("};");
- }
- for(int i=0; i<objecttemp.numPrimitives(); i++) {
- TempDescriptor td=objecttemp.getPrimitive(i);
- TypeDescriptor type=td.getType();
- if (type.isNull())
- output.println(" void * "+td.getSafeSymbol()+";");
- else if (type.isClass()||type.isArray())
- output.println(" struct "+type.getSafeSymbol()+" * "+td.getSafeSymbol()+";");
- else
- output.println(" "+type.getSafeSymbol()+" "+td.getSafeSymbol()+";");
- }
- // Check to see if we need to do a GC if this is a
- // multi-threaded program...
- //Don't bother if we aren't in recursive methods...The loops case will catch it
- if (callgraph.getAllMethods(md).contains(md)) {
- output.println("if (needtocollect) checkcollect(&"+localsprefix+");");
- }
- }
- generateCode(seseEnter.getNext(0), fm, null, seseExit, output);
- output.println("}\n\n");
- }
protected void generateMethodSESE(FlatSESEEnterNode fsen,
LocalityBinding lb,
PrintWriter outputStructs,
+ // declare namespace struct
+ outputStructs.println(fsen.namespaceStructDeclarationString());
//Generate code for parameters structure
- generateMethodParam(cn, bogusmd, null, outputStructs);
+ generateMethodParam(cn, bogusmd, null, outputStructs);
//Generate code for locals structure
outputStructs.println("struct "+cn.getSafeSymbol()+bogusmd.getSafeSymbol()+"_"+bogusmd.getSafeMethodDescriptor()+"_locals {");
// write method declaration to header file
outputMethHead.print("void ");
+ outputMethHead.print("SESErecord* currentSESE, ");
boolean printcomma=false;
outputMethHead.print("struct "+cn.getSafeSymbol()+
generateFlatMethodSESE(bogusfm, cn, fsen, fsen.getFlatExit(), outputMethods);
+ private void generateFlatMethodSESE(FlatMethod fm,
+ ClassDescriptor cn,
+ FlatSESEEnterNode seseEnter,
+ FlatSESEExitNode seseExit,
+ PrintWriter output
+ ) {
+ MethodDescriptor md=fm.getMethod();
+ ParamsObject objectparams=(ParamsObject)paramstable.get(md);
+ generateHeader(fm, null, md, output, true);
+ TempObject objecttemp=(TempObject) tempstable.get(md);
+ output.print(" struct "+cn.getSafeSymbol()+md.getSafeSymbol()+"_"+md.getSafeMethodDescriptor()+"_locals "+localsprefix+"={");
+ output.print(objecttemp.numPointers()+",");
+ output.print(paramsprefix);
+ for(int j=0; j<objecttemp.numPointers(); j++)
+ output.print(", NULL");
+ output.println("};");
+ }
+ for(int i=0; i<objecttemp.numPrimitives(); i++) {
+ TempDescriptor td=objecttemp.getPrimitive(i);
+ TypeDescriptor type=td.getType();
+ if (type.isNull())
+ output.println(" void * "+td.getSafeSymbol()+";");
+ else if (type.isClass()||type.isArray())
+ output.println(" struct "+type.getSafeSymbol()+" * "+td.getSafeSymbol()+";");
+ else
+ output.println(" "+type.getSafeSymbol()+" "+td.getSafeSymbol()+";");
+ }
+ // declare variables for naming SESE's
+ Iterator<SESEandAgePair> pItr = seseEnter.getNeededStaticNames().iterator();
+ while( pItr.hasNext() ) {
+ SESEandAgePair p =;
+ output.println(" SESErecord* "+p+";");
+ }
+ // Check to see if we need to do a GC if this is a
+ // multi-threaded program...
+ //Don't bother if we aren't in recursive methods...The loops case will catch it
+ if (callgraph.getAllMethods(md).contains(md)) {
+ output.println("if (needtocollect) checkcollect(&"+localsprefix+");");
+ }
+ }
+ generateCode(seseEnter.getNext(0), fm, null, seseExit, output);
+ output.println("}\n\n");
+ }
protected void generateCode(FlatNode first,
FlatMethod fm,
// of that method, whether it be a user-defined method
// or a method representing the body of an SESE
// TODO: only do this if we know the method actually
- // contains an SESE issue, not currently an annotation
+ // contains an SESE issue, not currently an annotation
if( state.MLP ) {
output.println(" SESErecord* tempSESE;");
- output.println(" SESErecord* tempParentSESE;");
output.println(" invokeSESEargs* tempSESEargs;");
- }
+ }
/* Assign labels to FlatNode's if necessary.*/
Hashtable<FlatNode, Integer> nodetolabel=assignLabels(first, stop);
output.println("\n /* SESE "+fsen.getPrettyIdentifier()+" issue */");
output.println(" tempSESE = mlpCreateSESErecord( "+
fsen.getIdentifier()+", "+
- "0, "+
- "mlpGetCurrent(), "+
- fsen.numParameters()+", "+
+ "malloc( sizeof( "+fsen.namespaceStructNameString()+") ), "+
"NULL );");
for( int i = 0; i < fsen.numParameters(); ++i ) {
- TempDescriptor td = fsen.getParameter( i );
- TypeDescriptor type = td.getType();
- output.println(" tempSESE->vars["+i+"].sesetype_"+type.toString()+" = "+td+";");
+ TempDescriptor td = fsen.getParameter( i );
+ output.println(" (("+fsen.namespaceStructNameString()+
+ "*)tempSESE->namespace)->"+td+" = "+td+";");
output.println(" mlpIssue( tempSESE );");
- output.println(" tempSESE = mlpSchedule();");
- output.println(" tempParentSESE = mlpGetCurrent();");
+ output.println(" tempSESE = mlpSchedule();");
// do a pthread_create wit invokeSESE as the argument
// and pack all args into a single void*
- output.println(" tempSESEargs = (invokeSESEargs*) malloc( sizeof( invokeSESEargs ) );");
+ output.println(" tempSESEargs = malloc( sizeof( invokeSESEargs ) );");
output.println(" tempSESEargs->classID = "+fsen.getIdentifier()+";");
- output.println(" tempSESEargs->invokee = tempSESE;");
- output.println(" tempSESEargs->parent = tempParentSESE;");
+ output.println(" tempSESEargs->invokee = mlpSchedule();");
+ if( fsen.getParent() == null ) {
+ output.println(" tempSESEargs->parent = NULL;");
+ } else {
+ output.println(" tempSESEargs->parent = currentSESE;");
+ }
output.println(" invokeSESEmethod( (void*) tempSESEargs );");
/** This method generates header information for the method or
* task referenced by the Descriptor des. */
private void generateHeader(FlatMethod fm, LocalityBinding lb, Descriptor des, PrintWriter output) {
+ generateHeader(fm, lb, des, output, false);
+ }
+ private void generateHeader(FlatMethod fm, LocalityBinding lb, Descriptor des, PrintWriter output, boolean addSESErecord) {
/* Print header */
ParamsObject objectparams=(ParamsObject)paramstable.get(lb!=null ? lb : des);
MethodDescriptor md=null;
} else
+ if (addSESErecord) {
+ output.print("SESErecord* currentSESE, ");
+ }
boolean printcomma=false;
if (md!=null) {
// the root sese is accessible globally so
// buildcode can generate references to it
-SESErecord* rootsese;
+//SESErecord* rootsese;
// the issuedQ, in this simple version, spits
static struct Queue* issuedQ;
-// the class_age2instance maps an SESE class id and
-// age value to a particular SESErecord instance
-static SESErecord** class_age2instance;
-// each core/pthread should have a current SESE
-static SESErecord* current;
-SESErecord* mlpCreateSESErecord( int classID,
- int instanceID,
- SESErecord* parent,
- int numVars,
- void* paramStruct
- ) {
+SESErecord* mlpCreateSESErecord( int classID,
+ void* namespace,
+ void* paramStruct
+ ) {
SESErecord* newrec = malloc( sizeof( SESErecord ) );
+ //newrec->parent = parent;
+ //newrec->childrenList = createQueue();
+ //newrec->vars = malloc( sizeof( SESEvar ) * numVars );
newrec->classID = classID;
- //newrec->instanceID = instanceID;
- //newrec->childInstanceIDs = 0;
- newrec->parent = parent;
- newrec->childrenList = createQueue();
- newrec->vars = (SESEvar*) malloc( sizeof( SESEvar ) *
- numVars
- );
+ newrec->namespace = namespace;
newrec->paramStruct = paramStruct;
newrec->forwardList = createQueue();
newrec->doneExecuting = FALSE;
- newrec->startedExecuting = FALSE;
+ //newrec->startedExecuting = FALSE;
- newrec->startCondVar = (pthread_cond_t*) malloc( sizeof( pthread_cond_t ) );
- newrec->startCondVarLock = (pthread_mutex_t*) malloc( sizeof( pthread_mutex_t ) );
- newrec->forwardListLock = (pthread_mutex_t*) malloc( sizeof( pthread_mutex_t ) );
+ psem_init ( &(newrec->stallSem) );
+ /*
pthread_cond_init ( newrec->startCondVar, NULL );
pthread_mutex_init( newrec->startCondVarLock, NULL );
pthread_mutex_init( newrec->forwardListLock, NULL );
+ */
return newrec;
void mlpDestroySESErecord( SESErecord* sese ) {
+ /*
pthread_cond_destroy ( sese->startCondVar );
pthread_mutex_destroy( sese->startCondVarLock );
pthread_mutex_destroy( sese->forwardListLock );
+ */
+ /*
free ( sese->startCondVar );
free ( sese->startCondVarLock );
free ( sese->forwardListLock );
freeQueue( sese->forwardList );
- freeQueue( sese->childrenList );
+ //freeQueue( sese->childrenList );
free ( sese->vars );
+ */
+ free ( sese->namespace );
free ( sese );
issuedQ = createQueue();
+ /*
class_age2instance = (SESErecord**) malloc( sizeof( SESErecord* ) *
maxSESEage *
+ */
//current = rootsese;
- current = NULL;
+ //current = NULL;
SESErecord* mlpGetCurrent() {
return current;
void mlpIssue( SESErecord* sese ) {
addNewItem( issuedQ, (void*) sese );