--- /dev/null
+//Create a class for contact sensor
+package ContactSensor
+public class Contacting{
+ private int deviceNumbers
+ private List contacts
+ def sendEvent
+ Contacting(Closure sendEvent, int deviceNumbers) {
+ this.sendEvent = sendEvent
+ this.deviceNumbers = deviceNumbers
+ this.contacts = []
+ int id = 0
+ for (int i = 0;i < deviceNumbers;i++) {
+ contacts.add(new Contacts(id, "contact"+id.toString(), "closed", "closed"))//By default closed
+ id = id+1
+ }
+ }
+ //By Model Checker
+ def setValue(LinkedHashMap eventDataMap) {
+ contacts[eventDataMap["deviceId"]].setValue(eventDataMap["value"])
+ sendEvent(eventDataMap)
+ }
+ def currentValue(String deviceFeature) {
+ if (deviceNumbers == 1)
+ contacts[0].currentValue(deviceFeature)//It is called if we have only one device
+ else
+ contacts*.currentValue(deviceFeature)
+ }
+ def latestValue(String deviceFeature) {
+ if (deviceNumbers == 1)
+ contacts[0].latestValue(deviceFeature)//It is called if we have only one device
+ else
+ contacts*.latestValue(deviceFeature)
+ }
+ def getAt(int ix) {
+ contacts[ix]
+ }
--- /dev/null
+//Create a class for contact sensor
+package ContactSensor
+public class Contacts {
+ private int id
+ private String displayName
+ private String contactCurrentValue
+ private String contactLatestValue
+ Contacts(int id, String displayName, String contactCurrentValue, String contactLatestValue) {
+ this.id = id
+ this.displayName = displayName
+ this.contactCurrentValue = contactCurrentValue
+ this.contactLatestValue = contactLatestValue
+ }
+ def setValue(String value) {
+ this.contactLatestValue = contactCurrentValue
+ println("the contact sensor with id:$id is triggered to $value!")
+ this.contactCurrentValue = value
+ }
+ def currentValue(String deviceFeature) {
+ if (deviceFeature == "contact") {
+ return contactCurrentValue
+ }
+ }
+ def latestValue(String deviceFeature) {
+ if (deviceFeature == "contact") {
+ return contactLatestValue
+ }
+ }
+++ /dev/null
-//Create a class for contact sensor
-package ContactSensor
-public class contacting{
- List contacts
- int count
- contacting(int count) {
- this.count = count
- if (count == 1) {
- contacts = [new contacts(0, "contact0", "closed", "closed")]
- } else if (count == 2) {
- contacts = [new contacts(0, "contact0", "closed", "closed"), new contacts(1, "contact1", "closed", "closed")]
- } else if (count == 3) {
- contacts = [new contacts(0, "contact0", "closed", "closed"), new contacts(1, "contact1", "closed", "closed"), new contacts(2,"contact2", "closed", "closed")]
- }
- }
- def currentValue(String S) {
- if (count == 1) {
- contacts[0].currentValue(S)
- } else {
- contacts*.currentValue(S)
- }
- }
- def latestValue(String S) {
- if (count == 1) {
- contacts[0].latestValue(S)
- } else {
- contacts*.latestValue(S)
- }
- }
+++ /dev/null
-//Create a class for contact sensor
-package ContactSensor
-public class contacts {
- private int id = 0
- private String displayName
- private String currentContact
- private String contactLatestValue
- contacts(int id, String displayName, String currentContact, String contactLatestValue) {
- this.id = id
- this.displayName = displayName
- this.currentContact = currentContact
- this.contactLatestValue = contactLatestValue
- }
- def currentValue(String S) {
- if (S == "contact") {
- return currentContact
- }
- }
- def latestValue(String S) {
- if (S == "contact") {
- return contactLatestValue
- }
- }
private String value
private String linkText
private String displayName
+ private boolean displayed
private String name
private String descriptionText
+ private boolean isStateChange
+ private String unit
+ private LinkedHashMap data
Event() {
this.deviceId = 0
this.displayName = ""
this.name = ""
this.descriptionText = ""
+ this.isStateChange = false
+ this.unit = ""
+ this.data = []
+ this.displayed = false
+++ /dev/null
-//Global Object for class switch!
-@Field def switchesoff = new switching(3)
-//Global Object for class switch!
-@Field def switcheson = new switching(3)
-//Global Object for class lock!
-@Field def lock1 = new locking(2)
-//Global variable for mode!
-@Field def newMode = "home"
-//Global variable for number!
-@Field def waitfor = 10
-//Global Object for functions in subscribe method!
-@Field def installed = this.&installed
-//Global Object for functions in subscribe method!
-@Field def updated = this.&updated
-//Global Object for functions in subscribe method!
-@Field def appTouch = this.&appTouch
F = open("Extractor/App.groovy", "r")
-Out = open("Extractor/ExtractedObjects.groovy", "w+")
+Out = open("Extractor/extractedObjects.groovy", "w+")
Temp = GetToken(F)
Objects = []
if (Multiple != "" and Multiple == "true"):
g = raw_input("Enter the number of locks to control: (1, 2, or 3)\n")
Out.write("//Global Object for class lock!\n")
- Out.write("@Field def %s = new locking(" % Object)
+ Out.write("@Field def %s = new Locking(sendEvent, " % Object)
Out.write("%s)\n" % g)
elif (Multiple == "" or Multiple == "false"):
Out.write("//Global Object for class lock!\n")
- Out.write("@Field def %s = new locking(1)\n" % Object)
+ Out.write("@Field def %s = new Locking(sendEvent, 1)\n" % Object)
#elif (Type == "capability.alarm"):
#elif (Type == "capability.battery"):
if (Multiple != "" and Multiple == "true"):
g = raw_input("Enter the number of contactSensors to monitor: (1, 2, or 3)\n")
Out.write("//Global Object for class contactSensor!\n")
- Out.write("@Field def %s = new contacting(" % Object)
+ Out.write("@Field def %s = new Contacting(sendEvent, " % Object)
Out.write("%s)\n" % g)
elif (Multiple == "" or Multiple == "false"):
Out.write("//Global Object for class contactSensor!\n")
- Out.write("@Field def %s = new contacting(1)\n" % Object)
+ Out.write("@Field def %s = new Contacting(sendEvent, 1)\n" % Object)
#elif (Type == "capability.doorControl"):
#elif (Type == "capability.energyMeter"):
if (Multiple != "" and Multiple == "true"):
g = raw_input("Enter the number of switches to control: (1, 2, or 3)\n")
Out.write("//Global Object for class switch!\n")
- Out.write("@Field def %s = new switching(" % Object)
+ Out.write("@Field def %s = new Switching(sendEvent, " % Object)
Out.write("%s)\n" % g)
elif (Multiple == "" or Multiple == "false"):
Out.write("//Global Object for class switch!\n")
- Out.write("@Field def %s = new switching(1)\n" % Object)
+ Out.write("@Field def %s = new Switching(sendEvent, 1)\n" % Object)
#elif (Type == "capability.switchLevel"):
#elif (Type == "capability.temperatureMeasurement"):
--- /dev/null
+//Global Object for class switch!
+@Field def switchesoff = new Switching(sendEvent, 1)
+//Global Object for class switch!
+@Field def switcheson = new Switching(sendEvent, 1)
+//Global Object for class lock!
+@Field def lock1 = new Locking(sendEvent, 2)
+//Global variable for mode!
+@Field def newMode = "away"
+//Global variable for number!
+@Field def waitfor = 10
+//Global Object for functions in subscribe method!
+@Field def installed = this.&installed
+//Global Object for functions in subscribe method!
+@Field def updated = this.&updated
+//Global Object for functions in subscribe method!
+@Field def appTouch = this.&appTouch
+//Create a global variable for send event
+@Field def sendEvent = {eventDataMap -> eventHandler(eventDataMap)}
//create a location object to change the variable inside the class
-@Field def location = new locationVar()
+@Field def location = new LocationVar()
//Settings variable defined to settings on purpose
@Field def settings = "Settings"
//Global variable for state[mode]
@Field def state = [home:[],away:[],night:[]]
+//Global object for touch
+@Field def app = new Touched(sendEvent, 0)
//Create a global logger object for methods
@Field def log = new Logger()
-//Create a global object for app
-@Field def app = new Touch(1)
-//Create a global list for objects for events on subscribe methods
-@Field def ObjectList = []
-//Create a global list for events
-@Field def EventList = []
-//Create a global list for function calls based on corresponding events
-@Field def FunctionList = []
+//Create a global variable for Functions in Subscribe method
+@Field def functionList = []
+//Create a global variable for Objects in Subscribe method
+@Field def objectList = []
+//Create a global variable for Events in Subscribe method
+@Field def eventList = []
//Create a global list for function schedulers
-@Field def ListofTimersFunc = []
+@Field def timersFuncList = []
//Create a global list for timer schedulers
-@Field def ListofTimers = []
+@Field def timersList = []
+//Create a global list for events
+@Field def evt = []
--- /dev/null
+//Create a class for location variable
+package Location
+class LocationVar {
+ private int contactBookEnabled
+ private String modes
+ private String mode
+ private List contacts
+ private List phoneNumbers
+ private Phrase helloHome
+ LocationVar() {
+ this.modes = "'home', 'away', 'night'"
+ this.mode = "home"
+ this.helloHome = new Phrase()
+ this.contactBookEnabled = 1
+ this.contacts = ['AJ']
+ this.phoneNumbers = [9495379373]
+ }
package Location
class Phrase {
- private LinkedHashMap Phrases
+ private LinkedHashMap phrases
Phrase() {
- this.Phrases = [id:0, label:"Good Morning!"]
+ this.phrases = [id:0, label:"Good Morning!"]
def getPhrases() {
- return Phrases
+ return this.phrases
+++ /dev/null
-//Create a class for location variable
-package Location
-class locationVar {
- private String modes
- private String mode
- private int contactBookEnabled
- private List CONTACTS
- private List PhoneNums
- private Phrase helloHome
- locationVar() {
- this.modes = "'home', 'away', 'night'"
- this.mode = "home"
- this.helloHome = new Phrase()
- this.contactBookEnabled = 1
- this.CONTACTS = ['AJ']
- this.PhoneNums = [9495379373]
- }
--- /dev/null
+//Create a class for lock device
+package Lock
+public class Locking{
+ int deviceNumbers
+ List locks
+ def sendEvent
+ def timers
+ Locking(Closure sendEvent, int deviceNumbers) {
+ this.sendEvent = sendEvent
+ this.timers = new Timer()
+ this.deviceNumbers = deviceNumbers
+ this.locks = []
+ int id = 0
+ for (int i = 0;i < deviceNumbers;i++) {
+ locks.add(new Locks(sendEvent, id, "lock"+id, "locked", "locked"))//By default locked
+ id = id+1
+ }
+ }
+ //By Apps
+ def lock() {
+ locks*.lock()
+ }
+ def lock(LinkedHashMap metaData) {
+ def task = timers.runAfter(metaData["delay"]) {
+ locks*.lock()
+ }
+ }
+ def unlock() {
+ locks*.unlock()
+ }
+ def unlock(LinkedHashMap metaData) {
+ def task = timers.runAfter(metaData["delay"]) {
+ locks*.unlock()
+ }
+ }
+ //By Model Checker
+ def setValue(LinkedHashMap eventDataMap) {
+ locks[eventDataMap["deviceId"]].setValue(eventDataMap["value"])
+ sendEvent(eventDataMap)
+ }
+ def currentValue(String deviceFeature) {
+ if (deviceNumbers == 1)
+ locks[0].currentValue(deviceFeature)
+ else
+ locks*.currentValue(deviceFeature)
+ }
+ def latestValue(String deviceFeature) {
+ if (deviceNumbers == 1)
+ locks[0].latestValue(deviceFeature)
+ else
+ locks*.latestValue(deviceFeature)
+ }
+ def getAt(int ix) {
+ locks[ix]
+ }
--- /dev/null
+//Create a class for lock device
+package Lock
+public class Locks {
+ private int id
+ private String displayName
+ private String lockCurrentValue
+ private String lockLatestValue
+ def sendEvent
+ def timers
+ Locks(Closure sendEvent, int id, String displayName, String lockCurrentValue, String lockLatestValue) {
+ this.id = id
+ this.sendEvent = sendEvent
+ this.displayName = displayName
+ this.lockCurrentValue = lockCurrentValue
+ this.lockLatestValue = lockLatestValue
+ this.timers = new Timer()
+ }
+ //By Apps
+ def lock() {
+ println("the door with id:$id is locked!")
+ this.lockLatestValue = this.lockCurrentValue
+ this.lockCurrentValue = "locked"
+ sendEvent([name: "lock", value: "locked", deviceId: this.id, descriptionText: "",
+ displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: []])
+ }
+ def lock(LinkedHashMap metaData) {
+ def task = timers.runAfter(metaData["delay"]) {
+ println("the door with id:$id is locked!")
+ this.lockLatestValue = this.lockCurrentValue
+ this.lockCurrentValue = "locked"
+ sendEvent([name: "lock", value: "locked", deviceId: this.id, descriptionText: "",
+ displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: []])
+ }
+ }
+ def unlock() {
+ println("the door with id:$id is unlocked!")
+ this.lockLatestValue = this.lockCurrentValue
+ this.lockCurrentValue = "unlocked"
+ sendEvent([name: "lock", value: "unlocked", deviceId: this.id, descriptionText: "",
+ displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: []])
+ }
+ def unlock(LinkedHashMap metaData) {
+ def task = timers.runAfter(metaData["delay"]) {
+ println("the door with id:$id is locked!")
+ this.lockLatestValue = this.lockCurrentValue
+ this.lockCurrentValue = "locked"
+ sendEvent([name: "lock", value: "locked", deviceId: this.id, descriptionText: "",
+ displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: []])
+ }
+ }
+ //By Model Checker
+ def setValue(String value) {
+ println("the door with id:$id is $value!")
+ this.lockLatestValue = this.lockCurrentValue
+ this.lockCurrentValue = value
+ }
+ def currentValue(String deviceFeature) {
+ if (deviceFeature == "lock") {
+ return lockCurrentValue
+ }
+ }
+ def latestValue(String deviceFeature) {
+ if (deviceFeature == "lock") {
+ return lockLatestValue
+ }
+ }
+++ /dev/null
-//Create a class for lock device
-package Lock
-public class locking{
- List locks
- int count
- locking(int count) {
- this.count = count
- if (count == 1) {
- locks = [new locks(0, "lock0", "locked", "locked")]
- } else if (count == 2) {
- locks = [new locks(0, "lock0", "locked", "locked"),new locks(1, "lock1", "locked", "locked")]
- } else if (count == 3) {
- locks = [new locks(0, "lock0", "locked", "locked"),new locks(1, "lock1", "locked", "locked"),new locks(2, "lock2", "locked", "locked")]
- }
- }
- def lock() {
- if (count == 1) {
- locks[0].lock()
- } else {
- locks*.lock()
- }
- }
- def unlock() {
- if (count == 1) {
- locks[0].unlock()
- } else {
- locks*.unlock()
- }
- }
- def currentValue(String S) {
- if (count == 1) {
- locks[0].currentValue(S)
- } else {
- locks*.currentValue(S)
- }
- }
- def latestValue(String S) {
- if (count == 1) {
- locks[0].latestValue(S)
- } else {
- locks*.latestValue(S)
- }
- }
- def getAt(int ix) {
- locks[ix]
- }
+++ /dev/null
-//Create a class for lock device
-package Lock
-public class locks {
- private int id = 0
- private String displayName
- private String currentLock
- private String lockLatestValue
- locks(int id, String displayName, String currentLock, String lockLatestValue) {
- this.id = id
- this.displayName = displayName
- this.currentLock = currentLock
- this.lockLatestValue = lockLatestValue
- }
- def lock() {
- println("the door with id:$id is locked!")
- this.lockLatestValue = this.currentLock
- this.currentLock = "locked"
- }
- def unlock() {
- println("the door with id:$id is unlocked!")
- this.lockLatestValue = this.currentLock
- this.currentLock = "unlocked"
- }
- def currentValue(String S) {
- if (S == "lock") {
- return currentLock
- }
- }
- def latestValue(String S) {
- if (S == "lock") {
- return lockLatestValue
- }
- }
+++ /dev/null
-def EventHandler() {
- while(true) {
- List evt = []
- print "Waiting for an event...\n"
- def EVENT = System.in.newReader().readLine()
- SepLine = EVENT.split()
- for (int i = 0; i < EventList.size(); i++) {
- if (EventList[i] == SepLine[0]) {
- println("The following effect: \n")
- evt.add(new Event())
- switch(SepLine[0]) {
- case "Touched":
- ObjectList[i].touched = 1
- evt[-1].value = "Touched"
- evt[-1].linkText = "touched by user"
- evt[-1].name = "TouchSensor"
- evt[-1].descriptionText = "Touching"
- break
- case "lock":
- if (SepLine[1] == "0") {
- ObjectList[i][0].lock()
- evt[-1].deviceId = 0
- evt[-1].value = "locked"
- evt[-1].linkText = "lock0"
- evt[-1].displayName = "lock0"
- evt[-1].name = "lock"
- evt[-1].descriptionText = "locking"
- } else if (SepLine[1] == "1") {
- ObjectList[i][1].lock()
- evt[-1].deviceId = 1
- evt[-1].value = "locked"
- evt[-1].linkText = "lock1"
- evt[-1].displayName = "lock1"
- evt[-1].name = "lock"
- evt[-1].descriptionText = "locking"
- } else if (SepLine[1] == "2") {
- ObjectList[i][2].lock()
- evt[-1].deviceId = 2
- evt[-1].value = "locked"
- evt[-1].linkText = "lock2"
- evt[-1].displayName = "lock2"
- evt[-1].name = "lock"
- evt[-1].descriptionText = "locking"
- }
- break
- case "unlock":
- if (SepLine[1] == "0") {
- ObjectList[i][0].unlock()
- evt[-1].deviceId = 0
- evt[-1].value = "unlocked"
- evt[-1].linkText = "lock0"
- evt[-1].displayName = "lock0"
- evt[-1].name = "lock"
- evt[-1].descriptionText = "unlocking"
- } else if (SepLine[1] == "1") {
- ObjectList[i][1].unlock()
- evt[-1].deviceId = 0
- evt[-1].value = "unlocked"
- evt[-1].linkText = "lock1"
- evt[-1].displayName = "lock1"
- evt[-1].name = "lock"
- evt[-1].descriptionText = "unlocking"
- } else if (SepLine[1] == "2") {
- ObjectList[i][2].unlock()
- evt[-1].deviceId = 2
- evt[-1].value = "unlocked"
- evt[-1].linkText = "lock2"
- evt[-1].displayName = "lock2"
- evt[-1].name = "lock"
- evt[-1].descriptionText = "unlocking"
- }
- break
- case "contact.open":
- if (SepLine[1] == "0") {
- ObjectList[i][0].contactLatestValue = ObjectList[i].currentContact
- ObjectList[i][0].currentContact = "open"
- evt[-1].deviceId = 0
- evt[-1].value = "contact.open"
- evt[-1].linkText = "contact0"
- evt[-1].displayName = "contact0"
- evt[-1].name = "ContactSensor"
- evt[-1].descriptionText = "opening"
- } else if (SepLine[1] == "1") {
- ObjectList[i][1].contactLatestValue = ObjectList[i].currentContact
- ObjectList[i][1].currentContact = "open"
- evt[-1].deviceId = 1
- evt[-1].value = "contact.open"
- evt[-1].linkText = "contact1"
- evt[-1].displayName = "contact1"
- evt[-1].name = "ContactSensor"
- evt[-1].descriptionText = "opening"
- } else if (SepLine[1] == "2") {
- ObjectList[i][2].contactLatestValue = ObjectList[i].currentContact
- ObjectList[i][2].currentContact = "open"
- evt[-1].deviceId = 2
- evt[-1].value = "contact.open"
- evt[-1].linkText = "contact2"
- evt[-1].displayName = "contact2"
- evt[-1].name = "ContactSensor"
- evt[-1].descriptionText = "opening"
- }
- break
- case "contact.closed":
- if (SepLine[1] == "0") {
- ObjectList[i][0].contactLatestValue = ObjectList[i].currentContact
- ObjectList[i][0].currentContact = "closed"
- evt[-1].deviceId = 0
- evt[-1].value = "contact.closed"
- evt[-1].linkText = "contact0"
- evt[-1].displayName = "contact0"
- evt[-1].name = "ContactSensor"
- evt[-1].descriptionText = "closing"
- } else if (SepLine[1] == "1") {
- ObjectList[i][1].contactLatestValue = ObjectList[i].currentContact
- ObjectList[i][1].currentContact = "closed"
- evt[-1].deviceId = 1
- evt[-1].value = "contact.closed"
- evt[-1].linkText = "contact1"
- evt[-1].displayName = "contact1"
- evt[-1].name = "ContactSensor"
- evt[-1].descriptionText = "closing"
- } else if (SepLine[1] == "2") {
- ObjectList[i][2].contactLatestValue = ObjectList[i].currentContact
- ObjectList[i][2].currentContact = "closed"
- evt[-1].deviceId = 2
- evt[-1].value = "contact.closed"
- evt[-1].linkText = "contact2"
- evt[-1].displayName = "contact2"
- evt[-1].name = "ContactSensor"
- evt[-1].descriptionText = "closing"
- }
- break
- default:
- break
- }
- FunctionList[i](evt[-1])
- }
- }
- }
-def definition(LinkedHashMap LHM) {
+def definition(LinkedHashMap metaData) {
--- /dev/null
+def eventHandler(LinkedHashMap eventDataMap) {
+ def value = eventDataMap["value"]
+ def name = eventDataMap["name"]
+ def deviceId = eventDataMap["deviceId"]
+ def descriptionText = eventDataMap["descriptionText"]
+ def displayed = eventDataMap["displayed"]
+ def linkText = eventDataMap["linkText"]
+ def isStateChange = eventDataMap["isStateChange"]
+ def unit = eventDataMap["unit"]
+ def data = eventDataMap["data"]
+ for (int i = 0;i < eventList.size();i++) {
+ if (eventList[i] == value) {
+ evt.add(new Event())
+ evt[-1].value = value
+ evt[-1].name = name
+ evt[-1].deviceId = deviceId
+ evt[-1].descriptionText = descriptionText
+ evt[-1].displayed = displayed
+ evt[-1].linkText = linkText
+ evt[-1].displayName = linkText
+ evt[-1].isStateChange = isStateChange
+ evt[-1].unit = unit
+ evt[-1].data = data
+ functionList[i](evt[-1])
+ }
+ }
-def preferences(Closure Input) {
+def preferences(Closure metaData) {
////runIn(time, func)
-def runIn(int seconds, Closure Input) {
- ListofTimersFunc.add(Input)
- ListofTimers.add(new Timer())
- def task = ListofTimers[-1].runAfter(1000*seconds, Input)
+def runIn(int seconds, Closure functionToCall) {
+ timersFuncList.add(functionToCall)
+ timersList.add(new Timer())
+ def task = timersList[-1].runAfter(1000*seconds, functionToCall)
////sendNotificationToContacts(text, recipients)
-def sendNotificationToContacts(String S, List recipients) {
+def sendNotificationToContacts(String text, List recipients) {
for (int i = 0;i < recipients.size();i++) {
- for (int j = 0;j < location.CONTACTS.size();j++) {
- if (recipients[i] == location.CONTACTS[j]) {
- println("Sending \""+S+"\" to "+location.PhoneNums[j].toString())
+ for (int j = 0;j < location.contacts.size();j++) {
+ if (recipients[i] == location.contacts[j]) {
+ println("Sending \""+text+"\" to "+location.phoneNumbers[j].toString())
-////sendNotificationToContacts(text, recipients)
-def sendSms(long Phone, String S) {
- println("Sending \""+S+"\" to "+Phone.toString())
+////sendSms(phone, text)
+def sendSms(long phoneNumber, String text) {
+ println("Sending \""+text+"\" to "+phoneNumber.toString())
-////subscribe(app, func)
-def subscribe(Object Obj, Closure Input) {
- ObjectList.add(Obj)
- EventList.add("Touched")
- FunctionList.add(Input)
+////subscribe(obj, func)
+def subscribe(Object obj, Closure FunctionToCall) {
+ objectList.add(obj)
+ eventList.add("Touched")
+ functionList.add(FunctionToCall)
-////subscribe(obj, string, func)
-def subscribe(Object Obj, String S, Closure Input) {
- ObjectList.add(Obj)
- EventList.add(S)
- FunctionList.add(Input)
+////subscribe(obj, event, func)
+def subscribe(Object obj, String event, Closure FunctionToCall) {
+ objectList.add(obj)
+ eventList.add(event)
+ functionList.add(FunctionToCall)
-////subscribe(obj, string, func, hashmap)
-def subscribe(Object Obj, String S, Closure Input, LinkedHashMap LHM) {
- ObjectList.add(Obj)
- EventList.add(S)
- FunctionList.add(Input)
+////subscribe(obj, event, func, data)
+def subscribe(Object obj, String event, Closure FunctionToCall, LinkedHashMap metaData) {
+ objectList.add(obj)
+ eventList.add(event)
+ functionList.add(FunctionToCall)
-def unschedule(Closure Input) {
- for (int i = 0;i < ListofTimersFunc.size();i++) {
- if (ListofTimersFunc[i] == Input) {
- ListofTimers[i].cancel()
+def unschedule(Closure functionToUnschedule) {
+ for (int i = 0;i < timersFuncList.size();i++) {
+ if (timersFuncList[i] == functionToUnschedule) {
+ timersList[i].cancel()
preferences = open("Methods/"+"preferences.groovy", "r")
setLocationMode = open("Methods/"+"setLocationMode.groovy", "r")
subscribe = open("Methods/"+"subscribe.groovy", "r")
-EventHandler = open("Methods/"+"EventHandler.groovy", "r")
runIn = open("Methods/"+"runIn.groovy", "r")
unschedule = open("Methods/"+"unschedule.groovy", "r")
sendNotificationToContacts = open("Methods/"+"sendNotificationToContacts.groovy", "r")
sendSms = open("Methods/"+"sendSms.groovy", "r")
+eventHandler = open("Methods/"+"eventHandler.groovy", "r")
App = open("Extractor/"+"App.groovy", "r")
-ExtractedObjects = open("Extractor/"+"ExtractedObjects.groovy", "r")
+extractedObjects = open("Extractor/"+"extractedObjects.groovy", "r")
#Extract information from preferences and subscribe method to create required objects
Out.write("import groovy.transform.Field\n")
Out.write("//Importing Classes\n")
-Out.write("import ContactSensor.contacting\n")
-Out.write("import ContactSensor.contacts\n")
-Out.write("import Lock.locking\n")
-Out.write("import Lock.locks\n")
-Out.write("import Switch.switching\n")
-Out.write("import Switch.switches\n")
-Out.write("import Event.Event\n")
+Out.write("import ContactSensor.Contacting\n")
+Out.write("import ContactSensor.Contacts\n")
+Out.write("import Lock.Locking\n")
+Out.write("import Lock.Locks\n")
+Out.write("import Switch.Switching\n")
+Out.write("import Switch.Switches\n")
Out.write("import Logger.Logger\n")
-Out.write("import Location.locationVar\n")
+Out.write("import Location.LocationVar\n")
Out.write("import Location.Phrase\n")
-Out.write("import appTouch.Touch\n")
+Out.write("import appTouch.Touched\n")
+Out.write("import Event.Event\n")
for line in GlobalVariables:
-for line in ExtractedObjects:
+for line in extractedObjects:
for line in subscribe:
-for line in EventHandler:
- Out.write(line)
for line in runIn:
for line in unschedule:
for line in sendSms:
+for line in eventHandler:
+ Out.write(line)
for line in App:
--- /dev/null
+//Create a class for switch device
+package Switch
+public class Switches {
+ private int id = 0
+ private String displayName
+ private String switchCurrentValue
+ private String switchLatestValue
+ def sendEvent
+ def timers
+ Switches(Closure sendEvent, int id, String displayName, String switchCurrentValue, String switchLatestValue) {
+ this.sendEvent = sendEvent
+ this.timers = new Timer()
+ this.id = id
+ this.displayName = displayName
+ this.switchCurrentValue = switchCurrentValue
+ this.switchLatestValue = switchLatestValue
+ }
+ //By Apps
+ def on() {
+ println("the switch with id:$id is on!")
+ this.switchLatestValue = this.switchCurrentValue
+ this.switchCurrentValue = "on"
+ sendEvent([name: "switch", value: "on", deviceId: this.id, descriptionText: "",
+ displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: []])
+ }
+ def on(LinkedHashMap metaData) {
+ def task = timers.runAfter(metaData["delay"]) {
+ println("the switch with id:$id is on!")
+ this.switchLatestValue = this.switchCurrentValue
+ this.switchCurrentValue = "on"
+ sendEvent([name: "switch", value: "on", deviceId: this.id, descriptionText: "",
+ displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: []])
+ }
+ }
+ def off() {
+ println("the switch with id:$id is off!")
+ this.switchLatestValue = this.switchCurrentValue
+ this.switchCurrentValue = "off"
+ sendEvent([name: "switch", value: "off", deviceId: this.id, descriptionText: "",
+ displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: []])
+ }
+ def off(LinkedHashMap metaData) {
+ def task = timers.runAfter(metaData["delay"]) {
+ println("the switch with id:$id is off!")
+ this.switchLatestValue = this.switchCurrentValue
+ this.switchCurrentValue = "off"
+ sendEvent([name: "switch", value: "off", deviceId: this.id, descriptionText: "",
+ displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: []])
+ }
+ }
+ //By Model Checker
+ def setValue(String value) {
+ println("the switch with id:$id is $value!")
+ this.switchLatestValue = this.switchCurrentValue
+ this.switchCurrentValue = value
+ }
+ def currentValue(String deviceFeature) {
+ if (deviceFeature == "switch") {
+ return switchCurrentValue
+ }
+ }
+ def latestValue(String deviceFeature) {
+ if (deviceFeature == "switch") {
+ return switchLatestValue
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+//Create a class for switch device
+package Switch
+public class Switching{
+ int deviceNumbers
+ List switches
+ def timers
+ def sendEvent
+ Switching(Closure sendEvent, int deviceNumbers) {
+ this.sendEvent = sendEvent
+ this.timers = new Timer()
+ this.deviceNumbers = deviceNumbers
+ this.switches = []
+ int id = 0
+ for (int i = 0;i < deviceNumbers;i++) {
+ switches.add(new Switches(sendEvent, id, "switch"+id.toString(), "off", "off"))
+ id = id+1
+ }
+ }
+ //By Apps
+ def on() {
+ switches*.on()
+ }
+ def on(LinkedHashMap metaData) {
+ def task = timers.runAfter(metaData["delay"]) {
+ switches*.on()
+ }
+ }
+ def off() {
+ switches*.off()
+ }
+ def off(LinkedHashMap metaData) {
+ def task = timers.runAfter(metaData["delay"]) {
+ switches*.off()
+ }
+ }
+ //By Model Checker
+ def setValue(LinkedHashMap eventDataMap) {
+ switches[eventDataMap["deviceId"]].setValue(eventDataMap["value"])
+ sendEvent(eventDataMap)
+ }
+ def currentValue(String deviceFeature) {
+ if (deviceNumbers == 1)
+ switches[0].currentValue(deviceFeature)
+ else
+ switches*.currentValue(deviceFeature)
+ }
+ def latestValue(String deviceFeature) {
+ if (deviceNumbers == 1)
+ switches[0].latestValue(deviceFeature)
+ else
+ switches*.latestValue(deviceFeature)
+ }
+ def getAt(int ix) {
+ switches[ix]
+ }
+++ /dev/null
-//Create a class for switch device
-package Switch
-public class switches {
- private int id = 0
- private String displayName
- private String currentSwitch
- private String switchLatestValue
- def Timers
- switches(int id, String displayName, String currentSwitch, String switchLatestValue) {
- this.Timers = new Timer()
- this.id = id
- this.displayName = displayName
- this.currentSwitch = currentSwitch
- this.switchLatestValue = switchLatestValue
- }
- def on() {
- println("the switch with id:$id is on!")
- this.switchLatestValue = this.currentSwitch
- this.currentSwitch = "on"
- }
- def on(LinkedHashMap LHM) {
- def task = Timers.runAfter(LHM["delay"]) {
- println("the switch with id:$id is on!")
- this.switchLatestValue = this.currentSwitch
- this.currentSwitch = "on"
- }
- }
- def off() {
- println("the switch with id:$id is off!")
- this.switchLatestValue = this.currentSwitch
- this.currentSwitch = "off"
- }
- def off(LinkedHashMap LHM) {
- def task = Timers.runAfter(LHM["delay"]) {
- println("the switch with id:$id is off!")
- this.switchLatestValue = this.currentSwitch
- this.currentSwitch = "off"
- }
- }
- def currentValue(String S) {
- if (S == "switch") {
- return currentSwitch
- }
- }
- def latestValue(String S) {
- if (S == "switch") {
- return switchLatestValue
- }
- }
+++ /dev/null
-//Create a class for switch device
-package Switch
-public class switching{
- List switches
- int count
- def Timers
- switching(int count) {
- this.Timers = new Timer()
- this.count = count
- if (count == 1) {
- switches = [new switches(0, "switch0", "off", "off")]
- } else if (count == 2) {
- switches = [new switches(0, "switch0", "off", "off"),new switches(1, "switch1", "off", "off")]
- } else if (count == 3) {
- switches = [new switches(0, "switch0", "off", "off"),new switches(1, "switch1", "off", "off"),new switches(2, "switch2", "off", "off")]
- }
- }
- def on() {
- if (count == 1) {
- switches[0].on()
- } else {
- switches*.on()
- }
- }
- def on(LinkedHashMap LHM) {
- if (count == 1) {
- def task = Timers.runAfter(LHM["delay"]) {
- switches[0].on()
- }
- } else {
- def task = Timers.runAfter(LHM["delay"]) {
- switches*.on()
- }
- }
- }
- def off() {
- if (count == 1) {
- switches[0].off()
- } else {
- switches*.off()
- }
- }
- def off(LinkedHashMap LHM) {
- if (count == 1) {
- def task = Timers.runAfter(LHM["delay"]) {
- switches[0].off()
- }
- } else {
- def task = Timers.runAfter(LHM["delay"]) {
- switches*.off()
- }
- }
- }
- def currentValue(String S) {
- if (count == 1) {
- switches[0].currentValue(S)
- } else {
- switches*.currentValue(S)
- }
- }
- def latestValue(String S) {
- if (count == 1) {
- switches[0].latestValue(S)
- } else {
- switches*.latestValue(S)
- }
- }
- def getAt(int ix) {
- switches[ix]
- }
+++ /dev/null
-//Create a class for touch
-package appTouch
-public class Touch {
- private int touched = 0
- Touch(int touched) {
- this.touched = touched
- }
--- /dev/null
+//Create a class for Touch sensor
+package appTouch
+public class Touched{
+ def fun
+ private int isTouched
+ Touched(Closure sendEvent, int isTouched) {
+ fun = sendEvent
+ this.isTouched = isTouched
+ }
+ //By Model Checker
+ def setValue(LinkedHashMap eventDataMap) {
+ println("The application is Touched!")
+ this.isTouched = 1 //Do we need this?
+ fun(eventDataMap)
+ }
import groovy.transform.Field
//Importing Classes
-import ContactSensor.contacting
-import ContactSensor.contacts
-import Lock.locking
-import Lock.locks
-import Switch.switching
-import Switch.switches
-import Event.Event
+import ContactSensor.Contacting
+import ContactSensor.Contacts
+import Lock.Locking
+import Lock.Locks
+import Switch.Switching
+import Switch.Switches
import Logger.Logger
-import Location.locationVar
+import Location.LocationVar
import Location.Phrase
-import appTouch.Touch
+import appTouch.Touched
+import Event.Event
+//Create a global variable for send event
+@Field def sendEvent = {eventDataMap -> eventHandler(eventDataMap)}
//create a location object to change the variable inside the class
-@Field def location = new locationVar()
+@Field def location = new LocationVar()
//Settings variable defined to settings on purpose
@Field def settings = "Settings"
//Global variable for state[mode]
@Field def state = [home:[],away:[],night:[]]
+//Global object for touch
+@Field def app = new Touched(sendEvent, 0)
//Create a global logger object for methods
@Field def log = new Logger()
-//Create a global object for app
-@Field def app = new Touch(1)
-//Create a global list for objects for events on subscribe methods
-@Field def ObjectList = []
-//Create a global list for events
-@Field def EventList = []
-//Create a global list for function calls based on corresponding events
-@Field def FunctionList = []
+//Create a global variable for Functions in Subscribe method
+@Field def functionList = []
+//Create a global variable for Objects in Subscribe method
+@Field def objectList = []
+//Create a global variable for Events in Subscribe method
+@Field def eventList = []
//Create a global list for function schedulers
-@Field def ListofTimersFunc = []
+@Field def timersFuncList = []
//Create a global list for timer schedulers
-@Field def ListofTimers = []
+@Field def timersList = []
+//Create a global list for events
+@Field def evt = []
//Global Object for class switch!
-@Field def switchesoff = new switching(3)
+@Field def switchesoff = new Switching(sendEvent, 1)
//Global Object for class switch!
-@Field def switcheson = new switching(3)
+@Field def switcheson = new Switching(sendEvent, 1)
//Global Object for class lock!
-@Field def lock1 = new locking(2)
+@Field def lock1 = new Locking(sendEvent, 2)
//Global variable for mode!
-@Field def newMode = "home"
+@Field def newMode = "away"
//Global variable for number!
@Field def waitfor = 10
//Global Object for functions in subscribe method!
-def definition(LinkedHashMap LHM) {
+def definition(LinkedHashMap metaData) {
-def preferences(Closure Input) {
+def preferences(Closure metaData) {
-////subscribe(app, func)
-def subscribe(Object Obj, Closure Input) {
- ObjectList.add(Obj)
- EventList.add("Touched")
- FunctionList.add(Input)
+////subscribe(obj, func)
+def subscribe(Object obj, Closure FunctionToCall) {
+ objectList.add(obj)
+ eventList.add("Touched")
+ functionList.add(FunctionToCall)
-////subscribe(obj, string, func)
-def subscribe(Object Obj, String S, Closure Input) {
- ObjectList.add(Obj)
- EventList.add(S)
- FunctionList.add(Input)
+////subscribe(obj, event, func)
+def subscribe(Object obj, String event, Closure FunctionToCall) {
+ objectList.add(obj)
+ eventList.add(event)
+ functionList.add(FunctionToCall)
-////subscribe(obj, string, func, hashmap)
-def subscribe(Object Obj, String S, Closure Input, LinkedHashMap LHM) {
- ObjectList.add(Obj)
- EventList.add(S)
- FunctionList.add(Input)
-def EventHandler() {
- while(true) {
- List evt = []
- print "Waiting for an event...\n"
- def EVENT = System.in.newReader().readLine()
- SepLine = EVENT.split()
- for (int i = 0; i < EventList.size(); i++) {
- if (EventList[i] == SepLine[0]) {
- println("The following effect: \n")
- evt.add(new Event())
- switch(SepLine[0]) {
- case "Touched":
- ObjectList[i].touched = 1
- evt[-1].value = "Touched"
- evt[-1].linkText = "touched by user"
- evt[-1].name = "TouchSensor"
- evt[-1].descriptionText = "Touching"
- break
- case "lock":
- if (SepLine[1] == "0") {
- ObjectList[i][0].lock()
- evt[-1].deviceId = 0
- evt[-1].value = "locked"
- evt[-1].linkText = "lock0"
- evt[-1].displayName = "lock0"
- evt[-1].name = "lock"
- evt[-1].descriptionText = "locking"
- } else if (SepLine[1] == "1") {
- ObjectList[i][1].lock()
- evt[-1].deviceId = 1
- evt[-1].value = "locked"
- evt[-1].linkText = "lock1"
- evt[-1].displayName = "lock1"
- evt[-1].name = "lock"
- evt[-1].descriptionText = "locking"
- } else if (SepLine[1] == "2") {
- ObjectList[i][2].lock()
- evt[-1].deviceId = 2
- evt[-1].value = "locked"
- evt[-1].linkText = "lock2"
- evt[-1].displayName = "lock2"
- evt[-1].name = "lock"
- evt[-1].descriptionText = "locking"
- }
- break
- case "unlock":
- if (SepLine[1] == "0") {
- ObjectList[i][0].unlock()
- evt[-1].deviceId = 0
- evt[-1].value = "unlocked"
- evt[-1].linkText = "lock0"
- evt[-1].displayName = "lock0"
- evt[-1].name = "lock"
- evt[-1].descriptionText = "unlocking"
- } else if (SepLine[1] == "1") {
- ObjectList[i][1].unlock()
- evt[-1].deviceId = 0
- evt[-1].value = "unlocked"
- evt[-1].linkText = "lock1"
- evt[-1].displayName = "lock1"
- evt[-1].name = "lock"
- evt[-1].descriptionText = "unlocking"
- } else if (SepLine[1] == "2") {
- ObjectList[i][2].unlock()
- evt[-1].deviceId = 2
- evt[-1].value = "unlocked"
- evt[-1].linkText = "lock2"
- evt[-1].displayName = "lock2"
- evt[-1].name = "lock"
- evt[-1].descriptionText = "unlocking"
- }
- break
- case "contact.open":
- if (SepLine[1] == "0") {
- ObjectList[i][0].contactLatestValue = ObjectList[i].currentContact
- ObjectList[i][0].currentContact = "open"
- evt[-1].deviceId = 0
- evt[-1].value = "contact.open"
- evt[-1].linkText = "contact0"
- evt[-1].displayName = "contact0"
- evt[-1].name = "ContactSensor"
- evt[-1].descriptionText = "opening"
- } else if (SepLine[1] == "1") {
- ObjectList[i][1].contactLatestValue = ObjectList[i].currentContact
- ObjectList[i][1].currentContact = "open"
- evt[-1].deviceId = 1
- evt[-1].value = "contact.open"
- evt[-1].linkText = "contact1"
- evt[-1].displayName = "contact1"
- evt[-1].name = "ContactSensor"
- evt[-1].descriptionText = "opening"
- } else if (SepLine[1] == "2") {
- ObjectList[i][2].contactLatestValue = ObjectList[i].currentContact
- ObjectList[i][2].currentContact = "open"
- evt[-1].deviceId = 2
- evt[-1].value = "contact.open"
- evt[-1].linkText = "contact2"
- evt[-1].displayName = "contact2"
- evt[-1].name = "ContactSensor"
- evt[-1].descriptionText = "opening"
- }
- break
- case "contact.closed":
- if (SepLine[1] == "0") {
- ObjectList[i][0].contactLatestValue = ObjectList[i].currentContact
- ObjectList[i][0].currentContact = "closed"
- evt[-1].deviceId = 0
- evt[-1].value = "contact.closed"
- evt[-1].linkText = "contact0"
- evt[-1].displayName = "contact0"
- evt[-1].name = "ContactSensor"
- evt[-1].descriptionText = "closing"
- } else if (SepLine[1] == "1") {
- ObjectList[i][1].contactLatestValue = ObjectList[i].currentContact
- ObjectList[i][1].currentContact = "closed"
- evt[-1].deviceId = 1
- evt[-1].value = "contact.closed"
- evt[-1].linkText = "contact1"
- evt[-1].displayName = "contact1"
- evt[-1].name = "ContactSensor"
- evt[-1].descriptionText = "closing"
- } else if (SepLine[1] == "2") {
- ObjectList[i][2].contactLatestValue = ObjectList[i].currentContact
- ObjectList[i][2].currentContact = "closed"
- evt[-1].deviceId = 2
- evt[-1].value = "contact.closed"
- evt[-1].linkText = "contact2"
- evt[-1].displayName = "contact2"
- evt[-1].name = "ContactSensor"
- evt[-1].descriptionText = "closing"
- }
- break
- default:
- break
- }
- FunctionList[i](evt[-1])
- }
- }
- }
+////subscribe(obj, event, func, data)
+def subscribe(Object obj, String event, Closure FunctionToCall, LinkedHashMap metaData) {
+ objectList.add(obj)
+ eventList.add(event)
+ functionList.add(FunctionToCall)
////runIn(time, func)
-def runIn(int seconds, Closure Input) {
- ListofTimersFunc.add(Input)
- ListofTimers.add(new Timer())
- def task = ListofTimers[-1].runAfter(1000*seconds, Input)
+def runIn(int seconds, Closure functionToCall) {
+ timersFuncList.add(functionToCall)
+ timersList.add(new Timer())
+ def task = timersList[-1].runAfter(1000*seconds, functionToCall)
-def unschedule(Closure Input) {
- for (int i = 0;i < ListofTimersFunc.size();i++) {
- if (ListofTimersFunc[i] == Input) {
- ListofTimers[i].cancel()
+def unschedule(Closure functionToUnschedule) {
+ for (int i = 0;i < timersFuncList.size();i++) {
+ if (timersFuncList[i] == functionToUnschedule) {
+ timersList[i].cancel()
////sendNotificationToContacts(text, recipients)
-def sendNotificationToContacts(String S, List recipients) {
+def sendNotificationToContacts(String text, List recipients) {
for (int i = 0;i < recipients.size();i++) {
- for (int j = 0;j < location.CONTACTS.size();j++) {
- if (recipients[i] == location.CONTACTS[j]) {
- println("Sending \""+S+"\" to "+location.PhoneNums[j].toString())
+ for (int j = 0;j < location.contacts.size();j++) {
+ if (recipients[i] == location.contacts[j]) {
+ println("Sending \""+text+"\" to "+location.phoneNumbers[j].toString())
-////sendNotificationToContacts(text, recipients)
-def sendSms(long Phone, String S) {
- println("Sending \""+S+"\" to "+Phone.toString())
+////sendSms(phone, text)
+def sendSms(long phoneNumber, String text) {
+ println("Sending \""+text+"\" to "+phoneNumber.toString())
+def eventHandler(LinkedHashMap eventDataMap) {
+ def value = eventDataMap["value"]
+ def name = eventDataMap["name"]
+ def deviceId = eventDataMap["deviceId"]
+ def descriptionText = eventDataMap["descriptionText"]
+ def displayed = eventDataMap["displayed"]
+ def linkText = eventDataMap["linkText"]
+ def isStateChange = eventDataMap["isStateChange"]
+ def unit = eventDataMap["unit"]
+ def data = eventDataMap["data"]
+ for (int i = 0;i < eventList.size();i++) {
+ if (eventList[i] == value) {
+ evt.add(new Event())
+ evt[-1].value = value
+ evt[-1].name = name
+ evt[-1].deviceId = deviceId
+ evt[-1].descriptionText = descriptionText
+ evt[-1].displayed = displayed
+ evt[-1].linkText = linkText
+ evt[-1].displayName = linkText
+ evt[-1].isStateChange = isStateChange
+ evt[-1].unit = unit
+ evt[-1].data = data
+ functionList[i](evt[-1])
+ }
+ }