- \p opt::node_allocator - the allocator for internal nodes. Default is \ref CDS_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR.
- \p opt::allocator - the allocator for node's value. Default is \ref CDS_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR.
This option is not used in \p BronsonAVLTreeMap<RCU, Key, T*, Traits> specialisation
- - \ref cds::intrusive::opt::disposer "container::opt::disposer" - the functor used for dispose removed values.
+ - \p cds::intrusive::opt::disposer - the functor used for dispose removed values.
The user-provided disposer is used only for pointer-oriented tree specialization
like \p BronsonAVLTreeMap<GC, Key, T*, Traits>. When the node becomes the rounting node without value,
the disposer will be called to signal that the memory for the value can be safely freed.
- Default is \ref cds::intrusive::opt::delete_disposer "cds::container::opt::v::delete_disposer<>" which calls \p delete operator.
+ Default is \p cds::intrusive::opt::delete_disposer which calls \p delete operator.
Due the nature of GC schema the disposer may be called asynchronously.
- \p opt::sync_monitor - @ref cds_sync_monitor "synchronization monitor" type for node-level locking,
default is \p cds::sync::injecting_monitor<cds::sync::spin>
The functor \p Func interface:
- struct extractor {
+ struct functor {
void operator()( key_type const& key, std::remove_pointer<mapped_type>::type& val) { ... }
If the tree is empty, \p f is not called.
- Otherwise, is it called with minimal key, the pointer to corresponding value is returned
+ Otherwise, it is called with minimal key, the pointer to corresponding value is returned
as \p exempt_ptr.
@note Due the concurrent nature of the map, the function extracts <i>nearly</i> minimum key.
If the tree is empty, \p f is not called.
- Otherwise, is it called with maximal key, the pointer to corresponding value is returned
+ Otherwise, it is called with maximal key, the pointer to corresponding value is returned
as \p exempt_ptr.
@note Due the concurrent nature of the map, the function extracts <i>nearly</i> maximal key.
The interface of \p Func functor is:
struct functor {
- void operator()( key_type const& key, mapped_type& item );
+ void operator()( key_type const& key, std::remove_pointer< mapped_type )::type& item );
where \p item is the item found.
template <typename Node>
struct node_injection: public Node
- // Monitor data to inject into container's node
+ // Monitor data injecting into container's node
// ...
// Locks the node
using scoped_lock = monitor_scoped_lock< pool_monitor, Node >;
- Monitor's data must be inject into container's node as \p m_SyncMonitorInjection data member:
+ Monitor's data must be injected into container's node as \p m_SyncMonitorInjection data member:
template <typename SyncMonitor>
struct my_node