class LinpackRunner extends Thread {
int id,lda,n,info,ipvt[];
double a[][];
- TournamentBarrier br;
+ Barrier br;
int nthreads;
- public LinpackRunner(int id, double a[][], int lda, int n, int ipvt[],TournamentBarrier br, int nthreads) {
+ public LinpackRunner(int id, double a[][], int lda, int n, int ipvt[],Barrier br, int nthreads) { = id;
public void run() {
- double[] col_k, col_j;
- double t;
- int j,k,kp1,l,nm1;
- int info;
- int slice,ilow,iupper;
- // gaussian elimination with partial pivoting
- atomic {
+ double[] col_k, col_j;
+ double t;
+ int j,k,kp1,l,nm1;
+ int info;
+ int slice,ilow,iupper;
+ // gaussian elimination with partial pivoting
info = 0;
- nm1 = n - 1;
+ int nlocal;
+ Barrier tmpbr;
+ int lid;
+ atomic {
+ nlocal=n;
+ tmpbr=br;
+ lid=id;
+ }
+ nm1 = nlocal - 1;
if (nm1 >= 0) {
- for (k = 0; k < nm1; k++) {
- col_k = a[k];
- kp1 = k + 1;
- // find l = pivot index
- l = idamax(n-k,col_k,k,1) + k;
- if(id==0) {
- ipvt[k] = l;
- }
- // synchronise threads
- br.DoBarrier(id);
- // zero pivot implies this column already triangularized
- if (col_k[l] != 0) {
- br.DoBarrier(id);
- // interchange if necessary
- if(id == 0 ) {
- if (l != k) {
- t = col_k[l];
- col_k[l] = col_k[k];
- col_k[k] = t;
- }
- }
- // synchronise threads
- br.DoBarrier(id);
- // compute multipliers
- t = -1.0/col_k[k];
- if(id == 0) {
- dscal(n-(kp1),t,col_k,kp1,1);
- }
- // synchronise threads
- br.DoBarrier(id);
- // row elimination with column indexing
- slice = ((n-kp1) + nthreads-1)/nthreads;
- ilow = (id*slice)+kp1;
- iupper = ((id+1)*slice)+kp1;
- if (iupper > n ) iupper=n;
- if (ilow > n ) ilow=n;
- for (j = ilow; j < iupper; j++) {
- col_j = a[j];
- t = col_j[l];
- if (l != k) {
- col_j[l] = col_j[k];
- col_j[k] = t;
- }
- daxpy(n-(kp1),t,col_k,kp1,1,
- col_j,kp1,1);
- }
- // synchronise threads
- br.DoBarrier(id);
- } else {
- info = k;
- }
- br.DoBarrier(id);
- }
+ for (k = 0; k < nm1; k++) {
+ atomic {
+ col_k = a[k];
+ kp1 = k + 1;
+ // find l = pivot index
+ l = idamax(nlocal-k,col_k,k,1) + k;
+ if(lid==0) {
+ ipvt[k] = l;
+ }
+ }
+ // synchronise threads
+ Barrier.enterBarrier(tmpbr);
+ // zero pivot implies this column already triangularized
+ boolean b;
+ atomic {
+ b=col_k[l]!=0;
+ }
+ if (b) {
+ Barrier.enterBarrier(tmpbr);
+ // interchange if necessary
+ atomic {
+ if(lid == 0 ) {
+ if (l != k) {
+ t = col_k[l];
+ col_k[l] = col_k[k];
+ col_k[k] = t;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // synchronise threads
+ Barrier.enterBarrier(tmpbr);
+ // compute multipliers
+ atomic {
+ t = -1.0/col_k[k];
+ if(lid == 0) {
+ dscal(nlocal-(kp1),t,col_k,kp1,1);
+ }
+ }
+ // synchronise threads
+ Barrier.enterBarrier(tmpbr);
+ // row elimination with column indexing
+ atomic {
+ slice = ((nlocal-kp1) + nthreads-1)/nthreads;
+ ilow = (lid*slice)+kp1;
+ iupper = ((lid+1)*slice)+kp1;
+ if (iupper > nlocal ) iupper=nlocal;
+ if (ilow > nlocal ) ilow=nlocal;
+ for (j = ilow; j < iupper; j++) {
+ col_j = a[j];
+ t = col_j[l];
+ if (l != k) {
+ col_j[l] = col_j[k];
+ col_j[k] = t;
+ }
+ daxpy(nlocal-(kp1),t,col_k,kp1,1,
+ col_j,kp1,1);
+ }
+ }
+ // synchronise threads
+ Barrier.enterBarrier(tmpbr);
+ } else {
+ info = k;
+ }
+ Barrier.enterBarrier(tmpbr);
+ }
- if(id==0) {
- ipvt[n-1] = n-1;
+ atomic {
+ if(lid==0) {
+ ipvt[nlocal-1] = nlocal-1;
+ }
+ if (a[(nlocal-1)][(nlocal-1)] == 0) info = nlocal-1;
- if (a[(n-1)][(n-1)] == 0) info = n-1;
- }