+++ /dev/null
- * Copyright 2014 Facebook, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-// @author Nicholas Ormrod <njormrod@fb.com>
- *
- * This file is not perfect - benchmarking is a finicky process.
- *
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-#include <vector>
-#include "OFBVector.h"
-#include "folly/FBVector.h"
-#include <chrono>
-#include <deque>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <locale>
-#include <memory>
-#include <string>
-#include <boost/preprocessor.hpp>
-using namespace std;
-static const bool enableColors = true;
-// use the timestamp counter for time measurements
-static inline
-void clear_icache() {} // placeholder
-// return the CPU timestamp counter
-static uint64_t readTSC() {
- unsigned reslo, reshi;
- __asm__ __volatile__ (
- "xorl %%eax,%%eax \n cpuid \n"
- ::: "%eax", "%ebx", "%ecx", "%edx");
- __asm__ __volatile__ (
- "rdtsc\n"
- : "=a" (reslo), "=d" (reshi) );
- __asm__ __volatile__ (
- "xorl %%eax,%%eax \n cpuid \n"
- ::: "%eax", "%ebx", "%ecx", "%edx");
- return ((uint64_t)reshi << 32) | reslo;
-// Timer
-// The TIME* macros expand to a sequence of functions and classes whose aim
-// is to run a benchmark function several times with different types and
-// sizes.
-// The first and last thing that TIME* expands to is a function declaration,
-// through the DECL macro. The declared function is templated on the full
-// vector type, its value_type, its allocator_type, and a number N.
-// The first DECL is a forward declaration, and is followed by a
-// semicolon. The second DECL ends the macro - a function body is to be
-// supplied after the macro invocation.
-// The declared function returns a uint64_t, which is assumed to be a time.
-// The GETTER macro calls the DECL function repeatedly. It returns the
-// minimum time taken to execute DECL. GETTER runs DECL between 2 and 100
-// times (it will not run the full 100 if the tests take a long time).
-// The EVALUATOR macro calls the GETTER macro with each of std::vector,
-// the original fbvector (folly::fbvector), and the new fbvector
-// (Ifolly::fbvector). It runs all three twice, and then calls the
-// pretty printer to display the results. Before calling the pretty
-// printer, the EVALUATOR outputs the three message strings.
-// The EXECUTOR macro calls the EVALUATOR with different values of N.
-// It also defines the string message for N.
-// The RUNNER macro defines a struct. That struct defines the testname
-// string. The constructor calls the EXECUTOR with each test type, and
-// also defines the test type string.
-// The RUNNER class is also instantiated, so the constructor will be run
-// before entering main().
-#define TIME(str, types) TIME_I(str, types, (0))
-#define TIME_N(str, types) TIME_I(str, types, (0)(16)(64)(1024)(16384)(262144))
-#define TIME_I(str, types, values) \
- TIME_II(str, BOOST_PP_CAT(t_, __LINE__), types, values)
-#define TIME_II(str, name, types, values) \
- DECL(name); \
- GETTER(name) \
- EVALUATOR(name) \
- EXECUTOR(name, values) \
- RUNNER(str, name, types) \
- DECL(name)
-#define DECL(name) \
- template <class Vector, typename T, typename Allocator, int N> \
- static inline uint64_t BOOST_PP_CAT(run_, name) ()
-#define GETTER(name) \
- template <class Vector, int N> \
- static uint64_t BOOST_PP_CAT(get_, name) () { \
- auto s = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); \
- uint64_t minticks = ~uint64_t(0); \
- int burst = 0; \
- for (; burst < 100; ++burst) { \
- auto t = BOOST_PP_CAT(run_, name) <Vector, \
- typename Vector::value_type, typename Vector::allocator_type, N> (); \
- minticks = min(minticks, t); \
- if (minticks * burst > 10000000) break; \
- } \
- auto e = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); \
- chrono::nanoseconds d(e - s); \
- return minticks; \
- return d.count() / burst; \
- }
-#define EVALUATOR(name) \
- template <typename T, typename Allocator, int N> \
- void BOOST_PP_CAT(evaluate_, name) \
- ( string& part1, string& part2, string& part3 ) { \
- cout << setw(25) << left << part1 \
- << setw(4) << left << part2 \
- << setw(6) << right << part3; \
- part1.clear(); part2.clear(); part3.clear(); \
- auto v1 = BOOST_PP_CAT(get_, name) \
- <Ifolly::fbvector<T, Allocator>, N> (); \
- auto v2 = BOOST_PP_CAT(get_, name) \
- < folly::fbvector<T, Allocator>, N> (); \
- auto v3 = BOOST_PP_CAT(get_, name) \
- < std:: vector<T, Allocator>, N> (); \
- auto v1b = BOOST_PP_CAT(get_, name) \
- <Ifolly::fbvector<T, Allocator>, N> (); \
- auto v2b = BOOST_PP_CAT(get_, name) \
- < folly::fbvector<T, Allocator>, N> (); \
- auto v3b = BOOST_PP_CAT(get_, name) \
- < std:: vector<T, Allocator>, N> (); \
- prettyPrint(min(v1, v1b), min(v2, v2b), min(v3, v3b)); \
- cout << endl; \
- }
-#define EXECUTOR(name, values) \
- template <typename T, typename Allocator> \
- void BOOST_PP_CAT(execute_, name) ( string& part1, string& part2 ) { \
- }
-#define EVALUATE(r, name, value) \
- { string part3(BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(value)); \
- BOOST_PP_CAT(evaluate_, name) <T, Allocator, value> \
- ( part1, part2, part3 ); }
-#define RUNNER(str, name, types) \
- struct BOOST_PP_CAT(Runner_, name) { \
- BOOST_PP_CAT(Runner_, name) () { \
- string part1(str); \
- BOOST_PP_SEQ_FOR_EACH(EXECUTE, (part1, name), types) \
- } \
- } BOOST_PP_CAT(runner_, name);
-#define EXECUTE(r, pn, type) \
- { string part2(BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(type)); \
- BOOST_PP_CAT(execute_, BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(2, 1, pn)) \
- <typename type::first_type, typename type::second_type> \
- ( BOOST_PP_TUPLE_ELEM(2, 0, pn), part2 ); }
-// pretty printer
-// The pretty printer displays the times for each of the three vectors.
-// The fastest time (or times, if there is a tie) is highlighted in green.
-// Additionally, if the new fbvector (time v1) is not the fastest, then
-// it is highlighted with red or blue. It is highlighted with blue only
-// if it lost by a small margin (5 clock cycles or 2%, whichever is
-// greater).
-void prettyPrint(uint64_t v1, uint64_t v2, uint64_t v3) {
- // rdtsc takes some time to run; about 157 clock cycles
- // if we see a smaller positive number, adjust readtsc
- uint64_t readtsc_time = 157;
- if (v1 != 0 && v1 < readtsc_time) readtsc_time = v1;
- if (v2 != 0 && v2 < readtsc_time) readtsc_time = v2;
- if (v3 != 0 && v3 < readtsc_time) readtsc_time = v3;
- if (v1 == 0) v1 = ~uint64_t(0); else v1 -= readtsc_time;
- if (v2 == 0) v2 = ~uint64_t(0); else v2 -= readtsc_time;
- if (v3 == 0) v3 = ~uint64_t(0); else v3 -= readtsc_time;
- auto least = min({ v1, v2, v3 });
- // a good time is less than 2% or 5 clock cycles slower
- auto good = max(least + 5, (uint64_t)(least * 1.02));
- string w("\x1b[1;;42m"); // green
- string g("\x1b[1;;44m"); // blue
- string b("\x1b[1;;41m"); // red
- string e("\x1b[0m"); // reset
- if (!enableColors) {
- w = b = e = "";
- }
- cout << " ";
- if (v1 == least) cout << w;
- else if (v1 <= good) cout << g;
- else cout << b;
- cout << setw(13) << right;
- if (v1 == ~uint64_t(0)) cout << "-"; else cout << v1;
- cout << " " << e << " ";
- if (v2 == least) cout << w;
- cout << setw(13) << right;
- if (v2 == ~uint64_t(0)) cout << "-"; else cout << v2;
- cout << " " << e << " ";
- if (v3 == least) cout << w;
- cout << setw(13) << right;
- if (v3 == ~uint64_t(0)) cout << "-"; else cout << v3;
- cout << " " << e << " ";
-// table formatting
-// Much like the TIME macros, the Leader and Line struct/macros
-// instantiate a class before main, and work is done inside the
-// constructors. The Leader and Line struct print out pretty
-// table boundaries and titles.
-uint64_t leader_elapsed() {
- static auto t = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
- chrono::nanoseconds d(chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - t);
- return d.count() / 1000000000;
-struct Leader {
- Leader() {
- leader_elapsed();
- std::cout.imbue(std::locale(""));
- cout << endl;
- cout << "========================================"
- << "========================================" << endl;
- cout << setw(35) << left << "Test";
- cout << setw(15) << right << "new fbvector ";
- cout << setw(15) << right << "old fbvector ";
- cout << setw(15) << right << "std::vector ";
- cout << endl;
- cout << "========================================"
- << "========================================" << endl;
- }
- ~Leader() {
- cout << endl;
- cout << "========================================"
- << "========================================" << endl;
- cout << setw(78) << right << leader_elapsed() << " s" << endl;
- }
-} leader;
-struct Line {
- explicit Line(string text) {
- cout << "\n--- " << text << " ---" << endl;
- }
-#define SECTION(str) Line BOOST_PP_CAT(l_, __LINE__) ( str )
-// Test types
-typedef pair<int, std::allocator<int>> T1;
-typedef pair<vector<int>, std::allocator<vector<int>>> T2;
-uint64_t v1_T1 = 0, v2_T1 = 0, v3_T1 = 0;
-uint64_t v1_T2 = 0, v2_T2 = 0, v3_T2 = 0;
-#define BASICS (T1)(T2)
-// prevent optimizing
-std::vector<int> O_vi(10000000);
-void O(int i) {
- O_vi.push_back(i);
-template <class V>
-void O(const V& v) {
- int s = v.size();
- for (int i = 0; i < s; ++i) O(v[i]);
-// Benchmarks
-// #if 0
-//#undef BASICS
-//#define BASICS (T1)
-// #else
-TIME_N("~Vector()", BASICS) {
- Vector a(N);
- O(a);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- a.~Vector();
- auto e = readTSC();
- new (&a) Vector();
- O(a);
- return e - b;
-TIME_N("a.clear()", BASICS) {
- Vector a(N);
- O(a);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- a.clear();
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(a);
- return e - b;
-TIME("Vector u", BASICS) {
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- Vector u;
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(u);
- return e - b;
-TIME_N("Vector u(a)", BASICS) {
- static const Vector a(N);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- Vector u(a);
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(u);
- return e - b;
-TIME_N("Vector u(move(a))", BASICS) {
- Vector a(N);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- Vector u(move(a));
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(u);
- return e - b;
-TIME_N("Vector u(n)", BASICS) {
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- Vector u(N);
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(u);
- return e - b;
-TIME_N("Vector u(n, t)", BASICS) {
- static const T t(1);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- Vector u(N, t);
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(u);
- return e - b;
-TIME_N("Vector u(first, last)", BASICS) {
- static const deque<T> d(N);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- Vector u(d.begin(), d.end());
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(u);
- return e - b;
-TIME_N("a = b", BASICS) {
- Vector a(N);
- static const Vector c(N/2 + 10);
- O(a);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- a = c;
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(a);
- return e - b;
-TIME_N("a = move(b)", BASICS) {
- Vector a(N);
- Vector c(N/2 + 10);
- O(a);
- O(c);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- a = move(c);
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(a);
- O(c);
- return e - b;
-TIME_N("a = destructive_move(b)", BASICS) {
- Vector a(N);
- Vector c(N/2 + 10);
- O(a);
- O(c);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- a = move(c);
- c.clear();
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(a);
- O(c);
- return e - b;
-TIME_N("a.assign(N, t)", BASICS) {
- Vector a(N/2 + 10);
- const T t(1);
- O(a);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- a.assign(N, t);
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(a);
- return e - b;
-TIME_N("a.assign(first, last)", BASICS) {
- static const deque<T> d(N);
- Vector a(N/2 + 10);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- a.assign(d.begin(), d.end());
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(a);
- return e - b;
-TIME_N("a.swap(b)", BASICS) {
- Vector a(N/2 + 10);
- Vector c(N);
- O(a);
- O(c);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- a.swap(c);
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(a);
- O(c);
- return e - b;
-TIME("a.begin()", BASICS) {
- static Vector a(1);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- auto r = a.begin();
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(*r);
- return e - b;
-TIME("a.cbegin()", BASICS) {
- static Vector a(1);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- auto r = a.cbegin();
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(*r);
- return e - b;
-TIME("a.rbegin()", BASICS) {
- static Vector a(1);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- auto r = a.rbegin();
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(*r);
- return e - b;
-TIME_N("a.size()", BASICS) {
- static const Vector a(N);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- int n = a.size();
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(n);
- return e - b;
-TIME("a.max_size()", BASICS) {
- static Vector a;
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- int n = a.max_size();
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(n);
- return e - b;
-TIME_N("a.capacity()", BASICS) {
- static const Vector a(N);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- int n = a.capacity();
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(n);
- return e - b;
-TIME_N("a.empty()", BASICS) {
- static const Vector a(N);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- int n = a.empty();
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(n);
- return e - b;
-TIME_N("reserve(n)", BASICS) {
- Vector u;
- O(u);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- u.reserve(N);
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(u);
- return e - b;
-TIME_N("resize(n)", BASICS) {
- Vector u;
- O(u);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- u.resize(N);
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(u);
- return e - b;
-TIME_N("resize(n, t)", BASICS) {
- static const T t(1);
- Vector u;
- O(u);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- u.resize(N, t);
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(u);
- return e - b;
-TIME("staged reserve", BASICS) {
- Vector u;
- O(u);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- u.reserve(500);
- u.reserve(1000);
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(u);
- return e - b;
-TIME("staged resize", BASICS) {
- Vector u;
- O(u);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- u.resize(500);
- u.resize(1000);
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(u);
- return e - b;
-TIME("resize then reserve", BASICS) {
- Vector u;
- O(u);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- u.resize(500);
- u.reserve(1000);
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(u);
- return e - b;
-TIME("shrink", BASICS) {
- Vector u;
- O(u);
- u.resize(500);
- u.reserve(1000);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- u.shrink_to_fit();
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(u);
- return e - b;
-TIME("operator[]", BASICS) {
- static const Vector a(10);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- const auto& v = a[8];
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(v);
- return e - b;
-TIME("at()", BASICS) {
- static const Vector a(10);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- const auto& v = a.at(8);
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(v);
- return e - b;
-TIME("front()", BASICS) {
- static const Vector a(10);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- const auto& v = a.front();
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(v);
- return e - b;
-TIME("back()", BASICS) {
- static const Vector a(10);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- const auto& v = a.back();
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(v);
- return e - b;
-TIME("data()", BASICS) {
- static const Vector a(10);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- const auto& v = a.data();
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(*v);
- return e - b;
-TIME("reserved emplace", BASICS) {
- Vector u;
- u.reserve(1);
- O(u);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- u.emplace_back(0);
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(u);
- return e - b;
-TIME("full emplace", BASICS) {
- Vector u;
- O(u);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- u.emplace_back(0);
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(u);
- return e - b;
-TIME("reserved push_back", BASICS) {
- static T t(0);
- Vector u;
- u.reserve(1);
- O(u);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- u.push_back(t);
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(u);
- return e - b;
-TIME("full push_back", BASICS) {
- static T t(0);
- Vector u;
- O(u);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- u.push_back(t);
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(u);
- return e - b;
-TIME("reserved push_back&&", BASICS) {
- T t(0);
- Vector u;
- u.reserve(1);
- O(u);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- u.push_back(std::move(t));
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(u);
- return e - b;
-TIME("full push_back&&", BASICS) {
- T t(0);
- Vector u;
- O(u);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- u.push_back(std::move(t));
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(u);
- return e - b;
-TIME("reserved push emplace", BASICS) {
- Vector u;
- u.reserve(1);
- O(u);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- u.push_back(T(0));
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(u);
- return e - b;
-TIME("full push emplace", BASICS) {
- Vector u;
- O(u);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- u.push_back(T(0));
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(u);
- return e - b;
-TIME_N("bulk append", BASICS) {
- static deque<T> d(N);
- Vector u(N/2 + 10);
- O(u);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- u.insert(u.end(), d.begin(), d.end());
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(u);
- return e - b;
-TIME_N("erase end", BASICS) {
- Vector u(N);
- O(u);
- auto it = u.begin();
- it += u.size() / 2;
- if (it != u.end()) O(*it);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- u.erase(it, u.end());
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(u);
- return e - b;
-TIME("pop_back", BASICS) {
- Vector u(1);
- O(u);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- u.pop_back();
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(u);
- return e - b;
-SECTION("Insert/Erase - Bad Ops");
-TIME("insert", BASICS) {
- Vector u(100);
- T t(1);
- auto it = u.begin();
- it += 50;
- O(u);
- O(*it);
- O(t);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- u.insert(it, t);
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(u);
- return e - b;
-TIME("insert&&", BASICS) {
- Vector u(100);
- T t(1);
- auto it = u.begin();
- it += 50;
- O(u);
- O(*it);
- O(t);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- u.insert(it, std::move(t));
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(u);
- return e - b;
-TIME("insert n few", BASICS) {
- Vector u(100);
- T t(1);
- auto it = u.begin();
- it += 50;
- O(u);
- O(*it);
- O(t);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- u.insert(it, 10, t);
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(u);
- return e - b;
-TIME("insert n many", BASICS) {
- Vector u(100);
- T t(1);
- auto it = u.begin();
- it += 50;
- O(u);
- O(*it);
- O(t);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- u.insert(it, 200, t);
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(u);
- return e - b;
-TIME("iterator insert few", BASICS) {
- static deque<T> d(10);
- Vector u(100);
- T t(1);
- auto it = u.begin();
- it += 50;
- O(u);
- O(*it);
- O(t);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- u.insert(it, d.begin(), d.end());
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(u);
- return e - b;
-TIME("iterator insert many", BASICS) {
- static deque<T> d(200);
- Vector u(100);
- T t(1);
- auto it = u.begin();
- it += 50;
- O(u);
- O(*it);
- O(t);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- u.insert(it, d.begin(), d.end());
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(u);
- return e - b;
-TIME("erase", BASICS) {
- Vector u(100);
- O(u);
- auto it = u.begin();
- it += 50;
- O(*it);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- u.erase(it);
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(u);
- return e - b;
-TIME("erase many", BASICS) {
- Vector u(100);
- O(u);
- auto it1 = u.begin();
- it1 += 33;
- O(*it1);
- auto it2 = u.begin();
- it2 += 66;
- O(*it2);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- u.erase(it1, it2);
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(u);
- return e - b;
-SECTION("Large Tests");
-TIME_N("reserved bulk push_back", BASICS) {
- Vector u;
- u.reserve(N);
- T t(0);
- O(u);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) u.emplace_back(t);
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(u);
- return e - b;
-TIME_N("reserved bulk emplace", BASICS) {
- Vector u;
- u.reserve(N);
- O(u);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) u.emplace_back(0);
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(u);
- return e - b;
-TIME_N("populate", BASICS) {
- static T t(0);
- Vector u;
- O(u);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) u.push_back(t);
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(u);
- return e - b;
-TIME("jigsaw growth", BASICS) {
- int sizes[] =
- { 1, 5, 2, 80, 17, 8, 9, 8, 140, 130, 1000, 130, 10000, 0, 8000, 2000 };
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- Vector u;
- for (auto s : sizes) {
- if (s < u.size()) {
- int toAdd = u.size() - s;
- for (int i = 0; i < toAdd / 2; ++i) u.emplace_back(0);
- u.insert(u.end(), (toAdd + 1) / 2, T(1));
- } else {
- int toRm = u.size() - s;
- for (int i = 0; i < toRm / 2; ++i) u.pop_back();
- auto it = u.begin();
- std::advance(it, s);
- if (it < u.end()) u.erase(it, u.end());
- }
- }
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(u);
- return e - b;
-TIME("random access and modify", (T1)) {
- static const int n = 1024 * 1024 * 16;
- Vector u(n);
- O(u);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- int j = 7;
- for (int i = 0; i < 100000; ++i) {
- j = (j * 2 + j) ^ 0xdeadbeef;
- j = j & (n - 1);
- u[j] = i;
- u.at(n - j) = -i;
- }
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(u);
- return e - b;
-TIME_N("iterate", (T1)) {
- static Vector u(N);
- O(u);
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- int acc = 0;
- for (auto& e : u) {
- acc += e;
- e++;
- }
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(acc);
- O(u);
- return e - b;
-TIME("emplace massive", BASICS) {
- clear_icache(); auto b = readTSC();
- Vector u;
- for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; ++i) {
- u.emplace_back(0);
- }
- auto e = readTSC();
- O(u);
- return e - b;
-// #endif
-int main() {
- return 0;
+++ /dev/null
- * Copyright 2014 Facebook, Inc.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-// Andrei Alexandrescu (aalexandre)
- * Vector type. Drop-in replacement for std::vector featuring
- * significantly faster primitives, see e.g. benchmark results at
- * https:*phabricator.fb.com/D235852.
- *
- * In order for a type to be used with fbvector, it must be
- * relocatable, see Traits.h.
- *
- * For user-defined types you must specialize templates
- * appropriately. Consult Traits.h for ways to do so and for a handy
- *
- * For more information and documentation see folly/docs/FBVector.md
- */
-#include "folly/Foreach.h"
-#include "folly/Malloc.h"
-#include "folly/Traits.h"
-#include <iterator>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include <limits>
-#include <cassert>
-#include <boost/type_traits.hpp>
-#include <boost/operators.hpp>
-#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
-#include <type_traits>
-namespace folly {
- * Forward declaration for use by FOLLY_ASSUME_FBVECTOR_COMPATIBLE_2,
- * see folly/Traits.h.
- */
-template <typename T, class Allocator = std::allocator<T> >
-class fbvector;
-// You can define an fbvector of fbvectors.
-namespace folly {
-namespace fbvector_detail {
- * isForwardIterator<T>::value yields true if T is a forward iterator
- * or better, and false otherwise.
- */
-template <class It> struct isForwardIterator {
- enum { value = boost::is_convertible<
- typename std::iterator_traits<It>::iterator_category,
- std::forward_iterator_tag>::value
- };
- * Destroys all elements in the range [b, e). If the type referred to
- * by the iterators has a trivial destructor, does nothing.
- */
-template <class It>
-void destroyRange(It b, It e) {
- typedef typename boost::remove_reference<decltype(*b)>::type T;
- if (boost::has_trivial_destructor<T>::value) return;
- for (; b != e; ++b) {
- (*b).~T();
- }
- * Moves the "interesting" part of value to the uninitialized memory
- * at address addr, and leaves value in a destroyable state.
- */
-template <class T>
-typename boost::enable_if_c<
- boost::has_trivial_assign<T>::value
-uninitialized_destructive_move(T& value, T* addr) {
- // Just assign the thing; this is most efficient
- *addr = value;
-template <class T>
-typename boost::enable_if_c<
- !boost::has_trivial_assign<T>::value &&
- boost::has_nothrow_constructor<T>::value
-uninitialized_destructive_move(T& value, T* addr) {
- // Cheap default constructor - move and reinitialize
- memcpy(addr, &value, sizeof(T));
- new(&value) T;
-template <class T>
-typename std::enable_if<
- !boost::has_trivial_assign<T>::value &&
- !boost::has_nothrow_constructor<T>::value
-uninitialized_destructive_move(T& value, T* addr) {
- // User defined move construction.
- // TODO: we should probably prefer this over the above memcpy()
- // version when the type has a user-defined move constructor. We
- // don't right now because 4.6 doesn't implement
- // std::is_move_constructible<> yet.
- new (addr) T(std::move(value));
- * Fills n objects of type T starting at address b with T's default
- * value. If the operation throws, destroys all objects constructed so
- * far and calls free(b).
- */
-template <class T>
-void uninitializedFillDefaultOrFree(T * b, size_t n) {
- if (boost::is_arithmetic<T>::value || boost::is_pointer<T>::value) {
- if (n <= 16384 / sizeof(T)) {
- memset(b, 0, n * sizeof(T));
- } else {
- goto duff_fill;
- }
- } else if (boost::has_nothrow_constructor<T>::value) {
- duff_fill:
- auto i = b;
- auto const e1 = b + (n & ~size_t(7));
- for (; i != e1; i += 8) {
- new(i) T();
- new(i + 1) T();
- new(i + 2) T();
- new(i + 3) T();
- new(i + 4) T();
- new(i + 5) T();
- new(i + 6) T();
- new(i + 7) T();
- }
- for (auto const e = b + n; i != e; ++i) {
- new(i) T();
- }
- } else {
- // Conservative approach
- auto i = b;
- try {
- for (auto const e = b + n; i != e; ++i) {
- new(i) T;
- }
- } catch (...) {
- destroyRange(b, i);
- free(b);
- throw;
- }
- }
- * Fills n objects of type T starting at address b with value. If the
- * operation throws, destroys all objects constructed so far and calls
- * free(b).
- */
-template <class T>
-void uninitializedFillOrFree(T * b, size_t n, const T& value) {
- auto const e = b + n;
- auto i = b;
- auto const e1 = b + (n & ~size_t(7));
- for (; i != e1; i += 8) {
- new(i) T(value);
- new(i + 1) T(value);
- new(i + 2) T(value);
- new(i + 3) T(value);
- new(i + 4) T(value);
- new(i + 5) T(value);
- new(i + 6) T(value);
- new(i + 7) T(value);
- }
- for (; i != e; ++i) {
- new(i) T(value);
- }
- } else {
- // Conservative approach
- auto i = b;
- try {
- for (; i != e; ++i) {
- new(i) T(value);
- }
- } catch (...) {
- destroyRange(b, i);
- free(b);
- throw;
- }
- }
-} // namespace fbvector_detail
- * This is the std::vector replacement. For conformity, fbvector takes
- * the same template parameters, but it doesn't use the
- * allocator. Instead, it uses malloc, and when present, jemalloc's
- * extensions.
- */
-template <class T, class Allocator>
-class fbvector : private boost::totally_ordered<fbvector<T,Allocator> > {
- bool isSane() const {
- return
- begin() <= end() &&
- empty() == (size() == 0) &&
- empty() == (begin() == end()) &&
- size() <= max_size() &&
- capacity() <= max_size() &&
- size() <= capacity() &&
- // Either we have no capacity or our pointers should make sense:
- ((!b_ && !e_ && !z_) || (b_ != z_ && e_ <= z_));
- }
- struct Invariant {
-#ifndef NDEBUG
- explicit Invariant(const fbvector& s) : s_(s) {
- assert(s_.isSane());
- }
- ~Invariant() {
- assert(s_.isSane());
- }
- private:
- const fbvector& s_;
- explicit Invariant(const fbvector&) {}
- Invariant& operator=(const Invariant&);
- };
-// types:
- typedef T value_type;
- typedef value_type& reference;
- typedef const value_type& const_reference;
- typedef T* iterator;
- typedef const T* const_iterator;
- typedef size_t size_type;
- typedef ssize_t difference_type;
- // typedef typename allocator_traits<Allocator>::pointer pointer;
- // typedef typename allocator_traits<Allocator>::const_pointer const_pointer;
- typedef Allocator allocator_type;
- typedef typename Allocator::pointer pointer;
- typedef typename Allocator::const_pointer const_pointer;
- typedef std::reverse_iterator<iterator> reverse_iterator;
- typedef std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator;
-// construct/copy/destroy:
- fbvector() : b_(nullptr), e_(nullptr), z_(nullptr) {}
- explicit fbvector(const Allocator&) {
- new(this) fbvector;
- }
- explicit fbvector(const size_type n) {
- if (n == 0) {
- b_ = e_ = z_ = 0;
- return;
- }
- auto const nBytes = goodMallocSize(n * sizeof(T));
- b_ = static_cast<T*>(checkedMalloc(nBytes));
- fbvector_detail::uninitializedFillDefaultOrFree(b_, n);
- e_ = b_ + n;
- z_ = b_ + nBytes / sizeof(T);
- }
- fbvector(const size_type n, const T& value) {
- if (!n) {
- b_ = e_ = z_ = 0;
- return;
- }
- auto const nBytes = goodMallocSize(n * sizeof(T));
- b_ = static_cast<T*>(checkedMalloc(nBytes));
- fbvector_detail::uninitializedFillOrFree(b_, n, value);
- e_ = b_ + n;
- z_ = b_ + nBytes / sizeof(T);
- }
- fbvector(const size_type n, const T& value, const Allocator&) {
- new(this) fbvector(n, value);
- }
- template <class InputIteratorOrNum>
- fbvector(InputIteratorOrNum first, InputIteratorOrNum last) {
- new(this) fbvector;
- assign(first, last);
- }
- template <class InputIterator>
- fbvector(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
- const Allocator&) {
- new(this) fbvector(first, last);
- }
- fbvector(const fbvector& rhs) {
- new(this) fbvector(rhs.begin(), rhs.end());
- }
- fbvector(const fbvector& rhs, const Allocator&) {
- new(this) fbvector(rhs);
- }
- fbvector(fbvector&& o, const Allocator& = Allocator())
- : b_(o.b_)
- , e_(o.e_)
- , z_(o.z_)
- {
- o.b_ = o.e_ = o.z_ = 0;
- }
- fbvector(std::initializer_list<T> il, const Allocator& = Allocator()) {
- new(this) fbvector(il.begin(), il.end());
- }
- ~fbvector() {
- // fbvector only works with relocatable objects. We insert this
- // static check inside the destructor because pretty much any
- // instantiation of fbvector<T> will generate the destructor (and
- // therefore refuse compilation if the assertion fails). To see
- // how you can enable IsRelocatable for your type, refer to the
- // definition of IsRelocatable in Traits.h.
- BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(IsRelocatable<T>::value);
- if (!b_) return;
- fbvector_detail::destroyRange(b_, e_);
- free(b_);
- }
- fbvector& operator=(const fbvector& rhs) {
- assign(rhs.begin(), rhs.end());
- return *this;
- }
- fbvector& operator=(fbvector&& v) {
- clear();
- swap(v);
- return *this;
- }
- fbvector& operator=(std::initializer_list<T> il) {
- assign(il.begin(), il.end());
- return *this;
- }
- bool operator==(const fbvector& rhs) const {
- return size() == rhs.size() && std::equal(begin(), end(), rhs.begin());
- }
- bool operator<(const fbvector& rhs) const {
- return std::lexicographical_compare(begin(), end(),
- rhs.begin(), rhs.end());
- }
- template <class InputIterator>
- void assignImpl(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, boost::false_type) {
- // Pair of iterators
- if (fbvector_detail::isForwardIterator<InputIterator>::value) {
- auto const oldSize = size();
- auto const newSize = std::distance(first, last);
- if (static_cast<difference_type>(oldSize) >= newSize) {
- // No reallocation, nice
- auto const newEnd = std::copy(first, last, b_);
- fbvector_detail::destroyRange(newEnd, e_);
- e_ = newEnd;
- return;
- }
- // Must reallocate - just do it on the side
- auto const nBytes = goodMallocSize(newSize * sizeof(T));
- auto const b = static_cast<T*>(checkedMalloc(nBytes));
- std::uninitialized_copy(first, last, b);
- this->fbvector::~fbvector();
- b_ = b;
- e_ = b + newSize;
- z_ = b_ + nBytes / sizeof(T);
- } else {
- // Input iterator sucks
- FOR_EACH (i, *this) {
- if (first == last) {
- fbvector_detail::destroyRange(i, e_);
- e_ = i;
- return;
- }
- *i = *first;
- ++first;
- }
- FOR_EACH_RANGE (i, first, last) {
- push_back(*i);
- }
- }
- }
- void assignImpl(const size_type newSize, const T value, boost::true_type) {
- // Arithmetic type, forward back to unambiguous definition
- assign(newSize, value);
- }
- // Classic ambiguity (and a lot of unnecessary complexity) in
- // std::vector: assign(10, 20) for vector<int> means "assign 10
- // elements all having the value 20" but is intercepted by the
- // two-iterators overload assign(first, last). So we need to
- // disambiguate here. There is no pretty solution. We use here
- // overloading based on is_arithmetic. Method insert has the same
- // issue (and the same solution in this implementation).
- template <class InputIteratorOrNum>
- void assign(InputIteratorOrNum first, InputIteratorOrNum last) {
- assignImpl(first, last, boost::is_arithmetic<InputIteratorOrNum>());
- }
- void assign(const size_type newSize, const T& value) {
- if (b_ <= &value && &value < e_) {
- // Need to check for aliased assign, sigh
- return assign(newSize, T(value));
- }
- auto const oldSize = size();
- if (oldSize >= newSize) {
- // No reallocation, nice
- auto const newEnd = b_ + newSize;
- fbvector_detail::destroyRange(newEnd, e_);
- e_ = newEnd;
- return;
- }
- // Need to reallocate
- if (reserve_in_place(newSize)) {
- // Careful here, fill and uninitialized_fill may throw. The
- // latter is transactional, so no need to worry about a
- // buffer partially filled in case of exception.
- std::fill(b_, e_, value);
- auto const newEnd = b_ + newSize;
- std::uninitialized_fill(e_, newEnd, value);
- e_ = newEnd;
- return;
- }
- // Cannot expand or jemalloc not present at all; must just
- // allocate a new chunk and discard the old one. This is
- // tantamount with creating a new fbvector altogether. This won't
- // recurse infinitely; the constructor implements its own.
- fbvector temp(newSize, value);
- temp.swap(*this);
- }
- void assign(std::initializer_list<T> il) {
- assign(il.begin(), il.end());
- }
- allocator_type get_allocator() const {
- // whatevs
- return allocator_type();
- }
-// iterators:
- iterator begin() {
- return b_;
- }
- const_iterator begin() const {
- return b_;
- }
- iterator end() {
- return e_;
- }
- const_iterator end() const {
- return e_;
- }
- reverse_iterator rbegin() {
- return reverse_iterator(end());
- }
- const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const {
- return const_reverse_iterator(end());
- }
- reverse_iterator rend() {
- return reverse_iterator(begin());
- }
- const_reverse_iterator rend() const {
- return const_reverse_iterator(begin());
- }
- const_iterator cbegin() const {
- return b_;
- }
- const_iterator cend() const {
- return e_;
- }
-// capacity:
- size_type size() const {
- return e_ - b_;
- }
- size_type max_size() {
- // good luck gettin' there
- return ~size_type(0);
- }
- void resize(const size_type sz) {
- auto const oldSize = size();
- if (sz <= oldSize) {
- auto const newEnd = b_ + sz;
- fbvector_detail::destroyRange(newEnd, e_);
- e_ = newEnd;
- } else {
- // Must expand
- reserve(sz);
- auto newEnd = b_ + sz;
- std::uninitialized_fill(e_, newEnd, T());
- e_ = newEnd;
- }
- }
- void resize(const size_type sz, const T& c) {
- auto const oldSize = size();
- if (sz <= oldSize) {
- auto const newEnd = b_ + sz;
- fbvector_detail::destroyRange(newEnd, e_);
- e_ = newEnd;
- } else {
- // Must expand
- reserve(sz);
- auto newEnd = b_ + sz;
- std::uninitialized_fill(e_, newEnd, c);
- e_ = newEnd;
- }
- }
- size_type capacity() const {
- return z_ - b_;
- }
- bool empty() const {
- return b_ == e_;
- }
- bool reserve_in_place(const size_type n) {
- auto const crtCapacity = capacity();
- if (n <= crtCapacity) return true;
- if (!rallocm) return false;
- // using jemalloc's API. Don't forget that jemalloc can never grow
- // in place blocks smaller than 4096 bytes.
- auto const crtCapacityBytes = crtCapacity * sizeof(T);
- if (crtCapacityBytes < jemallocMinInPlaceExpandable) return false;
- auto const newCapacityBytes = goodMallocSize(n * sizeof(T));
- void* p = b_;
- if (rallocm(&p, nullptr, newCapacityBytes, 0, ALLOCM_NO_MOVE)
- return false;
- }
- // Managed to expand in place, reflect that in z_
- assert(b_ == p);
- z_ = b_ + newCapacityBytes / sizeof(T);
- return true;
- }
- void reserve_with_move(const size_type n) {
- // Here we can be sure we'll need to do a full reallocation
- auto const crtCapacity = capacity();
- assert(crtCapacity < n); // reserve_in_place should have taken
- // care of this
- auto const newCapacityBytes = goodMallocSize(n * sizeof(T));
- auto b = static_cast<T*>(checkedMalloc(newCapacityBytes));
- auto const oldSize = size();
- memcpy(b, b_, oldSize * sizeof(T));
- // Done with the old chunk. Free but don't call destructors!
- free(b_);
- b_ = b;
- e_ = b_ + oldSize;
- z_ = b_ + newCapacityBytes / sizeof(T);
- // done with the old chunk
- }
- void reserve(const size_type n) {
- if (reserve_in_place(n)) return;
- reserve_with_move(n);
- }
- void shrink_to_fit() {
- if (!rallocm) return;
- // using jemalloc's API. Don't forget that jemalloc can never
- // shrink in place blocks smaller than 4096 bytes.
- void* p = b_;
- auto const crtCapacityBytes = capacity() * sizeof(T);
- auto const newCapacityBytes = goodMallocSize(size() * sizeof(T));
- if (crtCapacityBytes >= jemallocMinInPlaceExpandable &&
- rallocm(&p, nullptr, newCapacityBytes, 0, ALLOCM_NO_MOVE)
- // Celebrate
- z_ = b_ + newCapacityBytes / sizeof(T);
- }
- }
-// element access
- reference operator[](size_type n) {
- assert(n < size());
- return b_[n];
- }
- const_reference operator[](size_type n) const {
- assert(n < size());
- return b_[n];
- }
- const_reference at(size_type n) const {
- if (n > size()) {
- throw std::out_of_range("fbvector: index is greater than size.");
- }
- return (*this)[n];
- }
- reference at(size_type n) {
- auto const& cThis = *this;
- return const_cast<reference>(cThis.at(n));
- }
- reference front() {
- assert(!empty());
- return *b_;
- }
- const_reference front() const {
- assert(!empty());
- return *b_;
- }
- reference back() {
- assert(!empty());
- return e_[-1];
- }
- const_reference back() const {
- assert(!empty());
- return e_[-1];
- }
-// data access
- T* data() {
- return b_;
- }
- const T* data() const {
- return b_;
- }
- size_t computePushBackCapacity() const {
- return empty() ? std::max(64 / sizeof(T), size_t(1))
- : capacity() < jemallocMinInPlaceExpandable ? capacity() * 2
- : (capacity() * 3) / 2;
- }
-// modifiers:
- template <class... Args>
- void emplace_back(Args&&... args) {
- if (e_ == z_) {
- if (!reserve_in_place(size() + 1)) {
- reserve_with_move(computePushBackCapacity());
- }
- }
- new (e_) T(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
- ++e_;
- }
- void push_back(T x) {
- if (e_ == z_) {
- if (!reserve_in_place(size() + 1)) {
- reserve_with_move(computePushBackCapacity());
- }
- }
- fbvector_detail::uninitialized_destructive_move(x, e_);
- ++e_;
- }
- bool expand() {
- if (!rallocm) return false;
- auto const capBytes = capacity() * sizeof(T);
- if (capBytes < jemallocMinInPlaceExpandable) return false;
- auto const newCapBytes = goodMallocSize(capBytes + sizeof(T));
- void * bv = b_;
- if (rallocm(&bv, nullptr, newCapBytes, 0, ALLOCM_NO_MOVE) != ALLOCM_SUCCESS) {
- return false;
- }
- // Managed to expand in place
- assert(bv == b_); // nothing moved
- z_ = b_ + newCapBytes / sizeof(T);
- assert(capacity() > capBytes / sizeof(T));
- return true;
- }
- void pop_back() {
- assert(!empty());
- --e_;
- if (!boost::has_trivial_destructor<T>::value) {
- e_->T::~T();
- }
- }
- // template <class... Args>
- // iterator emplace(const_iterator position, Args&&... args);
- iterator insert(const_iterator position, T x) {
- size_t newSize; // intentionally uninitialized
- if (e_ == z_ && !reserve_in_place(newSize = size() + 1)) {
- // Can't reserve in place, make a copy
- auto const offset = position - cbegin();
- fbvector tmp;
- tmp.reserve(newSize);
- memcpy(tmp.b_, b_, offset * sizeof(T));
- fbvector_detail::uninitialized_destructive_move(
- x,
- tmp.b_ + offset);
- memcpy(tmp.b_ + offset + 1, b_ + offset, (size() - offset) * sizeof(T));
- // Brutally reassign this to refer to tmp's guts
- free(b_);
- b_ = tmp.b_;
- e_ = b_ + newSize;
- z_ = tmp.z_;
- // get rid of tmp's guts
- new(&tmp) fbvector;
- return begin() + offset;
- }
- // Here we have enough room
- memmove(const_cast<T*>(&*position) + 1,
- const_cast<T*>(&*position),
- sizeof(T) * (e_ - position));
- fbvector_detail::uninitialized_destructive_move(
- x,
- const_cast<T*>(&*position));
- ++e_;
- return const_cast<iterator>(position);
- }
- iterator insert(const_iterator position, const size_type n, const T& x) {
- if (e_ + n >= z_) {
- if (b_ <= &x && &x < e_) {
- // Ew, aliased insert
- auto copy = x;
- return insert(position, n, copy);
- }
- auto const m = position - b_;
- reserve(size() + n);
- position = b_ + m;
- }
- memmove(const_cast<T*>(position) + n,
- position,
- sizeof(T) * (e_ - position));
- std::uninitialized_fill(const_cast<T*>(position),
- const_cast<T*>(position) + n,
- x);
- } else {
- try {
- std::uninitialized_fill(const_cast<T*>(position),
- const_cast<T*>(position) + n,
- x);
- } catch (...) {
- // Oops, put things back where they were
- memmove(const_cast<T*>(position),
- position + n,
- sizeof(T) * (e_ - position));
- throw;
- }
- }
- e_ += n;
- return const_cast<iterator>(position);
- }
- template <class InputIterator>
- iterator insertImpl(const_iterator position,
- InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
- boost::false_type) {
- // Pair of iterators
- if (fbvector_detail::isForwardIterator<InputIterator>::value) {
- // Can compute distance
- auto const n = std::distance(first, last);
- if (e_ + n >= z_) {
- auto const m = position - b_;
- reserve(size() + n);
- position = b_ + m;
- }
- memmove(const_cast<T*>(position) + n,
- position,
- sizeof(T) * (e_ - position));
- try {
- std::uninitialized_copy(first, last,
- const_cast<T*>(position));
- } catch (...) {
- // Oops, put things back where they were
- memmove(const_cast<T*>(position),
- position + n,
- sizeof(T) * (e_ - position));
- throw;
- }
- e_ += n;
- return const_cast<iterator>(position);
- } else {
- // Cannot compute distance, crappy approach
- fbvector result(cbegin(), position);
- auto const offset = result.size();
- FOR_EACH_RANGE (i, first, last) {
- result.push_back(*i);
- }
- result.insert(result.end(), position, cend());
- result.swap(*this);
- return begin() + offset;
- }
- }
- iterator insertImpl(const_iterator position,
- const size_type count, const T value, boost::true_type) {
- // Forward back to unambiguous function
- return insert(position, count, value);
- }
- template <class InputIteratorOrNum>
- iterator insert(const_iterator position, InputIteratorOrNum first,
- InputIteratorOrNum last) {
- return insertImpl(position, first, last,
- boost::is_arithmetic<InputIteratorOrNum>());
- }
- iterator insert(const_iterator position, std::initializer_list<T> il) {
- return insert(position, il.begin(), il.end());
- }
- iterator erase(const_iterator position) {
- if (position == e_) return e_;
- auto p = const_cast<T*>(position);
- (*p).T::~T();
- memmove(p, p + 1, sizeof(T) * (e_ - p - 1));
- --e_;
- return p;
- }
- iterator erase(const_iterator first, const_iterator last) {
- assert(first <= last);
- auto p1 = const_cast<T*>(first);
- auto p2 = const_cast<T*>(last);
- fbvector_detail::destroyRange(p1, p2);
- memmove(p1, last, sizeof(T) * (e_ - last));
- e_ -= last - first;
- return p1;
- }
- void swap(fbvector& rhs) {
- std::swap(b_, rhs.b_);
- std::swap(e_, rhs.e_);
- std::swap(z_, rhs.z_);
- }
- void clear() {
- fbvector_detail::destroyRange(b_, e_);
- e_ = b_;
- }
- // Data
- T *b_, *e_, *z_;
-template <class T, class A>
-bool operator!=(const fbvector<T, A>& lhs,
- const fbvector<T, A>& rhs) {
- return !(lhs == rhs);
-template <class T, class A>
-void swap(fbvector<T, A>& lhs, fbvector<T, A>& rhs) {
- lhs.swap(rhs);
- * Resizes *v to exactly n elements. May reallocate the vector to a
- * smaller buffer if too much space will be left unused.
- */
-template <class T>
-static void compactResize(folly::fbvector<T> * v, size_t size) {
- auto const oldCap = v->capacity();
- if (oldCap > size + 1024 && size < oldCap * 0.3) {
- // Too much slack memory, reallocate a smaller buffer
- auto const oldSize = v->size();
- if (size <= oldSize) {
- // Shrink
- folly::fbvector<T>(v->begin(), v->begin() + size).swap(*v);
- } else {
- // Expand
- folly::fbvector<T> temp;
- temp.reserve(size);
- copy(v->begin(), v->end(), back_inserter(temp));
- temp.resize(size);
- temp.swap(*v);
- }
- } else {
- // Nolo contendere
- v->resize(size);
- }
-} // namespace folly
-#endif // FOLLY_FBVECTOR_H_