//compute the results
localresults=new int[1+x1-x0][1+y1-y0];
- //Transpose b for cache performance
+ //Use b transpose for cache performance
for(int i = x0; i<= x1; i++){
int a[]=mmul.a[i];
int M=mmul.M;
atomic {
matrix = global new MMul(800, 800, 800);
+ matrix.transpose();
mm = global new MatrixMultiply[NUM_THREADS];
- // Currently it is a 70 X 70 matrix divided into 4 blocks
atomic {
mm[0] = global new MatrixMultiply(matrix,0,0,799,300);
mm[1] = global new MatrixMultiply(matrix,0,301,799,799);
- //transpose matrix b
- atomic {
- matrix.transpose();
- }
// start a thread to compute each c[l,n]
for (i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) {
atomic {
atomic {
tmp = mm[i];
- System.printString("Joining " + i + " ... ");
- System.printString("Joined " + i + "\n");
// print out the result of the matrix multiply
+ System.printString("Starting\n");
System.printString("Matrix Product c =\n");
int val;
atomic {