--- /dev/null
+//===-- llvm/TargetData.h - Data size & alignment routines -------*- C++ -*-==//
+// This file defines target properties related to datatype size/offset/alignment
+// information. It uses lazy annotations to cache information about how
+// structure types are laid out and used.
+// This structure should be created once, filled in if the defaults are not
+// correct and then passed around by const&. None of the members functions
+// require modification to the object.
+#include "llvm/Type.h"
+#include <vector>
+class StructType;
+class StructLayout;
+class TargetData {
+ unsigned char ByteAlignment; // Defaults to 1 bytes
+ unsigned char ShortAlignment; // Defaults to 2 bytes
+ unsigned char IntAlignment; // Defaults to 4 bytes
+ unsigned char LongAlignment; // Defaults to 8 bytes
+ unsigned char FloatAlignment; // Defaults to 4 bytes
+ unsigned char DoubleAlignment; // Defaults to 8 bytes
+ unsigned char PointerSize; // Defaults to 8 bytes
+ unsigned char PointerAlignment; // Defaults to 8 bytes
+ AnnotationID AID; // AID for structure layout annotation
+ static Annotation *TypeAnFactory(AnnotationID, Annotable *, void *);
+ TargetData(const string &TargetName, unsigned char PtrSize = 8,
+ unsigned char PtrAl = 8, unsigned char DoubleAl = 8,
+ unsigned char FloatAl = 4, unsigned char LongAl = 8,
+ unsigned char IntAl = 4, unsigned char ShortAl = 2,
+ unsigned char ByteAl = 1);
+ ~TargetData(); // Not virtual, do not subclass this class
+ unsigned char getByteAlignment() const { return ByteAlignment; }
+ unsigned char getShortAlignment() const { return ShortAlignment; }
+ unsigned char getIntAlignment() const { return IntAlignment; }
+ unsigned char getLongAlignment() const { return LongAlignment; }
+ unsigned char getFloatAlignment() const { return FloatAlignment; }
+ unsigned char getDoubleAlignment() const { return DoubleAlignment; }
+ unsigned char getPointerAlignment() const { return PointerAlignment; }
+ unsigned char getPointerSize() const { return PointerSize; }
+ AnnotationID getStructLayoutAID() const { return AID; }
+ // getTypeSize - Return the number of bytes neccesary to hold the specified
+ // type
+ unsigned getTypeSize (const Type *Ty) const;
+ // getTypeAlignment - Return the minimum required alignment for the specified
+ // type
+ unsigned char getTypeAlignment(const Type *Ty) const;
+ // getIndexOffset - return the offset from the beginning of the type for the
+ // specified indices. This is used to implement getElementPtr and load and
+ // stores that include the implicit form of getelementptr.
+ //
+ unsigned getIndexedOffset(const Type *Ty,
+ const vector<ConstPoolVal*> &Indices) const;
+ inline const StructLayout *getStructLayout(const StructType *Ty) const {
+ return (const StructLayout*)((Value*)Ty)->getOrCreateAnnotation(AID);
+ }
+// This annotation (attached ONLY to StructType classes) is used to lazily
+// calculate structure layout information for a target machine, based on the
+// TargetData structure.
+struct StructLayout : public Annotation {
+ vector<unsigned> MemberOffsets;
+ unsigned StructSize;
+ unsigned StructAlignment;
+ friend class TargetData; // Only TargetData can create this class
+ inline StructLayout(const StructType *ST, const TargetData &TD);
--- /dev/null
+//===-- TargetData.cpp - Data size & alignment routines --------------------==//
+// This file defines target properties related to datatype size/offset/alignment
+// information. It uses lazy annotations to cache information about how
+// structure types are laid out and used.
+// This structure should be created once, filled in if the defaults are not
+// correct and then passed around by const&. None of the members functions
+// require modification to the object.
+#include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetData.h"
+#include "llvm/DerivedTypes.h"
+#include "llvm/ConstPoolVals.h"
+static inline void getTypeInfo(const Type *Ty, const TargetData *TD,
+ unsigned &Size, unsigned char &Alignment);
+// Support for StructLayout Annotation
+StructLayout::StructLayout(const StructType *ST, const TargetData &TD)
+ : Annotation(TD.getStructLayoutAID()) {
+ StructAlignment = 0;
+ StructSize = 0;
+ // Loop over each of the elements, placing them in memory...
+ for (StructType::ElementTypes::const_iterator
+ TI = ST->getElementTypes().begin(),
+ TE = ST->getElementTypes().end(); TI != TE; ++TI) {
+ const Type *Ty = *TI;
+ unsigned char A;
+ unsigned TySize, TyAlign;
+ getTypeInfo(Ty, &TD, TySize, A); TyAlign = A;
+ // Add padding if neccesary to make the data element aligned properly...
+ if (StructSize % TyAlign != 0)
+ StructSize = (StructSize/TyAlign + 1) * TyAlign; // Add padding...
+ // Keep track of maximum alignment constraint
+ StructAlignment = max(TyAlign, StructAlignment);
+ MemberOffsets.push_back(StructSize);
+ StructSize += TySize; // Consume space for this data item...
+ }
+ // Add padding to the end of the struct so that it could be put in an array
+ // and all array elements would be aligned correctly.
+ if (StructSize % StructAlignment != 0)
+ StructSize = (StructSize/StructAlignment + 1) * StructAlignment;
+ if (StructSize == 0) {
+ StructSize = 1; // Empty struct is 1 byte
+ StructAlignment = 1;
+ }
+Annotation *TargetData::TypeAnFactory(AnnotationID AID, Annotable *T, void *D) {
+ const TargetData &TD = *(const TargetData*)D;
+ assert(AID == TD.AID && "Target data annotation ID mismatch!");
+ const Type *Ty = ((const Value *)T)->castTypeAsserting();
+ assert(Ty->isStructType() &&
+ "Can only create StructLayout annotation on structs!");
+ return new StructLayout((const StructType *)Ty, TD);
+// TargetData Class Implementation
+TargetData::TargetData(const string &TargetName, unsigned char PtrSize = 8,
+ unsigned char PtrAl = 8, unsigned char DoubleAl = 8,
+ unsigned char FloatAl = 4, unsigned char LongAl = 8,
+ unsigned char IntAl = 4, unsigned char ShortAl = 2,
+ unsigned char ByteAl = 1)
+ : AID(AnnotationManager::getID("TargetData::" + TargetName)) {
+ AnnotationManager::registerAnnotationFactory(AID, TypeAnFactory, this);
+ PointerSize = PtrSize;
+ PointerAlignment = PtrAl;
+ DoubleAlignment = DoubleAl;
+ FloatAlignment = FloatAl;
+ LongAlignment = LongAl;
+ IntAlignment = IntAl;
+ ShortAlignment = ShortAl;
+ ByteAlignment = ByteAl;
+TargetData::~TargetData() {
+ AnnotationManager::registerAnnotationFactory(AID, 0); // Deregister factory
+static inline void getTypeInfo(const Type *Ty, const TargetData *TD,
+ unsigned &Size, unsigned char &Alignment) {
+ switch (Ty->getPrimitiveID()) {
+ case Type::VoidTyID:
+ case Type::BoolTyID:
+ case Type::UByteTyID:
+ case Type::SByteTyID: Size = 1; Alignment = TD->getByteAlignment(); return;
+ case Type::UShortTyID:
+ case Type::ShortTyID: Size = 2; Alignment = TD->getShortAlignment(); return;
+ case Type::UIntTyID:
+ case Type::IntTyID: Size = 4; Alignment = TD->getIntAlignment(); return;
+ case Type::ULongTyID:
+ case Type::LongTyID: Size = 8; Alignment = TD->getLongAlignment(); return;
+ case Type::FloatTyID: Size = 4; Alignment = TD->getFloatAlignment(); return;
+ case Type::DoubleTyID: Size = 8; Alignment = TD->getDoubleAlignment(); return;
+ case Type::LabelTyID:
+ case Type::PointerTyID:
+ Size = TD->getPointerSize(); Alignment = TD->getPointerAlignment();
+ return;
+ case Type::ArrayTyID: {
+ const ArrayType *ATy = (const ArrayType *)Ty;
+ assert(ATy->isSized() && "Can't get TypeInfo of an unsized array!");
+ getTypeInfo(ATy->getElementType(), TD, Size, Alignment);
+ Size *= ATy->getNumElements();
+ return;
+ }
+ case Type::StructTyID: {
+ // Get the layout annotation... which is lazily created on demand.
+ const StructLayout *Layout = TD->getStructLayout((const StructType*)Ty);
+ Size = Layout->StructSize; Alignment = Layout->StructAlignment;
+ return;
+ }
+ case Type::TypeTyID:
+ default:
+ assert(0 && "Bad type for getTypeInfo!!!");
+ return;
+ }
+unsigned TargetData::getTypeSize(const Type *Ty) const {
+ unsigned Size; unsigned char Align;
+ getTypeInfo(Ty, this, Size, Align);
+ return Size;
+unsigned char TargetData::getTypeAlignment(const Type *Ty) const {
+ unsigned Size; unsigned char Align;
+ getTypeInfo(Ty, this, Size, Align);
+ return Align;
+unsigned TargetData::getIndexedOffset(const Type *ptrTy,
+ const vector<ConstPoolVal*> &Idx) const {
+ const PointerType *PtrTy = PtrTy->isPointerType(); // Returns null if not
+ assert(PtrTy && "getIndexedOffset on nonpointer!");
+ unsigned Result = 0;
+ // Get the type pointed to...
+ const Type *Ty = PtrTy->getValueType();
+ for (unsigned CurIDX = 0; CurIDX < Idx.size(); ++CurIDX) {
+ if (const StructType *STy = Ty->isStructType()) {
+ assert(Idx[CurIDX]->getType() == Type::UByteTy && "Illegal struct idx");
+ unsigned FieldNo = ((ConstPoolUInt*)Idx[CurIDX++])->getValue();
+ // Get structure layout information...
+ const StructLayout *Layout = getStructLayout(STy);
+ // Add in the offset, as calculated by the structure layout info...
+ assert(FieldNo < Layout->MemberOffsets.size() && "FieldNo out of range!");
+ Result += Layout->MemberOffsets[FieldNo];
+ // Update Ty to refer to current element
+ Ty = STy->getElementTypes()[FieldNo];
+ } else if (const ArrayType *ATy = Ty->isArrayType()) {
+ assert(0 && "Loading from arrays not implemented yet!");
+ } else {
+ assert(0 && "Indexing type that is not struct or array?");
+ return 0; // Load directly through ptr
+ }
+ }
+ return Result;