#include <folly/Benchmark.h>
#include <folly/SmallLocks.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <condition_variable>
+#include <numeric>
+#include <thread>
+#include <vector>
+/* "Work cycle" is just an additional nop loop iteration.
+ * A smaller number of work cyles will result in more contention,
+ * which is what we're trying to measure. The relative ratio of
+ * locked to unlocked cycles will simulate how big critical sections
+ * are in production code
+ */
+DEFINE_int32(work, 100, "Number of work cycles");
+DEFINE_int32(unlocked_work, 1000, "Number of unlocked work cycles");
+ threads,
+ std::thread::hardware_concurrency(),
+ "Number of threads for fairness test");
+static void burn(size_t n) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ folly::doNotOptimizeAway(i);
+ }
+namespace {
+struct SimpleBarrier {
+ explicit SimpleBarrier(size_t count) : lock_(), cv_(), count_(count) {}
+ void wait() {
+ std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lockHeld(lock_);
+ if (++num_ == count_) {
+ cv_.notify_all();
+ } else {
+ cv_.wait(lockHeld);
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ std::mutex lock_;
+ std::condition_variable cv_;
+ size_t num_{0};
+ size_t count_;
+template <typename Lock>
+class InitLock {
+ Lock lock_;
+ public:
+ InitLock() {
+ lock_.init();
+ }
+ void lock() {
+ lock_.lock();
+ }
+ void unlock() {
+ lock_.unlock();
+ }
+template <typename Lock>
+static void runContended(size_t numOps, size_t numThreads) {
+ folly::BenchmarkSuspender braces;
+ size_t totalthreads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
+ if (totalthreads < numThreads) {
+ totalthreads = numThreads;
+ }
+ size_t threadgroups = totalthreads / numThreads;
+ struct lockstruct {
+ char padding1[128];
+ Lock lock;
+ char padding2[128];
+ long value = 1;
+ };
+ auto locks =
+ (struct lockstruct*)calloc(threadgroups, sizeof(struct lockstruct));
+ char padding3[128];
+ (void)padding3;
+ std::vector<std::thread> threads(totalthreads);
+ SimpleBarrier runbarrier(totalthreads + 1);
+ for (size_t t = 0; t < totalthreads; ++t) {
+ threads[t] = std::thread([&, t, totalthreads] {
+ lockstruct* lock = &locks[t % threadgroups];
+ runbarrier.wait();
+ for (size_t op = 0; op < numOps; op += 1) {
+ lock->lock.lock();
+ burn(FLAGS_work);
+ lock->value++;
+ lock->lock.unlock();
+ burn(FLAGS_unlocked_work);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ runbarrier.wait();
+ braces.dismissing([&] {
+ for (auto& thr : threads) {
+ thr.join();
+ }
+ });
+template <typename Lock>
+static void runFairness() {
+ size_t numThreads = FLAGS_threads;
+ size_t totalthreads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
+ if (totalthreads < numThreads) {
+ totalthreads = numThreads;
+ }
+ long threadgroups = totalthreads / numThreads;
+ struct lockstruct {
+ char padding1[128];
+ Lock lock;
+ };
+ auto locks =
+ (struct lockstruct*)calloc(threadgroups, sizeof(struct lockstruct));
+ char padding3[64];
+ (void)padding3;
+ std::vector<std::thread> threads(totalthreads);
+ std::atomic<bool> stop{false};
+ std::mutex rlock;
+ std::vector<long> results;
+ std::vector<std::chrono::microseconds> maxes;
+ std::vector<std::chrono::microseconds> aqTime;
+ std::vector<unsigned long> aqTimeSq;
+ SimpleBarrier runbarrier(totalthreads + 1);
+ for (size_t t = 0; t < totalthreads; ++t) {
+ threads[t] = std::thread([&, t, totalthreads] {
+ lockstruct* lock = &locks[t % threadgroups];
+ long value = 0;
+ std::chrono::microseconds max(0);
+ std::chrono::microseconds time(0);
+ unsigned long timeSq(0);
+ runbarrier.wait();
+ while (!stop) {
+ std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point prelock =
+ std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+ lock->lock.lock();
+ std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point postlock =
+ std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+ auto diff = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(
+ postlock - prelock);
+ time += diff;
+ timeSq += diff.count() * diff.count();
+ if (diff > max) {
+ max = diff;
+ }
+ burn(FLAGS_work);
+ value++;
+ lock->lock.unlock();
+ burn(FLAGS_unlocked_work);
+ }
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> g(rlock);
+ results.push_back(value);
+ maxes.push_back(max);
+ aqTime.push_back(time);
+ aqTimeSq.push_back(timeSq);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ runbarrier.wait();
+ /* sleep override */
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(2));
+ stop = true;
+ for (auto& thr : threads) {
+ thr.join();
+ }
+ // Calulate some stats
+ unsigned long sum = std::accumulate(results.begin(), results.end(), 0.0);
+ double m = sum / results.size();
+ double accum = 0.0;
+ std::for_each(results.begin(), results.end(), [&](const double d) {
+ accum += (d - m) * (d - m);
+ });
+ double stdev = sqrt(accum / (results.size() - 1));
+ std::chrono::microseconds mx = *std::max_element(maxes.begin(), maxes.end());
+ std::chrono::microseconds agAqTime = std::accumulate(
+ aqTime.begin(), aqTime.end(), std::chrono::microseconds(0));
+ unsigned long agAqTimeSq =
+ std::accumulate(aqTimeSq.begin(), aqTimeSq.end(), 0);
+ std::chrono::microseconds mean = agAqTime / sum;
+ double variance = (sum * agAqTimeSq - (agAqTime.count() * agAqTime.count())) /
+ sum / (sum - 1);
+ double stddev2 = sqrt(variance);
+ printf("Sum: %li Mean: %.0f stddev: %.0f\n", sum, m, stdev);
+ printf(
+ "Lock time stats in us: mean %li stddev %.0f max %li\n",
+ mean.count(),
+ stddev2,
+ mx.count());
+BENCHMARK(StdMutexUncontendedBenchmark, iters) {
+ std::mutex lock;
+ while (iters--) {
+ lock.lock();
+ lock.unlock();
+ }
BENCHMARK(MicroSpinLockUncontendedBenchmark, iters) {
folly::MicroSpinLock lock;
-BENCHMARK(StdMutexUncontendedBenchmark, iters) {
- std::mutex lock;
- while (iters--) {
- lock.lock();
- lock.unlock();
- }
struct VirtualBase {
virtual void foo() = 0;
virtual ~VirtualBase() {}
+static void std_mutex(size_t numOps, size_t numThreads) {
+ runContended<std::mutex>(numOps, numThreads);
+static void folly_microspin(size_t numOps, size_t numThreads) {
+ runContended<InitLock<folly::MicroSpinLock>>(numOps, numThreads);
+static void folly_picospin(size_t numOps, size_t numThreads) {
+ runContended<InitLock<folly::PicoSpinLock<uint16_t>>>(numOps, numThreads);
+static void folly_microlock(size_t numOps, size_t numThreads) {
+ runContended<folly::MicroLock>(numOps, numThreads);
+BENCH_BASE(std_mutex, 1thread, 1)
+BENCH_REL(folly_microspin, 1thread, 1)
+BENCH_REL(folly_picospin, 1thread, 1)
+BENCH_REL(folly_microlock, 1thread, 1)
+BENCH_BASE(std_mutex, 2thread, 2)
+BENCH_REL(folly_microspin, 2thread, 2)
+BENCH_REL(folly_picospin, 2thread, 2)
+BENCH_REL(folly_microlock, 2thread, 2)
+BENCH_BASE(std_mutex, 4thread, 4)
+BENCH_REL(folly_microspin, 4thread, 4)
+BENCH_REL(folly_picospin, 4thread, 4)
+BENCH_REL(folly_microlock, 4thread, 4)
+BENCH_BASE(std_mutex, 8thread, 8)
+BENCH_REL(folly_microspin, 8thread, 8)
+BENCH_REL(folly_picospin, 8thread, 8)
+BENCH_REL(folly_microlock, 8thread, 8)
+BENCH_BASE(std_mutex, 16thread, 16)
+BENCH_REL(folly_microspin, 16thread, 16)
+BENCH_REL(folly_picospin, 16thread, 16)
+BENCH_REL(folly_microlock, 16thread, 16)
+BENCH_BASE(std_mutex, 32thread, 32)
+BENCH_REL(folly_microspin, 32thread, 32)
+BENCH_REL(folly_picospin, 32thread, 32)
+BENCH_REL(folly_microlock, 32thread, 32)
+BENCH_BASE(std_mutex, 64thread, 64)
+BENCH_REL(folly_microspin, 64thread, 64)
+BENCH_REL(folly_picospin, 64thread, 64)
+BENCH_REL(folly_microlock, 64thread, 64)
+#define FairnessTest(type) \
+ { \
+ printf(#type ": \n"); \
+ runFairness<type>(); \
+ }
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
gflags::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);
+ FairnessTest(std::mutex);
+ FairnessTest(InitLock<folly::MicroSpinLock>);
+ FairnessTest(InitLock<folly::PicoSpinLock<uint16_t>>);
+ FairnessTest(folly::MicroLock);
return 0;
+locks_benchmark --bm_min_iters=1000000
+Sum: 2895849 Mean: 90495 stddev: 3147
+Lock time stats in us: mean 11 stddev 1483 max 17823
+Sum: 3114365 Mean: 97323 stddev: 92604
+Lock time stats in us: mean 19 stddev 1379 max 235710
+Sum: 1189713 Mean: 37178 stddev: 23295
+Lock time stats in us: mean 51 stddev 3610 max 414093
+Sum: 1890150 Mean: 59067 stddev: 26795
+Lock time stats in us: mean 31 stddev 2272 max 70996
+folly/test/SmallLocksBenchmark.cpp relative time/iter iters/s
+StdMutexUncontendedBenchmark 25.97ns 38.51M
+MicroSpinLockUncontendedBenchmark 16.26ns 61.49M
+PicoSpinLockUncontendedBenchmark 15.92ns 62.82M
+MicroLockUncontendedBenchmark 28.54ns 35.03M
+VirtualFunctionCall 1.73ns 576.51M
+std_mutex(1thread) 898.49ns 1.11M
+folly_microspin(1thread) 87.68% 1.02us 975.85K
+folly_picospin(1thread) 95.06% 945.15ns 1.06M
+folly_microlock(1thread) 87.34% 1.03us 972.05K
+std_mutex(2thread) 1.29us 773.03K
+folly_microspin(2thread) 90.35% 1.43us 698.40K
+folly_picospin(2thread) 126.11% 1.03us 974.90K
+folly_microlock(2thread) 109.99% 1.18us 850.24K
+std_mutex(4thread) 3.03us 330.05K
+folly_microspin(4thread) 94.03% 3.22us 310.33K
+folly_picospin(4thread) 127.16% 2.38us 419.70K
+folly_microlock(4thread) 64.39% 4.71us 212.51K
+std_mutex(8thread) 4.79us 208.81K
+folly_microspin(8thread) 71.50% 6.70us 149.30K
+folly_picospin(8thread) 54.58% 8.77us 113.96K
+folly_microlock(8thread) 55.58% 8.62us 116.05K
+std_mutex(16thread) 12.14us 82.39K
+folly_microspin(16thread) 102.02% 11.90us 84.05K
+folly_picospin(16thread) 62.30% 19.48us 51.33K
+folly_microlock(16thread) 64.54% 18.81us 53.17K
+std_mutex(32thread) 22.52us 44.41K
+folly_microspin(32thread) 88.25% 25.52us 39.19K
+folly_picospin(32thread) 46.04% 48.91us 20.45K
+folly_microlock(32thread) 67.08% 33.57us 29.79K
+std_mutex(64thread) 43.29us 23.10K
+folly_microspin(64thread) 98.01% 44.17us 22.64K
+folly_picospin(64thread) 48.62% 89.04us 11.23K
+folly_microlock(64thread) 62.68% 69.07us 14.48K