A simple LRU hash map.
+#### [`FBString.h`](FBString.md)
A drop-in implementation of `std::string` with a variety of optimizations.
+#### [`FBVector.h`](FBVector.md)
A mostly drop-in implementation of `std::vector` with a variety of
Futures is a framework for expressing asynchronous code in C++ using the Promise/Future pattern.
+#### [`Format.h`](Format.md)
Python-style formatting utilities.
This library makes it possible to write declarative comprehensions for
processing sequences of values efficiently in C++ akin to C#'s LINQ.
+#### [`GroupVarint.h`](GroupVarint.md)
[Group Varint
A collection of useful of abstractions for high-performance io. This is heavily relied upon
in Facebook's internally networking code.
+#### `Hash.h`
Various popular hash function implementations.
+#### [`Histogram.h`](Histogram.md)
A simple class for collecting histogram data.
+#### `IntrusiveList.h`
Convenience type definitions for using `boost::intrusive_list`.
+#### `json.h`
JSON serializer and deserializer. Uses `dynamic.h`.
+#### `Likely.h`
Wrappers around [`__builtin_expect`](http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Other-Builtins.html).
-####`Malloc.h`, `Memory.h`
+#### `Malloc.h`, `Memory.h`
Memory allocation helpers, particularly when using jemalloc.
+#### `MicroSpinLock.h`
A really, *really* small spinlock for fine-grained locking of lots of teeny-tiny data.
+#### `MPMCQueue.h`
MPMCQueue<typename> is a high-performance bounded concurrent queue that
supports multiple producers, multiple consumers, and optional blocking.
The additional utility `MPMCPipeline.h` is an extension that lets you
chain several queues together with processing steps in between.
+#### [`PackedSyncPtr.h`](PackedSyncPtr.md)
A highly specialized data structure consisting of a pointer, a 1-bit
spin lock, and a 15-bit integral, all inside one 64-bit word.
+#### `Preprocessor.h`
Necessarily evil stuff.
+#### [`ProducerConsumerQueue.h`](ProducerConsumerQueue.md)
Lock free single-reader, single-writer queue.
+#### `Random.h`
Defines only one function---`randomNumberSeed()`.
+#### `Range.h`
Boost-style range facility and the `StringPiece` specialization.
+#### `RWSpinLock.h`
Fast and compact reader-writer spin lock.
+#### `ScopeGuard.h`
C++11 incarnation of the old [ScopeGuard](http://drdobbs.com/184403758) idiom.
+#### `Singleton.h`
A singleton to rule the singletons. This is an attempt to insert a layer between
C++ statics and the fiasco that ensues, so that things can be created, and destroyed,
Singletons are bad for you, but this may help.
+#### [`SmallLocks.h`](SmallLocks.md)
Very small spin locks (1 byte and 1 bit).
+#### `small_vector.h`
Vector with the small buffer optimization and an optional embedded
+#### `sorted_vector_types.h`
Collections similar to `std::map` but implemented as sorted vectors.
A collection of efficient utilities for collecting statistics (often of
time series data).
+#### `StlAllocator.h`
STL allocator wrapping a simple allocate/deallocate interface.
+#### `String.h`
String utilities that connect `folly::fbstring` with `std::string`.
+#### `Subprocess.h`
Subprocess library, modeled after Python's subprocess module.
+#### [`Synchronized.h`](Synchronized.md)
High-level synchronization library.
+#### `System.h`
Demangling and errno utilities.
+#### [`ThreadCachedInt.h`](ThreadCachedInt.md)
High-performance atomic increment using thread caching.
+#### [`ThreadLocal.h`](ThreadLocal.md)
Improved thread local storage for non-trivial types.
+#### `TimeoutQueue.h`
Queue with per-item timeout.
+#### `Traits.h`
Type traits that complement those defined in the standard C++11 header
+#### `Unicode.h`
Defines the `codePointToUtf8` function.
+#### `Uri.h`
-A collection of utilities to deal with URIs.
\ No newline at end of file
+A collection of utilities to deal with URIs.