--- /dev/null
+public class BlurPiece {
+ flag toblur;
+ flag toaddBP;
+ flag finish;
+ /* current processing image related */
+ int[] m_image;
+ int m_rows;
+ int m_cols;
+ /* results related */
+ float[] m_result;
+ int m_rows_rs;
+ int m_rows_re;
+ int m_cols_r;
+ /* id indicating the piece # */
+ int m_id;
+ int m_range;
+ /* constructor */
+ public BlurPiece(int id,
+ int range,
+ int[] data) {
+ this.m_id = id;
+ this.m_range = range;
+ this.m_image = data;
+ this.m_rows = data[0];
+ this.m_cols = data[1];
+ }
+ public int getId() {
+ return this.m_id;
+ }
+ public int getRows() {
+ return this.m_rows;
+ }
+ public int getCols() {
+ return this.m_cols;
+ }
+ public float[] getResult() {
+ return this.m_result;
+ }
+ public int getRowsRS() {
+ return this.m_rows_rs;
+ }
+ public int getRowsRE() {
+ return this.m_rows_re;
+ }
+ public int getColsR() {
+ return this.m_cols_r;
+ }
+ public void blur() {
+ int rows, cols;
+ float temp;
+ int[] kernel, imageIn;
+ int rows_k, cols_k;
+ int k, i, j;
+ int kernelSize, startCol, endCol, halfKernel, startRow, endRow, kernelSum;
+ int[] inputs;
+ float[] image;
+ inputs = this.m_image;
+ rows = this.m_rows;
+ cols = this.m_cols;
+ this.m_rows_rs = this.m_id * this.m_range;
+ this.m_rows_re = (this.m_id + 1) * this.m_range;
+ if(rows < this.m_rows_re) {
+ this.m_rows_re = rows;
+ }
+ this.m_cols_r = this.m_cols;
+ image = this.m_result = new float[(this.m_rows_re-this.m_rows_rs)*cols];
+ kernel = new int[5];
+ rows_k = 1;
+ cols_k = 5;
+ kernel[0] = 1;
+ kernel[1] = 4;
+ kernel[2] = 6;
+ kernel[3] = 4;
+ kernel[4] = 1;
+ kernelSize = 5;
+ kernelSum = 16;
+ startCol = 2; //((kernelSize)/2);
+ endCol = cols - 2; //round(cols - (kernelSize/2));
+ halfKernel = 2; //(kernelSize-1)/2;
+ if((this.m_rows_re <= 2) || (this.m_rows_rs >= rows - 2)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ startRow = (2>this.m_rows_rs)?2:(this.m_rows_rs); //(kernelSize)/2;
+ endRow = ((rows-2)<this.m_rows_re)?(rows-2):(this.m_rows_re); //(rows - (kernelSize)/2);
+ int ii = startRow - this.m_rows_rs;
+ for(i=startRow; i<endRow; i++){
+ for(j=startCol; j<endCol; j++) {
+ temp = 0;
+ for(k=-halfKernel; k<=halfKernel; k++) {
+ temp += (float)((inputs[4 + i * cols + (j+k)]
+ * (float)(kernel[k+halfKernel])));
+ }
+ image[ii * cols + j] = (float)(temp/kernelSum);
+ }
+ ii++;
+ }
+ /*ii = startRow - this.m_rows_rs;
+ for(i=startRow; i<endRow; i++) {
+ for(j=startCol; j<endCol; j++) {
+ temp = 0;
+ for(k=-halfKernel; k<=halfKernel; k++) {
+ temp += (float)((image[(ii+k) * cols + j]
+ * (float)(kernel[k+halfKernel])));
+ }
+ image[ii * cols + j] = (float)(temp/kernelSum);
+ }
+ ii++;
+ }*/
+ }
+ public void printImage() {
+ // result validation
+ System.printI(33333333);
+ for(int i=0; i<this.m_rows; i++) {
+ for(int j=0; j<this.m_cols; j++) {
+ System.printI(this.m_image[i * this.m_cols + j + 4]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+public class IXL {
+ flag toprocess;
+ flag tomergeIXL;
+ flag finish;
+ /* current processing image related */
+ float[] m_image;
+ int m_rows;
+ int m_cols;
+ /* results related */
+ float[] m_result;
+ int m_rows_rs;
+ int m_rows_re;
+ int m_cols_r;
+ /* processing type */
+ int m_id_t; // 0--Ipyr1; 1--Ipyr2;
+ /* id indicating the piece # */
+ int m_id;
+ int m_range;
+ /* constructor */
+ public IXL(int id,
+ int range,
+ int tid,
+ float[] data,
+ int rows,
+ int cols) {
+ this.m_id = id;
+ this.m_range = range;
+ this.m_id_t = tid;
+ this.m_image = data;
+ this.m_rows = rows;
+ this.m_cols = cols;
+ }
+ public int getId() {
+ return this.m_id;
+ }
+ public int getIdT() {
+ return this.m_id_t;
+ }
+ public float[] getResult() {
+ return this.m_result;
+ }
+ public int getRowsRS() {
+ return this.m_rows_rs;
+ }
+ public int getRowsRE() {
+ return this.m_rows_re;
+ }
+ public int getColsR() {
+ return this.m_cols_r;
+ }
+ public int getRows() {
+ return this.m_rows;
+ }
+ public int getCols() {
+ return this.m_cols;
+ }
+ public void calcSobel_dX() {
+ int rows_k1, cols_k1, rows_k2, cols_k2;
+ int[] kernel_1, kernel_2;
+ float temp;
+ int kernelSize, startCol, endCol, halfKernel, startRow, endRow;
+ int k, i, j, kernelSum_1, kernelSum_2;
+ float[] result, image;
+ int rows = this.m_rows;
+ int cols = this.m_cols;
+ image = this.m_image;
+ this.m_rows_rs = this.m_id * this.m_range;
+ this.m_rows_re = (this.m_id + 1) * this.m_range;
+ this.m_cols_r = cols;
+ result=this.m_result=new float[(this.m_rows_re-this.m_rows_rs)*this.m_cols_r];
+ rows_k1 = 1;
+ cols_k1 = 3;
+ kernel_1 = new int[rows_k1 * cols_k1];
+ rows_k2 = 1;
+ cols_k2 = 3;
+ kernel_2 = new int[rows_k2 * cols_k2];
+ kernel_1[0] = 1;
+ kernel_1[1] = 2;
+ kernel_1[2] = 1;
+ kernelSize = 3;
+ kernelSum_1 = 4;
+ kernel_2[0] = 1;
+ kernel_2[1] = 0;
+ kernel_2[2] = -1;
+ kernelSum_2 = 2;
+ startCol = 1; //((kernelSize)/2);
+ endCol = cols - 1; //(int)(cols - (kernelSize/2));
+ halfKernel = 1; //(kernelSize-1)/2;
+ if((this.m_rows_re < 1) || (this.m_rows_rs > rows - 1)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ startRow = (1>this.m_rows_rs)?1:(this.m_rows_rs); //(kernelSize)/2;
+ endRow = ((rows-1)<this.m_rows_re)?(rows-1):(this.m_rows_re); //(rows - (kernelSize)/2);
+ int ii = startRow - this.m_rows_rs;
+ for(i=startRow; i<endRow; i++) {
+ for(j=startCol; j<endCol; j++) {
+ temp = 0;
+ for(k=-halfKernel; k<=halfKernel; k++) {
+ temp += (float)(image[i * cols + (j+k)]
+ * (float)(kernel_2[k+halfKernel]));
+ }
+ result[ii * cols + j] = (float)(temp/kernelSum_2);
+ }
+ ii++;
+ }
+ }
+ public void printResult() {
+ // result validation
+ System.printI(11111111);
+ for(int i=0; i<this.m_rows_re-this.m_rows_rs; i++) {
+ for(int j=0; j<this.m_cols_r; j++) {
+ System.printI((int)(this.m_result[i * this.m_cols_r + j]*10));
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+public class IXLM {
+ flag tomergeIXL;
+ flag toaddIXL;
+ flag finish;
+ /* current processing image related */
+ float[] m_image;
+ int m_rows;
+ int m_cols;
+ /* current processing image related */
+ float[] m_result;
+ int m_rows_r;
+ int m_cols_r;
+ int m_counter;
+ /* processing type */
+ int m_id_t; // 0--Ipyr1; 1--Ipyr2;
+ /* constructor */
+ public IXLM(int tid,
+ int counter,
+ float[] data,
+ int rows,
+ int cols) {
+ this.m_id_t = tid;
+ this.m_counter = counter;
+ this.m_rows = this.m_rows_r = rows;
+ this.m_cols = this.m_cols_r = cols;
+ this.m_image = data;
+ this.m_result = new float[rows * cols];
+ }
+ public int getIdT() {
+ return this.m_id_t;
+ }
+ public int getRows() {
+ return this.m_rows;
+ }
+ public int getCols() {
+ return this.m_cols;
+ }
+ public float[] getImage() {
+ return this.m_image;
+ }
+ public int getRowsR() {
+ return this.m_rows_r;
+ }
+ public int getColsR() {
+ return this.m_cols_r;
+ }
+ public float[] getResult() {
+ return this.m_result;
+ }
+ public boolean addCalcSobelResult(IXL ixl) {
+ int startRow = ixl.getRowsRS();
+ int endRow = ixl.getRowsRE();
+ int i, j, k, cols;
+ float[] image, r;
+ image = this.m_result;
+ this.m_counter--;
+ cols = this.m_cols_r;
+ // clone data piece
+ r = ixl.getResult();
+ k = 0;
+ for(i = startRow; i < endRow; i++) {
+ for(j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
+ image[i * cols + j] = r[k * cols + j];
+ }
+ k++;
+ }
+ return (0 == this.m_counter);
+ }
+ public void calcSobel_dX() {
+ int rows_k1, cols_k1, rows_k2, cols_k2;
+ int[] kernel_1, kernel_2;
+ float temp;
+ int kernelSize, startCol, endCol, halfKernel, startRow, endRow;
+ int k, i, j, kernelSum_1, kernelSum_2;
+ float[] result, image;
+ int rows = this.m_rows_r;
+ int cols = this.m_cols_r;
+ image = this.m_result;
+ rows_k1 = 1;
+ cols_k1 = 3;
+ kernel_1 = new int[rows_k1 * cols_k1];
+ rows_k2 = 1;
+ cols_k2 = 3;
+ kernel_2 = new int[rows_k2 * cols_k2];
+ kernel_1[0] = 1;
+ kernel_1[1] = 2;
+ kernel_1[2] = 1;
+ kernelSize = 3;
+ kernelSum_1 = 4;
+ kernel_2[0] = 1;
+ kernel_2[1] = 0;
+ kernel_2[2] = -1;
+ kernelSum_2 = 2;
+ startCol = 1; //((kernelSize)/2);
+ endCol = cols - 1; //(int)(cols - (kernelSize/2));
+ halfKernel = 1; //(kernelSize-1)/2;
+ startRow = 1; //(kernelSize)/2;
+ endRow = (rows-1); //(rows - (kernelSize)/2);
+ for(i=startRow; i<endRow; i++) {
+ for(j=startCol; j<endCol; j++) {
+ temp = 0;
+ for(k=-halfKernel; k<=halfKernel; k++) {
+ temp += (float)(image[(i+k) * cols + j]
+ * (float)(kernel_1[k+halfKernel]));
+ }
+ image[i * cols + j] = (float)(temp/kernelSum_1);
+ image[i * cols + j] = (float)(image[i * cols + j] + 128);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void printImage() {
+ // result validation
+ for(int i=0; i<this.m_rows; i++) {
+ for(int j=0; j<this.m_cols; j++) {
+ System.printI((int)(this.m_image[i * this.m_cols + j]*10));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void printResult() {
+ // result validation
+ for(int i=0; i<this.m_rows_r; i++) {
+ for(int j=0; j<this.m_cols_r; j++) {
+ System.printI((int)(this.m_result[i * this.m_cols_r + j]*10));
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+public class IYL {
+ flag toprocess;
+ flag tomergeIYL;
+ flag finish;
+ /* current processing image related */
+ float[] m_image;
+ int m_rows;
+ int m_cols;
+ /* results related */
+ float[] m_result;
+ int m_rows_rs;
+ int m_rows_re;
+ int m_cols_r;
+ /* processing type */
+ int m_id_t; // 0--Ipyr1; 1--Ipyr2;
+ /* id indicating the piece # */
+ int m_id;
+ int m_range;
+ /* constructor */
+ public IYL(int id,
+ int range,
+ int tid,
+ float[] image,
+ int rows,
+ int cols) {
+ this.m_id = id;
+ this.m_range = range;
+ this.m_id_t = tid;
+ this.m_image = image;
+ this.m_rows = rows;
+ this.m_cols = cols;
+ }
+ public int getId() {
+ return this.m_id;
+ }
+ public int getIdT() {
+ return this.m_id_t;
+ }
+ public int getRowsRS() {
+ return this.m_rows_rs;
+ }
+ public int getRowsRE() {
+ return this.m_rows_re;
+ }
+ public int getColsR() {
+ return this.m_cols_r;
+ }
+ public float[] getResult() {
+ return this.m_result;
+ }
+ public int getRows() {
+ return this.m_rows;
+ }
+ public int getCols() {
+ return this.m_cols;
+ }
+ public float[] getImage() {
+ return this.m_image;
+ }
+ public void calcSobel_dY() {
+ int rows_k1, cols_k1, rows_k2, cols_k2;
+ int[] kernel_1, kernel_2;
+ float temp;
+ int kernelSize, startCol, endCol, halfKernel, startRow, endRow;
+ int k, i, j, kernelSum_1, kernelSum_2;
+ float[] result, image;
+ int rows = this.m_rows;
+ int cols = this.m_cols;
+ // level 1 is the base image.
+ image = this.m_image;
+ this.m_rows_rs = this.m_id * this.m_range;
+ this.m_rows_re = (this.m_id + 1) * this.m_range;
+ this.m_cols_r = cols;
+ result=this.m_result=new float[(this.m_rows_re-this.m_rows_rs)*this.m_cols_r];
+ rows_k1 = 1;
+ cols_k1 = 3;
+ kernel_1 = new int[rows_k1 * cols_k1];
+ rows_k2 = 1;
+ cols_k2 = 3;
+ kernel_2 = new int[rows_k2 * cols_k2];
+ kernel_1[0] = 1;
+ kernel_1[1] = 0;
+ kernel_1[2] = -1;
+ kernelSize = 3;
+ kernelSum_1 = 2;
+ kernel_2[0] = 1;
+ kernel_2[1] = 2;
+ kernel_2[2] = 1;
+ kernelSum_2 = 4;
+ startCol = 1; //(kernelSize/2);
+ endCol = cols - 1; //(int)(cols - (kernelSize/2));
+ halfKernel = 1; //(kernelSize-1)/2;
+ if((this.m_rows_re < 1) || (this.m_rows_rs > rows - 1)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ startRow = (1>this.m_rows_rs)?1:(this.m_rows_rs); //(kernelSize)/2;
+ endRow = ((rows-1)<this.m_rows_re)?(rows-1):(this.m_rows_re); //(rows - (kernelSize)/2);
+ int ii = startRow - this.m_rows_rs;
+ for(i=startRow; i<endRow; i++) {
+ for(j=startCol; j<endCol; j++) {
+ temp = 0;
+ for(k=-halfKernel; k<=halfKernel; k++) {
+ temp += (float)(image[i * cols + (j+k)]
+ * (float)(kernel_2[k+halfKernel]));
+ }
+ result[ii * cols + j] = (float)(temp/kernelSum_2);
+ }
+ ii++;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+public class IYLM {
+ flag tomergeIYL;
+ flag toaddIYL;
+ flag finish;
+ /* current processing image related */
+ float[] m_image;
+ int m_rows;
+ int m_cols;
+ /* current processing image related */
+ float[] m_result;
+ int m_rows_r;
+ int m_cols_r;
+ int m_counter;
+ /* processing type */
+ int m_id_t; // 0--Ipyr1; 1--Ipyr2;
+ /* constructor */
+ public IYLM(int tid,
+ int counter,
+ float[] data,
+ int rows,
+ int cols) {
+ this.m_id_t = tid;
+ this.m_counter = counter;
+ this.m_rows = this.m_rows_r = rows;
+ this.m_cols = this.m_cols_r = cols;
+ this.m_image = data;
+ this.m_result = new float[rows * cols];
+ }
+ public int getIdT() {
+ return this.m_id_t;
+ }
+ public int getRows() {
+ return this.m_rows;
+ }
+ public int getCols() {
+ return this.m_cols;
+ }
+ public float[] getImage() {
+ return this.m_image;
+ }
+ public int getRowsR() {
+ return this.m_rows_r;
+ }
+ public int getColsR() {
+ return this.m_cols_r;
+ }
+ public float[] getResult() {
+ return this.m_result;
+ }
+ public boolean addCalcSobelResult(IYL iyl) {
+ int startRow = iyl.getRowsRS();
+ int endRow = iyl.getRowsRE();
+ int i, j, k, cols;
+ float[] image, r;
+ image = this.m_result;
+ this.m_counter--;
+ cols = this.m_cols_r;
+ // clone data piece
+ r = iyl.getResult();
+ k = 0;
+ for(i = startRow; i < endRow; i++) {
+ for(j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
+ image[i * cols + j] = r[k * cols + j];
+ }
+ k++;
+ }
+ return (0 == this.m_counter);
+ }
+ public void calcSobel_dY() {
+ int rows_k1, cols_k1, rows_k2, cols_k2;
+ int[] kernel_1, kernel_2;
+ float temp;
+ int kernelSize, startCol, endCol, halfKernel, startRow, endRow;
+ int k, i, j, kernelSum_1, kernelSum_2;
+ float[] result, image;
+ int rows = this.m_rows_r;
+ int cols = this.m_cols_r;
+ // level 1 is the base image.
+ image = this.m_result;
+ rows_k1 = 1;
+ cols_k1 = 3;
+ kernel_1 = new int[rows_k1 * cols_k1];
+ rows_k2 = 1;
+ cols_k2 = 3;
+ kernel_2 = new int[rows_k2 * cols_k2];
+ kernel_1[0] = 1;
+ kernel_1[1] = 0;
+ kernel_1[2] = -1;
+ kernelSize = 3;
+ kernelSum_1 = 2;
+ kernel_2[0] = 1;
+ kernel_2[1] = 2;
+ kernel_2[2] = 1;
+ kernelSum_2 = 4;
+ startCol = 1; //(kernelSize/2);
+ endCol = cols - 1; //(int)(cols - (kernelSize/2));
+ halfKernel = 1; //(kernelSize-1)/2;
+ startRow = 1; //(kernelSize)/2;
+ endRow = (rows-1); //(rows - (kernelSize)/2);
+ for(i=startRow; i<endRow; i++) {
+ for(j=startCol; j<endCol; j++) {
+ temp = 0;
+ for(k=-halfKernel; k<=halfKernel; k++) {
+ temp += (float)(image[(i+k) * cols + j]
+ * (float)(kernel_1[k+halfKernel]));
+ }
+ image[i * cols + j] = (float)(temp/kernelSum_1);
+ image[i * cols + j] = (float)(image[i * cols + j] + 128);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void printImage() {
+ // result validation
+ for(int i=0; i<this.m_rows; i++) {
+ for(int j=0; j<this.m_cols; j++) {
+ System.printI((int)(this.m_image[i * this.m_cols + j]*10));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void printResult() {
+ // result validation
+ for(int i=0; i<this.m_rows_r; i++) {
+ for(int j=0; j<this.m_cols_r; j++) {
+ System.printI((int)(this.m_result[i * this.m_cols_r + j]*10));
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+public class ImageX {
+ flag toprocess;
+ flag tomergeX;
+ flag finish;
+ /* current processing image related */
+ float[] m_image;
+ int m_rows;
+ int m_cols;
+ /* results related */
+ float[] m_result;
+ int m_rows_rs;
+ int m_rows_re;
+ int m_cols_r;
+ /* id indicating the piece # */
+ int m_id;
+ int m_range;
+ /* constructor */
+ public ImageX(int id,
+ int range,
+ float[] data,
+ int rows,
+ int cols) {
+ this.m_id = id;
+ this.m_range = range;
+ this.m_image = data;
+ this.m_rows = rows;
+ this.m_cols = cols;
+ }
+ public int getId() {
+ return this.m_id;
+ }
+ public float[] getResult() {
+ return this.m_result;
+ }
+ public int getRowsRS() {
+ return this.m_rows_rs;
+ }
+ public int getRowsRE() {
+ return this.m_rows_re;
+ }
+ public int getColsR() {
+ return this.m_cols_r;
+ }
+ public int getRows() {
+ return this.m_rows;
+ }
+ public int getCols() {
+ return this.m_cols;
+ }
+ public void calcSobel_dX() {
+ int rows_k1, cols_k1, rows_k2, cols_k2;
+ int[] kernel_1, kernel_2;
+ float temp;
+ int kernelSize, startCol, endCol, halfKernel, startRow, endRow;
+ int k, i, j, kernelSum_1, kernelSum_2;
+ float[] result, image;
+ int rows = this.m_rows;
+ int cols = this.m_cols;
+ image = this.m_image;
+ this.m_rows_rs = this.m_id * this.m_range;
+ this.m_rows_re = (this.m_id + 1) * this.m_range;
+ this.m_cols_r = cols;
+ result=this.m_result=new float[(this.m_rows_re-this.m_rows_rs)*this.m_cols_r];
+ rows_k1 = 1;
+ cols_k1 = 3;
+ kernel_1 = new int[rows_k1 * cols_k1];
+ rows_k2 = 1;
+ cols_k2 = 3;
+ kernel_2 = new int[rows_k2 * cols_k2];
+ kernel_1[0] = 1;
+ kernel_1[1] = 2;
+ kernel_1[2] = 1;
+ kernelSize = 3;
+ kernelSum_1 = 4;
+ kernel_2[0] = 1;
+ kernel_2[1] = 0;
+ kernel_2[2] = -1;
+ kernelSum_2 = 2;
+ startCol = 1; //((kernelSize)/2);
+ endCol = cols - 1; //(int)(cols - (kernelSize/2));
+ halfKernel = 1; //(kernelSize-1)/2;
+ if((this.m_rows_re < 1) || (this.m_rows_rs > rows - 1)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ startRow = (1>this.m_rows_rs)?1:(this.m_rows_rs); //(kernelSize)/2;
+ endRow = ((rows-1)<this.m_rows_re)?(rows-1):(this.m_rows_re); //(rows - (kernelSize)/2);
+ int ii = startRow - this.m_rows_rs;
+ for(i=startRow; i<endRow; i++) {
+ for(j=startCol; j<endCol; j++) {
+ temp = 0;
+ for(k=-halfKernel; k<=halfKernel; k++) {
+ temp += (float)(image[i * cols + (j+k)]
+ * (float)(kernel_2[k+halfKernel]));
+ }
+ result[ii * cols + j] = (float)(temp/kernelSum_2);
+ }
+ ii++;
+ }
+ }
+ public void printResult() {
+ // result validation
+ System.printI(11111111);
+ for(int i=0; i<this.m_rows_re-this.m_rows_rs; i++) {
+ for(int j=0; j<this.m_cols_r; j++) {
+ System.printI((int)(this.m_result[i * this.m_cols_r + j]*10));
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+public class ImageXM {
+ flag tomergeX;
+ flag tocalcGF;
+ flag finish;
+ /* current processing image related */
+ float[] m_image;
+ int m_rows;
+ int m_cols;
+ int m_counter;
+ /* constructor */
+ public ImageXM(int counter,
+ int rows,
+ int cols) {
+ this.m_counter = counter;
+ this.m_rows = rows;
+ this.m_cols = cols;
+ this.m_image = new float[rows * cols];
+ }
+ public int getRows() {
+ return this.m_rows;
+ }
+ public int getCols() {
+ return this.m_cols;
+ }
+ public float[] getImage() {
+ return this.m_image;
+ }
+ public boolean addCalcSobelResult(ImageX imx) {
+ int startRow = imx.getRowsRS();
+ int endRow = imx.getRowsRE();
+ int i, j, k, cols;
+ float[] image, r;
+ image = this.m_image;
+ this.m_counter--;
+ cols = this.m_cols;
+ // clone data piece
+ r = imx.getResult();
+ k = 0;
+ for(i = startRow; i < endRow; i++) {
+ for(j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
+ image[i * cols + j] = r[k * cols + j];
+ }
+ k++;
+ }
+ return (0 == this.m_counter);
+ }
+ public void calcSobel_dX() {
+ int rows_k1, cols_k1, rows_k2, cols_k2;
+ int[] kernel_1, kernel_2;
+ float temp;
+ int kernelSize, startCol, endCol, halfKernel, startRow, endRow;
+ int k, i, j, kernelSum_1, kernelSum_2;
+ float[] result, image;
+ int rows = this.m_rows;
+ int cols = this.m_cols;
+ image = this.m_image;
+ rows_k1 = 1;
+ cols_k1 = 3;
+ kernel_1 = new int[rows_k1 * cols_k1];
+ rows_k2 = 1;
+ cols_k2 = 3;
+ kernel_2 = new int[rows_k2 * cols_k2];
+ kernel_1[0] = 1;
+ kernel_1[1] = 2;
+ kernel_1[2] = 1;
+ kernelSize = 3;
+ kernelSum_1 = 4;
+ kernel_2[0] = 1;
+ kernel_2[1] = 0;
+ kernel_2[2] = -1;
+ kernelSum_2 = 2;
+ startCol = 1; //((kernelSize)/2);
+ endCol = cols - 1; //(int)(cols - (kernelSize/2));
+ halfKernel = 1; //(kernelSize-1)/2;
+ startRow = 1; //(kernelSize)/2;
+ endRow = (rows-1); //(rows - (kernelSize)/2);
+ for(i=startRow; i<endRow; i++) {
+ for(j=startCol; j<endCol; j++) {
+ temp = 0;
+ for(k=-halfKernel; k<=halfKernel; k++) {
+ temp += (float)(image[(i+k) * cols + j]
+ * (float)(kernel_1[k+halfKernel]));
+ }
+ image[i * cols + j] = (float)(temp/kernelSum_1);
+ image[i * cols + j] = (float)(image[i * cols + j] + 128);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void printImage() {
+ // result validation
+ for(int i=0; i<this.m_rows; i++) {
+ for(int j=0; j<this.m_cols; j++) {
+ System.printI((int)(this.m_image[i * this.m_cols + j]*10));
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+public class ImageY {
+ flag toprocess;
+ flag tomergeY;
+ flag finish;
+ /* current processing image related */
+ float[] m_image;
+ int m_rows;
+ int m_cols;
+ /* results related */
+ float[] m_result;
+ int m_rows_rs;
+ int m_rows_re;
+ int m_cols_r;
+ /* id indicating the piece # */
+ int m_id;
+ int m_range;
+ /* constructor */
+ public ImageY(int id,
+ int range,
+ float[] image,
+ int rows,
+ int cols) {
+ this.m_id = id;
+ this.m_range = range;
+ this.m_image = image;
+ this.m_rows = rows;
+ this.m_cols = cols;
+ }
+ public int getId() {
+ return this.m_id;
+ }
+ public int getRowsRS() {
+ return this.m_rows_rs;
+ }
+ public int getRowsRE() {
+ return this.m_rows_re;
+ }
+ public int getColsR() {
+ return this.m_cols_r;
+ }
+ public float[] getResult() {
+ return this.m_result;
+ }
+ public int getRows() {
+ return this.m_rows;
+ }
+ public int getCols() {
+ return this.m_cols;
+ }
+ public float[] getImage() {
+ return this.m_image;
+ }
+ public void calcSobel_dY() {
+ int rows_k1, cols_k1, rows_k2, cols_k2;
+ int[] kernel_1, kernel_2;
+ float temp;
+ int kernelSize, startCol, endCol, halfKernel, startRow, endRow;
+ int k, i, j, kernelSum_1, kernelSum_2;
+ float[] result, image;
+ int rows = this.m_rows;
+ int cols = this.m_cols;
+ // level 1 is the base image.
+ image = this.m_image;
+ this.m_rows_rs = this.m_id * this.m_range;
+ this.m_rows_re = (this.m_id + 1) * this.m_range;
+ this.m_cols_r = cols;
+ result=this.m_result=new float[(this.m_rows_re-this.m_rows_rs)*this.m_cols_r];
+ rows_k1 = 1;
+ cols_k1 = 3;
+ kernel_1 = new int[rows_k1 * cols_k1];
+ rows_k2 = 1;
+ cols_k2 = 3;
+ kernel_2 = new int[rows_k2 * cols_k2];
+ kernel_1[0] = 1;
+ kernel_1[1] = 0;
+ kernel_1[2] = -1;
+ kernelSize = 3;
+ kernelSum_1 = 2;
+ kernel_2[0] = 1;
+ kernel_2[1] = 2;
+ kernel_2[2] = 1;
+ kernelSum_2 = 4;
+ startCol = 1; //(kernelSize/2);
+ endCol = cols - 1; //(int)(cols - (kernelSize/2));
+ halfKernel = 1; //(kernelSize-1)/2;
+ if((this.m_rows_re < 1) || (this.m_rows_rs > rows - 1)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ startRow = (1>this.m_rows_rs)?1:(this.m_rows_rs); //(kernelSize)/2;
+ endRow = ((rows-1)<this.m_rows_re)?(rows-1):(this.m_rows_re); //(rows - (kernelSize)/2);
+ int ii = startRow - this.m_rows_rs;
+ for(i=startRow; i<endRow; i++) {
+ for(j=startCol; j<endCol; j++) {
+ temp = 0;
+ for(k=-halfKernel; k<=halfKernel; k++) {
+ temp += (float)(image[i * cols + (j+k)]
+ * (float)(kernel_2[k+halfKernel]));
+ }
+ result[ii * cols + j] = (float)(temp/kernelSum_2);
+ }
+ ii++;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+public class ImageYM {
+ flag tomergeY;
+ flag tocalcGF;
+ flag finish;
+ /* current processing image related */
+ float[] m_image;
+ int m_rows;
+ int m_cols;
+ int m_counter;
+ /* constructor */
+ public ImageYM(int counter,
+ int rows,
+ int cols) {
+ this.m_counter = counter;
+ this.m_rows = rows;
+ this.m_cols = cols;
+ this.m_image = new float[rows * cols];
+ }
+ public int getRows() {
+ return this.m_rows;
+ }
+ public int getCols() {
+ return this.m_cols;
+ }
+ public float[] getImage() {
+ return this.m_image;
+ }
+ public boolean addCalcSobelResult(ImageY imy) {
+ int startRow = imy.getRowsRS();
+ int endRow = imy.getRowsRE();
+ int i, j, k, cols;
+ float[] image, r;
+ image = this.m_image;
+ this.m_counter--;
+ cols = this.m_cols;
+ // clone data piece
+ r = imy.getResult();
+ k = 0;
+ for(i = startRow; i < endRow; i++) {
+ for(j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
+ image[i * cols + j] = r[k * cols + j];
+ }
+ k++;
+ }
+ return (0 == this.m_counter);
+ }
+ public void calcSobel_dY() {
+ int rows_k1, cols_k1, rows_k2, cols_k2;
+ int[] kernel_1, kernel_2;
+ float temp;
+ int kernelSize, startCol, endCol, halfKernel, startRow, endRow;
+ int k, i, j, kernelSum_1, kernelSum_2;
+ float[] result, image;
+ int rows = this.m_rows;
+ int cols = this.m_cols;
+ // level 1 is the base image.
+ image = this.m_image;
+ rows_k1 = 1;
+ cols_k1 = 3;
+ kernel_1 = new int[rows_k1 * cols_k1];
+ rows_k2 = 1;
+ cols_k2 = 3;
+ kernel_2 = new int[rows_k2 * cols_k2];
+ kernel_1[0] = 1;
+ kernel_1[1] = 0;
+ kernel_1[2] = -1;
+ kernelSize = 3;
+ kernelSum_1 = 2;
+ kernel_2[0] = 1;
+ kernel_2[1] = 2;
+ kernel_2[2] = 1;
+ kernelSum_2 = 4;
+ startCol = 1; //(kernelSize/2);
+ endCol = cols - 1; //(int)(cols - (kernelSize/2));
+ halfKernel = 1; //(kernelSize-1)/2;
+ startRow = 1; //(kernelSize)/2;
+ endRow = (rows-1); //(rows - (kernelSize)/2);
+ for(i=startRow; i<endRow; i++) {
+ for(j=startCol; j<endCol; j++) {
+ temp = 0;
+ for(k=-halfKernel; k<=halfKernel; k++) {
+ temp += (float)(image[(i+k) * cols + j]
+ * (float)(kernel_1[k+halfKernel]));
+ }
+ image[i * cols + j] = (float)(temp/kernelSum_1);
+ image[i * cols + j] = (float)(image[i * cols + j] + 128);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void printImage() {
+ // result validation
+ for(int i=0; i<this.m_rows; i++) {
+ for(int j=0; j<this.m_cols; j++) {
+ System.printI((int)(this.m_image[i * this.m_cols + j]*10));
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+public class Lambda {
+ flag tocalcGF;
+ flag toaddLMDA;
+ flag finish;
+ /* current processing image related */
+ float[] m_image;
+ int m_rows;
+ int m_cols;
+ /* results related */
+ float[][] m_result;
+ int m_rows_r;
+ int m_cols_r;
+ int m_num;
+ int[] m_ind;
+ /* benchmark constants */
+ int WINSZ;
+ public int N_FEA;
+ /* constructor */
+ public Lambda(int winsz,
+ int nfea,
+ int pnum) {
+ this.WINSZ = winsz;
+ this.N_FEA = nfea;
+ this.m_num = 3;
+ this.m_result = new float[this.m_num][this.N_FEA];
+ this.m_rows_r = this.N_FEA;
+ this.m_cols_r = 1;
+ }
+ public int getRows() {
+ return this.m_rows;
+ }
+ public int getCols() {
+ return this.m_cols;
+ }
+ public int getNum() {
+ return this.m_num;
+ }
+ public float[] getResult(int index) {
+ return this.m_result[index];
+ }
+ public int getRowsR(int index) {
+ return this.m_rows_r;
+ }
+ public int getColsR(int index) {
+ return this.m_cols_r;
+ }
+ public void calcGoodFeature(ImageXM imxm,
+ ImageYM imym) {
+ float[] dX, dY;
+ int sizeX, sizeY, rowY, colY;
+ int i, j;
+ float[] xx, yy, xy, image;
+ int rows_xx, cols_xx, rows_yy, cols_yy, rows_xy, cols_xy;
+ float[] tr, det, c_xx, c_xy, c_yy;
+ int rows_tr, cols_tr, rows_det, cols_det, rows_cxx, cols_cxx;
+ int rows_cxy, cols_cxyrows_cyy, cols_cyy;
+ dX = imxm.getImage();
+ dY = imym.getImage();
+ sizeX = imxm.getRows();
+ sizeY = imxm.getCols();
+ rowY = imym.getRows();
+ colY = imym.getCols();
+ rows_xx = sizeX;
+ cols_xx = sizeY;
+ xx = new float[rows_xx * cols_xx];
+ rows_xy = sizeX;
+ cols_xy = sizeY;
+ xy = new float[rows_xy * cols_xy];
+ rows_yy = sizeX;
+ cols_yy = sizeY;
+ yy = new float[rows_yy * cols_yy];
+ for( i=0; i<sizeX; i++) {
+ for( j=0; j<sizeY; j++) {
+ xx[i * sizeY + j] = (float)(dX[i * sizeY + j] * dX[i * sizeY + j]);
+ xy[i * sizeY + j] = (float)(dX[i * sizeY + j] * dY[i * sizeY + j]);
+ yy[i * sizeY + j] = (float)(dY[i * sizeY + j] * dY[i * sizeY + j]);
+ }
+ }
+ c_xx = calcAreaSum(xx, sizeY, sizeX);
+ c_xy = calcAreaSum(xy, sizeY, sizeX);
+ c_yy = calcAreaSum(yy, sizeY, sizeX);
+ rows_tr = sizeX;
+ cols_tr = sizeY;
+ tr = new float[rows_tr * cols_tr];
+ rows_det = sizeX;
+ cols_det = sizeY;
+ det = new float[rows_det * cols_det];
+ this.m_rows = sizeX;
+ this.m_cols = sizeY;
+ image = this.m_image = new float[this.m_rows * this.m_cols];
+ for( i=0; i<sizeX; i++) {
+ for( j=0; j<sizeY; j++) {
+ tr[i * sizeY + j] = c_xx[i * sizeY + j] + c_yy[i * sizeY + j];
+ det[i * sizeY + j] = c_xx[i * sizeY + j] * c_yy[i * sizeY + j]
+ - c_xy[i * sizeY + j] * c_xy[i * sizeY + j];
+// lambda[i * sizeY + j] = (float)(det[i * sizeY + j]/(tr[i * sizeY + j]) + 0.00001);
+ image[i * sizeY + j] = (float)((det[i * sizeY + j]*100000)
+ /((tr[i * sizeY + j]*100000) + 0.1));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public float[] calcAreaSum(float[] src,
+ int sizeY,
+ int sizeX) {
+ int nave, nave_half, i, j, k;
+ float[] ret, a1;
+ int rows_ret, cols_ret, rows_a1, cols_a1;
+ float a1sum;
+ nave = this.WINSZ;
+ nave_half = (int)(Math.floor((nave+1)/2))-1;
+ rows_ret = sizeX;
+ cols_ret = sizeY;
+ ret = new float[rows_ret * cols_ret];
+ for(i=0; i<sizeX; i++) {
+ rows_a1 = 1;
+ cols_a1 = sizeY+nave;
+ a1 = new float[rows_a1 * cols_a1];
+ for(j=0; j<sizeY; j++) {
+ a1[j+nave_half] = src[i*sizeY+j];
+ }
+ a1sum = 0;
+ for(k=0; k<nave; k++) {
+ a1sum += a1[k];
+ }
+ for(j=0; j<sizeY; j++) {
+ ret[i*sizeY+j] = a1sum;
+ a1sum += a1[j+nave] - a1[j];
+ }
+ }
+ a1 = null;
+ for(i=0; i<sizeY; i++) {
+ rows_a1 = 1;
+ cols_a1 = sizeX+nave;
+ a1 = new float[rows_a1 * cols_a1];
+ for(j=0; j<sizeX; j++) {
+ a1[j+nave_half] = ret[j*sizeY+i];
+ }
+ a1sum = 0;
+ for(k=0; k<nave; k++) {
+ a1sum += a1[k];
+ }
+ for(j=0; j<sizeX; j++) {
+ ret[j*sizeY+i] = a1sum;
+ a1sum += a1[j+nave] - a1[j];
+ }
+ }
+ a1 = null;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public int reshape() {
+ float[] out, image;
+ int i, j, k;
+ int r, c;
+ image = this.m_image;
+ r = this.m_rows;
+ c = this.m_cols;
+ out = new float[r * c];
+ k = 0;
+ for(i=0; i<c; i++) {
+ for(j=0; j<r; j++) {
+ out[k++] = image[j * c + i];
+ }
+ }
+ this.m_image = out;
+ this.m_rows = r * c;
+ this.m_cols = 1;
+ return r;
+ }
+ public void sortInd(int r) {
+ float[] image;
+ int i, j, k;
+ int[] ind;
+ int rows_i, cols_i;
+ float[][] result;
+ // fDeepCopy
+ image = new float[this.m_image.length];
+ for(i = 0; i < this.m_image.length; i++) {
+ image[i] = this.m_image[i];
+ }
+ result = this.m_result;
+ rows_i = this.m_rows;
+ cols_i = this.m_cols;
+ ind = this.m_ind = new int[rows_i * cols_i];
+ for(k=0; k<cols_i; k++) {
+ for(i=0; i<rows_i; i++) {
+ float localMax = image[i * cols_i + k];
+ int localIndex = i+1;
+ ind[i * cols_i + k] = i+1;
+ for(j=0; j<rows_i; j++) {
+ if(localMax < image[j*cols_i+k]) {
+ localMax = image[j * cols_i + k];
+ localIndex = j+1;
+ }
+ }
+ ind[i * cols_i + k] = localIndex;
+ image[(localIndex-1) * cols_i + k] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // set the results
+ for(i=0; i<this.N_FEA; i++) {
+ result[0][i] = Math.ceilf((float)(ind[i] / (float)r));
+ result[1][i] = (float)ind[i] - (result[0][i]-1)
+ * (float)r * (float)1.0;
+ }
+ }
+ public void fSortIndices() {
+ int i, j, k;
+ int[] ind;
+ int rows_i, cols_i;
+ float[][] result;
+ float[] image;
+ // fDeepCopy
+ image = new float[this.m_image.length];
+ for(i = 0; i < this.m_image.length; i++) {
+ image[i] = this.m_image[i];
+ }
+ result = this.m_result;
+ rows_i = this.m_rows;
+ cols_i = this.m_cols;
+ ind = this.m_ind;
+ for(i = 0; i < ind.length; i++) {
+ ind[i] = 0;
+ }
+ for(k=0; k<cols_i; k++) {
+ for(i=0; i<rows_i; i++) {
+ float localMax = image[i * cols_i + k];
+ int localIndex = i;
+ ind[i * cols_i + k] = i;
+ for(j=0; j<rows_i; j++) {
+ if(localMax < image[j*cols_i+k]) {
+ ind[i * cols_i + k] = j;
+ localMax = image[j * cols_i + k];
+ localIndex = j;
+ }
+ }
+ image[localIndex * cols_i + k] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // set the results
+ for(i=0; i<this.N_FEA; i++) {
+ result[2][i] = this.m_image[ind[i]];
+ }
+ }
+ public void printImage() {
+ // result validation
+ for(int i=0; i<this.m_rows; i++) {
+ for(int j=0; j<this.m_cols; j++) {
+ System.printI((int)(this.m_image[i * this.m_cols + j]*10));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void printInd() {
+ // result validation
+ for(int i=0; i<this.m_rows; i++) {
+ for(int j=0; j<this.m_cols; j++) {
+ System.printI((int)(this.m_ind[i * this.m_cols + j]*10));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void printResult() {
+ // result validation
+ for(int k=0; k<3; k++) {
+ System.printI(k+100000000);
+ for(int i=0; i<this.m_rows_r; i++) {
+ for(int j=0; j<this.m_cols_r; j++) {
+ System.printI((int)(this.m_result[k][i * this.m_cols_r + j]*10));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+public class TrackDemo {
+ flag toaddBP;
+ flag topreresize;
+ flag toresize;
+ flag toaddLMDA;
+ flag tocalcF;
+ flag tostartL;
+ flag toaddBP2;
+ flag toresize2;
+ flag toaddIXL;
+ flag toaddIYL;
+ flag tocalcT;
+ flag finish;
+ /* input data and the counter to record the input to be processed next */
+ int[][] m_inputs;
+ int m_count;
+ /* current processing image related */
+ float[] m_image; // Icur/Jpyr1
+ int m_rows;
+ int m_cols;
+ float[] m_image_resized; // Jpyr2
+ int m_rows_r;
+ int m_cols_r;
+ /* BP related */
+ int m_num_bp;
+ /* feature related */
+ float[] m_features;
+ int m_rows_f;
+ int m_cols_f;
+ /* */
+ float[][] m_3f;
+ int m_rows_3f[];
+ int m_cols_3f[];
+ int m_counter_3f;
+ /* */
+ float[][] m_Ipyrs; // Ipyr1, Ipyr2, dxPyr1, dyPyr1, dxPyr2, dyPyr2;
+ int[] m_rows_i, m_cols_i;
+ int m_counter_ix;
+ int m_counter_iy;
+ /* benchmark constants */
+ public int WINSZ;
+ public int N_FEA;
+ int LK_ITER;
+ int m_counter;
+ float accuracy;
+ /* constructor */
+ public TrackDemo() {
+ this.m_inputs = new int[2][];
+ int rows = 8;
+ int cols = 12;
+ int offset = 0;
+ this.m_inputs[0] = this.makeImage(rows, cols, offset);
+ offset = 100;
+ this.m_inputs[1] = this.makeImage(rows, cols, offset);
+ this.m_count = 0;
+ this.m_3f = new float[3][];
+ this.m_rows_3f = new int[3];
+ this.m_cols_3f = new int[3];
+ this.m_counter_3f = 3;
+ this.m_Ipyrs = new float[6][];
+ this.m_rows_i = new int[6];
+ this.m_cols_i = new int[6];
+ this.m_counter_ix = 2;
+ this.m_counter_iy = 2;
+ this.m_num_bp = 0;
+ this.WINSZ = 8;
+ this.N_FEA = 1600;
+ this.LK_ITER = 20;
+// #ifdef test
+ this.WINSZ = 2;
+ this.N_FEA = 10;
+ this.LK_ITER = 1;
+ this.m_counter = 2;
+ this.accuracy = (float)0.1;
+ /*
+ //#ifdef sim_fast
+ this.WINSZ = 4;
+ this.N_FEA = 10;
+ this.LK_ITER = 2;
+ this.counter = 2;
+ //#ifdef sim
+ this.WINSZ = 4;
+ this.N_FEA = 20;
+ this.LK_ITER = 4;
+ this.counter = 2;
+ */
+ }
+ public boolean isFinish() {
+ return (this.m_count == this.m_counter);
+ }
+ public int getRows() {
+ return this.m_rows;
+ }
+ public int getCols() {
+ return this.m_cols;
+ }
+ public float[] getImage() {
+ return this.m_image;
+ }
+ public int getRowsR() {
+ return this.m_rows_r;
+ }
+ public int getColsR() {
+ return this.m_cols_r;
+ }
+ public float[] getImageR() {
+ return this.m_image_resized;
+ }
+ public int[] getInput(boolean isadvance) {
+ int[] input = this.m_inputs[this.m_count];
+ if(isadvance) {
+ this.m_count++;
+ }
+ return input;
+ }
+ public void setBPNum(int num) {
+ this.m_num_bp = num;
+ }
+ public int[] makeImage(int rows,
+ int cols,
+ int offset) {
+ int k, i, j;
+ int[] out;
+ out = new int[rows * cols + 4];
+ out[0] = rows;
+ out[1] = cols;
+ out[2] = rows * cols;
+ out[3] = 2;
+ k = offset;
+ for(i=0; i<rows; i++) {
+ for(j=0; j<cols; j++) {
+ out[i*cols+j+4] = ((k++)*rows)%255;
+ }
+ }
+ return out;
+ }
+ public boolean addBP(BlurPiece bp) {
+ int startRow = bp.getRowsRS();
+ int endRow = bp.getRowsRE();
+ int i, j, k, cols;
+ float[] image, input;
+ if(this.m_image == null) {
+ this.m_rows = bp.getRows();
+ this.m_cols = bp.getCols();
+ this.m_image = new float[this.m_rows * this.m_cols];
+ }
+ image = this.m_image;
+ cols = this.m_cols;
+ input = bp.getResult();
+ k = 0;
+ for(i = startRow; i < endRow; i++) {
+ for(j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
+ image[i * cols + j] = input[k * cols + j];
+ }
+ k++;
+ }
+ this.m_num_bp--;
+ return (0 == this.m_num_bp);
+ }
+ public void postBlur() {
+ int rows, cols;
+ float temp;
+ int[] kernel;
+ int rows_k, cols_k;
+ int k, i, j;
+ int kernelSize, startCol, endCol, halfKernel, startRow, endRow, kernelSum;
+ float[] image;
+ rows = this.m_rows;
+ cols = this.m_cols;
+ image = this.m_image;
+ kernel = new int[5];
+ rows_k = 1;
+ cols_k = 5;
+ kernel[0] = 1;
+ kernel[1] = 4;
+ kernel[2] = 6;
+ kernel[3] = 4;
+ kernel[4] = 1;
+ kernelSize = 5;
+ kernelSum = 16;
+ startCol = 2; //((kernelSize)/2);
+ endCol = cols - 2; //round(cols - (kernelSize/2));
+ halfKernel = 2; //(kernelSize-1)/2;
+ startRow = 2; //(kernelSize)/2;
+ endRow = rows-2; //(rows - (kernelSize)/2);
+ for(i=startRow; i<endRow; i++) {
+ for(j=startCol; j<endCol; j++) {
+ temp = 0;
+ for(k=-halfKernel; k<=halfKernel; k++) {
+ temp += (float)((image[(i+k) * cols + j]
+ * (float)(kernel[k+halfKernel])));
+ }
+ image[i * cols + j] = (float)(temp/kernelSum);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void resize() {
+ int m, k, i, j;
+ int kernel[];
+ int rows_k, cols_k;
+ float tempVal;
+ int kernelSize, startCol, endCol, halfKernel, startRow, endRow, kernelSum;
+ int outputRows, outputCols;
+ float temp[];
+ int rows_t;
+ int cols_t;
+ float[] image, resized;
+ int rows = this.m_rows;
+ int cols = this.m_cols;
+ // level 1 is the base image.
+ outputRows = (int)(Math.floor((rows+1)/2));
+ outputCols = (int)(Math.floor((cols+1)/2));
+ rows_t = rows;
+ cols_t = outputCols;
+ temp = new float[rows_t * cols_t];
+ this.m_rows_r = outputRows;
+ this.m_cols_r = outputCols;
+ resized = this.m_image_resized = new float[this.m_rows_r * this.m_cols_r];
+ image = this.m_image;
+ rows_k = 1;
+ cols_k = 5;
+ kernel = new int[rows_k * cols_k];
+ kernel[0] = 1;
+ kernel[1] = 4;
+ kernel[2] = 6;
+ kernel[3] = 4;
+ kernel[4] = 1;
+ kernelSize = 5;
+ kernelSum = 16;
+ startCol = 2; //(kernelSize/2);
+ endCol = cols - 2; //(int)(cols - (kernelSize/2));
+ halfKernel = 2; //(kernelSize-1)/2;
+ startRow = 2; //kernelSize/2;
+ endRow = rows - 2; //(rows - (kernelSize)/2);
+ for(i=startRow; i<endRow; i++) {
+ m = 0;
+ for(j=startCol; j<endCol; j+=2) {
+ tempVal = 0;
+ for(k=-halfKernel; k<=halfKernel; k++) {
+ tempVal += (float)(image[i * cols + (j+k)]
+ * (float)(kernel[k+halfKernel]));
+ }
+ temp[i * outputCols + m] = (float)(tempVal/kernelSum);
+ m = m+1;
+ }
+ }
+ m = 0;
+ for(i=startRow; i<endRow; i+=2) {
+ for(j=0; j<outputCols; j++) {
+ tempVal = 0;
+ for(k=-halfKernel; k<=halfKernel; k++) {
+ tempVal += (float)(temp[(i+k) * outputCols + j]
+ * (float)(kernel[k+halfKernel]));
+ }
+ resized[m * outputCols + j] = (float)(tempVal/kernelSum);
+ }
+ m = m+1;
+ }
+ }
+ public void addLMDA(Lambda lmda) {
+ float[][] m3f = this.m_3f;
+ int[] rows = this.m_rows_3f;
+ int[] cols = this.m_cols_3f;
+ for(int i = 0; i < lmda.getNum(); i++) {
+ m3f[i] = lmda.getResult(i);
+ rows[i] = lmda.getRowsR(i);
+ cols[i] = lmda.getColsR(i);
+ }
+ }
+ public void calcFeatures() {
+ float[] f1, f2, f3;
+ int rows_f1, cols_f1, rows_f2, cols_f2, rows_f3, cols_f3;
+ float[] interestPnts;
+ int[] rows_ip, cols_ip;
+ int rows_ipt, cols_ipt;
+ rows_ip = new int[1];
+ cols_ip = new int[1];
+ f1 = this.m_3f[0];
+ f2 = this.m_3f[1];
+ f3 = this.m_3f[2];
+ rows_f1 = this.m_rows_3f[0];
+ rows_f2 = this.m_rows_3f[1];
+ rows_f3 = this.m_rows_3f[2];
+ cols_f1 = this.m_cols_3f[0];
+ cols_f2 = this.m_cols_3f[1];
+ cols_f3 = this.m_cols_3f[2];
+ interestPnts = this.getANMs(f1,
+ rows_f1,
+ cols_f1,
+ f2,
+ rows_f2,
+ cols_f2,
+ f3,
+ rows_f3,
+ cols_f3,
+ rows_ip,
+ cols_ip);
+ rows_ipt = rows_ip[0];
+ cols_ipt = cols_ip[0];
+ rows_ip = cols_ip = null;
+ // fTranspose(interestPnts)
+ float[] trans;
+ int i, j, k, rows_trans, cols_trans;
+ rows_trans = cols_ipt;
+ cols_trans = rows_ipt;
+ trans = new float[rows_trans * cols_trans];
+ k = 0;
+ for(i=0; i<cols_ipt; i++) {
+ for(j=0; j<rows_ipt; j++) {
+ trans[k++] = interestPnts[j * cols_ipt + i];
+ }
+ }
+ // fDeepCopyRange(interestPnt, 0, 2, 0, cols_ip[0])
+ int rows, cols;
+ int numberRows = 2;
+ int startRow = 0;
+ int numberCols = cols_trans;
+ int startCol = 0;
+ rows = numberRows + startRow;
+ cols = numberCols + startCol;
+ rows_ipt = numberRows;
+ cols_ipt = numberCols;
+ interestPnts = new float[rows_ipt * cols_ipt];
+ k = 0;
+ for(i=startRow; i<rows; i++) {
+ for(j=startCol; j<cols; j++) {
+ interestPnts[k++] = trans[i*cols_trans+j];
+ }
+ }
+ float[] features;
+ this.m_rows_f = 2;
+ this.m_cols_f = cols_ipt;
+ features = this.m_features = new float[this.m_rows_f * this.m_cols_f];
+ for(i=0; i<2; i++) {
+ for(j=0; j<cols_ipt; j++) {
+ features[i * cols_ipt + j] = interestPnts[i * cols_ipt + j];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public float[] horzcat(float[] f1,
+ int rows_f1,
+ int cols_f1,
+ float[] f2,
+ int rows_f2,
+ int cols_f2,
+ float[] f3,
+ int rows_f3,
+ int cols_f3) {
+ float[] out;
+ int rows=0, cols=0, i, j, k, c_1, c_2, r_3, c_3;
+ c_1 = cols_f1;
+ cols += c_1;
+ c_2 = cols_f2;
+ cols += c_2;
+ r_3 = rows_f3;
+ c_3 = cols_f3;
+ cols += c_3;
+ rows = r_3;
+ out = new float[rows * cols];
+ for(i=0; i<rows; i++) {
+ k = 0;
+ for(j=0; j<c_1; j++) {
+ out[i*cols+k] = f1[i*c_1+j];
+ k++;
+ }
+ for(j=0; j<c_2; j++) {
+ out[i*cols+k] = f2[i*c_2+j];
+ k++;
+ }
+ for(j=0; j<c_3; j++) {
+ out[i*cols+k] = f3[i*c_3+j];
+ k++;
+ }
+ }
+ return out;
+ }
+ public int[] fSortIndices(float[] input,
+ int rows,
+ int cols) {
+ float[] in;
+ int i, j, k;
+ int[] ind;
+ // fDeepCopy
+ in = new float[input.length];
+ for(i=0; i<input.length; i++) {
+ in[i] = input[i];
+ }
+ ind = new int[rows * cols];
+ for(k=0; k<cols; k++) {
+ for(i=0; i<rows; i++) {
+ float localMax = in[i * cols + k];
+ int localIndex = i;
+ ind[i * cols + k] = i;
+ for(j=0; j<rows; j++) {
+ if(localMax < in[j*cols+k]) {
+ ind[i * cols + k] = j;
+ localMax = in[j * cols + k];
+ localIndex = j;
+ }
+ }
+ in[localIndex * cols + k] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return ind;
+ }
+ public float[] ffVertcat(float[] matrix1,
+ int rows_m1,
+ int cols_m1,
+ float[] matrix2,
+ int rows_m2,
+ int cols_m2) {
+ float[] outMatrix;
+ int rows_o, cols_o, i, j, k;
+ rows_o = rows_m1 + rows_m2;
+ cols_o = cols_m1;
+ outMatrix = new float[rows_o * cols_o];
+ for( i=0; i<cols_m1; i++) {
+ for (j=0; j<rows_m1; j++) {
+ outMatrix[j * cols_m1 + i] = matrix1[j * cols_m1 + i];
+ }
+ for( k=0; k<rows_m2; k++) {
+ outMatrix[(k+rows_m1) * cols_m1 + i] = matrix2[ k * cols_m2 + i];
+ }
+ }
+ return outMatrix;
+ }
+ public float[] getANMs(float[] f1,
+ int rows_f1,
+ int cols_f1,
+ float[] f2,
+ int rows_f2,
+ int cols_f2,
+ float[] f3,
+ int rows_f3,
+ int cols_f3,
+ int[] rows_ip,
+ int[] cols_ip) {
+ float MAX_LIMIT = (float)100000000;
+ float C_ROBUST = (float)1.0;
+ float[] suppressR, points, srtdPnts, tempF, srtdV, interestPnts, temp;
+ int rows_sr, cols_sr, rows_p, cols_p, rows_sp, cols_sp, rows_tf, cols_tf;
+ int rows_sv, cols_sv, rows_tmp, cols_tmp;
+ int[] srtdVIdx, supId;
+ int rows_svi, cols_svi, rows_si, cols_si;
+ float t, t1, r_sq;
+ int n, i, j, k, validCount, cnt, end, iter, rows, cols;
+ int supIdPtr = 0;
+ r_sq = (float)(this.SUPPRESION_RADIUS ^ 2);
+ points = this.horzcat (f1,
+ rows_f1,
+ cols_f1,
+ f2,
+ rows_f2,
+ cols_f2,
+ f3,
+ rows_f3,
+ cols_f3);
+ rows_p = rows_f3;
+ cols_p = cols_f1 + cols_f2 + cols_f3;
+ n = rows_f3;
+ /** sort() arg 2 is for descend = 1, arg3 = indices. Returns sorted values **/
+ srtdVIdx = this.fSortIndices (f3, rows_f3, cols_f3);
+ rows_svi = rows_f3;
+ cols_svi = cols_f3;
+ rows_sp = rows_svi;
+ cols_sp = cols_p;
+ srtdPnts = new float[rows_sp * cols_sp];
+ for (i = 0; i < rows_sp; i++) {
+ for(j=0; j<cols_sp; j++) {
+ srtdPnts[i*cols_sp+j] = points[srtdVIdx[i]*cols_sp+j];
+ }
+ }
+ rows_tmp = 1;
+ cols_tmp = 3;
+ temp = new float[rows_tmp * cols_tmp];
+ rows_sr = n;
+ cols_sr = 1;
+ suppressR = new float[rows_sr * cols_sr];
+ for(i = 0; i < rows_sr; i++) {
+ for(j = 0; j < cols_sr; j++) {
+ suppressR[i*cols_sr+j] = MAX_LIMIT;
+ }
+ }
+ validCount = 0;
+ iter = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < rows_sr; i++) {
+ if (suppressR[i] > r_sq) {
+ validCount++;
+ }
+ }
+ k = 0;
+ rows_si = validCount;
+ cols_si = 1;
+ supId = new int[rows_si * cols_si];
+ for (i = 0; i < (rows_sr*cols_sr); i++) {
+ if (suppressR[i] > r_sq) {
+ supId[k++] = i;
+ }
+ }
+ while (validCount > 0) {
+ float[] tempp, temps;
+ int rows_tpp, cols_tpp, rows_tps, cols_tps;
+ temp[0] = srtdPnts[supId[0] * cols_sp + 0];
+ temp[1] = srtdPnts[supId[0] * cols_sp + 1];
+ temp[2] = srtdPnts[supId[0] * cols_sp + 2];
+ if(iter == 0) {
+ interestPnts = temp;
+ rows_ip[0] = rows_tmp;
+ cols_ip[0] = cols_tmp;
+ } else {
+ interestPnts = this.ffVertcat(interestPnts,
+ rows_ip[0],
+ cols_ip[0],
+ temp,
+ rows_tmp,
+ cols_tmp);
+ rows_ip[0] = rows_ip[0] + rows_tmp;
+ cols_ip[0] = cols_ip[0];
+ }
+ iter++;
+ // fDeepCopy
+ rows_tpp = rows_sp;
+ cols_tpp = cols_sp;
+ tempp = new float[rows_tpp * cols_tpp];
+ for(i=0; i<rows_tpp * cols_tpp; i++) {
+ tempp[i] = srtdPnts[i];
+ }
+ // fDeepCopy
+ rows_tps = rows_sr;
+ cols_tps = cols_sr;
+ temps = new float[rows_tps * cols_tps];
+ for(i=0; i<rows_tps * cols_tps; i++) {
+ temps[i] = suppressR[i];
+ }
+ rows_sp = validCount - 1;
+ cols_sp = 3;
+ srtdPnts = new float[rows_sp * cols_sp];
+ rows_sr = validCount - 1;
+ cols_sr = 1;
+ suppressR = new float[rows_sr * cols_sr];
+ k=0;
+ for(i=0; i<(validCount-1); i++) {
+ srtdPnts[i * cols_sp + 0] = tempp[supId[i+1] * cols_sp + 0];
+ srtdPnts[i * cols_sp + 1] = tempp[supId[i+1] * cols_sp + 1];
+ srtdPnts[i * cols_sp + 2] = tempp[supId[i+1] * cols_sp + 2];
+ suppressR[i * cols_sr + 0] = temps[supId[i+1] * cols_sr + 0];
+ }
+ int rows1 = rows_ip[0]-1;
+ int cols1 = cols_ip[0];
+ for (i = 0; i < rows_sp; i++) {
+ t = (float)0;
+ t1 = (float)0;
+ if ((C_ROBUST * interestPnts[rows1 * cols1 + 2])
+ >= srtdPnts[supId[i] * cols_sp + 2]) {
+ t = srtdPnts[supId[i] * cols_sp + 0] - interestPnts[rows1 * cols1 + 0];
+ t1 = srtdPnts[supId[i] * cols_sp + 1] - interestPnts[rows1 * cols1 + 1];
+ t = t * t + t1 * t1;
+ t1 = (float)0;
+ }
+ if ((C_ROBUST * interestPnts[rows1 * cols1 + 2])
+ < srtdPnts[supId[i] * cols_sp + 2]) {
+ t1 = (float)1 * (float)MAX_LIMIT;
+ }
+ if (suppressR[supId[i]] > (t + t1)) {
+ suppressR[supId[i]] = t + t1;
+ }
+ }
+ validCount=0;
+ for (i = 0; i < rows_sr; i++) {
+ if (suppressR[i] > r_sq) {
+ validCount++;
+ }
+ }
+ k = 0;
+ rows_si = validCount;
+ cols_si = 1;
+ supId = new int[rows_si * cols_si];
+ for (i = 0; i < rows_sr*cols_sr; i++) {
+ if (suppressR[i] > r_sq) {
+ supId[k++] = i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return interestPnts;
+ }
+ public void startTrackingLoop() {
+ this.m_image = null;
+ this.m_image_resized = null;
+ this.m_counter_ix = 2;
+ this.m_counter_iy = 2;
+ }
+ public float[] getInterpolatePatch(float[] src,
+ int rows,
+ int cols,
+ float centerX,
+ float centerY) {
+ float[] dst;
+ int rows_d, cols_d;
+ float a, b, a11, a12, a21, a22;
+ int i, j, srcIdxX, dstIdxX, srcIdy, dstIdy, dstIndex;
+ a = centerX - (float)(Math.floor(centerX));
+ b = centerY - (float)(Math.floor(centerY));
+ a11 = (1-a)*(1-b);
+ a12=a*(1-b);
+ a21=(1-a)*b;
+ a22 = a*b;
+ rows_d = 1;
+ cols_d = 2*this.WINSZ*2*this.WINSZ;
+ dst = new float[rows_d * cols_d];
+ for(i=-this.WINSZ; i<=(this.WINSZ-1); i++) {
+ srcIdxX = (int)(Math.floor(centerX)) + i;
+ dstIdxX = i+this.WINSZ;
+ for(j=-this.WINSZ; j<=(this.WINSZ-1); j++) {
+ srcIdy = (int)(Math.floor(centerY)) + j;
+ dstIdy = j+this.WINSZ;
+ dstIndex = dstIdy * 2 * this.WINSZ + dstIdxX;
+// printf("%f\t%f\t%d\t%d\n", centerX, centerY, srcIdxX, srcIdy);
+ dst[dstIndex] = src[srcIdy * cols + srcIdxX]*a11
+ + src[(srcIdy+1)* cols + srcIdxX]*a12
+ + src[srcIdy * cols + (srcIdxX+1)]*a21
+ + src[(srcIdy+1) * cols+ (srcIdxX+1)]*a22;
+ }
+ }
+ return dst;
+ }
+ public int[] calcPyrLKTrack(float[][] Ipyrs,
+ int[] rows,
+ int[] cols,
+ float[] newPnt) {
+ float[] ip1, ip2, idxp1, idxp2, idyp1, idyp2, jp1, jp2, fPnt;
+ int k = 0;
+ ip1 = Ipyrs[k++];
+ ip2 = Ipyrs[k++];
+ idxp1 = Ipyrs[k++];
+ idyp1 = Ipyrs[k++];
+ idxp2 = Ipyrs[k++];
+ idyp2 = Ipyrs[k++];
+ jp1 = this.m_image;
+ jp2 = this.m_image_resized;
+ fPnt = this.m_features;
+ int idx, level, pLevel, i, winSizeSq;
+ int[] valid, imgDims;
+ int rows_v, cols_v, rows_id, cols_id;
+ float[] rate, iPatch, jPatch, iDxPatch, iDyPatch;
+ int rows_r, cols_r, rows_ip, cols_ip, rows_jp, cols_jp;
+ int rows_idxp, cols_idxp, rows_idyp, cols_idyp;
+ float x, y, dX, dY, c_xx, c_yy, c_xy, tr;
+ int imgSize_1, /*max_iter, */imgSize_2;
+ float mX, mY, dIt, eX, eY, c_det;
+ int nFeatures = this.m_cols_f;
+ rows_id = 4;
+ cols_id = 1;
+ imgDims = new int[rows_id * cols_id];
+ imgDims[0] = rows[0];
+ imgDims[1] = cols[0];
+ imgDims[2] = rows[1];
+ imgDims[3] = cols[1];
+ pLevel = 2;
+ rows_r = 1;
+ cols_r = 6;
+ rate = new float[rows_r * cols_r];
+ rate[0] = (float)1;
+ rate[1] = (float)0.5;
+ rate[2] = (float)0.25;
+ rate[3] = (float)0.125;
+ rate[4] = (float)0.0625;
+ rate[5] = (float)0.03125;
+ winSizeSq = 4*this.WINSZ*this.WINSZ;
+ rows_ip = 1;
+ cols_ip = winSizeSq;
+ iPatch = new float[rows_ip * cols_ip];
+ rows_jp = 1;
+ cols_jp = winSizeSq;
+ jPatch = new float[rows_jp * cols_jp];
+ rows_idxp = 1;
+ cols_idxp = winSizeSq;
+ iDxPatch = new float[rows_idxp * cols_idxp];
+ rows_idyp = 1;
+ cols_idyp = winSizeSq;
+ iDyPatch = new float[rows_idyp * cols_idyp];
+ rows_v = 1;
+ cols_v = nFeatures;
+ valid = new int[rows_v * cols_v];
+ for(i=0; i<nFeatures; i++) {
+ dX = (float)0;
+ dY = (float)0;
+ x = fPnt[i*2+0] * rate[pLevel];
+ y = fPnt[i*2+1] * rate[pLevel];
+ c_det = (float)0;
+ for(level = pLevel-1; level>=0; level--) {
+ x = x+x;
+ y = y+y;
+ dX = dX + dX;
+ dY = dY + dY;
+ imgSize_1 = imgDims[level*2];
+ imgSize_2 = imgDims[level*2+1];
+ c_xx = (float)0;
+ c_xy = (float)0;
+ c_yy = (float)0;
+ if( (x-(float)this.WINSZ)<(float)0 || (y-(float)this.WINSZ)<(float)0
+ || (y+(float)this.WINSZ)>=(float)imgSize_1
+ || (x+(float)this.WINSZ)>=(float)imgSize_2 ) {
+ valid[i] = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ if(level ==0) {
+ iPatch = getInterpolatePatch(ip1, rows[0], cols[0], x, y);
+ iDxPatch = getInterpolatePatch(idxp1, rows[2], cols[2], x, y);
+ iDyPatch = getInterpolatePatch(idyp1, rows[3], cols[3], x, y);
+ }
+ if(level ==1) {
+ iPatch = getInterpolatePatch(ip2, rows[1], cols[1], x, y);
+ iDxPatch = getInterpolatePatch(idxp2, rows[4], cols[4], x, y);
+ iDyPatch = getInterpolatePatch(idyp2, rows[5], cols[5], x, y);
+ }
+ rows_ip = rows_idxp = rows_idyp = 1;
+ cols_ip = cols_idxp = cols_idyp = 2*this.WINSZ*2*this.WINSZ;
+ for(idx=0; idx<this.WINSZ; idx++) {
+ c_xx += iDxPatch[idx] * iDxPatch[idx];
+ c_xy += iDxPatch[idx] * iDyPatch[idx];
+ c_yy += iDyPatch[idx] * iDyPatch[idx];
+ }
+ c_det = (c_xx * c_yy -c_xy * c_xy);
+ tr = c_xx + c_yy;
+ if(c_det == (float)0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if((float)(c_det/(tr+(float)0.00001)) < (float)this.accuracy) {
+ valid[i] = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ c_det = (float)(1/c_det);
+ for(k=0; k<this.LK_ITER;/*max_iter; */k++) {
+ if( (x+dX-(float)this.WINSZ)<(float)0 || (y+dY-(float)this.WINSZ)<(float)0
+ || (y+dY+(float)this.WINSZ)>=(float)imgSize_1
+ || (x+dX+(float)this.WINSZ)>=(float)imgSize_2) {
+ valid[i] = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+// printf("x and dx = %d\t%d\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\n", i, level, x, dX, y, dY);
+ if(level == 0) {
+ jPatch = getInterpolatePatch(jp1,
+ this.m_rows,
+ this.m_cols,
+ x+dX,
+ y+dY);
+ }
+ if(level == 1) {
+ jPatch = getInterpolatePatch(jp2,
+ this.m_rows_r,
+ this.m_cols_r,
+ x+dX,
+ y+dY);
+ }
+ rows_jp = 1;
+ cols_jp = 2*this.WINSZ*2*this.WINSZ;
+ eX = 0;
+ eY = 0;
+ for(idx=0; idx<winSizeSq; idx++) {
+ dIt = iPatch[idx] - jPatch[idx];
+ eX += dIt * iDxPatch[idx];
+ eY += dIt * iDyPatch[idx];
+ }
+ mX = c_det * (eX * c_yy - eY * c_xy);
+ mY = c_det * (-eX * c_xy + eY * c_xx);
+// printf("mx = %d\t%d\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\n", i, level, mX, mY, c_det, eX, eY);
+ dX = dX + mX;
+ dY = dY + mY;
+ if( (mX*mX+mY+mY) < this.accuracy) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ newPnt[i] = fPnt[i*2] + dX;
+ newPnt[1*nFeatures+i] = fPnt[i*2+1] + dY;
+ }
+ return valid;
+ }
+ public boolean addIXLM(IXLM ixlm) {
+ float[][] Ipyrs = this.m_Ipyrs; // Ipyr1, Ipyr2, dxPyr1, dyPyr1, dxPyr2, dyPyr2;
+ int[] rows, cols;
+ int i, j, k;
+ rows = this.m_rows_i;
+ cols = this.m_cols_i;
+ if(0 == ixlm.getIdT()) {
+// for Ipyr1
+ i = 0;
+ } else if(1 == ixlm.getIdT()) {
+// for Ipyr2
+ i = 1;
+ }
+ // dx
+ j = 2 * (i + 1);
+ Ipyrs[i] = ixlm.getImage();
+ rows[i] = ixlm.getRows();
+ cols[i] = ixlm.getCols();
+ Ipyrs[j] = ixlm.getResult();
+ rows[j] = ixlm.getRowsR();
+ cols[j] = ixlm.getColsR();
+ this.m_counter_ix--;
+ return (0 == this.m_counter_ix);
+ }
+ public boolean addIYLM(IYLM iylm) {
+ float[][] Ipyrs = this.m_Ipyrs; // Ipyr1, Ipyr2, dxPyr1, dyPyr1, dxPyr2, dyPyr2;
+ int[] rows, cols;
+ int i, j, k;
+ rows = this.m_rows_i;
+ cols = this.m_cols_i;
+ if(0 == iylm.getIdT()) {
+// for Ipyr1
+ i = 0;
+ } else if(1 == iylm.getIdT()) {
+// for Ipyr2
+ i = 1;
+ }
+ // dy
+ j = 2 * (i + 1) + 1;
+ Ipyrs[i] = iylm.getImage();
+ rows[i] = iylm.getRows();
+ cols[i] = iylm.getCols();
+ Ipyrs[j] = iylm.getResult();
+ rows[j] = iylm.getRowsR();
+ cols[j] = iylm.getColsR();
+ this.m_counter_iy--;
+ return (0 == this.m_counter_iy);
+ }
+ public void calcTrack() {
+ float[][] Ipyrs;
+ int[] rows, cols;
+ float[] newpoints, features, np_temp;
+ int rows_n, cols_n, rows_np, cols_np, i, j, k, m, n, numFind;
+ int[] status;
+ int rows_s, cols_s;
+ Ipyrs = this.m_Ipyrs;
+ rows = this.m_rows_i;
+ cols = this.m_cols_i;
+ features = this.m_features;
+ rows_n = 2;
+ cols_n = this.m_cols_f;
+ newpoints = new float[rows_n * cols_n];
+ // status_ = calcPyrLKTrack(...)
+ status = this.calcPyrLKTrack(Ipyrs, rows, cols, newpoints);
+ rows_s = 1;
+ cols_s = this.m_cols_f;
+ // fDeepCopy
+ np_temp = new float[newpoints.length];
+ rows_np = rows_n;
+ cols_np = cols_n;
+ for(i = 0; i < newpoints.length; i++) {
+ np_temp[i] = newpoints[i];
+ }
+ if(rows_s*cols_s > 0 ) {
+ int[] findInd;
+ int rows_f, cols_f;
+ rows_f = rows_s * cols_s;
+ cols_f = 1;
+ findInd = new int[rows_f * cols_f];
+ k = 0;
+ m = 0;
+ numFind = 0;
+ for(i=0; i<cols_s; i++) {
+ for(j=0; j<rows_s; j++) {
+ if(status[j*cols_s+i] != 0) {
+ findInd[k] = m;
+ numFind++;
+ } else {
+ findInd[k] = 0;
+ }
+ m++;
+ k++;
+ }
+ }
+ rows_n = rows_np;
+ cols_n = numFind;
+ newpoints = new float[rows_n * cols_n];
+ k = 0;
+ n = 0;
+ for(i=0; i<rows_np; i++) {
+ for(j=0; j<cols_np; j++) {
+ m = findInd[j];
+ if(m > 0) {
+ newpoints[k++] = np_temp[i*cols_np+m];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // features_ = fDeepCopy(newpoints_);
+ this.m_rows_f = rows_n;
+ this.m_cols_f = cols_n;
+ features = this.m_features = new float[newpoints.length];
+ for(k = 0; k < newpoints.length; k++) {
+ features[k] = newpoints[k];
+ }
+ }
+ public void printImage() {
+ // result validation
+ for(int i=0; i<this.m_rows; i++) {
+ for(int j=0; j<this.m_cols; j++) {
+ System.printI((int)(this.m_image[i * this.m_cols + j]*10));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void printFeatures() {
+ // result validation
+ for(int i=0; i<this.m_rows_f; i++) {
+ for(int j=0; j<this.m_cols_f; j++) {
+ System.printI((int)(this.m_features[i * this.m_cols_f + j]*10));
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+/** Bamboo version
+ * Ported form SD_VBS 1.0
+ *
+ * @author jzhou
+ *
+ */
+task startup(StartupObject s{initialstate}) {
+ //System.printString("task startup\n");
+ TrackDemo tdmo = new TrackDemo(){toaddBP};
+ int[] input = tdmo.getInput(false);
+ int pnum = 4;
+ int range = (input[0]) / pnum;
+ for(int i = 0; i < pnum; i++) {
+ BlurPiece bp = new BlurPiece(i,
+ range,
+ input){toblur};
+ }
+ tdmo.setBPNum(pnum);
+ taskexit(s{!initialstate});
+task blur(BlurPiece bp{toblur}) {
+ //System.printString("task blur\n");
+ //bp.printImage();
+ bp.blur();
+ taskexit(bp{!toblur, toaddBP});
+task addBP(TrackDemo tdmo{toaddBP},
+ BlurPiece bp{toaddBP}) {
+ //System.printString("task addBP\n");
+ boolean isfinished = tdmo.addBP(bp);
+ if(isfinished) {
+ tdmo.postBlur();
+ //tdmo.printImage();
+ taskexit(tdmo{!toaddBP, topreresize},
+ bp{!toaddBP, finish});
+ } else {
+ taskexit(bp{!toaddBP, finish});
+ }
+task preresize(TrackDemo tdmo{topreresize}) {
+//System.printString("task preresize\n");
+ float[] Icur = tdmo.getImage();
+ int pnum = 4;
+ int range = (tdmo.getRows()) / pnum;
+ int rows = tdmo.getRows();
+ int cols = tdmo.getCols();
+//create ImageX to calc Sobel_dX
+ for(int i = 0; i < pnum; i++) {
+ ImageX imageX = new ImageX(i,
+ range,
+ Icur,
+ rows,
+ cols){toprocess};
+ }
+ ImageXM imageXM = new ImageXM(pnum,
+ rows,
+ cols){tomergeX};
+// create ImageY to calc Sobel_dY
+ for(int i = 0; i < pnum; i++) {
+ ImageY imageY = new ImageY(i,
+ range,
+ Icur,
+ rows,
+ cols){toprocess};
+ }
+ ImageYM imageYM = new ImageYM(pnum,
+ rows,
+ cols){tomergeY};
+//create a Lambda to aggregate results from the ImageXs
+ Lambda lda = new Lambda(tdmo.WINSZ,
+ tdmo.N_FEA,
+ pnum){tocalcGF};
+ taskexit(tdmo{!topreresize, toresize});
+task resize(TrackDemo tdmo{toresize}) {
+ //System.printString("task resize\n");
+ tdmo.resize();
+ taskexit(tdmo{!toresize, toaddLMDA});
+task processImageX(ImageX imx{toprocess}) {
+//System.printString("task processImageX\n");
+ imx.calcSobel_dX();
+ //imx.printResult();
+ taskexit(imx{!toprocess, tomergeX});
+task processImageY(ImageY imy{toprocess}) {
+//System.printString("task processImageY\n");
+ imy.calcSobel_dY();
+ //imy.printResult();
+ taskexit(imy{!toprocess, tomergeY});
+task mergeX(ImageXM imxm{tomergeX},
+ ImageX imx{tomergeX}) {
+//System.printString("task mergeX\n");
+ boolean isfinished = imxm.addCalcSobelResult(imx);
+ if(isfinished) {
+ imxm.calcSobel_dX();
+ taskexit(imxm{!tomergeX, tocalcGF},
+ imx{!tomergeX, finish});
+ } else {
+ taskexit(imx{!tomergeX, finish});
+ }
+task mergeY(ImageYM imym{tomergeY},
+ ImageY imy{tomergeY}) {
+//System.printString("task mergeY\n");
+ boolean isfinished = imym.addCalcSobelResult(imy);
+ if(isfinished) {
+ imym.calcSobel_dY();
+ taskexit(imym{!tomergeY, tocalcGF},
+ imy{!tomergeY, finish});
+ } else {
+ taskexit(imy{!tomergeY, finish});
+ }
+task calcGoodFeature(Lambda lda{tocalcGF},
+ ImageXM imxm{tocalcGF},
+ ImageYM imym{tocalcGF}) {
+//System.printString("task reshape\n");
+ lda.calcGoodFeature(imxm, imym);
+ // validation
+ //lda.printImage();
+ int r = lda.reshape();
+ // validation
+ //lda.printImage();
+ lda.sortInd(r);
+ // validation
+ //lda.printResult();
+ lda.fSortIndices();
+ // validation
+ //lda.printResult();
+ taskexit(lda{!tocalcGF, toaddLMDA},
+ imxm{!tocalcGF, finish},
+ imym{!tocalcGF, finish});
+task addLMDA(TrackDemo tdmo{toaddLMDA},
+ Lambda lmda{toaddLMDA}) {
+//System.printString("task addLMDA\n");
+ tdmo.addLMDA(lmda);
+ taskexit(tdmo{!toaddLMDA, tocalcF},
+ lmda{!toaddLMDA, finish});
+task calcFeatures(TrackDemo tdmo{tocalcF}) {
+ //System.printString("task calcFeatures\n");
+ tdmo.calcFeatures();
+ taskexit(tdmo{!tocalcF, tostartL});
+task startTrackingLoop(TrackDemo tdmo{tostartL}) {
+//System.printString("task startTrackingLoop\n");
+ int pnum1 = 4;
+ float[] data = tdmo.getImage();
+ int rows = tdmo.getRows();
+ int cols = tdmo.getCols();
+ int range = rows / pnum1;
+ tag t1=new tag(link);
+ for(int i = 0; i < pnum1; i++) {
+ IXL ixl = new IXL(i,
+ range,
+ 0,
+ data,
+ rows,
+ cols){toprocess}{t1};
+ IYL iyl = new IYL(i,
+ range,
+ 0,
+ data,
+ rows,
+ cols){toprocess}{t1};
+ }
+ IXLM ixlm1 = new IXLM(0,
+ pnum1,
+ data,
+ rows,
+ cols){tomergeIXL}{t1};
+ IYLM iylm1 = new IYLM(0,
+ pnum1,
+ data,
+ rows,
+ cols){tomergeIYL}{t1};
+ data = tdmo.getImageR();
+ rows = tdmo.getRowsR();
+ cols = tdmo.getColsR();
+ range = rows / pnum1;
+ tag t2=new tag(link);
+ for(int i = 0; i < pnum1; i++) {
+ IXL ixl = new IXL(i,
+ range,
+ 1,
+ data,
+ rows,
+ cols){toprocess}{t2};
+ IYL imy = new IYL(i,
+ range,
+ 1,
+ data,
+ rows,
+ cols){toprocess}{t2};
+ }
+ IXLM ixlm2 = new IXLM(1,
+ pnum1,
+ data,
+ rows,
+ cols){tomergeIXL}{t2};
+ IYLM iylm2 = new IYLM(1,
+ pnum1,
+ data,
+ rows,
+ cols){tomergeIYL}{t2};
+ int pnum2 = 4;
+ int[] input = tdmo.getInput(true);
+ range = (input[0]) / pnum2;
+ for(int i = 0; i < pnum2; i++) {
+ BlurPiece bp = new BlurPiece(i,
+ range,
+ input){toblur};
+ }
+ tdmo.setBPNum(pnum2);
+ tdmo.startTrackingLoop();
+ taskexit(tdmo{!tostartL, toaddBP2});
+task addBPL(TrackDemo tdmo{toaddBP2},
+ BlurPiece bp{toaddBP}) {
+//System.printString("task addBPL\n");
+ boolean isfinished = tdmo.addBP(bp);
+ if(isfinished) {
+ tdmo.postBlur();
+ taskexit(tdmo{!toaddBP2, toresize2},
+ bp{!toaddBP, finish});
+ } else {
+ taskexit(bp{!toaddBP, finish});
+ }
+task resizeL(TrackDemo tdmo{toresize2}) {
+//System.printString("task resizeL\n");
+ tdmo.resize();
+ taskexit(tdmo{!toresize2, toaddIXL, toaddIYL});
+task processIXL(IXL ixl{toprocess}) {
+//System.printString("task processIXL\n");
+ ixl.calcSobel_dX();
+ taskexit(ixl{!toprocess, tomergeIXL});
+task processIYL(IYL iyl{toprocess}) {
+//System.printString("task processIYL\n");
+ iyl.calcSobel_dY();
+ taskexit(iyl{!toprocess, tomergeIYL});
+task mergeIXL(IXLM ixlm{tomergeIXL}{link t},
+ IXL ixl{tomergeIXL}{link t}) {
+//System.printString("task mergeIXL\n");
+ boolean isfinished = ixlm.addCalcSobelResult(ixl);
+ if(isfinished) {
+ ixlm.calcSobel_dX();
+ taskexit(ixlm{!tomergeIXL, toaddIXL},
+ ixl{!tomergeIXL, finish});
+ } else {
+ taskexit(ixl{!tomergeIXL, finish});
+ }
+task mergeIYL(IYLM iylm{tomergeIYL}{link t},
+ IYL iyl{tomergeIYL}{link t}) {
+//System.printString("task mergeIYL\n");
+ boolean isfinished = iylm.addCalcSobelResult(iyl);
+ if(isfinished) {
+ iylm.calcSobel_dY();
+ taskexit(iylm{!tomergeIYL, toaddIYL},
+ iyl{!tomergeIYL, finish});
+ } else {
+ taskexit(iyl{!tomergeIYL, finish});
+ }
+task addIXLM(TrackDemo tdmo{toaddIXL},
+ IXLM ixlm{toaddIXL}) {
+//System.printString("task addIXLM()\n");
+ if(tdmo.addIXLM(ixlm)) {
+// finished
+ taskexit(tdmo{!toaddIXL, tocalcT},
+ ixlm{!toaddIXL, finish});
+ } else {
+ taskexit(ixlm{!toaddIXL, finish});
+ }
+task addIYLM(TrackDemo tdmo{toaddIYL},
+ IYLM iylm{toaddIYL}) {
+//System.printString("task addIYLM()\n");
+ if(tdmo.addIYLM(iylm)) {
+// finished
+ taskexit(tdmo{!toaddIYL, tocalcT},
+ iylm{!toaddIYL, finish});
+ } else {
+ taskexit(iylm{!toaddIYL, finish});
+ }
+task calcTrack(TrackDemo tdmo{!toaddIXL && !toaddIYL && tocalcT}) {
+//System.printString("task calcTrack()\n");
+ tdmo.calcTrack();
+ if(tdmo.isFinish()) {
+ //tdmo.printFeatures();
+ // finished
+ taskexit(tdmo{!tocalcT, finish});
+ } else {
+ taskexit(tdmo{!tocalcT, tostartL});
+ }
\ No newline at end of file