import IR.Tree.*;
import IR.Flat.*;
import java.util.*;
public class FlagState {
- Hashtable flagstate;
- ClassDescriptor cd;
+ /* NodeStatus enumeration pattern ***********/
- public FlagState(FlagDescriptor[] flags, ClassDescriptor cd) {
- flagstate=new Hashtable(flags.length);
- for (int i=0; i < flags.length; i++) {
- flagstate.put(flags[i],new Boolean(false));
- }
+ public static final NodeStatus UNVISITED = new NodeStatus("UNVISITED");
+ public static final NodeStatus PROCESSING = new NodeStatus("PROCESSING");
+ public static final NodeStatus FINISHED = new NodeStatus("FINISHED");
+ public static class NodeStatus {
+ private static String name;
+ private NodeStatus(String name) { = name; }
+ public String toString() { return name; }
- public FlagState(Hashtable flagstate, ClassDescriptor cd) {
- this.flagstate = new Hashtable(flagstate);
+ int discoverytime = -1;
+ int finishingtime = -1; /* used for searches */
+ Vector edges = new Vector();
+ Vector inedges = new Vector();
+ NodeStatus status = UNVISITED;
+ String dotnodeparams = new String();
+ boolean merge=false;
+ String nodeoption="";
+ private final HashSet flagstate;
+ private final ClassDescriptor cd;
+ public void setOption(String option) {
+ this.nodeoption=","+option;
- public Hashtable getStateTable() {
- return flagstate;
+ public void setMerge() {
+ merge=true;
- public void put(FlagDescriptor fd, Boolean status) {
- flagstate.put(fd,status);
+ public FlagState(HashSet flagstate, ClassDescriptor cd) {
+ this.flagstate=flagstate;
public boolean get(FlagDescriptor fd) {
- if (! flagstate.containsKey(fd))
- return false;
+ return flagstate.contains(fd);
+ }
+ public String toString() {
+ return cd.toString()+getTextLabel();
+ }
+ public Iterator getFlags() {
+ return flagstate.iterator();
+ }
+ public FlagState setFlag(FlagDescriptor fd, boolean status) {
+ HashSet newset=(HashSet) flagstate.clone();
+ if (status)
+ newset.add(fd);
- return ((Boolean)(flagstate.get(fd))).booleanValue();
+ newset.remove(fd);
+ return new FlagState(newset, cd);
- public String toString() {
- StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(flagstate.size());
- Enumeration e = flagstate.keys();
- while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
- if (((Boolean)(flagstate.get((FlagDescriptor)e.nextElement()))).booleanValue())
- sb.append(1);
+ public boolean equals(Object o) {
+ if (o instanceof FlagState) {
+ FlagState fs=(FlagState)o;
+ if (!=cd)
+ return false;
+ return fs.flagstate.equals(flagstate);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public int hashCode() {
+ return cd.hashCode()^flagstate.hashCode();
+ }
+ public static void computeclosure(Collection nodes, Collection removed) {
+ Stack tovisit=new Stack();
+ tovisit.addAll(nodes);
+ while(!tovisit.isEmpty()) {
+ FlagState gn=(FlagState)tovisit.pop();
+ for(Iterator it=gn.edges();it.hasNext();) {
+ Edge edge=(Edge);
+ FlagState target=edge.getTarget();
+ if (!nodes.contains(target)) {
+ if ((removed==null)||
+ (!removed.contains(target))) {
+ nodes.add(target);
+ tovisit.push(target);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public static void boundedcomputeclosure(Collection nodes, Collection removed,int depth) {
+ Stack tovisit=new Stack();
+ Stack newvisit=new Stack();
+ tovisit.addAll(nodes);
+ for(int i=0;i<depth&&!tovisit.isEmpty();i++) {
+ while(!tovisit.isEmpty()) {
+ FlagState gn=(FlagState)tovisit.pop();
+ for(Iterator it=gn.edges();it.hasNext();) {
+ Edge edge=(Edge);
+ FlagState target=edge.getTarget();
+ if (!nodes.contains(target)) {
+ if ((removed==null)||
+ (!removed.contains(target))) {
+ nodes.add(target);
+ newvisit.push(target);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tovisit=newvisit;
+ newvisit=new Stack();
+ }
+ }
+ public void setDotNodeParameters(String param) {
+ if (param == null) {
+ throw new NullPointerException();
+ }
+ if (param.length() > 0) {
+ dotnodeparams = "," + param;
+ } else {
+ dotnodeparams = new String();
+ }
+ }
+ public void setStatus(NodeStatus status) {
+ if (status == null) {
+ throw new NullPointerException();
+ }
+ this.status = status;
+ }
+ public String getLabel() {
+ return getTextLabel();
+ }
+ public String getTextLabel() {
+ String label=null;
+ for(Iterator it=getFlags();it.hasNext();) {
+ FlagState fs=(FlagState);
+ if (label==null)
+ label=fs.toString();
- sb.append(0);
+ label+=", "+fs.toString();
- return new String(sb);
+ return label;
+ }
+ public NodeStatus getStatus() {
+ return this.status;
+ }
+ public Iterator edges() {
+ return edges.iterator();
- public String toString(FlagDescriptor[] flags) {
- StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(flagstate.size());
- Enumeration e;
+ public Iterator inedges() {
+ return inedges.iterator();
+ }
+ public void addEdge(Edge newedge) {
+ newedge.setSource(this);
+ edges.addElement(newedge);
+ FlagState tonode=newedge.getTarget();
+ tonode.inedges.addElement(newedge);
+ }
- for(int i=0;i < flags.length; i++) {
- e = flagstate.keys();
+ void reset() {
+ discoverytime = -1;
+ finishingtime = -1;
+ status = UNVISITED;
+ }
+ void resetscc() {
+ status = UNVISITED;
+ }
- while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
- FlagDescriptor fdtemp=(FlagDescriptor)e.nextElement();
- if( flags[i] == fdtemp) {
- if (((Boolean)(flagstate.get(fdtemp))).booleanValue())
- sb.append(1);
- else
- sb.append(0);
+ void discover(int time) {
+ discoverytime = time;
+ status = PROCESSING;
+ }
+ void finish(int time) {
+ assert status == PROCESSING;
+ finishingtime = time;
+ status = FINISHED;
+ }
+ /** Returns finishing time for dfs */
+ public int getFinishingTime() {
+ return finishingtime;
+ }
+ public static class DOTVisitor {
+ output;
+ int tokennumber;
+ int color;
+ private DOTVisitor( output) {
+ tokennumber = 0;
+ color = 0;
+ this.output = new, true);
+ }
+ private String getNewID(String name) {
+ tokennumber = tokennumber + 1;
+ return new String (name+tokennumber);
+ }
+ Collection nodes;
+ Collection special;
+ public static void visit( output, Collection nodes) {
+ visit(output,nodes,null);
+ }
+ public static void visit( output, Collection nodes, Collection special) {
+ DOTVisitor visitor = new DOTVisitor(output);
+ visitor.special=special;
+ visitor.nodes = nodes;
+ visitor.make();
+ }
+ private void make() {
+ output.println("digraph dotvisitor {");
+ output.println("\trotate=90;");
+ /* output.println("\tpage=\"8.5,11\";");
+ output.println("\tnslimit=1000.0;");
+ output.println("\tnslimit1=1000.0;");
+ output.println("\tmclimit=1000.0;");
+ output.println("\tremincross=true;");*/
+ output.println("\tnode [fontsize=10,height=\"0.1\", width=\"0.1\"];");
+ output.println("\tedge [fontsize=6];");
+ traverse();
+ output.println("}\n");
+ }
+ private void traverse() {
+ Set cycleset=FlagState.findcycles(nodes);
+ Iterator i = nodes.iterator();
+ while (i.hasNext()) {
+ FlagState gn = (FlagState);
+ Iterator edges = gn.edges();
+ String label = gn.getTextLabel(); // + " [" + gn.discoverytime + "," + gn.finishingtime + "];";
+ String option=gn.nodeoption;
+ if (special!=null&&special.contains(gn))
+ option+=",shape=box";
+ if (!gn.merge)
+ output.println("\t" + gn.getLabel() + " [label=\"" + label + "\"" + gn.dotnodeparams + option+"];");
+ if (!gn.merge)
+ while (edges.hasNext()) {
+ Edge edge = (Edge);
+ FlagState node = edge.getTarget();
+ if (nodes.contains(node)) {
+ for(Iterator nodeit=nonmerge(node).iterator();nodeit.hasNext();) {
+ FlagState node2=(FlagState);
+ String edgelabel = Compiler.DEBUGGRAPH ? "label=\"" + edge.getLabel() + "\"" : "label=\"\"";
+ output.println("\t" + gn.getLabel() + " -> " + node2.getLabel() + " [" + edgelabel + edge.dotnodeparams + "];");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Set nonmerge(FlagState gn) {
+ HashSet newset=new HashSet();
+ HashSet toprocess=new HashSet();
+ toprocess.add(gn);
+ while(!toprocess.isEmpty()) {
+ FlagState gn2=(FlagState)toprocess.iterator().next();
+ toprocess.remove(gn2);
+ if (!gn2.merge)
+ newset.add(gn2);
+ else {
+ Iterator edges = gn2.edges();
+ while (edges.hasNext()) {
+ Edge edge = (Edge);
+ FlagState node = edge.getTarget();
+ if (!newset.contains(node)&&nodes.contains(node))
+ toprocess.add(node);
+ }
+ return newset;
- return new String(sb);
- public Enumeration getFlags() {
- return flagstate.keys();
+ /** This function returns the set of nodes involved in cycles.
+ * It only considers cycles containing nodes in the set 'nodes'.
+ */
+ public static Set findcycles(Collection nodes) {
+ HashSet cycleset=new HashSet();
+ SCC scc=DFS.computeSCC(nodes);
+ if (!scc.hasCycles())
+ return cycleset;
+ for(int i=0;i<scc.numSCC();i++) {
+ if (scc.hasCycle(i))
+ cycleset.addAll(scc.getSCC(i));
+ }
+ return cycleset;
- public boolean equal(Object o) {
- if (o instanceof FlagState) {
- FlagState fs=(FlagState)o;
- if (!=cd)
- return false;
+ public static class SCC {
+ boolean acyclic;
+ HashMap map,revmap;
+ int numscc;
+ public SCC(boolean acyclic, HashMap map,HashMap revmap,int numscc) {
+ this.acyclic=acyclic;
+ this.revmap=revmap;
+ this.numscc=numscc;
+ }
+ /** Returns whether the graph has any cycles */
+ public boolean hasCycles() {
+ return !acyclic;
+ }
+ /** Returns the number of Strongly Connected Components */
+ public int numSCC() {
+ return numscc;
+ }
+ /** Returns the strongly connected component number for the FlagState gn*/
+ public int getComponent(FlagState gn) {
+ return ((Integer)revmap.get(gn)).intValue();
+ }
- Enumeration en = fs.getFlags();
- while(en.hasMoreElements()) {
- FlagDescriptor flag=(FlagDescriptor)en.nextElement();
- if (fs.get(flag) != get(flag))
- return false;
+ /** Returns the set of nodes in the strongly connected component i*/
+ public Set getSCC(int i) {
+ Integer scc=new Integer(i);
+ return (Set)map.get(scc);
+ }
+ /** Returns whether the strongly connected component i contains a cycle */
+ boolean hasCycle(int i) {
+ Integer scc=new Integer(i);
+ Set s=(Set)map.get(scc);
+ if (s.size()>1)
+ return true;
+ Object [] array=s.toArray();
+ FlagState gn=(FlagState)array[0];
+ for(Iterator it=gn.edges();it.hasNext();) {
+ Edge e=(Edge);
+ if (e.getTarget()==gn)
+ return true; /* Self Cycle */
- return true;
+ return false;
- return false;
- public int hashCode() {
- return cd.hashCode()^flagstate.hashCode();
- }
+ /**
+ * DFS encapsulates the depth first search algorithm
+ */
+ public static class DFS {
+ int time = 0;
+ int sccindex = 0;
+ Collection nodes;
+ Vector finishingorder=null;
+ HashMap sccmap;
+ HashMap sccmaprev;
+ private DFS(Collection nodes) {
+ this.nodes = nodes;
+ }
+ /** Calculates the strong connected components for the graph composed
+ * of the set of nodes 'nodes'*/
+ public static SCC computeSCC(Collection nodes) {
+ if (nodes==null) {
+ throw new NullPointerException();
+ }
+ DFS dfs=new DFS(nodes);
+ dfs.sccmap=new HashMap();
+ dfs.sccmaprev=new HashMap();
+ dfs.finishingorder=new Vector();
+ boolean acyclic=dfs.go();
+ for (Iterator it = nodes.iterator();it.hasNext();) {
+ FlagState gn = (FlagState);
+ gn.resetscc();
+ }
+ for(int i=dfs.finishingorder.size()-1;i>=0;i--) {
+ FlagState gn=(FlagState)dfs.finishingorder.get(i);
+ if (gn.getStatus() == UNVISITED) {
+ dfs.dfsprev(gn);
+ dfs.sccindex++; /* Increment scc index */
+ }
+ }
+ return new SCC(acyclic,dfs.sccmap,dfs.sccmaprev,dfs.sccindex);
+ }
+ void dfsprev(FlagState gn) {
+ if (gn.getStatus()==FINISHED||!nodes.contains(gn))
+ return;
+ gn.setStatus(FINISHED);
+ Integer i=new Integer(sccindex);
+ if (!sccmap.containsKey(i))
+ sccmap.put(i,new HashSet());
+ ((Set)sccmap.get(i)).add(gn);
+ sccmaprev.put(gn,i);
+ for(Iterator edgeit=gn.inedges();edgeit.hasNext();) {
+ Edge e=(Edge);
+ FlagState gn2=e.getSource();
+ dfsprev(gn2);
+ }
+ }
+ public static boolean depthFirstSearch(Collection nodes) {
+ if (nodes == null) {
+ throw new NullPointerException();
+ }
+ DFS dfs = new DFS(nodes);
+ return dfs.go();
+ }
+ private boolean go() {
+ Iterator i;
+ time = 0;
+ boolean acyclic=true;
+ i = nodes.iterator();
+ while (i.hasNext()) {
+ FlagState gn = (FlagState);
+ gn.reset();
+ }
+ i = nodes.iterator();
+ while (i.hasNext()) {
+ FlagState gn = (FlagState);
+ assert gn.getStatus() != PROCESSING;
+ if (gn.getStatus() == UNVISITED) {
+ if (!dfs(gn))
+ acyclic=false;
+ }
+ }
+ return acyclic;
+ }
+ private boolean dfs(FlagState gn) {
+ boolean acyclic=true;
+ Iterator edges = gn.edges();
+ while (edges.hasNext()) {
+ Edge edge = (Edge);
+ FlagState node = edge.getTarget();
+ if (!nodes.contains(node)) /* Skip nodes which aren't in the set */
+ continue;
+ if (node.getStatus() == UNVISITED) {
+ if (!dfs(node))
+ acyclic=false;
+ } else if (node.getStatus()==PROCESSING) {
+ acyclic=false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (finishingorder!=null)
+ finishingorder.add(gn);
+ gn.finish(time++);
+ return acyclic;
+ }
+ } /* end DFS */