--- /dev/null
+ * rk818 battery driver
+ *
+ * This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ */
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/param.h>
+#include <linux/jiffies.h>
+#include <linux/workqueue.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>
+#include <linux/platform_device.h>
+#include <linux/power_supply.h>
+#include <linux/idr.h>
+#include <linux/i2c.h>
+#include <linux/slab.h>
+#include <asm/unaligned.h>
+#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
+#include <linux/mfd/rk818.h>
+//#include <linux/power/rk818_battery.h>
+#include <linux/time.h>
+#include <linux/gpio.h>
+#include <linux/of_gpio.h>
+static int dbg_enable =0;
+module_param_named(dbg_level, dbg_enable, int, 0644);
+#define DBG( args...) \
+ do { \
+ if (dbg_enable) { \
+ pr_info(args); \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
+#define VB_MOD_REG 0x21
+#define CHRG_COMP_REG1 0x99
+#define CHRG_COMP_REG2 0x9A
+#define SUP_STS_REG 0xA0
+#define USB_CTRL_REG 0xA1
+#define CHRG_CTRL_REG1 0xA3
+#define CHRG_CTRL_REG2 0xA4
+#define CHRG_CTRL_REG3 0xA5
+#define BAT_CTRL_REG 0xA6
+#define BAT_HTS_TS1_REG 0xA8
+#define BAT_LTS_TS1_REG 0xA9
+#define BAT_HTS_TS2_REG 0xAA
+#define BAT_LTS_TS2_REG 0xAB
+#define TS_CTRL_REG 0xAC
+#define ADC_CTRL_REG 0xAD
+#define ON_SOURCE 0xAE
+#define OFF_SOURCE 0xAF
+#define GGCON 0xB0
+#define GGSTS 0xB1
+#define AUTO_SLP_CUR_THR_REG 0xB3
+#define GASCNT_CAL_REG3 0xB4
+#define GASCNT_CAL_REG2 0xB5
+#define GASCNT_CAL_REG1 0xB6
+#define GASCNT_CAL_REG0 0xB7
+#define GASCNT3 0xB8
+#define GASCNT2 0xB9
+#define GASCNT1 0xBA
+#define GASCNT0 0xBB
+#define BAT_CUR_AVG_REGH 0xBC
+#define BAT_CUR_AVG_REGL 0xBD
+#define TS1_ADC_REGH 0xBE
+#define TS1_ADC_REGL 0xBF
+#define TS2_ADC_REGH 0xC0
+#define TS2_ADC_REGL 0xC1
+#define BAT_OCV_REGH 0xC2
+#define BAT_OCV_REGL 0xC3
+#define BAT_VOL_REGH 0xC4
+#define BAT_VOL_REGL 0xC5
+#define RELAX_VOL1_REGH 0xCA
+#define RELAX_VOL1_REGL 0xCB
+#define RELAX_VOL2_REGH 0xCC
+#define RELAX_VOL2_REGL 0xCD
+#define BAT_VOL_R_CALC_REGH 0xD0
+#define BAT_VOL_R_CALC_REGL 0xD1
+#define CAL_OFFSET_REGH 0xD2
+#define CAL_OFFSET_REGL 0xD3
+#define VCALIB0_REGH 0xD5
+#define VCALIB0_REGL 0xD6
+#define VCALIB1_REGH 0xD7
+#define VCALIB1_REGL 0xD8
+#define IOFFSET_REGH 0xDD
+#define IOFFSET_REGL 0xDE
+/*0xE0 ~0xF2 data register,*/
+#define SOC_REG 0xE0
+#define REMAIN_CAP_REG3 0xE1
+#define REMAIN_CAP_REG2 0xE2
+#define REMAIN_CAP_REG1 0xE3
+#define REMAIN_CAP_REG0 0xE4
+#define FCC_REGL 0xE1
+#define FCC_REGH 0xE2
+#define GG_EN 1<<7 // gasgauge module enable bit 0: disable 1:enabsle TS_CTRL_REG 0xAC
+#define ADC_VOL_EN 1<<7 //if GG_EN = 0 , then the ADC of BAT voltage controlled by the bit 0:diabsle 1:enable
+#define ADC_CUR_EN 1<<6 //if GG_EN = 0, then the ADC of BAT current controlled by the bit 0: disable 1: enable
+#define ADC_TS1_EN 1<<5 //the ADC of TS1 controlled by the bit 0:disabsle 1:enable
+#define ADC_TS2_EN 1<<4 //the ADC of TS2 controlled by the bit 0:disabsle 1:enable
+#define ADC_PHASE 1<<3 //ADC colock phase 0:normal 1:inverted
+#define ADC_CLK_SEL 7
+#define ADC_CLK_SEL_2M 0x000
+#define ADC_CLK_SEL_1M 0x001
+#define ADC_CLK_SEL_500K 0x002
+#define ADC_CLK_SEL_250K 0x003
+#define ADC_CLK_SEL_125K 0x004
+#define CUR_SAMPL_CON_TIMES 3<<6 // ADC bat current continue sample times 00:8 01:16 10:32 11:64
+#define ADC_OFF_CAL_INTERV 3<<4 //ADC offset calibreation interval time 00:8min 01:16min 10:32min 11:48min
+#define OCV_SAMPL_INTERV 3<<2 //OCV sampling interval time 00:8min 01:16min 10:32min :11:48min
+#define ADC_CUR_VOL_MODE 1<<1 //ADC working in current voltage collection mode
+#define ADC_RES_MODE 1 //ADC working in resistor calculation mode 0:disable 1:enable
+#define RES_CUR_AVG_SEL 3<<5 //average current filter times 00:1/2 01:1/4 10:1/8 11:1/16
+#define BAT_CON 1<<4 //battery first connection,edge trigger 0:NOT 1:YES
+#define RELAX_VOL1_UPD 1<<3 //battery voltage1 update in relax status 0: NOT 1:YE
+#define RELAX_VOL2_UPD 1<<2 //battery voltage2 update in relax status 0: NOT 1:YE
+#define RELAX_STS 1<<1 //battery coming into relax status 0: NOT 1:YE
+#define IV_AVG_UPD_STS 1<<0 //battery average voltage and current updated status 0: NOT 1:YES
+#define AUTO_SLP_EN 1<<5 // auto sleep mode 0:disable 1:enable
+#define FRAME_SMP_INTERV_TIME 0x1F //
+#define PLUG_IN_STS 1<<6
+#define BAT_EXS (1<<7)
+#define CHARGE_OFF (0x00<<4)
+#define DEAD_CHARGE (0x01<<4)
+#define TRICKLE_CHARGE (0x02<<4)
+#define CC_OR_CV (0x03<<4)
+#define CHARGE_FINISH (0x04<<4)
+#define USB_OVER_VOL (0x05<<4)
+#define BAT_TMP_ERR (0x06<<4)
+#define TIMER_ERR (0x07<<4)
+#define USB_EXIST (1<<1)// usb is exists
+#define USB_EFF (1<<0)// usb is effective
+#define CHRG_CT_EN (1<<7)
+#define VLIM_4000MV (0x00<<4)
+#define VLIM_4100MV (0x01<<4)
+#define VLIM_4200MV (0x02<<4)
+#define VLIM_4300MV (0x03<<4)
+#define VLIM_4400MV (0x04<<4)
+#define VLIM_4500MV (0x05<<4)
+#define VLIM_4600MV (0x06<<4)
+#define VLIM_4700MV (0x07<<4)
+#define ILIM_45MA (0x00)
+#define ILIM_300MA (0x01)
+#define ILIM_80MA (0x02)
+#define ILIM_820MA (0x03)
+#define ILIM_1000MA (0x04)
+#define ILIM_1200MA (0x05)
+#define ILIM_1400MA (0x06)
+#define ILIM_1600MA (0x07)
+#define ILIM_1800MA (0x08)
+#define ILIM_2000MA (0x09)
+#define ILIM_2200MA (0x0A)
+#define ILIM_2400MA (0x0B)
+#define ILIM_2600MA (0x0C)
+#define ILIM_2800MA (0x0D)
+#define ILIM_3000MA (0x0E)
+#define CHRG_EN (0x01<<7)
+#define CHRG_VOL4050 (0x00<<4)
+#define CHRG_VOL4100 (0x01<<4)
+#define CHRG_VOL4150 (0x02<<4)
+#define CHRG_VOL4200 (0x03<<4)
+#define CHRG_VOL4300 (0x04<<4)
+#define CHRG_VOL4350 (0x05<<4)
+#define CHRG_CUR1000mA (0x00)
+#define CHRG_CUR1200mA (0x01)
+#define CHRG_CUR1400mA (0x02)
+#define CHRG_CUR1600mA (0x03)
+#define CHRG_CUR1800mA (0x04)
+#define CHRG_CUR2000mA (0x05)
+#define CHRG_CUR2200mA (0x06)
+#define CHRG_CUR2400mA (0x07)
+#define CHRG_CUR2600mA (0x08)
+#define CHRG_CUR2800mA (0x09)
+#define CHRG_CUR3000mA (0x0A)
+#define DRIVER_VERSION "1.0.0"
+#define ROLEX_SPEED 100 * 1000
+#define CHARGING 0x01
+#define DISCHARGING 0x00
+#define TIMER_MS_COUNTS 1000
+#define MAX_CHAR 0x7F
+#define MAX_INT 0x7FFFFFFF
+#define MAX_INT8 0x7F
+#define MAX_UINT8 0xFF
+/* Voltage and Current buffers */
+#define AV_SIZE 5
+static int16_t av_v[AV_SIZE];
+static int16_t av_c[AV_SIZE];
+static uint16_t av_v_index;
+static uint16_t av_c_index;
+#define INTERPOLATE_MAX 1000
+//#define OCV_TABLE_SIZE
+struct battery_info{
+ struct device *dev;
+ struct cell_state cell;
+ struct power_supply bat;
+ struct power_supply ac;
+ struct power_supply usb;
+ struct delayed_work work;
+// struct i2c_client *client;
+ struct rk818 *rk818;
+ struct battery_platform_data *platform_data;
+ struct notifier_block battery_nb;
+ struct workqueue_struct *wq;
+ struct delayed_work battery_monitor_work;
+ struct delayed_work charge_check_work;
+ int ac_online;
+ int usb_online;
+ int health;
+ int tempreture;
+ int present;
+ int status;
+ int bat_current;
+ int current_avg;
+ int current_offset;
+ int voltage;
+ int voltage_avg;
+ int voltage_offset;
+ int voltage_ocv;
+ int poweroff_voltage;
+ int warnning_voltage;
+ int poweron_voltage;
+ int design_capacity;
+ int fcc;
+ int new_fcc;
+ u32 qmax;
+ int remain_capacity;
+ int warnning_capacity;
+ int nac;
+ int temp_nac;
+ int real_soc;
+ int display_soc;
+ int temp_soc;
+ int soc_counter;
+ int dod0;
+ int dod0_capacity;
+ int dod1;
+ int dod1_capacity;
+ int temperature;
+ int time2empty;
+ int time2full;
+ int *ocv_table;
+ int ocv_size;
+ int *res_table;
+ int current_k;//(ICALIB0,ICALIB1)
+ int current_b;
+ int voltage_k;//VCALIB0 VCALIB1
+ int voltage_b;
+ int relax_entry_thres;
+ int relax_exit_thres;
+ int relax_vol1;
+ int relax_vol2;
+ u8 sleep_cur;
+ u8 sleep_smp_time;
+ u8 check_count;
+// u32 status;
+ struct timeval soc_timer;
+ struct timeval change_timer;
+ bool resume;
+ int charge_otg;
+ struct battery_info *data;
+u32 interpolate(int value, u32 *table, int size)
+ uint8_t i;
+ uint16_t d;
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++){
+ if (value < table[i])
+ break;
+ }
+ if ((i > 0) && (i < size)) {
+ d = (value - table[i-1]) * (INTERPOLATE_MAX/(size-1));
+ d /= table[i] - table[i-1];
+ d = d + (i-1) * (INTERPOLATE_MAX/(size-1));
+ } else {
+ d = i * ((INTERPOLATE_MAX+size/2)/size);
+ }
+ if (d > 1000)
+ d = 1000;
+ return d;
+/* Returns (a * b) / c */
+int32_t ab_div_c(u32 a, u32 b, u32 c)
+ bool sign;
+ u32 ans = MAX_INT;
+ int32_t tmp;
+ sign = ((((a^b)^c) & 0x80000000) != 0);
+ if (c != 0) {
+ if (sign)
+ c = -c;
+ tmp = ((int32_t) a*b + (c>>1)) / c;
+ if (tmp < MAX_INT)
+ ans = tmp;
+ }
+ if (sign)
+ ans = -ans;
+ return ans;
+static int32_t abs_int(int32_t x)
+ return (x > 0) ? x : -x;
+/* Returns diviation between 'size' array members */
+uint16_t diff_array(int16_t *arr, uint8_t size)
+ uint8_t i;
+ uint32_t diff = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < size-1; i++)
+ diff += abs_int(arr[i] - arr[i+1]);
+ if (diff > MAX_UNSIGNED_INT)
+ return (uint16_t) diff;
+static enum power_supply_property rk818_battery_props[] = {
+#if 0
+static enum power_supply_property rk818_battery_ac_props[] = {
+static enum power_supply_property rk818_battery_usb_props[] = {
+static int battery_read(struct rk818 *rk818, u8 reg, u8 buf[], unsigned len)
+ int ret;
+ ret = rk818_i2c_read(rk818, reg, len,buf);
+ return ret;
+static int battery_write(struct rk818 *rk818, u8 reg, u8 const buf[], unsigned len)
+ int ret;
+ ret = rk818_i2c_write(rk818, reg,(int)len, *buf);
+ return ret;
+static void dump_gauge_register(struct battery_info *di)
+ int i = 0;
+ char buf;
+ DBG("%s dump charger register start: \n",__FUNCTION__);
+ for(i = 0xAC;i < 0xDE; i ++){
+ battery_read(di ->rk818, i, &buf,1);
+ DBG(" the register is 0x%02x, the value is 0x%02x\n ", i, buf);
+ }
+ DBG("demp end!\n");
+static void dump_charger_register(struct battery_info *di)
+ int i = 0;
+ char buf;
+ DBG("%s dump the register start: \n",__FUNCTION__);
+ for(i = 0x99;i < 0xAB; i ++){
+ battery_read(di ->rk818, i, &buf,1);
+ DBG(" the register is 0x%02x, the value is 0x%02x\n ", i, buf);
+ }
+ DBG("demp end!\n");
+#if 0
+static int rk818_battery_status(struct battery_info *di)
+ return di->status;
+static int rk818_battery_present(struct rk818_battery_info *di)
+ return 1;
+/* OCV Lookup table
+ * Open Circuit Voltage (OCV) correction routine. This function estimates SOC,
+ * based on the voltage.
+ */
+static int _voltage_to_capacity(struct battery_info * di, int voltage)
+ u32 *ocv_table;
+ int ocv_size;
+ u32 tmp;
+ ocv_table = di->platform_data->battery_ocv;
+ ocv_size = di->platform_data->ocv_size;
+ // ocv_table = di->ocv_table;
+ // ocv_size = di->ocv_size;
+ tmp = interpolate(voltage, ocv_table, ocv_size);
+ di->temp_soc = ab_div_c(tmp, MAX_PERCENTAGE, INTERPOLATE_MAX);
+ di->temp_nac= ab_div_c(tmp, di->fcc, INTERPOLATE_MAX);
+ DBG("temp = %d real-soc =%d nac= %d, fcc = %d\n", tmp, di->temp_soc, di->temp_nac,di->fcc);
+ return 0;
+static int _get_average_current(struct battery_info *di)
+ u8 buf;//[2];
+ int ret;
+ int current_now;
+ int temp;
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,BAT_CUR_AVG_REGL, &buf, 1);
+ if(ret < 0){
+ dev_err(di->dev, "error reading BAT_CUR_AVG_REGL");
+ return ret;
+ }
+ current_now = buf;
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,BAT_CUR_AVG_REGH, &buf, 1);
+ if(ret < 0){
+ dev_err(di->dev, "error reading BAT_CUR_AVG_REGH");
+ return ret;
+ }
+ current_now |= (buf<<8);
+ if(current_now &0x800)
+ current_now -= 4096;
+// temp = current_now*1000*90/14/4096*500/521;
+ temp = current_now*1506/1000;//1000*90/14/4096*500/521;
+ if(ret < 0){
+ dev_err(di->dev, "error reading BAT_CUR_AVG_REGH");
+ return ret;
+ }
+ DBG("%s, average current current_now = %d current = %d\n",__FUNCTION__, current_now, temp);
+ return temp;
+#define to_device_info(x) container_of((x), \
+ struct battery_info, bat);
+static int rk818_battery_get_property(struct power_supply *psy,
+ enum power_supply_property psp,
+ union power_supply_propval *val)
+ int ret = 0;
+ struct battery_info *di = to_device_info(psy);
+ switch (psp) {
+ val->intval = di->current_avg;
+ break;
+ val->intval = di->voltage;// rk818_battery_voltage(di);
+ val->intval = val->intval <= 0 ? 0 : 1;
+ break;
+ if(di->real_soc < 0)
+ di->real_soc = 0;
+ if(di->real_soc > 100)
+ di->real_soc = 100;
+ val->intval =di->real_soc;
+ //DBG("POWER_SUPPLY_PROP_CAPACITY = %d, val->intval =%d\n", di->real_soc, val->intval);
+ break;
+ val->intval = POWER_SUPPLY_HEALTH_GOOD;//rk818_battery_health(di);
+ break;
+ val->intval = di->status;
+ //DBG("gBatStatus=%d\n",val->intval);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ return ret;
+#define to_ac_device_info(x) container_of((x), \
+ struct battery_info, ac);
+static int rk818_battery_ac_get_property(struct power_supply *psy,
+ enum power_supply_property psp,
+ union power_supply_propval *val)
+ //DBG("%s:%d psp = %d\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,psp);
+ int ret = 0;
+ struct battery_info *di = to_ac_device_info(psy);
+ switch (psp) {
+ val->intval = di->ac_online; /*discharging*/
+ //DBG("%s:%d val->intval = %d di->status = %d\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,val->intval, di->status);
+ break;
+ default:
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ break;
+ }
+ return ret;
+#define to_usb_device_info(x) container_of((x), \
+ struct battery_info, usb);
+static int rk818_battery_usb_get_property(struct power_supply *psy,
+ enum power_supply_property psp,
+ union power_supply_propval *val)
+ int ret = 0;
+ struct battery_info *di = to_usb_device_info(psy);
+ switch (psp) {
+ val->intval = di->usb_online; /*discharging*/
+ //DBG("%s:%d val->intval = %d\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,val->intval);
+ break;
+ default:
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ break;
+ }
+ return ret;
+static void battery_powersupply_init(struct battery_info *di)
+ di->bat.name = "BATTERY";
+ di->bat.properties = rk818_battery_props;
+ di->bat.num_properties = ARRAY_SIZE(rk818_battery_props);
+ di->bat.get_property = rk818_battery_get_property;
+ di->ac.name = "AC";
+ di->ac.type = POWER_SUPPLY_TYPE_MAINS;
+ di->ac.properties = rk818_battery_ac_props;
+ di->ac.num_properties = ARRAY_SIZE(rk818_battery_ac_props);
+ di->ac.get_property = rk818_battery_ac_get_property;
+ di->usb.name = "USB";
+ di->usb.type = POWER_SUPPLY_TYPE_USB;
+ di->usb.properties = rk818_battery_usb_props;
+ di->usb.num_properties = ARRAY_SIZE(rk818_battery_usb_props);
+ di->usb.get_property = rk818_battery_usb_get_property;
+//enabsle GG_EN
+static int _gauge_enable(struct battery_info *di)
+ int ret;
+ u8 buf;
+ DBG("%s start \n", __FUNCTION__);
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,TS_CTRL_REG, &buf, 1);
+ DBG("_gauge_enable read-%d\n", buf);
+ if(ret < 0){
+ dev_err(di->dev, "error reading TS_CTRL_REG");
+ return ret;
+ }
+ if(!(buf & GG_EN)){
+ buf |= GG_EN;
+ ret = battery_write(di->rk818, TS_CTRL_REG, &buf, 1); //enable
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,TS_CTRL_REG, &buf, 1);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ DBG("%s,%d\n",__FUNCTION__, buf);
+ return 0;
+#if 0
+static int _gauge_disable(struct battery_info *di)
+ int ret;
+ u8 buf;
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,TS_CTRL_REG, &buf, 1);
+ if(ret < 0){
+ dev_err(di->dev, "error reading TS_CTRL_REG");
+ return ret;
+ }
+ if((buf & GG_EN)){
+ buf &= (~0x80);//GG_EN
+ ret = battery_write(di->rk818, TS_CTRL_REG, &buf, 1); //enable
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int _set_auto_sleep_cur(struct battery_info *di, u8 value)
+ int ret;
+ u8 buf;
+ buf = value;
+ ret = battery_write(di->rk818, AUTO_SLP_CUR_THR_REG, &buf, 1); //enable
+ return 0;
+static int _set_sleep_smp_time(struct battery_info *di, u8 value)
+ int ret;
+ u8 temp;
+ u8 buf;
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,FRAME_SMP_INTERV_REG, &buf, 1);
+ if(ret < 0){
+ dev_err(di->dev, "error reading FRAME_SMP_INTERV_REG");
+ return ret;
+ }
+ temp = (buf&(AUTO_SLP_EN))|value;
+ ret = battery_write(di->rk818, FRAME_SMP_INTERV_REG, &temp, 1); //enable
+ return 0;
+static int _autosleep_enable(struct battery_info *di)
+ int ret;
+ u8 buf;
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,FRAME_SMP_INTERV_REG, &buf, 1);
+ if(ret < 0){
+ dev_err(di->dev, "error reading FRAME_SMP_INTERV_REG");
+ return ret;
+ }
+ if(!(buf & AUTO_SLP_EN)){
+ buf |= AUTO_SLP_EN;
+ ret = battery_write(di->rk818, FRAME_SMP_INTERV_REG, &buf, 1); //enable
+ return 0;
+ }
+ _set_auto_sleep_cur(di, di->sleep_cur); // <di->sleep_cur , into sleep-mode
+ _set_sleep_smp_time(di, di->sleep_smp_time); // time of adc work , sleep-mode
+ return 0;
+static int _autosleep_disable(struct battery_info *di)
+ int ret;
+ u8 buf;
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,FRAME_SMP_INTERV_REG, &buf, 1);
+ if(ret < 0){
+ dev_err(di->dev, "error reading FRAME_SMP_INTERV_REG");
+ return ret;
+ }
+ if((buf & AUTO_SLP_EN)){
+ buf &= (~AUTO_SLP_EN);
+ ret = battery_write(di->rk818, FRAME_SMP_INTERV_REG, &buf, 1); //enable
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static void _set_relax_thres(struct battery_info *di)
+ u8 buf;
+ int enter_thres,exit_thres;
+ struct cell_state *cell = &di->cell;
+ enter_thres = (cell->config->ocv->sleep_enter_current)*1000/1506;
+ exit_thres = (cell->config->ocv->sleep_exit_current)*1000/1506;
+ buf = enter_thres&0xff;
+ battery_write(di->rk818, RELAX_ENTRY_THRES_REGL, &buf,1);
+ buf = (enter_thres>>8)&0xff;
+ battery_write(di->rk818, RELAX_ENTRY_THRES_REGH, &buf,1);
+ buf = exit_thres&0xff;
+ battery_write(di->rk818, RELAX_EXIT_THRES_REGL, &buf,1);
+ buf = (exit_thres>>8)&0xff;
+ battery_write(di->rk818, RELAX_EXIT_THRES_REGH, &buf,1);
+ //set sample time
+ battery_read(di->rk818,GGCON, &buf, 1);
+ buf &= ~(3<<2);
+ battery_write(di->rk818, GGCON, &buf,1);
+ }
+static int rk818_battery_voltage(struct battery_info *di)
+ int ret;
+ int voltage_now = 0;
+ u8 buf;
+ int temp;
+#if 1
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,BAT_VOL_REGL, &buf, 1);
+ temp = buf;
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,BAT_VOL_REGH,&buf, 1);
+ temp |= buf<<8;
+ //ret = battery_read(di->rk818,BAT_VOL_REGH, buf, 2);
+ if(ret < 0){
+ dev_err(di->dev, "error reading BAT_VOL_REGH");
+ return ret;
+ }
+ //voltage_now = temp;//(buf[0]<<8)|buf[1];
+ voltage_now = di ->voltage_k*temp + di->voltage_b;
+ DBG("the rea-time voltage is %d\n",voltage_now);
+ return voltage_now;
+static int _get_OCV_voltage(struct battery_info *di)
+ int ret;
+ int voltage_now = 0;
+ u8 buf;
+ int temp;
+#if 1
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,BAT_OCV_REGL, &buf, 1);
+ temp = buf;
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,BAT_OCV_REGH, &buf, 1);
+ temp |= buf<<8;
+ //ret = battery_read(di->rk818,BAT_OCV_REGH, &buf, 2);
+ if(ret < 0){
+ dev_err(di->dev, "error reading BAT_OCV_REGH");
+ return ret;
+ }
+ //voltage_now = temp;//(buf[0]<<8)|buf[1];
+ voltage_now = di ->voltage_k*temp + di->voltage_b;
+ DBG("the OCV voltage is %d\n", voltage_now);
+ return voltage_now;
+#if 0
+static int _get_ts1_adc(struct battery_info *di)
+ int ret;
+ int temp = 0;
+ u8 buf;
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,TS1_ADC_REGL, &buf, 1);
+ temp = buf;
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,TS1_ADC_REGH, &buf, 1);
+ temp = (buf<<8);
+ return temp;
+static int _get_ts2_adc(struct battery_info *di)
+ int ret;
+ int temp = 0;
+ u8 buf;
+#if 1
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,TS2_ADC_REGL, &buf, 1);
+ temp = buf;
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,TS2_ADC_REGH, &buf, 1);
+ temp |= buf<<8;
+ return temp;
+static void _capacity_init(struct battery_info *di, u32 capacity)
+ u8 buf;
+ u32 capacity_ma;
+ capacity_ma = capacity*2201;//36*14/900*4096/521*500;
+ DBG("%s WRITE GANCNT_CAL_REG %d\n", __FUNCTION__, capacity_ma);
+ do{
+ buf = (capacity_ma>>24)&0xff;
+ battery_write(di->rk818, GASCNT_CAL_REG3, &buf,1);
+ buf = (capacity_ma>>16)&0xff;
+ battery_write(di->rk818, GASCNT_CAL_REG2, &buf,1);
+ buf = (capacity_ma>>8)&0xff;
+ battery_write(di->rk818, GASCNT_CAL_REG1, &buf,1);
+ buf = (capacity_ma&0xff)|0x01;
+ battery_write(di->rk818, GASCNT_CAL_REG0, &buf,1);
+ battery_read(di->rk818,GASCNT_CAL_REG0, &buf, 1);
+ }while(buf == 0);
+ return;
+static void _save_remain_capacity(struct battery_info *di, u32 capacity)
+ u8 buf;
+ u32 capacity_ma;
+ if(capacity >= di ->qmax){
+ capacity = di ->qmax;
+ }
+ capacity_ma = capacity;
+// DBG("%s WRITE GANCNT_CAL_REG %d\n", __FUNCTION__, capacity_ma);
+ buf = (capacity_ma>>24)&0xff;
+ battery_write(di->rk818, REMAIN_CAP_REG3, &buf,1);
+ buf = (capacity_ma>>16)&0xff;
+ battery_write(di->rk818, REMAIN_CAP_REG2, &buf,1);
+ buf = (capacity_ma>>8)&0xff;
+ battery_write(di->rk818, REMAIN_CAP_REG1, &buf,1);
+ buf = (capacity_ma&0xff)|0x01;
+ battery_write(di->rk818, REMAIN_CAP_REG0, &buf,1);
+ return;
+static int _get_remain_capacity(struct battery_info *di)
+ int ret;
+ int temp = 0;
+ u8 buf;
+ u32 capacity;
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,REMAIN_CAP_REG3, &buf, 1);
+ temp = buf<<24;
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,REMAIN_CAP_REG2, &buf, 1);
+ temp |= buf<<16;
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,REMAIN_CAP_REG1, &buf, 1);
+ temp |= buf<<8;
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,REMAIN_CAP_REG0, &buf, 1);
+ temp |= buf;
+ capacity = temp;///4096*900/14/36*500/521;
+ DBG("%s GASCNT_CAL_REG %d capacity =%d \n",__FUNCTION__, temp, capacity);
+ return capacity;
+static int _get_capacity(struct battery_info *di)
+ int ret;
+ int temp = 0;
+ u8 buf;
+ u32 capacity;
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,GASCNT_CAL_REG3, &buf, 1);
+ temp = buf<<24;
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,GASCNT_CAL_REG2, &buf, 1);
+ temp |= buf<<16;
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,GASCNT_CAL_REG1, &buf, 1);
+ temp |= buf<<8;
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,GASCNT_CAL_REG0, &buf, 1);
+ temp |= buf;
+ capacity = temp/2201;///4096*900/14/36*500/521;
+ //DBG("%s GASCNT_CAL_REG %d capacity =%d \n",__FUNCTION__, temp, capacity);
+ return capacity;
+static int _get_realtime_capacity(struct battery_info *di)
+ int ret;
+ int temp = 0;
+ u8 buf;
+ u32 capacity;
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,GASCNT3, &buf, 1);
+ temp = buf<<24;
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,GASCNT2, &buf, 1);
+ temp |= buf<<16;
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,GASCNT1, &buf, 1);
+ temp |= buf<<8;
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,GASCNT0, &buf, 1);
+ temp |= buf;
+// ret = battery_read(di->rk818,GASCNT_CAL_REG3, &buf, 4);
+// temp = buf[0] << 24 | buf[1] << 24 | buf[2] << 24 |buf[3] ;
+ capacity = temp/2201;///4096*900/14/36*500/521;
+ //DBG("%s GASCNT = 0x%4x capacity =%d \n",__FUNCTION__, temp,capacity);
+ return capacity;
+static int _get_relax_vol1(struct battery_info *di)
+ int ret;
+ int temp = 0,voltage_now;
+ u8 buf;
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,RELAX_VOL1_REGL, &buf, 1);
+ temp = buf;
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,RELAX_VOL1_REGH, &buf, 1);
+ temp |= buf<<8;
+// ret = battery_read(di->rk818,RELAX_VOL1_REGH, &buf, 2);
+// temp = (buf[0]<<8)|buf[1];
+ voltage_now = di ->voltage_k*temp + di->voltage_b;
+ return voltage_now;
+static int _get_relax_vol2(struct battery_info *di)
+ int ret;
+ int temp = 0,voltage_now;
+ u8 buf;
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,RELAX_VOL2_REGL, &buf, 1);
+ temp = buf;
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,RELAX_VOL2_REGH, &buf, 1);
+ temp |= buf<<8;
+// ret = battery_read(di->rk818,RELAX_VOL2_REGH, &buf, 2);
+// temp = (buf[0]<<8)|buf[1];
+ voltage_now = di ->voltage_k*temp + di->voltage_b;
+ return temp;
+static bool _is_relax_mode(struct battery_info *di)
+ int ret;
+ u8 status;
+ int relax_vol1,relax_vol2;
+ struct cell_state *cell = &di->cell;
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,GGSTS, &status, 1);
+ DBG(" GGSTS the value is %2x the realsoc = %d \n", status, di->real_soc);
+ if(!(status&RELAX_STS))
+ return false;
+ if((!(status&RELAX_VOL1_UPD))||(!(status&RELAX_VOL2_UPD)))
+ return false;
+ else{
+ if ((di->real_soc>= cell->config->ocv->flat_zone_low)
+ && (di->real_soc <= cell->config->ocv->flat_zone_high))
+ return false;
+ relax_vol1 = _get_relax_vol1(di);
+ relax_vol2 = _get_relax_vol2(di);
+ DBG("relax_vol1 = %d relax_vol2 =%d \n", relax_vol1,relax_vol2);
+ if((abs_int((relax_vol2 - relax_vol1)))/8/60 > 4 )
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+static int relax_soc(struct battery_info *di)
+ //int relax_soc;
+ _voltage_to_capacity( di, di->voltage);
+ return di->temp_soc;
+static int _get_vcalib0(struct battery_info *di)
+ int ret;
+ int temp = 0;
+ u8 buf;
+#if 1
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,VCALIB0_REGL, &buf, 1);
+ temp = buf;
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,VCALIB0_REGH, &buf, 1);
+ temp |= buf<<8;
+ //ret = battery_read(di->rk818,VCALIB0_REGH, &buf,2);
+ //temp = (buf[0]<<8)|buf[1];
+ DBG("%s voltage0 offset vale is %d\n",__FUNCTION__, temp);
+ return temp;
+static int _get_vcalib1(struct battery_info *di)
+ int ret;
+ int temp = 0;
+ u8 buf;
+ #if 1
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,VCALIB1_REGL, &buf, 1);
+ temp = buf;
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,VCALIB1_REGH, &buf, 1);
+ temp |= buf<<8;
+ #endif
+ //ret = battery_read(di->rk818,VCALIB1_REGH, &buf, 2);
+ //temp = (buf[0]<<8)|buf[1];
+ DBG("%s voltage1 offset vale is %d\n",__FUNCTION__, temp);
+ return temp;
+static void _get_voltage_offset_value(struct battery_info *di)
+ int vcalib0,vcalib1;
+ vcalib0 = _get_vcalib0(di);
+ vcalib1 = _get_vcalib1(di);
+ di->voltage_k = (4200 - 3000)/(vcalib1 - vcalib0);
+ di->voltage_b = 4200 - di->voltage_k*vcalib1;
+ return;
+static int _get_ioffset(struct battery_info *di)
+ int ret;
+ int temp = 0;
+ u8 buf;
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,IOFFSET_REGL, &buf, 1);
+ temp = buf;
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,IOFFSET_REGH, &buf, 1);
+ temp |= buf<<8;
+ //ret = battery_read(di->rk818,IOFFSET_REGH, &buf, 2);
+ //temp = (buf[0]<<8)|buf[1];
+ DBG("%s IOFFSET value is %d\n", __FUNCTION__, temp);
+ return temp;
+static int _set_cal_offset(struct battery_info *di, u32 value)
+ int ret;
+ int temp = 0;
+ u8 buf;
+ DBG("%s\n",__FUNCTION__);
+ buf = value&0xff;
+ ret = battery_write(di->rk818, CAL_OFFSET_REGL, &buf, 1); //enable
+ buf = (value >> 8)&0xff;
+ ret = battery_write(di->rk818, CAL_OFFSET_REGH, &buf, 1); //enable
+ DBG("%s set CAL_OFFSET_REG %d\n",__FUNCTION__, temp);
+ return 0;
+static bool _is_first_poweron(struct battery_info * di)
+ u8 buf;
+ u8 temp;
+ u8 ret;
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,GGSTS, &buf, 1);
+ DBG("%s GGSTS value is %2x \n", __FUNCTION__, buf );
+ if( buf&BAT_CON){
+ buf &=~(BAT_CON);
+ do{
+ battery_write(di->rk818,GGSTS, &buf, 1);
+ battery_read(di->rk818,GGSTS, &temp, 1);
+ }while(temp&BAT_CON);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+#if 0
+static bool fg_check_relaxed(struct battery_info * di)//(struct cell_state *cell)
+ struct cell_state *cell = &di->cell;
+ struct timeval now;
+ if (!cell->sleep) {
+ if (abs_int(di->current_avg) <=
+ cell->config->ocv->sleep_enter_current) {
+ if (cell->sleep_samples < MAX_UINT8)
+ cell->sleep_samples++;
+ if (cell->sleep_samples >=
+ cell->config->ocv->sleep_enter_samples) {
+ /* Entering sleep mode */
+ do_gettimeofday(&cell->sleep_timer);
+ do_gettimeofday(&cell->el_sleep_timer);
+ cell->sleep = true;
+ cell->calibrate = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ cell->sleep_samples = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* The battery cell is Sleeping, checking if need to exit
+ sleep mode count number of seconds that cell spent in
+ sleep */
+ do_gettimeofday(&now);
+ cell->cumulative_sleep +=
+ now.tv_sec + cell->el_sleep_timer.tv_sec;
+ do_gettimeofday(&cell->el_sleep_timer);
+ /* Check if we need to reset Sleep */
+ if (abs_int(di->current_avg) >
+ cell->config->ocv->sleep_exit_current) {
+ if (abs_int(di->current_avg) >
+ cell->config->ocv->sleep_exit_current) {
+ if (cell->sleep_samples < MAX_UINT8)
+ cell->sleep_samples++;
+ } else {
+ cell->sleep_samples = 0;
+ }
+ /* Check if we need to reset a Sleep timer */
+ if (cell->sleep_samples >
+ cell->config->ocv->sleep_exit_samples) {
+ /* Exit sleep mode */
+ cell->sleep_timer.tv_sec = 0;
+ cell->sleep = false;
+ cell->relax = false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ cell->sleep_samples = 0;
+ if (!cell->relax) {
+ if (now.tv_sec-cell->sleep_timer.tv_sec >
+ cell->config->ocv->relax_period) {
+ cell->relax = true;
+ cell->calibrate = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return cell->relax;
+/* Checks for right conditions for OCV correction */
+static bool fg_can_ocv(struct battery_info * di)//(struct cell_state *cell)
+ struct cell_state *cell = &di->cell;
+#if 1
+ /* Voltage should be stable */
+ if (cell->config->ocv->voltage_diff <= diff_array(av_v, AV_SIZE))
+ return false;
+ /* Current should be stable */
+ if (cell->config->ocv->current_diff <= diff_array(av_c, AV_SIZE))
+ return false;
+ /* SOC should be out of Flat Zone */
+ if ((di->real_soc>= cell->config->ocv->flat_zone_low)
+ && (di->real_soc <= cell->config->ocv->flat_zone_high))
+ return false;
+ /* Current should be less then SleepEnterCurrent */
+ if (abs_int(di->current_avg) >= cell->config->ocv->sleep_enter_current)
+ return false;
+ /* Don't allow OCV below EDV1, unless OCVbelowEDV1 is set */
+ //if (cell->edv1 && !cell->config->ocv_below_edv1)
+ // return false;
+ return true;
+/* Sets the battery Voltage, and recalculates the average voltage */
+void fg_set_voltage(int16_t voltage)
+ int16_t i;
+ int32_t tmp = 0;
+ /* put voltage reading int the buffer and update average */
+ av_v_index++;
+ av_v_index %= AV_SIZE;
+ av_v[av_v_index] = voltage;
+ for (i = 0; i < AV_SIZE; i++)
+ tmp += av_v[i];
+/* Sets the battery Current, and recalculates the average current */
+void fg_set_current( int16_t cur)
+ int16_t i;
+ int32_t tmp = 0;
+ /* put current reading int the buffer and update average */
+ av_c_index++;
+ av_c_index %= AV_SIZE;
+ av_c[av_c_index] = cur;
+ for (i = 0; i < AV_SIZE; i++)
+ tmp += av_c[i];
+static int _copy_soc(struct battery_info * di, u8 save_soc)
+ u8 soc;
+ soc = save_soc;
+ //soc = 85;
+ battery_write(di->rk818, SOC_REG, &soc, 1);
+ battery_read(di->rk818, SOC_REG, &soc, 1);
+ DBG(" the save soc-reg = %d \n", soc);
+ return 0;
+static void _save_rsoc_nac(struct battery_info * di)
+ u8 buf;
+ buf = di->real_soc;
+ battery_write(di->rk818, SOC_REG, &buf, 1);
+static int _rsoc_init(struct battery_info * di)
+ int vol;
+ u8 temp;
+ u32 remain_capacity;
+ vol = di->voltage_ocv; //_get_OCV_voltage(di);
+ DBG("OCV voltage = %d\n" , di->voltage_ocv);
+ if(_is_first_poweron(di)){
+ DBG(" %s this is first poweron\n", __FUNCTION__);
+ _voltage_to_capacity(di, di->voltage_ocv);
+ di->real_soc = di->temp_soc;
+ di->nac = di->temp_nac;
+ }else{
+ DBG(" %s this is not not not first poweron\n", __FUNCTION__);
+ battery_read(di->rk818,SOC_REG, &temp, 1);
+ remain_capacity = _get_remain_capacity(di);
+ if(remain_capacity >= di->qmax)
+ remain_capacity = di->qmax;
+ DBG("saved SOC_REG = 0x%8x\n", temp);
+ DBG("saved remain_capacity = %d\n", remain_capacity);
+ di->real_soc = temp;
+ //di->nac = di->fcc*temp/100;
+ di->nac = remain_capacity;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int _get_soc(struct battery_info *di)
+ return di->remain_capacity * 100 / di->fcc;
+static u8 get_charge_status(struct battery_info * di)
+ u8 status;
+ u8 ret =0;
+ battery_read(di->rk818, SUP_STS_REG, &status, 1);
+ DBG("%s ----- SUP_STS_REG(0xA0) = 0x%02x\n", __FUNCTION__, status);
+ status &= ~(0x07<<4);
+ switch(status){
+ case CHARGE_OFF:
+ ret = CHARGE_OFF;
+ break;
+ ret = DEAD_CHARGE;
+ break;
+ case TRICKLE_CHARGE:// (0x02<<4)
+ ret = DEAD_CHARGE;
+ break;
+ case CC_OR_CV: // (0x03<<4)
+ ret = CC_OR_CV;
+ break;
+ case CHARGE_FINISH:// (0x04<<4)
+ break;
+ case USB_OVER_VOL:// (0x05<<4)
+ ret = USB_OVER_VOL;
+ break;
+ case BAT_TMP_ERR:// (0x06<<4)
+ ret = BAT_TMP_ERR;
+ break;
+ case TIMER_ERR:// (0x07<<4)
+ ret = TIMER_ERR;
+ break;
+ case USB_EXIST:// (1<<1)// usb is exists
+ ret = USB_EXIST;
+ break;
+ case USB_EFF:// (1<<0)// usb is effective
+ ret = USB_EFF;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ return ret;
+static void rk818_battery_charger_init(struct battery_info *di)
+ u8 chrg_ctrl_reg1,usb_ctrl_reg;// chrg_ctrl_reg2;
+ u8 sup_sts_reg;
+ DBG("%s start\n",__FUNCTION__);
+ battery_read(di->rk818, USB_CTRL_REG, &usb_ctrl_reg, 1);
+ battery_read(di->rk818, CHRG_CTRL_REG1, &chrg_ctrl_reg1, 1);
+// battery_read(di->rk818, CHRG_CTRL_REG2, &chrg_ctrl_reg2, 1);
+ battery_read(di->rk818, SUP_STS_REG, &sup_sts_reg, 1);
+ DBG("old usb_ctrl_reg =0x%2x,CHRG_CTRL_REG1=0x%2x\n ",usb_ctrl_reg, chrg_ctrl_reg1);
+ //usb_ctrl_reg &= (0x01<<7);
+ usb_ctrl_reg |= (VLIM_4400MV | ILIM_1200MA)|(0x01<<7);
+ chrg_ctrl_reg1 &= (0x00);
+ chrg_ctrl_reg1 |=(0x01<<7)| (CHRG_VOL4200| CHRG_CUR1400mA);
+ sup_sts_reg &= ~(0x01<<3);
+ sup_sts_reg |= (0x01<<2);
+ battery_write(di->rk818, USB_CTRL_REG, &usb_ctrl_reg, 1);
+ battery_write(di->rk818, CHRG_CTRL_REG1, &chrg_ctrl_reg1, 1);
+ //battery_write(di->rk818, CHRG_CTRL_REG2, &chrg_ctrl_reg2, 1);
+ battery_write(di->rk818, SUP_STS_REG, &sup_sts_reg, 1);
+ battery_read(di->rk818, CHRG_CTRL_REG1, &chrg_ctrl_reg1, 1);
+// battery_read(di->rk818, CHRG_CTRL_REG2, &chrg_ctrl_reg2, 1);
+ battery_read(di->rk818, SUP_STS_REG, &sup_sts_reg, 1);
+ battery_read(di->rk818, USB_CTRL_REG, &usb_ctrl_reg, 1);
+ DBG(" new usb_ctrl_reg =0x%2x,CHRG_CTRL_REG1=0x%2x, SUP_STS_REG=0x%2x\n ",
+ usb_ctrl_reg, chrg_ctrl_reg1,sup_sts_reg);
+ DBG("%s end\n",__FUNCTION__);
+extern int rk818_set_bits(struct rk818 *rk818, u8 reg, u8 mask, u8 val);
+void charge_disable_open_otg(struct battery_info *di, int value )
+// u8 chrg_ctrl_reg1,dcdc_en_reg;
+ if(value == 1){
+ DBG("1 ---- charge disable \n");
+ rk818_set_bits(di->rk818, CHRG_CTRL_REG1, 1 << 7, 0<< 7); //ldo9
+ rk818_set_bits(di->rk818, 0x23, 1 << 7, 1 << 7); //ldo9
+ }
+ if(value == 0){
+ DBG("1 ---- charge disable \n");
+ rk818_set_bits(di->rk818, 0x23, 1 << 7, 0 << 7); //ldo9
+ rk818_set_bits(di->rk818, CHRG_CTRL_REG1, 1 << 7, 1 << 7); //ldo9
+ }
+static void fg_init(struct battery_info *di)
+ DBG("%s start\n",__FUNCTION__);
+ _gauge_enable(di);
+ _get_voltage_offset_value(di); //get the volatege offset
+// _autosleep_enable(di);
+ rk818_battery_charger_init(di);
+// _set_relax_thres(di);
+ di->current_offset = _get_ioffset(di); //get the current offset , the value write to the CAL_OFFSET
+ _set_cal_offset(di,di->current_offset+42);
+ di->voltage = rk818_battery_voltage(di);
+ di->voltage_ocv = _get_OCV_voltage(di);
+ _rsoc_init( di);
+ _capacity_init(di, di->nac);
+// _get_realtime_capacity( di);
+ di->remain_capacity = _get_capacity(di);
+ // _get_realtime_capacity( di);
+ do_gettimeofday(&di->soc_timer);
+ di->change_timer = di->soc_timer;
+#if 0
+ for (i = 0; i < AV_SIZE; i++) {
+ av_v[i] = di->voltage;
+ av_c[i] = 0;
+ }
+ av_v_index = 0;
+ av_c_index = 0;
+ dump_gauge_register(di);
+ dump_charger_register(di);
+ DBG("nac =%d , remain_capacity = %d \n"
+ " OCV_voltage =%d, voltage =%d \n",
+ di->nac, di->remain_capacity,
+ di->voltage_ocv, di->voltage);
+#if 0
+static int capacity_changed(struct battery_info *di)
+ s32 acc_value, samples = 0;
+ int ret;
+ int acc_q;
+// fg_set_voltage(&di->cell, di->voltage_mV);
+ //fg_set_current(&di->cell, (int16_t)(di->current_uA/1000));
+ return 0;
+static void rk818_battery_info(struct battery_info *di)
+ //di->status = rk818_battery_status(di);
+ //di->voltage = rk818_battery_voltage(di);
+ di->present = rk818_battery_present(di);
+ di->bat_current = _get_average_current(di);
+ di->temp_soc= rk818_battery_soc(di);
+ di->tempreture =rk818_battery_temperature(di);
+ di->health = rk818_battery_health(di);
+static void rk818_battery_display_smooth(struct battery_info *di)
+ int status;
+ u8 charge_status;
+// int relaxmode_soc;
+// int coulomp_soc, soc;
+ status = di->status;
+ //DBG("charging smooth ... \n");
+ if(1){
+ DBG("di->remain_capacity =%d, di->fcc = %d\n", di->remain_capacity,di->fcc);
+ di->temp_soc = _get_soc(di);
+ charge_status = get_charge_status( di);
+ if(di->temp_soc >= 100){
+ di->temp_soc = 100;
+ //di->status = POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_FULL;
+ }
+ do_gettimeofday(&di->soc_timer);
+ if(di->temp_soc!= di->real_soc){
+ di->change_timer = di->soc_timer;
+ if(di->real_soc < di->temp_soc)
+ di->real_soc++;
+ else
+ di->real_soc =di->temp_soc;
+ }
+ // DBG("charge_status =0x%x\n", charge_status);
+ if((charge_status ==CHARGE_FINISH) && (di->real_soc < 100)){
+ DBG("CHARGE_FINISH di->real_soc < 100 \n ");
+ if((di->soc_counter < 10)){
+ di->soc_counter ++;
+ }else{
+ di->soc_counter = 0;
+ if(di->real_soc < 100){
+ di->real_soc ++;
+ // _save_rsoc_nac( di);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(di->real_soc <= 0)
+ di->real_soc = 0;
+ if(di->real_soc >= 100){
+ di->real_soc = 100;
+ }
+ }
+ //DBG("discharging smooth ... \n");
+ di->temp_soc = _get_soc(di);
+ do_gettimeofday(&di->soc_timer);
+ if(di->temp_soc!= di->real_soc){
+ di->change_timer = di->soc_timer;
+ di->real_soc = di->temp_soc;
+ // _save_rsoc_nac( di);
+ }
+ if(di->real_soc <= 0)
+ di->real_soc = 0;
+ if(di->real_soc >= 100){
+ di->real_soc = 100;
+ }
+#if 0
+ if(!_is_relax_mode( di)){
+ di->temp_soc = _get_soc(di);
+ do_gettimeofday(&di->soc_timer);
+ if(di->temp_soc!= di->real_soc){
+ di->change_timer = di->soc_timer;
+ di->real_soc = di->temp_soc;
+ _save_rsoc_nac( di);
+ }
+ }else{
+ //relaxmode_soc = relax_soc(di);
+ coulomp_soc = _get_soc(di);
+ soc =coulomp_soc;// (coulomp_soc*20 + relaxmode_soc*80)/100;
+ if((soc > di->real_soc)&&(di->soc_counter < 10)){
+ di->soc_counter ++;
+ }else{
+ di->soc_counter = 0;
+ if(di->real_soc < 100){
+ di->real_soc --;
+ _save_rsoc_nac( di);
+ }
+ }
+ DBG(" remaxmode_soc = %d , coulomp-soc =%d soc = %d\n",relaxmode_soc, coulomp_soc, soc);
+ }
+ }
+ //DBG("%s exit \n", __FUNCTION__);
+static void rk818_battery_update_status(struct battery_info *di)
+ di->voltage = rk818_battery_voltage( di);
+ di->current_avg = _get_average_current(di);
+ di->remain_capacity = _get_realtime_capacity( di);
+ _get_capacity(di);
+ rk818_battery_display_smooth(di);
+ DBG("%s\n"
+ "voltage = %d, current-avg = %d\n"
+ "fcc = %d ,remain_capacity =%d\n"
+ "real_soc = %d\n",
+ di->voltage, di->current_avg,
+ di->fcc, di->remain_capacity,
+ di->real_soc
+ );
+extern int dwc_vbus_status(void);
+extern int get_gadget_connect_flag(void);
+ //state of charge ----running
+static int get_charging_status(struct battery_info *di)
+#if 0
+ u8 usb_ctrl_reg;// chrg_ctrl_reg2;
+ battery_read(di->rk818, USB_CTRL_REG, &usb_ctrl_reg, 1);
+// battery_read(di->rk818, CHRG_CTRL_REG2, &chrg_ctrl_reg2, 1);
+ DBG("old usb_ctrl_reg =0x%2x,CHRG_CTRL_REG1=0x%2x\n ",usb_ctrl_reg, chrg_ctrl_reg1);
+ usb_ctrl_reg &= (0x01<<7);
+ usb_ctrl_reg |= ( ILIM_300MA);
+// struct rk30_adc_battery_platform_data *pdata = bat->pdata;
+ int usb_status = 0; // 0--dischage ,1 ---usb charge, 2 ---ac charge
+ int vbus_status = dwc_vbus_status();
+ if (1 == vbus_status) {
+ if (0 == get_gadget_connect_flag()){
+ if (++di->check_count >= 5){
+ di->ac_online = 1;
+ di->usb_online = 0;
+ }else{
+ di->ac_online =0;
+ di->usb_online = 1;
+ }
+ }else{
+ di->ac_online =0;
+ di->usb_online = 1;
+ }
+ }else{
+ if (2 == vbus_status) {
+ di->ac_online = 1;
+ di->usb_online = 0;
+ }else{
+ di->ac_online = 0;
+ di->usb_online = 0;
+ }
+ di->check_count=0;
+ }
+ return usb_status;
+static void get_battery_status(struct battery_info *di)
+ u8 buf;
+ int ret;
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,VB_MOD_REG, &buf, 1);
+ //int vbus_status = dwc_vbus_status();
+ if(buf&PLUG_IN_STS){
+ //if(vbus_status != 0){
+ get_charging_status(di);
+ // di->ac_online = 1;
+ if(di->real_soc == 100)
+ }
+ else{
+ di->ac_online =0;
+ di->usb_online =0;
+ }
+ //DBG("%s ,di->status = %d\n",__FUNCTION__, di->status);
+static void rk818_battery_work(struct work_struct *work)
+ u8 buf;
+ struct battery_info *di = container_of(work,
+ struct battery_info, battery_monitor_work.work);
+ int vbus_status ;
+ get_battery_status(di);
+ battery_read(di->rk818,0x00, &buf, 1);
+ DBG("RTC =0x%2x\n ", buf);
+ battery_read(di->rk818,VB_MOD_REG, &buf, 1);
+ //DBG("VB_MOD_REG =%2x, the value is %2x\n ", VB_MOD_REG,buf);
+ battery_read(di->rk818,SUP_STS_REG, &buf, 1);
+// DBG("SUP_STS_REG =%2x, the value is %2x\n ", SUP_STS_REG,buf);
+ vbus_status = dwc_vbus_status();
+// DBG("vbus_status =%2x\n ", vbus_status);
+ rk818_battery_update_status(di);
+ if(di ->resume){
+ di ->resume = false;
+ di->real_soc = _get_soc(di);
+ if(di->real_soc <= 0)
+ di->real_soc = 0;
+ if(di->real_soc >= 100)
+ di->real_soc = 100;
+ }
+ if ((di->ac_online == 0 )&&( di->usb_online ==0)&&(di->remain_capacity > di->qmax +10)){
+ _capacity_init(di, di->qmax);
+ di->remain_capacity = _get_realtime_capacity( di);
+ }
+ //DBG("soc = %d", di->real_soc);
+ _copy_soc(di, di->real_soc);
+ _save_remain_capacity(di, di->remain_capacity);
+ power_supply_changed(&di->bat);
+// power_supply_changed(&di->usb);
+ power_supply_changed(&di->ac);
+ queue_delayed_work(di->wq, &di->battery_monitor_work, msecs_to_jiffies(TIMER_MS_COUNTS*5));
+static void rk818_battery_charge_check_work(struct work_struct *work)
+ struct battery_info *di = container_of(work,
+ struct battery_info, charge_check_work.work);
+ charge_disable_open_otg(di,di->charge_otg);
+static BLOCKING_NOTIFIER_HEAD(battery_chain_head);
+int register_battery_notifier(struct notifier_block *nb)
+ return blocking_notifier_chain_register(&battery_chain_head, nb);
+int unregister_battery_notifier(struct notifier_block *nb)
+ return blocking_notifier_chain_unregister(&battery_chain_head, nb);
+int battery_notifier_call_chain(unsigned long val)
+ return (blocking_notifier_call_chain(&battery_chain_head, val, NULL)
+ == NOTIFY_BAD) ? -EINVAL : 0;
+static int battery_notifier_call(struct notifier_block *nb,
+ unsigned long event, void *data)
+ struct battery_info *di=
+ container_of(nb, struct battery_info, battery_nb);
+ switch (event) {
+ case 0:
+ DBG(" CHARGE enable \n");
+ di ->charge_otg = 0;
+ queue_delayed_work(di->wq, &di->charge_check_work, msecs_to_jiffies(50));
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ di ->charge_otg = 1;
+ queue_delayed_work(di->wq, &di->charge_check_work, msecs_to_jiffies(50));
+ DBG("charge disable OTG enable \n");
+ break;
+ default:
+ return NOTIFY_OK;
+ }
+ return NOTIFY_OK;
+#ifdef CONFIG_OF
+static int rk818_battery_parse_dt(struct rk818 *rk818)
+ struct device_node *regs,*rk818_pmic_np;
+ struct battery_platform_data *data;
+ struct cell_config *cell_cfg;
+ struct property *prop;
+ u32 out_value;
+ int i, length, ret;
+ rk818_pmic_np = of_node_get(rk818->dev->of_node);
+ if (!rk818_pmic_np) {
+ printk("could not find pmic sub-node\n");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ regs = of_find_node_by_name(rk818_pmic_np, "battery");
+ if (!regs){
+ printk("could not find battery sub-node\n");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ data = devm_kzalloc(rk818->dev, sizeof(*data), GFP_KERNEL);
+ memset(data, 0, sizeof(*data));
+ cell_cfg = devm_kzalloc(rk818->dev, sizeof(*cell_cfg), GFP_KERNEL);
+ /* determine the number of brightness levels */
+ prop = of_find_property(regs, "ocv_table", &length);
+ if (!prop)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ data->ocv_size= length / sizeof(u32);
+ /* read brightness levels from DT property */
+ if (data->ocv_size > 0) {
+ size_t size = sizeof(*data->battery_ocv) * data->ocv_size;
+ data->battery_ocv= devm_kzalloc(rk818->dev, size, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!data->battery_ocv)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ ret = of_property_read_u32_array(regs, "ocv_table", data->battery_ocv, data->ocv_size);
+ DBG("the battery OCV TABLE : ");
+ for(i =0; i< data->ocv_size; i++ )
+ DBG("%d ", data->battery_ocv[i]);
+ DBG("\n");
+ if (ret < 0)
+ return ret;
+ }
+ ret = of_property_read_u32(regs, "max_charge_currentmA", &out_value);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ return ret;
+ data->max_charger_currentmA= out_value;
+ ret = of_property_read_u32(regs, "max_charge_voltagemV", &out_value);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ return ret;
+ data->max_charger_voltagemV= out_value;
+ ret = of_property_read_u32(regs, "design_capacity", &out_value);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ return ret;
+ cell_cfg->design_capacity = out_value;
+ ret = of_property_read_u32(regs, "design_qmax", &out_value);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ return ret;
+ cell_cfg->design_qmax =out_value;
+ data->cell_cfg =cell_cfg;
+ rk818->battery_data = data;
+ DBG("max_charge_currentmA :%d\n", data->max_charger_currentmA);
+ DBG("max_charge_voltagemV :%d\n", data->max_charger_voltagemV);
+ DBG("design_capacity :%d\n", cell_cfg->design_capacity);
+ DBG("design_qmax :%d\n", cell_cfg->design_qmax);
+ return 0;
+static struct of_device_id rk818_battery_of_match[] = {
+ { .compatible = "rk818_battery" },
+ { }
+MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, rk818_battery_of_match);
+static int rk818_battery_parse_dt(struct device *dev)
+ return -ENODEV;
+static int battery_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
+ struct rk818 *chip = dev_get_drvdata(pdev->dev.parent);
+ struct rk818_platform_data *rk818_platform_data = chip->dev->platform_data;
+// struct battery_platform_data *pdata ;//= rk818_platform_data->battery_data;
+// struct battery_platform_data defdata ;//= rk818_platform_data->battery_data;
+ struct battery_info *di;
+ struct ocv_config *ocv;
+ struct edv_config *edv;
+ int ret;
+ DBG("%s is the battery driver version %s\n",__FUNCTION__,DRIVER_VERSION);
+ rk818_battery_parse_dt(chip);
+ di = devm_kzalloc(&pdev->dev, sizeof(*di), GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!di) {
+ dev_err(&pdev->dev, "no memory for state\n");
+ ret = -ENOMEM;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ ocv = devm_kzalloc(&pdev->dev, sizeof(*ocv), GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!ocv) {
+ dev_err(&pdev->dev, "ocv no memory for state\n");
+ ret = -ENOMEM;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ edv = devm_kzalloc(&pdev->dev, sizeof(*edv), GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!edv) {
+ dev_err(&pdev->dev, "edv no memory for state\n");
+ ret = -ENOMEM;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ di->rk818 = chip;
+#if 0
+ di->platform_data = kmemdup(pdata, sizeof(*pdata), GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!di->platform_data) {
+ kfree(di);
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+// data = di;
+ platform_set_drvdata(pdev, di);
+ /*apply battery cell configuration*/
+ //di->cell.config = di->platform_data->cell_cfg;
+ di->platform_data = chip->battery_data;
+ di->platform_data->cell_cfg = chip->battery_data->cell_cfg;
+ di->platform_data->cell_cfg->ocv = ocv;
+ di->platform_data->cell_cfg->edv = edv;
+ di->design_capacity = chip->battery_data->cell_cfg->design_capacity;
+ di->qmax = chip->battery_data->cell_cfg->design_qmax;
+ di->fcc = di->design_capacity;
+ battery_powersupply_init(di);
+ fg_init(di);
+ ret = power_supply_register(&pdev->dev, &di->bat);
+ if (ret) {
+ dev_dbg(&pdev->dev, "failed to register main battery\n");
+ goto batt_failed;
+ }
+ ret = power_supply_register(&pdev->dev, &di->usb);
+ if (ret) {
+ dev_dbg(&pdev->dev, "failed to register usb power supply\n");
+ goto usb_failed;
+ }
+ ret = power_supply_register(&pdev->dev, &di->ac);
+ if (ret) {
+ dev_dbg(&pdev->dev, "failed to register ac power supply\n");
+ goto ac_failed;
+ }
+ di->wq = create_singlethread_workqueue("battery-work");
+ INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&di->battery_monitor_work,rk818_battery_work);
+ queue_delayed_work(di->wq, &di->battery_monitor_work, msecs_to_jiffies(TIMER_MS_COUNTS*5));
+ //queue_delayed_work(di->wq, &di->charge_check_work, msecs_to_jiffies(TIMER_MS_COUNTS*5));
+ INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&di->charge_check_work,rk818_battery_charge_check_work);
+ di->battery_nb.notifier_call = battery_notifier_call;
+ register_battery_notifier(&di->battery_nb);
+ printk("battery probe ok... \n");
+ return ret;
+ power_supply_unregister(&di->ac);
+ power_supply_unregister(&di->usb);
+ power_supply_unregister(&di->bat);
+ return ret;
+static int battery_remove(struct platform_device *dev)
+ return 0;
+#if 1
+static int battery_suspend(struct platform_device *dev,pm_message_t state)
+ int irq;
+ struct battery_info *di = platform_get_drvdata(dev);
+ DBG("%s--------------------\n",__FUNCTION__);
+ if(di == NULL)
+ printk("battery NULL di\n");
+ cancel_delayed_work(&di ->battery_monitor_work);
+ DBG("%s---------end--------\n",__FUNCTION__);
+ return 0;
+static int battery_resume(struct platform_device *dev)
+ int irq;
+ u8 buf;
+ int ret;
+ struct battery_info *di = platform_get_drvdata(dev);
+ ret = battery_read(di->rk818,VB_MOD_REG, &buf, 1);
+// struct battery_info *di = platform_get_drvdata(dev);
+ DBG("%s--------------------\n",__FUNCTION__);
+ queue_delayed_work(di->wq, &di->battery_monitor_work, msecs_to_jiffies(TIMER_MS_COUNTS));
+ di ->resume = true;
+ DBG("charge--status 0x%02x--------------------buf = 0x%02x\n", get_charge_status( di),buf);
+ return 0;
+static struct platform_driver battery_driver = {
+ .probe = battery_probe,
+ .remove = battery_remove,
+ .suspend = battery_suspend,
+ .resume = battery_resume,
+ .driver = {
+ .name = "rk818-battery",
+ //.pm = &pm_ops,
+ // .of_match_table = of_match_ptr(rk818_battery_parse_dt),
+ },
+static int __init battery_init(void)
+ return platform_driver_register(&battery_driver);
+static void __exit battery_exit(void)
+ platform_driver_unregister(&battery_driver);