--- /dev/null
+package Analysis.Disjoint;
+import java.util.*;
+import IR.*;
+import IR.Flat.*;
+import Util.*;
+public class DefiniteReachAnalysis {
+ // R
+ //
+ // Maps variables and an edge (x, y, e) to an unused value when the
+ // object of x is already reachable from the object of y, and the
+ // set of edges conservatively gives the path.
+ // NOTE: Use EdgeKey instead of edges because this analysis's
+ // scope is beyond the scope of a single reach graph.
+ // Fs
+ // Just a hashmap of variable to enum (unknown, new).
+ // Fu
+ // Fd
+ public DefiniteReachAnalysis() {
+ }
+ // what are the transfer functions that are relevant for this analyis?
+ public void methodEntry(Set<TempDescriptor> parameters) {
+ // R' := {}
+ // R.clear();
+ // Rs' := P x {unknown}
+ }
+ public void copy(TempDescriptor x,
+ TempDescriptor y) {
+ // R' := (R - <x,*> - <*,x>) U
+ // {<x,z>->e | <y,z>->e in R} U
+ // {<z,x>->e | <z,y>->e in R}
+ // R' = new Map(R)
+ // R'.remove(view0, x);
+ // R'.remove(view1, x);
+ // setYs = R.get(view0, y);
+ // for each <y,z>->e: R'.put(<x,z>, e);
+ // setYs = R.get(view1, y);
+ // for each <z,y>->e: R'.put(<z,x>, e);
+ // Rs' := (Rs - <x,*>) U {<x,v> | <y,v> in Rs}
+ }
+ public void load(TempDescriptor x,
+ TempDescriptor y,
+ FieldDescriptor f) {
+ // R' := (R - <x,*> - <*,x>) U
+ // ({<x,y>} x Eo(y,f)) U
+ // U {<x,z>} x (Eo(y,f)U{e})
+ // <y,z>->e in R
+ // R' = new Map(R)
+ // R'.remove(view0, x);
+ // R'.remove(view1, x);
+ // R'.put(<x,y>, eee!);
+ // setYs = R.get(view0, y);
+ // for each <y,z>->e: R'.put(<x,z>, eee!Ue);
+ // Rs' := (Rs - <x,*>) U {<x, unknown>}
+ }
+ public void store(TempDescriptor x,
+ FieldDescriptor f,
+ TempDescriptor y) {
+ // I think this should be if there is ANY <w,z>->e' IN Eremove, then kill all <w,z>
+ // R' := (R - {<w,z>->e | <w,z>->e in R, A<w,z>->e' in R, e' notin Eremove}) U
+ // {<y,x>->e | e in E(x) x {f} x E(y)}
+ // R' = new Map(R)
+ // R'.remove(?); some e's...
+ // R'.put(<y,x>, E(x) x {f} x E(y));
+ // Rs' := Rs
+ }
+ public void newObject(TempDescriptor x) {
+ // R' := (R - <x,*> - <*,x>)
+ // R' = new Map(R)
+ // R'.remove(view0, x);
+ // R'.remove(view1, x);
+ // Rs' := (Rs - <x,*>) U {<x, new>}
+ }
+ public void methodCall(TempDescriptor x) {
+ // R' := (R - <x,*> - <*,x>)
+ // R' = new Map(R)
+ // R'.remove(view0, x);
+ // R'.remove(view1, x);
+ // Rs' := (Rs - <x,*>) U {<x, unknown>}
+ }
+ public void merge() {
+ // R' := <x,y>->e iff its in all incoming edges
+ // Rs' := <x, new> iff in all incoming edges, otherwie <x, unknown>
+ }