OwnershipGraph og = mapDescriptorToCompleteOwnershipGraph.get( taskOrMethod );
assert( og != null );
return og.hasPotentialAlias( paramIndex1, paramIndex2 );
- /*
- return createsPotentialAliases( og,
- getHeapRegionIDset( og, paramIndex1 ),
- getHeapRegionIDset( og, paramIndex2 ) );
- */
- /*
public boolean createsPotentialAliases( Descriptor taskOrMethod,
int paramIndex,
AllocationSite alloc ) {
OwnershipGraph og = mapDescriptorToCompleteOwnershipGraph.get( taskOrMethod );
assert( og != null );
- return createsPotentialAliases( og,
- getHeapRegionIDset( og, paramIndex ),
- getHeapRegionIDset( alloc ) );
+ return og.hasPotentialAlias( paramIndex, alloc );
public boolean createsPotentialAliases( Descriptor taskOrMethod,
AllocationSite alloc,
int paramIndex ) {
OwnershipGraph og = mapDescriptorToCompleteOwnershipGraph.get( taskOrMethod );
assert( og != null );
- return createsPotentialAliases( og,
- getHeapRegionIDset( og, paramIndex ),
- getHeapRegionIDset( alloc ) );
+ return og.hasPotentialAlias( paramIndex, alloc );
+ /*
public boolean createsPotentialAliases( Descriptor taskOrMethod,
AllocationSite alloc1,
AllocationSite alloc2 ) {
while( taskItr.hasNext() ) {
TaskDescriptor td = (TaskDescriptor) taskItr.next();
- //HashSet<AllocationSite> allocSites = getFlaggedAllocationSitesReachableFromTask( td );
+ HashSet<AllocationSite> allocSites = getFlaggedAllocationSitesReachableFromTask( td );
// for each task parameter, check for aliases with
// other task parameters and every allocation site
- /*
// for the ith parameter, check for aliases against
// the set of allocation sites reachable from this
// task context
while( allocItr.hasNext() ) {
AllocationSite as = (AllocationSite) allocItr.next();
if( createsPotentialAliases( td, i, as ) ) {
+ foundSomeAlias = true;
bw.write( "Task "+td+" potentially aliases parameter "+i+" and "+as+".\n" );
- */
+ public boolean hasPotentialAlias( Integer paramIndex, AllocationSite as ) {
+ // get parameter's heap region
+ assert paramIndex2id.containsKey(paramIndex);
+ Integer idParam = paramIndex2id.get(paramIndex);
+ assert id2hrn.containsKey(idParam);
+ HeapRegionNode hrnParam = id2hrn.get(idParam);
+ assert hrnParam != null;
+ // get tokens for this parameter
+ TokenTuple p = new TokenTuple(hrnParam.getID(),
+ true,
+ TokenTuple.ARITY_ONE).makeCanonical();
+ TokenTuple pStar = new TokenTuple(hrnParam.getID(),
+ true,
+ TokenTuple.ARITY_MANY).makeCanonical();
+ // get special label p_q
+ TempDescriptor tdParamQ = paramIndex2tdQ.get(paramIndex);
+ assert tdParamQ != null;
+ LabelNode lnParamQ = td2ln.get(tdParamQ);
+ assert lnParamQ != null;
+ // then get the edge from label q to parameter's hrn
+ ReferenceEdge edgeSpecialQ = lnParamQ.getReferenceTo(hrnParam, null);
+ assert edgeSpecialQ != null;
+ // look through this beta set for potential aliases
+ ReachabilitySet beta = edgeSpecialQ.getBeta();
+ assert beta != null;
+ // get tokens for summary node
+ TokenTuple gs = new TokenTuple(as.getSummary(),
+ true,
+ TokenTuple.ARITY_ONE).makeCanonical();
+ TokenTuple gsStar = new TokenTuple(as.getSummary(),
+ true,
+ TokenTuple.ARITY_MANY).makeCanonical();
+ if( beta.containsTupleSetWithBoth( p, gs ) ) { return true; }
+ if( beta.containsTupleSetWithBoth( pStar, gs ) ) { return true; }
+ if( beta.containsTupleSetWithBoth( p, gsStar ) ) { return true; }
+ if( beta.containsTupleSetWithBoth( pStar, gsStar ) ) { return true; }
+ // check for other nodes
+ for( int i = 0; i < as.getAllocationDepth(); ++i ) {
+ // the other nodes of an allocation site are single, no stars
+ TokenTuple gi = new TokenTuple(as.getIthOldest(i),
+ false,
+ TokenTuple.ARITY_ONE).makeCanonical();
+ if( beta.containsTupleSetWithBoth( p, gi ) ) { return true; }
+ if( beta.containsTupleSetWithBoth( pStar, gi ) ) { return true; }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
// given a set B of heap region node ID's, return the set of heap
// region node ID's that is reachable from B