MethodDescriptor md = toAnalyzeMethodNext();
if (ssjava.needTobeAnnotated(md)) {
System.out.println("SSJAVA: Checking assignments: " + md);
- checkMethodBody(cd, md);
+ checkMethodBody(cd, md, null);
checkDeclarationInBlockNode(md, nametable, ln.getBody());
- private void checkMethodBody(ClassDescriptor cd, MethodDescriptor md) {
+ private void checkMethodBody(ClassDescriptor cd, MethodDescriptor md,
+ CompositeLocation constraints) {
BlockNode bn = state.getMethodBody(md);
- checkLocationFromBlockNode(md, md.getParameterTable(), bn, null);
+ checkLocationFromBlockNode(md, md.getParameterTable(), bn, constraints);
private String generateErrorMessage(ClassDescriptor cd, TreeNode tn) {
SymbolTable nametable, MethodInvokeNode min, CompositeLocation loc,
CompositeLocation constraint) {
- CompositeLocation baseLocation = null;
- if (min.getExpression() != null) {
- baseLocation =
- checkLocationFromExpressionNode(md, nametable, min.getExpression(),
- new CompositeLocation(), constraint, false);
- } else {
+ ClassDescriptor cd = md.getClassDesc();
+ MethodDescriptor calleeMD = min.getMethod();
+ if (!ssjava.isTrustMethod(calleeMD)) {
+ CompositeLocation baseLocation = null;
+ if (min.getExpression() != null) {
+ baseLocation =
+ checkLocationFromExpressionNode(md, nametable, min.getExpression(),
+ new CompositeLocation(), constraint, false);
+ } else {
- if (min.getMethod().isStatic()) {
- String globalLocId = ssjava.getMethodLattice(md).getGlobalLoc();
- if (globalLocId == null) {
- throw new Error("Method lattice does not define global variable location at "
- + generateErrorMessage(md.getClassDesc(), min));
+ if (min.getMethod().isStatic()) {
+ String globalLocId = ssjava.getMethodLattice(md).getGlobalLoc();
+ if (globalLocId == null) {
+ throw new Error("Method lattice does not define global variable location at "
+ + generateErrorMessage(md.getClassDesc(), min));
+ }
+ baseLocation = new CompositeLocation(new Location(md, globalLocId));
+ } else {
+ String thisLocId = ssjava.getMethodLattice(md).getThisLoc();
+ baseLocation = new CompositeLocation(new Location(md, thisLocId));
- baseLocation = new CompositeLocation(new Location(md, globalLocId));
- } else {
- String thisLocId = ssjava.getMethodLattice(md).getThisLoc();
- baseLocation = new CompositeLocation(new Location(md, thisLocId));
+ }
+ System.out.println("\n#checkLocationFromMethodInvokeNode=" + min.printNode(0)
+ + " baseLocation=" + baseLocation);
+ int compareResult =
+, baseLocation, true, generateErrorMessage(cd, min));
+ if (compareResult == ComparisonResult.LESS) {
+ throw new Error("Method invocation does not respect the current branch constraint at "
+ + generateErrorMessage(cd, min));
+ } else if (compareResult != ComparisonResult.GREATER) {
+ // if the current constraint is higher than method's THIS location
+ // no need to check constraints!
+ CompositeLocation calleeConstraint =
+ translateCallerLocToCalleeLoc(calleeMD, baseLocation, constraint);
+ checkMethodBody(calleeMD.getClassDesc(), calleeMD, calleeConstraint);
- }
- checkCalleeConstraints(md, nametable, min, baseLocation, constraint);
+ checkCalleeConstraints(md, nametable, min, baseLocation, constraint);
- checkCallerArgumentLocationConstraints(md, nametable, min, baseLocation, constraint);
+ checkCallerArgumentLocationConstraints(md, nametable, min, baseLocation, constraint);
- if (!min.getMethod().getReturnType().isVoid()) {
- // If method has a return value, compute the highest possible return
- // location in the caller's perspective
- CompositeLocation ceilingLoc =
- computeCeilingLocationForCaller(md, nametable, min, baseLocation, constraint);
- return ceilingLoc;
+ if (!min.getMethod().getReturnType().isVoid()) {
+ // If method has a return value, compute the highest possible return
+ // location in the caller's perspective
+ CompositeLocation ceilingLoc =
+ computeCeilingLocationForCaller(md, nametable, min, baseLocation, constraint);
+ return ceilingLoc;
+ }
return new CompositeLocation();
+ private CompositeLocation translateCallerLocToCalleeLoc(MethodDescriptor calleeMD,
+ CompositeLocation calleeBaseLoc, CompositeLocation constraint) {
+ CompositeLocation calleeConstraint = new CompositeLocation();
+ // if (constraint.startsWith(calleeBaseLoc)) {
+ // if the first part of constraint loc is matched with callee base loc
+ Location thisLoc = new Location(calleeMD, ssjava.getMethodLattice(calleeMD).getThisLoc());
+ calleeConstraint.addLocation(thisLoc);
+ for (int i = calleeBaseLoc.getSize(); i < constraint.getSize(); i++) {
+ calleeConstraint.addLocation(constraint.get(i));
+ }
+ // }
+ return calleeConstraint;
+ }
private void checkCallerArgumentLocationConstraints(MethodDescriptor md, SymbolTable nametable,
MethodInvokeNode min, CompositeLocation callerBaseLoc, CompositeLocation constraint) {
// if parameter location consists of THIS and FIELD location,
System.out.println("\n## computeReturnLocation=" + min.getMethod() + " argList=" + argList);
- CompositeLocation compLoc = md2ReturnLocGen.get(min.getMethod()).computeReturnLocation(argList);
- DeltaLocation delta = new DeltaLocation(compLoc, 1);
- System.out.println("##computeReturnLocation=" + delta);
+ CompositeLocation ceilLoc = md2ReturnLocGen.get(min.getMethod()).computeReturnLocation(argList);
+ System.out.println("## ReturnLocation=" + ceilLoc);
- return delta;
+ return ceilLoc;
private void checkCalleeConstraints(MethodDescriptor md, SymbolTable nametable,
MethodInvokeNode min, CompositeLocation callerBaseLoc, CompositeLocation constraint) {
- System.out.println("checkCalleeConstraints="+min.printNode(0));
+ System.out.println("checkCalleeConstraints=" + min.printNode(0));
MethodDescriptor calleemd = min.getMethod();
for (int i = 0; i < calleemd.numParameters(); i++) {
VarDescriptor calleevd = (VarDescriptor) calleemd.getParameter(i);
CompositeLocation calleeLoc = d2loc.get(calleevd);
- System.out.println("calleevd="+calleevd+" loc="+calleeLoc);
+ System.out.println("calleevd=" + calleevd + " loc=" + calleeLoc);
|| callerLoc2.get(callerLoc2.getSize() - 1).isTop()) {
continue CHECK;
- System.out.println("calleeLoc1="+calleeLoc1);
- System.out.println("calleeLoc2="+calleeLoc2+"calleeParamList="+calleeParamList);
+ System.out.println("calleeLoc1=" + calleeLoc1);
+ System.out.println("calleeLoc2=" + calleeLoc2 + "calleeParamList=" + calleeParamList);
int callerResult =, callerLoc2, true,
checkLocationFromExpressionNode(md, nametable, an.getSrc(), new CompositeLocation(),
constraint, false);
+ srcLocation = rhsLocation;
+ // if (!rhsLocation.get(rhsLocation.getSize() - 1).isTop()) {
+ if (constraint != null) {
+ inputGLBSet.add(rhsLocation);
+ inputGLBSet.add(constraint);
+ srcLocation = CompositeLattice.calculateGLB(inputGLBSet, generateErrorMessage(cd, an));
+ }
+ // }
System.out.println("dstLocation=" + destLocation);
System.out.println("rhsLocation=" + rhsLocation);
+ System.out.println("srcLocation=" + srcLocation);
System.out.println("constraint=" + constraint);
- srcLocation = rhsLocation;
+ if (!CompositeLattice.isGreaterThan(srcLocation, destLocation, generateErrorMessage(cd, an))) {
- if (!rhsLocation.get(rhsLocation.getSize() - 1).isTop()) {
+ String context = "";
if (constraint != null) {
- inputGLBSet.add(rhsLocation);
- inputGLBSet.add(constraint);
- srcLocation = CompositeLattice.calculateGLB(inputGLBSet, generateErrorMessage(cd, an));
+ context = " and the current context constraint is " + constraint;
- }
- if (!CompositeLattice.isGreaterThan(srcLocation, destLocation, generateErrorMessage(cd, an))) {
throw new Error("The value flow from " + srcLocation + " to " + destLocation
- + " does not respect location hierarchy on the assignment " + an.printNode(0) + " at "
- + cd.getSourceFileName() + "::" + an.getNumLine());
+ + " does not respect location hierarchy on the assignment " + an.printNode(0) + context
+ + " at " + cd.getSourceFileName() + "::" + an.getNumLine());
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
int type = (paramIdx2paramType.get(new Integer(i))).intValue();
CompositeLocation argLoc = args.get(i);
- if (type == PARAMISHIGHER) {
- // return loc is lower than param
- DeltaLocation delta = new DeltaLocation(argLoc, 1);
- inputGLB.add(delta);
- } else if (type == PARAMISSAME) {
- // return loc is equal or lower than param
+ if (type == PARAMISHIGHER || type == PARAMISSAME) {
+ // return loc is equal to or lower than param