+<p><a href="http://botwars.tk/gwscript/">gwXscript</a> is an object oriented,
+ aspect orientied programing language which can create both, executables (ELF,
+ EXE) and shared libraries (DLL, SO, DYNLIB). The compiler is implemented in
+ its own language and translates scripts into LLVM-IR which can be optimized
+ and translated into native code by the LLVM framework. Source code in
+ gwScript contains definitions that expand the namespaces. So you can build
+ your project and simply 'plug out' features by removing a file. The remaining
+ project does not leave scars since you directly separate concerns by the
+ 'template' feature of gwX. It is also possible to add new features to a
+ project by just adding files and without editing the original project. This
+ language is used for example to create games or content management systems
+ that should be extendable.</p>
+<p>gwXscript is strongly typed and offers comfort with its native types string,
+ hash and array. You can easily write new libraries in gwXscript or native
+ code. gwXscript is type safe and users should not be able to crash your
+ program or execute malicious code except code that is eating CPU time.</p>
<h3>TTA-based Co-design Environment (TCE)</h3>