import org.pcap4j.packet.DnsPacket;
import org.pcap4j.packet.namednumber.DnsResourceRecordType;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
* TODO add class documentation.
+ * TODO: At this point, this class is still in transition to having multiple hostnames and lists of packets
* @author Janus Varmarken
public class FlowPattern {
- static {
- // TP-Link Local ON packet lengths (TCP payload only), extracted from ON event at Feb 13, 2018 13:38:04
- // of the 5 switch data collection:
- // 517 1448 1448 1448 855 191 51 490 1027 31
- ArrayList<Integer> packetLengths = new ArrayList<>();
- packetLengths.addAll(Arrays.asList(new Integer[] {517, 1448, 1448, 1448, 855, 191, 51, 490, 1027, 31}));
- TP_LINK_LOCAL_ON = new FlowPattern("TP_LINK_LOCAL_ON", "", packetLengths);
- }
- public static final FlowPattern TP_LINK_LOCAL_ON;
* Class properties
- private final String patternId;
- /**
- * The hostname that this {@code FlowPattern} is associated with.
- */
+ private final String mPatternId;
private final String hostname; // The hostname that this {@code FlowPattern} is associated with.
* TODO: this is a simplified representation, we should also include information about direction of each packet.
private final List<Integer> flowPacketOrder;
- private final Map<String, List<Integer>> hostnameToPacketOrderMap;
- private final PcapHandle pcap;
+ private final Map<String, List<Integer>> mHostnameToPacketLengthsMap;
+ private final List<String> mHostnameList;
+ private final PcapHandle mPcap;
* Class constants
* Constructor #1
- public FlowPattern(String patternId, String hostname, PcapHandle pcap) {
- this.patternId = patternId;
+ public FlowPattern(String mPatternId, String hostname, PcapHandle mPcap) {
+ this.mPatternId = mPatternId;
this.hostname = hostname;
- this.pcap = pcap;
- this.hostnameToPacketOrderMap = null;
+ this.mHostnameList = null;
+ this.mPcap = mPcap;
+ this.mHostnameToPacketLengthsMap = null;
this.flowPacketOrder = new ArrayList<Integer>();
* Process the PcapHandle to strip off unnecessary packets and just get the integer array of packet lengths
PcapPacket packet;
try {
- while ((packet = pcap.getNextPacketEx()) != null) {
+ while ((packet = mPcap.getNextPacketEx()) != null) {
// For now, we only work support pattern search in TCP over IPv4.
IpV4Packet ipPacket = packet.get(IpV4Packet.class);
TcpPacket tcpPacket = packet.get(TcpPacket.class);
} catch (EOFException eofe) {
System.out.println("[ FlowPattern ] Finished processing a training PCAP stream!");
- System.out.println("[ FlowPattern ] Pattern for " + patternId + ": " + Arrays.toString(flowPacketOrder.toArray()));
+ System.out.println("[ FlowPattern ] Pattern for " + mPatternId + ": " + Arrays.toString(flowPacketOrder.toArray()));
} catch (PcapNativeException |
TimeoutException |
NotOpenException ex) {
- * Constructor #2
- *
- * @param patternId Label for this pattern
- * @param hostname Hostname associated with this pattern
- * @param flowPacketOrder List of packets in order
+ * Process the PcapHandle to strip off unnecessary packets.
+ * We then map list of hostnames to their respective arrays of packet lengths
- public FlowPattern(String patternId, String hostname, List<Integer> flowPacketOrder) {
- this.patternId = patternId;
- this.hostname = hostname;
- this.hostnameToPacketOrderMap = null;
- this.pcap = null;
- this.flowPacketOrder = Collections.unmodifiableList(flowPacketOrder);
+ private void processPcapToMap() {
+ PcapPacket packet;
+ try {
+ int hostIndex = -1;
+ Set<String> addressSet = new HashSet<>();
+ while ((packet = mPcap.getNextPacketEx()) != null) {
+ // For now, we only work support pattern search in TCP over IPv4.
+ IpV4Packet ipPacket = packet.get(IpV4Packet.class);
+ TcpPacket tcpPacket = packet.get(TcpPacket.class);
+ if (ipPacket == null || tcpPacket == null) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (tcpPacket.getPayload() == null) {
+ // We skip non-payload control packets as these are less predictable
+ continue;
+ }
+ // We assume that if it is not a local address then it is a cloud server address
+ InetAddress srcAddress = ipPacket.getHeader().getSrcAddr();
+ InetAddress dstAddress = ipPacket.getHeader().getDstAddr();
+ boolean fromServer = !srcAddress.isSiteLocalAddress();
+ boolean fromClient = !dstAddress.isSiteLocalAddress();
+ if (!fromServer && !fromClient) {
+ // Packet not related to pattern, skip it
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ // We relate and assume that this address is from our cloud server
+ String cloudAddress = null;
+ if (fromClient) {
+ cloudAddress = dstAddress.getHostAddress();
+ } else { // fromServer
+ cloudAddress = srcAddress.getHostAddress();
+ }
+ //System.out.println("\nCloud address: " + cloudAddress);
+ if (!addressSet.contains(cloudAddress)) {
+ addressSet.add(cloudAddress);
+ hostIndex++;
+ }
+ String hostname = mHostnameList.get(hostIndex);
+ List<Integer> packetLengthsList = mHostnameToPacketLengthsMap.containsKey(hostname) ?
+ mHostnameToPacketLengthsMap.get(hostname) : new ArrayList<>();
+ int packetLength = tcpPacket.getPayload().length();
+ packetLengthsList.add(packetLength);
+ mHostnameToPacketLengthsMap.put(hostname, packetLengthsList);
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (EOFException eofe) {
+ System.out.println("[ FlowPattern ] Finished processing a training PCAP stream!");
+ System.out.println("[ FlowPattern ] Pattern for " + mPatternId + ": " + Arrays.toString(mHostnameToPacketLengthsMap.entrySet().toArray()));
+ } catch (PcapNativeException |
+ TimeoutException |
+ NotOpenException ex) {
+ ex.printStackTrace();
+ }
- * Constructor #3
+ * Constructor #2
- public FlowPattern(String patternId, String hostname, Map<String, List<Integer>> hostnameToPacketOrderMap) {
- this.patternId = patternId;
- this.hostname = hostname;
- this.pcap = null;
+ public FlowPattern(String mPatternId, List<String> mHostnameList, PcapHandle mPcap) {
+ this.mPatternId = mPatternId;
+ this.hostname = null;
+ this.mHostnameList = mHostnameList;
+ this.mPcap = mPcap;
this.flowPacketOrder = null;
- this.hostnameToPacketOrderMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(hostnameToPacketOrderMap);
+ this.mHostnameToPacketLengthsMap = new HashMap<>();
+ processPcapToMap();
public String getPatternId() {
- return patternId;
+ return mPatternId;
public String getHostname() {
return hostname;
- * Get the the sequence of packet lengths that defines this {@code FlowPattern}.
+ * Get the sequence of packet lengths that defines this {@code FlowPattern}.
* @return the sequence of packet lengths that defines this {@code FlowPattern}.
public List<Integer> getPacketOrder() {
return flowPacketOrder;
+ /**
+ * Get the sequence of packet lengths based on input hostname.
+ * @return the sequence of packet lengths that defines this {@code FlowPattern}.
+ */
+ public List<Integer> getPacketOrder(String hostname) {
+ return mHostnameToPacketLengthsMap.get(hostname);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the list of associated hostnames.
+ * @return the associated hostnames that define this {@code FlowPattern}.
+ */
+ public List<String> getHostnameList() {
+ return mHostnameList;
+ }
* Get the length of the List of {@code FlowPattern}.
public int getLength() {
return flowPacketOrder.size();
- }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the length of the List of {@code FlowPattern}.
+ * @return the length of the List of {@code FlowPattern}.
+ */
+ public int getLength(String hostname) {
+ return mHostnameToPacketLengthsMap.get(hostname).size();
+ }
private void findFlowPattern() {
try {
PcapPacket packet;
+// TODO: The new comparison method is pending
+// TODO: For now, just compare using one hostname and one list per FlowPattern
+// List<String> hostnameList = mPattern.getHostnameList();
+// int hostIndex = 0;
int patternLength = mPattern.getLength();
while ((packet = mPcap.getNextPacketEx()) != null) {
// Let DnsMap handle DNS packets.
if (ipPacket == null || tcpPacket == null) {
+ if (tcpPacket.getPayload() == null) {
+ // We skip non-payload control packets as these are less predictable
+ continue;
+ }
String srcAddress = ipPacket.getHeader().getSrcAddr().getHostAddress();
String dstAddress = ipPacket.getHeader().getDstAddr().getHostAddress();
int srcPort = tcpPacket.getHeader().getSrcPort().valueAsInt();
// Is this packet related to the pattern; i.e. is it going to (or coming from) the cloud server?
boolean fromServer = mDnsMap.isRelatedToCloudServer(srcAddress, mPattern.getHostname());
boolean fromClient = mDnsMap.isRelatedToCloudServer(dstAddress, mPattern.getHostname());
+// String currentHostname = hostnameList.get(hostIndex);
+// boolean fromServer = mDnsMap.isRelatedToCloudServer(srcAddress, currentHostname);
+// boolean fromClient = mDnsMap.isRelatedToCloudServer(dstAddress, currentHostname);
if (!fromServer && !fromClient) {
// Packet not related to pattern, skip it.
- if (tcpPacket.getPayload() == null) {
- // We skip non-payload control packets as these are less predictable
- continue;
- }
// Conversations (connections/sessions) are identified by the four-tuple
// (clientIp, clientPort, serverIp, serverPort) (see Conversation Javadoc).
// Create "dummy" conversation for looking up an existing entry.
// Refresh reference to point to entry in map (in case packet was added to existing entry).
conversation = mConversations.get(conversation);
if (conversation.getPackets().size() == mPattern.getLength()) {
+// if (conversation.getPackets().size() == mPattern.getLength(currentHostname)) {
// Conversation reached a size that matches the expected size.
// Remove the Conversation from the map and start the analysis.
// Any future packets identified by the same four tuple will be tied to a new Conversation instance.
PatternComparisonTask<CompleteMatchPatternComparisonResult> comparisonTask =
new PatternComparisonTask<>(conversation, mPattern, ComparisonFunctions.COMPLETE_MATCH);
+ // Increment hostIndex to find the next
} catch (EOFException eofe) {
+import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
public static void main(String[] args) throws PcapNativeException, NotOpenException, EOFException, TimeoutException, UnknownHostException {
final String fileName = args.length > 0 ? args[0] : "/home/rtrimana/pcap_processing/smart_home_traffic/Code/Projects/SmartPlugDetector/pcap/wlan1.local.remote.dns.pcap";
- final String trainingFileName = "./pcap/TP_LINK_LOCAL_OFF.pcap";
+ final String trainingFileName = "./pcap/TP_LINK_LOCAL_ON.pcap";
+ //final String trainingFileName = "./pcap/TP_LINK_REMOTE_ON.pcap";
// ====== Debug code ======
PcapHandle handle;
handle = Pcaps.openOffline(fileName);
trainingPcap = Pcaps.openOffline(trainingFileName);
- FlowPattern fp = new FlowPattern("TP_LINK_LOCAL_OFF", "", trainingPcap);
- //FlowPatternFinder fpf = new FlowPatternFinder(handle, FlowPattern.TP_LINK_LOCAL_ON);
+ // TODO: The followings are the way to extract multiple hostnames and their associated packet lengths lists
+ //List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
+ //list.add("");
+ //FlowPattern fp = new FlowPattern("TP_LINK_LOCAL_ON", list, trainingPcap);
+ //List<String> list2 = new ArrayList<>();
+ //list2.add("");
+ //list2.add("");
+ //FlowPattern fp3 = new FlowPattern("TP_LINK_REMOTE_ON", list2, trainingPcap);
+ FlowPattern fp = new FlowPattern("TP_LINK_LOCAL_ON", "", trainingPcap);
FlowPatternFinder fpf = new FlowPatternFinder(handle, fp);