SafetyAnalysis sa;
PrefetchAnalysis pa;
MLPAnalysis mlpa;
+ String mlperrstr = "if(status != 0) { "+
+ "sprintf(errmsg, \"MLP error at %s:%d\", __FILE__, __LINE__); "+
+ "perror(errmsg); exit(-1); }";
Hashtable<FlatSESEEnterNode, FlatMethod> sese2bogusFlatMeth;
boolean nonSESEpass=true;
WriteBarrier wb;
outmethod.println("#include \"checkers.h\"");
if (state.MLP) {
+ outmethod.println("#include <stdlib.h>");
+ outmethod.println("#include <stdio.h>");
outmethod.println("#include \"mlp_runtime.h\"");
outmethod.println("/* GET RID OF THIS LATER */");
outmethod.println("SESErecord* tempSESE;");
+ // when a new mlp thread is created for an issued SESE, it is started
+ // by running this method which blocks on a cond variable until
+ // it is allowed to transition to execute. Then a case statement
+ // allows it to invoke the method with the proper SESE body, and after
+ // exiting the SESE method, executes proper SESE exit code before the
+ // thread can be destroyed
private void generateSESEinvocationMethod(PrintWriter outmethodheader,
PrintWriter outmethod
) {
outmethodheader.println("void* invokeSESEmethod( void* vargs );");
outmethod.println( "void* invokeSESEmethod( void* vargs ) {");
+ outmethod.println( " int status;");
+ outmethod.println( " char errmsg[128];");
outmethod.println( " invokeSESEargs* args = (invokeSESEargs*) vargs;");
- // use this info in the invocation cases to decide whether
- // to gather SESE variables from a parent SESE record, or
- // if parent is root, from noraml temps
- outmethod.println( " char parentIsRoot = (args->parent == NULL);");
+ // wait on a condition variable that dispatcher will signal
+ // then this SESE instance's dependencies are resolved
+ outmethod.println( " status = pthread_mutex_lock( args->invokee->startCondVarLock );");
+ outmethod.println( " "+mlperrstr);
+ outmethod.println( " while( !(args->invokee->startedExecuting) ){");
+ outmethod.println( " status = pthread_cond_wait( args->invokee->startCondVar, args->invokee->startCondVarLock );");
+ outmethod.println( " "+mlperrstr);
+ outmethod.println( " }");
// generate a case for each SESE class that can be invoked
outmethod.println( " switch( args->classID ) {");
ParamsObject objectparams = (ParamsObject)paramstable.get(bogusmd);
// first copy SESE record into param structure
- output.println(" if( parentIsRoot ) {");
- output.println(" ");
- output.println(" }");
// then invoke the sese's method
output.print(" "+cn.getSafeSymbol()+bogusmd.getSafeSymbol()+"_"+bogusmd.getSafeMethodDescriptor());
- output.println(" tempSESE = (SESErecord*) malloc( sizeof( SESErecord ) );");
- output.println(" tempSESE->vars = (SESEvar*) malloc( sizeof( SESEvar ) * "+
- +fsen.numParameters()+
- ");");
+ output.println("\n /* SESE "+fsen.getPrettyIdentifier()+" issue */");
+ output.println(" tempSESE = mlpCreateSESErecord( "+
+ fsen.getIdentifier()+", "+
+ "0, "+
+ "mlpGetCurrent(), "+
+ fsen.numParameters()+", "+
+ "NULL );");
for( int i = 0; i < fsen.numParameters(); ++i ) {
TempDescriptor td = fsen.getParameter( i );
TypeDescriptor type = td.getType();
- output.println(" tempSESE->vars["+i+"].sesetype_"+type.toString()+" = "+td+";");
+ output.println(" tempSESE->vars["+i+"].sesetype_"+type.toString()+" = "+td+";");
- output.println(" mlpIssue( tempSESE );");
- output.println(" tempSESE = mlpSchedule();");
- output.println(" tempParentSESE = mlpGetCurrent();");
+ output.println(" mlpIssue( tempSESE );");
+ output.println(" tempSESE = mlpSchedule();");
+ output.println(" tempParentSESE = mlpGetCurrent();");
// do a pthread_create wit invokeSESE as the argument
// and pack all args into a single void*
- output.println(" tempSESEargs = (invokeSESEargs*) malloc( sizeof( invokeSESEargs ) );");
- output.println(" tempSESEargs->classID = "+fsen.getIdentifier()+";");
- output.println(" tempSESEargs->invokee = tempSESE;");
- output.println(" tempSESEargs->parent = tempParentSESE;");
+ output.println(" tempSESEargs = (invokeSESEargs*) malloc( sizeof( invokeSESEargs ) );");
+ output.println(" tempSESEargs->classID = "+fsen.getIdentifier()+";");
+ output.println(" tempSESEargs->invokee = tempSESE;");
+ output.println(" tempSESEargs->parent = tempParentSESE;");
- output.println(" invokeSESEmethod( (void*) tempSESEargs );");
+ output.println(" invokeSESEmethod( (void*) tempSESEargs );");
+ output.println("\n");
public void generateFlatSESEExitNode(FlatMethod fm, LocalityBinding lb, FlatSESEExitNode fsen, PrintWriter output) {