--- /dev/null
+USEMLP= -mlp 8 2 -mlpdebug # use to turn mlp on and off and make sure rest of build not broken
+BSFLAGS= -32bit -optimize -mainclass Power -debug -garbagestats
+OWNERSHIP= -ownership -ownallocdepth 1 -enable-assertions -methodeffects -flatirusermethods -ownwritedots final -ownaliasfile aliases.txt
+ ../../../buildscript -nojava $(USEMLP) $(BSFLAGS) $(OWNERSHIP) -o $(PROGRAM)p $(SOURCE_FILES) -builddir par
+ ../../../buildscript $(BSFLAGS) -o $(PROGRAM)s $(SOURCE_FILES) -builddir sing
+ ../../../buildscript $(USEMLP) $(BSFLAGS) $(OWNERSHIP) -o $(PROGRAM)p $(SOURCE_FILES) -builddir par
+ rm -f $(PROGRAM).bin
+ rm -fr par sing
+ rm -f *~
+ rm -f *.dot
+ rm -f *.png
+ rm -f *.txt
+ rm -f aliases.txt
+ rm -f mlpReport*txt
+ rm -f results*txt
--- /dev/null
+ * A class that represents a branch node in the power pricing architecture. A
+ * branch node is another type of intermediate node that represents a split in
+ * the electrical power path. The branch nodes hang from the lateral nodes. <b>
+ * Each branch node contains a direct link to a set of customers.
+ **/
+final class Branch {
+ /**
+ * Demand for the customers supported by the branch node.
+ **/
+ Demand D;
+ double alpha;
+ double beta;
+ double R;
+ double X;
+ /**
+ * A link to the next branch node that has the same parent (lateral) node.
+ **/
+ Branch nextBranch;
+ /**
+ * A list of customers - represented a leaf nodes.
+ **/
+ Leaf[] leaves;
+ /**
+ * Create all the branch nodes for a single lateral node. Also, create the
+ * customers supported by this branch node
+ *
+ * @param num
+ * a counter to limit the branch nodes created for the lateral
+ * node
+ * @param nleaves
+ * the nubmer of leafs to create per branch
+ **/
+ public Branch(int num, int nleaves) {
+ alpha = 0.0;
+ beta = 0.0;
+ R = 0.0001;
+ X = 0.00002;
+ D = new Demand(0.0, 0.0);
+ if (num <= 1) {
+ if (num <= 0)
+// throw new RuntimeException("Branch constructor with zero num");
+ System.out.println("Branch constructor with zero num");
+ nextBranch = null;
+ } else {
+ nextBranch = new Branch(num - 1, nleaves);
+ }
+ // fill in children
+ leaves = new Leaf[nleaves];
+ for (int k = 0; k < nleaves; k++) {
+ leaves[k] = new Leaf();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Pass the prices down and compute the demand for the power system.
+ *
+ * @param theta_R
+ * real power multiplier
+ * @param theta_I
+ * reactive power multiplier
+ * @param pi_R
+ * the real power price
+ * @param pi_I
+ * the reactive power price
+ * @return the demand for the customers supported by this branch
+ **/
+ public Demand compute(double theta_R, double theta_I, double pi_R,
+ double pi_I) {
+ double new_pi_R = pi_R + alpha * (theta_R + (theta_I * X) / R);
+ double new_pi_I = pi_I + beta * (theta_I + (theta_R * R) / X);
+ Demand a1 = null;
+ if (nextBranch != null) {
+ a1 = nextBranch.compute(theta_R, theta_I, new_pi_R, new_pi_I);
+ }
+ // Initialize and pass the prices down the tree
+ D.reset();
+ for (int i = 0; i < leaves.length; i++) {
+ D.increment(leaves[i].compute(new_pi_R, new_pi_I));
+ }
+ if (nextBranch != null) {
+ D.increment(a1);
+ }
+ // pass demand up, P, Q
+ double a = R * R + X * X;
+ double b = 2 * R * X * D.Q - 2 * X * X * D.P - R;
+ double c = R * D.Q - X * D.P;
+ c = c * c + R * D.P;
+ double root = (-b - Math.sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c)) / (2 * a);
+ D.Q = D.Q + ((root - D.P) * X) / R;
+ D.P = root;
+ // compute alpha, beta
+ a = 2 * R * D.P;
+ b = 2 * X * D.Q;
+ alpha = a / (1 - a - b);
+ beta = b / (1 - a - b);
+ return D;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * A class that represents power demand.
+ **/
+final class Demand {
+ /**
+ * Real power demand.
+ **/
+ public double P;
+ /**
+ * Reactive power demand.
+ **/
+ public double Q;
+ private static double F_EPSILON;
+ private static double G_EPSILON;
+ private static double H_EPSILON;
+ /**
+ * Create an object that represents power demand and initialize the power
+ * demans values.
+ *
+ * @param toP
+ * the real power demand
+ * @param toQ
+ * the reactive power demand
+ **/
+ Demand(double toP, double toQ) {
+ F_EPSILON = 0.000001;
+ G_EPSILON = 0.000001;
+ H_EPSILON = 0.000001;
+ P = toP;
+ Q = toQ;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create an empry power demand object.
+ **/
+// Demand() {
+// this(0.0, 0.0);
+// }
+ /**
+ * Increment the demand.
+ *
+ * @param frm
+ * the amount to increase the demand
+ **/
+ void increment(Demand frm) {
+ P += frm.P;
+ Q += frm.Q;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Reset the power demand values.
+ **/
+ void reset() {
+ P = 0.0;
+ Q = 0.0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add the demand values from the two inputs.
+ *
+ * @param a1
+ * the demand values for operand1
+ * @param a2
+ * the demand values for operand2
+ **/
+ void add(Demand a1, Demand a2) {
+ P = a1.P + a2.P;
+ Q = a1.Q + a2.Q;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assign the demand from the specified value to this one.
+ *
+ * @param frm
+ * the demand assigned to this object.
+ **/
+ void assign(Demand frm) {
+ P = frm.P;
+ Q = frm.Q;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Calculate the power demand given the prices. The pricing problem sets the
+ * price for each customer's power consumption so that the economic
+ * efficiency of the whole community is maximied.
+ *
+ * @param pi_R
+ * price for real power
+ * @param pi_I
+ * price for reactive power
+ **/
+ void optimizeNode(double pi_R, double pi_I) {
+ double[] grad_f = new double[2];
+ double[] grad_g = new double[2];
+ double[] grad_h = new double[2];
+ double[] dd_grad_f = new double[2];
+ double g, h;
+ do {
+ // Move onto h=0 line
+ h = findH();
+ if (Math.abs(h) > H_EPSILON) {
+ double magnitude = findGradientH(grad_h);
+ double total = h / magnitude;
+ P -= total * grad_h[0];
+ Q -= total * grad_h[1];
+ }
+ // Check that g is still valid
+ g = findG();
+ if (g > G_EPSILON) {
+ double magnitude = findGradientG(grad_g);
+ findGradientH(grad_h);
+ magnitude *= makeOrthogonal(grad_g, grad_h);
+ double total = g / magnitude;
+ P -= total * grad_g[0];
+ Q -= total * grad_g[1];
+ }
+ // Maximize benefit
+ double magnitude = findGradientF(pi_R, pi_I, grad_f);
+ findDDGradF(pi_R, pi_I, dd_grad_f);
+ double total = 0.0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ total += grad_f[i] * dd_grad_f[i];
+ magnitude /= Math.abs(total);
+ findGradientH(grad_h);
+ magnitude *= makeOrthogonal(grad_f, grad_h);
+ findGradientG(grad_g);
+ total = 0.0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ total += grad_f[i] * grad_g[i];
+ if (total > 0) {
+ double max_dist = -findG() / total;
+ if (magnitude > max_dist)
+ magnitude = max_dist;
+ }
+ P += magnitude * grad_f[0];
+ Q += magnitude * grad_f[1];
+ h = findH();
+ g = findG();
+ findGradientF(pi_R, pi_I, grad_f);
+ findGradientH(grad_h);
+ } while (Math.abs(h) > H_EPSILON
+ || g > G_EPSILON
+ || (Math.abs(g) > G_EPSILON && Math.abs(grad_f[0] * grad_h[1]
+ - grad_f[1] * grad_h[0]) > F_EPSILON));
+ }
+ private double findG() {
+ return (P * P + Q * Q - 0.8);
+ }
+ private double findH() {
+ return (P - 5 * Q);
+ }
+ private double findGradientF(double pi_R, double pi_I, double[] gradient) {
+ gradient[0] = 1 / (1 + P) - pi_R;
+ gradient[1] = 1 / (1 + Q) - pi_I;
+ double magnitude = 0.0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ magnitude += gradient[i] * gradient[i];
+ magnitude = Math.sqrt(magnitude);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ gradient[i] /= magnitude;
+ return magnitude;
+ }
+ private double findGradientG(double[] gradient) {
+ gradient[0] = 2 * P;
+ gradient[1] = 2 * Q;
+ double magnitude = 0.0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ magnitude += gradient[i] * gradient[i];
+ magnitude = Math.sqrt(magnitude);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ gradient[i] /= magnitude;
+ return magnitude;
+ }
+ private double findGradientH(double[] gradient) {
+ gradient[0] = 1.0;
+ gradient[1] = -5.0;
+ double magnitude = 0.0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ magnitude += gradient[i] * gradient[i];
+ magnitude = Math.sqrt(magnitude);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ gradient[i] /= magnitude;
+ return magnitude;
+ }
+ private void findDDGradF(double pi_R, double pi_I, double[] dd_grad) {
+ double P_plus_1_inv = 1 / (P + 1);
+ double Q_plus_1_inv = 1 / (Q + 1);
+ double P_grad_term = P_plus_1_inv - pi_R;
+ double Q_grad_term = Q_plus_1_inv - pi_I;
+ double grad_mag = Math.sqrt(P_grad_term * P_grad_term + Q_grad_term
+ * Q_grad_term);
+ dd_grad[0] = -P_plus_1_inv * P_plus_1_inv * P_grad_term / grad_mag;
+ dd_grad[1] = -Q_plus_1_inv * Q_plus_1_inv * Q_grad_term / grad_mag;
+ }
+ private double makeOrthogonal(double[] v_mod, double[] v_static) {
+ double total = 0.0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ total += v_mod[i] * v_static[i];
+ double length = 0.0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ v_mod[i] -= total * v_static[i];
+ length += v_mod[i] * v_mod[i];
+ }
+ length = Math.sqrt(length);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ v_mod[i] /= length;
+ if (1 - total * total < 0) // Roundoff error
+ return 0;
+ return Math.sqrt(1 - total * total);
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * A class that represents a lateral node in the power pricing problem. The
+ * lateral nodes is an intermediate node that represents a switch, tappoints, or
+ * transformer. It hangs from the root node (the power substation).
+ * <p>
+ * Each lateral node is the head in a line of branch nodes.
+ **/
+final class Lateral {
+ /**
+ * Demand for the customers supported by the lateral node.
+ **/
+ Demand D;
+ double alpha;
+ double beta;
+ double R;
+ double X;
+ /**
+ * The next lateral that shares the same parent (root) node.
+ **/
+ Lateral next_lateral;
+ /**
+ * The branch nodes that are supported by the lateral node.
+ **/
+ Branch branch;
+ /**
+ * Create all the lateral nodes for a single root node.
+ *
+ * @param num
+ * the child number of the lateral wrt the root
+ * @param nbranches
+ * the number of branch nodes per lateral.
+ * @param nleaves
+ * the number of leaf nodes per branch.
+ **/
+ Lateral(int num, int nbranches, int nleaves) {
+ alpha = 0.0;
+ beta = 0.0;
+ R = 1 / 300000.0;
+ X = 0.000001;
+ D = new Demand(0.0,0.0);
+ // create a linked list of the lateral nodes
+ if (num <= 1) {
+ if (num <= 0)
+// throw new RuntimeException("Lateral constructor with zero num");
+ System.out.println("Lateral constructor with zero num");
+ next_lateral = null;
+ } else {
+ next_lateral = new Lateral(num - 1, nbranches, nleaves);
+ }
+ // create the branch nodes
+ branch = new Branch(nbranches, nleaves);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Pass prices down and compute demand for the power system.
+ *
+ * @param theta_R
+ * real power demand multiplier
+ * @param theta_I
+ * reactive power demand multiplier
+ * @param pi_R
+ * price of real power demand
+ * @param pi_I
+ * price of reactive power demand
+ * @return the demand for the customers supported by this lateral
+ **/
+ Demand compute(double theta_R, double theta_I, double pi_R, double pi_I) {
+ // generate the new prices and pass them down to the customers
+ double new_pi_R = pi_R + alpha * (theta_R + (theta_I * X) / R);
+ double new_pi_I = pi_I + beta * (theta_I + (theta_R * R) / X);
+ Demand a1;
+ if (next_lateral != null)
+ a1 = next_lateral.compute(theta_R, theta_I, new_pi_R, new_pi_I);
+ else
+ a1 = null;
+ Demand a2 = branch.compute(theta_R, theta_I, new_pi_R, new_pi_I);
+ if (next_lateral != null) {
+ D.add(a1, a2);
+ } else {
+ D.assign(a2);
+ }
+ // compute the new power demand values P,Q
+ double a = R * R + X * X;
+ double b = 2 * R * X * D.Q - 2 * X * X * D.P - R;
+ double c = R * D.Q - X * D.P;
+ c = c * c + R * D.P;
+ double root = (-b - Math.sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c)) / (2 * a);
+ D.Q = D.Q + ((root - D.P) * X) / R;
+ D.P = root;
+ // compute alpha, beta
+ a = 2 * R * D.P;
+ b = 2 * X * D.Q;
+ alpha = a / (1 - a - b);
+ beta = b / (1 - a - b);
+ return D;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * A class that represents a customer in the power system optimization problem.
+ * A customer is a leaf node in tree representation of the problem.
+ **/
+final class Leaf {
+ /**
+ * Power demand for the customer
+ **/
+ Demand D;
+ /**
+ * Price for real power demand
+ **/
+ double pi_R;
+ /**
+ * Price for reaactive power demand
+ **/
+ double pi_I;
+ Leaf() {
+ D = new Demand(1.0, 1.0);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Pass prices down and compute demand for the customer.
+ *
+ * @return the power demand for the customer
+ **/
+ Demand compute(double pi_R, double pi_I) {
+ D.optimizeNode(pi_R, pi_I);
+ if (D.P < 0.0) {
+ D.P = 0.0;
+ D.Q = 0.0;
+ }
+ return D;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * A Java implementation of the <tt>power</tt> Olden benchmark. The original
+ * algorithm is from the following paper:
+ * <p>
+ * <cite> S. Lumetta, L. Murphy, X. Li, D. Culler, and I. Khalil. "Decentralized
+ * optimal power pricing: The development of a parallel program." Supercomputing
+ * '93, 243-249 </cite>
+ * <p>
+ * Note - the number of customers is fixed at 10,000 for this benchmark. We
+ * create a data structure that contains 1 root (the (power substation). There
+ * are 10 main feeders from the root and each feeder branches to 20 lateral
+ * nodes. Each lateral node is the head of a line of five branch nodes and each
+ * branch has 10 customers. In total, there are 10,000 customers (and 1201
+ * internal nodes).
+ * <p>
+ * The power pricing problems sets the price of each customer's power
+ * consumption so that the economic efficiency of the whole community is
+ * maximized.
+ **/
+public class Power {
+ /**
+ * Should we print the results as we run the benchmark
+ **/
+// static boolean printResults;
+ /**
+ * Print information messages?
+ **/
+// static boolean printMsgs;
+ /**
+ * The main routine which creates the power network and runs the simulation
+ *
+ * @param args
+ * the command line args
+ **/
+ public static void main(String args[]) {
+ boolean printResults = true;
+ boolean printMsgs =true;
+ // the input size is fixed, but the user may want the result printed
+ // parseCmdLine(args);
+ // initial pass
+ long start0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ Root r = new Root(10, 20, 5, 10);
+ long end0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ long start1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ r.compute();
+ r.nextIter(false, 0.7, 0.14);
+ while (true) {
+ r.compute();
+ if (printResults)
+ System.out.println(r);
+ if (r.reachedLimit())
+ break;
+ r.nextIter(printResults);
+ } /* while */
+ long end1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ if (printMsgs) {
+ System.out.println("Power build time " + (end0 - start0) / 1000.0);
+ System.out
+ .println("Power compute time " + (end1 - start1) / 1000.0);
+ System.out.println("Power total time " + (end1 - start0) / 1000.0);
+ }
+ System.out.println("Done!");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parse the command line options.
+ *
+ * @param args
+ * the command line options.
+ **/
+ /*
+ * private static final void parseCmdLine(String args[]) { int i = 0; String
+ * arg;
+ *
+ * while (i < args.length && args[i].startsWith("-")) { arg = args[i++]; if
+ * (arg.equals("-h")) { usage(); } else if (arg.equals("-p")) { printResults
+ * = true; } else if (arg.equals("-m")) { printMsgs = true; } } }
+ */
+ /**
+ * The usage routine which describes the program options.
+ **/
+ private static final void usage() {
+ System.out.println("usage: java Power [-p] [-m] [-h]");
+ System.out.println(" -p (print results)");
+ System.out.println(" -m (print informative messages)");
+ System.out.println(" -h (this message)");
+ System.exit(0);
+ }
--- /dev/null
+import com.enea.jcarder.transactionalinterfaces.HashMap;
+import dstm2.AtomicSuperClass;
+ * The root node of the power system optimization tree. The root node represents
+ * the power plant.
+ **/
+final class Root {
+ /**
+ * Total system power demand.
+ **/
+ Demand D;
+ double P,Q;
+ /**
+ * Lagrange multiplier for the global real power equality constraint
+ **/
+ double theta_R;
+ /**
+ * Lagrange multiplier for the global reactive power equality constraint
+ **/
+ double theta_I;
+ /**
+ * The power demand on the previous iteration
+ **/
+ Demand last;
+ /**
+ * The real power equality constraint on the previous iteration
+ **/
+ double last_theta_R;
+ /**
+ * The reactive power equality constraint on the previous iteration
+ **/
+ double last_theta_I;
+ /**
+ * A representation of the customers that feed off of the power plant.
+ **/
+ Lateral[] feeders;
+ /**
+ * Value used to compute convergence
+ **/
+ private static double ROOT_EPSILON;
+ /**
+ * Domain of thetaR->P map is 0.65 to 1.00 [index*0.01+0.65]
+ **/
+ private static double map_P[];
+ private static double MIN_THETA_R;
+ private static double PER_INDEX_R;
+ private static double MAX_THETA_R;
+ /**
+ * Domain of thetaI->Q map is 0.130 to 0.200 [index*0.002+0.130]
+ **/
+ private static double map_Q[];
+ private static double MIN_THETA_I;
+ private static double PER_INDEX_I;
+ private static double MAX_THETA_I;
+ /**
+ * Create the tree used by the power system optimization benchmark. Each
+ * root contains <tt>nfeeders</tt> feeders which each contain
+ * <tt>nlaterals</tt> lateral nodes, which each contain <tt>nbranches</tt>
+ * branch nodes, which each contain <tt>nleafs</tt> leaf nodes.
+ *
+ * @param nfeeders
+ * the number of feeders off of the root
+ * @param nlaterals
+ * the number of lateral nodes per feeder
+ * @param nbranches
+ * the number of branches per lateral
+ * @param nleaves
+ * the number of leaves per branch
+ **/
+ Root(int nfeeders, int nlaterals, int nbranches, int nleaves) {
+ theta_R = 0.8;
+ theta_I = 0.16;
+ ROOT_EPSILON = 0.00001;
+ map_P = new double[36];
+ map_P[0] = 8752.218091048;
+ map_P[1] = 8446.106670416;
+ map_P[2] = 8107.990680283;
+ map_P[3] = 7776.191574285;
+ map_P[4] = 7455.920518777;
+ map_P[5] = 7146.602181352;
+ map_P[6] = 6847.709026813;
+ map_P[7] = 6558.734204024;
+ map_P[8] = 6279.213382291;
+ map_P[9] = 6008.702199986;
+ map_P[10] = 5746.786181029;
+ map_P[11] = 5493.078256495;
+ map_P[12] = 5247.206333097;
+ map_P[13] = 5008.828069358;
+ map_P[14] = 4777.615815166;
+ map_P[15] = 4553.258735900;
+ map_P[16] = 4335.470002316;
+ map_P[17] = 4123.971545694;
+ map_P[18] = 3918.501939675;
+ map_P[19] = 3718.817618538;
+ map_P[20] = 3524.683625800;
+ map_P[21] = 3335.876573044;
+ map_P[22] = 3152.188635673;
+ map_P[23] = 2973.421417103;
+ map_P[24] = 2799.382330486;
+ map_P[25] = 2629.892542617;
+ map_P[26] = 2464.782829705;
+ map_P[27] = 2303.889031418;
+ map_P[28] = 2147.054385395;
+ map_P[29] = 1994.132771399;
+ map_P[30] = 1844.985347313;
+ map_P[31] = 1699.475053321;
+ map_P[32] = 1557.474019598;
+ map_P[33] = 1418.860479043;
+ map_P[34] = 1283.520126656;
+ map_P[35] = 1151.338004216;
+ /*
+ map_P = { 8752.218091048, 8446.106670416,
+ 8107.990680283, 7776.191574285, 7455.920518777, 7146.602181352,
+ 6847.709026813, 6558.734204024, 6279.213382291, 6008.702199986,
+ 5746.786181029, 5493.078256495, 5247.206333097, 5008.828069358,
+ 4777.615815166, 4553.258735900, 4335.470002316, 4123.971545694,
+ 3918.501939675, 3718.817618538, 3524.683625800, 3335.876573044,
+ 3152.188635673, 2973.421417103, 2799.382330486, 2629.892542617,
+ 2464.782829705, 2303.889031418, 2147.054385395, 1994.132771399,
+ 1844.985347313, 1699.475053321, 1557.474019598, 1418.860479043,
+ 1283.520126656, 1151.338004216 };
+ */
+ MIN_THETA_R = 0.65;
+ PER_INDEX_R = 0.01;
+ MAX_THETA_R = 0.995;
+ map_Q = new double[36];
+ map_Q[0] = 1768.846590190;
+ map_Q[1] = 1706.229490046;
+ map_Q[2] = 1637.253873079;
+ map_Q[3] = 1569.637451623;
+ map_Q[4] = 1504.419525242;
+ map_Q[5] = 1441.477913810;
+ map_Q[6] = 1380.700660446;
+ map_Q[7] = 1321.980440476;
+ map_Q[8] = 1265.218982201;
+ map_Q[9] = 1210.322424636;
+ map_Q[10] = 1157.203306183;
+ map_Q[11] = 1105.780028163;
+ map_Q[12] = 1055.974296746;
+ map_Q[13] = 1007.714103979;
+ map_Q[14] = 960.930643875;
+ map_Q[15] = 915.558722782;
+ map_Q[16] = 871.538200178;
+ map_Q[17] = 828.810882006;
+ map_Q[18] = 787.322098340;
+ map_Q[19] = 747.020941334;
+ map_Q[20] = 707.858376214;
+ map_Q[21] = 669.787829741;
+ map_Q[22] = 632.765987756;
+ map_Q[23] = 596.751545633;
+ map_Q[24] = 561.704466609;
+ map_Q[25] = 527.587580585;
+ map_Q[26] = 494.365739051;
+ map_Q[27] = 462.004890691;
+ map_Q[28] = 430.472546686;
+ map_Q[29] = 399.738429196;
+ map_Q[30] = 369.773787595;
+ map_Q[31] = 340.550287137;
+ map_Q[32] = 312.041496095;
+ map_Q[33] = 284.222260660;
+ map_Q[34] = 257.068973074;
+ map_Q[35] = 230.557938283;
+ /*
+ * map_Q = { 1768.846590190, 1706.229490046, 1637.253873079,
+ * 1569.637451623, 1504.419525242, 1441.477913810, 1380.700660446,
+ * 1321.980440476, 1265.218982201, 1210.322424636, 1157.203306183,
+ * 1105.780028163, 1055.974296746, 1007.714103979, 960.930643875,
+ * 915.558722782, 871.538200178, 828.810882006, 787.322098340,
+ * 747.020941334, 707.858376214, 669.787829741, 632.765987756,
+ * 596.751545633, 561.704466609, 527.587580585, 494.365739051,
+ * 462.004890691, 430.472546686, 399.738429196, 369.773787595,
+ * 340.550287137, 312.041496095, 284.222260660, 257.068973074,
+ * 230.557938283 };
+ */
+ MIN_THETA_I = 0.13;
+ PER_INDEX_I = 0.002;
+ MAX_THETA_I = 0.199;
+ D = new Demand(0.0,0.0);
+ last = new Demand(0.0,0.0);
+ feeders = new Lateral[nfeeders];
+ for (int i = 0; i < nfeeders; i++) {
+ feeders[i] = new Lateral(nlaterals, nbranches, nleaves);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return true if we've reached a convergence.
+ *
+ * @return true if we've finished.
+ **/
+ boolean reachedLimit() {
+ boolean rtr= (Math.abs(D.P / 10000.0 - theta_R) < ROOT_EPSILON && Math
+ .abs(D.Q / 10000.0 - theta_I) < ROOT_EPSILON);
+ return rtr;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Pass prices down and compute demand for the power system.
+ **/
+ void compute() {
+ D.P = 0.0;
+ D.Q = 0.0;
+ double pp=0.0;
+ double qq=0.0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < feeders.length; i++) {
+ Lateral lateral=feeders[i];
+ sese parallel{
+ DemandResult result=compute(lateral);
+ double p=result.P;
+ double q=result.Q;
+// D.increment(feeders[i].compute(theta_R, theta_I, theta_R, theta_I));
+ }
+ sese serial{
+ pp+=p;
+ qq+=q;
+ }
+ } // end of for
+ D.P=pp;
+ D.Q=qq;
+ }
+ DemandResult compute(Lateral lateral){
+ Demand demand= lateral.compute(theta_R, theta_I, theta_R, theta_I);
+ DemandResult result=new DemandResult(demand.P,demand.Q);
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set up the values for another pass of the algorithm.
+ **/
+ void nextIter(boolean verbose, double new_theta_R, double new_theta_I) {
+ last.P = D.P;
+ last.Q = D.Q;
+ last_theta_R = theta_R;
+ last_theta_I = theta_I;
+ theta_R = new_theta_R;
+ theta_I = new_theta_I;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set up the values for another pass of the algorithm.
+ *
+ * @param verbose
+ * is set to true to print the values of the system.
+ **/
+ void nextIter(boolean verbose) {
+ int i = (int) ((theta_R - MIN_THETA_R) / PER_INDEX_R);
+ if (i < 0)
+ i = 0;
+ if (i > 35)
+ i = 35;
+ double d_theta_R = -(theta_R - D.P / 10000.0)
+ / (1 - (map_P[i + 1] - map_P[i]) / (PER_INDEX_R * 10000.0));
+ i = (int) ((theta_I - MIN_THETA_I) / PER_INDEX_I);
+ if (i < 0)
+ i = 0;
+ if (i > 35)
+ i = 35;
+ double d_theta_I = -(theta_I - D.Q / 10000.0)
+ / (1 - (map_Q[i + 1] - map_Q[i]) / (PER_INDEX_I * 10000.0));
+ if (verbose) {
+ System.out.println("D TR-" + d_theta_R + ", TI=" + d_theta_I);
+ }
+ last.P = D.P;
+ last.Q = D.Q;
+ last_theta_R = theta_R;
+ last_theta_I = theta_I;
+ theta_R += d_theta_R;
+ theta_I += d_theta_I;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a string representation of the power plant.
+ **/
+ public String toString() {
+ return "TR=" + theta_R + ", TI=" + theta_I + ", P0=" + D.P + ", Q0="
+ + D.Q;
+ }
+class DemandResult{
+ double P;
+ double Q;
+ public DemandResult(double P, double Q){
+ this.P=P;
+ this.Q=Q;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+USEMLP= -mlp 8 2 -mlpdebug # use to turn mlp on and off and make sure rest of build not broken
+BSFLAGS= -32bit -nooptimize -mainclass Power -debug -garbagestats
+OWNERSHIP= -ownership -ownallocdepth 1 -enable-assertions -methodeffects -flatirusermethods -ownwritedots final -ownaliasfile aliases.txt
+ ../../../buildscript -nojava $(USEMLP) $(BSFLAGS) $(OWNERSHIP) -o $(PROGRAM)p $(SOURCE_FILES) -builddir par
+ ../../../buildscript $(BSFLAGS) -o $(PROGRAM)s $(SOURCE_FILES) -builddir sing
+ ../../../buildscript $(USEMLP) $(BSFLAGS) $(OWNERSHIP) -o $(PROGRAM)p $(SOURCE_FILES) -builddir par
+ rm -f $(PROGRAM).bin
+ rm -fr par sing
+ rm -f *~
+ rm -f *.dot
+ rm -f *.png
+ rm -f *.txt
+ rm -f aliases.txt
+ rm -f mlpReport*txt
+ rm -f results*txt
--- /dev/null
+ * A class that represents a branch node in the power pricing architecture. A
+ * branch node is another type of intermediate node that represents a split in
+ * the electrical power path. The branch nodes hang from the lateral nodes. <b>
+ * Each branch node contains a direct link to a set of customers.
+ **/
+final class Branch {
+ /**
+ * Demand for the customers supported by the branch node.
+ **/
+ Demand D;
+ double alpha;
+ double beta;
+ double R;
+ double X;
+ /**
+ * A link to the next branch node that has the same parent (lateral) node.
+ **/
+ Branch nextBranch;
+ /**
+ * A list of customers - represented a leaf nodes.
+ **/
+ Leaf[] leaves;
+ /**
+ * Create all the branch nodes for a single lateral node. Also, create the
+ * customers supported by this branch node
+ *
+ * @param num
+ * a counter to limit the branch nodes created for the lateral
+ * node
+ * @param nleaves
+ * the nubmer of leafs to create per branch
+ **/
+ public Branch(int num, int nleaves) {
+ alpha = 0.0;
+ beta = 0.0;
+ R = 0.0001;
+ X = 0.00002;
+ D = new Demand(0.0, 0.0);
+ if (num <= 1) {
+ if (num <= 0)
+// throw new RuntimeException("Branch constructor with zero num");
+ System.out.println("Branch constructor with zero num");
+ nextBranch = null;
+ } else {
+ nextBranch = new Branch(num - 1, nleaves);
+ }
+ // fill in children
+ leaves = new Leaf[nleaves];
+ for (int k = 0; k < nleaves; k++) {
+ leaves[k] = new Leaf();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Pass the prices down and compute the demand for the power system.
+ *
+ * @param theta_R
+ * real power multiplier
+ * @param theta_I
+ * reactive power multiplier
+ * @param pi_R
+ * the real power price
+ * @param pi_I
+ * the reactive power price
+ * @return the demand for the customers supported by this branch
+ **/
+ public Demand compute(double theta_R, double theta_I, double pi_R,
+ double pi_I) {
+ double new_pi_R = pi_R + alpha * (theta_R + (theta_I * X) / R);
+ double new_pi_I = pi_I + beta * (theta_I + (theta_R * R) / X);
+ Demand a1 = null;
+ if (nextBranch != null) {
+ a1 = nextBranch.compute(theta_R, theta_I, new_pi_R, new_pi_I);
+ }
+ // Initialize and pass the prices down the tree
+ D.reset();
+ for (int i = 0; i < leaves.length; i++) {
+ D.increment(leaves[i].compute(new_pi_R, new_pi_I));
+ }
+ if (nextBranch != null) {
+ D.increment(a1);
+ }
+ // pass demand up, P, Q
+ double a = R * R + X * X;
+ double b = 2 * R * X * D.Q - 2 * X * X * D.P - R;
+ double c = R * D.Q - X * D.P;
+ c = c * c + R * D.P;
+ double root = (-b - Math.sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c)) / (2 * a);
+ D.Q = D.Q + ((root - D.P) * X) / R;
+ D.P = root;
+ // compute alpha, beta
+ a = 2 * R * D.P;
+ b = 2 * X * D.Q;
+ alpha = a / (1 - a - b);
+ beta = b / (1 - a - b);
+ return D;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * A class that represents power demand.
+ **/
+final class Demand {
+ /**
+ * Real power demand.
+ **/
+ public double P;
+ /**
+ * Reactive power demand.
+ **/
+ public double Q;
+ private static double F_EPSILON;
+ private static double G_EPSILON;
+ private static double H_EPSILON;
+ /**
+ * Create an object that represents power demand and initialize the power
+ * demans values.
+ *
+ * @param toP
+ * the real power demand
+ * @param toQ
+ * the reactive power demand
+ **/
+ Demand(double toP, double toQ) {
+ F_EPSILON = 0.000001;
+ G_EPSILON = 0.000001;
+ H_EPSILON = 0.000001;
+ P = toP;
+ Q = toQ;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create an empry power demand object.
+ **/
+// Demand() {
+// this(0.0, 0.0);
+// }
+ /**
+ * Increment the demand.
+ *
+ * @param frm
+ * the amount to increase the demand
+ **/
+ void increment(Demand frm) {
+ P += frm.P;
+ Q += frm.Q;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Reset the power demand values.
+ **/
+ void reset() {
+ P = 0.0;
+ Q = 0.0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add the demand values from the two inputs.
+ *
+ * @param a1
+ * the demand values for operand1
+ * @param a2
+ * the demand values for operand2
+ **/
+ void add(Demand a1, Demand a2) {
+ P = a1.P + a2.P;
+ Q = a1.Q + a2.Q;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assign the demand from the specified value to this one.
+ *
+ * @param frm
+ * the demand assigned to this object.
+ **/
+ void assign(Demand frm) {
+ P = frm.P;
+ Q = frm.Q;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Calculate the power demand given the prices. The pricing problem sets the
+ * price for each customer's power consumption so that the economic
+ * efficiency of the whole community is maximied.
+ *
+ * @param pi_R
+ * price for real power
+ * @param pi_I
+ * price for reactive power
+ **/
+ void optimizeNode(double pi_R, double pi_I) {
+ double[] grad_f = new double[2];
+ double[] grad_g = new double[2];
+ double[] grad_h = new double[2];
+ double[] dd_grad_f = new double[2];
+ double g, h;
+ do {
+ // Move onto h=0 line
+ h = findH();
+ if (Math.abs(h) > H_EPSILON) {
+ double magnitude = findGradientH(grad_h);
+ double total = h / magnitude;
+ P -= total * grad_h[0];
+ Q -= total * grad_h[1];
+ }
+ // Check that g is still valid
+ g = findG();
+ if (g > G_EPSILON) {
+ double magnitude = findGradientG(grad_g);
+ findGradientH(grad_h);
+ magnitude *= makeOrthogonal(grad_g, grad_h);
+ double total = g / magnitude;
+ P -= total * grad_g[0];
+ Q -= total * grad_g[1];
+ }
+ // Maximize benefit
+ double magnitude = findGradientF(pi_R, pi_I, grad_f);
+ findDDGradF(pi_R, pi_I, dd_grad_f);
+ double total = 0.0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ total += grad_f[i] * dd_grad_f[i];
+ magnitude /= Math.abs(total);
+ findGradientH(grad_h);
+ magnitude *= makeOrthogonal(grad_f, grad_h);
+ findGradientG(grad_g);
+ total = 0.0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ total += grad_f[i] * grad_g[i];
+ if (total > 0) {
+ double max_dist = -findG() / total;
+ if (magnitude > max_dist)
+ magnitude = max_dist;
+ }
+ P += magnitude * grad_f[0];
+ Q += magnitude * grad_f[1];
+ h = findH();
+ g = findG();
+ findGradientF(pi_R, pi_I, grad_f);
+ findGradientH(grad_h);
+ } while (Math.abs(h) > H_EPSILON
+ || g > G_EPSILON
+ || (Math.abs(g) > G_EPSILON && Math.abs(grad_f[0] * grad_h[1]
+ - grad_f[1] * grad_h[0]) > F_EPSILON));
+ }
+ private double findG() {
+ return (P * P + Q * Q - 0.8);
+ }
+ private double findH() {
+ return (P - 5 * Q);
+ }
+ private double findGradientF(double pi_R, double pi_I, double[] gradient) {
+ gradient[0] = 1 / (1 + P) - pi_R;
+ gradient[1] = 1 / (1 + Q) - pi_I;
+ double magnitude = 0.0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ magnitude += gradient[i] * gradient[i];
+ magnitude = Math.sqrt(magnitude);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ gradient[i] /= magnitude;
+ return magnitude;
+ }
+ private double findGradientG(double[] gradient) {
+ gradient[0] = 2 * P;
+ gradient[1] = 2 * Q;
+ double magnitude = 0.0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ magnitude += gradient[i] * gradient[i];
+ magnitude = Math.sqrt(magnitude);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ gradient[i] /= magnitude;
+ return magnitude;
+ }
+ private double findGradientH(double[] gradient) {
+ gradient[0] = 1.0;
+ gradient[1] = -5.0;
+ double magnitude = 0.0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ magnitude += gradient[i] * gradient[i];
+ magnitude = Math.sqrt(magnitude);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ gradient[i] /= magnitude;
+ return magnitude;
+ }
+ private void findDDGradF(double pi_R, double pi_I, double[] dd_grad) {
+ double P_plus_1_inv = 1 / (P + 1);
+ double Q_plus_1_inv = 1 / (Q + 1);
+ double P_grad_term = P_plus_1_inv - pi_R;
+ double Q_grad_term = Q_plus_1_inv - pi_I;
+ double grad_mag = Math.sqrt(P_grad_term * P_grad_term + Q_grad_term
+ * Q_grad_term);
+ dd_grad[0] = -P_plus_1_inv * P_plus_1_inv * P_grad_term / grad_mag;
+ dd_grad[1] = -Q_plus_1_inv * Q_plus_1_inv * Q_grad_term / grad_mag;
+ }
+ private double makeOrthogonal(double[] v_mod, double[] v_static) {
+ double total = 0.0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ total += v_mod[i] * v_static[i];
+ double length = 0.0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ v_mod[i] -= total * v_static[i];
+ length += v_mod[i] * v_mod[i];
+ }
+ length = Math.sqrt(length);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ v_mod[i] /= length;
+ if (1 - total * total < 0) // Roundoff error
+ return 0;
+ return Math.sqrt(1 - total * total);
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * A class that represents a lateral node in the power pricing problem. The
+ * lateral nodes is an intermediate node that represents a switch, tappoints, or
+ * transformer. It hangs from the root node (the power substation).
+ * <p>
+ * Each lateral node is the head in a line of branch nodes.
+ **/
+final class Lateral {
+ /**
+ * Demand for the customers supported by the lateral node.
+ **/
+ Demand D;
+ double alpha;
+ double beta;
+ double R;
+ double X;
+ /**
+ * The next lateral that shares the same parent (root) node.
+ **/
+ Lateral next_lateral;
+ /**
+ * The branch nodes that are supported by the lateral node.
+ **/
+ Branch branch;
+ /**
+ * Create all the lateral nodes for a single root node.
+ *
+ * @param num
+ * the child number of the lateral wrt the root
+ * @param nbranches
+ * the number of branch nodes per lateral.
+ * @param nleaves
+ * the number of leaf nodes per branch.
+ **/
+ Lateral(int num, int nbranches, int nleaves) {
+ alpha = 0.0;
+ beta = 0.0;
+ R = 1 / 300000.0;
+ X = 0.000001;
+ D = new Demand(0.0,0.0);
+ // create a linked list of the lateral nodes
+ if (num <= 1) {
+ if (num <= 0)
+// throw new RuntimeException("Lateral constructor with zero num");
+ System.out.println("Lateral constructor with zero num");
+ next_lateral = null;
+ } else {
+ next_lateral = new Lateral(num - 1, nbranches, nleaves);
+ }
+ // create the branch nodes
+ branch = new Branch(nbranches, nleaves);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Pass prices down and compute demand for the power system.
+ *
+ * @param theta_R
+ * real power demand multiplier
+ * @param theta_I
+ * reactive power demand multiplier
+ * @param pi_R
+ * price of real power demand
+ * @param pi_I
+ * price of reactive power demand
+ * @return the demand for the customers supported by this lateral
+ **/
+ Demand compute(double theta_R, double theta_I, double pi_R, double pi_I) {
+ // generate the new prices and pass them down to the customers
+ double new_pi_R = pi_R + alpha * (theta_R + (theta_I * X) / R);
+ double new_pi_I = pi_I + beta * (theta_I + (theta_R * R) / X);
+ Demand a1;
+ if (next_lateral != null)
+ a1 = next_lateral.compute(theta_R, theta_I, new_pi_R, new_pi_I);
+ else
+ a1 = null;
+ Demand a2 = branch.compute(theta_R, theta_I, new_pi_R, new_pi_I);
+ if (next_lateral != null) {
+ D.add(a1, a2);
+ } else {
+ D.assign(a2);
+ }
+ // compute the new power demand values P,Q
+ double a = R * R + X * X;
+ double b = 2 * R * X * D.Q - 2 * X * X * D.P - R;
+ double c = R * D.Q - X * D.P;
+ c = c * c + R * D.P;
+ double root = (-b - Math.sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c)) / (2 * a);
+ D.Q = D.Q + ((root - D.P) * X) / R;
+ D.P = root;
+ // compute alpha, beta
+ a = 2 * R * D.P;
+ b = 2 * X * D.Q;
+ alpha = a / (1 - a - b);
+ beta = b / (1 - a - b);
+ return D;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * A class that represents a customer in the power system optimization problem.
+ * A customer is a leaf node in tree representation of the problem.
+ **/
+final class Leaf {
+ /**
+ * Power demand for the customer
+ **/
+ Demand D;
+ /**
+ * Price for real power demand
+ **/
+ double pi_R;
+ /**
+ * Price for reaactive power demand
+ **/
+ double pi_I;
+ Leaf() {
+ D = new Demand(1.0, 1.0);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Pass prices down and compute demand for the customer.
+ *
+ * @return the power demand for the customer
+ **/
+ Demand compute(double pi_R, double pi_I) {
+ D.optimizeNode(pi_R, pi_I);
+ if (D.P < 0.0) {
+ D.P = 0.0;
+ D.Q = 0.0;
+ }
+ return D;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * A Java implementation of the <tt>power</tt> Olden benchmark. The original
+ * algorithm is from the following paper:
+ * <p>
+ * <cite> S. Lumetta, L. Murphy, X. Li, D. Culler, and I. Khalil. "Decentralized
+ * optimal power pricing: The development of a parallel program." Supercomputing
+ * '93, 243-249 </cite>
+ * <p>
+ * Note - the number of customers is fixed at 10,000 for this benchmark. We
+ * create a data structure that contains 1 root (the (power substation). There
+ * are 10 main feeders from the root and each feeder branches to 20 lateral
+ * nodes. Each lateral node is the head of a line of five branch nodes and each
+ * branch has 10 customers. In total, there are 10,000 customers (and 1201
+ * internal nodes).
+ * <p>
+ * The power pricing problems sets the price of each customer's power
+ * consumption so that the economic efficiency of the whole community is
+ * maximized.
+ **/
+public class Power {
+ /**
+ * Should we print the results as we run the benchmark
+ **/
+// static boolean printResults;
+ /**
+ * Print information messages?
+ **/
+// static boolean printMsgs;
+ /**
+ * The main routine which creates the power network and runs the simulation
+ *
+ * @param args
+ * the command line args
+ **/
+ public static void main(String args[]) {
+ boolean printResults = true;
+ boolean printMsgs =true;
+ // the input size is fixed, but the user may want the result printed
+ // parseCmdLine(args);
+ // initial pass
+ long start0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ Root r = new Root(10, 20, 5, 10);
+ long end0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ long start1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ r.compute();
+ r.nextIter(false, 0.7, 0.14);
+ while (true) {
+ r.compute();
+ if (printResults)
+ System.out.println(r);
+ if (r.reachedLimit())
+ break;
+ r.nextIter(printResults);
+ } /* while */
+ long end1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ if (printMsgs) {
+ System.out.println("Power build time " + (end0 - start0) / 1000.0);
+ System.out
+ .println("Power compute time " + (end1 - start1) / 1000.0);
+ System.out.println("Power total time " + (end1 - start0) / 1000.0);
+ }
+ System.out.println("Done!");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parse the command line options.
+ *
+ * @param args
+ * the command line options.
+ **/
+ /*
+ * private static final void parseCmdLine(String args[]) { int i = 0; String
+ * arg;
+ *
+ * while (i < args.length && args[i].startsWith("-")) { arg = args[i++]; if
+ * (arg.equals("-h")) { usage(); } else if (arg.equals("-p")) { printResults
+ * = true; } else if (arg.equals("-m")) { printMsgs = true; } } }
+ */
+ /**
+ * The usage routine which describes the program options.
+ **/
+ private static final void usage() {
+ System.out.println("usage: java Power [-p] [-m] [-h]");
+ System.out.println(" -p (print results)");
+ System.out.println(" -m (print informative messages)");
+ System.out.println(" -h (this message)");
+ System.exit(0);
+ }
--- /dev/null
+import com.enea.jcarder.transactionalinterfaces.HashMap;
+import dstm2.AtomicSuperClass;
+ * The root node of the power system optimization tree. The root node represents
+ * the power plant.
+ **/
+final class Root {
+ /**
+ * Total system power demand.
+ **/
+ Demand D;
+ double P,Q;
+ /**
+ * Lagrange multiplier for the global real power equality constraint
+ **/
+ double theta_R;
+ /**
+ * Lagrange multiplier for the global reactive power equality constraint
+ **/
+ double theta_I;
+ /**
+ * The power demand on the previous iteration
+ **/
+ Demand last;
+ /**
+ * The real power equality constraint on the previous iteration
+ **/
+ double last_theta_R;
+ /**
+ * The reactive power equality constraint on the previous iteration
+ **/
+ double last_theta_I;
+ /**
+ * A representation of the customers that feed off of the power plant.
+ **/
+ Lateral[] feeders;
+ /**
+ * Value used to compute convergence
+ **/
+ private static double ROOT_EPSILON;
+ /**
+ * Domain of thetaR->P map is 0.65 to 1.00 [index*0.01+0.65]
+ **/
+ private static double map_P[];
+ private static double MIN_THETA_R;
+ private static double PER_INDEX_R;
+ private static double MAX_THETA_R;
+ /**
+ * Domain of thetaI->Q map is 0.130 to 0.200 [index*0.002+0.130]
+ **/
+ private static double map_Q[];
+ private static double MIN_THETA_I;
+ private static double PER_INDEX_I;
+ private static double MAX_THETA_I;
+ /**
+ * Create the tree used by the power system optimization benchmark. Each
+ * root contains <tt>nfeeders</tt> feeders which each contain
+ * <tt>nlaterals</tt> lateral nodes, which each contain <tt>nbranches</tt>
+ * branch nodes, which each contain <tt>nleafs</tt> leaf nodes.
+ *
+ * @param nfeeders
+ * the number of feeders off of the root
+ * @param nlaterals
+ * the number of lateral nodes per feeder
+ * @param nbranches
+ * the number of branches per lateral
+ * @param nleaves
+ * the number of leaves per branch
+ **/
+ Root(int nfeeders, int nlaterals, int nbranches, int nleaves) {
+ theta_R = 0.8;
+ theta_I = 0.16;
+ ROOT_EPSILON = 0.00001;
+ map_P = new double[36];
+ map_P[0] = 8752.218091048;
+ map_P[1] = 8446.106670416;
+ map_P[2] = 8107.990680283;
+ map_P[3] = 7776.191574285;
+ map_P[4] = 7455.920518777;
+ map_P[5] = 7146.602181352;
+ map_P[6] = 6847.709026813;
+ map_P[7] = 6558.734204024;
+ map_P[8] = 6279.213382291;
+ map_P[9] = 6008.702199986;
+ map_P[10] = 5746.786181029;
+ map_P[11] = 5493.078256495;
+ map_P[12] = 5247.206333097;
+ map_P[13] = 5008.828069358;
+ map_P[14] = 4777.615815166;
+ map_P[15] = 4553.258735900;
+ map_P[16] = 4335.470002316;
+ map_P[17] = 4123.971545694;
+ map_P[18] = 3918.501939675;
+ map_P[19] = 3718.817618538;
+ map_P[20] = 3524.683625800;
+ map_P[21] = 3335.876573044;
+ map_P[22] = 3152.188635673;
+ map_P[23] = 2973.421417103;
+ map_P[24] = 2799.382330486;
+ map_P[25] = 2629.892542617;
+ map_P[26] = 2464.782829705;
+ map_P[27] = 2303.889031418;
+ map_P[28] = 2147.054385395;
+ map_P[29] = 1994.132771399;
+ map_P[30] = 1844.985347313;
+ map_P[31] = 1699.475053321;
+ map_P[32] = 1557.474019598;
+ map_P[33] = 1418.860479043;
+ map_P[34] = 1283.520126656;
+ map_P[35] = 1151.338004216;
+ /*
+ map_P = { 8752.218091048, 8446.106670416,
+ 8107.990680283, 7776.191574285, 7455.920518777, 7146.602181352,
+ 6847.709026813, 6558.734204024, 6279.213382291, 6008.702199986,
+ 5746.786181029, 5493.078256495, 5247.206333097, 5008.828069358,
+ 4777.615815166, 4553.258735900, 4335.470002316, 4123.971545694,
+ 3918.501939675, 3718.817618538, 3524.683625800, 3335.876573044,
+ 3152.188635673, 2973.421417103, 2799.382330486, 2629.892542617,
+ 2464.782829705, 2303.889031418, 2147.054385395, 1994.132771399,
+ 1844.985347313, 1699.475053321, 1557.474019598, 1418.860479043,
+ 1283.520126656, 1151.338004216 };
+ */
+ MIN_THETA_R = 0.65;
+ PER_INDEX_R = 0.01;
+ MAX_THETA_R = 0.995;
+ map_Q = new double[36];
+ map_Q[0] = 1768.846590190;
+ map_Q[1] = 1706.229490046;
+ map_Q[2] = 1637.253873079;
+ map_Q[3] = 1569.637451623;
+ map_Q[4] = 1504.419525242;
+ map_Q[5] = 1441.477913810;
+ map_Q[6] = 1380.700660446;
+ map_Q[7] = 1321.980440476;
+ map_Q[8] = 1265.218982201;
+ map_Q[9] = 1210.322424636;
+ map_Q[10] = 1157.203306183;
+ map_Q[11] = 1105.780028163;
+ map_Q[12] = 1055.974296746;
+ map_Q[13] = 1007.714103979;
+ map_Q[14] = 960.930643875;
+ map_Q[15] = 915.558722782;
+ map_Q[16] = 871.538200178;
+ map_Q[17] = 828.810882006;
+ map_Q[18] = 787.322098340;
+ map_Q[19] = 747.020941334;
+ map_Q[20] = 707.858376214;
+ map_Q[21] = 669.787829741;
+ map_Q[22] = 632.765987756;
+ map_Q[23] = 596.751545633;
+ map_Q[24] = 561.704466609;
+ map_Q[25] = 527.587580585;
+ map_Q[26] = 494.365739051;
+ map_Q[27] = 462.004890691;
+ map_Q[28] = 430.472546686;
+ map_Q[29] = 399.738429196;
+ map_Q[30] = 369.773787595;
+ map_Q[31] = 340.550287137;
+ map_Q[32] = 312.041496095;
+ map_Q[33] = 284.222260660;
+ map_Q[34] = 257.068973074;
+ map_Q[35] = 230.557938283;
+ /*
+ * map_Q = { 1768.846590190, 1706.229490046, 1637.253873079,
+ * 1569.637451623, 1504.419525242, 1441.477913810, 1380.700660446,
+ * 1321.980440476, 1265.218982201, 1210.322424636, 1157.203306183,
+ * 1105.780028163, 1055.974296746, 1007.714103979, 960.930643875,
+ * 915.558722782, 871.538200178, 828.810882006, 787.322098340,
+ * 747.020941334, 707.858376214, 669.787829741, 632.765987756,
+ * 596.751545633, 561.704466609, 527.587580585, 494.365739051,
+ * 462.004890691, 430.472546686, 399.738429196, 369.773787595,
+ * 340.550287137, 312.041496095, 284.222260660, 257.068973074,
+ * 230.557938283 };
+ */
+ MIN_THETA_I = 0.13;
+ PER_INDEX_I = 0.002;
+ MAX_THETA_I = 0.199;
+ D = new Demand(0.0,0.0);
+ last = new Demand(0.0,0.0);
+ feeders = new Lateral[nfeeders];
+ for (int i = 0; i < nfeeders; i++) {
+ feeders[i] = new Lateral(nlaterals, nbranches, nleaves);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return true if we've reached a convergence.
+ *
+ * @return true if we've finished.
+ **/
+ boolean reachedLimit() {
+ boolean rtr= (Math.abs(D.P / 10000.0 - theta_R) < ROOT_EPSILON && Math
+ .abs(D.Q / 10000.0 - theta_I) < ROOT_EPSILON);
+ return rtr;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Pass prices down and compute demand for the power system.
+ **/
+ void compute() {
+ D.P = 0.0;
+ D.Q = 0.0;
+ double pp=0.0;
+ double qq=0.0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < feeders.length; i++) {
+ Lateral lateral=feeders[i];
+ sese parallel{
+ DemandResult result=compute(lateral);
+ double p=result.P;
+ double q=result.Q;
+// D.increment(feeders[i].compute(theta_R, theta_I, theta_R, theta_I));
+ }
+ sese serial{
+ pp+=p;
+ qq+=q;
+ }
+ } // end of for
+ D.P=pp;
+ D.Q=qq;
+ }
+ DemandResult compute(Lateral lateral){
+ Demand demand= lateral.compute(theta_R, theta_I, theta_R, theta_I);
+ DemandResult result=new DemandResult(demand.P,demand.Q);
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set up the values for another pass of the algorithm.
+ **/
+ void nextIter(boolean verbose, double new_theta_R, double new_theta_I) {
+ last.P = D.P;
+ last.Q = D.Q;
+ last_theta_R = theta_R;
+ last_theta_I = theta_I;
+ theta_R = new_theta_R;
+ theta_I = new_theta_I;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set up the values for another pass of the algorithm.
+ *
+ * @param verbose
+ * is set to true to print the values of the system.
+ **/
+ void nextIter(boolean verbose) {
+ int i = (int) ((theta_R - MIN_THETA_R) / PER_INDEX_R);
+ if (i < 0)
+ i = 0;
+ if (i > 35)
+ i = 35;
+ double d_theta_R = -(theta_R - D.P / 10000.0)
+ / (1 - (map_P[i + 1] - map_P[i]) / (PER_INDEX_R * 10000.0));
+ i = (int) ((theta_I - MIN_THETA_I) / PER_INDEX_I);
+ if (i < 0)
+ i = 0;
+ if (i > 35)
+ i = 35;
+ double d_theta_I = -(theta_I - D.Q / 10000.0)
+ / (1 - (map_Q[i + 1] - map_Q[i]) / (PER_INDEX_I * 10000.0));
+ if (verbose) {
+ System.out.println("D TR-" + d_theta_R + ", TI=" + d_theta_I);
+ }
+ last.P = D.P;
+ last.Q = D.Q;
+ last_theta_R = theta_R;
+ last_theta_I = theta_I;
+ theta_R += d_theta_R;
+ theta_I += d_theta_I;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a string representation of the power plant.
+ **/
+ public String toString() {
+ return "TR=" + theta_R + ", TI=" + theta_I + ", P0=" + D.P + ", Q0="
+ + D.Q;
+ }
+class DemandResult{
+ double P;
+ double Q;
+ public DemandResult(double P, double Q){
+ this.P=P;
+ this.Q=Q;
+ }
--- /dev/null
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+ rm -f tabResults.tex