- * HELPER: writeMethodHelperStructJavaSkeleton() writes the struct in skeleton
+ * HELPER: writeMethodHelperReturnJavaSkeleton() writes the return value part in skeleton
- private void writeMethodHelperStructJavaSkeleton(InterfaceDecl intDecl, List<String> methParams,
- List<String> methPrmTypes, String method, Set<String> callbackClasses) {
+ private void writeMethodHelperReturnJavaSkeleton(InterfaceDecl intDecl, List<String> methParams,
+ List<String> methPrmTypes, String method, boolean isCallbackMethod, String callbackType) {
- // Generate array of parameter objects
- boolean isCallbackMethod = false;
- String callbackType = null;
- print("int paramLen = ");
- writeLengthStructParamClassSkeleton(methParams, methPrmTypes, method, intDecl);
- println(";");
- println("Class<?>[] paramCls = new Class<?>[paramLen];");
- println("Class<?>[] paramClsGen = new Class<?>[paramLen];");
- // Iterate again over the parameters
- for (int i = 0; i < methParams.size(); i++) {
- String paramType = methPrmTypes.get(i);
- String param = methParams.get(i);
- String simpleType = getGenericType(paramType);
- if (isStructClass(simpleType)) {
- writeStructMembersJavaSkeleton(simpleType, paramType, param, method, intDecl, i);
- } else {
- String prmType = returnGenericCallbackType(methPrmTypes.get(i));
- if (callbackClasses.contains(prmType)) {
- isCallbackMethod = true;
- callbackType = prmType;
- println("paramCls[pos] = int.class;");
- println("paramClsGen[pos++] = null;");
- } else { // Generate normal classes if it's not a callback object
- String paramTypeOth = checkAndGetArray(methPrmTypes.get(i), methParams.get(i));
- println("paramCls[pos] = " + getSimpleType(getEnumType(paramTypeOth)) + ".class;");
- print("paramClsGen[pos++] = ");
- String prmTypeOth = methPrmTypes.get(i);
- if (getParamCategory(prmTypeOth) == ParamCategory.NONPRIMITIVES)
- println(getTypeOfGeneric(prmType)[0] + ".class;");
- else
- println("null;");
- }
- }
- }
- println("Object[] paramObj = rmiObj.getMethodParams(paramCls, paramClsGen);");
- writeStructMembersInitJavaSkeleton(intDecl, methParams, methPrmTypes, method);
checkAndWriteEnumTypeJavaSkeleton(methParams, methPrmTypes);
Map<Integer,String> mapStubParam = null;
if (isCallbackMethod)
println("throw new Error(\"Exception from callback object instantiation!\");");
- }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * HELPER: writeMethodHelperStructJavaSkeleton() writes the struct in skeleton
+ */
+ private void writeMethodHelperStructJavaSkeleton(InterfaceDecl intDecl, List<String> methParams,
+ List<String> methPrmTypes, String method, Set<String> callbackClasses) {
+ // Generate array of parameter objects
+ boolean isCallbackMethod = false;
+ String callbackType = null;
+ print("int paramLen = ");
+ writeLengthStructParamClassSkeleton(methParams, methPrmTypes, method, intDecl);
+ println(";");
+ println("Class<?>[] paramCls = new Class<?>[paramLen];");
+ println("Class<?>[] paramClsGen = new Class<?>[paramLen];");
+ // Iterate again over the parameters
+ for (int i = 0; i < methParams.size(); i++) {
+ String paramType = methPrmTypes.get(i);
+ String param = methParams.get(i);
+ String simpleType = getGenericType(paramType);
+ if (isStructClass(simpleType)) {
+ writeStructMembersJavaSkeleton(simpleType, paramType, param, method, intDecl, i);
+ } else {
+ String prmType = returnGenericCallbackType(methPrmTypes.get(i));
+ if (callbackClasses.contains(prmType)) {
+ isCallbackMethod = true;
+ callbackType = prmType;
+ println("paramCls[pos] = int.class;");
+ println("paramClsGen[pos++] = null;");
+ } else { // Generate normal classes if it's not a callback object
+ String paramTypeOth = checkAndGetArray(methPrmTypes.get(i), methParams.get(i));
+ println("paramCls[pos] = " + getSimpleType(getEnumType(paramTypeOth)) + ".class;");
+ print("paramClsGen[pos++] = ");
+ String prmTypeOth = methPrmTypes.get(i);
+ if (getParamCategory(prmTypeOth) == ParamCategory.NONPRIMITIVES)
+ println(getTypeOfGeneric(prmType)[0] + ".class;");
+ else
+ println("null;");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ println("Object[] paramObj = rmiObj.getMethodParams(paramCls, paramClsGen);");
+ writeStructMembersInitJavaSkeleton(intDecl, methParams, methPrmTypes, method);
+ // Write the return value part
+ writeMethodHelperReturnJavaSkeleton(intDecl, methParams, methPrmTypes, method, isCallbackMethod, callbackType);
print(", ");
println(" });");
- checkAndWriteEnumTypeJavaSkeleton(methParams, methPrmTypes);
- Map<Integer,String> mapStubParam = null;
- if (isCallbackMethod)
- mapStubParam = writeCallbackJavaStubGeneration(methParams, methPrmTypes, callbackType);
- // Check if this is "void"
- String retType = intDecl.getMethodType(method);
- if (retType.equals("void")) {
- print(intDecl.getMethodId(method) + "(");
- } else if (isEnumClass(getSimpleArrayType(getSimpleType(retType)))) { // Enum type
- checkAndWriteEnumRetTypeJavaSkeleton(retType, intDecl.getMethodId(method));
- } else if (isStructClass(getSimpleArrayType(getSimpleType(retType)))) { // Struct type
- print(retType + " retStruct = " + intDecl.getMethodId(method) + "(");
- } else { // We do have a return value
- print("Object retObj = " + intDecl.getMethodId(method) + "(");
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < methParams.size(); i++) {
- if (isCallbackMethod) {
- print(mapStubParam.get(i)); // Get the callback parameter
- } else if (isEnumClass(getSimpleType(methPrmTypes.get(i)))) { // Enum class
- print(getEnumParam(methPrmTypes.get(i), methParams.get(i), i));
- } else {
- String prmType = checkAndGetArray(methPrmTypes.get(i), methParams.get(i));
- print("(" + prmType + ") paramObj[" + i + "]");
- }
- if (i != methParams.size() - 1)
- print(", ");
- }
- println(");");
- if (!retType.equals("void")) {
- if (isEnumClass(getSimpleArrayType(getSimpleType(retType)))) { // Enum type
- checkAndWriteEnumRetConvJavaSkeleton(retType);
- println("rmiObj.sendReturnObj(retObj);");
- } else if (isStructClass(getSimpleArrayType(getSimpleType(retType)))) { // Struct type
- writeStructReturnJavaSkeleton(getSimpleArrayType(getSimpleType(retType)), retType);
- println("rmiObj.sendReturnObj(retCls, retObj);");
- } else
- println("rmiObj.sendReturnObj(retObj);");
- }
- if (isCallbackMethod) { // Catch exception if this is callback
- println("} catch(Exception ex) {");
- println("ex.printStackTrace();");
- println("throw new Error(\"Exception from callback object instantiation!\");");
- println("}");
- }
+ // Write the return value part
+ writeMethodHelperReturnJavaSkeleton(intDecl, methParams, methPrmTypes, method, isCallbackMethod, callbackType);
+ /**
+ * HELPER: writeMethodHelperReturnCplusSkeleton() writes the return value part in skeleton
+ */
+ private void writeMethodInputParameters(List<String> methParams, List<String> methPrmTypes,
+ Set<String> callbackClasses, String methodId) {
+ print(methodId + "(");
+ for (int i = 0; i < methParams.size(); i++) {
+ String paramType = returnGenericCallbackType(methPrmTypes.get(i));
+ if (callbackClasses.contains(paramType))
+ print("stub" + i);
+ else if (isEnumClass(getSimpleType(paramType))) // Check if this is enum type
+ print("paramEnum" + i);
+ else if (isStructClass(getSimpleType(paramType))) // Struct type
+ print("paramStruct" + i);
+ else
+ print(getSimpleIdentifier(methParams.get(i)));
+ if (i != methParams.size() - 1) {
+ print(", ");
+ }
+ }
+ println(");");
+ }
+ /**
+ * HELPER: writeMethodHelperReturnCplusSkeleton() writes the return value part in skeleton
+ */
+ private void writeMethodHelperReturnCplusSkeleton(InterfaceDecl intDecl, List<String> methParams,
+ List<String> methPrmTypes, String method, boolean isCallbackMethod, String callbackType,
+ String methodId, Set<String> callbackClasses) {
+ println("rmiObj->getMethodParams(paramCls, numParam, paramObj);");
+ if (isCallbackMethod)
+ writeCallbackCplusStubGeneration(methParams, methPrmTypes, callbackType);
+ checkAndWriteEnumTypeCplusSkeleton(methParams, methPrmTypes);
+ writeStructMembersInitCplusSkeleton(intDecl, methParams, methPrmTypes, method);
+ // Check if this is "void"
+ String retType = intDecl.getMethodType(method);
+ // Check if this is "void"
+ if (retType.equals("void")) {
+ writeMethodInputParameters(methParams, methPrmTypes, callbackClasses, methodId);
+ } else { // We do have a return value
+ if (isEnumClass(getSimpleArrayType(getSimpleType(retType)))) // Enum type
+ print(checkAndGetCplusType(retType) + " retEnum = ");
+ else if (isStructClass(getSimpleArrayType(getSimpleType(retType)))) // Struct type
+ print(checkAndGetCplusType(retType) + " retStruct = ");
+ else
+ print(checkAndGetCplusType(retType) + " retVal = ");
+ writeMethodInputParameters(methParams, methPrmTypes, callbackClasses, methodId);
+ checkAndWriteEnumRetTypeCplusSkeleton(retType);
+ if (isStructClass(getSimpleArrayType(getSimpleType(retType)))) // Struct type
+ writeStructReturnCplusSkeleton(getSimpleArrayType(getSimpleType(retType)), retType);
+ if (isEnumClass(getSimpleArrayType(getSimpleType(retType)))) // Enum type
+ println("void* retObj = &retEnumInt;");
+ else
+ if (!isStructClass(getSimpleArrayType(getSimpleType(retType)))) // Struct type
+ println("void* retObj = &retVal;");
+ String retTypeC = checkAndGetCplusType(retType);
+ if (isStructClass(getSimpleArrayType(getSimpleType(retType)))) // Struct type
+ println("rmiObj->sendReturnObj(retObj, retCls, numRetObj);");
+ else
+ println("rmiObj->sendReturnObj(retObj, \"" + getEnumType(checkAndGetCplusArrayType(retTypeC)) + "\");");
+ }
+ }
* HELPER: writeStdMethodHelperBodyCplusSkeleton() writes the standard method body helper in the skeleton class
println(" };");
- println("rmiObj->getMethodParams(paramCls, numParam, paramObj);");
- if (isCallbackMethod)
- writeCallbackCplusStubGeneration(methParams, methPrmTypes, callbackType);
- checkAndWriteEnumTypeCplusSkeleton(methParams, methPrmTypes);
- String retType = intDecl.getMethodType(method);
- // Check if this is "void"
- if (retType.equals("void")) {
- print(methodId + "(");
- for (int i = 0; i < methParams.size(); i++) {
- String paramType = returnGenericCallbackType(methPrmTypes.get(i));
- if (callbackClasses.contains(paramType))
- print("stub" + i);
- else if (isEnumClass(getSimpleType(paramType))) // Check if this is enum type
- print("paramEnum" + i);
- else
- print(getSimpleIdentifier(methParams.get(i)));
- if (i != methParams.size() - 1) {
- print(", ");
- }
- }
- println(");");
- } else { // We do have a return value
- if (isEnumClass(getSimpleArrayType(getSimpleType(retType)))) // Enum type
- print(checkAndGetCplusType(retType) + " retEnum = ");
- else if (isStructClass(getSimpleArrayType(getSimpleType(retType)))) // Struct type
- print(checkAndGetCplusType(retType) + " retStruct = ");
- else
- print(checkAndGetCplusType(retType) + " retVal = ");
- print(methodId + "(");
- for (int i = 0; i < methParams.size(); i++) {
- String paramType = returnGenericCallbackType(methPrmTypes.get(i));
- if (callbackClasses.contains(paramType))
- print("stub" + i);
- else if (isEnumClass(getSimpleType(paramType))) // Check if this is enum type
- print("paramEnum" + i);
- else
- print(getSimpleIdentifier(methParams.get(i)));
- if (i != methParams.size() - 1) {
- print(", ");
- }
- }
- println(");");
- checkAndWriteEnumRetTypeCplusSkeleton(retType);
- if (isStructClass(getSimpleArrayType(getSimpleType(retType)))) // Struct type
- writeStructReturnCplusSkeleton(getSimpleArrayType(getSimpleType(retType)), retType);
- if (isEnumClass(getSimpleArrayType(getSimpleType(retType)))) // Enum type
- println("void* retObj = &retEnumInt;");
- else
- if (!isStructClass(getSimpleArrayType(getSimpleType(retType)))) // Struct type
- println("void* retObj = &retVal;");
- String retTypeC = checkAndGetCplusType(retType);
- if (isStructClass(getSimpleArrayType(getSimpleType(retType)))) // Struct type
- println("rmiObj->sendReturnObj(retObj, retCls, numRetObj);");
- else
- println("rmiObj->sendReturnObj(retObj, \"" + getEnumType(checkAndGetCplusArrayType(retTypeC)) + "\");");
- }
+ // Write the return value part
+ writeMethodHelperReturnCplusSkeleton(intDecl, methParams, methPrmTypes, method, isCallbackMethod,
+ callbackType, methodId, callbackClasses);
- println("rmiObj->getMethodParams(paramCls, numParam, paramObj);");
- if (isCallbackMethod)
- writeCallbackCplusStubGeneration(methParams, methPrmTypes, callbackType);
- checkAndWriteEnumTypeCplusSkeleton(methParams, methPrmTypes);
- writeStructMembersInitCplusSkeleton(intDecl, methParams, methPrmTypes, method);
- // Check if this is "void"
- String retType = intDecl.getMethodType(method);
- // Check if this is "void"
- if (retType.equals("void")) {
- print(methodId + "(");
- for (int i = 0; i < methParams.size(); i++) {
- String paramType = returnGenericCallbackType(methPrmTypes.get(i));
- if (callbackClasses.contains(paramType))
- print("stub" + i);
- else if (isEnumClass(getSimpleType(paramType))) // Check if this is enum type
- print("paramEnum" + i);
- else if (isStructClass(getSimpleType(paramType))) // Struct type
- print("paramStruct" + i);
- else
- print(getSimpleIdentifier(methParams.get(i)));
- if (i != methParams.size() - 1) {
- print(", ");
- }
- }
- println(");");
- } else { // We do have a return value
- if (isEnumClass(getSimpleArrayType(getSimpleType(retType)))) // Enum type
- print(checkAndGetCplusType(retType) + " retEnum = ");
- else if (isStructClass(getSimpleArrayType(getSimpleType(retType)))) // Struct type
- print(checkAndGetCplusType(retType) + " retStruct = ");
- else
- print(checkAndGetCplusType(retType) + " retVal = ");
- print(methodId + "(");
- for (int i = 0; i < methParams.size(); i++) {
- String paramType = returnGenericCallbackType(methPrmTypes.get(i));
- if (callbackClasses.contains(paramType))
- print("stub" + i);
- else if (isEnumClass(getSimpleType(paramType))) // Check if this is enum type
- print("paramEnum" + i);
- else if (isStructClass(getSimpleType(paramType))) // Struct type
- print("paramStruct" + i);
- else
- print(getSimpleIdentifier(methParams.get(i)));
- if (i != methParams.size() - 1) {
- print(", ");
- }
- }
- println(");");
- checkAndWriteEnumRetTypeCplusSkeleton(retType);
- if (isStructClass(getSimpleArrayType(getSimpleType(retType)))) // Struct type
- writeStructReturnCplusSkeleton(getSimpleArrayType(getSimpleType(retType)), retType);
- if (isEnumClass(getSimpleArrayType(getSimpleType(retType)))) // Enum type
- println("void* retObj = &retEnumInt;");
- else
- if (!isStructClass(getSimpleArrayType(getSimpleType(retType)))) // Struct type
- println("void* retObj = &retVal;");
- String retTypeC = checkAndGetCplusType(retType);
- if (isStructClass(getSimpleArrayType(getSimpleType(retType)))) // Struct type
- println("rmiObj->sendReturnObj(retObj, retCls, numRetObj);");
- else
- println("rmiObj->sendReturnObj(retObj, \"" + getEnumType(checkAndGetCplusArrayType(retTypeC)) + "\");");
- }
+ // Write the return value part
+ writeMethodHelperReturnCplusSkeleton(intDecl, methParams, methPrmTypes, method, isCallbackMethod,
+ callbackType, methodId, callbackClasses);